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1.0 Introduction
For this assignment, students are required to approach with a PR practioner in the
hospitality industry and conduct an in-depth Iace-to-Iace interview to gain an insight into
the day-to-day work as a PR practioner.

The PR practioner that we had interviewed is a Human Resources OIIicer oI Clearwater
Sanctuary GolI Resort namely, Ms. Hee Wai Ling. BeIore getting promoted to human
resources oIIicer, she was a Public Relation oIIicer who had vast experience in Public
Relation line. Thus, we decided to conduct an interview session with her.

In our process oI getting the interviewee`s contact, we called-in to the establishment
(Clearwater Sanctuary GolI Resort) and asked to speak with the PR oIIicer. When we
spoke to Ms. Hee, she required us to send in an e-mail regarding our letter oI consent
Irom the college together with the interview question beIore she made the decision to
accept our interview. AIter one week, Ms. Hee called and allowed us to conduct an
interview session with her.

Besides, Ms. Hee had been working in Clearwater Sanctuary GolI Resort Ior 11 years and
had about more than 6 years oI experience working in PR line in the same establishment.
Upon joining Clearwater Sanctuary GolI Resort, she does not have any certiIicate other
than Malaysia CertiIicate oI Education (SPM) and join in as an assistant admin clerk.

The background oI the resort is as Iollows:

Clearwater Sanctuary GolI Resort or also known as Clearwater which situated in the Batu
Gajah area had been regarded as second best golI course oIIered in Malaysia and top
twenty best golI courses oIIered in Asia. A regeneration oI nature, Clearwater which
encompasses over 100 acres had prestigiously transIorms the Iormer tin-mining glory oI
the Kinta Valley into the nations latest and unique with -hole golI resort.

Besides, Clearwater Sanctuary promises a truly memorable golIing experience and it also
oIIers accommodation with a total oI 30 waterIront chalets. It is the ideal romantic retreat
Ior couples and deIinitely a holiday destination Ior a Iamily vacation. On the other hand,
the club also provides recreational activities Ior both Iamilies and individuals. The
Iacilities included are gymnasium, badminton and tennis courts, Iishing clubhouse, golI
and tennis pro-shops, archery shooting range, kid`s gaming room, Clearwater ballroom,
Lakeside Terrace (Restaurant) and etc.


.0 PR Roles and Models

.1 Job Functions and Job Scope
According to Ms. Hee, she stated that some oI the job Iunctions and job scope oI a PR
oIIicer in the resort includes knowing all the basic things such as arrange Iood on time,
make sure the Iood is good in quality, and make sure the guests request Ior anything. All
the minor part should be also handled clearly without conIusing. Being a PR oIIicer oI
Clear Water Sanctuary GolI Resort is not just to entertain guests but should also cover all
the area such as know everything in details, and work closely with every department.

Involvement, role knowledge, connection to the marketplace, and trust are some oI the
job Iunctions and job scope that stated by Holtz, S. (004). Both oI these job Iunctions
and job scope are quite similar. Besides, the key point oI the involvement is all the staIIs
want to believe that the company will involve the staIIs in decisions that aIIect the
employees. ThereIore, the staIIs know all the details part clearly, complete the tasks as
well as possible without misunderstanding, and related to the all employees need to be
able to connect the work that the staIIs do to the bottom line.

Furthermore, the staIIs need to understand how the day- to-day work eIIorts relate to the
big-picture initiatives and announcements. Once the staIIs understand the job scope, the
staIIs can work closely with each other even though working in diIIerent areas. Moreover,
connection to the marketplace means that the employees need to know the Iorces that
impact the organization. ThereIore, the organization can meet diIIerent needs oI
customers and increases the strength oI the organization compete with other competitors.

