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1PL 8lnCL1Cn 8LvlLW CL1 SAMLL AL8 1

lnS18uC1lCnS lease read Lhese carefully before aLLempLlng Lhe LesL

1 1hls LesL ls based on paLLern of prevlous years' CL1 papers
2 1here are four secLlons
SecLlon 1 Lngllsh 8eadlng Comprehenslon (30 quesLlons)
SecLlon 2 CuanLlLaLlve AblllLy (20 quesLlons)
SecLlon 3 uaLa lnLerpreLaLlon (22 quesLlons)
SecLlon 4 uaLa lnLerpreLaLlon uaLa Sufflclency (66 quesLlons)
3 1he LoLal Llme alloLLed ls 2 hours exacLly lease noLe your sLarL Llme and end Llme on Lhe answer
uo noL Lake more Lhan 2 hours or you wlll geL a wrong assessmenL
4 lease flll all Lhe deLalls as asked on Lop of Lhe answer sheeL
3 lease Lry Lo maxlmlze your aLLempL overall buL you need Lo do well ln all secLlons
6 1here ls 1 mark for every rlghL answer and 023 negaLlve mark for every wrong one
7 1here ls no secLlonal Llme llmlL
8 Slnce lL ls a Llme consLralned LesL and you have 2 hours and all quesLlons carry equal marks please do
noL geL sLuck on any quesLlon move fasL Lo Lry and do easler ones
9 lease do all scraLch work on paper only no exLra sheeLs Lo be used uL all your answers on Lhe
answer sheeL
8elax ?ou are compeLlng agalnsL yourselfSLC1lCn 1
ulrecLlons for C1 Lo 3 Choose from among Lhe glven alLernaLlves Lhe one whlch wlll be a
sulLable Lo flll ln Lhe blank ln mosL of Lhe senLences
1 A rofesslonal sLudles have become Lhe ____ of Lhe rlch
8 Lvery clLlzen has Lhe _____ Lo speak Lravel and llve as he pleases
C Pe has a deflnlLe ______ over all hls rlvals
u Sheron no longer has Lhe _____ of Lhe company's bungalow and car
(a) advanLage (b) prlvllege (c) rlghL (d) concesslon
2 A eople sensed ______
8 A bad _____ case had come lna person wlLh a smashed arm
C And Lhen wlLhouL warnlng _____ sLruck
u 1he dogs were Lhe flrsL Lo recognlse Lhe slgns of oncomlng _________
(a) Lragedy (b) accldenL (c) dlsasLer (d) calamlLy
3 A 1he men Lhere have foughL _____ and emoLlonal wlLhdrawal and were more
capable of helplng !lm
8 8uL _____ does occaslonally lnfllcL all Lhe adulLs
C A person who ls deeply hurL feels very ______
u lL ls hard Lo survlve Lhls feellng of _______
(a) de[ecLlon (b) lonely (c) Lrouble (d) depresslon
4 A l have had a small power of ______
8 uown wlLh a very hlgh fever he suffers from frequenLs flLs of _____
C 1hey are now blLLer enemlesall because of a small __________
(d) Per ______ ls Lhe mosL creaLlve Lhlng she has ever possessed
(a) llluslon (b) lmaglnaLlon
(c) halluclnaLlon (d) mlsundersLandlng
3 A Communlsm sLaLes LhaL every lndlvldual musL llve for Lhe _____
8 1he ______ of Lhe affalrs of Lhe naLlon ls deplorable
C _______ have been lald down by Lhe unlLed SLaLes sLaLes 1he SLaLesman
u no _________ has succeeded ln galnlng compleLe auLonomy from Lhe lederal
(a) sLaLe (b) naLlon (c) governmenL (d) condlLlon
ulrecLlons for C 6 Lo 10 Choose from among Lhe glven alLernaLlves Lhe one whlch wlll be a
sulLable subsLlLuLe for Lhe underllned expresslon ln each of Lhe followlng
6 1he body of Macedonlan lnfanLry drawn up ln close order was llke a formldable casLle of
(a) halanx (b) phagocyLe (c) phenomenon (d) phaeLon
7 1he Lhrllllng narraLlve caused Lhe halr on Lhe skln Lo sLand erecL
(a) Lenslon (b) horrlflcaLlon (c) Lerror (d) horror
8 1he arL and sclence of good eaLlng and drlnklng ls now a losL arL
(a) CasLronomy (b) CsLeopaLhy (c) CluLLony (d) Cooklng
9 1he vlcLlm's lnvolunLary response Lo sLlmulus proved LhaL he was sLlll llvlng(a) reacLlons (b) reflexes
(c) feedback (d) communlcaLlon
10 1he marrlage of Lhe prlncess wlLh Lhe commoner caused a furore among Lhe royalLy
(a) mlsalllance (b) mlsmaLch (c) elopemenL (d) romance
ulrecLlons for quesLlons 11 Lo 20 Choose Lhe grammaLlcally correcL senLence from among Lhe
four opLlons glven
11 (a) l am noL one of Lhose who belleve everyLhlng Lhey hear
(b) l am noL one of Lhese who belleves everyLhlng l hear
(c) l am noL one of Lhose who belleves everyLhlng he hears
(d) l am noL one of Lhose who belleves ln everyLhlng one hears
12 (a) CannoL one do whaL one llkes wlLh one's own?
(b) CannoL one do LhaL one llkes Lo do wlLh hls own?
(c) CannoL one do LhaL one llkes wlLh hls own?
(d) CannoL one do whaL he llkes wlLh hls own
13 (a) 1here's Mr Som whom Lhey say ls Lhe besL slnger ln Lhe counLry
(b) 1here's Mr Som who Lhey say ls Lhe besL slnger ln Lhe counLry
(c) 1here ls Mr Som whom Lhey say ls Lhe besL slnger ln Lhe counLry
(d) 1here ls Mr Som who Lhey say ls Lhe besL slnger ln Lhe counLry
14 (a) Lach of Lhe sLudenLs has done well
(b) Lach of Lhe sLudenL has done well
(c) Lach of Lhe sLudenLs have done well
(d) Lach of Lhe sLudenL have done well
13 (a) 1oday we love whaL Lomorrow we haLe Loday we seek whaL Lomorrow we
shun Loday we deslre whaL Lomorrow we fear
(b) 1oday we love whaL Lomorrow we haLe Loday we seek whaL Lomorrow we
shun Loday we deslre whaL Lomorrow we fear
(c) 1oday we love whaL Lomorrow we haLe Loday we seek whaL Lomorrow we shun
Loday we deslre whaL Lomorrow we fear
(d) 1oday we love whaL Lomorrow we haLe Loday we seek whaL Lomorrow we shun
Loday we deslre whaL Lomorrow we fear
16 l am an enLerLalner ________ l have Lo keep smlllng because ln my hearL laughLer and
sorrow have an afflnlLy
(a) Lven lf l have Lears ln me (b) Lven Lhough l am depressed lnslde
(c) Whlle enLerLalnlng people (d) ln Lhe enLerLalnmenL buslness
17 ollLlcal power ls [usL as permanenL as Loday's newspaper 1en years down Lhe llne
______ who Lhe mosL powerful man ln any sLaLe was Loday
(a) who cares
(b) nobody wlll remember whaL was wrlLLen ln Loday's newspaper or
(c) few wlll know or care abouL
(d) when a loL of waLer wlll have passed under Lhe brldge who wlll care18 When we call oLhers
dogmaLlc whaL we really ob[ecL Lo ls _________
(a) Lhelr glvlng Lhe dog a bad name
(b) Lhelr holdlng dogmas LhaL are dlfferenL from our own
(c) Lhe exLremlsm LhaL goes along wlLh lL
(d) Lhe subverslon of whaLever Lhey acLually belleve ln concomlLanLly
19 AlLhough lL has been more Lhan 30 years slnce SaLya[lL 8ay made aLher anchall
_________ refuse Lo go away from Lhe mlnd
(a) Lhe haunLlng lmages (b) lLs haunLlng lmages
(c) lLs haunLed lmages (d) Lhe haunL of lLs lmages
20 _________ Lhe more Lhey remaln Lhe same
(a) eople all over Lhe world change
(b) 1here more people change
(c) 1he more Lhey are dlfferenL
(d) 1he less people change
21 1he sLock markeLs ________ 1he sLaLe Lhey are ln rlghL now speaks volumes abouL Lhls
(a) ls Lhe baromeLer of publlc confldence
(b) are Lhe besL lndlcaLors of publlc senLlmenL
(c) are used Lo Lrade ln expenslve shares
(d) are noL used Lo Laklng sLock of all markeLs
ulrecLlons for C 22 Lo 24 Choose Lhe palr whlch does noL exhlblL Lhe relaLlonshlp slmllar Lo LhaL
expressed ln Lhe caplLallsed palr
22 1LML8A1u8L PLA1
(a) voLes popularlLy (b) lC lnLelllgence
(c) ohms reslsLance (d) speed dlsLance
23 S1u88C8n AuA1A8LL
(a) sLupld brlghL (b) moral amoral
(c) lnherenL exLraneous (d) frlend enemy
(a) Lerror LerrorlsL (b) sympaLhy sympaLhlzer
(c) revoluLlon revoluLlonary (d) reform reformlsL
ulrecLlons C 23 Lo 34 lck ouL Lhe mosL effecLlve words Lo flll ln Lhe blank Lo make Lhe senLence
meanlngfully compleLe
23 lndlcaLlons are LhaL Lhe governmenL ls Lo Lhe prospecL of granLlng bonus Lo Lhe
sLrlklng employees
(a) allgned (b) obllged (c) reconclled (d) relleved
26 Shlvalal classlcal muslc Pe always prefers 8hlmsen !oshl Lo Asha 8honsale and
andlL !asra[ Lo kumar Sanu
(a) adores (b) apprehends (c) encompasses (d) culLlvaLes
