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Orange Coast College Business, Computing, & Career Education Division CS/CIS Department Instructor: Martha Malaty

CIS A182 (Introduction to Database concepts) Week 01 Course Orientation

CIS 182 - Course Orientation

Hello, my name is Martha Malaty and this is the course orientation for CIS 182, Database Concepts. This class runs for 16 weeks. This semester, the class is taken on-campus. We will meet each Thursday from 6 to 10:15 pm. You can learn about what will be given each week in the classs schedule. In addition, if you need any answers to any question, you are always welcome to come and meet with me during my office hours. Please check my office hours for the current semester on my main home page . This course is part of the Orange Coast College's Database Developer and Administration Certificate programs. A grade of "C" or more is required in all courses to be able to get the certificate. This course can also be taken on a credit/no credit (CR/NCR) basis, in which case it will not be counted towards the certificates. CIS 182 is the first course to be taken for both certificates. For a complete list of the college certificates of Completion and Achievement, check the College Online Catalog. How well you do in this course depends, to a certain extent, on how much time you are willing to put in. This course is 4 unit-course. You should plan on spending about 2 hours a week working outside of class for each course lecture hour/unit. You will spend that time reading, studying, and working on homework and project assignments. Blackboard Online Environment The class will be conducted through Blackboard online environment. If you are not already familiar with it, click here to go to the Orange Coast Online Central and follow the steps at the bottom of the page to be able to work with the class. To get familiar with using Blackboard Vista, Click on the link to the left with title " Blackboard Vista Student Tutorial" and follow the tutorial. Course Information CIS182 is an introductory course in design and manipulation of database systems that usually deal with very large amounts of data. The most popular approach used to organize and ask questions about data is the Relational approach that uses a two-dimensional table (called a relation) as its primary structure. Most of commercial database systems adopt the relational model. In this course we will cover the main definitions of the relational model and how to represent the model using the Entity-Relationship (E-R) Model or Diagram (ERD). We will also learn how to convert E-R models to relations or tables and to connect the tables to create an integrated database. To manipulate the tables within the database, we use a special language called Structured Query Language (SQL). We will have a brief and fast introduction to SQL but the details of SQL will be covered in the following course (CIS 183).

CIS A182 Week 01 Class Orientation

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Martha Malaty- 2008.

Orange Coast College Business, Computing, & Career Education Division CS/CIS Department Instructor: Martha Malaty

CIS A182 (Introduction to Database concepts) Week 01 Course Orientation

Here is the official course description from the OCC catalog: Introduction to database concepts, design, implementation, and management. Includes introduction to relational database, database modeling using ERD and UML, normalization, structured query language SQL, client/server database systems, and data warehousing. Provides preparation for students seeking Oracle Developer and/or DBA Certification.

Students learning outcomes: by the completion of the class you will be able to: 1. Design a database by identifying business rules and incorporating them into an integrated EntityRelationship data model. 2. Apply the steps taken in database implementation, testing, and evaluation to develop a data model Learning Objectives: Upon successful completion of the course, you should be able to: Explain the system development life cycle (SDLC) and the role of applying database life cycle (DBLC) in creating successful database systems. Define database management systems (DBMS), types of database models. Describe how to use Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) components and E-R modeling tools in database design and implementation. Demonstrate how to develop a database and translate business rules into ERD segments. Describe the entity relationship model components including: entities, relationships, dependencies, and cardinality using the standard notations. Describe the normal forms and use the normalization process in designing a non-redundant logical data model. Translate business rules into a logical entity relationship diagram. Convert entity relationship diagram into physical data model diagram. Define the basic commands and functions of SQL, demonstrate the execution of DML and DDL commands, create views and discuss the creation of triggers and stored procedures. Learning Material David M. Kroenke & David auer: "Database Processing. Fundamentals, Design, and Implementation", 11th Edition, Pearson/Prentice-Hall, 2009, ISBN-10: 0132302675 or ISBN-13: 9780132302678. See also the Companion Website for more material (Include online chapters, Appendixes, Student Data files, Glossary). (Optional) Elmasri & Navathe: "Fundamentals of Database Systems", 5th Edition, Addison Wesley, 2007, ISBN-10: 0321369572, ISBN-13: 9780321369574.