Lastly, trust is also the key point because all employees should trust each other and then
perIorm the jobs smoothly in diIIerent areas and help the organization`s operation operate

. Perception oI public relations participation in the management in hospitality industry in
Ms. Hee mentioned that the perception oI public relations participation in the
management in hospitality industry in general include creating a good reputation, do the
best Ior all customers as well as possible. Other than that, retaining the repeat customers,
and increasing the numbers oI the regular customers is the main PR oIIicer`s task. The
role oI PR oIIicer that inIluence in the decision making process oI the management is in
the matters oI dealing members and customers.

In addition, Ms. Hee also said that media only Ior promotion and does not create the bad
news oI the resort to the public generally. In addition, the resort will also invite the
promoters to the resort and let the promoters know about the products such as Ms. Hee
brought the promoters look around the resort`s areas and let the promoters join in certain
activities with using the Iacilities. ThereIore, the promoters can introduce the resort to the
public with actual inIormation based on the experienced that tried beIore.

Besides that, public inIormation model is roughly same as the method that used by the
Clearwater GolI Resort. This model is the second model oI Grunig`s Four Model oI
Public Relations. Furthermore, the nature oI this theory is one-way communication

whereby telling the truth is importance and spread the inIormation to the public through
the media like newsletters and brochures oIten.

In addition, the communications programs are not based on the research and strategic
planning but the Clearwater Sanctuary GolI Resort`s communications programs will
search the diIIerent requirement oI the customers, creates strategic plan, and then
Iollowed by the communications programs because the resort want to know the
expectation oI diIIerent customers and meet the customers` expectations.

.3 The role oI PR oIIicer that inIluence in the decision making process oI the management
The role oI PR oIIicer that inIluence in the decision making process oI the management is
dealing with members and customers. Ms. Hee told that the management oI the resort
might make certain changing and decision that the customers or members are not
accepted. ThereIore, a PR oIIicer also acts as a bridge among the resorts and members or
customers that try to persuade the members and customers as much as possible.

In this situation, two-way asymmetrical model can be applied to the resort that uses
research to Iacilitate understanding and communication. The communicator applied the
latest communication and persuasion theories to persuade the public to accept the resort`s
point oI view and improve the eIIectiveness oI the resort`s message aIter collecting
Ieedback Irom public


.4 Strategies oI conducting a good event management

The strategies that could be applied to conduct a good event management are
remembered that 'customer is always right had been mentioned by Ms. Hee based on
the experiences in past. Most oI the time, the staII must say that customer is right even
though the customers are wrong and meeting the requirement oI customers based on the
conditions oI the resort because the customers will be very irritated when staIIs cannot
meet the needs oI those customers aIter promising to the customers. Next, good
communication with other heard oI departments to create a good teamwork.

ThereIore, the two-way symmetrical model is the model that applies by the Clearwater
Sanctuary GolI Resort to conduct a good event management. This model has an eIIect
that beneIits both the organization and the public. Besides, this model will help in
communication and leads to understanding among the customers and the resort based on
the Iree exchange oI inIormation due to understand each side understand each other`s
point oI view.

In addition, this model can be also used among the departments because some oI the
departments may not understand the operation`s method oI other departments clearly and
then misunderstanding will be occurred. Once the departments exchange inIormation to
the other departments will help to decrease the chances oI conIlicts among the
departments and all oI the departments can co-operate with other departments that shows

. Practice on how to deal with customers` complaint towards the services provided
In Clearwater Sanctuary GolI Resort, Ms. Hee mentioned that the types oI problems that
oIten Iaced by the PR oIIicer nowadays are members` complaint which involves Iailure
in product oIIered. ThereIore, the PR oIIicer would investigate the problem, identiIy what
the needed oI the customer, and improve the product to be better. As a result, the
members will buy the products again in the Iuture regularly and the products which are
improved will also attract the new members.

Furthermore, the PR oIIicer would take in consider the complaint when Iacing the
complaint oI the Iuzzy guest and then writing the letter Ior apologies iI there is a need to
do so. The Iollowing step is giving certain discount such as 0 discounting oI Iood and
beverage is one oI the method oI solving the problem. This is the way that could lead the
customers` conIident back to the resort.