27 As a general rule pollLlclans do noL cenLre sLage
(a) forward (b) forbld (c) forglve (d) forsake 28 1he sLudy on lmporL of naLural gas from lran
Lhrough a plpellne would be
compleLed shorLly
(a) naLural (b) calculaLed (c) economlc (d) feaslblllLy
29 Pls parLy ls solely Lo be blamed for Lhe pollLlcal ln Lhe counLry
(a) devaluaLlon (b) revlval (c) advocacy (d) sLalemaLe
30 Pls face was noL made up of and buL by Lhe sheer force of Lhlnklng
(a) powder rouge (b) mouLh eyebrows
(c) skln bone (d) LexLures complexlon
31 lL has been unlversally LhaL wldespread desLrucLlon musL be necessary wlLh
modern warfare
(a) reallsed appendage (b) accepLed anLldoLe
(c) acknowledged concomlLanL (d) undersLood Lhreshold
32 lor a reader Lhe auLhor's lnfluence ls llke a
(a) dlscernlng spell (b) cold force
(c) good revelaLlon (d) percepLlve panorama
33 lf you have come Lo Lhe conference Lable wlLh such an aLLlLude we cannoL expecL
Lo reach a agreemenL
(a) anclllary lasLlng (b) effervescenL concluslve
(c) lndolenL sLeadfasL (d) obduraLe harmonlous
34 lL ls Lrue LhaL Lhe klnd of speclallsed knowledge whlch ls requlred for varlous klnds of
skllls has llLLle Lo do wlLh wlsdom WlLh every lncrease of knowledge and sklll
knowledge becomes more necessary for every such lncrease our capaclLy for evll
(a) augmenLs (b) lnclLes (c) exclLes (d) makes
ulrecLlons for C 33 Lo 39 Lach of Lhese quesLlons conLalns slx sLaLemenLs followed by four seLs
of comblnaLlons of Lhree Choose Lhe seL ln whlch Lhe sLaLemenLs are mosL loglcally relaLed
33 A no flshes breaLhe Lhrough lungs 8 All flshes have scales
C Some flshes breed upsLream u All whales breaLhe Lhrough lungs
L no whales are flshes l All whales are mammals
(a) A8C (b) 8Cu (c) AuL (d) uLl
36 A All men are men of sclenLlflc ablllLy
8 Some women are women of sclenLlflc ablllLy
C All men are men of arLlsLlc genlus
u Some men and women are of sclenLlflc ablllLy
L Some men of arLlsLlc genlus are men of sclenLlflc ablllLy
l Some women of arLlsLlc genlus are women of sclenLlflc ablllLy
(a) ACu (b) ACL (c) uLl (d) A8C
37 A Some mammals are carnlvores 8 All whales are mammals
C All whales are aquaLlc anlmals u All whales are carnlvores
L Some aquaLlc anlmals are mammals l Some mammals are whales
(a) Aul (b) A8C (c) ALl (d) 8CL38 A All roses are fragranL 8 All roses are ma[esLlc
C All roses are planLs u All roses need alr
L All planLs need alr l All planLs need waLer
(a) CLu (b) AC8 (c) 8uC (d) ClL
39 A All candld men are persons who acknowledge merlL ln a rlval
8 Some learned men are very candld
C Some learned men are noL persons who acknowledge merlL ln a rlval
u Some learned men are persons who are very candld
L Some learned men are noL candld
l Some persons who recognlze merlL ln a rlval are candld
(a) A8L (b) ACl (c) AuL (d) 8Al
40 A All barLenders are wlne LasLers
8 Some barLenders are wlne LasLers
C no wlne LasLers dle of hearL aLLack
u no barLenders dle of hearL aLLack
L Some wlne LasLers do noL dle of hearL aLLack
l Some who do noL dle of hearL aLLack are wlne LasLers
(a) luL (b) CAu (c) 8Cu (d) 8lLASSACL 1
Modern compuLers are masLers of dlsgulse 1hey have Lo be lor alLhough Lechnologlcal progress
ls good aL maklng compuLer hardware qulcker smaller and cheaper lL ofLen leaves behlnd Lhe
sofLware LhaL made Lhe machlnes useful ln Lhe flrsL place Slnce many people resenL havlng Lo
[unk perfecLly good programs when Lhey buy Lhe laLesL compuLer a hosL of Lrlcks has been
developed over Lhe pasL few years Lo sLop sofLware becomlng redundanL 1he ldea ls Lo geL
modern compuLers Lo lmpersonaLe or emulaLe older ones provldlng Lhe approprlaLe envlronmenL
ln whlch Lo run oldfashloned sofLware
LmulaLlon once conflned Lo a few nlches of Lhe compuLer lndusLry ls now wldespread lndeed lL
goes on lnslde many compuLers all Lhe Llme brldglng Lhe gap beLween dlfferenL processors and
operaLlng sysLems lnLel's enLlum ro enLlum ll and Lhe new enLlum lll chlps conLaln speclal
hardware Lo provlde backwards compaLlblllLy wlLh older processors whlle allowlng for
lmprovemenLs ln performance Slnce 1994 Apple's MaclnLosh compuLers have conLalned
sofLware Lo enable Lhem Lo emulaLe older models LhaL used a dlfferenL mlcroprocessor And
perhaps Lhe besLknown example ls Sun's crossplaLform language !ava Called a !ava vlrLual
machlne someLhlng LhaL does noL even physlcally exlsL lL allows sofLware Lo run on any devlce
capable of emulaLlng a flcLlLlous compuLer
1he slmplesL sorL of sofLware emulaLor called an lnLerpreLer works by looklng up each
lnsLrucLlon from Lhe forelgn program Lo flnd how Lo carry ouL Lhe equlvalenL operaLlon on Lhe
hosL machlne 1hls slow buL rellable meLhod allows modern Cs for example Lo emulaLe arcadegames
machlnes from Lhe 1980s whose mlcroprocessors ran aL a fracLlon of Lhe speed
More sophlsLlcaLed are [usLlnLlme compllers or !l1s AfLer examlnlng each lnsLrucLlon and
LranslaLlng lL lnLo Lhe naLlve formaL of Lhe sysLem LhaL lL ls runnlng on !l1s keep Lhe LranslaLed
code around ln case lL ls needed agaln And slnce mosL sofLware repeaLs lLself and small chunks
of code are Lyplcally run many Llmes ln a program Lhe chances are hlgh LhaL Lhe LranslaLed code
wlll lndeed be reused 1haL usually makes a !l1 fasLer Lhan an lnLerpreLer
1he power of Lhe modern compuLer means however LhaL even cleverer emulaLors are now belng
developed uynamlc 8ecomplllng (u8) emulaLors do noL sLop aL LranslaLlng lnsLrucLlons Lhey go
on Lo analyze how Lhe new code works and LranslaLe Lhe clumslesL blLs all over agaln ln order Lo
lmprove efflclency ConnecLlx a company based ln Callfornla developed one such emulaLor Lhe
vlrLual Came SLaLlon (vCS) lL emulaLes Sony's lay SLaLlon on a MaclnLosh personal compuLer
Sony whlch launched a new lay SLaLlon 2 ls cross abouL Lhls buL noL because vCS mlghL affecL
Lhe sales of consoles whlch are sold aL a loss and encourage people Lo buy Lhe games lL ls cross
Lhe flrm clalms because vCS mlghL noL be up Lo Lhe [ob and cusLomers mlghL accordlngly geL an
lnferlor lmpresslon of Sony games 1he Amerlcan courLs have so far however ruled ln favour of
ConnecLlx ls a veLeran of Lhe emulaLor buslness lL sells also a program LhaL enables a MaclnLosh
Lo lmpersonaLe a C 8uL emulaLlon ls encouraglng enLrepreneurs also Lo sLarL new companles
1haL ls a sure slgn LhaL someLhlng slgnlflcanL and posslbly lucraLlve ls happenlng
1wo of Lhese sLarLups1eraCen and a secreLlve ouLflL called 1ransmeLaare followlng Lhe
hardware rouLe 1hey have adopLed a varlaLlon on Lhe approach used by lnLel Lo make lLs new
chlps fasLer whlle remalnlng compaLlble wlLh earller mlcroprocessors 1hls lnvolves LranslaLlng
Lhe lnLrlcaLe lnsLrucLlons favoured by earller chlp deslgners lnLo slmpler rudlmenLary
lnsLrucLlons called mlcrooperaLlons LhaL can be rearranged by Lhe processor Lo lmprove
performance 1eraCen's approach bullds on Lhls ldea buL generallzes lL so LhaL Lhe company's cusLom
bullL chlps can LranslaLe lnsLrucLlons from and hence emulaLe more Lhan one klnd of
processor aL a Llme
AlLhough 1ransmeLa has noL dlsclosed lLs plans a paLenL granLed Lo Lhe company ln november
1998 suggesLs LhaL lL Loo ls worklng on a processor based on generallzed mlcrooperaLlons ln
addlLlon 1ransmeLa's Lechnology appears Lo be a hybrld 1he orlglnal code ls LranslaLed uslng
sofLware whlle Lhe hardware handles Lhe housekeeplng assoclaLed wlLh emulaLlng mulLlple
chlps aL once a Lrlck LhaL could enable compuLers Lo don a hosL of new dlsgulses ln Lhe fuLure
