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FICO INVESTMENT AND BUILDING MATERIALS TRADING JSC Problems have been identified and possible solutions have

been developed. However, in order to transfer ideas into practice, communication to Ficos top management is essential. To begin with, a report would be sent to the top management of the organization. This report is only to inform the top management about problems in Fico because a written document is a low richness of communication channel. Therefore, it would include the summary of problems and causes, possible solutions that our group developed and predicted result of actual implementation. Doing so would give our clients an overview of what we have researched so far. Furthermore, the result of the survey which we have conducted to measure employees satisfaction will be attached. It would be a strong evidence supporting our findings. Secondly, we would launch a seminar to report the result of our study. Top managers, first line managers and representatives of worker would be invited. In this seminar, our group members would present in detail problems in Fico, offer solutions and receive feedback from the attendees. By doing so, misunderstanding could be avoided. Furthermore, this seminar will provide a channel for workers sharing their feeling and their will about their jobs. What they share will create an urgent sense for managers to improve the working environment and establish a channel of feedback which is both downward and upward. In addition, some role-playing exercises would help managers understand more about the barrier caused by cross cultural conflict which their workers daily face. It also provides opportunities for workers to participate in decision making.

It is obvious that there could be potential resistance to change because of the existence of risks and cost. Paul Davidson suggested in his book that athough there are no guarantee cures, several techniques at least have the potential to manage resistance. Some of them are suggested in the book by Paul Davdson: education, communication and participation. First, educating people about the need for change, the expected result and providing an open communication during the process of change should minimize the uncertainty and reduce the resistance. By sending a report and lauching the seminar, the initial step which is informing forces for change and anticipated result is completed. However, managers in Fico should establish and maitain open communicationwhen the change is actully implemented so as to overcome employees counteraction. Next, although some specifics steps to tackle prolems in the company have been generated, our group would encourage top managers to inspect those problems and release feedback. This would result in a better understading about the reasons for change as managers participation is facilitation. Thus, they would be more likely to accept gracefully.

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