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1ob/e Of contents

1 Introduct|on

2 C|oud Comput|ng

21 Impact of C|oud Comput|ng on 8us|ness
22 Impact of C|oud Comput|ng on Soc|ety
23 k|sks Invo|ved

3 Inf|atab|e Satcom Antennas

31 Impact of Inf|atab|e Satcom Antennas on 8us|ness
32 Impact of Inf|atab|e Satcom Antennas on Soc|ety

4 Conc|us|on

S keferences

2 C|oud Comput|ng

1he Cloud" sLands for lnLerneL based compuLlng resources as ofLen porLrayed ln
neLwork dlagrams So whaL ls cloud compuLlng? ls lL a new Lechnology? As Lhe name suggesLs lL ls a
compuLlng or Lo be more speclflc a neLworklng model where daLa or appllcaLlons are hosLed on Lhe
lnLerneL by dlfferenL vendors or servlce provlders and users can access and use lL as long as Lhey are
connecLed Lo Lhe web lL ls a new way of Lhlnklng or a new buslness model where everyLhlng ls a servlce
and glves a whole new spln Lo Lhe Servlce CrlenLed ArchlLecLure (SCA) ur aul SanL 1 of lnLerneL
1he besL parL of cloud compuLlng ls LhaL Lhe servlce offered ls more vlLal Lhan Lhe underlylng or
supporLlng hardware or lnfrasLrucLure 1he servlces can be ln Lhe form of SofLware laLform
lnfrasLrucLure or a comblnaLlon of Lhe Lhree on a payasyougo basls 1he servlce models employed on
Lhe cloud can be any of Lhe followlng Lhree
Software As A Serv|ce (SaaS) ls abouL provldlng sofLware soluLlons Lo Lhe cllenLs over Lhe
lnLerneL or cloud on a payperusebaslsWel Sun Chang!le Cuo Zhongbo !lang11he
cllenL ls noL lnLeresLed ln knowlng where Lhe appllcaLlons are execuLed or sLored Some
examples lnclude onllne webmall servlces llke CmallPoLmalleLc CusLomer 8elaLlons
ManagemenL appllcaLlons hosLed by Saleslorcecom and documenL edlLlng sofLware llke
Coogleuocs Leonard lrancls

9|atform As A Serv|ce (9aaS) Cloud servlce provlders offer cllenLs a plaLform as a servlce
where Lhey can use Lhe avallable developmenL Lools Lo creaLe Lhelr speclflc appllcaLlons
and deploy or run on lL Lxamples lnclude Coogle App and MlcrosofL Azure Leonard

Infrastructure As A Serv|ce (IAAS) As Lhe name suggesLs compuLer hardware
lnfrasLrucLure ls offered as a servlce where cllenLs can buy compuLlng power and sLorage
resources as per Lhelr demand AL Lhls level cllenLs can run any operaLlng sysLem Lhe
lnfrasLrucLue supporLs and can creaLe Lhelr own appllcaLlons based on Lhe operaLlng

sysLem selecLed Amazon LC and llexlscale are examples of slmllar servlce provlders
Leonard lrancls

CrganlzaLlons mlgraLlng Lo cloud can choose Lo deploy Lhelr appllcaLlons on a ubllc Cloud
LnvlronmenL or rlvaLe or ubllc or CommunlLy CrlenLed A prlvaLe cloud ls bulld and managed by an l1
deparLmenL of a company whereas a publlc cloud as Lhe name suggesLs ls run by a vendor CommunlLy
orlenLed ls where Lhe plaLform ls shared by a communlLy of companles who serve a slmllar cusLomer
base and share common buslness model Leonard lrancls

Source wwwflnanclalexecuLlvesorg

21 Impact of C|oud Comput|ng on 8us|ness
Cver Lhe pasL few years Lhere has been a surge ln buslnesses mlgraLlng Lhelr buslness Lo
cloud lL ls esLlmaLed LhaL by almosL 1 percenL of consumer and buslness daLa wlll reslde on Lhe
cloud and nearly oneLhlrd of all lnLerneL daLa wlll pass Lhrough Lhe cloud lnfrasLrucLureWorld
Lconomlc lorum1So whaL are Lhe reasons for Lhls paradlgm shlfL ln buslness model or how does
cloud compuLlng affecL buslnesses?