41 Accordlng Lo Lhe auLhor modern compuLers are masLers of dlsgulse because
(a) compuLer hardware ls ever qulcker smaller and fasLer
(b) some people resenL havlng Lo [unk perfecLly good programs
(c) modern compuLers elLher lmpersonaLe or emulaLe older ones
(d) none of Lhe above
42 1he passage ls mosL llkely Lo be
(a) Lhe conLlnuaLlon of a precedlng passage
(b) Lhe conLlnuaLlon of a subsequenL passage
(c) Lhe lasL parL of a blgger passage
(d) none of Lhe above
43 LmulaLlon
(a) goes on lnslde many compuLers all Lhe Llme
(b) provldes backwards compaLlblllLy wlLh older processes
(c) brldges Lhe gap beLween dlfferenL processors and operaLlng sysLems
(d) all of Lhe above
44 1he word 'emulaLe' as used ln Lhe passage can besL be replaced by
(a) lmlLaLe (b) work as well or beLLer Lhan
(c) lmpersonaLe (d) dlsgulse
43 WhaL ls !ava accordlng Lo Lhe passage?
(a) A sofLware program
(b) A language LhaL runs on a flcLlLlous compuLer
(c) A compuLer language LhaL enables sofLware Lo run on dlfferenL processors
(d) All of Lhe above
46 Why ls a !l1 fasLer compared Lo an lnLerpreLer?
(a) lL ls Lhe more sophlsLlcaLed compuLer
(b) lL keeps Lhe LranslaLed code around ln case Lhe laLLer ls needed agaln
(c) lL LranslaLes each lnsLrucLlon and adapLs lL Lo Lhe naLlve formaL of Lhe sysLem
(d) none of Lhe above
47 Why ls Sony cross abouL Lhe vCS developed by ConnecLlx?
(a) vCS mlghL affecL Sony's sales
(b) vCS mlghL be sold aL a loss Lo encourage people Lo buy lL
(c) vCS mlghL noL be up Lo cusLomer expecLaLlons
(d) All of Lhe above
48 1he Lone of Lhe auLhorlal volce can besL be descrlbed as belng
(a) maLLeroffacL (b) laudaLory (c) sardonlc (d) none of Lhe above49 Whlch of Lhe followlng sLaLemenLs
ls noL Lrue?
(a) lnLerpreLers have helped Lo emulaLe arcade games machlnes rlghL from Lhe 1980s
(b) 1rans MeLa ls worklng on deslgnlng a processor based on generallsed mlcrooperaLlons
(c) 1he vCS developed by ConnecLlx can be used only on a MaclnLosh personal
(d) none of Lhe above
30 An ldeal LlLle for Lhe passage would be
(a) ConnecLlx vs Sony (b) LmulaLlon ls Lhe key
(c) All abouL modern compllers (d) none of Lhe aboveSLC1lCn 2
ulrecLlons C 1 Lo 14 Lhese quesLlons are lndependenL of each oLher
1 A sLudenL geLs an aggregaLe of 60 marks ln flve sub[ecLs ln Lhe raLlo 10 9 8 7 6 lf Lhe
passlng marks are 30 of Lhe maxlmum marks and each sub[ecLs has Lhe same maxlmum
marks ln how many sub[ecLs dld he pass Lhe exam?
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 3
2 ln how many ways can Lhe elghL dlrecLors Lhe vlcechalrman and Lhe Chalrman of a flrm
be seaLed aL a roundLable lf Lhe Chalrman has Lo slL beLween Lhe vlcechalrman and a
(a) 9! ? 2 (b) 2 ? 8! (c) 2 ? 7! (d) none of Lhese
3 lf log2log7(x2
x + 37) 1 Lhen whaL could be Lhe value of x?
(a) 3 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) none of Lhese
4 AfLer a dlscounL of 1111 a Lrader sLlll makes a galn of 1428 AL how many percenL
above Lhe cosL prlce does he mark hls goods?
(a) 2836 (b) 33 (c) 2222 (d) none of Lhese
3 An old man has 8s (1! + 2! + 3! + + 30!) all of whlch he wanLs Lo dlvlde equally
(wlLhouL fracLlons) among hls n chlldren 1hen n may be
(a) 3 (b) 7 (c) 9 (d) 11
6 A dealer buys dry frulL aL 8s100 8s 80 and 8s 60 per kg Pe mlxes Lhem ln Lhe raLlo 3 4
3 by welghL and sells Lhem aL a proflL of 30 AL whaL prlce does he sell Lhe dry frulL?
(a) 8s 80/kg (b) 8s 100/kg (c) 8s 93/kg (d) none of Lhese
7 An express Lraln Lravelllng aL 80 kmph overLakes a goods Lraln Lwlce as long and golng
aL 40 kmph on a parallel Lrack ln 34 seconds Pow long wlll Lhe express Lraln Lake Lo
cross a sLaLlon 400 m long?
(a) 36 sec (b) 43 sec (c) 27 sec (d) none of Lhese
8 A sLudenL lnsLead of flndlng Lhe value of 7/8Lh
of a number found Lhe value of 7/18Lh
Lhe number lf hls answer dlffered from Lhe acLual one by 770 flnd Lhe number
(a) 1384 (b) 2320 (c) 1728 (d) 1636
9 and C are Lwo lnLegers such LhaL ? C 64 Whlch of Lhe followlng cannoL be Lhe value
of + C?
(a) 20 (b) 63 (c) 16 (d) 33
10 1he average marks of a sLudenL ln Len papers are 80 lf Lhe hlghesL and Lhe lowesL scores
are noL consldered Lhe average ls 81 lf hls hlghesL score ls 92 flnd Lhe lowesL
(a) 33 (b) 60 (c) 62 (d) CannoL be deLermlned
11 lf Lhe rooLs x1 and x2 of Lhe quadraLlc equaLlon x2
2x + c 0 also saLlsfy Lhe equaLlon
7x2 4x1 47 Lhen whlch of Lhe followlng ls Lrue?
(a) c 13 (b) x1 3 x2 3
(c) x1 43 x2 23 (d) none of Lhese12 1he sum of Lhe areas of Lwo clrcles whlch Louch each oLher
exLernally ls 133? lf Lhe sum
of Lhelr radll ls 13 flnd Lhe raLlo of Lhe larger Lo Lhe smaller radlus
(a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) none of Lhese
13 lf m and n are lnLegers dlvlslble by 3 whlch of Lhe followlng ls noL necessarlly Lrue?
(a) m n ls dlvlslble by 3 (b) m2
ls dlvlslble by 23
(c) m + n ls dlvlslble by 10 (d) none of Lhe above
14 Whlch of Lhe followlng ls Lrue?
(a) 7

) (b) 7

(c) 7

(d) none of Lhese
ulrecLlons C 13 Lo 16 A survey of 200 people ln a communlLy who waLched aL leasL one of Lhe
Lhree channels88C Cnn and uu showed LhaL 80 of Lhe people waLched uu 22 waLched
88C and 13 waLched Cnn
13 WhaL ls Lhe maxlmum percenL of people who can waLch all Lhe Lhree channels?
(a) 123 (b) 83 (c) 17 (d) lnsufflclenL daLa
16 lf 3 of Lhe people waLched uu and Cnn 10 waLched uu and 88C Lhen whaL percenL
of Lhe people waLched 88C and Cnn only?
(a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 83 (d) cannoL be deLermlned
ulrecLlons C 17 Lo 19 1hese quesLlons are lndependenL of each oLher
17 A man earns x on Lhe flrsL 2000 rupees and y on Lhe resL of hls lncome lf he earns 8s
700 from 8s 4000 and 8s 900 from 8s 3000 of lncome flnd x
(a) 20 (b) 13 (c) 33 (d) none of Lhese
18 A8 ls Lhe dlameLer of Lhe glven clrcle whlle polnLs C and u lle on Lhe clrcumference as
shown lf A8 ls 13 cm AC ls 12 cm and 8u ls 9 cm flnd Lhe area of Lhe quadrllaLeral

(a) 34? (b) 216? (c) 162? (d) none of Lhese
19 C and 8 are Lhree consecuLlve odd numbers ln ascendlng order lf Lhe value of Lhree
Llmes ls Lhree less Lhan Lwo Llmes 8 flnd Lhe value of 8
(a) 3 (b) 7 (c) 9 (d) 11
20 A8C ls a LhreedlglL number ln whlch A 0 1he value of A8C ls equal Lo Lhe sum of Lhe
facLorlals of lLs Lhree dlglLs WhaL ls Lhe value of 8?
(a) 9 (b) 7 (c) 4 (d) 2
ASLC1lCn 3
ulrecLlons C 1 Lo 3 are based on Lhe graph glven below
SolublllLy 1emperaLure relaLlonshlps for varlous salLs
(1he ?axls denoLes SolublllLy (kg/llLres of waLer)
0 10 20 30 40 30 60 70 80 90 100
oLasslum ChloraLe oLasslum Chlorlde
oLasslum nlraLe Sodlum Chlorlde
Sodlum ChloraLe Sodlum nlLraLe
1 Whlch of Lhe followlng salLs has greaLesL solublllLy?
(a) oLasslum ChloraLe aL 800C (b) oLasslum Chlorlde aL 330C
(c) oLasslum nlLraLe aL 390C (d) Sodlum Chlorlde aL 830C
2 ApproxlmaLely how many kg of oLasslum nlLraLe can be dlssolved ln 10 llLres of waLer
aL 300C?
(a) 004 (b) 04 (c) 4 (d) 033
3 8y whaL ls Lhe solublllLy of oLasslum ChloraLe ln waLer lncreased as Lhe waLer ls
heaLed from 300C Lo 800C?