CIS A182 Week 01 Class Orientation

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Martha Malaty- 2008.

Orange Coast College Business, Computing, & Career Education Division CS/CIS Department Instructor: Martha Malaty

CIS A182 (Introduction to Database concepts) Week 01 Course Orientation

(Optional) Rob & Coronel: "Database Systems. Design, Implementation, and Management", 8th Edition, Course Technology, 2009, ISBN-10: 1423902017 ISBN-13: 9781423902010. You might find a current or a previous edition of both optional books in OCCs library. Depending on availability, you can either borrow or use them inside the library. In addition to the online lecture notes and the textbook, OCC has an academic agreement with Oracle that will allow you to have access to their material from the Oracle Academy (formerly called Oracle Academic Initiative or OAI). In addition, you should register yourself in the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) to have access to more material and/or software. The registration is free.

Software Used During the semester, we will use MS Visio for drawing the ER diagrams, Access to get used to the database capabilities, and Oracle to learn some SQL. MS Access You will need to use Microsoft Access 2003 (or 2007) for the first couple of weeks until you have Oracle installed and know how to work with it. I assume that most of you have Microsoft Office installed on your home or work computers. If not, you can come and work at the Computing Center or you can purchase Office Professional 2003 (or now 2007) for around $80. This price is only for community college students as part of the agreement with Foundation for California Community Colleges. You can go to College Buys to order with the reduced prices. MS Visio 2003 (or 2007) Visio is a Computer-aided Software Engineering (CASE) tool that is used to help you create drawing for many applications. Construct ER diagrams is just one of its many possibilities. If you don't have Visio, you can either work at the computing center or purchase it for about $41 from the College Buys as well. Here are some online tutorials on Visio:

Course Technology has a very useful step-by-step tutorial of building ERDs. Online University. This site includes more general video tutorials. University of Texas Introduction to Visio 2003. This includes both printed and flash video tutorials. Computer Software Training also contains many general video tutorials. Online Training Library is another source for video presentations. ORM This one includes some PDF files directed towards database modeling.

As you see, you have a good amount of online material that you can make use of. What I expect from you is to follow at least what is offered by course technology tutorials.

CIS A182 Week 01 Class Orientation

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Martha Malaty- 2008.

Orange Coast College Business, Computing, & Career Education Division CS/CIS Department Instructor: Martha Malaty

CIS A182 (Introduction to Database concepts) Week 01 Course Orientation

ERwin Your textbook uses ERwin Data Modeler. You can download it for a 60 days trial, but otherwise it is very expensive ( $3,995.00). I would rather work with Visio, since the 60 days is not enough to cover the whole semester work. Oracle We are going to use Oracle 10g. Since Fall 2008, you can connect to Oracle Server from home. You need to get a user name and password to be able to connect to the server. I will give you that at the first day of class. In case that the server does not work for any reason, you can either work at the Computing Center or download and install the software on your computer. There will be some designated machines with Oracle installed. You can ask the front desk to know which machines you can use. There are two versions of Oracle that you can download: Oracle 10g Express Edition is very easy to install and consumes less memory. You can install this on your home machine. You can also see a flash video on how to install. Thanks to Raul, our IT specialist, for preparing this presentations for you. You can also download and install the Oracle 10g Enterprise Edition. I composed a small installation document with the help of some of the online material that you can download and print. Raul has also made an installation flash video that is very easy to follow. Oracle 11g Enterprise Edition, Release 2: at I encourage you at the beginning to install the Oracle 10g Express version only for this semester to avoid messing up your computer. System Requirements To complete the online coursework, you must work on a computer that has the following: Internet access Windows XP or Vista ( I did not try it with Windows 7 yet). Office 2003 (or 2007) Professional. We will need MS Access and Visio, Flash player and sound to listen to some of the videos we are using. If you are going to install Oracle, check the minimum requirement for Oracle from the download website. I will assume that all of you already have Internet access at home and/or work. But just in case that some of you don't have that, you can use the computers in the Computing Centers open lab. You probably can't use a computer at a public library, because it normally wouldn't have the MS Office software installed on it. If you plan to use your computer at work, check with your IS/IT department to make sure your firewall will permit traffic on the ports that are used by Oracle; many do not.
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Martha Malaty- 2008.

