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Highly Accurate Discretization of the Navier-Stokes Equations in Streamfunction Formulation

D. Fishelov, M. Ben-Artzi and J.-P. Croisille

Dedicated to the memory of Professor David Gottlieb for his Wisdom and Generosity Abstract A discrete version of the pure streamfunction formulation of the NavierStokes equation is presented. The proposed scheme is fourth order in both two and three spatial dimensions.

1 Fourth order scheme for the Navier-Stokes equations in two dimensions

We consider the Navier-Stokes equations in pure streamfunction form, which in the two-dimensional case leads to the scalar equation

t + 2 = f (x, y,t), (x, y,t) = 0 (x, y).


Recall that = (y , x ) is the velocity vector. The no-slip boundary condition associated with this formulation is

= 0 , (x, y) , t > 0 n


D. Fishelov Afeka-Tel-Aviv Academic College for Engineering 218 Bnei-Efraim St. Tel-Aviv 69107, Israel e-mail: M. Ben-Artzi Institute of Mathematics, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem 91904, Israel e-mail: J.-P. Croisille Department of Mathematics, University of Metz, France, e-mail:

D. Fishelov, M. Ben-Artzi and J.-P. Croisille

and the initial condition is

(x, y, 0) = 0 (x, y), (x, y) .


The spatial derivatives in Equation (1) are discretized as we describe next. The 2 fourth order discrete Laplacian h and biharmonic h operators introduced in 2 2 2 [3] are perturbations of the second order operators h = (x + y ) and h = 4 + 4 + 2 2 2 ) . They are designed as follows. (x y x y h i, j = 2h i, j (x (x )i, j + y (y )i, j ) = ( )i, j + O(h4 ). (4)

Here, x , y are the fourth-order Hermitian approximations to x , y described as 2 1 = 1 ( ) x x 1 i, j N 1 x i1, j + (x )i, j + (x )i+1, j = x i, j , 6 3 6 1 2 1 = ( ) y y y i, j1 + (y )i, j + (y )i, j+1 = y i, j , 1 i, j N 1. 6 3 6 (5) 2 2 We use the standard central difference operators x , y , x , y . The fourth-order approximation to the biharmonic operator 2 is h 4 4 2 2 4 2 4 2 2 h = x + y + 2x y (x y + y x ) = 2 + O(h4 ), 6
4 4 4 4 where x and y are the compact approximations of x and y , respectively. 4 x i, j = 4 y i, j = 2


12 2 (x x )i, j x i, j h2

4 4 x = x

1 4 8 h x + O(h6 ), 720


12 1 4 8 2 4 4 (y y )i, j y i, j h y + O(h6 ). (8) , y = y 2 h 720 The convective term in (1) is C( ) = y (x ) + x (y ). Its fourth-order 2 approximation needs special care. The mixed derivative x y may be approxi mated to fourth-order accuracy by yyx using a suitable combination of lower order approximations.
2 2 2 yyx = y x + x y x y y = x y + O(h4 ). 3 For the pure third order derivative x we note that if is smooth then


xxx =

3 2 10x h2 x x 10x 2h2

i, j

+ O(h4 ).


One needs to approximate x to sixth-order accuracy in order to obtain from (10) a 3 fourth-order approximation for x . Denoting this approximation by x , we invoke the Pade formulation [2], having the following form.

Highly accurate discretizations of the Navier-Stokes Equations

1 1 14 i+1, j i1, j 1 i+2, j i2, j (x )i+1, j + (x )i, j + (x )i1, j = + . (11) 3 3 9 2h 9 4h At near-boundary points we apply a special treatment as in [2]. Carrying out the same procedure for y , which yields the approximate value y , and combining with all other mixed derivatives, a fourth order approximation of the convective term is 5 x x 2 2 Ch ( ) = y h x + 6 x x + x y x y y 2 h2 5 y y 2 2 y y + y x y x x + x h y + 6 2 h2 = C( ) + O(h4 ). (12)

Our implicit-explicit time-stepping scheme is of the Crank-Nicholson type as follows. (h i, j )n+1/2 (h i, j )n 2 n+1/2 + 2 n ] (13) = Ch (n) + [h i, j h i, j 2 t/2
(h i, j )n+1 (h i, j )n t

2 n+1 2 n = Ch (n+1/2) + [h i, j + h i, j ]. 2


Due to stability reasons we have chosen an Explicit-Implicit time stepping scheme. It is possible however to use an explicit time-stepping scheme if one can afford a small time step in order to advance the solution in time. The set of linear equations is solved via a FFT solver using the Sherman-Morrison formula (see [4]). This solver is of O(N 2 logN) operations, where N is the number of grid points in each spatial direction. For the application of the pure streamfunction formulation on an irregular domain see [5].

