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FAQ’S on Actual Costing & Materials Ledger

Actual Costing is a highly sophisticated and integrated controlling concept. For a successful
implementation project it is of essential importance to understand the impact of this function.
This page is to give you answers to the most frequently asked questions.

Q. Not Distributed Line

A. After the multi-level price determination, a line "not distributed" appears in the material
price analysis: price differences are not taken into account for the price determination and are
not distributed to consumption or ending inventory.
Here's the explanation why this is correct and how you can avoid it.

A. After multi-level price determination, a line "not distributed" appears in the material
price analysis. Read here why and how this is happens:

The Material Price Analysis shows a "Not Distributed" line - what is that?
Posting Examples
External Procurement
Internal Production
Background, Helpful Information

The Material Price Analysis shows a "Not Distributed" line - what is that?

Actual Costing follows various rules, among which are the following two:

Only costs that are covered by the inventory are assigned to the material.
Costs that are not covered by the inventory remain as price differences.
If in a period values are posted for a quantity larger than the cumulative quantity, only a
portion of the values is distributed to material. The portion that is not distributed to material
is displayed in the Material Price Analysis in the line "Not Distributed" (Figure 1). This
ensures that the price determination considers only values that belong to the period's
cumulated quantity (stock coverage).

Internally, the calculation of the Not Distributed line is controlled with a price limiter

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FAQ’S on Actual Costing & Materials Ledger

Figure 1

Posting Examples

The Not Distributed line occurs in a number of situations. The two examples below explain
the concept of and the need for it.

External Procurement

You realize external procurement with purchase orders.

In the current period, you buy and receive a total of 100pc of a raw material (that is,
you post the goods receipts and the invoices).
As the beginning inventory of the period is zero, the cumulative inventory is 100pc.
At the end of the period, you receive further invoices for the purchased goods:
Your forwarding agent invoices the shipments.
The Custom's invoices the import duties.
Tax Authorities invoices Luxury Tax.
To post these invoices, you use the function "Debit/Credit Material" (MR22) - you
subsequently debit the quantity the invoices refer to: 100pc each time.
As you enter the reference quantity (100pc) with each posting you realize, the price limiter
quantity increases to a total of 300pc: 100pc of the shipment, 100pc of the duties, and 100pc
of the tax.

During price determination, Material Ledger finds that the price limiter quantity exceeds the
cumulative quantity of that period (100pc). It prorates the values posted with Debit/Credit
Material: Two thirds of the value are not covered by stock and thus are categorized as "not
to be distributed". You can see this value in the line Not Distributed.

In-house Production

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FAQ’S on Actual Costing & Materials Ledger

In period 1, you create a production order for 100pc of a finished material.

Of this quantity, you finish and take on stock 90pc in period 1, all of which are sold
The ending inventory of period 1 is zero, as is the beginning inventory of period 2.
The remaining quantity of the production order is finished and taken on stock in period
2. No other goods receipts are posted during this period; the cumulative inventory is
Only now you settle the order and post the variances of the production order (100pc) to
the material; posting date is in period 2. Theses variances show as single-level price
During the order settlement, Material Ledger has set the price limiter quantity to 100pc (the
quantity for which the order was settled).
During price determination of period 2, Material Ledger finds that the price limiter quantity
exceeds the cumulative quantity (10pc) and prorates its value: the value that belongs to the
90pc which were taken on stock and sold in the previous period is displayed in the Not
Distributed line.

If the whole amount of price differences would be considered for the price determination,
incorrect values would be incorporated into the price.

Similar postings occur with external procurement, when materials are received and used up
in one period, but invoiced in a second.

