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Nokia SL_X Remote Tools

---------------------------------------------------V - 07 Jan 2011

- Bug fix on .cod files data checking
---------------------------------------------------V - 04 Jan 2011
- Process of standalone .cod files added
---------------------------------------------------V - 05 May 2010
- Critical bug fix regarding USB update of Genie
Firmware. Clicking onto another program, then clicking
in Remote Tools was crashing the USB comunication during
OS update and causing the device to go to blue screen mode
---------------------------------------------------V - 17 March 2010
- New button added - SL3 Cancel to allow canceling of
jobs on the server. IMEI of the job needs to be inserted
in the Imei to Cancel box first
---------------------------------------------------V - 15 March 2010
- SL3 Request and SL3 Status buttons now active by default
- Remove server check on startup to allow faster Connect
to running Genie script
---------------------------------------------------V - 11 Feb 2010
- Small improvments over v 1.30
---------------------------------------------------V - 10 Feb 2010
- Ability to repair dead Genie devices via recovery
---------------------------------------------------V - 04 Feb 2010
- Some small changes to allow usage of our new free
service for BB5 RPL files

---------------------------------------------------V - 27 Jan 2010

- Support for the new Remote OS update of Genie
- Bug fix on reading wrong data if old script is
running in the device
---------------------------------------------------V - 20 Jan 2010
- Bug fix when wrong credits value was shown after
free code reading
- Bug fixed when UN/PW is required for free code
---------------------------------------------------V - 18 Jan 2010
- Support for SL3 data requests and status check. No
more need for separate executable for Beta testing
of SL3 Unlock, all is activated based on the user
server privileges
- User Name and Password boxes moved to the About menu.
The login credentials will be saved to the ini file
regardless if use server check box is selected
- New loaders added for not supported RAPIDO hashes
Now will be possible to unlock E63 v200 via RPL file (thanks
to James for the test phone !)
- No more need for good quality cable with RX2 connection
this should increase the comm stability with the cables in
mass use
- Super Dongle data added to calculated RPL file
- No more need to have 200 credits for the code reading
---------------------------------------------------V - 14 Dec 2009
- Reading of the startup self tests added
- Running of single test also is possible now
- Boot delay option removed
---------------------------------------------------V - 30 Nov 2009
- Bug fixed on readining codes from old SL1 phones
---------------------------------------------------V - 23 Nov 2009
- New look
- Ability to read BB5 codes from SL1/SL2 phones. This
will require activation of 200 credits in your account.
RAP3 phones with hash 9DDB will take credits from your
account based on current RPL price

- The latest version of the script is 0.72 (required)

will keep the phone powered on all the time, so delays
for every FBUS command will be skiped (boot delay)
---------------------------------------------------V - 23 June 2009
- Major improvments on the program usability
- Operations are split into separate Tabs, main
Tab is the Logger, where you can read/write etc
Options tab is for settings and server details
- Ability added to check credits on the server
(Check Credits button in Options Tab)
- Improvments on Upload credits menu, now backup
could be auto re-used for upload in case of server
error. Also selected UN/PW will be printed on screen
- Program will save username and password to the
bb5logger.ini file if you keep the 'Use Server' box
selected before closing. So on next start your details
will be ready for use
---------------------------------------------------V - 17 June 2009
- Support for Windows 7
---------------------------------------------------V - 16 June 2009
- Support for RAP3 phones with hash BAF3....
- Update button removed, please do not use older
versions with this function
---------------------------------------------------V - 03 June 2009
- Windows program will save some parameters to ini
file (form position, boot timeout value) and will be
used on next load
- Some improvments on the log.amx script regarding
credits upload to server
---------------------------------------------------V - 02 June 2009
- Ability to upload left genie credits to the server
- Improved error codes to better show problems on
booting when the cable is no good
---------------------------------------------------V - 18 May 2009
- Server connection option added, just tick 'Use Server'
- Support for some new hashes added(still only rapido)

---------------------------------------------------V - 13 May 2009

- With this version is possible to generate RPL file
for locking. You will have to tick the 'Load simlock.bin'
box so the simlock.bin file you saved will be included
in the ask file. The generated RPL file will lock the
phone to the provided plain SL table
---------------------------------------------------V - 30 Apr 2009
- Ability to upload SuperDongle data if available in
the plain RPL file
- Boot wait value could be adjusted now, just enter
bigger then default 5000 mS value in the edit box
---------------------------------------------------V - 25 Apr 2009
- Reading of basic phone info added: Sw, Imei and
simlock table. Basic parser is also included
- Possible to save the sl table to winlock5 and
bb5notp.exe compatible binary file
---------------------------------------------------V - 24 Apr 2009
- Ability to upload RPL files (please update log.amx
on your card and also your device to 0.155)
---------------------------------------------------V - 22 Apr 2009
- Better error display
- Script will show info on Genie screen
- Application can unload the script via command
---------------------------------------------------V - 21 Apr 2009
- Initial Beta release
---------------------------------------------------B-phreaks, 2009

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