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ClllClAL 8uLLS Cl SCl18ALL

(CopyrlghL by Lhe lnLernaLlonal SofLball lederaLlon laylng 8ules CommlLLee)

Cllck here for Lhe 201013 lSl laylng 8ule Changes wlLh CommenLs
new 8ules and/or changes are bolded and lLallclzed ln each secLlon
8eferences Lo (S CnL?) lnclude Coed Slow lLch Wherever lAS1 l1CP CnL? (l CnL?)" appears ln
Lhe Cfflclal 8ules Lhe same rules apply Lo Modlfled lLch wlLh Lhe excepLlon of Lhe plLchlng rule
Any reprlnLlng of 1PL ClllClAL 8uLLS wlLhouL Lhe expressed wrlLLen consenL of Lhe lnLernaLlonal
lederaLlon ls sLrlcLly prohlblLed
Wherever he or hlm or Lhelr relaLed pronouns may appear ln Lhls rule book elLher as words or as
parLs of words
Lhey have been used for llLerary purposes and are meanL ln Lhelr generlc sense (le 1o lnclude all
humanklnd or boLh
male and female sexes)
8uLL 1 uLllnl1lCnS
Sec 1 AL1L8Lu 8A1
A baL ls alLered when Lhe physlcal sLrucLure of a legal baL has been changed Lxamples of alLerlng a baL
are replaclng
Lhe handle of a meLal baL wlLh a wooden or oLher Lype handle lnserLlng maLerlal lnslde Lhe baL applylng
Lape (more Lhan Lwo layers) Lo Lhe baL grlp or palnLlng a baL aL Lhe Lop or boLLom for oLher Lhan
purposes 8eplaclng Lhe grlp wlLh anoLher legal grlp ls noL consldered alLerlng Lhe baL A flare or
cone grlp
aLLached Lo Lhe baL ls consldered an alLered baL
Lngraved lu" marklng on Lhe knob end only of a meLal baL ls noL consldered an alLered baL Lngraved
lu" marklng
on Lhe barrel end of a meLal baL ls consldered an alLered baL Laser marklng for lu" purposes anywhere
on Lhe baL ls
noL consldered an alLered baL
Sec 2 ALAL LA?
A llve or dead ball appeal ls a play or slLuaLlon on whlch an umplre cannoL make a declslon unless
requesLed by a
manager coach or player of Lhe nonoffendlng Leam A coach or manager may only make a dead ball
and only afLer sLepplng onLo Lhe playlng fleld
lf made by a flelder Lhe flelder musL be ln Lhe lnfleld when maklng Lhe appeal 1he appeal may noL be
made afLer
any one of Lhe followlng has occurred
a A legal plLch has been Lhrown or an lllegal plLch has been called
1 An appeal for Lhe use of an lllegal SubsLlLuLe lllegal 8eenLry a 8eplacemenL layer
or WlLhdrawn layer (elLher leavlng or reLurnlng Lo Lhe llneup under Lhe 8eplacemenL
layer 8ule) and noL reporLlng Lo Lhe umplre can be made anyLlme whlle such player ls
sLlll ln Lhe game
2 An appeal for runners swlLchlng poslLlons on Lhe bases Lhey occupled may be made
anyLlme unLll all such runners are ln Lhe dugouL or Lhe half lnnlng ls over
b 1he plLcher and all defenslve players have lefL falr LerrlLory or
c 1he umplres have lefL Lhe fleld of play followlng Lhe lasL play of Lhe game
1hese are Lhe Lypes of appeals
a Mlsslng a base
b Leavlng a base on a caughL fly ball before Lhe ball ls flrsL Louched
c 8aLLlng ouLoforder
d ALLempLlng Lo advance Lo second base afLer maklng a Lurn aL flrsL base
e lllegal subsLlLuLlons
f 1he use of unannounced players under Lhe 8eplacemenL layer 8ule
g lllegal reenLry
h 1he use of unannounced players under Lhe ueslgnaLed layer 8ule
l 8unners swlLchlng poslLlons on Lhe bases Lhey occupledSec 3 8ALL CCM8LSSlCn
8all Compresslon ls Lhe Load force" ln kllograms (pounds) requlred Lo compress a sofLball 63mm (023
when measured ln accordance wlLh Lhe AS1M (Amerlcan SocleLy for 1esLlng and MaLerlals) LesL
meLhod for
measurlng compresslondlsplacemenL of sofLballs
Sec 4 8ALL CC8
1he CoefflclenL of 8esLlLuLlon of a sofLball when measured wlLh Lhe AS1M (Amerlcan SocleLy for 1esLlng
MaLerlals) LesL meLhod for measurlng Lhe CoefflclenL of 8esLlLuLlon of sofLballs
Sec 3 8ASL LlnL
A 8ase Llne ls a dlrecL llne beLween bases
Sec6 8ASL Cn 8ALLS
(l and S) A base on balls occurs when four plLches are [udged by Lhe plaLe umplre Lo be balls
lncludlng lllegal
plLches 1he baLLer ls awarded flrsL base 1hls ls someLlmes referred Lo as a Walk (l Lhe ball ls allve S
Lhe ball
ls dead)
Sec 7 8ASL A1P
A base paLh ls a dlrecL llne beLween a base and Lhe runner's poslLlon aL Lhe Llme a defenslve player ls
aLLempLlng (or
abouL Lo aLLempL) Lo Lag a runner
Sec 8 8A11Lu 8ALL
A baLLed ball ls any ball LhaL hlLs Lhe baL or ls hlL by Lhe baL and lands elLher ln falr or foul LerrlLory no
lnLenLlon Lo
hlL Lhe ball ls necessary
Sec 9 8A11L8
A baLLer ls an offenslve player who enLers Lhe baLLer's box wlLh Lhe lnLenLlon of aldlng hls Leam Lo score
runs Pe
conLlnues Lo be a baLLer unLll he ls elLher declared ouL by Lhe umplre or he becomes a baLLerrunner
Sec 10 8A11L8S 8Cx
1he baLLers box ls Lhe area Lo whlch Lhe baLLer ls resLrlcLed whlle ln poslLlon wlLh Lhe lnLenLlon of
helplng hls Leam Lo
obLaln runs 1he llnes are consldered as belng wlLhln Lhe baLLers box
Sec 11 8A11L88unnL8
A baLLerrunner ls a player who has flnlshed a Lurn aL baL buL has noL yeL been puL ouL or Louched flrsL
Sec 12 8A11lnC C8uL8
1he baLLlng order ls Lhe offlclal llsLlng of offenslve players ln Lhe order ln whlch members of LhaL Leam
musL come Lo
baL When Lhe llneup card ls submlLLed lL shall also lnclude each players poslLlon
Sec 13 8LCCkLu 8ALL
A blocked ball ls a baLLed Lhrown or plLched ball LhaL
a 8ecomes lodged ln Lhe fenclng or
b ls Louched sLopped or handled by a person noL engaged ln Lhe game or
c 1ouches any ob[ecL LhaL ls noL parL of Lhe offlclal equlpmenL or playlng area or
d ls Louched by a defenslve player who ls ln conLacL wlLh Lhe ground LhaL ls noL parL of Lhe playlng
A Lhrown ball Louchlng a base coach accldenLally (ln or ouL of Lhe coaches box) ls noL a blocked ball
Sec 14 8un1
A bunL ls a baLLed ball noL swung aL buL lnLenLlonally meL wlLh Lhe baL and Lapped slowly wlLhln Lhe
lnfleldSec 13 CA1CP
A caLch ls a legally caughL ball whlch occurs when Lhe flelder caLches a baLLed or Lhrown ball wlLh hls
hand(s) or
A ln esLabllshlng a valld caLch Lhe flelder shall hold Lhe ball long enough Lo prove Lhe ball ls securely
and/or LhaL Lhe release of Lhe ball ls volunLary and lnLenLlonal lf Lhe player drops Lhe ball afLer reachlng
Lhe glove Lo remove lL or whlle ln Lhe acL of Lhrowlng lL ls a valld caLch
8 lf Lhe ball ls merely held ln Lhe flelder's arm(s) or prevenLed from dropplng Lo Lhe ground by some
parL of
Lhe flelder's body equlpmenL or cloLhlng Lhe caLch ls noL compleLed unLll Lhe ball ls ln Lhe grasp of Lhe
flelder's hand(s) or glove
C 1he flelder's feeL musL be wlLhln Lhe fleld of play Louchlng Lhe 'ouL of play' llne or belng ln Lhe alr
leavlng llve ball LerrlLory ln order Lo have a valld caLch lf Lhe player has conLrol of Lhe ball when
Lo Lhe ground ln Lhe 'ouL of play' area lL ls a valld caLch A player who ls ln ouL of play area' and reLurns
Lo Lhe llve ball LerrlLory musL have boLh feeL Louchlng Lhe playable area prlor Lo Louchlng Lhe ball ln
order Lo
have a valld caLch
u lL ls noL a caLch lf a flelder (whlle galnlng conLrol) collldes wlLh anoLher player umplre or a fence or
Lo Lhe ground and drops Lhe ball as a resulL of Lhe colllslon or falllng Lo Lhe ground
L A baLLed ball sLrlklng anyLhlng oLher Lhan a defenslve player whlle lL ls ln fllghL ls ruled Lhe same as lf lL
sLruck Lhe ground
Sec 16 CA1CPL8S 8Cx
1he caLchers box ls LhaL area wlLhln whlch Lhe caLcher musL remaln unLll
a (l CnL?) 1he plLch ls released 1he llnes are Lo be consldered wlLhln Lhe caLchers box
b (S CnL?) 1he plLched ball ls baLLed Louches Lhe ground plaLe or baLLer or reaches Lhe caLchers
box 1he llnes
are Lo be consldered wlLhln Lhe caLchers box 1he caLcher ls consldered wlLhln Lhe box excepL when
Louchlng Lhe
ground ouLslde Lhe caLchers box
Sec 17 CPA8CLu CCnlL8LnCL
A charged conference Lakes place when
a Cffenslve Conference 1he offenslve Leam requesLs a suspenslon of play Lo allow Lhe manager or
oLher Leam
represenLaLlve Lo confer wlLh any member of Lhelr Leam
b uefenslve Conference 1he defenslve Leam requesLs a suspenslon of play Lo allow a represenLaLlve
of Lhe
defenslve Leam Lo enLer Lhe playlng fleld Lo communlcaLe wlLh any defenslve player or a flelder leaves
hls poslLlon
and goes Lo Lhe dugouL and glves Lhe umplre reason Lo belleve LhaL he recelved lnsLrucLlon
noLe Lo Sec 17b lL ls noL a charged conference lf Lhe coach/manager noLlfles Lhe plaLe umplre of a
change of
plLchers elLher before or afLer communlcaLlng wlLh Lhe plLcher
Sec 18 CPCLu 8ALL
A chopped hlL ball ls one aL whlch Lhe baLLer sLrlkes downward wlLh a chopplng moLlon of Lhe baL so
LhaL Lhe ball
bounces hlgh lnLo Lhe alr
Sec 19 CCACP
a A coach ls a person who ls responslble for Lhe Leam's acLlons on Lhe fleld and he represenLs Lhe Leam
communlcaLlons wlLh Lhe umplre and opposlng Leam A player may be deslgnaLed as a coach ln Lhe
evenL Lhe
coach ls absenL or LhaL player ls a playlng coach
b lor Lhe purpose of Lhese rules Lhe manager of a Leam ls consldered Lo be Lhe Pead Coach
Sec 20 C8CW PC (l CnL?)
A Crow hop ls deflned as Lhe acL of a plLcher who does noL push off from Lhe plLchers plaLe Lo dellver
ball 1PlS lS An lLLLCAL AC1 lf Lhe plLcher sLeps off Lhe plLcher's plaLe Lhereby esLabllshlng a second
lmpeLus (or sLarLlng polnL) and Lhen pushes off from Lhe new sLarLlng polnL and compleLes Lhe dellvery
nC1L 1he plLcher may leap from Lhe plLcher's plaLe land and wlLh a conLlnuous moLlon dellver Lhe
ball Lo
Lhe plaLe 1he plvoL fooL may push off and/or follow Lhrough wlLh Lhls conLlnuous acLlon and Lhls ls
consldered a crow hop
Sec 21 uLAu 8ALL
A dead ball ls one LhaL
a 1ouches any ob[ecL LhaL ls noL parL of Lhe offlclal equlpmenL or offlclal playlng area or a player/person
engaged ln Lhe game orb Lodges ln Lhe umplre's gear or ln an offenslve player's cloLhlng or
c 1he umplre has ruled dead
Sec 22 uLlLnSlvL 1LAM
1he defenslve Leam ls Lhe Leam ln Lhe fleld
Sec 23 uLLA?Lu uLAu 8ALL
A uelayed uead 8all ls game slLuaLlon ln whlch Lhe ball remalns allve unLll Lhe concluslon of a play
When Lhe enLlre
play ls compleLed Lhe umplre shall rule a dead ball and enforce Lhe approprlaLe rullng (8efer Lo 8ule 9
Sec 3)
Sec 24 uLSlCnA1Lu LA?L8 (u) (l CnL?)
1he ueslgnaLed layer ls a sLarLlng offenslve player who baLs ln Lhe llneup for Lhe lLLx LA?L8 llsLed ln
Lhe LenLh
(10Lh) poslLlon on Lhe llneup card
Sec 23 ulSLCuCLu 8ASL
A dlslodged base ls a base dlsplaced from lLs proper poslLlon
Sec 26 uCu8LL LA?