Other examples for the Not Distributed line can be found in Note 323719

Background, Helpful Information

The following statements help to understand the Not Distributed Line:

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The price limiter is build up by transactions which post only values (no quantities), such
Order Settlement.
Invoice Verification.
Debit/Credit Material.
Not Distributed values are calculated during single-level price determination
The Not Distributed line is located above the "Cumulative Inventory", and contains only
price/exchange rate differences.
The line is not the same as the Not Allocated line, which is located in the category
"Consumption" below the Cumulative Inventory.
As with all other data above the Cumulated Inventory, Not Distributed values effect the
price determination.
After Period End Postings, the Not Distributed values remain on the price difference
accounts; they are not distributed neither to ending inventory, nor to consumption.
You can not correct the not distributed value with a correction posting with debit/credit
material, as this correction posting would again build up the price limiter.

The calculation of the Not Distributed line is not a bug: it is essential for the correct
calculation of the Periodic Unit Price of a material.

Especially in a multi-level environment (Multi-Level Actual Costing), the effect of incorrect

material prices can be hazardous: Prices are not only used for the valuation of the individual
materials but are rolled up throughout the materials´ quantity structures.

However, in some situations you might want to control or correct the Not Distributed values.
To do that, you have the following possibilities:

With external procurement, use the Logistic Invoice Verification / document type
subsequent debit instead of the transaction Debit/Credit Material. The Logistic Invoice
Verification does not alter the price limiter quantity to a value higher than the invoice
If you use the transaction Debit/Credit Material, enter a quantity of zero manually.
Note 335670 will change the default value from current quantity to zero.
If for you are in a repetitive manufacturing scenario and use periodic settlement (instead
of full settlement) price differences are posted to material in each period, and to a certain
degree you avoid the situation described above.
If you have Not Distributed values and want to analyze how they are calculated, you can
apply Note 324754. This note describes a report which lists all documents that effect the
calculation of the price limiter quantity of a material.
If you find that the price limiter should be modified to include or exclude further values,
you can apply the report described in Note 325406.

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Note 207189 describes the +/- sign of the Not distributed values.

Q. Changing Valuation Classes in a Actual Costing Scenario

You want to change the valuation class of a material. If you use Actual Costing, if
you to carefully choose the correct movement types, adjust the update structure of
Material Ledger and choose the right point in time.

A. If the valuation class of a material is to be changed in a scenario in which Actual

Costing (Material Ledger) is used, the following should be considered:

changes to the update structure of Material Ledger.

the point in time in which the change is realized.
Changes to the update structure of Material Ledger

In order to change the valuation class of a material, the inventory quantity has to be zero;
goods movements to achieve this must not influence the price determination at period
end. The following illustrations demonstrate the problem and solution.
Figure 1 shows the periodic activities: A goods receipt causes price differences of 1,000
USD, resulting in a periodic unit price of 11.00 USD.
Multi-level price determination distributes the price differences to the ending inventory
(400 USD) and to consumption to production (600 USD).
Material Demo CD
Preliminary valuation price 10 USD

Quantity Price Differences Price
Beginning Inventory 0pc
Receipts 1,000pc 10,000 1,000 11.00
Purchase 1,000pc 10,000 1,000 11.00
Cumulative Inventory 1,000pc 10,000 1,000 11.00
Consumption 600pc 6,000 600 11.00
Production 600pc 6,000 600 11.00
Ending Inventory 400pc 4,000 400 11.00
Figure 1: Price Analysis after Multi-Level Price Determination

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Figure 2 shows the use of a unspecified goods issue to zero the stock and the subsequent
goods receipt to build it up again: The cumulative quantity is 2,000 pc, and price differences
remain untouched - resulting in a periodic unit price of 10,50 USD.