Accordlng Lo nlcholas C Carr nlcholas CCarr half of Lhe caplLal
lnvesLmenL of modern companles ls lnformaLlon and communlcaLlon Lechnologles(lC1)
relaLed A e8uslness survey conducLed by e8uslness WaLch of Lhe Luropean
Commlsslon glves a beLLer plcLure of Lhe average conLrlbuLlon of lC1 budgeL agalnsL LoLal
cosL by secLor (flgure ) lederlco LLro

llgure Average share of lC1 budgeL per secLor

Source hLLp//wwwebuslnesswaLchorg/key_reporLs/documenLs/L88pdf

Cloud compuLlng can effecLlvely reduce lC1 expendlLure requlred Lo compeLe ln Lhe ever
growlng and every demandlng compeLlLlve economy CrganlzaLlons need noL worry abouL
Lhe huge upfronL cosLs lnvolved Lo acqulre expenslve l1 lnfrasLrucLure lL can be a greaL
Lechnology leveler for new and exlsLlng SMLs(Small And Medlum LnLerprlse) where Lhey
can [usL hlre sLorage faclllLles and expenslve and hlgh performance compuLlng power so

as Lo glve Lhem an opporLunlLy Lo rlval even Lhe lorLune companles Add Lo LhaL Lhe
cosL of malnLalnlng a local l1 lnfrasLrucLure and you need a forLune AnoLher advanLage of
such a buslness model ls LhaL Lhe companles can lnvesL more on Lhelr core buslness
funcLlons and concenLraLe on whaL Lhey besL do

Cloud And 1he value Chaln

Cloud servlces can conLrlbuLe beLLer Lo Lhe value chaln of a company where lC1 ls
noL a core buslness Pere ls a flgure lllusLraLlng a classlc value chaln of a company
(wlLhouL lC1 as a conLrlbuLor) as suggesLed by MLorLer
orLer 1

A Classlc value Chaln as descrlbed MLorLer


ln Lhls age of lnformaLlon Lhe classlc value chaln obvlously has lLs shorL comlngs so lL ls
been glven a new dlmenslon by M Polweg and lk ll Polweg and ll where lC1
plays a huge role by conLrlbuLlng a loL Lo Lhe value chaln of a company 1he use of lnLerneL or cloud

allows a sLandalone lC1 resources of a company a compeLlLlve edge So here ls an exLended or
modlfled verslon of a value chaln where cloud servlces play a huge role Alaln van Poof1

An exLended value chaln by Alaln van Poof


ScalablllLy or LlasLlclLy

lL ls a buslness model whlch allows scallng compuLlng resources accordlng Lo
Lhe demand and makes lL easy Lo manage Lhese resources lor example ln case of a
reLaller llke 1esco Lhey do noL have Lo worry abouL runnlng ouL of compuLlng resources
durlng Lhe ChrlsLmas season when Lhey sell mosL lf Lhey have a cloud cenLrlc buslness
model Lhey can easlly meeL Lhe demand by [usL runnlng a few appllcaLlons Lo scale Lhelr
resources as and when requlred and offers beLLer economy of scale ln a LradlLlonal
model scallng Lhe exlsLlng hardware resources can be Llme consumlng and expenslve

uLlllLy CompuLlng

1hls ls Lhe besL parL of Lhe sLory called Cloud CompuLlng aylng for Lhe
compuLlng resources ls as easy as paylng elecLrlclLy bllls ?ou can Lurn on or Lurn off your
l1 resources llke an elecLrlc swlLch and you need Lo pay only for Lhe servlces used

MulLl1enancy and vlrLuallzaLlon
Cloud compuLlng owes a loL of lLs success Lo Lhe vlrLuallzaLlon
Lechnology vlrLuallzaLlon allows for absLracLlng Lhe hardware layer so LhaL mulLlple
appllcaLlons can be run on Lhe same hardware or a slngle appllcaLlon on many machlnes
?ou do noL have Lo worry abouL hardware and sofLware compaLlblllLles when you have
vlrLuallzaLlon sofLware runnlng an absLracLlon layer lL ls Lhls phenomenon whlch glves Lhe
servlce orlenLaLlon Lo cloud compuLlng A servlce provlder can provlde cllenLs wlLh a
cusLomlzed vlrLual appllcaLlon lnsLance and effecLlvely uLlllze lLs resources and beLLer
economles of scale Leonard lrancls