(a) 100 (b) 200 (c) 230 (d) 300
4 lf 1 mole of oLasslum Chlorlde welghs 07436 kg approxlmaLely how many moles of
oLasslum Chlorlde can be dlssolved ln 100 llLres of waLer aL 360C?
(a) 70 (b) 60 (c) 48 (d) 34
3 Whlch of Lhe salLs has greaLesL change ln solublllLy ln kg/llLre of waLer beLween 130C and
(a) oLasslum ChloraLe (b) oLasslum nlLraLe
(c) Sodlum ChloraLe (d) Sodlum nlLraLeulrecLlons lor quesLlons 6 Lo 9 refer Lo Lhe plecharL glven
6 WhaL fracLlon of Chosh babu's welghL conslsLs of muscular and skln proLelns?
(a) 1/13 (b) 1/30 (c) 1/20 (d) CannoL be deLermlned
7 8aLlo of dlsLrlbuLlon of proLeln ln muscle Lo Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon of proLeln ln skln ls
(a) 3 1 (b) 3 10 (c) 1 3 (d) 3Z 1
8 WhaL percenL of Chosh babu's body welghL ls made up of skln?
(a) 013 (b) 10 (c) 12 (d) CannoL be deLermlned
9 ln Lerms of LoLal body welghL Lhe porLlon of maLerlal oLher Lhan waLer and proLeln ls
closesL Lo
(a) 3/20 (b) 1/13 (c) 83/100 (d) 1/20
ulrecLlons C 10 Lo 13 are based on Lhe followlng lnformaLlon
1he followlng Lable glves Lhe sales deLalls for LexL books and reference books aL rlmary
/Secondary/Plgher Secondary/CraduaLe Levels
?ear rlmar
1973 42137 8820 63303 23343
1976 33368 10283 71602 27930
1977 38770 16437 73667 28687
1978 36872 13473 71668 30037
1979 66213 17300 78697 33682
1980 68718 20177 82173 36697
10 WhaL ls Lhe growLh raLe of sales of books aL prlmary school level from 1973 Lo 1980?
(a) 29 (b) 31 (c) 63 (d) 163
11 Whlch of Lhe caLegorles shows Lhe lowesL growLh raLe from 1973 Lo 1980?
(a) rlmary (b) Secondary
(c) Plgher secondary (d) CraduaLe Level
CLher dry
ulsLrlbuLlon of maLerlals ln
Choshbabu's body (as of LoLal
Cccurrence of proLelns ln
dlfference organs ln Choshbabu's
body12 Whlch caLegory had Lhe hlghesL growLh raLe ln Lhe perlod?
(a) rlmary (b) Secondary (c) Plgher secondary (d) CraduaLe Level
13 Whlch of Lhe caLegorles had elLher a conslsLenL growLh or a conslsLenL decllne ln Lhe
perlod shown?
(a) rlmary (b) Secondary (c) Plgher secondary (d) CraduaLe Level
ulrecLlons 14 Lo 17 are based on Lhe graph glven below
number of Lnglneerlng SLudenLs (ln hundreds) aL lnsLlLuLlons of dlfferenL klnds
14 WhaL was Lhe LoLal number of englneerlng sLudenLs ln 198990?
(a) 28300 (b) 4400 (c) 4200 (d) 42000
13 1he growLh raLe ln sLudenLs of CovL Lnglneerlng colleges compared Lo LhaL of rlvaLe
Lnglneerlng colleges beLween 198889 and 188990 ls
(a) more (b) less (c) almosL equal (d) 3/2
16 1he LoLal number of Lnglneerlng sLudenLs ln 199192 assumlng a 10 reducLlon ln Lhe
number over Lhe prevlous year ls
(a) 3700 (b) 37000 (c) 44800 (d) none of Lhese
17 ln 199091 whaL percenL of Lnglneerlng sLudenLs were sLudylng aL ll1s?
(a) 16 (b) 13 (c) 14 (d) 12
Choose ((a) lf Lhe quesLlon can be answered by uslng one of Lhe sLaLemenLs alone buL
cannoL be answered uslng Lhe oLher sLaLemenL alone
Choose (b) lf Lhe quesLlon can be answered by uslng elLher sLaLemenL alone
Choose (c) lf Lhe quesLlon can be answered by uslng boLh sLaLemenLs LogeLher buL
cannoL be answered uslng elLher sLaLemenL alone
Choose (d) lf Lhe quesLlon cannoL be answered even by uslng boLh sLaLemenLs
18 Pow much Llme wlll Mohan Lake Lo compleLe a [ob?
A Suresh ls oneandahalf Llmes as efflclenL as Mohan
8 8adha ls as efflclenL as Suresh who compleLes Lhe work ln 20 days
19 WhaL ls Lhe loss or galn ln deal made by Ashlsh? lL ls glven LhaL 8amesh sold each of
Lhe Lwo cows for 8s x Lhe flrsL one sold aL proflL and Lhe oLher aL L loss C ls real
198889 198990 199091
rlvaLe Lngg College CovL Lngg College
8eglonal Lngg College ll1sA C 3 8 CL 7
20 WhaL ls Lhe presenL age of Lhe son of Anll? lL ls glven LhaL aL presenL Lhe sum of Lhe age of
Anll and hls son ls x years 'L' years ago Lhe producL of Lhe ages of Anll and hls son was
'y' Llmes Lhe age of Anll 'x' 'L' and 'y' are naLural numbers
A value of 'x' ls known 8 value of 'y' ls known
21 WhaL wlll be Lhe PCl of r and w? lL ls glven LhaL LCM of Lhese Lwo numbers ls 'L' Llmes
Lhe PCl of Lhe glven numbers and Lhe sum of Lhe LCM and PCl of Lhe numbers ls 8
A value of (8/(L + y)) ls glven 8 L + y L + y L + y y ? 0
22 WhaL ls Lhe slope of llne 'p'?
A Slope of Lhe llne m ls
8 'p' and 'm' are perpendlcular Lo each oLherSLC1lCn 4
ulrecLlons for C 1 Lo 3 8efer Lo Lhe followlng lnformaLlon and Lhe answer Lhe followlng
eople ower CorporaLlon presenLly employs Lhree Managers (A 8 and C) and flve recrulLmenL
agenLs (u L l C and P) 1he company ls plannlng Lo open a new offlce ln San !ose Lo manage
placemenL of sofLware professlonals ln Lhe uS lL ls plannlng Lo relocaLe Lwo of Lhe Lhree managers
and Lhree of Lhe flve recrulLmenL agenLs Lo Lhe offlce aL San !ose As lL ls an organlzaLlon whlch ls
hlghly people orlenLed Lhe managemenL wanLs Lo ensure LhaL Lhe lndlvlduals who do noL funcLlon
well LogeLher should noL be made as a parL of Lhe Leam golng Lo Lhe uS 1he followlng
lnformaLlon was avallable Lo Lhe P8 deparLmenL of eople ower CorporaLlon
? Managers A and C are aL each oLhers LhroaL and Lherefore cannoL be senL as a Leam Lo Lhe
new offlce
? C and L are excellenL performers ln Lhelr own rlghL Powever Lhey do noL funcLlon
LogeLher as a Leam 1hey should be separaLed
? u and C have had a ma[or mlsundersLandlng durlng Lhe lasL offlce plcnlc AfLer Lhe
plcnlc Lhese Lwo have noL been ln speaklng Lerms and should Lherefore noL be senL as a
? u and l are compeLlng for a promoLlon LhaL ls due ln anoLher 3 monLhs 1hey should noL
be a Leam
1 lf u goes Lo Lhe new offlce whlch of Lhe followlng ls (are) Lrue?
l C cannoL go ll A cannoL go lll P musL also go
(a) l only (b) ll and lll only
(c) l and lll only (d) l ll and lll
2 lf A ls Lo be moved as one of Lhe Managers whlch of Lhe followlng cannoL be a posslble
worklng unlL?
(a) A8uLP (b) A8lCP (c) A8LCP (d) A8uCP
3 lf C and l are moved Lo Lhe new offlce how many comblnaLlons are posslble?
(a) 4 (b) 1 (c) 3 (d) 3
4 Clven Lhe group dynamlcs of Lhe Managers and Lhe recrulLmenL agenLs whlch of Lhe
followlng ls sure Lo flnd a berLh ln Lhe San !ose offlce?
(a) 8 (b) P (c) C (d) L
3 lf C ls senL Lo Lhe San !ose offlce whlch member of Lhe sLaff cannoL go wlLh C?
(a) 8 (b) u (c) C (d) l
ulrecLlons for C 6 11 8efer Lo Lhe followlng daLa and answer Lhe followlng quesLlons
lL ls a game based on Lhe poslLlon you Lake ln a clock ?ou are aL Lhe 1 C'clock poslLlon ?ou can
move one sLep clockwlse 1 sLep anLl clockwlse or Lo a place LhaL ls dlameLrlcally opposlLe yours
lor example from 1 C'clock lf you move clockwlse you wlll be aL 2 C'clock As you sLarL Lhe
game you are aL 1 C'clock poslLlon and your score ls 1 lf you move a sLep clockwlse add Lhe
value of Lhe Llme ln LhaL poslLlon Lo your score Lo glve you Lhe new score lf you move a sLep
anLlclockwlse add Lhe value of Lhe Llme ln LhaL poslLlon and subLracL 2 from your score lf you
move a sLep dlameLrlcally opposlLe add Lhe value of Lhe Llme ln LhaL poslLlon Lo your score and
subLracL 4 from your score Lo geL Lhe new score ?ou cannoL geL back Lo a poslLlon LhaL you have
already vlslLed6 WhaL wlll be your mlnlmum score afLer Lhe Lhlrd move?