This Periodic Unit Price is now the base of the distribution of the price differences:

the goods issue used to zero the stock is a single-level consumption and will not be
revaluated - 500 USD remain undistributed (on the price difference account).
the values distributed to consumption (production) and to ending inventory are wrong.
Material Demo CD
Preliminary valuation price 10 USD

Quantity Price Differences Price
Beginning Inventory 0pc
Receipts 2,000pc 20,000 1,000 10.50
Purchase 1,000pc 10,000 1,000 11.00
Procurement 1,000pc 10,000 10.00
Cumulative Inventory 2,000pc 20,000 1,000 10.50
Consumption 1,600pc 16,000 800 10.50
not distributed 500
Consumption 1,000pc 10,000 10.50
Production 600pc 6,000 300 10.50
Ending Inventory 400pc 4,000 200 10.50
Figure 2: Price Analysis after Multi-Level Price Determination and GR´s + GI´s without adjustment to update-structure

To prevent this problem, you can adjust the update structure of Material Ledger and
thereby control that specific single-level consumptions appear in the category “other
receipts/consumption”. This category is located above the line Cumulative Inventory, so
that goods issue and goods receipt that are required for the change of the valuation class
even each other out and therefore do not effect the price determination (Figure 3).
Material Demo CD
Preliminary valuation price 10 USD

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Quantity Price Differences Price
Beginning Inventory 0pc
Receipts 2,000pc 20,000 1,000 10.50
Purchase 1,000pc 10,000 1,000 11.00
Procurement 1,000pc 10,000 10.00
Other Receipts/Cons -1,000pc -10,000 10.00
Consumption -1,000pc -10,000 10.00
Cumulative Inventory 1,000pc 10,000 1,000 11.00
Consumption 600pc 6,000 600 11.00
Production 600pc 6,000 600 11.00
Ending Inventory 400pc 4,000 400 11.00
Figure 3: Price Analysis after Multi-Level Actual Costing; Goods Issue with adjustment of update structure

Steps in Customizing
1. *Copy the desired movement type (single-level consumption).
Example: copy movement type 201 (consumption to cost center) to movement
type 901.
2. Define a Movement Type Group
Example: create movement type group “01” and name it ”Valuation Class”.
3. Assign the desired movement type to the movement type group.
Example: assign movement type 901 to movement type group “01”.
4. Maintain the update-structure which you use for actual costing.
Example: maintain update-structure 0001 with the following entry
Movement Type
Process Category Category Description
Cons. to Cost 01 Valuation Class
Other Receipts/Cons.
6. **Create a user-defined name for consumptions.
Controlling Level User-Defined Name Text
0009 Cons/ValClas Consumption / ValClasses
8. **Assign user-define names for consumptions.

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Process Movement Type Controlling

Description Text
Category Group Level
Consumption /
VK Cost Center 01 0009
ValClasses With
this set-up, all postings that use the movement type 901 will be assigned to movement
type group 01. This movement type group is assigned to the category Other
Receipts/Consumption and displayed as a consumption for the change of valuation class.
* alternatively to defining an own movement type, you can temporary apply the described changes to a standard movement type.
** steps not necessary; they serve only for more transparency in the Material Price Analysis.

Point in time in which the change of valuation classes should be realized

Financial Accounting requires transparency of account balances at any time.

As the change of valuation classes typically is combined with a change in the account
determination (e.g. stock and price difference accounts), and as the account
determination impacts postings of Material Ledger, it is of high importance to choose the
correct point in time in which the change of valuation classes is carried out.
The following example demonstrates why it is recommended to do so between the period
end postings of actual costing for the previous period and the shift to the next period.

Figure 4: Point in time for the change of the valuation class

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Period end closings for period 0 are carried out; after that, material related postings can only
be realized for period 1 (1).
Before any changes to valuation classes are realized, normal
periodic goods receipts are entered; they debit the stock and
the price difference account (2).

One of the prerequisits for the change of valuation classes is

that the stock quantity is zero, which is achieved by posting
goods issues (see above). This action balances the “old” stock
accounts that are set up in the account determination
(customizing); the price difference accounts are not touched.
The valuation class can then be changed.
The material is taken back onto stock; this goods receipt
debits the new stock account (3).

Further goods receipts are posted (4).

The new posting period is opened (5).

A goods receipt for the previous period is entered and posts onto the new stock account. If for
price differences a valuation class depended key is defined, new price differences accounts will
be use as well (6).