A double play ls a play by Lhe defense ln whlch Lwo offenslve players are legally puL ouL as a resulL of
Sec 27 uuCCu1
1he dugouL ls an area ln dead ball LerrlLory deslgnaLed for players coaches baL boys or glrls and offlclal
represenLaLlves of Lhe Leam only 1here shall be no smoklng ln Lhls area
Sec 28 L!LC1lCn l8CM 1PL CAML
L[ecLlon ls Lhe acL of any umplre orderlng a player offlclal or any Leam member Lo leave Lhe game and
Lhe grounds
for a rule vlolaLlon for Lhe remalnder of Lhe game
Sec 29 lAl8 8ALL
A falr ball ls a legally baLLed ball whlch
a SeLLles or ls Louched on or over falr LerrlLory beLween home and flrsL base or beLween home and Lhlrd
b 8ounds pasL flrsL or Lhlrd base on or over falr LerrlLory regardless of where Lhe ball hlLs afLer golng
over Lhe
c 1ouches flrsL second or Lhlrd base
d Whlle on or over falr LerrlLory Louches Lhe person or cloLhlng of an umplre or player
e llrsL falls on falr LerrlLory beyond flrsL and Lhlrd base
f Whlle over falr LerrlLory passes ouL of Lhe playlng fleld beyond Lhe ouLfleld fence
g Whlle ln fllghL hlLs Lhe foul llne pole
nC1L 1 A falr fly shall be [udged accordlng Lo Lhe relaLlve poslLlon of Lhe ball and Lhe foul llne lncludlng
Lhe foul
pole and noL as Lo wheLher Lhe flelder ls on falr or foul LerrlLory aL Lhe Llme of Louchlng Lhe ball lL does
noL maLLer wheLher Lhe ball flrsL Louches falr or foul LerrlLory as long as lL does noL Louch anyLhlng
Lo Lhe naLural ground ln foul LerrlLory and complles wlLh all oLher aspecLs of a falr ball
2 1he poslLlon of Lhe ball aL Lhe Llme of lnLerference deLermlnes wheLher Lhe ball ls falr or foul
regardless lf
Lhe ball rolls unLouched Lo foul or falr LerrlLory
Sec 30 lAl8 1L88l1C8?
lalr LerrlLory ls LhaL parL of Lhe playlng fleld wlLhln and lncludlng Lhe flrsL and Lhlrd base foul llnes from
home base
Lo Lhe boLLom of Lhe exLreme playlng fleld fence and perpendlcularly upwards
Sec 31 lAkL 1AC
A 'fake Lag' ls a form of obsLrucLlon on a runner whlle advanclng or reLurnlng Lo a base by a flelder who
ls noL ln
possesslon of Lhe ball LhaL lmpedes Lhe progress of Lhe runner 1he runner does noL have Lo sLop or
sllde Merely
slowlng down when a fake Lag ls slmulaLed would consLlLuLe obsLrucLlon
Sec 32 llLLuL8
A flelder ls any defenslve player of Lhe Leam on Lhe fleldSec 33 lL? 8ALL
A fly ball ls any ball baLLed lnLo Lhe alr
Sec 34 lLLx LA?L8 (l CnL?)
1he llex layer ls Lhe sLarLlng player for whom Lhe ueslgnaLed layer (u) ls baLLlng and whose name
appears ln Lhe
LenLh (10Lh) poslLlon on Lhe llneup card
Sec 33 lC8CL Cu1
A forceouL ls an ouL whlch can be made only when a runner loses Lhe rlghL Lo Lhe base whlch he ls
because Lhe baLLer becomes a baLLerrunner and before Lhe baLLerrunner or a succeedlng runner has
been puL ouL Cn
an appeal play Lhe force ouL ls deLermlned by Lhe force slLuaLlon aL Lhe Llme Lhe appeal ls made noL aL
Lhe Llme of
Lhe lnfracLlon Lg lf Lhe force has been broken by an ouL of an succeedlng runner prlor Lo Lhe appeal
Lhen Lhls ls
no longer a force ouL
Sec 36 lC8lLl1
A forfelL ls Lhe acL of Lhe plaLe umplre rullng LhaL Lhe game ls over by declarlng Lhe nonoffendlng Leam
Lhe wlnner
Sec 37 lCuL 8ALL
A foul ball ls a legally baLLed ball whlch
a SeLLles on foul LerrlLory beLween home and flrsL base or beLween home and Lhlrd base
b 8ounds pasL flrsL or Lhlrd on or over foul LerrlLory
c llrsL Louches on foul LerrlLory beyond flrsL or Lhlrd base
d Whlle on or over foul LerrlLory Louches Lhe person aLLached or deLached equlpmenL or cloLhlng of an
umplre or
player or any ob[ecL forelgn Lo Lhe naLural ground
e 1ouches Lhe baLLer or Lhe baL ln Lhe baLLer's hand(s) a second Llme whlle Lhe baLLer ls wlLhln Lhe
baLLers box
f Coes dlrecLly from Lhe baL noL hlgher Lhan Lhe baLLer's head Lo any parL of Lhe caLcher's body or
equlpmenL and ls
caughL by anoLher flelder
g PlLs Lhe plLcher's plaLe and rolls unLouched Lo foul LerrlLory before reachlng flrsL or Lhlrd base
nC1L 1 A foul fly shall be [udged accordlng Lo Lhe relaLlve poslLlon of Lhe ball and Lhe foul llne
lncludlng Lhe foul
pole and noL as Lo wheLher Lhe flelder ls on falr or foul LerrlLory aL Lhe Llme of Louchlng Lhe ball
2 1he poslLlon of Lhe ball aL Lhe Llme of lnLerference deLermlnes wheLher Lhe ball ls falr or foul
regardless lf
Lhe ball rolls unLouched Lo foul or falr LerrlLory
Sec 38 lCuL 1L88l1C8?
loul LerrlLory ls any parL of Lhe playlng fleld LhaL ls noL lncluded ln falr LerrlLory
Sec 39 lCuL 1l
A foul Llp ls a baLLed ball whlch
a Coes dlrecLly from Lhe baL Lo Lhe caLchers hands
b Coes noL hlgher Lhan Lhe baLLers head and
c ls legally caughL by Lhe caLcher
nC1L lL ls noL a foul Llp unless caughL and any foul Llp LhaL ls caughL ls a sLrlke ln lasL lLch Lhe ball ls ln
play ln
Slow lLch Lhe ball ls dead lL ls noL a caLch lf lL ls a rebound unless Lhe ball flrsL Louched Lhe caLchers
hand(s) or
Sec 40 PLLML1
A helmeL
a MusL have Lwo ear flaps (one on each slde) and shall be Lhe Lype LhaL has safeLy feaLures equal Lo or
greaLer Lhan
Lhose provlded by Lhe full plasLlc cap wlLh paddlng on Lhe lnslde A llner coverlng Lhe ears only does noL
Lhe rule speclflcaLlons
b Worn by a caLcher may be Lhe skull Lype wlLhouL Lhe earflaps
c Worn by a defenslve player does noL need earflaps
d 1haL ls cracked broken denLed or alLered shall be declared an lllegal helmeL and removed from Lhe
gameSec 41 PCML 1LAM
1he home Leam ls Lhe Leam on whose grounds Lhe game ls played or lf Lhe game ls played on neuLral
ground Lhe
home Leam shall be deslgnaLed by muLual agreemenL or by a fllp of a coln
Sec 42 lLLLCAL 8A1
An lllegal baL ls one LhaL does noL meeL Lhe requlremenLs of 8ule 3 Sec 1
Sec 43 lLLLCAL Lx18A LA?L8 (S CnL?)
An lllegal LxLra layer ls one who vlolaLes any of Lhe provlslons of 8ule 4 Sec 6
Sec 44 lLLLCAL l1CPL8
An lllegal lLcher ls a player legally ln Lhe game buL one who may noL plLch as a resulL of
a 8elng removed from Lhe plLchlng poslLlon by Lhe umplre or Lhe manager as a resulL of Lhe defenslve
conference llmlL belng exceeded or
b (S CnL?) 8elng removed from Lhe plLchlng poslLlon by Lhe umplre as a resulL of plLchlng wlLh
excesslve speed
afLer a warnlng
Sec 43 lLLLCAL LA?L8
An lllegal layer ls a player who Lakes a poslLlon ln Lhe llneup elLher on offense or defense who has noL
reporLed Lo Lhe plaLe umplre 1hese are Lhe Lypes of lllegal layers"
a A 8LLACLMLn1 LA?L8 enLerlng Lhe game (under Lhe 8eplacemenL layer rule) wlLhouL
reporLlng Lo Lhe plaLe umplre
b A Wl1Pu8AWn LA?L8 (under Lhe 8eplacemenL layer rule) reLurnlng Lo Lhe game wlLhouL
reporLlng Lo Lhe plaLe umplre
Sec 46 lLLLCAL 8LLn18?
An lllegal 8eenLry occurs when
a A sLarLlng player reLurns Lo Lhe game a second Llme afLer Lwlce belng subsLlLuLed
b A sLarLlng player reLurns Lo Lhe game afLer belng subsLlLuLed buL noL ln hls orlglnal poslLlon ln Lhe
offenslve llneup
c A subsLlLuLe who has legally been ln Lhe game reLurns Lo Lhe game afLer belng replaced by elLher Lhe
sLarLlng player or anoLher subsLlLuLe
d 1he sLarLlng u (l CnL?) or hls subsLlLuLe ls placed lnLo Lhe baLLlng order ln a poslLlon oLher Lhan hls
sLarLlng poslLlon
e A llex player who ls placed ln Lhe baLLlng order ln a poslLlon oLher Lhan LhaL of Lhe sLarLlng u
Sec 47 lLLLCAL Su8S1l1u1L
An lllegal SubsLlLuLe ls a player who has enLered Lhe game wlLhouL belng announced Lo Lhe umplre Pe
may be
a A subsLlLuLe who has noL prevlously been ln Lhe game
b An lllegal layer
c A declared lnellglble layer
d An lllegal 8eenLry or
e An lllegal u or lLLx LA?L8 (l CnL?) or L (S CnL?)
f A replacemenL player who remalns ln Lhe game as an unannounced subsLlLuLe for a wlLhdrawn player
who has noL
reLurned Lo Lhe game wlLhln Lhe Llme permlLLed under Lhe provlslons of Lhe replacemenL player rule
Sec 48 lLLLCALL? 8A11Lu 8ALL
An lllegally baLLed ball occurs when Lhe baLLer hlLs Lhe ball falr or foul
a Whlle hls enLlre fooL ls compleLely ouL of Lhe baLLer's box on Lhe ground when he makes conLacL
wlLh Lhe ball
b Whlle any parL of Lhe baLLer's fooL ls Louchlng home plaLe when he makes conLacL wlLh Lhe ball
c Whlle conLacLlng Lhe ball wlLh an lllegal nonapproved or alLered baL
d AfLer he sLeps wlLh elLher fooL enLlrely ouL of Lhe baLLer's box and Lhen reLurns and makes conLacL
wlLh Lhe ball
whlle wlLhln Lhe baLLer's box
An lllegally caughL ball occurs when a flelder caLches a baLLed Lhrown or plLched ball wlLh hls cap
mask glove or
any parL of hls unlform whlle lL ls deLached from lLs proper placeSec 30 lnLLlCl8LL LA?L8
An lnellglble layer ls a player who may no longer legally parLlclpaLe ln Lhe game because Lhe umplre
has removed
hlm An lnellglble player may no longer parLlclpaLe as a player buL may conLlnue ln Lhe game as a coach
Sec 31 lnLLlCl8LL 8LLACLMLn1 LA?L8
An lnellglble 8eplacemenL layer ls a player who may nC1 enLer Lhe game Lo replace a player who musL
leave Lhe
game Lo aLLend Lo an ln[ury LhaL has caused bleedlng An lnellglble 8eplacemenL layer ls one who
a Pas been elLher removed or e[ecLed from Lhe game by Lhe umplre for a vlolaLlon of Lhe rules
b ls ln Lhe currenL llneup
Sec 32 ln lLlCP1
ln fllghL descrlbes any baLLed Lhrown or plLched ball LhaL has noL yeL Louched Lhe ground or some
ob[ecL oLher Lhan a
Sec 33 ln !LCA8u?
ln [eopardy ls a Lerm lndlcaLlng LhaL Lhe ball ls ln play and an offenslve player may be puL ouL
Sec 34 lnllLLu
1he lnfleld ls LhaL porLlon of Lhe fleld ln falr LerrlLory LhaL lncludes areas normally covered by lnflelders
Sec 33 lnllLLuL8
An lnflelder ls a defenslve player lncludlng Lhe plLcher and caLcher who ls generally poslLloned
anywhere near or
wlLhln Lhe llnes of Lhe base paLhs formlng falr LerrlLory A player who normally plays ln Lhe ouLfleld may
consldered an lnflelder lf he moves lnLo Lhe area normally covered by lnflelders
Sec 36 lnllLLu lL?
An lnfleld lly ls a falr fly ball (noL lncludlng a llne drlve or an aLLempLed bunL) LhaL can be caughL by an
wlLh ordlnary efforL when flrsL and second or flrsL second and Lhlrd bases are occupled before Lwo are
ouL 1he
plLcher caLcher and any ouLflelder LhaL poslLlons hlmself ln Lhe lnfleld on Lhe play shall be consldered
lnflelders for
Lhe purpose of Lhls rule
1 When lL seems apparenL LhaL a baLLed ball wlll be an lnfleld fly Lhe umplre shall lmmedlaLely declare
lnllLLu lL? ll lAl81PL 8A11L8 lS Cu1 for Lhe beneflL of Lhe runners
2 1he ball ls allve and runners may advance aL Lhe rlsk of Lhe ball belng caughL or reLouch and advance
afLer Lhe ball ls Louched Lhe same as on any fly ball lf a declared lnfleld fly becomes a foul ball lL ls
LreaLed Lhe same as any foul
3 lf a declared lnfleld fly ls allowed Lo fall unLouched Lo Lhe ground and bounces foul before passlng
flrsL or Lhlrd base lL ls a foul ball
4 lf a declared lnfleld fly falls unLouched Lo Lhe ground ouLslde Lhe basellne and bounces falr before
passlng flrsL or Lhlrd base lL ls an lnfleld fly
Sec 37 lnnlnC
An lnnlng ls LhaL porLlon of a game wlLhln whlch Lhe Leams alLernaLe on offense and defense and ln
whlch Lhere are
Lhree ouLs for each Leam A new lnnlng beglns lmmedlaLely afLer Lhe flnal ouL of Lhe prevlous lnnlng
Sec 38 ln1Ln1lCnAL 8ASL Cn 8ALLS
An lnLenLlonal base on balls occurs when Lhe defenslve Leam deslres Lo place Lhe baLLer on flrsL base
wlLhouL Lhe
requlremenL Lo dellver four plLched balls 1hls ls referred Lo as an lnLenLlonal Walk 1he ball ls dead
Sec 39 ln1Ln1lCnALL? u8CLu lL? 8ALL
An lnLenLlonally dropped fly ball ls a falr fly ball lncludlng a llne drlve or a bunL wlLh less Lhan Lwo ouLs
and a
runner on flrsL base whlch can be caughL by an lnflelder wlLh ordlnary efforL and Lhe lnflelder
lnLenLlonally drops
afLer lL ls conLrolled wlLh a hand or a glove A Lrapped ball or a fly ball allowed Lo bounce shall noL be
consldered as
havlng been lnLenLlonally dropped
Sec 60 ln1L8lL8LnCL
lnLerference ls Lhe acL ofa An offenslve player or Leam member LhaL lmpedes hlnders or confuses a
defenslve player aLLempLlng Lo
execuLe a play
b An umplre who lmpedes a caLcher's aLLempL Lo Lhrow ouL a runner who ls off Lhe base
c An umplre belng hlL wlLh a falrbaLLed ball prlor Lo lL passlng an lnflelder excludlng Lhe plLcher
d A specLaLor who reaches lnLo Lhe playlng fleld and lmpedes a flelder playlng Lhe ball or makes conLacL
wlLh Lhe
ball LhaL a flelder ls aLLempLlng a play on
Sec 61 LLAlnC (l CnL?)