According to the Scriabina, N. (004) recommended that the recommendations can help a
PR oIIicer Iocuses to the complaints handling process on the customers' needs are
acknowledge complaints, give complainants a timeIrame Ior response and keep them
inIormed oI the progress, maintain inIormation concerning the complainant in
conIidentiality, and do not charge the complainant in any way. These recommendations
oI the complaints handling process are rarely diIIerent compare to the methods oI the
complaints handling process that used by the Ms. Hee who is a PR oIIicer oI the
Clearwater Sanctuary GolI Resort in past.

The acknowledge complaints means the complaints should be accepted by the PR oIIicer
because a complaint can be seen as an opportunity which can try to gain the maximum
beneIit Irom customers' Ieedback. The Iollowing step is giving complainants a timeIrame
Ior response and keeping inIormed oI the development show that the organization pays
much attention to the complaints.

Moreover, the third step is maintaining inIormation concerning the complainant in
conIidentiality which leads customers and members conIident back to the organization
because the customers and members Ieel that the organization emphasizes the Ieeling and
opinions oI the customers and members. Finally, the last procedure is do not blame the
complainant in any way. The most important part is apology to the members or customers
to show the greatest sincerity to the customers or members who are involved.

Besides that, the rarely diIIerent between these recommendations is Ms. Hee did not set
timeIrame to solve those problem but Ms. Hee investigate the problems and Iind out the
solutions as Iast as possible to the customers or members who complaint. This is one oI
the diIIerent ways to show the respecting and resort does not oIIer to solve the scheme at

.6 The ways oI Iacing internal or external crisis occurred in the hospitality industry
However, all oI the organizations will have chance to Iace the internal crisis such as
communication breakdown between staII or external crisis like bad rumors. Ms. Hee
advice that to settle the internal crisis is investigating what are the reasons that cause the

communication breakdown between staII. In addition, the managers would give verbal
warning and issue out warning letter to the staIIs who are involved because Ior being
unreasonable. The Iollowing action is created a training program iI necessary.

Besides, Ms.Hee recommends Ior the external crisis that is the manager would look
Iorward what is the problem and then Iind out the solution. The most important thing
need to be done is apologize to the guests. AIter that, most oI the customers will not be so
angry aIter staII apologies Ior the customers. Furthermore, the problem is not allowed to
be happened in the same situation and staIIs need to improve the skills.

There are the Iour major roles played by public relations practitioners which can apply
into the roles that used by the Clearwater Sanctuary GolI Resort. The Iirst role is
Communication Technician which is to write and edit employee newsletters, to write
news releases and Ieatures stories, to develop Website content, and to deal with media
contacts. In addition, this role is also ones that given the job oI describing about the new
policy or management decisions to staIIs and to press.

Moreover, the Expert Prescriber which is second role is to deIine the problems, develop
program, and take Iull responsibility Ior the implementation. This rule makes the
communication policy decisions and recommends courses oI action that involves into the
crisis situations and searching Ior someone who can make public relations problems go
away without having to make needed changes in organizational policy, products or

The third rule is Communication Facilitator which casts practitioners when the sensitive
listeners and inIormation brokers between an organization and publics. In addition, this
role maintains two-way communication and Iacilitates exchange by removing deIects in
relationships and by keeping channels oI communication open. Moreover, this role acts
as inIormation sources and the oIIicial contacts between organizations and publics.

Moreover, the last role is Problem-Solving Facilitator`s tasks are to collaborate with other
managers in order to deIine and solve problems and work with managers to raise skills.
So, this role becomes part oI strategic planning team, help other managers and the
organization apply to public relations the same management step-by-step process used Ior
solving other organizational problems, and also Iunction as a catalyst.