(a) 10 (b) 7 (c) 11 (d) none of Lhese
7 WhaL wlll be your maxlmum score afLer Lhe second move?
(a) 16 (b) 18 (c) 20 (d) 24
8 lf you had moved a sLep anLlclockwlse ln Lhe flrsL move you could noL have reached one
of Lhe followlng poslLlons ln Lhe Lhlrd move
(a) 10 C'clock (b) 3 C'clock (c) 7 C'clock (d) 6 C'clock
9 WhaL ls Lhe shorLesL number of moves LhaL you requlre Lo reach Lhe 3 C'clock poslLlon
When you sLarL from 1 C'clock poslLlon?
(a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 3 (d) 2
10 A man sald Lo a lady ?our moLher's husband's slsLer ls my aunL" Pow ls Lhe lady
relaLed Lo Lhe man?
(a) MoLher (b) AunL (c) SlsLer (d) CrandmoLher
11 lf + C means ls Lhe broLher of C C means ls Lhe moLher of C and * C means
ls Lhe slsLer of C Whlch of Lhe followlng means M ls Lhe maLernal uncle of 8 lf you can
assume a Lhlrd person k Lo be lnvolved ln esLabllshlng Lhe relaLlonshlp?
(a) Mk* (b) M+k*8 (c) M+k8 (d) M+k+8
ulrecLlons for C 12 13 8efer Lo Lhe followlng lnformaLlon and answer Lhe followlng quesLlons
A 8 C and u are four ladles who are frlends of LllzabeLh Cn one SaLurday Lhe four of Lhem
vlslLed LllzabeLh aL her weekend geLaway
l 1he Llme of each vlslL was as follows A aL 8 C'clock 8 aL 9 C'clock C aL 10
C'clock and u aL 11 C clock
ll AL leasL one woman vlslLed LllzabeLh beLween A and 8
lll AL leasL one of C or u vlslLed LllzabeLh before A
lv C dld noL vlslL LllzabeLh beLween 8 and u
12 Who vlslLed LllzabeLh flrsL?
(a) A (b) 8 (c) C (d) u
13 Who vlslLed LllzabeLh lasL?
(a) A (b) 8 (c) C (d) lnsufflclenL daLa
ulrecLlons for C 14 Lo 19 8efer Lo Lhe followlng llne charLs and answer Lhe followlng quesLlons
1he Lwo llne charLs provlde Lhe flucLuaLlon of Lhree lnLernaLlonal currencles uollar ound and
Lhe ueuLche Mark durlng Lhe slx monLh perlod !uly Lo uecember of a parLlcular yearuollar/ound
Lxchange 8aLe
!ul Aug Sep CcL nov uec
uollar/ ound
uM/uolar Lxchange 8aLe
1 34
1 36
1 38
1 42
1 44
1 46
1 48
1 32
!ul Aug Sep CcL nov uec
14 ln whlch monLh was Lhe uM/ound exchange raLe Lhe hlghesL?
(a) SepLember (b) AugusL (c) uecember (d) november
13 8eLween whlch Lwo monLhs was Lhe fall ln uM/ound exchange raLe Lhe lowesL?
(a) novuec (b) AugSep (c) CcLnov (d) !ulAug
16 lf l wanLed Lo purchase ounds uslng ueuLsche Marks ln whlch monLh could l have
purchased Lhe maxlmum number of pounds for uM 120?
(a) november (b) AugusL (c) !uly (d) uecember17 lf one uollar cosL 8s 48 how many Lones of 1ea
should lndla exporL Lo uS Lo earn an
exporL lncome of $ 100 mn lf Lhe cosL per kg of Lea ls 8s 64?
(a) 7300 Lonnes (b) 73000 Lonnes
(c) 73 lakh Lonnes (d) none of Lhese
18 lf one uM ls equal Lo 8s 30 how many 8upees would l have goL by converLlng 10
ounds Lo dollars and Lhe dollars Lo uM and uM Lo 8upees ln Lhe monLh of AugusL?
(a) 8s 7480 (b) 8s 724 (c) 8s 74780 (d) Can'L be deLermlned
19 WhaL was Lhe hlghesL change ln Lhe exchange raLe flucLuaLlon of uolalr/ound ln Lhls
slx monLh perlod?
(a) 260 (b) 274 (c) 122 (d) 196
ulrecLlons for C 20 21 8efer Lo Lhe followlng lnformaLlon and answer followlng quesLlons
Speaker 1he greaL ma[orlLy of people ln Lhls clLy have access Lo Lhe besL medlcal care avallable any
where ln Lhe world
CpposlLlon 1here are Lhousand of poor ln Lhls clLy who cannoL afford Lo pay Lo see a
20 Whlch of Lhe followlng ls Lrue of Lhe opposlLlon's commenL?
(a) lL consLlLuLes a hasLy generallzaLlon on few examples
(b) lL clLles sLaLlsLlcal evldence whlch Lends Lo corroboraLe Lhe vlews of Lhe speaker
(c) lL Lrles Lo compare Lwo unrelaLed daLa and draws a conLrarlan concluslon
(d) lL ls noL necessarlly lnconslsLenL wlLh Lhe speaker's remarks
21 A posslble ob[ecLlon LhaL opposlLlon could have flelded Lo Lhe spearker's commenLs
would be Lo polnL Lo Lhe exlsLence of
(a) a clLy whlch has more docLors Lhan Lhls clLy
(b) a clLy ln whlch people are glven beLLer medlcal care Lhan Lhls clLy
(c) a clLy whlch has a hlgher per caplLa hosplLal bed Lhan Lhls clLy
(d) Lhe amounL spenL on medlcal lnsurance for people of Lhls clLy
ulrecLlon for C 22 Lo 23 8efer Lo Lhe dlagram below and answer Lhe followlng quesLlons
Shown below ls Lhe number of people worklng ln Lhe varlous levels of a Lop secreL nuclear planL
aL Pamshedpur
erlpherals 3422 lf Lhere are 333 people ln all worklng ln Lhe planL only 20 of whom work ln and
Lhe Lechnlcal layer Pow many work ln Lhe admlnlsLraLlon layer?
(a) 284 (b) 230 (c) 218 (d) 262
23 SecurlLy rules sLaLe LhaL Lhere musL be aL leasL 3 personnel ln and wlLhln Lhe securlLy layer
for every person ln Lhe core group Pow many people can Lhere be ln and wlLhln Lhe
securlLy layer lf Lhe LoLal of Lhe perlpheral and securlLy personnel musL noL be more Lhan
110 (for cosL purposes)?
(a) 40 (b) 32 (c) 38 (d) 30
24 lf Lhe number of people ln Lhe planL ls slashed by 13 30 of whlch ls ln Lhe perlpheral
layer resulLlng ln Lhe number of personnel ln LhaL layer dropplng Lo 42 whaL was Lhe
orlglnal number of employees ln Lhe planL?
(a) 240 (b) 120 (c) 180 (d) 160
23 lf only Lhe employees aL or ouLslde Lhe admlnlsLraLlon layer are Lhe ones who do noL need
an exLra securlLy clearance and lf Lhere are 360 people ln Lhe facLory and 48 people work
ln Lhe admlnlsLraLlon layer whaL percenLage of employees need securlLy clearance?
(a) 70 (b) 72 (c) 74 (d) 73
ulrecLlons for C 26 28 1hese quesLlons are based on Lhe followlng daLa
Mr and Mrs Sharma and Mr and Mrs CupLa durlng a plcnlc compeLed among Lhemselves for
Lhe chess crown Cverall 3 games were played on a knock ouL basls le afLer Lhe flrsL game was
declded Lhe loser was ellmlnaLed and wlnner played Lhe nexL game and so on
(a) Sharmas won less number of games Lhan CupLas
(b) 1he women won one game and Lhe men won Lwo games
(c) ln only Lhe flrsL game were Lhe Lwo players marrled Lo each oLher
26 Who dld noL lose a game?
(a) Mr Sharma (b) Mrs Sharma (c) Mr CupLa (d) Mrs CupLa
27 Who played won Lhe flrsL game?
(a) Mr Mrs Sharma Mr Sharma
(b) Mr Mrs CupLa Mr CupLa
(c) LlLher (a) or (b) Mr Sharma or Mr CupLa
(d) LlLher (a) or (b) Mrs Sharma or Mrs
28 Whlch was a allmen game?
(a) Second (b) 1hlrd
(c) LlLher Second or 1hlrd (d) 8oLh Second and 1hlrd
ulrecLlons for C 29 33 8efer Lo followlng passage
Slx parLlclpanLs ln Lhe naLlonal 8llllards Champlonshlp who played ln Lhe super slx sLage of Lhe
champlonshlp all belonged Lo dlfferenL sLaLes 1he slx sLaLes are Cu[araL Crlssa karnaLaka
MaharasLhra M and u 1he slx parLlclpanLs are aged 18 26 32 34 38 44 years (noL necessarlly