Cloud vendors can provlde beLLer faulLLolerance and redundancy Lhan ln
house l1 deparLmenL and cllenLs can afford lrom a cllenL polnL of vlew Lhey do noL have
Lo lnvesL ln 8Alu arrays and expenslve sLorage racks and server space

Lase and Speed Cf ueploymenL
1he cloud buslness model can reduce producL developmenL cycle and help
deploy appllcaLlons easlly and rapldly lL also allows ad[usLlng Lo ever changlng markeL
demands and belng helps Lo explore new markeLs cosL effecLlvely

CreaLer CollaboraLlon

Cloud compuLlng can augmenL greaLer collaboraLlon among companles sharlng
a same plaLform Advances made by one company can help oLhers ln Lhe same cloud

8uslness ConLlnulLy and ulsasLer 8ecovery

As agalnsL local l1 soluLlons cloud compuLlng offers beLLer dlsasLer recovery
and buslness conLlnulLy opLlons lL requlres complex and expenslve soluLlons Lo
lmplemenL a dlsasLer recovery plan and due Lo Lhe unpredlcLable naLure can be rlsky As
cloud soluLlons belng accessed onllne ls more fallsafe


Many organlzaLlons ln developlng naLlons lack Lhe requlred lnfrasLrucLure and
human resource Lo secure Lhelr l1 sysLems ln kenya percenL of banks are reporLed Lo
lack enough securlLy sysLems lnsLalled on Lhelr neLworks k klnyan[ul and
SML's ln 8razll lacked anLlvlrus soluLlons ln 8uslnessWlreCloud could provlde
Lhem wlLh a cheaper and effecLlve alLernaLlve soluLlons Lo bolsLer Lhelr l1 securlLy nlr

1here are no publlshed sLaLlsLlcs of producLlvlLy galns of employlng a cloud
model yeL buL Lhere have been a few success sLorles reporLed lor example Lhe SouLh
Afrlcan Call CenLre lndusLry has reporLed an lncrease of producLlvlLy of percenL
neLMaglc and lndlan based company have been clalmlng Lo have helped cuL lLs cllenLs
cosLs by percenL Lhrough lLs cloud offerlngs Alaln van Poof1


lmpacL of Cloud CompuLlng on SocleLy

Cloud CompuLlng ln PealLh Care
PealLhcare can borrow a loL from Lhe cloud 1he way cloud compuLlng operaLes
and lLs beneflLs can change Lhe way healLh care sysLem operaLes across Lhe worldPosplLals
need noL lnvesL ln buylng expenslve and laLesL l1 lnfrasLrucLure Lo malnLaln paLlenL medlcal
records1he records could be saved on Lhe cloud and make all Lhe lnformaLlon avallable aL
Lhe polnL of carelL can be a huge blesslng for lmprovlng healLhcare across poor naLlons
who cannoL afford Lhe huge lnvesLmenL ln lC1 Cloud helps ln exchanglng lnformaLlon
effecLlvely and can help lmprove moblllLy ln healLhcare sysLemslL can also bolsLer drug
research whlch requlres huge compuLlng powerCompanles lnvolved ln drug research can
access hlgh performance compuLlng on Lhe cloud aL much reduced cosL

Cloud CompuLlng can Lransform LducaLlon

Cloud wlLh lLs dynamlc scalablllLy vlrLuallzed resources and servlce orlenLed
archlLecLure can be a real boon for educaLlonal lnsLlLuLlons especlally Lhose ln Lhe
developlng world who have budgeL consLralnLs ln provldlng a quallLy and level of
educaLlon only besL ln Lhe world can offer 1hey can make use of Lhe free cloud based
appllcaLlons offered (llke Coogle docs or Lhe onllne verslon of Adobe hoLoshop) and free
onllne sLorage resources (llke MlcrosofL Skyurlve) for compuLer lnLenslve sLudles 1hey do
noL have Lo buy expenslve l1 equlpmenL Lo provlde advanced and Lechnlcal courses Lo
Lhelr sLudenLs Lven a neLbook whlch cosLs onefourLh of Lhe prlce of an expenslve
compuLer can do Lhe Lrlck 1uncay Lrcan1 uouglas 8 Polschuh uavld C
Caverly1 SLudenLs aL CompuLaLlonal lnLelllgence 8esearch Croup aL Lhe unlverslLy of
reLorla SouLh Afrlca rely on cloud for Lhelr research ln pursulL of drug for Afrlcabased
serlous lllnesses nlr ksheLrl1