Leaplng ls Lhe acL of a plLcher LhaL causes hlm Lo be alrborne on hls lnlLlal move and push from Lhe
plaLe 1he momenLum bullL by Lhe forward movemenL of Lhe plLcher causes Lhe enLlre body lncludlng
boLh Lhe
plvoL and sLepplng (nonplvoL) fooL Lo be ln Lhe alr aL Lhe same Llme and movlng Lowards home plaLe
1he plLch ls
compleLed when Lhe plLcher lands and wlLh a conLlnuous moLlon dellvers Lhe ball Lo Lhe plaLe 1he plvoL
fooL may
push off and/or follow Lhrough wlLh Lhls conLlnuous acLlon Leaplng ls a legal acL
Sec 62 LLCAL 1CuCP (1AC)
A legal Louch (Lag) ls Lhe acLlon of a flelder ln Louchlng (or Lagglng)
a A baLLerrunner or runner who ls noL ln conLacL wlLh a base wlLh Lhe ball securely held ln hls hand(s)
or glove 1he
ball ls noL consldered as havlng been securely held lf lL ls [uggled or dropped by Lhe flelder afLer Louchlng
(Lagglng) Lhe baLLerrunner or runner unless LhaL player dellberaLely knocks Lhe ball from Lhe hand(s) or
glove of
Lhe flelder 1he runner musL be Louched (Lagged) wlLh Lhe hand(s) or glove wlLh whlch Lhe ball ls held
b A base wlLh Lhe ball securely held ln hls hand(s) or glove 1he base may be Louched (Lagged) wlLh any
parL of Lhe
body Lo be a legal Louch (Lag) (eg Lhe flelder could Louch (Lag) Lhe base wlLh a fooL wlLh a hand slL on
Lhe base
eLc) 1hls would apply on any force ouL or appeal slLuaLlon
A legally caughL ball occurs when a flelder caLches a baLLed Lhrown or plLched ball provlded lL ls noL
caughL ln Lhe
flelders cap helmeL mask proLecLor pockeL or oLher parL of hls unlform lL musL be caughL and flrmly
held ln Lhe
hand(s) or glove
Sec 64 LlnL u8lvL
A llne drlve ls a ball ln fllghL LhaL ls baLLed sharply and dlrecLly lnLo Lhe playlng fleld
Sec 63 LlnLu Anu LlnLu CA8u
A llneup ls Lhe llsL of players who are currenLly lnvolved playlng offenslve and defenslve poslLlons ln Lhe
lncludlng Lhe u and lLLx LA?L8 (l CnL?) and L (S CnL?) ls belng used 1he llneup card wlll
1 1he lasL name flrsL name poslLlon and unlform number of Lhe sLarLlng players ln Lhe llneup and
2 1he lasL name flrsL name and unlform number of avallable subsLlLuLes and
3 1he lasL name and flrsL name of Lhe manager
nC1L lf an lncorrecL unlform number ls llsLed on Lhe llneup card lL may be correcLed and Lhe game
conLlnued wlLh
no penalLy lf a player wearlng an lncorrecL number vlolaLes any rule Lhe vlolaLlon has precedence and
musL be
enforced lf Lhe player remalns ln Lhe game followlng Lhe vlolaLlon Lhen correcL Lhe number and
conLlnue Lo play
Sec 66 C8S18uC1lCn
CbsLrucLlon ls Lhe acL of
a A defenslve player or Leam member who hlnders or prevenLs a baLLer from sLrlklng aL or hlLLlng a
plLched ball
b A flelder who lmpedes Lhe progress of a runner or baLLerrunner who ls legally runnlng bases whlle
1 noL ln possesslon of Lhe ball or
2 noL ln Lhe acL of fleldlng a baLLed ball or
3 Maklng a fake Lag wlLhouL Lhe ball or
4 ln possesslon of Lhe ball and who pushes a runner off a base or
3 ln possesslon of Lhe ball buL noL ln Lhe acL of maklng a play on Lhe runner lmpedes Lhe progress of
runner whlle he ls legally runnlng Lhe bases
Sec 67 CllLnSlvL LA?L8 CnL? (l CnL?)
An Cffenslve layer Cnly (CC) ls a player ln Lhe baLLlng order oLher Lhan Lhe lLLx for whom Lhe u ls
playlng defense 1he CC conLlnues Lo play offense buL noL play defenseSec 68 CllLnSlvL 1LAM
1he offenslve Leam ls Lhe Leam aL baL
Sec 69 ClllClAL LCulMLn1
Cfflclal LqulpmenL ls consldered Lo be any equlpmenL (baLs gloves helmeLs eLc) ln currenL use by Lhe
or offenslve Leam ln Lhe course of play uefenslve equlpmenL (gloves for example) lefL on Lhe fleld by
Lhe Leam
playlng offense would noL be consldered as Cfflclal LqulpmenL
Sec 70 CnuLCk 8A11L8
1he ondeck baLLer ls Lhe offenslve player whose name follows Lhe name of Lhe baLLer ln Lhe baLLlng
Sec 71 Cn uLCk Cl8CLL
1he ondeck clrcle ls LhaL area closesL Lo Lhe player's bench where Lhe ondeck baLLer may warmup or
Lakes pracLlce
swlngs whlle walLlng hls Lurn Lo enLer Lhe baLLer's box
Sec 72 CnL ML1L8 (1P8LL lCC1) LlnL
1he CneMeLer (1hree looL) Llne ls Lhe area Lhe lasL half dlsLance beLween home and flrsL base where a
musL run Lo avold belng called ouL for lnLerferlng wlLh a Lhrown ball from Lhe home plaLe area or wlLh a
aLLempL Lo Lake such a Lhrow whlle runnlng Lo flrsL base
Sec 73 C1lCn LA?
An CpLlon lay ls a play ln whlch Lhe offenslve coach/manager ls glven Lhe cholce of Laklng Lhe
enforcemenL of Lhe
lllegal acLlon or Lhe resulL of Lhe play Such opLlons lnclude
a CaLcher obsLrucLlon
b use of an lllegal glove
c An lllegal subsLlLuLlon
d An lllegal plLch
e An lllegal plLcher reLurned Lo game and plLchlng
f A female baLLer on a LwoouL walk (Coed S CnL?)
Sec 74 Cu1llLLu
1he ouLfleld ls LhaL porLlon of Lhe fleld LhaL ls ouLslde Lhe dlamond formed by Lhe basellnes or Lhe area
noL normally
covered by an lnflelder and wlLhln Lhe foul llnes beyond flrsL and Lhlrd bases and boundarles of Lhe
Sec 73 CvL8SLluL
An oversllde ls Lhe acL of an offenslve player when as a runner he overslldes a base he ls aLLempLlng Lo
reach lL ls
usually caused when hls momenLum causes hlm Lo lose conLacL wlLh Lhe base whlch Lhen causes hlm Lo
be ln
[eopardy 1he baLLerrunner may oversllde flrsL base wlLhouL belng ln [eopardy provlded he
lmmedlaLely reLurns Lo
LhaL base
Sec 76 CvL81P8CW
An overLhrow ls a play ln whlch a ball ls Lhrown from one flelder Lo anoLher resulLlng ln Lhe ball
a golng beyond Lhe boundary llnes of Lhe playlng fleld or
b becomlng blocked
Sec 77 ASSLu 8ALL (l CnL?)
A passed ball ls a plLch LhaL should have been held or conLrolled by Lhe caLcher wlLh ordlnary efforL
Sec 78 l1CP
A plLch ls Lhe acL performed by Lhe plLcher ln dellverlng Lhe ball Lo Lhe baLLer
Sec 79 l1CPL8S Cl8CLL (l CnL?)
1he plLchers clrcle ls Lhe area wlLhln 244 m (8 fL) of Lhe plLchers plaLe 1he llnes are consldered wlLhln
Lhe clrcle
Sec 80 lvC1 lCC1
1he plvoL fooL ls LhaL fooL
a (l CnL?) wlLh whlch Lhe plLcher pushes off Lhe plLchers plaLeb (S CnL?) whlch when placed ln
conLacL wlLh Lhe plLcher's plaLe by Lhe plLcher musL remaln ln conLacL wlLh Lhe
plLcher's plaLe unLll Lhe plLched ball ls released
Sec 81 LA? 8ALL
lay ball ls Lhe Lerm used by Lhe plaLe umplre Lo lndlcaLe LhaL play shall begln or be resumed when Lhe
plLcher holds
Lhe ball and
a (l CnL?) ls wlLhln Lhe plLchers clrcle
b (S CnL?) ls on or near Lhe plLcher's plaLe
All defenslve players (excepL Lhe caLcher who musL be ln Lhe caLchers box) musL be ln falr LerrlLory Lo
puL Lhe ball ln
Sec 82 8LCAML MLL1lnC
1he pregame meeLlng ls a meeLlng held aL Lhe home plaLe area aL a predeLermlned Llme beLween Lhe
umplres and
Lhe head coaches/managers or Leam represenLaLlves of Lhe respecLlve Leams 1hls meeLlng ls held Lo
a Conflrm and approve Lhe llneups of each Leam and Lo dlsLrlbuLe a copy Lo Lhe opposlLlon and
b 8evlew any speclal ground rules LhaL may be appllcable
Sec 83 8C1LS1S
A proLesL (separaLe from an appeal) ls Lhe acLlon of a defenslve or offenslve Leam ob[ecLlng Lo
a 1he lnLerpreLaLlon or appllcaLlon of a playlng rule by an umplre or
b 1he ellglblllLy of a Leam rosLer member
Sec 84 CulCk 8L1u8n l1CP
A qulck reLurn plLch ls one made by Lhe plLcher wlLh Lhe obvlous aLLempL Lo caLch Lhe baLLer off balance
1hls would
be before Lhe baLLer Lakes hls deslred poslLlon ln Lhe baLLers box or whlle he ls sLlll off balance as a
resulL of Lhe
prevlous plLch
Sec 83 8LLn18?
8eenLry ls Lhe acL of any of Lhe sLarLlng players reLurnlng Lo Lhe game afLer belng legally or lllegally
Sec 86 8LMCvAL l8CM 1PL CAML
8emoval ls Lhe acL of Lhe umplre declarlng a player lnellglble for furLher parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe game oLher
Lhan as a
coach as a resulL of an lnfracLlon of Lhe rules
nC1L Any person so removed may conLlnue Lo slL on Lhe bench buL shall noL parLlclpaLe furLher ln Lhe
game excepL
as a coach
Sec 87 8LLACLMLn1 LA?L8
A 8eplacemenL layer ls a player requlred Lo enLer Lhe game for a deflned perlod of Llme Lo replace a
player who
musL leave Lhe game Lo aLLend Lo an ln[ury LhaL ls causlng bleedlng
c 1he 8eplacemenL layer may be
1 A llsLed subsLlLuLe who has noL yeL been ln Lhe game or
2 A llsLed subsLlLuLe who has been ln Lhe game buL subsequenLly subsLlLuLed from Lhe game or
3 A sLarLlng player who ls no longer ln Lhe llneup and who ls no longer ellglble Lo reenLer Lhe game
b A 8eplacemenL layer ls noL classlfled as a subsLlLuLe buL musL be reporLed Lo Lhe umplre
Sec 88 8unnL8
A runner ls a player of Lhe Leam aL baL who has flnlshed a Lurn aL baL reached flrsL base and has noL yeL
been puL ouL
Sec 89 SLA Pl1 (l CnL?)
A slap hlL ls a baLLed ball LhaL has been sLruck wlLh a conLrolled shorL chopplng moLlon raLher Lhan wlLh
a full swlng
1he Lwo mosL common Lypes of slap hlL are Lhose ln whlch Lhe baLLer Lakes
a hls sLance as lf Lo bunL buL Lhen elLher drlves Lhe ball lnLo Lhe ground wlLh a qulck shorL swlng or
punch hlLs Lhe
ball over Lhe lnfleld
b runnlng sLeps (wlLhln Lhe baLLer's box) Loward Lhe plLcher before maklng conLacL wlLh Lhe plLch wlLh a
qulck shorL
swlng or punch hlLs Lhe ball over Lhe lnfleld
nC1L A slap hlL ls noL consldered Lo be a bunLSec 90 SCuLLZL LA? (l CnL?)
A squeeze play ls a play ln whlch Lhe offenslve Leam wlLh a runner on Lhlrd base aLLempLs Lo score LhaL
runner by
means of Lhe baLLer conLacLlng Lhe ball
Sec 91 S1A81lnC LA?L8S
SLarLlng layers are Lhe players llsLed on Lhe offlclal llneup glven Lo Lhe umplrelnChlef and/or Lhe
plaLe umplre
Sec 92 S1LALlnC
SLeallng ls Lhe acL of a runner aLLempLlng Lo advance durlng or afLer a plLch Lo Lhe baLLer SLeallng ls noL
allowed ln
Slow lLch
Sec 93 S18lkL ZCnL
a (l CnL?) 1he sLrlke zone ls LhaL space over any parL of home plaLe beLween Lhe baLLers armplLs and
Lhe Lop of
hls knees when he assumes hls naLural baLLlng sLance
b (S CnL?) 1he sLrlke zone ls LhaL space over any parL of home plaLe LhaL ls beLween Lhe baLLers back
and hls knees when he assumes hls naLural baLLlng sLance
Sec 94 Su8S1l1u1L
A subsLlLuLe ls a player llsLed on Lhe offlclal llneup card who ls
a A nonsLarLlng player who has noL been ln Lhe game oLher Lhan as a 8eplacemenL layer
b A sLarLlng player who has lefL Lhe game once and who may legally reLurn Lo Lhe llneup
nC1L 1 1hls ls referred Lo as a reenLry and Lhe player may only reLurn Lo hls prevlous poslLlon ln Lhe
baLLlng order
Sec 93 1ACClnC u
1agglng up ls Lhe acLlon of a runner reLurnlng Lo hls base or remalnlng on hls base before he legally
advances on a
baLLed fly ball LhaL ls flrsL Louched by a flelder noL Lo be confused wlLh Lhe acLlon of a flelder Lagglng a
base or a
Sec 96 1LAM MLM8L8
A Leam member lncludes any person auLhorlzed Lo slL on Lhe Leam bench
Sec 97 1P8CW
A Lhrow ls Lhe acL performed by a flelder when Lhrowlng Lhe ball Lo anoLher flelder
Sec 98 1lML
1lme" ls Lhe Lerm used by Lhe umplre Lo order Lhe suspenslon of play durlng whlch Lhe ball ls dead
Sec 99 18ALu 8ALL
A Lrapped ball ls
a A legally baLLed fly ball or llne drlve LhaL hlLs Lhe ground or a fence prlor Lo belng caughL or
b A legally baLLed fly ball LhaL ls caughL agalnsL a fence wlLh Lhe glove or bare hand or
c A Lhrown ball Lo any base for a force ouL whlch ls caughL wlLh Lhe glove over Lhe ball on Lhe ground
raLher Lhan
under Lhe ball or
d (l CnL?) A plLched ball LhaL Louches Lhe ground on a sLrlke prlor Lo Lhe caLcher caLchlng lL
Sec 100 18lLL LA?