ln order)1 ravan ls Lhe oldesL whlle Laxman ls Lhe youngesL player
2 layer from M ls aged 32
3 Mlnal comes from Crlssa buL Laxman ls noL from Cu[araL
4 anka[ and kunal belong Lo karnaLaka and u resp 1hey are noL aged 38 or 18
3 Aslm 32 ls noL from MaharashLra or Cu[araL
6 Mlnal Laxman and anka[ are nelLher Lhe oldesL nor ln Lhelr LwenLles
29 Whlch of Lhe followlng sLaLemenLs musL be Lrue?
(a) ravln 44 ls from Crlssa (b) kunal 26 ls from M
(c) anka[ 26 ls from karnakaLa (d) Laxman 18 ls from MaharashLra
30 Whlch of Lhe followlng sLaLemenLs musL noL be Lrue?
(a) ravln 44 belongs Lo Cu[araL (b) anka[ 36 belongs Lo karnaLaka
(c) Aslm 32 belongs Lo Crlssa (d) Laxman 18 belongs Lo MaharasLhra
31 ravln belongs Lo Lhe sLaLe of
(a) Cu[araL (b) Crlssa (c) MaharashLra (d) none of Lhese
32 Whlch player ls aged 34?
(a) kunal (b) anka[ (c) ravln (d) kunal or anka[
33 Whlch player ls ln hls 20s?
(a) Mlnal (b) anka[ (c) kunal (d) ravln
ulrecLlons for C 34 36 ulrecLlons for quesLlons 26 Lo 32 8ead Lhe followlng lnformaLlon and
answer Lhe quesLlons glven afLer LhaL accordlngly
a 1here ls a group of slx persons Angapoora 8akralu Chapargan[u urakula Lngumakora and
lasoolara from a famlly 1hey are rofessor Clerk 1rader 1allor Surgeon and lloL
b 1he Surgeon ls Lhe grandfaLher of lasoolara who ls a rofessor
c 1he clerk 'urakula' ls marrled Lo Angapoora
d Chapargan[u Lhe 1allor ls marrled Lo Lhe 1rader
e 8akralu ls Lhe moLher of Lngumakora and lasoolara
f 1here are Lwo marrled Lo couples ln Lhe famlly
34 WhaL ls Lhe professlon of Lngumakora?
(a) Surgeon (b) Clerk (c) rofessor (d)lloL (e) none of Lhese
33 Pow ls Angapoora relaLed Lo Lngumakora?
(a) 8roLher (b) uncle (c) laLher (d) CrandfaLher (e) none of Lhese
36 Pow many male members are Lhere ln Lhe famlly?
(a) Cne (b) 1hree (c) lour (d) uaLa lnadequaLe (e) none of Lhese
ulrecLlons for C 37 Lo 40 Conslder Lhe followlng sLaLemenLs where every person geLs exacLly
one dlfferenL dlsh
1 8la wlll noL geL soup unless !aneL geLs hoL coffee
2 Cla wlll noL geL gums unless veena geLs soup
3 veena wlll noL geL Lea unless Cla geLs soup4 !aneL wlll noL geL gums unless 8la geLs hoL coffee
3 !aneL wlll noL geL hoL coffee unless veena geLs gums
6 Cla wlll noL geL hoL coffee unless 8la geLs Lea
7 Cla wlll noL geL Lea unless 8la geLs hoL coffee
8 8la wlll noL geL hoL coffee unless Cla geLs soup
9 veena wlll noL geL gums unless 8la geLs Lhe hoL coffee
10 !aneL wlll noL geL Lea unless 8la geLs gums
11 Cla wlll noL geL soup unless 8la geLs gums
37 Who geLs gums?
(a) 8la (b) Cla (c) !aneL (d) veena
38 Who geLs soup?
(a) !aneL (b) veena (c) Cla (d) 8la
39 Who geLs hoL coffee?
(a) Cla (b) veena (c) 8la (d) !aneL
40 Who does !aneL geL?
(a) PoL coffee (b) Soup (c) Cums (d) 1ea
41 ulleep MarLln and Salman marrled 8an[ana vldlsha and karuna (noL necessarlly ln LhaL
order) Lach of Lhe couples has a son Lhelr names belng SaumlLra Shyam and Subhash
l 8an[ana marrled slx monLhs before karuna dld
ll Salman was flrsL Lo marry ulleep Lhe lasL Al Lhe marrlages Look place ln 1998
beLween lebruary (monLh of flrsL marrlage) and SepLember (monLh of lasL
lll none of Lhe couples had a chlld wlLhln one year of Lhelr marrlage
lv SaumlLra was born wlLhln 16 monLhs of hls parenLs' weddlng Pe was noL born
beLween AugusL !anauary boLh monLhs lncluslve
v karuna's son was born wlLhln 16 monLhs of her marrlage and vldlsha's exacLly
24 monLhs afLer Lhe marrlage
vl Subash was born an Amerlcan clLlzen ln !anuary
Who are SaumlLra's parenLs
(a) ulleep8an[ana (b) Salmankaruna
(c) MarLln8an[ana (d) MarLlnkaruna
42 SangL krlpalchand had been preachlng dally how lmporLanL lL was noL Lo Lell a lle AL
lasL SeLh !huLhamal declded Lo heed SanL's Leachlng So henceforLh he would noL Lell a
lle on Monday Wednesday 1hursday and SaLurday on oLher days he would conLlnue Lo
Lell lles only
resenLly a cusLomer comes Lo hls [ewellery shop and SeLh !uLhamal Lles Lo close a sales
8uL whaL ls Lhe guaranLee LhaL Lhe [ewellery ls of speclfled parlLy" Lhe cusLomer asks
lor Loday ls 1uesday Lhe SanL[l's beloved day when l don'L speak a lle
WhaL lf l make purchase Lomorrow" Lhe cusLomer enqulres
1omorrow may be Loo laLe as belng SaLurday l may lle LhaL day" lnslsLed SeLh [l
So Lhls ls how Lhe conversaLlon Look place
WhaL could be Lhe day of Lhls conversaLlon?(a) lrlday (b) 1uesday (c) Sunday (d) Any one of Lhese
43 Lvery monLh Chess lederaLlon of lndla publlshes ranklng of lndlan Chess layers 1hey
acLually complemenL Lhe lluL llsLs whlch are broughL ouL aL longer lnLervals lL was seen
observlng monLhly llsLs for lasL Lear LhaL Lop slx players ln Lhe llsL remalned same
LhroughouL Lhe year buL Lhere was conslderable muLual change of ranklngs among Lhese
slx 1hus ranklng for !anuary 2003 as follows
!anuary 2003 was as follows
1 Parlkrlshna 2 u 8arua 3 k Pumpy
2 S Chanda 3 k 8amesh 6 SS Cangull
1he llsL of ranklngs for leb 2003 had an enLlrely dlfferenL look wlLh each of Lhe slx ranked
ln a poslLlon from Lhe prevlous one 1he followlng facLs are known
1 no one else had hls/her ranklng changed by as many places as u 8arua whose
change ln ranklng was Lhe greaLesL of Lhe slx
2 1he producL of Chanda's ranklng for Lhe Lwo monLhs was Lhe same as producL of
Cangull's ranklng for Lhe Lwo monLhs
Who was ranked 3Lh
ln Lhe llsL for lebruary 2003
(a) Parlkrlshna (b) u 8arua (c) k Pumpy (d) none of Lhese
44 ln Lhe followlng sum
l l l xxx
+ C C C +???
! k LM !kLM
where each of Lhe dlfferenL leLLers sLand for a dlfferenL dlglLs L sLands for
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) none of Lhese
ulrecLlons for C 43 46 8efer Lo Lhe followlng daLa
1here are four bags on a shelf all ln a sLralghL horlzonLal llne Lach bag conLalns a palr of socks
and a Lle no bag conLalns a palr of socks and Lle Lhe same colour as Lhe bag or each oLher All
four bags palrs of socks and Lles are elLher red green blue or yellow no Lwo bags are Lhe same
colour no Lwo Lles are Lhe same colour and no Lwo palrs of socks are Lhe same colour
1he red Lle ls ln Lhe bag nexL Lo Lhe bag conLalnlng Lhe palr of green socks 1he yellow socks are ln
Lhe bag nexL Lo Lhe green bag whlch ls nexL Lo Lhe bag conLalnlng Lhe green Lle 1he bag on Lhe far
lefL ls red 1he blue socks are ln Lhe bag nexL Lo Lhe bag conLalnlng Lhe blue Lle 1he yellow bag ls
nexL Lo Lhe blue bag whlch ls nexL Lo Lhe bag conLalnlng Lhe red socks 1he green Lle ls ln Lhe blue
bag or Lhe yellow bag 1he yellow Lle ls noL ln Lhe red bag whlch ls noL and ls noL nexL Lo Lhe bag
conLalnlng Lhe yellow socks
43Whlch bag ls Lhe rlghL mosL?
(a) ?ellow (b) Creen (c) 8lue (d) ?ellow or 8lue
46Whlch comblnaLlon of bag Lle and socks (ln LhaL order) ls ln Lhe exLreme lefL?
(a) 8ed 8lueCreen (b) 8edCreen?ellow
(c) 8ed?ellow8ed (d) 8ed?ellow?ellowulrecLlons for C 47 48 8efer Lo Lhe followlng daLa
ln a clLy sLaLe governmenL offlclals never Lell Lhe LruLh and Lhose who are noL governmenL
offlclals always Lell Lhe LruLh A vlslLor meeLs Lhree resldenLs of Lhe clLy sLaLe and asks one of
Lhem" Are you a governmenL offlclal?"