2 The pure streamfunction formulation in three dimensions

Let be a bounded domain in R3 . The three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations in vorticity-velocity formulation is

t + ( u) = f, in = u, u = 0, in u = 0 on (x, 0) = 0 (x) := u0 , in .


where = u and the no-slip boundary condition has been imposed. The pure streamfunction formulation for this system is obtained by introducing a streamfunction (x,t) R3 , such that u = . (16) This is always possible since u = 0. Thus,

D. Fishelov, M. Ben-Artzi and J.-P. Croisille

= u = ( ).
Imposing a gauge condition yields = 0,

(17) (18) (19)

= .

The system (15) can now be rewritten as

( ( )) = 2 + f, t



The boundary conditions u = 0 translates to = 0 on . We require that n = 0, n ( ) = 0, on


The condition n = 0 means that is parallel to n, hence the normal component of the velocity vector is zero on the boundary. Adding the condition n ( ) = 0 ensures that the full velocity vector vanishes on the boundary. The requirements in (21) are equivalent to four scalar conditions, namely the vanishing of the two tangential components of and . Turning now to the gauge condition = 0, we add the condition

( n) = 0, n



Together with the vanishing of the tangential components of , it implies that = 0 on . Equations (21)-(22) consist of ve scalar conditions for on the boundary. We can still add one more scalar boundary condition, as the equations for the 3- component streamfunction contain the fourth order biharmonic operator. The sixth scalar boundary condition that we choose to add is

( ) = 0,
We thus obtain = 0,




( ) = 0,


We assume that the initial value (x, 0) satises ( )(x, 0) = 0. Taking the divergence of (20) we obtain an evolution equation for .

( ) = 2 ( ), t



Equations (24)-(25) together with the assumption that = 0 initially ensure that = 0 for all t > 0. See also [1], [6] and [7]. Finally, we have the following three-dimensional pure streamfunction formulation

Highly accurate discretizations of the Navier-Stokes Equations

( ( )) = 2 + f, in t ( n) n = 0, n = 0, on n ( ) = 0, ( ) = 0, on .


3 The Numerical Scheme

Our numerical scheme is based on the approximation of the following equation

(( ) ) + ( )( ) 2 = f, t

in ,


2 assuming that H0 ( ). For the vector function we construct a fourth-order approximation to the the biharmonic operator as follows. The pure fourth-order deriva4 4 tives are approximated by x , y , z4 as in (7)-(8). The mixed terms xxyy , yyzz and zzxx are approximated by

A fourth order approximation of the biharmonic operator is then obtained as

4 4 2 2 2 2 h = x + y + z4 + 2xy + 2yz + 2zx .

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 xy i, j,k = 3x y i, j,k x y y,i, j,k y x x,i, j,k = x y i, j,k + O(h ) 2 i, j,k = 3 2 2 i, j,k 2 z z,i, j,k 2 y y,i, j,k = 2 2 i, j,k + O(h4 ) (28) y z y z y z yz 2 2 2 2 zx i, j,k = 3z2 x i, j,k z2 x z,i, j,k x z x,i, j,k = z2 x i, j,k + O(h4 ). (29)

The approximate derivatives x , y and z are related to via the Hermitian derivatives as in (5). Equation (29) provides a fourth order compact operator for 2 , which involves values of , x , y and z at (i, j, k) and at its twenty six nearest neighbors. The Laplacian operator is approximated by a fourth order operator via h = 2h (x x + y y + z z ). (30)

The nonlinear part in (27) consists of two terms, the convective term and the stretching term. We design a fourth-order scheme which approximates the convective term. The convective term in the three-dimensional case is C( ) = (( ) ) = u x + v z + w z . (31)

Here (u, v, w) = u = is the velocity vector, whose components contain rst order derivatives of the streamfunction, and thus may be approximated to fourthorder accuracy. The terms x , z , z may be approximated as in the twodimensional case. The term x , for example, may be written as
3 2 x = x + x y + x z2 .


