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EIIects OI Smoking Activities

Various opinions prove that smoking is harmIul to human health. Every cigarette is lit, produces more than 4000 toxic
chemicals that are harmIul and can be Iatal. The contents oI cigarette smoke include radioactive material (polonium-
201) and the materials used in the paint (acetone), Iloor cleaner (ammonia), mothball (naphthalene), pesticides (DDT),
termite poisons (arsenic ), toxic gases (hydrogen cyanide) used in the "gas chamber oI death" Ior oIIenders under
sentence oI death, and more. However, the most important toxic or the most dangerous is the Tar, Nicotine and Carbon
Tar contains at least 43 chemicals known to cause cancer (carcinogens). Nicotine as heroin, amphetamines and
cocaine, which react in the brain and have an impact on system mesolimbik is claiming the main cause oI
addiction.Syndrome addiction to nicotine withdrawal symptoms shown by, tolerance and attraction, is probably greater
than the drug. A person who runs out oI cigarettes sometimes behaves as common disorders and in a very stressIul
one.ThereIore extremely diIIicult Ior anyone addicted to smoking kick the habit Ior good, except with serious eIIort
and the will oI God whatsoever. In addition to the addictive nature oI nicotine is also a major source oI risk oI heart
attacks, stroke, nerve, constricting blood vessels causing high blood pressure, symptoms oI numbness oI the Ieet,
Iingers, migraine, headaches, heartburn and muscle cramps.
Carbon Monoxide is a poisonous gas that is normally produced by vehicle exhaust. These gases aIIect the supply oI
oxygen to the tissues to become retarded and can eventually cause death iI the levels oI carbon monoxide in the body
more than 60. When the cigarette poison into the human body or animal, it will bring damage to each organ along
the route, starting Irom the nose, mouth, throat, respiratory tract, lungs, digestive tract, blood vessels, heart,
reproductive organs, until the channel and urinary bladder, when some oI the poisons out oI the body. Thus, carbon
monoxide can cause heart disease, lung cancer, sore throat, and lungs expand.
Poison will be Iiltered cigarettes in the kidneys and eliminated Irom the body through urine. In these processes, there is
another result oI the decomposition oI chemical poisoning cigarette smoke also damage the kidneys. Toxins in the
urine can also cause damage to the bladder. Poison due to smoking will also aIIect response to drugs ingested. It is
generally known smoking can aIIect the Iunction oI several groups oI enzymes in the liver and sometimes it may
intensiIy the side eIIects oI a drug. Smoking also allows a man to impotency.
Cigarette smoke inhaled by smokers or those around them can also be dangerous because it will enter the cavity oI the
mouth and nose through the throat to the lungs. Content oI cigarette smoke will cause tissue damage along the way in
this area. It can cause various diseases in the mouth, throat, lungs and cancer. The smoke passes through the airways
into the lungs and damage the bronchial tract, causing bronchitis, diseases oI the lungs. They can also damage the air
sacs in the lungs (alveoli) and causing disease emIisima. Inhaled cigarette smoke also passed through the digestive
tract and digestive tract and can cause various diseases in the esophagus, stomach and pancreas.
EIIects oI cigarette smoke on pregnant women is the like to produce underweight babies, birth oI premature babies, the
mother is more susceptible to cancer, reduced Iertility and early menopause. While the impact on small children is the
child more susceptible to asthma, lung inIections, lung growth in children and easily disturbed when he grows up
Cigarette prices are getting more expensive and a person willing to remove a lot oI money just to buy cigarettes that do
not value. This means that a person would be wasting his money as the students spend the school spending money
given by his parents to buy cigarettes, while spending the money to buy Iood at school.
Smoking among women is actually an extremely adverse impact on women. Women smokers have a higher rate oI
contracting lung cancer, breast, cancer oI the uterus, cervix and colon, as well as the Iertility rate 30 percent lower than
women who do not smoke. For women who smoke are Rook would be damaging their skin is not as smooth as they
expected oI their weight.
For pregnant women who smoke will cause the baby's weight may have three times lower than normal babies and a
higher risk oI complications and death in the Iirst year oI liIe. The quality oI breast milk also decreased iI the potential
mother started smoking when the baby in the womb. In addition, they can also cause miscarriage.
Smoked a cigarette size was 0.5 cm, and iI 20 cigarettes smoked per day will be equal to the length oI a meter. II a
smoker is smoking a lot more and is too heavy, the longer the cigarettes they take, the more short-lived they invited
disease. Compared with non-smokers will be more oI their longevity.
Thus, Irom the dangers oI tobacco or substances in cigarettes could be a negative eIIect on the smoking habits oI
practitioners as set out on various types oI diseases that can be suIIered by smokers. Among the types oI the disease is
janutng, lung cancer, uterine cancer, impotence and so on. in addition, smoking is also harmIul to pregnant women
because the baby is born will get tired, lower body weight than inIants oI normal and likely to get diseases, died in the
Iirst year oI liIe and so on.

(This is an example picture).

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