. Several ways oI maintaining a long term relationship with customers
In generally, customer is the key to the survival oI most companies especially in
hospitality industries. ThereIore, companies need to keep on maintaining a long term
relationship with customers. Ms. Hee suggests that there are some oI ways that used to
maintain a long term business relationship with customer include meeting the customers`
expectations and as well as do the best Ior the customers.
Furthermore, the staIIs need to amuse the customers by providing good services Ior the
customers. The key thing is all the staII shall be trained to be polite staII and provide
standard service`s level to customers. Besides, communication skill is the important skill
that a PR oIIicer should have because resort`s staII would call-up the customers regularly

which shows concerning, inIorm the guest about the up-coming event, and invite the
customers to the resort with some speciIic discount.

ReIerring to deIined that the certain ways oI maintaining a long term relationship with
customers which quite similar to the ways that used by the resort. The knowledge oI how
public relations and public aIIairs support business goals is one oI the ways involve
achieving the business goals and retaining the customers in long term by understands and
meets the requirements oI the customers.

Furthermore, the ability to integrate all communications Iunctions and understanding how
to control key messages are also the ways that stated by Pinkham, D. (004) to maintain
a long term relationship with customers because diIIerent communication skills can
please and persuade diIIerent types oI customers. In addition, understanding how to
control key messages help to release the key inIormation to the customers, attract those
customers as a regular customer to the resort, and then retain the relationship with
customers in longer time.


. Do you think employing a PR practitioner is a good idea Ior maintaining the success oI
the hospitality industry? Why do you think so?
We think that employing a Public Relation (PR) practitioner is a good idea Ior
maintaining the success oI the hospitality industry. In Iact, we would say that PR
practitioner hold a part oI the key to survival in this industry. This is because hospitality
industry mainly deals with people where the communication skills are very important in
delivering services. For instance, a proper communication skill is required when a PR
practitioner wants to promote the hotel to the public.

On the other hand, media inIluence is Iundamental in maintaining the success oI the
hospitality industry. ThereIore, one oI the tasks oI a PR practitioner is to work with
media to increase an establishment`s reputation and publicity towards the public as this
will bring in more business to the establishment. As we all know, dealing with media is a
tricky part and iI communication between the media goes wrong, the media might give
out the wrong message to the public and thus it will aIIect on the reputation oI the
establishment. This statement is support by Hasek (003) declares that "For companies
considering public relations as an option, my site is a first step toward increased media
visibility, brand exposure and significant sales growth."

Imagine when a very important customer (VIP) such as actor, politician, artist and etc.,
there is a need Ior a PR practitioner to deals with them as they are a proIessional in
dealings with people. Since those inIluential customers are vital Ior an establishment to
help in promoting the establishment, there is a need Ior a proIessional to greet and serve

them in order to give them a good image oI the hotel. For example, a customer service
oIIicer are be able to handle some Iuzzy customer but when it comes to serving the VIP,
the VIP might not want the customer service oIIicer to serve them because they are elite
status people and requires some special attention Irom the hotel Irom which it diIIer them
Irom normal customer. In this situation, PR practitioners are the most suitable people in
handling this type oI customer.
Next, an establishment cannot succeed iI it just based on advertising to get business
without any accountability oI its brand name. It means that an establishment should
primitively build an image and local reputation beIore they go Ior advertising. This is
where a PR practitioner comes in handy on perIorming this task because this is one oI the
responsibilities oI a PR practitioner; build an image Ior the establishment. Alternately,
Hasek (003) also said that "Before spending money on advertising, companies should
first invest in public relations, only after a brand has been built by public relations and
third-party endorsements should a company advertise to defend that brand."

AIter that, maintaining the internal customer`s relationship with the establishment could
leads to the success oI an industry. As Powell (00) mentioned 'Practioners handling
internal communications keep company employees informed about the organi:ation to
ensure the employees think of themselves as part of the company`. When staII thinks oI
themselves as a part oI the company, they will be highly motivated and work
aggressively to contribute into the success oI the establishment.


