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The initial perception that Turner had about Cardullo is that he was smart, Iriendly
and a charismatic personality. Hence Turner anticipated that he would be given a Iree
hand in his marketing activities, thereby leading way to become the president within
two years. With this initial perception in mind, Turner decided to take up this
challenging role which had resulted otherwise as time progressed.

Description: Turner initially had a wrong perception about Cardullo whom he
thought would be very helpIul and supporting. It was due to the conIidence given to
Turner by Cardullo in the new job and opportunities that propelled Turner to take up
this job in Industrial Marketing which has not as lucrative as his earlier job in
customer sales. The error in perception was to due to Ialse commitments and oIIers
made by Cardullo to Turner which he never completed and hence made Turner to
think and regret his decision to join this organization.

Solution: The solution to the above problem would be to provide clear job
responsibilities to the employees as soon as the employee joins the organization and
clearly state the expectation oI the company Irom him. When the communication
process is not clear and transparent; conIlicts occur and leads to ineIIiciency in the
work process which is unhealthy Irom the organization`s view point.

2. Turner wasn`t introduced to his team members upon his joining the company owing
to the reason that all the members were pre-occupied with preparation oI quarterly
report. Thus Turner was not Iamiliarised with his team members to kick oII with
assuming his responsibilities.

Description: This a major issue as which led to a lot oI diIIiculties to Turner in
understanding the people in the organization as well as his job responsibilities in the
organization. Apart Irom this, he hopped on the work and responsibilities way too
soon beIore understanding the way the business is done in the organization. As a
result, on numerous occasion conIlicts broke out between him and Cardullo as they
both had diIIerent approach towards business.

Solution: Turner should have been given suIIicient time to Iirst understand the people
in the organization at the time oI joining. Had that happened, he would have been able
to understand the work culture in a better manner. Since it is vital Ior any employee to
understand the organizational culture in any new organization, Turner should have
been given suIIicient time to acquaint himselI with the business process oI the new
organization and only when he has good conIidence with the business process, he
should have been involved in any major business activity.

3. In spite oI the CEO, Alan Oliver`s, suggestion that Cardullo should spend Iull time at
MLI and let his staII run his group in San Diego. But Cardullo continued to spend halI
oI the week in each place. This had ultimately led to Turner involving himselI into
Industrial marketing which lagged excitement oI surveys, mass advertising and design
oI packaging tasks that he had enjoyed in his previous work place.

Description: Cardullo had promised him the kind oI autonomy he was seeking, and
hinted that Turner might eventually have executive potential beyond running MLI.
For now, the autonomy and challenge oI making major marketing decisions Iar
outweighed the less glamorous aspects oI industrial marketing. All this led to
dissatisIaction in the mind oI Turner as his current job description was diIIerent Irom
what he had signed on Ior. Cardullo had oIIered him a Iree hand in reorganizing the
marketing area, and had all but guaranteed that Turner would take over as president
within two years. Neither did he received the autonomy he was promised nor the
independence in decision making in the pricing department.

Solution: This problem is also resulting due to lack oI transparency oI job
responsibilities among the employees as discussed above. The solution to this
problem would also be to ensure the employees are made aware oI the job
responsibilities and the company`s expectation Irom him/her. Had this been
incorporated as a regular practice in MLI; major issues could have been easily

4. Despite the initial agreement that Turner had with Cardullo that he would spend his
initial months to get a Ioot hold in marketing. However as Cardullo was not in good
terms with the head oI sales, Tim Kelly, Turner was asked to take over the Sales` role
within 2 months Irom the date oI joining. With this pre-text, Cardullo insisted that
Kelly be removed Irom the organisation as he Iound him to be incompetent. On the
contrary, Turner Iound Kelly to be loyal and dependable and as a big asset to the
department. Hence Turner wanted to hold oII on Cardullo`s decision. (write on the
lines of initial tug-off between turner and cardullo and recommendations based on
This problem basically came up due to the misunderstanding that arised between
Cardullo and Jamie Turner and also the roles and responsibilities of Jamie were not
clearly defined. The solution to this could be that Jamie and Cardullo should have sat
together and sorted out the differences and Jamie should have demanded that what
actually are his roles and responsibilities. Also, Jamie should not have been
overloaded with the sales responsibility and Cardullo should have motivated Kelly as
he was actually an asset to the organi:ation.

5. Within Iew months oI Turner joining the organisation, he Iound that Cardullo was
very volatile and unpredictable, especially in the way he treated other senior
personnel like Tim. Cardullo used to get into Irequent outbursts even in staII meetings
and disgrace others in public. This was against Turner`s cardinal rule 'Praise in
public, censure in private. (Write on the lines of how to tackle such situations)

The solution of this particular problem can be that Cardullo should learn to control
his anger as it is not proper on his part to use inappropriate words and disgrace
others in public.

6. Turner embarked on price-cutting strategy to increase the sales volume and clear out
excessive and aging inventories. Though Turner had been vested with the Iull
autonomy over pricing, Cardullo had stormed into Turner`s oIIice and demanded an
explanation when he decided to approve an order at less than the break-even price to
tackle the problems relating to sales and managing inventories. This had Iurther
eroded relationship between Turner and Cardullo.

Before taking such an important decision Jamie Turner should have discussed the
issue with Cardullo and should have convinced him reasons of approving the order
below the breakeven point .Also, Cardullo should have asked for an explanation to
Jamie Turner politely and should have tried to understand the point of view of Jamie

. At the staII meeting, Cardullo inIormed Turner that he should release Tim Kelly once
a week to Kansas city to monitor their relationship with long term customers.
However as Turner was not receptive to this idea, contradicted with Cardullo which
again resulted into a heated argument.(write on the lines of reporting structure /
8. Cardullo, initially showed interest and enthusiasm towards the new idea oI mobile
lighting initiative` proposed by Turner. However when Turner worked on it and
submitted a detailed report on his Iindings with the proposal oI business plan, it was
straight turned by Cardullo stating that there weren`t any resources to manage this
business. This leIt Turner even more Irustrated.
9. Cardullo came up with the new pricing, which Turner Ielt would be detrimental to the
organisation as this would reduce the price oI goods that are in the luxury category
while increasing the prices oI products catered to the mass segment. When Turner
marked his protest against this new pricing scheme, it was again not considered Ior
revision and Cardullo was stubborn on his decision.
10.When Turner was giving a thought on the misunderstandings that he had with
Cardullo, he Iound out that Julie Chin & Cardullo were on the same side. Turner
understood that day to day happenings in Turner`s oIIice were communicated to
Cardullo by Chin. When Turner approached Chin to resolve the issue, it turned out to
be a heated argument leIt with no solution coming up out oI the discussion.
(Write on the lines of employee interaction & confidentiality of Turners pricing
decisions that need to be maintained. Escalation of issues to be maintained)
11.Jamie Turner had initially been considering himselI as a Job Hopper as he had
switched 2 jobs within three years as he wasn`t comIortable with the work
environment and also his ambitions did not match the job roles oIIered to him

n the end conclude by writing short term and long term recommendations for the
organisation / Jamie Turner about his future course of action.

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