Orange Coast College Business, Computing, & Career Education Division CS/CIS Department Instructor: Martha Malaty

CIS A182 (Introduction to Database concepts) Week 01 Course Orientation

Quizzes and Exams There are 2 timed exams in this class, one midterm and one final exam. The exams consist of multiplechoice and/or short-answer questions, taken from the material in your textbooks, the lecture, and from your homework assignments. After each chapter, you will take a quiz. Each quiz will be worth 20 points. There are 11 quizzes with total 220 points. I will count 10 quizzes towards your grade and will consider the eleventh quiz as extra credit. So the total quizzes will be out of 200 points. Homework and Projects The homework/project assignments for this class will be submitted electronically, using the "Assignment Drop-box" feature of Blackboard. For each chapter you will download the homework assignment sheet from the Web and a rubric showing you the points distribution. You can read more about the process of submitting your assignments by reading the assignments tutorial. You can submit the assignment by attaching the file then clicking on the submit button. You can also resubmit as many times as you like, as long as you click on the submit button before the deadline. Each week's work will be due by 5:55 before the beginning of the class of the following week. You must submit the homework by the assigned date and time. You will find the assignment deadline on the assignment page. No late homework assignments will be accepted, even a few minutes past the deadline. Each unit's homework is worth 20 or more points. There will be 14 homework assignments total. So your total points for the assignments will be out of 280 or more, with the last assignment points counted towards extra credit. Class Participation Some of the greatest learning resources at your disposal are the other students you will meet in this class. Take advantage of them; ask your classmates to help you with the material that you don't understand, or offer to help the ones who are struggling. If you find that you don't need any help, then still log on to the class discussion board, and help someone who does. To encourage you help each other, I want you to use the online discussion area to ask all of your technical questions, instead of sending me an email message. Let's keep email for "personal" correspondence. If you ask relevant questions on the discussion board, you will help all the other students who are having the same problem, but didn't think to ask. I will answer questions posted on the discussion board, after I have given your fellow students an opportunity to respond. I also read all of the messages on the discussion board, even if I don't reply. Late Work One of Murphy's laws says "if something can go wrong, it will". Try to keep this in mind as you plan your coursework. The network in the lab may be down, you may accidentally reformat your disk, you might have more difficulty with a problem than you expect, and, yes, your dog might even eat your homework.

CIS A182 Week 01 Class Orientation

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Martha Malaty- 2008.

Orange Coast College Business, Computing, & Career Education Division CS/CIS Department Instructor: Martha Malaty

CIS A182 (Introduction to Database concepts) Week 01 Course Orientation

Since all of these things can happen, you need to be prepared. The best preparation is to do your work early, not late, because I will not accept late work, period. Grading Letter Grade Criteria Tentative grade distribution Assignments and projects Quizzes 10, 20 points each + one extra. Midterm and Final: 150 points each. Estimated total points: 300 points 200+ points 300 points 800+ points A B C D F >= 90% 80 - 89% 65 - 79% 50 - 64% <= 49%

Attendance and Withdrawal Participation is an important part of this course, and missing lectures can impact your grade. If you miss two weeks of class sessions, you may be dropped without notice. Don't assume, though, that you will be automatically dropped if you fail to complete the material. It is your responsibility to withdraw from any class if you wish so. If you stop participating, yet fail to withdraw, you will receive a grade of 'F'. Please pay special attention to the OCCc Dates to Remember page. Every semester I have students who want to drop the class after the deadline to drop has already passed. Those students end up getting an 'F' in the class if they are unable to complete the coursework. I do not give Incomplete grades. Academic Honesty Learning about database concepts might require that you learn from the work of others. I encourage you to discuss various approaches to completing the homework with each other. Nevertheless, I still expect each of you to complete your assignments individually. In this regard, discussing the general method used to solve a problem is certainly acceptable, but please don't use the discussion board to ask for answers to quiz questions, and don't take another student's homework assignment and modify it. This is pretty easily detected. I expect you to maintain a high level of academic honesty. Work submitted without proper attribution will result in a lowered grade. Cheating on quizzes or exams will result in course failure. For more, follow the link to college catalog about Academic Honest and Disruptive Behavior. Disruptive Behavior You are entitled to an environment that encourages learning, as are all your fellow students. You should not behave in a manner that negatively impacts other class members. In a class room, such behavior includes hostile behavior such as yelling and screaming, as well as interrupting other students and attempting to inappropriately dominate the classroom. In an online class, disruptive behavior includes "flaming" or harassing email or discussion topic.