.0 Conclusion
AIter doing this assignment, we gain experience oI how the interview process should be
ongoing and this is really a good opportunity to let us learn about what PR practitioners
do in daily liIe. Besides, it had changes our perception and also let us truly understood
what is PR practioners` job scope and Iunctions because Iormerly we thought that PR
practioners are just only deals with people.

In addition, we had also gained some knowledge and tactics on how to handle events
management, how to deals with customer`s complaint and ways to maintain a long term
business relationship with customer through this assignment when Ms. Hee shared her
experience with us. We also know that very establishment had their own job allocation
Ior PR practioners but in major, most oI their job is related with humans and
communication skills.

In our opinion, PR practioners is needed in hospitality industries seeing that it should
work as an individual department rather that stick with other department such as event
department, HR department and sales and marketing department. ThereIore, this PR
department can Iocus the objective oI its existence, which is, maintaining the relationship.
As a conclusion Ior this assignment, an establishment could improve its customer service
by having solely a PR department because we believe that this PR department could act
as the linkage oI every department in a hotel and linkage between the organization and
staII since it not just only Iocusing on external customer but also internal customer as

.0 References
Broom, G. M. (00). utlip and enters Effective Public Relations, 10th Edition. San
Diego: Prentice Hall.

Hasek, G. (003, September 1). Public Relations Success Begins at Hasek

ommunications . Retrieved November 0, 010, Irom Hospitality NET:

Holtz, S. (004, March 1). alking a Fine Line Between Inspiration and Intimidation.
Retrieved November 16, 010, Irom Proquest:

Pinkham, D. (004). hat it Takes to ork in PUblic Affairs and Public Relations.
Retrieved November 1, 010, Irom Proquest:

Powell, J. L. (00). The News Media and PR Practitioners . Retrieved November 6,

010, Irom Free Books Online: http://Iree-books-

Scriabina, N. (00, September). ays to Benefit from ustomer omplaints. Retrieved

November 0, 010, Irom Proquest:


.0 Appendices
Section A: Interviewee` background
1. Could you tell us in brief about the requirements for becoming a PR officer?
BeIore becoming a PR oIIicer, we must know the Iact our area, understand the
kinds oI the products that we need sell to people with the knowledge and
experienced. We must learn all oI these beIore start the PR job and then, we can
only sell the products to the customers aIter studying about the products. Besides,
the very important to show smiling Iace to the guest, being able to answer
customer`s question, able to handle customers` complaints, and understand what is
the need oI the customer.

2. How many years you had been enrolled in the establishment?
I had 11 years oI working experience in this resort.

Section B: An insight oI PR practitioner`s job
3. It is a common knowledge that everyone thinks that Public Relation (PR)
officer's job is to deals with people only, in fact, a PR officer not just only deals
with customer. Could you tell us what other job functions and job scope of a PR
In this resort, we need to know all the basic things such as arrange Iood on time,
make sure the Iood is good in quality, make sure the guests request Ior anything, the
sitting arrangement, background arrangement, equipments arrangement, and the
event order as well. All the minor part should be also handled clearly without
conIusing. Being a PR oIIicer is not just to entertain guests; they must also know
everything in details.

4. As a PR officer of Clear Water Sanctuary Colf Resort, can you tell us which main
area that you are more emphasizing in your position?

All the area must be covered such as I mention just now. Basically, as PR oIIicer oI
this resort, we had to work closely with every department like events department,
Human Resources Department and F&B department.

5. What is the perception of public relations participation in the management in
hospitality industry in general?
Creating a good reputation oI the resort, do the best Ior all customers as well as
possible that can help to create a good image Ior the resort such as good services
and Iacilities are good in conditions. Other than that, retaining the repeat customers,
and increasing the numbers oI the regular customers is our main PR oIIicer`s task.

. What is the role of PR officer that influence in the decision making process of the
es, especially in the matters oI dealing members and customers.