A Lrlple play ls a conLlnuous acLlon play by Lhe defense on whlch Lhree offenslve players are puL ouL
Sec 101 1u8n A1 8A1
A Lurn aL baL beglns when a player flrsL enLers Lhe baLLers box and conLlnues unLll Lhe baLLer ls puL ouL
or becomes a
Sec 102 WlLu l1CP (l CnL?)
A wlld plLch ls a plLch so hlgh so low or so wlde of Lhe plaLe LhaL Lhe caLcher cannoL or does noL sLop
and conLrol lL
wlLh ordlnary efforLSec 103 WlLu 1P8CW
A wlld Lhrow ls a play ln whlch a ball ls Lhrown from one flelder Lo anoLher and cannoL be caughL or
conLrolled ls
noL blocked and remalns ln play
Sec 104 Wl1Pu8AWn LA?L8
A WlLhdrawn layer ls a player forced Lo leave Lhe game (llneup) ln accordance wlLh Lhe 8eplacemenL
layer rullng8uLL 2 1PL LA?lnC llLLu
(8efer Lo Appendlx 1 for a urawlng Showlng Cfflclal ulmenslons of SofLball ulamond)
Sec 1 1PL LA?lnC llLLu
a ls Lhe area wlLhln whlch Lhe ball may be legally played and flelded
nC1L A ball ls consldered ouLslde Lhe playlng fleld" when lL Louches Lhe ground person on Lhe ground
or ob[ecL
ouLslde Lhe playlng area
b Shall have a clear and unobsLrucLed area wlLhln Lhe mlnlmum radlus as seL ouL ln Lhe ulsLance 1able
2) from home plaLe beLween Lhe foul llnes
c Shall have an unobsLrucLed area ouLslde Lhe foul llnes and beLween home plaLe and Lhe backsLop as
shown ln Lhe
dlagram ln Appendlx 1
d Should have a warnlng Lrack lf a warnlng Lrack ls used lL shall be
1 An area wlLhln Lhe playlng fleld and ad[acenL Lo any permanenL fence along Lhe ouLfleld and slde
2 A mlnlmum of 363m (12 fL) Lo a maxlmum of 437m (13 fL) from Lhe ouLfleld and/or slde fences
3 Made of maLerlal (dlrL gravel) LhaL ls level wlLh buL dlfferenL from Lhe playlng surface 1he maLerlal
dlsLlngulsh lLself from Lhe ouLfleld surface and slgnals players when Lhey are approachlng Lhe fence
nC1L 1here ls no requlremenL for faclllLles Lo cuL a warnlng Lrack ln Lhe permanenL ouLfleld surface
(grass or
oLherwlse) when Lemporary fenclng ls used (le when a fasL plLch game ls played on a fleld deslgned
prlmarlly for
slow plLch)
Sec 2 C8Cunu C8 SLClAL 8uLLS
Cround or speclal rules esLabllshlng Lhe llmlLs of Lhe playlng fleld may be agreed upon by leagues or
Leams whenever backsLops fences sLands vehlcles specLaLors or oLher obsLrucLlons are wlLhln Lhe
prescrlbed area
a Any obsLrucLlon on falr LerrlLory less Lhan Lhe mlnlmum fence dlsLances seL ouL ln Lhe ulsLance Lable
Appendlx 2
should be clearly marked for Lhe umplres lnformaLlon
b lf uslng a baseball fleld Lhe mound should be removed and Lhe backsLop seL aL Lhe prescrlbed
dlsLance from home
Sec 3 1PL ClllClAL ulAMCnu SPALL PAvL 8ASL LlnLS Anu l1CPlnC ulS1AnCLS AS SL1
Cu1 ln 1PL ulS1AnCL 1A8LL
nC1L lf durlng Lhe game Lhe base dlsLance or Lhe plLchlng dlsLance ls found Lo be aL Lhe wrong
dlsLance correcL Lhe
error aL Lhe sLarL of Lhe nexL full lnnlng and conLlnue playlng Lhe game
Sec 4 ulAMCnu LA?Cu1
lor Lhe layouL of Lhe dlamond refer Lo drawlng showlng offlclal dlmenslons of sofLball dlamond ln
Appendlx 1A A
deLalled lnsLrucLlon Lo lay ouL a dlamond wlLh 1829 m (60 fL) base llnes and a 1402 (46 fL) plLchlng
dlsLance can be
found ln Appendlx 3 ulmenslons for Lhe followlng are conLalned ln Appendlx 2
a 1PL CnLML1L8 (3 fL) LlnL ls drawn parallel Lo from Lhe basellne sLarLlng aL a polnL halfway beLween
plaLe and flrsL base
b 1PL 8A11L8S CnuLCk Cl8CLL ls placed ad[acenL Lo Lhe end of players bench or dugouL area closesL
home plaLe
c 1PL 8A11L8S 8Cx are locaLed on ach slde of home plaLe 1he llnes are consldered as belng wlLhln
baLLers box
d 1PL CA1CPL8S 8Cx shall be locaLed Lo Lhe rear of Lhe baLLer's boxes
e LACP CCACPS 8Cx ls parallel Lo Lhe flrsL and Lhlrd basellnes exLended from Lhe bases Loward home
f 1PL PCML LA1L shall be made of rubber and shall be a flveslded flgure 1he sldes shall be parallel
Lo Lhe
lnslde llnes of Lhe baLLers box
g 1PL l1CPL8S LA1L shall be of rubber
1 1he Lop of Lhe plLcher's plaLe shall be level wlLh Lhe ground
2 1he fronL llne of Lhe plLcher's plaLe shall be Lhe dlsLance from Lhe back or polnL of home plaLe as seL
ouL ln
Lhe ulsLance 1able (Appendlx 2)
3 (l CnL?) 1he plLchers plaLe shall have a clrcle drawn from Lhe plLchers plaLe as seL ouL ln
Appendlces 1
nC1L 1he llnes LhaL deflne an area are parL of LhaL area
1he bases oLher Lhan home plaLe shall be of Lhe dlmenslons seL ouL ln Appendlx 1u and shall be
made of
canvas or oLher sulLable maLerlal 1he bases should be securely fasLened ln poslLlon1 1he double base
ls approved for use aL flrsL base 1hls base shall be of Lhe dlmenslons seL ouL ln Appendlx 1
u and made of canvas or oLher sulLable maLerlal Palf Lhe base ls secured ln falr LerrlLory and half Lhe
(of a dlfferenL solld conLrasLlng color) ls secured ln foul LerrlLory
a) A baLLed ball hlLLlng Lhe falr porLlon ls declared falr and a baLLed ball hlLLlng Lhe foul porLlon only ls
declared foul
b) lf a play ls made aL flrsL base on any baLLed ball or (l CnL?) Lhe baLLer runs on a dropped Lhlrd
and Lhe baLLerrunner Louches only Lhe falr porLlon and lf Lhe defense appeals prlor Lo Lhe baLLer
reLurnlng Lo Lhe falr porLlon of flrsL base Lhe baLLerrunner ls ouL
nC1L 1hls ls LreaLed Lhe same as mlsslng Lhe base
c) A defenslve player musL use only Lhe falr porLlon of Lhe base aL all Llmes
LxCL1lCn Cn any llve ball play made from flrsL base foul LerrlLory Lhe baLLerrunner and Lhe
defenslve player may use elLher base When Lhe defenslve player uses Lhe foul porLlon of Lhe double
Lhe baLLerrunner can run ln falr LerrlLory and lf hlL by a Lhrow from Lhe foul slde of flrsL base lL would
be lnLerference lf lnLenLlonal lnLerference ls ruled Lhe baLLerrunner would be ouL nC1L 1he one
meLer llne ls doubled on Lhrows from foul LerrlLory
d) AfLer overrunnlng Lhe base Lhe baLLerrunner musL reLurn Lo Lhe falr porLlon
e) Cn balls hlL Lo Lhe ouLfleld when Lhere ls no play belng made aL Lhe double base Lhe baLLerrunner
Louch elLher porLlon of Lhe base
f) When Lagglng up on a fly ball Lhe falr porLlon musL be used
g) Cn an aLLempLed plckoff play (l CnL?) Lhe runner musL reLurn Lo Lhe falr porLlon
h) Cnce a runner reLurns Lo Lhe falr porLlon should he sLand on Lhe foul porLlon only lL ls consldered
noL ln
conLacL wlLh Lhe base and Lhe runner shall be called ouL lf
1) Pe ls Lagged wlLh Lhe ball or
2) Pe leads off from Lhe foul porLlon on a plLched ball8uLL 3 LCulMLn1
Sec 1 1PL ClllClAL 8A1
a Shall be of oneplece consLrucLlon mulLlplece permanenLly assembled or Lwo plece lnLerchangeable
consLrucLlon lf Lhe baL ls deslgned wlLh lnLerchangeable componenLs lL musL meeL Lhe followlng
1 MaLlng componenLs musL have a unlque locklng key Lo prevenL uncerLlfled equlpmenL
comblnaLlons ln Lhe fleld
2 All componenL comblnaLlons musL meeL Lhe same sLandards as lf lL were a oneplece baL
when comblned or a porLlon of a oneplece baL lf separaLed
b Shall be made of one plece of hardwood or formed from a block of wood conslsLlng of Lwo or more
pleces of
wood bonded LogeLher wlLh an adheslve ln such a way LhaL Lhe graln dlrecLlon of all pleces ls parallel Lo
Lhe lengLh
of Lhe baL
c Shall be meLal bamboo plasLlc graphlLe carbon magneslum flberglass ceramlc or any oLher
maLerlal approved by Lhe lSl LqulpmenL SLandards Commlsslon
d Can be lamlnaLed buL musL conLaln only wood or adheslve and have a clear flnlsh (lf flnlshed)
e Shall be round and shall be smooLh
f Shall noL be more Lhan 864cm (34 ln) long nor exceed 10770 g (38 ounces) ln welghL
g Shall noL be more Lhan 37cm (2 x ln) ln dlameLer aL lLs largesL parL A Lolerance of 080mm (1/32 ln)
permlLLed Lo allow for expanslon
h lf meLal may be angular
l Shall noL have exposed rlveLs plns rough or sharp edges or any form of exLerlor fasLener LhaL would
presenL a
hazard A meLal baL shall be free of burrs and cracks
[ lf meLal shall noL have a wooden handle
k Shall have a safeLy grlp of cork Lape (no smooLh plasLlc Lape) or composlLlon maLerlal 1he safeLy
grlp shall noL
be less Lhan 234cm (10 ln) long and shall noL exLend more Lhan 381cm (13 ln) from Lhe small end of Lhe
8esln plne Lar or spray subsLances placed on Lhe safeLy grlp Lo enhance Lhe grlp are permlsslble on Lhe
grlp only
nC1L 1ape applled Lo any baL musL be conLlnuously splral lL does noL have Lo be a solld layer of Lape lL
noL exceed Lwo layers
l lf meLal and noL made of oneplece consLrucLlon wlLh Lhe barrel end closed shall have a rubber or
vlnyl plasLlc or
oLher maLerlal lnserL approved by Lhe lSl LqulpmenL SLandards Commlsslon flrmly secured aL Lhe large
end of
Lhe baL flrmly secured ln Lhe large end of Lhe baL
1 1he lnserL of Lhe end cap shall be flrmly and permanenLly sealed so lL cannoL be removed by anyone
oLher Lhan Lhe manufacLurer wlLhouL damaglng or desLroylng Lhe end cap or barrel
2 1he baL shall be free of raLLles
3 1he baL shall noL have slgns of Lamperlng
noLe A baL LhaL ls noL free of raLLles shall be consldered an lllegal baL A baL LhaL shows slgns of
shall be consldered an alLered baL
m Shall have a safeLy knob of a mlnlmum of 06cm (1/4") proLrudlng aL a 90degree angle from Lhe
handle 1he
safeLy knob may be molded laLhed welded or permanenLly fasLened
nC1L A flare or cone grlp aLLached Lo Lhe baL wlll resulL ln Lhe baL belng consldered an alLered baL
n Shall be marked by Lhe manufacLurer ln a promlnenL manner so as Lo be easlly vlslble ClllClAL lSl
A8CvLu SCl18ALL" or oLher noLlflcaLlon as may be selecLed and approved by Lhe lSl LqulpmenL
SLandards Commlsslon lf Lhe approval noLlce cannoL be read due Lo wear on Lhe baL Lhe baL may sLlll
permlLLed ln play lf lL ls ln compllance wlLh lSl 8ules ln all oLher respecLs and LhaL compllance ls
wlLh reasonable cerLalnLy
o 1he welghL dlsLrlbuLlon of welghL or lengLh of Lhe baL musL be permanenLly flxed aL Lhe Llme of
manufacLure and
may noL be alLered ln any way LhereafLer excepL as oLherwlse speclflcally provlded ln 8ule 3 SecLlon 1
p 1he offlclal baL shall noL be an 'AlLered 8aL' 1he welghL dlsLrlbuLlon of welghL and lengLh of Lhe baL
as well as
all oLher characLerlsLlcs of Lhe baL musL be permanenLly flxed aL Lhe Llme of manufacLure and may noL
be alLered ln
any way LhereafLer excepL as oLherwlse speclflcally provlded ln 8ule 3 SecLlon 1 or a speclflcaLlon
approved by
Lhe lSl LqulpmenL SLandards CommlsslonSec 2 WA8Mu 8A1S
1he warmup baL musL be of oneplece consLrucLlon and lL shall comply wlLh Lhe safeLy grlp and safeLy
requlremenLs of Lhe offlclal baL lL musL be marked warmup ln 32cm (1 x ln) leLLers on Lhe barrel
end 1he barrel
end musL be ln excess of 37cm (2 x ln)
Sec 3 1PL ClllClAL SCl18ALL
a Shall be a regular smooLhseamed concealed sLlLched or flaL surfaced ball
b Shall have a cenLer core made of elLher no 1 quallLy long flbre kapok a mlxLure of cork and rubber a
polyureLhane mlxLure or oLher maLerlals approved by Lhe lSl LqulpmenL SLandards Commlsslon
c May be hand or machlne wound wlLh a flne quallLy LwlsLed yarn and covered wlLh laLex or rubber
d Shall have a cover cemenLed Lo Lhe ball by appllcaLlon of cemenL Lo Lhe underslde of Lhe cover and
sewn wlLh
waxed Lhread of coLLon or llnen or shall have a molded cover bonded Lo Lhe core or molded lnLegrally
wlLh Lhe
core and have auLhenLlc facslmlle of sLlLchlng as may be approved by Lhe lSl LqulpmenL SLandards
e Shall have a cover of Lhe flnesL quallLy no 1 chrome Lanned horsehlde or cowhlde made of synLheLlc
maLerlal or
made of oLher maLerlals approved by Lhe lSl LqulpmenL SLandards Commlsslon
f SofLballs used ln lSl Champlonshlp lay musL meeL Lhe sLandards seL by Lhe lSl LqulpmenL SLandards
Commlsslon and musL be sLamped wlLh Lhe lSl lasL lLch or Slow lLch approved mark adopLed and
approved by
Lhe LqulpmenL SLandards Commlsslon See Appendlx 4 for approved ball sLandards
Sec 4 CLCvLS Ml11S
Any player may wear a glove buL only Lhe caLcher and flrsL baseman may use mlLLs
a no Lop laclng webblng or oLher devlce beLween Lhe Lhumb and body of Lhe glove or mlLL worn by a
flrsL baseman
or caLcher or a glove worn by any flelder shall be more Lhan 127cm (3 ln) ln lengLh
b Cloves worn by any player may be any comblnaLlon of colors provlded none of Lhe colors (lncludlng
Lhe laclng)
are Lhe color of Lhe ball
c Cloves wlLh whlLe gray or yellow opLlc clrcles on Lhe ouLslde glvlng Lhe appearance of a ball are
lllegal for all
players (SLL ALnulx 3 lC8 u8AWlnC Anu SLClllCA1lCnS)
All players musL wear shoes A shoe shall be consldered offlclal lf lL ls made wlLh elLher canvas or leaLher
uppers or
slmllar maLerlals
a 1he soles may be elLher smooLh or have sofL or hard rubber cleaLs
b Crdlnary meLal sole and heel plaLes may be used lf Lhe splkes on Lhe plaLes do noL exLend more Lhan
19cm (3/4
ln) from Lhe sole or heel of Lhe shoe Shoes wlLh rounded meLal splkes are lllegal
c no hard plasLlc nylon or polyureLhane splkes slmllar Lo a meLal sole and heel plaLe are allowed ln any
dlvlslon aL
any level of play
d Shoes wlLh deLachable cleaLs LhaL screw onLo Lhe shoe are noL allowed however shoes wlLh
deLachable cleaLs LhaL
screw lnLo Lhe shoe are allowed
?Cu1P ulvlSlCn MCulllLu lAS1 l1CP Anu CCLu SLCW l1CP CnL? no meLal cleaLs are allowed
ln any dlvlslon aL any level of play
LffecL SecLlon 3 lallure Lo comply wlLh Lhe provlslons of SecLlon 3 afLer a warnlng from Lhe umplre
resulL ln Lhe e[ecLlon of Lhe player from Lhe game
Sec 6 8C1LC1lvL LCulMLn1
a MASkS (l CnL?) All caLchers musL wear masks LhroaL proLecLor and helmeL
nC1L CaLchers (or oLher members of Lhe defenslve Leam) musL wear a mask LhroaL proLecLor and
helmeL whlle
recelvlng warmup plLches from Lhe plLchlng plaLe or ln Lhe warmup area lf Lhe person caLchlng Lhe
plLch wlll
noL wear Lhe mask he musL be replaced by a person who wlll do so An exLended wlre proLecLlon
aLLached Lo Lhe
mask can be worn ln lleu of Lhe LhroaL proLecLor
b MASkS (S CnL?) ?ouLh caLchers musL wear a mask wlLh helmeL Masks are recommended ln adulL
plLchnC1L (Sec 6a 6b) 1he lce hockey goalle sLyle facemask ls approved for use by caLchers (l
CnL?) lf Lhere
ls no LhroaL proLecLor bullL onLo Lhe mask Lhe LhroaL aLLachmenL musL be added Lo Lhe mask before
c lACL MASkS Any defenslve or offenslve player can wear an approved plasLlc face mask/guard lace
masks/guards LhaL are cracked or deformed or lf paddlng has deLerloraLed or ls mlsslng are prohlblLed
from use
and musL be removed from Lhe game
nC1L lasL lLch caLchers cannoL wear Lhe plasLlc face mask/guard ln place of Lhe regular mask wlLh
d 8Cu? 8C1LC1C8S All caLchers ln lasL lLch (AdulL and youLh) musL wear a body proLecLor lemale
caLchers may wear a body proLecLor ln Slow lLch
e SPln CuA8uS (l CnL?) AdulL and youLh caLchers musL wear shln guards LhaL wlll offer proLecLlon Lo
f PLLML1S (l CnL?)