1he flrsL resldenL answer Lhe quesLlon 1he second naLlve Lhen reporLs LhaL Lhe flrsL resldenL
denled belng a governmenL offlclal 1he Lhlrd resldenL says LhaL Lhe flrsL resldenL ls a governmenL
47 Pow many of Lhese Lhree resldenLs are noL governmenL offlclals?
(a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) lnsufflclenL daLa
48 WhaL ls Lhe order ln whlch Lhe Lhree resldenLs sLaLemenLs are Lrue/false
(a) 1rue 1rue lalse (b) lalse lalse 1rue
(c) 1rue 1rue 1rue (d) lnsufflclenL daLa
49 ln a baLch of 120 posLgraduaLe PlsLory sLudenLs each sLudenL has Lo selecL aL leasL one
sub[ecL ouL of Amerlcan PlsLory AnclenL lndlan PlsLory Modern lndlan PlsLory and
PlsLory of Modern Lurope 90 sLudenLs selecLed PlsLory of Modern Lurope and an equal
number Amerlcan PlsLory 103 sLudenLs selecLed AnclenL lndlan PlsLory and an equal
number Modern lndlan PlsLory A1 leasL how many sLudenLs selecLed all Lhe four
(a) 73 (b) 43 (c) 30 (d) lnsufflclenL daLa
ulrecLlons for CuesLlon 30 Lo 31 Answer Lhe quesLlons on Lhe basls of Lhe lnformaLlon glven
below Age ConsulLanLs have Lhree consulLanLs Cyanl Medha and 8udhl 1he sum of Lhe number
of pro[ecLs handled by Cyanl Medha and 8udhl lndlvldually ls equal Lo Lhe number of pro[ecLs ln
whlch Medha ls lnvolved All Lhree consulLanLs are lnvolved LogeLher ln 6 pro[ecLs Cyanl works
wlLh Medha ln 14 pro[ecLs 8udhl has 2 pro[ecLs wlLh Medha buL wlLhouL Cyanl and 3 pro[ecLs
wlLh Cyanl buL wlLhouL Medha 1he LoLal number of pro[ecLs for new Age ConsulLanLs ls one less
Lhan Lwlce Lhe number of pro[ecLs ln whlch more Lhan one consulLanL ls lnvolved
30 WhaL ls Lhe number of pro[ecLs ln whlch Medha alone ls lnvolved?
(a) unlquely equal Lo zero (b) unlquely equal Lo 1
(c) unlquely equal Lo 4 (d) Can'L be deLermlned unlquely
31 WhaL ls Lhe number of pro[ecLs ln whlch Cyanl alone ls lnvolved?
(a) unlquely equal Lo zero (b) unlquely equal Lo 1
(c) unlquely equal Lo 4 (d) Can'L be deLermlned unlquely
ulrecLlons for CuesLlons 32 Lo 36 8efer Lo Lhe daLa below and answer Lhe quesLlons LhaL follows
All Lhe roads of clLy Z are elLher perpendlcular or parallel Lo one anoLher 1he roads are all
sLralghL 8oad A 8 C u and L are parallel Lo one anoLher 8oads C P l P ! k L and M are
parallel Lo one anoLher l 8oad A ls 1 mlle easL of road 8
ll 8oad 8 ls 1/2 mlle wesL of C
lll 8oad u ls 1 mlle wesL of L
lv 8oad C ls 1/2 mlle souLh of P
v 8oad l ls 1 mlle norLh of !
vl 8oad k ls 1/2 mlle norLh of L
vll 8oad k ls 1 mlle souLh of M
32 Whlch of Lhe followlng sLaLemenLs ls necessarlly Lrue?
(a) l ls 1 mlle norLh of L (b) u ls 2 mlles wesL of 8
(c) L and 8 lnLersecL (d) M ls 13 mlles norLh of L
33 lf L ls mldway beLween 8 and C Lhen whlch of Lhe followlng sLaLemenL ls false?
(a) u ls less Lhan 1 mlle from 8
(b) C ls less Lhan 13 mlles from u
(c) ulsLance from L Lo 8 added Lo dlsLance of L Lo C ls 1/2 mlle
(d) u ls 2 mlles wesL of A
34 Whlch of Lhe followlng posslblllLles would make Lwo roads colnclde?
(a) L ls 1/2 mlle norLh of l
(b) u ls 1/2 mlle easL of A
(c) l ls 1/2 mlle norLh of k
(d) C ls 1 mlle wesL of u
33 lf x ls parallel Lo l x ls 1/2 mlle souLh of ! l norLh of C Lhen whlch road would be Z
mlle aparL?
(a) l and x b (c) x and P
(c) ! and C d (d) ! and P
36 lf road L ls mldway beLween 8 and C Lhen Lhe dlsLance beLween A and u ls
(a) 1/2 mlle (b) 1 mlle
(c) 173 mlles (d) 23 mlles
ulrecLlons for CuesLlon 37 Lo 39 8efer Lo Lhe daLa and answer Lhe quesLlons Lhe follow
(l) A 8 C u L and l are slx members of a group CuL of Lhese 3 are males and 3 are
(ll) 1here are 2 elecLrlclans 2 lumbermen one Lelevlslon sLar and one draper ln Lhe
(lll) 8 L C and A are Lwo marrled couples each one havlng a dlfferenL professlon
(lv) L A Lelevlslon sLar wear a black gown ls marrled Lo a lumberman ln a brown
2 people wear black cloLhes 2 wear brown cloLhes and Lhe remalnlng people
wear blue and gray each
(v) 8oLh husbands and boLh wlves wear Lhe same coloured cloLhes respecLlvely
(vll) A ls a male elecLrlclan and u ls hls Lwln slsLer who ls also an elecLrlclan
(vlll) 8 ls a draper
37 Whlch of Lhe followlng are Lhe Lwo marrled ladles?
(a) L and C (b) 8 and C (c) 8 and L (d) C and u38 Who are Lhe marrled couples?
(a) AL 8C (b) A8 LC (c) AC 8L (d) none of Lhese
39 WhaL colour dress does Lhe unmarrled lady wear?
(a) 8lack (b) Crey (c) 8lue (d) Crey or 8lue
ulrecLlons for CuesLlons 60 Lo 63 Answer Lhe quesLlons afLer readlng Lhrough Lhe passage
Slx plays C 8 S 1 and u are Lo be held durlng Lhe week le from Sunday Lo SaLurday ln Lhe
day only one play can be shown and Lhe showlng of Lhe plays ls sub[ecL Lo Lhe followlng
l A Lwo day gap should exlsL beLween Lhe showlng of plays 1 and S
ll 1he showlng of u should be followed lmmedlaLely by Lhe showlng of 8
lll cannoL be shown on 1hursday
lv C should be shown on 1uesday and should noL be followed by S
v 1hese won'L be any play on day lrlday or Sunday ls noL LhaL day and [usL before
Lhls day S has Lo be shown
60 no play ls shown on
(a) Sunday (b) SaLurday (c) Monday (d) 1uesday
61 Cn whlch day wlll Lhe play 8 be shown?
(a) lrlday (b) SaLurday (c) 1hursday (d) Monday
62 Whlch play ls Lhe lasL one Lo be shown?
(a) S (b) 8 (c) (d) u
63 Pow many plays are shown beLween S and u?
(a) Cne (b) 1wo (c) 1hree (d) none of Lhese
ulrecLlons for CuesLlons 64 Lo 66 8efer Lo Lhe sequence below and answer Lhe quesLlons LhaL
2 z 3 ? 9 L r 2 m + 3 b 7 S
64 Pow many even numbers are locaLed ln even places from lefL Lo rlghL?
(a) 1wo (b) 1hree (c) Cne (d) none of Lhese
63 Pow many leLLers ln Lhe above sequence are lmmedlaLely preceded as well as
lmmedlaLely followed by numbers?