Material Ledger handles the period end activities of Actual Costing.

In the given example, the material is revaluated: The new stock account is debited, and the new
price difference account for single-level differences (transaction key PRY) is credited.
Note that in order to consolidate the price difference accounts (transaction keys PRD, PRY, and
PRV), you have to include the balances of the old PRD accounts (7).

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The valuation class of a material is period depended. This is relevant if the valuation class
is changed after period shift and before closing entries:

If during closing entries of actual costing the valuation class in the previous period differs
from the valuation class in the current period, the revaluation of the previous period and
the correction posting of the current period will be realized on different accounts.
Apply Notes 0362411 (Valuation Classes and Material Ledger) and 0160970
(Purchase/Production Orders), and check the OSS for others.

Q. Transaction Based Price Determination (Key "2") for Raw Materials?

Actual Costing only works for materials for which single-/multi-level price
determination is set (key "3") - and consequently are standard price controlled. Is it
reasonable to choose transaction based price determination and moving average
price control for raw materials?

It is a prerequisite that for materials, for which actual price shall be determined, the
price determination key is set to "single-/multi-level" ("3", in material master). For all
these materials, the price control has to be set to standard price.
Before using Actual Costing, many companies have chosen the moving average
price as price control for raw materials. These companies now raise the question
whether they have to change the price control for raw materials when Actual Costing
is implemented.

This page gives you some background information to internally discuss the
questions. The list of arguments is not complete, and some arguments might not be
true for your business.

Technical Background

During the flow step "Selection" in a costing run, all materials with price
determination "3" are selected for single- and multi-level price determination; all
other materials are disregarded. Thus, if you accepted to apply Actual Costing only
for semifinished and finished materials, it is no problem to use the moving average
price (and transaction based price determination) for raw materials. However, you
should take into account various business aspects if you decide to do so.

Business Aspects

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As described above, it is possible to use transaction based price determination and

moving average price for specific materials, however, these materials would not be
included in a costing run.

It is for business and controlling reasons why for raw materials single-/multi-level
price determination should be used, the following statements will make this

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V-Price Control is not the same as Actual Costing

The functionality Actual Costing is to determine actual periodic material prices in a multi-
level production environment. The tool to do so is Material Ledger, which is based on the
concept of recording preliminary values and differences during the period and of
distributing values at the end of a period. This logic differs from the V-Price logic in ways
and means: Only data that is known at the point of time of a posting can be considered
("transaction based"), a reference to correct periodic values and / or quantities is not
given. As a result, postings may be wrong (i.e. price difference postings where not
necessary, wrong price calculations) some times, but will always be different from the
correct values determined by Actual Costing.

Benchmarking in Cost Object Controlling

The consequential use of standard prices allows performance controlling of internal
processes without obnubilating them with external factors like price fluctuations. The
values of cost objects (i.e. production orders, or product cost collectors) become more
transparent and are comparable over a long range of time - as long as the standard prices
remain unchanged. This supports benchmarking methods for internal processes.

Controlling by Area of Responsibility

With Actual Costing, it is possible to better differentiate responsibilities of costs and

• With standard price controlled materials, external factors like price fluctuations do
not obnubilate internal processes; areas of responsibilities like procurement and
production are separeted more clearly: Price differences of materials are not
shown on cost objects but rolled up directly to the next material level.
• With the possibility apply actual activity prices directly in Material Ledger
instead of revaluating cost objects, differences from cost center accounting are
also passed on directly to materials instead of obnubilating cost object´s

No influence on Periodic Unit Price

The Periodic Unit Price (actual price of a material for a closed period) is determined by
taking into account both preliminary values and price differences between preliminary
and actual values.

The actual price of a procured material is 30 USD; 10pc are received.