Cloud and ueveloplng CounLrles

Cloud compuLlng ls deflnlLely breaklng down barrlers beLween Lhe rlch and
poor naLlons ln Lerms of l1 lnfrasLrucLure and ls glvlng an opporLunlLy for Lhose ln Lhe
Lhlrdworld counLrles Lo dream and asplre blg Pere ls a case sLudy of how cloud ls golng
creaLlve ln provldlng [obs Lo refugees ln kenya A uS based company Crowdllower has a
new lhone appllcaLlon whlch helps organlzaLlons looklng for Lemporary workers llnk
Lhem Lo Lhose wlLhouL [obs ln kenyan refugee camps 1he app helps companles ouLsource
slmple Lasks llke flndlng phone numbers ln uS for markeLlng purpose and sLorlng Lhem ln
spreadsheeLs1 slmllar Lasks have been ouLsourced and Lhey earn as much as uS
$ per week whlch ls abouL elghL Llmes more Lhan Lhey ever earned Samuel
Creengard1AnoLher lnsLance of Cloud for Lhe masses comes from Chlna where a
ma[orlLy of Lhe populaLlon do noL have access Lo compuLers Chlna has been lnvesLlng
heavlly ln Lhe cloud Lo provlde lLs masses wlLh baslc servlces llke messaglng and access Lo
lnformaLlon Lhrough moblle phones Mark A Coodburn SLeve Plll1

Pere ls anoLher success sLoryas reporLed by new ?ork 1lmes Wllfred Mworla a
yearold developer ln nalrobl kenya developed an lhone appllcaLlon uslng only an
onllne lhone slmulaLor ( Lhere are no lhone servlces avallable ln kenya) and can sell all
over Lhe world Lhrough cloud Samuel Creengard1LeL us hope LhaL Lhls ls [usL a
beglnnlng and Lhere wlll be more success sLorles Lo follow

LnvlornmenLal 8eneflLs

1here have been numerous reporLs abouL cloud belng envlronmenLal frlendly as
more and more companles wlll be relylng on cloud resources raLher Lhan lnhouse
soluLlons and Lhus reduclng carbon emlsslon all over Lhe world 8uL Lhere are no daLa or
sclenLlflc reporLs Lo prove LhaL MosL of Lhe reporLs are based on con[ecLures

23 k|sks Invo|ved
lor all Lhe beneflLs cloud compuLlng offersLhere ls conslderable rlsk lnvolved ln adopLlng
such a compuLlng modelMany lndusLry experLs are scepLlc abouL Lhe securlLy and prlvacy llnked wlLh
unauLhorlzed access and use of daLa sLored on daLacenLers and wlLh servlce provldersAn luC reporL
publlshed ln [usLlfles securlLy concerns of enLerprlseslL ls one of Lhe reasons buslnesses are shylng
away from Lhls Lechnologyllnanclal lnsLlLuLlons wary abouL sLorlng Lhelr senslLlve daLa on Lhe cloud and

llg Source hLLp//blogsldccom/le/?p1
raLher prefer a prlvaLe cloud or an ln house sLorage sysLem SenslLlve daLa on cloud can be LargeL of
cyber crlmlnals and could be a backdrop for lndusLrlal esplonage or lnLellecLual properLy LhefL nlr
ksheLrl1 AnoLher sLumbllng block ls lack of Lelecom lnfrasLrucLure ln developlng naLlons Cloud ls
an lnLerneL based neLworklng model and lnLerneL peneLraLlon across Lhe Lhlrd world counLrles ls sLlll noL
sufflclenL enough Lo supporL a cloud based model A soluLlon could be achleved by uslng lnflaLable
SaLcom for lnLerneL and communlcaLlon ln Lhose remoLe and poor counLrles Lo make cloud accesslble ln
Lhose parLs of Lhe world
1here are oLher concerns Loo llke performance scalablllLy and oLher beneflLs promlsed ln a
cloud model wlll vary from a vendor Lo vendor 1he cllenL have Lo be very careful before enLerlng lnLo a
Servlce Level AgreemenL(SLA) wlLh a cloud servlce provlder