CIS A182 Week 01 Class Orientation

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Martha Malaty- 2008.

Orange Coast College Business, Computing, & Career Education Division CS/CIS Department Instructor: Martha Malaty

CIS A182 (Introduction to Database concepts) Week 01 Course Orientation

I expect all of you to be polite, respectful, and helpful to your fellow classmates. If, in my judgment, your behavior negatively impacts the rest of the class, you may be subject to disciplinary action. Disabilities If you have a disability that may impede your ability to successfully complete this course, you should contact the Special Services Center (432-5807 or 432-5604 TDD) not later than the first week of the course. Their staff will assist you in arranging accommodations that can help you meet course requirements. What will be covered? The following list is the chapter numbers and summaries of what will be covered in each of those chapters: 1. Ch01: Introduces database processing, the nature and characteristics of databases, the components of a database system, how are database designed, and the responsibilities of database developer versus database administrator. The chapter also includes a brief history of database processing. 2. Ch02: Introduction to SQL explains the two categories of SQL statements; DML and DDL. The chapter then concentrates on DML statements for querying data. 3. Ch03: The Relational Model and Normalization describes the three sources of database; from existing data, from development of a new system, or from redesign of existing database system. The chapter then concentrates on the first category. The chapter discusses the advantages and disadvantages of storing the data in one or more than one table and the cost of each alternative. Normalization is a very important issue in database design. The different normal forms are explained, as well as the process of converting the tables to reach the desired normal form. 4. Ch04: Database Design and Normalization applies the concepts learned in chapter 3 to design a database from existing data. 5. Ch05: Data Modeling with Entity-Relationship Modeling starts by analyzing user requirements, then creates a data model, or a blueprint, that meets the requirements. The data model is then transformed into database design. In the modeling process the entity-Relationship (ER) model is used. The chapter also explains the major elements of the ER model and its variations. 6. Ch06: Transforming Data Models into Database Designs from ER model. There are three tasks to be performed; replacing entities and attributes with tables and columns, representing relationships and maximum cardinalities by placing foreign keys, and representing minimum cardinalities by defining the actions to restrict activities on values of primary and foreign keys. 7. Ch07: SQL for Database Construction and Application Processing. This chapter describes more SQL DML statements (for inserting, modifying and deleting data), and DDL statements (for constructing database tables and other objects). It also describes how to create views, embed SQL statements into application programs, and triggers and stored procedures. More about that is covered in CIS 183 and CIS 184 classes. 8. Ch08: Database Redesign involves analyzing existing information system that evolved over time. The SQL statements to achieve that and common database redesign tasks are discussed.
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Martha Malaty- 2008.

Orange Coast College Business, Computing, & Career Education Division CS/CIS Department Instructor: Martha Malaty

CIS A182 (Introduction to Database concepts) Week 01 Course Orientation

9. Ch09: Managing Multiuser Databases introduces and discusses the major problems of a multiuser database. Features and functions for solving those problems are introduced. 10. Ch10: Managing Databases with Oracle will introduces the possible operating systems that Oracle can run on and about Oracle program suite and its different configurations, Oracle DBMS engine, Personal, Enterprise, Forms, Reports, Oracle Designer, Oracle SQL*Plus, and PL/SQL. More about that is offered in the other CIS 184, 185, 187, 188, and 189 classes. 11. Ch13: Database Processing for Business Intelligence (BI) Systems are information systems that assist managers in analyzing current and past activities to be able to predict future events and make decisions. BI falls into two major categories exist; reporting that sort, filter, group, and make calculations on operational data and data mining that performs complex statistical analyses on data. Reservation of Rights I reserve the right to change the syllabus or this orientation, including, without limitation, these policies, without prior notice.

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Martha Malaty- 2008.

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