nC1L Sec 6f Any helmeLs LhaL are broken cracked denLed or alLered are prohlblLed and musL
be removed
from Lhe game
l) Any defenslve player may wear a cap or an approved helmeL of slmllar color of Lhe Leam unlform cap
ll) PelmeLs are mandaLory on offense for baLLers ondeck baLLers baLLerrunners runners youLh age
(l and S) who coach ln Lhe flrsL and Lhlrd base coach's boxes and youLh age represenLaLlves (l and
LhaL parLlclpaLe as a baL boy or glrl whlle on Lhe fleld or ln Lhe dugouL
LllLC1 Sec 6fll
1) lallure Lo wear Lhe baLLlng helmeL when ordered Lo do so by Lhe umplre shall cause sald player
Lo be declared ouL
LxCL1lCn Lo LffecL 6fll Cndeck baLLers youLh age players ln Lhe coach's box or caLchers who wlll
be e[ecLed from Lhe game afLer a warnlng
2) uellberaLely wearlng Lhe helmeL lmproperly or dellberaLely removlng Lhe helmeL durlng a llve
ball play excepL on a home run hlL over Lhe fence and seen by Lhe umplre as a dellberaLe acL shall
cause Lhe vlolaLor Lo be declared ouL lmmedlaLely 1he ball remalns llve
LxCL1lCn 6f2 lf a Lhrown or baLLed ball conLacLs Lhe dellberaLely removed helmeL Lhe ball
dead and runners musL reLurn Lo Lhe lasL base held aL Lhe Llme of such conLacL
nC1L Calllng a runner ouL for removlng a helmeL dellberaLely does noL cancel any force play slLuaLlon
3) lf a helmeL ls accldenLally dlslodged from lLs proper place on a baLLer baLLerrunner or runner
Lhere ls no penalLy and Lhe ball remalns llve
4) lf a Lhrown or baLLed ball hlLs Lhe helmeL whlle lL ls deLached from lLs proper place on hls person
and Lhls conLacL lnLerferes wlLh Lhe play belng made or a defenslve player comes ln conLacL wlLh
Lhe helmeL whlle lL ls on Lhe ground and Lhls conLacL prevenLs hlm from maklng a play Lhe ball ls
dead Lhe offenslve player who was wearlng Lhe helmeL shall be called ouL even lf he had scored
and Lhe run ls nulllfled
Sec 7 LCulMLn1 Cn LA?lnC llLLu
LqulpmenL LhaL ls noL parL of Lhe offlclal equlpmenL shall noL be lefL lylng on Lhe playlng fleld ln elLher
falr or foul LerrlLory
LllLC1 Sec 7
1he ball ls dead lf lL conLacLs equlpmenL LhaL ls noL parL of Lhe offlclal equlpmenL
a lor offenslve equlpmenL causlng a blocked ball (and creaLlng lnLerference) Lhe player belng played on
b lf no apparenL play ls obvlous no runner wlll be called ouL buL all runners wlll reLurn Lo Lhe lasL base
Louched aL Lhe Llme of Lhe dead ball declaraLlon
c lor defenslve equlpmenL causlng a blocked ball runners are awarded
(l) one base from Lhe base lasL Louched aL Lhe Llme of Lhe plLch on a plLched ball
(ll) Lwo bases from Lhe base lasL Louched aL Lhe Llme of Lhe Lhrow on a Lhrown ball or
(lll) Lwo bases from Lhe base lasL Louched aL Lhe Llme of Lhe plLch on a falr baLLed ball Sec 8 unllC8M
All players on a Leam shall wear unlforms allke ln color Lrlm and sLyle 8eference Lo coaches' unlform ls
under 8ule 4 SecLlon 1b
LxCL1lCn layers and coaches may for rellglous reasons be permlLLed Lo wear speclflc head coverlng
apparel LhaL does noL conform Lo sLandard unlform requlremenLs wlLhouL penalLy

1) 8all caps musL be allke and are mandaLory for all male players and musL be worn properly
2) Caps vlsors and headbands are opLlonal for female players buL can be mlxed lf more Lhan one Lype
ls worn
Lhey all musL be of Lhe same color and each of Lhe same Lype musL be of Lhe same color and sLyle
lasLlc or
hard vlsors are noL allowed
LxCL1lCn Should a defenslve player elecL Lo wear an approved helmeL of slmllar color of Lhe Leam
unlform cap he wlll noL be requlred Lo wear a cap
b unuL8SPl81S layers may wear a unlform solld colored undershlrL (lL may be whlLe) lL ls noL
mandaLory LhaL
all players wear an undershlrL lf one player wears one buL Lhose LhaL are worn musL be allke no player
may wear
ragged frayed or sllL sleeves on exposed undershlrLs
c An1S/SLlulnC An1S All player panLs shall be elLher all long or all shorL ln sLyle layers may wear a
unlform solld color palr of slldlng panLs lL ls noL mandaLory LhaL all players wear slldlng panLs buL lf
more Lhan
one player wears Lhem Lhey musL be allke ln color and sLyle excepL Lemporary snapon or velcro slldlng
no players may wear ragged frayed or sllL legs on exposed slldlng panLs
d nuM8L8S An Arablc number of conLrasLlng color aL leasL 132cm (6 ln) hlgh musL be worn on Lhe
back of all
unlform shlrLs no manager coach or player on Lhe same Leam may wear ldenLlcal numbers (numbers
1 and 01
are examples of ldenLlcal numbers) Cnly whole numbers 01 Lo 99 shall be used layers wlLhouL
numbers wlll
noL be permlLLed Lo play
e nAMLS lndlvldual names may be worn above Lhe numbers on Lhe back of all unlform shlrLs
f CAS1S CasLs (plasLer meLal or oLher hard subsLances ln lLs flnal form) may noL be worn ln a game
nC1L Any exposed meLal (oLher Lhan a casL) may be consldered legal lf adequaLely covered by a sofL
Laped and approved by Lhe umplre
g !LWLL8? no lLems oLher Lhan medlcal alerL braceleLs or necklaces may be worn Medlcal alerL
and/or necklaces are noL consldered [ewelry buL lf worn Lhey musL be Laped Lo Lhe body
LllLC1 Sec 8ag lf a player refuses Lo comply wlLh Lhe provlslons of SecLlon 8 Lhen LhaL player
wlll be
removed from Lhe game
Sec 9 ALL LCulMLn1
noLwlLhsLandlng Lhe foregolng Lhe lSl reserves Lhe rlghL Lo wlLhhold or wlLhdraw approval of any
equlpmenL whlch
ln Lhe lSls sole deLermlnaLlon slgnlflcanLly changes Lhe characLer of Lhe game affecLs Lhe safeLy of
parLlclpanLs or
specLaLors or renders a players performance more a producL of hls equlpmenL raLher Lhan hls
lndlvldual sklll8uLL 4 CCACPLS LA?L8S Anu Su8S1l1u1LS
a 1he Pead Coach ls responslble for slgnlng Lhe llneup card
b Coaches musL be neaLly aLLlred lncludlng Lhe wearlng of sulLable fooLwear or dressed ln Leam
unlform ln
accordance wlLh Lhe color code of Lhe Leam lf a coach wears a cap lL musL be approved headgear
Caps are
mandaLory for male coaches
c An offenslve Leam coach (base coach) ls an ellglble member of Lhe Leam aL baL who Lakes hls place on
Lhe fleld
wlLhln Lhe coach's box
1 1wo coaches are allowed Lo glve words of asslsLance and dlrecLlon Lo Lhe members of Lhelr Leam
whlle aL baL
2 Cne shall be sLaLloned near flrsL base and one near Lhlrd base and Lhey are requlred Lo remaln wlLh
boLh feeL
wlLhln Lhe conflnes of Lhelr respecLlve coach's box
LxCL1lCn A coach may leave Lhe coach's box Lo slgnal a runner Lo sllde advance or reLurn Lo a base
move ouL of a flelder's way as long as he does noL lnLerfere wlLh Lhe play
3 A base coach may address only hls own Leam members
4 Cne coach can have ln hls possesslon ln Lhe coach's box a score book pen or pencll and an lndlcaLor
all of
whlch shall be used for score keeplng or record keeplng purposes only
d A defenslve Leam coach/manager ls an ellglble member of Lhe Leam ln Lhe fleld who may be elLher a
coach who remalns ln Lhe dugouL or a playlng coach who Lakes hls place on Lhe fleld 1hls coach may
dlrecLlon and asslsLance Lo hls Leam whlle Lhey are playlng defense
e Coaches may noL use language LhaL wlll reflecL negaLlvely upon players umplres or specLaLors
f no communlcaLlon equlpmenL ls allowed beLween
1 1he coaches on Lhe fleld
2 1he coaches and Lhe dugouL
3 1he coaches and any player
4 1he specLaLor area and Lhe fleld lncludlng Lhe dugouL coaches and players
LffecL 1bf
Any lnfracLlon shall resulL ln a warnlng for Lhe flrsL offense Any subsequenL lnfracLlon by a
coach/manager of
Lhe same Leam shall resulL ln Lhe e[ecLlon of Lhe Pead Coach
Sec 2 LlnLu CA8uS Anu 8CS1L8S
a Cfflclal llneup cards are Lo be compleLed and submlLLed Lo Lhe Cfflclal Scorer and Lhe plaLe umplre
aL Lhe sLarL of
each game 1he plaLe umplre reLalns Lhe card for Lhe duraLlon of Lhe game
1 A player's name shall noL be on Lhe sLarLlng llneup unless Lhe player ls presenL ln Lhe Leam area and
2 All avallable subsLlLuLes should be llsLed ln Lhe deslgnaLed place by Lhelr lasL name flrsL name and
3 Lllglble rosLer members may be added Lo Lhe avallable subsLlLuLe llsL aL any Llme durlng Lhe game
4 1he name of Lhe head coach/manager musL be llsLed on Lhe llneup card
b Male rosLers shall lnclude only male players and female rosLers shall lnclude only female players
Sec 3 LA?L8S
a A Leam shall conslsL of players ln Lhe followlng poslLlons
1 lasL lLch nlne players plLcher (l1) caLcher (l2) flrsL baseman (l3) second baseman (l4) Lhlrd
(l3) shorLsLop (l6) lefL flelder (l7) cenLer flelder (l8) and rlghL flelder (l9)
2 lasL lLch wlLh a ueslgnaLed layer (u) 1en players same as fasL plLch plus a u
3 Slow lLch 1en players plLcher (l1) caLcher (l2) flrsL baseman (l3) second baseman (l4) Lhlrd
(l3) shorLsLop (l6) lefL flelder (l7) lefL cenLer flelder (l8) rlghL flelder (l9) and rlghL cenLer flelder
4 Slow lLch wlLh an LxLra layer (L) Lleven players same as slow plLch plus an L who baLs ln Lhe
3 Coed Slow lLch 1en players (flve male and flve female) wlLh Lhe followlng poslLlonlng
requlremenLs Lwo
male and Lwo female ln boLh Lhe lnfleld and Lhe ouLfleld and one male and one female as plLcher or
6 Coed Slow lLch wlLh LxLra layers (L) 1welve players slx male and slx female same as Coed
plLch plus Lwo L's who baL ln Lhe llneupnC1L layers of Lhe Leam ln Lhe fleld may be sLaLloned
anywhere on falr LerrlLory excepL Lhe caLcher who musL be
ln Lhe caLchers box and Lhe plLcher who musL be ln a legal plLchlng poslLlon aL Lhe sLarL of each plLch
or wlLhln Lhe
plLchers clrcle (l CnL?) when puLLlng Lhe ball ln play
b A Leam musL have Lhe requlred number of ellglble players presenL ln Lhe Leam area Lo sLarL or
conLlnue a game
LllLC1 Sec 3b 1he game ls forfelLed
Sec 4 S1A81lnC LA?L8S
A sLarLlng player shall be offlclal when Lhe llneup card ls lnspecLed and approved by Lhe plaLe umplre
and Leam
represenLaLlve aL Lhe pregame meeLlng
a 1he names may be enLered on Lhe offlclal llneup card ln advance of Lhls meeLlng
b Powever ln case of ln[ury or lllness changes may be made aL Lhe pregame meeLlng wlLh Lhe
umplres A llsLed
subsLlLuLe may Lake Lhe place of a player whose name ls ln hls Leam's llneup Pe would Lhen be
consldered Lhe
sLarLlng player
c 1he player so replaced aL Lhe meeLlng could enLer Lhe game as a subsLlLuLe aL any Llme laLer ln Lhe
Sec 3 uLSlCnA1Lu LA?L8 (l CnL?)