3 Inf|atab|e Satcoms Antennas

ConvenLlonal saLelllLe communlcaLlon anLennas are huge and noL so easy Lo deploy An
lnflaLable saLcom anLenna now LhaL ls a novel ldea and ls an exclLlng new Lechnology whlch can have
huge lmpllcaLlons ln dlfferenL secLors of llfe elLher buslness soclal or mlllLary1hls whole new concepL of
shrlnklng a saLcom was lnLroduced by a company called CA18" and consldered Lo be offerlng Lhe besL
soluLlon as of now 1hey hold Lhe paLenL for Lhe deslgn

A screenshoL of an lnflaLable SaLcom
Source hLLp//wwwdefenserevlewcom

SA1CCM anLenna ls made of a flexlble conducLlve composlLe fabrlc" can wlLhsLand exLreme condlLlons
and ls hlghly LransporLable and welghs a mere 1 lbs and Lhe whole sysLem can be squeezed lnLo Lwo
alrllne checkable" hard cases lollowlng are Lhe deslgn aspecLs of an lnflaLable saLcom 1he lnflaLable
ueployable SaLelllLe CommunlcaLlon anLenna uses a flexlble parabollc reflecLor mounLed aL Lhe ball's
equaLor and Lhe whole ball ls cabled Lo Lhe ground 1he ball shaped Lermlnal supporLs Lhe dlsh and
polnLs lL Lowards Lhe saLelllLe Llke convenLlonal SaLelllLe communlcaLlon anLennas lL can be used for

lnLerneL access vCl (volce over lnLerneL roLocol) emall and vldeo Leleconferenclng and oLher
bandwldLh lnLenslve communlcaLlons 1he maln advanLage ls Lhe sysLem ls lLs porLablllLy lL(Lermlnal or
ball) can be easlly deflaLed and could be LransporLed ln a porLable case 1hey come ln Lhree slzes 1
and meLer and can be LllLed ln any dlrecLlon unllke convenLlonal dlshes and relles on lnmarsaL
SaLelllLe neLwork CaLr11

lmpacL Cf lnflaLable SaLelllLe CommunlcaLlon AnLennas on 8uslness

lnflaLable SaLcom AnLenna for broadcasLlng companles
lLs hlghgaln anLenna coupled wlLh hlgh bandwldLh ls a greaL communlcaLlon Lool
for broadcasLlng agencles LhaL have Lo Lravel Lo remoLe locaLlons Lo reporL evenLs As Lhe sysLem has a
very small fooLprlnL lL can be easlly carrled and deployed anywhere 1he lnmarsaL neLwork has a very
good global coverage whlch makes lL Lallor made for 1v agencles and radlo companles CaLr
lnflaLable SaLcom SysLems for 1elecom Companles
1he sysLem can be deployed by Lelecom companles ln developlng counLrles who do
noL have Lhe requlred lnfrasLrucLure or caplLal Lo buy expenslve anLennas and Lhe quallLy of
Lransmlsslon and recepLlon ls comparable Lo Lhe expenslve alLernaLlves lL can be lnsLalled ln lslands or
remoLe locaLlons llke mounLaln ranges and dense foresLs where lL ls hard Lo use any oLher means of
Lcommerce ln ueveloplng naLlons

Cloud compuLlng offers a cosL effecLlve soluLlon for buddlng enLraprauners from Lhe
developlng counLrles buL you need an lnLerneL connecLlon Lo supporL such a neLworklng
model lnflaLable saLcom wlLh lLs low cosL and hlgh bandwldLh lnLerneL ready soluLlon can
be Lhe answer and can help promoLe and redeflne ecommerce

lmpacL on SocleLy
Clvlng a Pelplng Pand ln provldlng LducaLlon ln ueveloplng CounLrles

lnflaLable anLenna sysLems can be deployed ln developlng counLrles where Lhe
governmenL wanLs Lo provlde cosL effecLlve educaLlon uslng Lhe cloud model and do noL
have Lhe funds for provldlng lnLerneL access 1he sysLem wlLh lLs low cosL soluLlon and
porLablllLy low power consumpLlon and hlgh galn and easy Lo seLup can be Lhe

connecLlng llnk Lo many under prlvllege chlldren Lo Lhe lnLerneL world 1hese sysLems
coupled wlLh an educaLlon model based on cloud Lechnologles can be Lhe soluLlon Lo
many educaLlonal problems ln Lhlrd world counLrles