7. 1o conduct a good event management, what are the strategies that could be apply
Remember that 'customer is always right. Most oI the time, you must say that
customer is right even though they are wrong. We need to emphasize needs and
expectations oI each customer. Meeting the requirement oI customers based on the
expectation oI the customers and the conditions oI the resort. This is because the
customers will be very irritated when we cannot meet the needs oI them aIter we
promise to them. Next, good communication with other heard oI departments which
are involved to create a good teamwork is the key to success.

8. Assuming that there is a fuzzy guest complaint about the services provided; can
you give/suggest us a good way on how to deal with customer's complaint?
We would take in consider the complaint and then writing the letter Ior apologies iI
there is a need to do so. Besides, giving certain discount such as 0 discounting oI
Iood and beverage and 10 discounting oI accommodation to the customer is one
oI the method oI solving the problem. These are the ways that could lead the

customers` conIident back to our resort and attract them back to the resort to be the
regular customers.

9. Could you give us some advice on how to face the internal crisis or external crisis
occurred in the hospitality industry.
My advice to settle the internal crisis (communication breakdown between staII) is
we will investigate what are the reasons that cause the communication breakdown
between staII. In addition, we would give verbal warning to the staII and we would
also issue out the warning letter to the staII who are involved because Ior being
unreasonable. Training will be given iI necessary.
The advice Ior the external crisis (bad rumors about the establishmet) that I could
give you is Iirst, we would look Iorward what is the problem and then Iind out the
solution. The most important thing need to be done is apologize to the guests
because all oI the customers need to be respect by other people as well. AIter that,
most oI the customers will not be so angry aIter you apologies Ior them. Once the
problem had been solved, the problem is not allowed to be happened in the same
situation in the Iuture again. We will also improve in the Iuture as well.

1. Customer is the key to the survival of most companies especially in hospitality
industries. 1herefore, we need to keep on maintaining a long term relationship
with customers. What are the several ways/tactics that you used to maintain a
long term business relationship with customer?
Meeting the customers` expectations and as well as do the best Ior them.
Furthermore, we need to amuse the customers by providing good services Ior them.
The key thing is all the staII shall be trained to be polite staII and provide standard
service`s level to customers. Besides, we would call-up the customers regularly Ior
which it shows that the resort is concerned them, inIorm the guest about the up-
coming event and sometimes invite them to the resort with some speciIic discount.
ThereIore, communication skill is the most important skill that a PR oIIicer should

Section C: Moments shared

11. As a PR officer, what types of problems/hassles that you often faced nowadays?
We oIten Iace members` complaint which involves Iailure in product oIIered.
ThereIore, we would investigate the problem and identiIy what the needed oI the
customer. In addition, we will try decreasing the deIects oI the product and
improving the product to be better compare to the previous product.

12. What was the most difficult situation you have been in when responding to media
and public inquiries. What made it difficult? How did you handle it?
We are not dealing this oIten. The main thing oI the media is promote our resort and
it usually does not made any diIIiculties to our resort. Media only Ior promotion and
it does not create the bad news oI the resort to the public generally. In addition, we
will invite them to our resort and let them know about the product. We also bring
them look around the resort`s area and let them join in certain activities with using
our Iacilities. These methods can lead them to introduce our resort properly to the
public with actual inIormation and the experienced that they tried beIore.

13. What is your most unforgettable catastrophe that you been experience before?
How did you overcome the catastrophe?
My most unIorgettable catastrophe that I been experience beIore is when I was
organizing a wedding party. The electricity suddenly breaks down during the
weeding party. The couple was very angry and scolded to the staII. So, what we do
is apologize to the couple and Iigure out a solution, that is, using the candles which
are special shaped instead oI electricity, and we open all the windows and doors Ior
the air circulation. Luckily, the weather is quite cool and the weeding party
continued until the end. Besides, we provide Iree accommodation Ior the couple and
give some discount oI Iood and beverage as the compensation and the customer are
satisIied with it too.


Ms. Hee Wai Ling, Human Resources OIIicer oI Clearwater Sanctuary GolI Resort

Name card

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