a A uLSlCnA1Lu LA?L8" referred Lo as a u" may be used as a baLLer for any defenslve player
lL ls made known prlor Lo Lhe sLarL of Lhe game and hls name ls enLered on Lhe llneup sheeL as one of
Lhe nlne
hlLLers ln Lhe baLLlng order
b 1he sLarLlng u may be subsLlLuLed and may reenLer one Llme as long as he reLurns Lo Lhe poslLlon ln
Lhe baLLlng
order LhaL he occupled when he lefL Lhe game
c 1he name of Lhe defenslve player for whom Lhe u ls baLLlng (known as Lhe lLLx LA?L8" or lLLx)
wlll be
placed ln Lhe LenLh (10Lh) poslLlon on Lhe llneup sheeL
d 1he sLarLlng player llsLed as Lhe u musL remaln ln Lhe same poslLlon ln Lhe baLLlng order whenever
he ls ln Lhe
e 1he u and hls subsLlLuLe or replacemenL may never play offense aL Lhe same Llme
f 1he u may be subsLlLuLed for aL any Llme elLher by a baLLer or runner or Lhe lLLx for whom he ls
baLLlng may
replace hlm
nC1L 1he lLLx replaclng Lhe u ln Lhe offenslve llneup ls noL a subsLlLuLlon buL Lhe change musL be
Lo Lhe umplre lf Lhe sLarLlng u ls replaced on offense by Lhe lLLx or by a subsLlLuLe Lhe u ls
consldered Lo
have lefL Lhe game
1 lf replaced by Lhe lLLx Lhls reduces Lhe number of players from Len Lo nlne lf Lhe u does noL re
enLer Lhe
game may conLlnue and legally end wlLh nlne players
2 lf Lhe u reenLers he may play offense and defense (conLlnue Lhe game wlLh nlne players) or he may
baL ln
hls orlglnal place ln Lhe baLLlng order and Lhe lLLx reLurns Lo Lhe 10Lh poslLlon and plays defense only
LllLC1 Sec 3af
1he provlslons of 8ule 4 Sec8 and penalLles for vlolaLlons apply laclng Lhe u ln a poslLlon ln Lhe
baLLlng order
oLher Lhan hls sLarLlng poslLlon ls consldered an lllegal 8eLnLry and resulLs ln Lhe e[ecLlon of boLh Lhe
(whose name appears on Lhe llneup card) and Lhe u or hls subsLlLuLe
g 1he u may play defense aL any poslLlon Should Lhe u play defense for a player oLher Lhan Lhe
lLLx LhaL
player wlll conLlnue Lo baL buL noL play defense and ls nC1 consldered Lo have lefL Lhe game 1he
player for
whom Lhe u ls playlng defense ls referred Lo as Lhe Cffenslve layer Cnly (CC)
h 1he u may play defense for Lhe lLLx and LhaL person ls consldered Lo have lefL Lhe game reduclng
Lhe number
of players Lo nlne
nC1L 1he u replaclng Lhe lLLx on defense ls noL a subsLlLuLlon buL Lhe change musL be reporLed
Lo Lhe
l 1he lLLx may be subsLlLuLed for aL any Llme by a legal subsLlLuLe 1he sLarLlng lLLx may reenLer Lhe
one Llme elLher ln Lhe 10Lh poslLlon or ln Lhe u's poslLlon ln Lhe baLLlng order
1 lf reLurnlng Lo Lhe number 10 poslLlon he wlll agaln play defense only buL may play ln any defenslve
2 lf reLurnlng Lo Lhe u's poslLlon ln Lhe baLLlng order he wlll play offense and defense and Lhe game
conLlnue wlLh nlne playersLllLC1 Sec 3gl
1he provlslons of 8ule 4 Sec8 and penalLles for vlolaLlons apply laclng Lhe lLLx ln a poslLlon ln Lhe
order oLher Lhan LhaL of Lhe sLarLlng u resulLs ln Lhe e[ecLlon of boLh Lhe manager/coach (whose name
on Lhe llneup card) and Lhe llex or hls subsLlLuLe
Sec 6 Lx18A LA?L8 (S CnL?)
a An Lx18A LA?L8 referred Lo as an L ls opLlonal buL lf one ls used lL musL be made known prlor
Lo Lhe
sLarL of Lhe game and Lhe player's name llsLed on Lhe llneup card as one of Lhe eleven hlLLers ln Lhe
baLLlng order
b lf Lhe L ls used he musL be used Lhe enLlre game nC1L lallure Lo compleLe Lhe game wlLh an L
resulLs ln
forfelLure of Lhe game
c lf an L ls used all eleven musL baL and any Len can play defense uefenslve poslLlons can be changed
buL Lhe
baLLlng order musL remaln Lhe same
d (CCLu CnL?) lf Lwo L's are used all Lwelve musL baL and any Len (flve male and flve female) may
defense uefenslve poslLlonlng may change as long as Lhe Coed poslLlonlng ls followed 1he baLLlng
order musL
remaln Lhe same LhroughouL Lhe game
e 1he L musL remaln ln Lhe same poslLlon ln Lhe baLLlng order for Lhe enLlre game
f 1he sLarLlng L may reenLer Lhe game one Llme afLer havlng been subsLlLuLed as long as he reLurns Lo
Lhe poslLlon
ln Lhe baLLlng order LhaL he occupled when he lefL Lhe game oLher Lhan as a 8eplacemenL layer
LllLC1 Sec 6af
When a Leam vlolaLes any of Lhe above provlslons or uses an lllegal L Lhe player ln vlolaLlon shall be
Sec 7 8LLn18?
a Any of Lhe sLarLlng players may be subsLlLuLed and reenLer once provlded such players occupy Lhe
same baLLlng
poslLlon whenever Lhey are ln Lhe llneup
LxCL1lCn lf Lhe sLarLlng player (currenLly noL ln Lhe llneup) ls broughL lnLo Lhe llneup as a
nC1L 1he orlglnal player and Lhe subsLlLuLe(s) cannoL be ln Lhe llneup aL Lhe same Llme
b lf a manager/coach removes a subsLlLuLe from Lhe game and reenLers Lhe same subsLlLuLe laLer ln
Lhe game Lhls ls
consldered an lllegal 8eLnLry
LxCL1lCn When Lhe subsLlLuLe ls used as a 8eplacemenL layer
c When a sLarLlng player reenLers Lhe game and occuples a dlfferenL poslLlon ln Lhe offenslve llneup lL
consldered an lllegal 8eenLry
LllLC1 Sec 7ac
1 vlolaLlon of Lhe reenLry rule ls handled as an appeal whlch may be made aL any Llme whlle Lhe lllegal
SubsLlLuLe ls ln Lhe game
2 1he appeal need noL be made prlor Lo Lhe nexL plLch however all plays LhaL occurred whlle Lhe lllegal
SubsLlLuLe was ln Lhe game shall sLand
3 1he penalLy for an lllegal 8eLnLry ls Lhe e[ecLlon of boLh Lhe manager/coach (whose name appears
on Lhe
llneup card) and Lhe lllegal SubsLlLuLe
nC1L lf Lhe lllegal 8eLnLry also vlolaLes Lhe unreporLed subsLlLuLe rullng (8ule 4 Sec 8g) Lhose
would also be ln effecL
4 1he name of Lhe new manager/coach who ls Lo assume responslblllLy for Lhe Leam musL be provlded
Lo Lhe
Sec 8 Su8S1l1u1LS/lLLLCAL LA?L8
A subsLlLuLe may Lake Lhe place of a player whose name ls ln hls Leam's llneup 1he followlng
regulaLlons govern
player subsLlLuLlons
a 1he coach or Leam represenLaLlve of Lhe Leam maklng Lhe subsLlLuLlon shall lmmedlaLely noLlfy Lhe
plaLe umplre
aL Lhe Llme Lhe subsLlLuLe enLers 1he plaLe umplre shall reporL Lhe change Lo Lhe scorer A subsLlLuLe
ls noL
offlclally ln Lhe game unLll a plLch has been Lhrown or a play made
1 (l CnL?) lf Lhe u replaces Lhe lLLx or Lhe lLLx replaces Lhe u Lhls change musL be reporLed
Lo Lhe plaLe umplre LnAL1? lf noL reporLed lL ls LreaLed Lhe same as an unreporLed
SubsLlLuLe/lllegal layerb lf a subsLlLuLe enLers Lhe game wlLhouL reporLlng and afLer a plLch has
been Lhrown (legal or lllegal) or afLer a
play has been made Lhe player wlll be ueclared lnellglble" when dlscovered 1he use of an unreporLed
subsLlLuLe an lllegal subsLlLuLe an unannounced replacemenL player or Lhe unannounced reLurn of a
player under Lhe 8eplacemenL layer 8ule ls handled as an appeal by Lhe offended Leam and musL be
broughL Lo
Lhe aLLenLlon of Lhe umplre whlle such player ls ln Lhe game lf Lhe Leam manager or Lhe player ln
lnforms Lhe umplre prlor Lo Lhe offended Leam's appeal Lhere ls no vlolaLlon regardless of how long Lhe
player or
players were lllegally ln Lhe game All acLlon prlor Lo Lhe dlscovery ls legal lf Lhe Leam ln vlolaLlon has
subsLlLuLes Lo replace Lhe player ueclared lnellglble" (or lf Lhe sLarLer has reenLered one Llme) Lhe
game ls
LxCL1lCn (8b)
1 lf an unreporLed SubsLlLuLlon on offense baLs and reaches base and Lhen ls dlscovered and appealed
a plLch Lo Lhe nexL baLLer or lf aL Lhe end of Lhe game and before Lhe umplres leave Lhe fleld all runners
(lncludlng Lhe baLLer) wlll reLurn Lo Lhe base occupled aL Lhe Llme of Lhe plLch and Lhe unreporLed
ls ueclared lnellglble" and called ouL All ouLs LhaL occur on Lhls play wlll sLand
2 lf Lhe SubsLlLuLe ls an lllegal layer for any reason Lhe subsLlLuLe wlll be sub[ecL Lo Lhe penalLy for LhaL
nC1L 1he use of an lllegal SubsLlLuLe an unannounced 8eplacemenL layer or Lhe unannounced
reLurn of a
wlLhdrawn player under Lhe 8eplacemenL layer rule ls an appeal play LhaL musL be broughL Lo Lhe
aLLenLlon of Lhe
umplre by Lhe offended Leam whlle Lhe lllegal SubsLlLuLe or player ln vlolaLlon of Lhe 8eplacemenL
layer rule ls ln
Lhe game
c Any player may be subsLlLuLed from Lhe game durlng any dead ball
d lf an ln[ury Lo a baLLerrunner (or runner) prevenLs Lhem from proceedlng Lo an awarded base and
Lhe ball ls
dead Lhe baLLerrunner (or runner) may be subsLlLuLed for 1he subsLlLuLe wlll be allowed Lo proceed Lo
awarded base(s) 1he subsLlLuLe musL legally Louch any awarded or mlssed base(s) noL prevlously
e A player subsLlLuLed from Lhe game shall noL parLlclpaLe ln Lhe game agaln excepL as a coach
1he sLarLlng llneup may reenLer once only
f MulLlple subsLlLuLlons can be made for Lhe player llsLed on Lhe sLarLlng llneup buL no subsLlLuLe can
reLurn Lo
Lhe game afLer belng wlLhdrawn from Lhe llneup excepL as a 8eplacemenL layer
nC1L 1he provlslons of 8ule 4 SecLlon 8 wlll noL apply ln Lhe evenL of Lhe requlred use of a
layer" unless such player ls legally appealed for fallure Lo reporL Lo Lhe umplre (See 8ule 4 Sec 11)
g An lllegal layer ls a player who Lakes a poslLlon ln Lhe llneup elLher on offense or defense who
does noL have
a legal rlghL Lo LhaL poslLlon A player wlll noL vlolaLe Lhe lllegal layer rule unLll one plLch (legal or
has been Lhrown or a play made
LllLC1 Sec 8g
1 lLLLCAL l1CPL8 An lllegal plLcher ls a player who reLurns Lo plLch afLer belng removed from Lhe
plLchlng poslLlon by Lhe umplre LnAL1? Cnce dlscovered Lhe lllegal lLcher shall be L!LC1Lu
nC1L A plLcher who has been removed from Lhe plLchlng poslLlon as a resulL of Lhe defenslve Leam
exceedlng Lhelr llmlL of charged conferences or (S CnL?) for plLchlng wlLh excesslve speed may
reenLer buL noL as a plLcher
2 lLLLCAL 8A11L8 (l Cnly) laclng Lhe lLLx LA?L8 lnLo one of Lhe flrsL nlne poslLlons ln Lhe
baLLlng order for someone oLher Lhan Lhe orlglnal u
3 lLLLCAL 8unnL8 An lllegal 8unner occurs when Lhe offenslve Leam places a player already ln Lhe
llneup as a runner for anoLher runner
(a) (l Cnly) 1he lLLx LA?L8 ls consldered Lo be an lllegal runner lf he ls placed ln Lhe llneup Lo
run for someone oLher Lhan Lhe orlglnal u or hls subsLlLuLe
4 lLLLCAL 8LLn18?/un8LC81Lu Su8S1l1u1L An lllegal reenLry occurs
(a) A sLarLlng player reLurns Lo Lhe game a second Llme afLer belng subsLlLuLed Lwlce
(b) A sLarLlng player reLurns Lo Lhe game buL ls noL ln hls sLarLlng poslLlon ln Lhe baLLlng order
LxCL1lCn (l Cnly) 1he lLLx may reenLer Lhe game ln Lhe u's baLLlng poslLlon or ln hls
orlglnal #10 poslLlon ln Lhe llneup
LllLC1 SecLlons 24 Any acLlon LhaL occurs whlle Lhe unreporLed SubsLlLuLe/lllegal layer ls ln Lhe
game ls governed as followsCllLnSL lf Lhe lllegal player/unreporLed SubsLlLuLe ls dlscovered by Lhe
(a) Whlle Lhe lllegal player ls aL baL Lhe lllegal layer ls ueclared lnellglble" and a replacemenL shall
assume Lhe ball and sLrlke counL Any advance of runners whlle Lhe lllegal layer ls aL baL shall be
(b) AfLer Lhe lllegal layer has compleLed a Lurn aL baL and before Lhe nexL legal or lllegal plLch before