An effecLlve soluLlon for dlsasLer communlcaLlon recovery
1hls porLable sysLem ls Lallor made for use durlng a dlsasLer lL can be deployed
anyLlme and anywhere due Lo Lhe vasL global coverage of lnmarsaL neLwork

4 Conc|us|on

lL ls hard Lo fllp a page Lhrough a buslness or l1 magazlne wlLhouL spoLLlng Lhe
word Cloud CompuLlng" Lhese days 1here ls so much hype abouL Lhls phenomenon LhaL
everyone wanLs Lo [oln Lhe bandwagon 1here have been [usL Loo many lnsLances ln
hlsLory when someLhlng new comes uphave so much hype bullL around lL and Lhen lL [usL
fades ouL lnLo hlsLorylL ls Lrue LhaL cloud can Lransform buslnesses buL wlll lL be llmlLed Lo
a handful of companlesl1 revoluLlon ln Lhe laLe 1's and early 1's creaLed
companles llke MlcrosofLApplelnLeleLc and Lhey sLlll en[oy an unprecedenLed monopoly
over Lhe markeL Lo Lhe exLenL LhaL Lhey can even conLrol a counLry's economyl hope
Cloud does noL end up creaLlng anoLher baLch of MlcrosofLs and lnLels LeL lL be a greaL
leveler Lo Lhe lndusLry as many hall lL and does noL dlsappear lnLo vapour someday



1 ur aul SanL (1) Servlce CrlenLed ArchlLecLures SCA WSuL and uuul Cnllne
Avallable aL hLLp//breobedsacuk (Accessed on 1111)

Wei SUN, ChangJie Guo, Zhongbo Jiang (2010), Design Aspects oI SoItware as a Service
to enable e-Business through Cloud PlatIorm |Online|

Available at :
(Accessed on 1111)

3.Leonard Francis (2009),Cloud Computing:Implications Ior Enterprise SoItware Vendors (ESV)
Available at :
4. World Lconomlc lorum (1) Maxlmlzlng Cloud CompuLlngCnllne
Avallable aL hLLp//wwwweforumorg/sesslons/summary/maxlmlzlngcloud
lederlco LLro()1he Lconomlc lmpacL of CloudCnllne
Available at : (Accessed on 1111)
6.Nicholas G. Carr ,2003, IT Doesn`t Matter, Harvard Business Review,|Online|
Available at : (Accessed on : 18-1-2011).
1uncay Lrcan1 LffecLlve use of cloud compuLlng ln educaLlonal lnsLlLuLlons
Available at : (Accessed on 1111)
8.uouglas 8 Polschuh uavld C Caverly1 1echLalk Cloud CompuLlng and uevelopmenLal
Avallable aL hLLp//wwwncdeappsLaLeedu/publlcaLlons/[de/documenL
(Accessed on 1111)

Samuel Creengard1 Cloud compuLlng and developlng naLlons

Avallable aL

(Accessed on 1111)
1 Mark A CoodburnSLeve Plll1


11 nlr ksheLrl1Cloud CompuLlng ln ueveloplng LconomlesCnllne
Avallable aL hLLp//wwwcompuLerorg/porLal/web/csdl/dol/111/MC11

1 Mlchael L orLer CompeLlLlve advanLage CreaLlng and susLalnlng superlor
performance lree ress new ?ork and London 1
Mlchael L orLer and vlcLor L Mlllar Pow lnformaLlon glves you compeLlLlve
advanLage Parvard 8uslness 8evlew ()11 1

1 M Polweg and l k ll Lvolvlng from value chaln Lo value grld Ml1 Sloan
ManagemenL 8evlew ()

14. Alaln van Poof1 Cloud servlces and Lhe value chaln
Avallable aL
1 k klnyan[ul Plgh Speed lnLerneL Lxposes kenya Lo Cybercrlme" 8uslness ually 1
1 8uslnessWlre SM8s ln 8razll Lo Spend $uSM on l1 SecurlLy ln "
8uslnessWlre nov
1 CaLr11 ueployable SaLcom SoluLlonsCnllne
Avallable aL
1 CaLr 1echnologles11 A deployable lnflaLable saLelllLe anLenna and
sysLem for hlghbandwldLh communlcaLlons ln remoLe areasCnllne


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