(a) Cne (b) (3) (c) 1hree (d) none of Lhese
66 1he elemenL locaLed Lhlrd Lo Lhe rlghL of Lhe LhlrLeen elemenL from Lhe rlghL ls
(a) r (b) L (c) 2 (d) 9SCLu1lCn
SLC1lCn 1
1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4 (b) 3 (a) 6 (a) 7 (b) 8 (a) 9 (b) 10 (b)
11 (a) 12 (a) 13 (b) 14 (a) 13 (d) 16 (a) 17 (c) 18 (b) 19 (b) 20 (b)
21 (b) 22 (d) 23 (b) 24 (b) 23 (c) 26 (a) 27 (d) 28 (d) 29 (d) 30 (a)
31 (c) 32 (a) 33 (d) 34 (a) 33 (c) 36 (b) 37 (d) 38 (a) 39 (d) 40 (b)
41(d) 42 (d) 43 (d) 44 (c) 43 (b) 46 (c) 47 (a) 48 (a) 49 (d) 30(b)
SLC1lCn 2
1 (c) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (a) 3 (c) 6 (d) 7 (c) 8 (a) 9 (d) 10 (b)
11 (a) 12 (a) 13 (c) 14 (b) 13 (c) 16 (b) 17 (b) 18 (b) 19 (c) 20 (c)
SLC1lCn 3
1 (c) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4 (d) 3 (c) 6 (c) 7 (a) 8 (d) 9 (a) 10 (c)
11 (c) 12 (b) 13 (d) 14 (d) 13 (c) 16 (d) 17 (c) 18 (c) 19 (c) 20 (d)
21 (c) 22 (c)
SLC1lCn 4
1 (c) 2 (d) 3 (b) 4 (a) 3 (b) 6 (d) 7 (d) 8 (d) 9 (b) 10 (c)
11 (c) 12 (b) 13 (c) 14 (b) 13 (a) 16 (d) 17 (b) 18 (c) 19 (a) 20 (d)
21 (d) 22 (b) 23 (b) 24 (a) 23 (d) 26 (b) 27 (b) 28 (b) 29 (a) 30 (c)
31 (c) 32 (a) 33 (c) 34 (d) 33 (d) 36 (d) 37 (a) 38 (c) 39 (b) 40 (d)
41 (d) 42 (c) 43 (b) 44 (d) 43 (b) 46 (a) 47 (c) 48 (d) 49 (c) 30 (b)
31 (d) 32 (d) 33 (d) 34 (c) 33 (b) 36 (c) 37(c) 38(b) 39(d) 60(c)
61(a) 62(c) 63(b) 64(c) 63(b) 66 ( a)SCLu1lCn
SLC1lCn 4
1 c
2 d
3 c lrom clues lv vl we conclude LhaL l C P are Lhe recrulLmenL agenLs LhaL should
be lncluded Pence only one comblnaLlon ls posslble
4 a
3 b lrom soluLlons 68 69 we know LhaL l C and 8 all can go wlLh C hence rlghL answer
should be (b)
ulrecLlons for 6 Lo 11 8efer Lo Lhe followlng Lable for Lhe followlng soluLlons
1he followlng Lable glves Lhe moves LhaL can be made for Lhe menLloned condlLlons 1he
underllned poslLlons lndlcaLe your poslLlon afLer nLh
Move Mlnlmum
8eachlng 3
0Lh 1 1 1 1 1
1sL 7 4 3 12 2 10 12
2nd 1 4 3 11 2 9 11 / 6
3rd 2 2 3

1oLal 3 20
6 d
7 c
8d 8y movlng a sLep anLlclockwlse ln Lhe flrsL move you reach aL 12 C'clock lrom here you
can reach
a 10'C Clock Lhrough 12 11 10
b 3 'C clock Lhrough 12 6 3
c 7 'C Clock Lhrough 12 6 7
8uL you cannoL reach 6 'C Clock Pence (4)
9 b
10 c ?our moLher's husband ? your faLher ?our faLher's slsLer ? your aunL So Lhe lady's
aunL ls Lhe man's aunL ? Lhe man and Lhe lady are broLher and slsLer
11 c M ls Lhe maLernal uncle of 8 means m ls Lhe broLher of 8's moLher (say k) le M + k 8
ulrecLlon for 12 Lo 13 8efer Lo Lhe followlng lnformaLlon for Lhe followlng soluLlons
We are glven LhaL A vlslLed aL 8 C'clock now from lll we conclude LhaL A vlslLed aL 8
pm now from l we concluded LhaL 8 has Lo vlslL aL 9 am oLherwlse nobody wlll be able
Lo vlslL ln beLween A 8 now lf u were Lo vlslL aL 11 pm Lhen condlLlon lv wlll geL
vlolaLed hence we concluded LhaL u vlslLed aL 11 am and C vlslLed aL 10 pm lrom here
all Lhe quesLlons are answered
12 b
13 c
ulrecLlons for 14 Lo 19 8efer Lo Lhe followlng lnformaLlon for Lhe followlng soluLlons
1he raLlo of Lhe values of uollar ound uM for !uly monLh are calculaLed as below
1able of exchange raLe flucLuaLlon beLween uM/ound durlng Lhe sex monLhs can be
calculaLed asuollar (uo) ound (o) uM MonLh
16 1
1 13
16 1 24 !uly
Slmllar approach ls applled Lo arrlve aL followlng Lable
uo o uM MonLh
164 1 24928 Aug
162 1 23976 Sep
138 1 22732 CcL
134 1 20944 nov
13 1 2083 uec
lrom Lhls all Lhe quesLlons can be answered
14 c ulrecLly looklng aL Lhe Lable
13 a ulrecLly looklng aL Lhe Lable
16 d 1o purchase maxlmum number of pounds
ounds uM raLlo should be maxlmum or
uM ounds raLlo should be mlnlmum
17 b 1he cosL per kg of Lea ls 8s 64 1herefore Lhe cosL per Lonne of Lea ls 64 x 1000
8s 64000
100 mn 8s 48 x 100 mn 8s 4800 mn 8s 4800 x 106
no of Lones of Lea LhaL needs Lo be exporLed
73000 Lonnes
18 c lrom Lhe Lable lL ls clear LhaL 10 ounds 24928 uM 8s 74784 ? 8s 74780
19 a PlghesL percenLage change was ln nov uec and was equal Lo
1 34
0 04

x 100 260
20d 8ecause Lhe mlnorlLy mlghL conslsL of Lhousand of people Lhe opposlLlon mlghL noL be
lnconslsLenL wlLh Lhe speaker's remarks
21 b
22 b lf 20 work ln Lhe Lechnlcal level and wlLhln LhaL means 80 are ln Lhe ouLer Lwo layers
? 8 of 333 284
lrom Lhls subLracL Lhe number of people ln Lhe perlpheral layer (34) Lo geL Lhe answer
23 a 1he number musL be equal Lo or more Lhan 36 conslderlng Lhe 3 securlLy personnel rule
? Cholces b and d are lnvalld
CuL of Lhe 110 people Lhere are already 34 ln Lhe perlpheral level Lhus Lhere cannoL be
more Lhan 36 ln Lhe securlLy level 1hls ellmlnaLes cholce c of 38 leavlng one cholce a
24 d A drop of 12 people ln perlpheral ls equlvalenL Lo 30 of Lhe compleLe layoffs whlch
Lhen musL be 12 x 2 24 whlch ls 13 of Lhe orlglnal populaLlon whlch musL be
24/03 160 Pence d
23 b 1he LoLal number of people who do noL need securlLy clearance are 34 + 48 102? ercenLage of
people who do need securlLy clearance
360 ? 102
100 ? 72
Pence b
C 26 28 lrom condlLlon # 1 and # 2 elLher
l Mr CupLa won one game Mrs CupLa won one game and Mr Sharma won one
game or
ll Mr CupLa won Lwo games and Mrs CupLa won one game or
lll Mr CupLa won Lwo games and Mrs Sharma won one game
lf l ls correcL Lhen lorm (3) Mr Sharma beaL Mrs Sharma ln Lhe flrsL game 1hen only
Mr Sharma could have losL Lo Mr CupLa or Mrs CupLa ln Lhe second game 1hen from
(3) no one could have played agalnsL Lhe lasL wlnner ln Lhe lasL game So l ls noL correcL
ll cannoL be correcL from (3)
So lll ls correcL lf Mrs Sharma won Lhe flrsL game Lhen she beaL Mr Sharma lnLhaL
game from (3) 8uL Lhen from (3) no one could have played agalnsL Mr CupLa ln Lhe
second game So Mr CupLa won Lhe flrsL game agalnsL Mrs CupLa from (1) 1hen Mr
CupLa beaL Mr Sharma ln Lhe second game 1he Mrs Sharma beaL Mr CupLa ln Lhe Lhlrd
game So only Mrs Sharma dld noL lose a game
26 b 27 b 28 a
Cs 29 33
29 d 30 c 31 a 32 b 33 c
Cs 34 36
34 b 33 b 36 d 37 a 38 c 39b 40 d
41 42 c 43 b 44 d 43c 46 a
4748 1he second resldenL always speaks LruLh (so noL a govL offlclal) llrsL speaker may speak
LruLh (lS noL denles belng a govL offlclal) or may Lell a lle (ls a govL offlclal buL denles
belng one) ln elLher case denylng belng a govL offlclal lf flrsL resldenL speaks LruLh Lhe
Lhlrd one Lells a lle and vlceversa
47 c 48 d
49 (3) PlsLory of Modern Lurope (PML) + Amerlcan PlsLory (AP) 90 + 90 180 buL Lhere
are only 120 sLudenLs 1hus aL leasL 60 sLudenLs selecLed boLh of Lhe above sub[ecLs PML
and AM + AnclenL lndlan PlsLory (AlP) 60 + 103 163 1hus agaln as Lhere are only
120 sLudenLs aL leasL 43 would have Laken all Lhree of above uslng Lhe same loglc (43 +
103) 120 30 sLudenLs aL leasL would selecL all Lhe four sub[ecLs
30 b 31 d
32d 8y condlLlons (vl) and (vll) LogeLher (4) ls necessarlly Lrue Pence (d)
33d lf L ls mldway beLween 8 and C Lhen Lhe dlsLance beLween 8 and L ls x mlle and
beLween L and C ls x mlle 1hen (a) ls Lrue by condlLlon (lll) (b) ls Lrue by condlLlons
and (ll) and (lll) (c) ls Lrue by condlLlon (ll) (d) ls false as Lhe dlsLance from u Lo L ls 1
mlle L Lo C ls x mlle and C Lo A ls Z mlle whlch ls less Lhan 2 mlles Pence (d)
34c 8y condlLlons (vl) and (vll) opLlon (b) wlll make Lwo roads colnclde
33b ulagrammaLlcally represenLlng daLa ln quesLlon and condlLlons (lv) and (v) ! and P wlll
be Z mlle aparL Pence (b)l
1 mlle
03 mlle
P 1 mlle
C 03 mlle
36c As explalned ln ! 117
lor answers Lo quesLlons 37 Lo 39 1he glven lnformaLlon can be LabulaLed as follows
Males lemales
name rofesslon uress colour name rofesslon uress colour
A LlecLrlclan 8rown Marrled Lo 8 uraper 8lack
C Lumberman 8rown Marrled Lo L 1elevlslon
l Lumberman Crey/blue u LlecLrlclan 8lue/gray
now all Lhe quesLlons can be answered
37c 1he marrled ladles are 8 and L
38b 1he marrled couples are A8 and CL
39d 1he unmarrled lady le u wears a gray/blue coloured dress
lor CuesLlons 60
Sun Mon 1ue Wed 1hu lrl SaL
S no lay C 1 u 8
now we can answer all Lhe quesLlons
60c no play ls shown on Monday Pence (3)
61a lay 8 ls shown on lrlday
62c 1he lasL play Lo be shown ls
63b 1wo plays are shown beLween S and u
64c '2' ls locaLed on Lhe 8Lh
63b 'a' and 'b' are Lhe 2 leLLers LhaL are lmmedlaLely preceded as well as followed by
66c 1he 13Lh
elemenL from Lhe rlghL ls '9' 1hlrd Lo Lhe rlghL or '9' ls (2)

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