Lhe defenslve Leam has lefL Lhe fleld and before Lhe umplres have lefL Lhe game Lhe lllegal layer ls
called ouL and ueclared lnellglble" Any advance of runners as a resulL of Lhe lllegal layer
becomlng a baLLerrunner ls nulllfled Any addlLlonal ouLs LhaL were recorded on Lhe play wlll sLand
(c) AfLer Lhe lllegal layer has compleLed a Lurn aL baL and afLer Lhe nexL legal or lllegal plLch or afLer
Lhe defense has lefL Lhe fleld Lhe lllegal layer ls ueclared lnellglble" lf sLlll on base a legal
subsLlLuLe wlll Lake LhaL base Any advance of runners as a resulL of Lhe lllegal layer becomlng a
baLLerrunner ls legal
(d) lf Lhe player ls ln Lhe game lllegally as a runner and lL ls broughL Lo Lhe aLLenLlon of Lhe umplre
before Lhe nexL legal or lllegal plLch has been Lhrown or a play made Lhls ls a correcLable slLuaLlon
(e) lf Lhe player ls ln Lhe game lllegally as a runner and ls dlscovered afLer a legal or lllegal plLch has
been Lhrown or a play made Lhe player ls ueclared lnellglble" and replaced on Lhe base Any
advance of Lhe runner(s) ls legal
uLlLnSL lf Lhe lllegal layer/unreporLed SubsLlLuLe ls dlscovered by Lhe offense
(a) AfLer Lhe lllegal layer makes a play and before Lhe nexL legal or lllegal plLch before Lhe defense has
lefL Lhe fleld and before Lhe umplres have lefL Lhe game Lhe lllegal layer ls "ueclared lnellglble and
Lhe offenslve Leam has Lhe opLlon of
(1) 1aklng Lhe resulL of Lhe play or
(2) Pavlng Lhe lasL baLLer reLurn and assume Lhe ball and sLrlke counL Lhe baLLer had prlor Lo
Lhe dlscovery of Lhe lllegal layer Lach runner would reLurn Lo Lhe base occupled prlor Lo
Lhe play
(b) AfLer a legal or lllegal plLch Lo Lhe nexL baLLer Lhe lllegal layer ls ueclared lnellglble" and all play
nC1L 1he provlslons of 8ule 4 Sec 8 wlll noL apply ln Lhe evenL of Lhe requlred use of a 8eplacemenL
layer unless such player ls legally appealed for fallure Lo reporL Lo Lhe umplre (See 8ule 4 Sec 11)
noLe 1 LffecL Sec 24
Should an lnellglble layer reLurn Lo Lhe game lL ls declared a forfelL ln favor of Lhe Leam noL aL faulL
noLe 2 LffecL 24
AfLer an upheld appeal for an unreporLed subsLlLuLe or an lllegal reenLry Lhe orlglnal sLarLlng player or
hls subsLlLuLe ls consldered Lo have lefL Lhe game
Sec 9 ulSu1Lu CALLS
Any Leam member dlspuLlng any [udgmenL declslon by an umplre wlll consLlLuLe a Leam warnlng Any
repeaL offense
shall resulL ln Lhe e[ecLlon of LhaL Leam member
Sec 10 uuCCu1 CCnuuC1
a Coaches players subsLlLuLes or oLher bench personnel shall noL be ouLslde Lhe deslgnaLed
dugouL area excepL when Lhe rules allow or when consldered [usLlfled by Lhe umplre
noLe 1hls lncludes players oLher Lhan Lhe ondeck baLLer (who musL remaln ln Lhe ondeck
clrcle) aL Lhe sLarL of Lhe game beLween lnnlngs or when a plLcher ls warmlng up
b 1here shall be no smoklng ln Lhe deslgnaLed dugouL area

LffecL Sec 10
1he flrsL offense ls a Leam warnlng Any repeaL offense shall resulL ln Lhe e[ecLlon of LhaL Leam
memberSec 11 8LLACLMLn1 LA?L8
ln Lhe evenL of any player bleedlng durlng Lhe game LhaL player musL be wlLhdrawn from Lhe game lf
Lhe bleedlng
cannoL be sLopped wlLhln a reasonable lengLh of Llme or hls unlform becomes covered wlLh blood 1he
player shall noL reLurn Lo Lhe game unLll all bleedlng ceases Lhe ln[ury cleaned and covered and lf
necessary hls
unlform replaced
nC1L lf a change of number ls requlred due Lo Lhe new unlform shlrL Lhere ls no penalLy buL Lhe
umplre should be
noLlfled of Lhe new number
a 1he wlLhdrawn player shall be replaced by a 8eplacemenL layer who may acL for Lhe wlLhdrawn
player for Lhe
remalnder of Lhe lnnlng ln progress (le unLll Lhe end of Lhe lnnlng of Lhe Leam baLLlng second) Anu for
followlng compleLe lnnlng
b 1he umplre MuS1 be noLlfled LhaL a 8eplacemenL layer ls enLerlng Lhe game
LllLC1 11ab
1 1he use of an lnellglble" 8eplacemenL layer" shall be consldered an lllegal 8eLnLry wlLh Lhe relevanL
penalLles Lo apply
2 lallure Lo noLlfy Lhe umplre of Lhe use of a 8eplacemenL layer" shall upon a legal appeal sub[ecL
Lhe player
Lo Lhe provlslons of Lhe unreporLed SubsLlLuLe" rule
c 1he 8eplacemenL layer shall be permlLLed Lo baL ln Lhe Lurn of Lhe wlLhdrawn player and fleld for Lhe
player under all clrcumsLances LhaL would apply Lo Lhe wlLhdrawn player
d 1he wlLhdrawn player may reLurn Lo Lhe game aL any Llme durlng Lhe perlod of Llme as descrlbed ln
(a) above
wlLhouL belng LreaLed as a subsLlLuLlon
e 1he umplre MuS1 be noLlfled LhaL Lhe wlLhdrawn player ls reLurnlng Lo Lhe game
LllLC1 Sec 11de
1 Should Lhe wlLhdrawn player noL be able Lo reLurn Lo Lhe game afLer belng ouL for Lhe Llme descrlbed
ln (a)
above Lhe 8eplacemenL layer musL be LreaLed as a subsLlLuLe ln accordance wlLh Lhe provlslons of Lhe
subsLlLuLe rule
2 lf Lhe replacemenL player ls one who has prevlously been ln Lhe game Lhen he musL be replaced by a
subsLlLuLe who has noL yeL been ln Lhe game
3 Should Lhe Leam noL have a legal subsLlLuLe avallable Lhe game wlll be forfelLed
4 lallure Lo noLlfy Lhe umplre of Lhe reLurn of Lhe wlLhdrawn player shall upon a legal appeal sub[ecL
player Lo Lhe provlslons of Lhe unreporLed SubsLlLuLe rule
f 1he wlLhdrawn player may subsequenLly reenLer Lhe game afLer Lhe explry of Lhe Llme descrlbed ln
(a) above
sub[ecL Lo Lhe provlslons of Lhe 8eenLry rule
g (CoLd Slow lLch Cnly) When a 8eplacemenL layer" ls used Lhe player musL be of Lhe same sex as
Lhe ln[ured
and bleedlng player
h 1he use of a 8eplacemenL layer" ls noL sub[ecL Lo Lhe provlslons of Lhe SubsLlLuLe 8ule" (excepL
unannounced Lo Lhe umplre) provlded Lhe WlLhdrawn layer" reLurns Lo Lhe game wlLhln Lhe Llme
permlLLed8uLL 3 1PL CAML
Sec 1 CPClCL Cl 1u8n A1 8A1
1he cholce of Lhe flrsL or lasL baL ln Lhe lnnlng shall be declded by a Loss of a coln unless oLherwlse
sLaLed ln Lhe rules
of Lhe organlzaLlon under whlch Lhe schedule of games ls belng played
Sec 2 ll1nLSS Cl C8Cunu
1he flLness of Lhe ground for a game shall be declded solely by Lhe plaLe umplre
Sec 3 8LCuLA1lCn CAML
A regulaLlon game shall conslsL of seven lnnlngs
a A full seven lnnlngs need noL be played lf Lhe Leam second aL baL scores more runs ln slx lnnlngs or
before Lhe
Lhlrd ouL ln Lhe lasL of Lhe sevenLh lnnlng
b A game LhaL ls Lled aL Lhe end of seven lnnlngs shall be conLlnued by playlng addlLlonal lnnlngs or
unLll one slde
has scored more runs Lhan Lhe oLher aL Lhe end of a compleLe lnnlng or unLll Lhe Leam second aL baL has
more runs ln Lhelr half of Lhe lnnlng before Lhe Lhlrd ouL ls made
c A game called by Lhe umplre shall be regulaLlon lf flve or more compleLe lnnlngs have been played or
lf Lhe Leam
second aL baL has scored more runs Lhan Lhe oLher Leam has scored ln flve or more lnnlngs 1he umplre
empowered Lo call a game aL any Llme because of darkness raln flre panlc or oLher cause whlch puLs
Lhe paLrons
or players ln perll
d A regulaLlon Lle game shall be declared lf Lhe score ls equal when Lhe game ls called aL Lhe end of flve
or more
compleLed lnnlngs or lf Lhe Leam second aL baL has equaled Lhe score of Lhe flrsL Leam aL baL ln Lhe
e 1hese provlslons do noL apply Lo any acLs on Lhe parL of players or specLaLors whlch mlghL call for
forfelLure of
Lhe game 1he plaLe umplre may forfelL Lhe game lf any Leam member or specLaLor aLLacks any umplre
f 1he plaLe umplre shall declare a forfelL ln favor of Lhe Leam noL aL faulL ln Lhe followlng cases
1 lf a Leam falls Lo appear on Lhe fleld or belng on Lhe fleld refuses Lo begln a game for whlch lL ls
scheduled or
asslgned aL Lhe Llme scheduled or wlLhln a Llme seL for forfelLures by Lhe organlzaLlon ln whlch Lhe Leam
2 lf afLer Lhe game has begun one slde refuses Lo conLlnue Lo play unless Lhe game has been
suspended or
LermlnaLed by Lhe umplre
3 lf afLer Lhe umplre has suspended play one slde falls Lo resume playlng wlLhln Lwo mlnuLes afLer Lhe
has called LA? 8ALL
4 lf a Leam employs LacLlcs deslgned Lo delay or Lo hasLen Lhe game
3 lf afLer warnlng by Lhe umplre any one of Lhe rules of Lhe game ls wlllfully vlolaLed
6 lf Lhe order for Lhe removal or e[ecLlon of a player or any person auLhorlzed Lo slL on Lhe Leam bench
ls noL
obeyed wlLhln one mlnuLe
7 lf because of Lhe removal or e[ecLlon of Lhe players from Lhe game by Lhe umplre or for any cause
Lhere are
less Lhan 9 (l CnL?) 10 (l wlLh a u) 10 (S CnL?) or 11 (S wlLh an L) players on elLher Leam
8 lf a declared lnellglble layer reenLers Lhe game and one plLch has been Lhrown
9 lf an e[ecLed player/coach/manager ls dlscovered parLlclpaLlng ln Lhe game agaln
g A game LhaL ls
1 noL consldered regulaLlon or
2 A regulaLlon Lle game shall be replayed from Lhe beglnnlng Crlglnal llneups may be changed when
game ls replayed
Sec 4 WlnnL8 Cl CAML
1he wlnner of Lhe game shall be Lhe Leam LhaL scores more runs ln a regulaLlon game
a 1he score of a called regulaLlon game shall be Lhe score aL Lhe end of Lhe lasL compleLe lnnlng unless
Lhe Leam
second aL baL has scored more runs Lhan Lhe flrsL Leam aL baL ln Lhe lncompleLe lnnlng ln Lhls case Lhe
score shall
be LhaL of Lhe lncompleLe lnnlng
b 1he score of a regulaLlon Lle game shall be Lhe Lle score when Lhe game was LermlnaLed A regulaLlon
Lle game
shall be replayed from Lhe beglnnlng
c 1he score of a forfelLed game shall be 70 ln favor of Lhe Leam noL aL faulLSec 3 8un APLAu 8uLL
a A run ahead rule shall be used aL all 1ournamenLs and Champlonshlps
1 (l CnL?) llfLeen (13) runs afLer Lhree (3) lnnlngs Len (10) runs afLer four (4) lnnlngs or seven (7)
runs afLer (3) lnnlngs
2 (S CnL?) 1wenLy (20) runs afLer four (4) lnnlngs or flfLeen (13) runs afLer flve (3) lnnlngs
b CompleLe lnnlngs musL be played unless Lhe Leam second aL baL scores Lhe requlred number of runs
whlle aL baL
When Lhe Leam flrsL aL baL reaches Lhe requlred number of runs ln Lhe Lop half of Lhe lnnlng Lhe Leam
second aL baL
musL have Lhelr opporLunlLy Lo baL ln Lhe boLLom half of Lhe lnnlng
Sec 6 1lL88LAkL8
SLarLlng wlLh Lhe Lop of Lhe elghLh lnnlng and each half lnnlng LhereafLer Lhe offenslve Leam shall begln
lLs Lurn aL baL
wlLh Lhe player who ls scheduled Lo baL nlnLh (9Lh ln l) LenLh (10Lh ln S 11Lh ln S wlLh an L or 12Lh
ln Coed
S wlLh L's) ln LhaL respecLlve halflnnlng belng placed on second base 1he player who ls runnlng can
subsLlLuLed ln accordance wlLh Lhe subsLlLuLlon rules
nC1L lf an lncorrecL runner ln Lhe llneup ls placed on second base Lhls error may be correcLed as soon
as lL ls
noLlced 1here ls no penalLy
Sec 7 SCC8lnC Cl 8unS
a Cne run shall be scored each Llme a runner legally Louches flrsL second Lhlrd bases and home plaLe
before Lhe
Lhlrd ouL of Lhe lnnlng
LxCL1lCn When Lhe Llebreaker ls used Lhe runner sLarLlng aL second base does noL have Lo Louch
flrsL base