• Case 1: Standard Price: 10 USD

The preliminary value of the total quantity is 100 USD, the value of price
differences is 200 USD.
Periodic Unit Price: (100 USD + 200 USD) / 10 pc = 30 USD
• Case 2: Standard Price: 25 USD

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This list of pro-statements is not complete, neither can the arguments be

generalized. But for the above listed reasons, SAP recommends to use Standard
Price and single-/multi-level price determination for raw materials, if you decide to
make use of Actual Costing / Material Ledger.

Q. Releasing Standard Price for Materials with single- / multi-level Price


If a material's price determination is set to single-/multi-level, you have to obey some

rules for the release of new standard price.

A. No matter if you want to change standard prices frequently or just once a year:
Actual Costing sets some restrictions to when this can be done.


Whether or not it is possible to release a new standard price depends on a material's

period status, which is controlled by Material Ledger. You can release a standard
price if the material has one of the following status:

New objects
The material is was created in this period. No postings have been realized.
Period opened
By opening a new period in Materials Management, Material ledger master data was
created for the posting period.
Price change completed
The valuation price of the material was changed in this period.

With any other period status, it is not possible to release a new standard price.

All valuation relevant postings (e.g. goods movements, order settlements, material
ledger closing of the previous period) change the period status so that a price
release is not possible.

The right way

If you want to release a new standard price, you should do so immediately after a
period shift; at this point in time, the status of all materials is "period opened", and a
price release is possible.

To prevent that postings are realized before the new prices are released, you can

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activate the dynamic price release. The system will then automatically release a
new price with any valuation relevant transaction (i.e. goods movement, order
settlement, or invoice verification).

The dynamic price release is activated in customizing of Material Ledger; the

activation is carried out by plant. If more than one valid future price exits, the prices
are handled with the following priority:

1. Marked standard cost estimate

2. Manually maintained future valuation price

Note that if a material is not touched during the whole period, the future price will not
be released unless you manually do so; hence, the dynamic price release is no
substitution for the traditional price release!

Also note that if dynamic price release is activated, and the period status of a
material does not allow the price release, the posting that triggers the dynamic price
release will give out an error message. This case can occur when you mark future
prices with a validation date in the middle of a month.

The Periodic Unit Price as a new Standard Price

If you want to use the periodic unit price as a new standard price, you can typically
do so only with the delay of one period:
Normally, period end activities for a period are carried out after postings are realized
for the next period. In this case, the period status of the materials does not allow the
immediate release of a new price; the periodic unit price can only be released for the
period next but one. The following illustration explains this scenario:

1. Period 2 is opened; material's status is "period opened".

2. Postings for period 2 are realized, the status of the material changes to

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"quantities and values entered"; a price release in period 2 is no longer

3. Period end activities for period 1 are carried out; the periodic unit price for
period 1 is determined and marked as a future valuation price for period 3.
4. Period 3 is opened; material's status is "period opened".
the marked future price is released, and the period status changes to "price
change complete".
5. Postings for period 2 are realized, the status of materials changes to
"quantities and values entered"; a price release in this period is no longer
6. Period end activities for period 2 are carried out; the periodic unit price for
period 2 is determined and can be marked as a future valuation price for
period 4.

What you should never do

The above mentioned restrictions apply for all materials with single-/multi-level price
determination ("3"); for materials with transaction based price determination ("2"),
the traditional rules for price releases are valid.

Please note that you must not under any circumstances switch the price
determination key from "3" to "2", release a future price, and then change the price
determination key back to "3"!
Actual Costing for that period will result in wrong results, as required data is lost
during the changes; further, the material price analysis of Material Ledger will not
display the correct / complete data. You can not repair or recreate the damaged
data and will miss a whole period of Actual Costing.

Q. WIP in an Actual Costing Scenario

The way Work in Process (WIP) is determined does not change when you activate
Actual Costing - but you should know about some issues!

How can I calculate WIP when I use Actual Costing?

If you are using Actual Costing and want to calculate WIP, you apply the standard
functionalities; there is no special way or procedure for the combination of Actual
Costing and WIP.