D. Fishelov, M. Ben-Artzi and J.-P. Croisille

Here, the pure and mixed type derivatives may be approximated as in the twodimensional Navier-Stokes equations (see (10), (9)). We denote the approximation to the convective term by Ch ( ). Now, we construct a fourth-order approximation to the stretching term S = ( )u = ( )( ). Note that the stretching term contains and mixed second order derivatives of the streamfunction. The Laplacian of may be approximated to fourth-order accuracy, as in (30). The second order mixed terms, such as x y , may be approximated using a Hermitian approximation of the type (x y )(xy )i, j,k = x y i, j,k . Hence, (I + h2 2 h2 2 x )(I + y )(xy )i, j,k = x y i, j,k 6 6 , 1 i, j, k N 1 (34) (33)

is an implicit equation for xy . We denote the approximation of the stretching term by Sh ( ). For the approximation in time, we apply a Crank-Nicholson scheme (see the comment after (13)-(14)). We obtain the following scheme
(h i, j,k )n+1/2 (h i, j,k )n t/2 (h i, j,k )n+1 (h i, j,k )n t

2 = Ch i, j,k + Sh i, j,k + [h i, j,k 2

(n) (n)


2 n + h i, j,k ]


(n+1/2) + Sh (n+1/2) + [ 2 n+1 + 2 n ]. (36) = Ch i, j,k h i, j,k i, j,k 2 h i, j

At present, a direct solver is invoked to solve the linear set of equations (35)-(36). Some preliminary MATLAB computations with coarse grids conrm the fourth order accuracy of the scheme. We rst show numerical results for the time-dependent Stokes equations = 2 + f, in . (37) t We have picked the exact solution 1 T (x,t) = et z4 , x4 , y4 4 (38)

in the cube = (0, 1)3 . Here, f is chosen such that in (38) satised (37) exactly. In the numerical results shown here we have chosen the time step t of order h2 in order to retain the overall fourth-order accuracy of the scheme. In practice, if we are interested mainly in the steady state solution, a larger time step, which is independent of h, may be used. In Table 1 we show results for the Stokes problem 2 with t = 0.1h2 and t = 0.00625. Here e is the error in the lh norm, i.e. e2 = (3 (xi , y j , zk ) 3 (xi , y j , zk ))2 h3 ,
i j k

Highly accurate discretizations of the Navier-Stokes Equations grid 555 e ey div ( ) 2.5460(-9) 7.7417(-9) 1.3409(-8) rate 3.82 3.73 3.74 grid 999 1.8017(-10) 5.8037(-10) 1.0052(-9) rate 3.98 3.96 3.96

7 grid 17 17 17 1.1443(-11) 3.7391(-11) 6.4621(-11)

Table 1 Stokes equations for t = 0.00625 using t = 0.1h2 .

where 3 is the z component of the exact solution and 3 is the z component of the 2 in the y derivative of . In Table 2 we display the approximate solution. ey is the lh 3 results for t = 0.0625 using t = h2 .
grid 555 e ey div ( ) 9.6461(-7) 3.0293(-6) 5.2470(-6) rate 4.41 4.33 4.33 grid 999 4.5309(-8) 1.5049(-7) 2.6066(-7) rate 4.00 3.99 4.00 grid 17 17 17 2.8291(-9) 9.4269(-9) 1.6328(-8)

Table 2 Stokes equations with t = h2 for t = 0.0625.

Next we show results for the Navier-Stokes Equations

(( ) ) + ( )( ) 2 = f, t



in the cube = (0, 1)3 . Here, the source term g = f is chosen such that T (x,t) = 1 et z4 , x4 , y4 is an exact solution of (39). In Table 3 we present 4 results for t = 0.00625 using t = 0.1h2 .
grid 555 e ey div ( ) 2.4497(-9) 7.6486(-9) 1.2294(-8) rate 3.86 3.75 3.71 grid 999 1.6924(-10) 5.6845(-10) 9.3619(-10) rate 4.01 3.98 3.92 grid 17 17 17 1.0473(-11) 3.5917(-11) 6.1700(-11)

Table 3 Navier-Stokes equations for t = 0.00625 using t = 0.1h2 .

In Table 4 we show results for the Navier-Stokes Equations with t = h2 for t = 0.0625. In Figures 1(a) and 1(b) we display the errors for Navier-Stokes equations in 3 and (3 )y at t = 0.0625 with dt = h2 and a 173 grid.

8 grid 555 e ey div ( ) 9.4418(-7) 2.9836(-6) 5.0471(-6) rate 4.46 4.38 4.40

D. Fishelov, M. Ben-Artzi and J.-P. Croisille grid 999 4.2709(-8) 1.4334(-7) 2.3944(-7) rate 4.04 4.03 4.02 grid 17 17 17 2.5934(-9) 8.7800(-9) 1.4778(-8)

Table 4 Navier-Stokes equations for t = 0.0625 using t = h2 .

error in psi3 with 17 points, t=0.0625, dt=h
3 2

error in (psi ) with 173 points, t=0.0625, dt=h2


x 10 10 8 6 4 2 0 2 20

x 10 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 20

15 10 5 0 0 10 5 15


15 10 10 5 0 0 5 15


Fig. 1 Navier-Stokes : Errors in (a) 3 and (b) (3 )y for N = 17, t = 0.0625, dt = h2 .

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