For determining the most accurate WIP value, we recommend to calculate WIP
periodically at target costs. In that case, the accuracy of the target cost calculation
depends on the degree to which the cost estimate (bill of material, routing) reflects
the actual costs, as the most recent cost estimate is used for the calculation.

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When Actual Costing is used and WIP occurs, the rolling up of price and exchange
rate differences may under certain circumstances lead to unexpected results. Two
different scenarios are to be distinguished:

Process (production order, ...) with WIP and output quantity.

Process with WIP but without output quantity.

Scenario1: Process with WIP and output quantity.

Bill of Material
For the production of 100 pieces of a
finished material, 100 pieces of a raw
material are required (Figure 1).

At period end, the production order is not
completed: Though 100 pieces of the raw
material are taken from stock, only 90
pieces are produced. 10 pieces of the
raw material are still on the production
line (WIP) (Figure 2).

Fig1 Fig2

During the period, the Material Ledger collects variances for the raw material ∆
between its planned and its actual price. At the end of the period, these variances are
rolled up to the finished products.

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Expected Postings
The roll-up one would expect would
assign price differences both to the
finished material and WIP. This
assignment is expected in the ratio in
which the raw material is used up for the
delivered goods and is still on the
production line (Figure 3).

Actual Postings
However, during the period, Material
Ledger is updated based on goods
movements from the point of view of
materials. It interprets that the whole
quantity of issued raw materials (100
pieces) was used for the production of the
delivered goods (90 pieces). As a result,
the price differences from 100 pieces raw Fig3 Fig4

materials are rolled up to 90 pieces

finished goods (Figure 4).

Scenario2: Process with WIP but without output quantity.

Bill of Material
For the production of 100 pieces of a
finished material, 100 pieces of a raw
material are required. (Figure 5).

At period end, no goods are delivered to
stock. The whole quantity of issued raw
materials (100 pieces) is WIP (Figure 6).

Fig5 Fig6

During the period, the Material Ledger collects variances ∆ for the raw material
between its planned and its actual price. At the end of the period, these variances are
rolled up to the finished products.

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Expected Postings
The roll-up one would expect would
assign price differences which belong to
the issued raw materials to WIP (Figure

Actual Postings
However, Actual Costing can only
revaluate multi-level consumption, which
in this example does not exist: though the
process has input material, no output
material is produced.
As a result, the price differences from 100
pieces raw materials remain on the price
difference account (Figure 8).
Fig7 Fig8


Currently, no solution for obtaining the expected postings is being developed.

Release History of Actual Costing / Material Ledger

Material Ledger was first available with Sap's Standard Release R/3 4.0. Since then,
new functionality was added with each release, culminating in the Actual Cost
Component Split in Release 4.6c. Get the details.

Material Ledger was first available with Sap's Standard Release R/3 4.0. Since then, new
functionality was added with each release, culminating in the Actual Cost Component Split in
Release 4.6c.

Release 4.0

Material-Ledger for the first time is general available.

Single-level actual costing with Material Ledger.
Brazil only: Availability of CUSTOS, and integration with Material Ledger.

Release 4.5
Development News
Multi-Level actual costing allows roll-up of variances.
Single-level calculations for valuated sales order and project stock.
Brazil only: Material-Ledger plus specific report replace CUSTOS.

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Release 4.6b
Development News
Iterative calculation of cycle processes.
Materials can be revaluated with actual activity prices during multi-level price
Full multi-level functionality for sales order stock and project stock.

Release 4.6c
Development News
Actual cost component split.
Integration with CO-PA.
Logistic invoice verification closes gaps to old invoice verification

Remaining Gaps after Release 4.6c

Revaluation of single-level consumption (e.g. to cost center, sales order, cost object
hierarchy) is not possible.
Revaluation of WIP with actual material prices is not possible.
No actual costing for active ingredient materials available.
Material Ledger can not be activated in Retail Systems.

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