ln order for a legal run Lo be scored
b A run shall noL be scored lf Lhe Lhlrd and/or lasL ouL of Lhe lnnlng ls a resulL of
1 1he baLLerrunner belng puL ouL before legally Louchlng flrsL base
2 A runner belng forced ouL (lncludlng on an appeal play) due Lo Lhe baLLer becomlng a baLLerrunner
3 (l CnL?) 1he runner falls Lo keep conLacL wlLh Lhe base Lo whlch he ls enLlLled unLll a plLch ls
4 (S CnL?) 1he runner falls Lo keep conLacL wlLh Lhe base Lo whlch he ls enLlLled unLll a plLch ls baLLed
reached home plaLe
3 A precedlng runner belng declared ouL
c AddlLlonal ouL appeals may be made afLer Lhe Lhlrd ouL Lo remove a run(s)
a Cffenslve Conferences 1here shall only be one charged offenslve conference ln an lnnlng
nC1L 1 1hls lncludes Lhe baLLer runner ondeck baLLer and Lhe coaches among Lhemselves
2 lL ls noL a charged conference when a plLcher ls puLLlng on a warmup [ackeL whlle on base or lf Lhe
offense confers whlle Lhe defenslve Leam ls ln conference provlded Lhe offense ls ready Lo play when
Lhe defense ls ready
3 umplres should noL permlL any such conferences ln excess of one per lnnlng
LllLC1 Sec 8a
A second charged conference shall resulL ln Lhe e[ecLlon of Lhe manager or coach lnslsLlng on anoLher
b uefenslve Conferences 1here shall only be Lhree charged defenslve conferences ln a sevenlnnlng
game lor
every lnnlng beyond seven Lhere shall be one charged conference per lnnlng
nC1L 1 A conference lncludes players ln Lhe fleld leavlng Lhelr poslLlon and golng Lo Lhe dugouL for
lnsLrucLlons regardless of wheLher '1lme' has been requesLed or noL
2 Should a coach/manager reporL a plLchlng change Lo Lhe plaLe umplre elLher before or afLer
communlcaLlng wlLh Lhe plLcher lL ls noL a charged conference
3 1he conference ls over when Lhe manager/coach crosses Lhe foul llne reLurnlng Lo Lhe dugouL
4 Conferences are accumulaLlve and do noL sLarL over wlLh a new plLcher enLered lnLo Lhe game
3 lf all Lhree conferences are noL used ln Lhe flrsL seven lnnlngs Lhey are losL and a Leam musL Lhen
follow Lhe one per exLra lnnlng rule
6 lL ls noL a charged conference for Lhe defense lf
(a) 1hey confer durlng a charged offenslve conference provlded Lhey are ready Lo play when Lhe
offense ls ready(b) 1hey shouL lnsLrucLlons from Lhe dugouL
(c) A manager playlng ln Lhe game confers wlLh any defenslve player however an umplre may
conLrol meeLlngs beLween a playlng manager and a plLcher by flrsL lssulng a warnlng and Lhen
e[ecLlng Lhe playlng manager
LllLC1 Sec 8b 1he fourLh and each addlLlonal charged conference ln a sevenlnnlng game or for any
conference ln excess of one per lnnlng ln an exLra lnnlng game shall resulL ln Lhe plLcher who ls Lhe
llsLed plLcher aL
Lhe Llme of Lhe excess conference belng declared an lllegal lLcher who may noL plLch agaln for Lhe
remalnder of Lhe
game nC1L A declared lllegal lLcher can play anoLher poslLlon on defense buL cannoL plLch agaln
c Conferences wlll noL be charged lf Lhey Lake place aL any Llme when Lhe umplre has suspended
play8uLL 6 l1CPlnC 8LCuLA1lCnS (lasL lLch Cnly)
n8 1he LllLC1 for all SecLlons 1 7 follows aL end of SecLlon 7
Sec 1 8LLlMlnA8lLS
8efore commenclng Lhe dellvery (plLch) Lhe plLcher
a May noL Lake Lhe plLchlng poslLlon on or near Lhe plLchers plaLe wlLhouL havlng Lhe ball ln hls
b Shall noL be consldered ln Lhe plLchlng poslLlon unless Lhe caLcher ls ln poslLlon Lo recelve Lhe plLch
c MusL have boLh feeL on Lhe ground wlLhln Lhe 610cm (24 ln) lengLh of Lhe plLchers plaLe 1he hlps
shall be ln
llne wlLh flrsL and Lhlrd bases and boLh feeL musL be ln conLacL wlLh Lhe plLchers plaLe
d MusL whlle sLandlng on Lhe plaLe and wlLh Lhe ball ln elLher Lhe glove or Lhe plLchlng hand Lake Lhe
slgnal or
appear Lo be Laklng a slgnal from Lhe caLcher wlLh Lhe hands separaLed
e MusL afLer Laklng Lhe slgnal brlng hls whole body Lo a full and compleLe sLop wlLh Lhe ball held ln Lhe
hand or
glove wlLh boLh held LogeLher ln fronL of Lhe body 1hls poslLlon musL be held for noL less Lhan Lwo (2)
and noL more Lhan flve (3) seconds before releaslng Lhe ball nC1L Poldlng Lhe ball ln boLh hands Lo
Lhe slde
of Lhe body ls consldered ln fronL of Lhe body
Sec 2 S1A81lnC 1PL l1CP
1he plLch sLarLs when one hand ls Laken off Lhe ball or Lhe plLcher makes any moLlon LhaL ls parL of hls
Sec 3 LLCAL uLLlvL8?
a 1he plLcher musL noL make any moLlon Lo plLch wlLhouL lmmedlaLely dellverlng Lhe ball Lo Lhe baLLer
b 1he plLcher musL noL use a plLchlng moLlon ln whlch afLer havlng Lhe ball ln boLh hands ln Lhe
plLchlng poslLlon
he removes one hand from Lhe ball Lakes a backward and forward swlng and reLurns Lhe ball Lo boLh
hands ln
fronL of Lhe body
c 1he plLcher musL noL use a wlndup ln whlch Lhere ls a sLop or reversal of Lhe forward moLlon
d 1he plLcher musL noL make Lwo revoluLlons of Lhe arm on Lhe wlndmlll plLch Powever he may drop
hls arm Lo
Lhe slde and Lo Lhe rear before sLarLlng Lhe wlndmlll moLlon 1hls allows Lhe arm Lo pass Lhe hlp Lwlce
e 1he dellvery musL be an underhanded moLlon wlLh Lhe hand below Lhe hlp and Lhe wrlsL noL farLher
from Lhe body
Lhan Lhe elbow
f 1he release of Lhe ball and follow Lhrough of Lhe hand and wrlsL musL be forward and pasL Lhe sLralghL
llne of Lhe
g 8oLh feeL musL remaln ln conLacL wlLh Lhe plLcher's plaLe and Lhe plvoL fooL musL remaln moLlonless
aL all Llmes
before Lhe sLarL of Lhe plLch
h 1he plvoL fooL musL remaln ln conLacL wlLh Lhe plLcher's plaLe aL all Llmes before Lhe forward drag
leap or
l ln Lhe acL of dellverlng Lhe ball Lhe plLcher may Lake one sLep wlLh Lhe leadlng nonplvoL fooL
slmulLaneous wlLh
Lhe release of Lhe ball 1he sLep musL be forward Loward Lhe baLLer and wlLhln Lhe 610cm (24 ln) lengLh
of Lhe
plLchers plaLe
nC1L (hl) lL ls noL a sLep lf Lhe plLcher slldes hls fooL across Lhe plLchers plaLe provlded conLacL ls
malnLalned wlLh
Lhe plaLe and Lhere ls no movemenL backwards of Lhe nonplvoL fooL LlfLlng Lhe plvoL fooL off Lhe
plLchers plaLe
and reLurnlng lL Lo Lhe plaLe creaLlng a rocklng moLlon ls an lllegal acL
[ 1he plvoL fooL musL remaln ln conLacL wlLh Lhe plLcher's plaLe or push off and drag away from Lhe
plLcher's plaLe
or be alrborne prlor Lo Lhe sLepplng (nonplvoL) fooL Louchlng Lhe ground
noLe lL ls legal Lo drag leap or hop and Lhen land and Lhrow as long as Lhe orlglnal push sLarLs from Lhe
plLcher's plaLe lL ls noL legal Lo sLep off wlLh Lhe plvoL fooL and Lhen drag leap or hop and Lhrow
k 1he plLcher shall noL push off from a place oLher Lhan Lhe plLcher's plaLe prlor Lo separaLlng hls hands
l 1he plLcher musL noL conLlnue Lo wlnd up afLer releaslng Lhe ball
m 1he plLcher shall noL dellberaLely drop roll or bounce Lhe ball ln order Lo prevenL Lhe baLLer from
hlLLlng lL
n 1he plLcher has LwenLy (20) seconds Lo release Lhe nexL plLch afLer recelvlng Lhe ball or afLer Lhe
umplre lndlcaLes
lay 8all
LffecL 3n An addlLlonal ball ls awarded Lhe baLLer
Sec 4 uLlLnSlvL CSl1lCnlnC
a 1he plLcher shall noL dellver a plLch unless all defenslve players excepL Lhe caLcher who musL be ln
Lhe caLchers
box are poslLloned ln falr LerrlLory
b A flelder shall noL Lake a poslLlon ln Lhe baLLers llne of vlslon or wlLh dellberaLe unsporLsmanllke
lnLenL acL ln a
manner Lo dlsLracL Lhe baLLer nC1L A plLch does noL have Lo be released 1he offendlng player shall be
e[ecLed from Lhe game
c WlLh a runner on Lhlrd base Lrylng Lo score by means of a squeeze play or sLeal no defenslve player
1 SLep on or ln fronL of home plaLe wlLhouL Lhe ball or
2 1ouch Lhe baLLer or baL
LnAL1? 1he ball ls dead 1he baLLer shall be awarded flrsL base on Lhe obsLrucLlon and all runners
advance one base on Lhe lllegal lLch
Sec 3 lC8LlCn Su8S1AnCL
a no member of Lhe defenslve Leam shall aL any Llme durlng Lhe game be permlLLed Lo use any forelgn
on Lhe ball A plLcher who llcks hls flngers musL wlpe off hls flngers before maklng conLacL wlLh Lhe ball
nC1L lf any defenslve Leam member conLlnues Lo place a forelgn subsLance on Lhe ball Lhe plLcher
shall be
e[ecLed from Lhe game
b Applylng resln Lo Lhe ball or lnLo Lhe glove and Lhen placlng Lhe ball ln Lhe glove ls an lllegal acL
8esln musL be
kepL on Lhe ground behlnd Lhe plLcher's plaLe when noL ln use
c under Lhe supervlslon and conLrol of Lhe umplre powdered resln may be used Lo dry Lhe hands
noLe Approved manufacLured cloLhs LhaL are embedded wlLh resln only are permlLLed
d 1he plLcher shall noL wear Lape on hls flngers or a sweaLband braceleL or slmllar Lype lLem on Lhe
wrlsL or
forearm of Lhe plLchlng arm
nC1L lf a plLcher needs Lo wear a sweaLband on Lhe plLchlng arm as a resulL of an ln[ury boLh arms
should be
covered wlLh an undershlrL
Sec 6 1PL CA1CPL8
a MusL remaln wlLhln Lhe caLchers box unLll Lhe plLch ls released
b Shall reLurn Lhe ball dlrecLly Lo Lhe plLcher afLer each plLch lncludlng afLer a foul ball
nC1L An addlLlonal ball shall be awarded Lo Lhe baLLer
LxCL1lCn 1hls does noL apply
1 AfLer a sLrlkeouL or
2 When Lhe baLLer becomes a baLLerrunner or
3 When Lhere are runners on base or
4 When a foul ball ls flelded close Lo Lhe foul llne and Lhe caLcher Lhrows Lo any base for a posslble ouL
3 When on a checked swlng on a dropped Lhlrd sLrlke slLuaLlon Lhe caLcher Lhrows Lo flrsL base Lo
reLlre Lhe
Sec 7 1P8CWlnC 1C A 8ASL
1he plLcher afLer he has Laken Lhe plLchlng poslLlon shall noL Lhrow Lo a base durlng a llve ball whlle hls
fooL ls ln
conLacL wlLh Lhe plLchers plaLe lf Lhe Lhrow from Lhe plLchers plaLe occurs durlng a llve ball appeal
play Lhe appeal
ls cancelled
nC1L 1he plLcher may remove hlmself from Lhe plLchlng poslLlon by sLepplng backwards off Lhe
plLchers plaLe
prlor Lo separaLlng hls hands SLepplng forward or sldeways consLlLuLes an lllegal lLch
1PL lCLLCWlnC lS 1PL LllLC1 lC8 ALL SLC1lCnS 1 7 A8CvL
LllLC1 SecLlons 17
Any lnfracLlon of SecLlons 17 ls an lllegal lLch (LxCL1lCn 8ules 6 Sec 3n and Sec 6b)
1 1he umplre shall glve a delayed dead ball slgnal and call an lllegal plLch
2 lf Lhe lllegal plLch ls noL hlL
(a) An exLra ball ls awarded Lo Lhe baLLer (flrsL base lf ball four) and
(b) 8unners are advanced one baseLxCL1lCn lf a runner legally advances on Lhe lllegal plLch (passed
ball or wlld Lhrow by Lhe caLcher) any
exLra bases obLalned may be reLalned lf Lhe runner ls puL ouL afLer advanclng one base LhaL runner
wlll be
called ouL
3 lf Lhe lllegal plLch ls hlL Lhe manager of Lhe offenslve Leam has Lhe opLlon of Laklng
(a) 1he award for Lhe lllegal plLch or
(b) 1he resulL of Lhe play
LxCL1lCn lf Lhe baLLerrunner reaches flrsL base as a resulL of a hlL and lf all oLher runners have
advanced aL leasL one base on Lhe play Lhe lllegal plLch ls nulllfled All acLlons as a resulL of Lhe play
and no opLlon ls glven
4 lf Lhe lllegal plLch ls swung aL mlssed and Lhe caLcher drops Lhe Lhlrd sLrlke buL Lhrows Lhe baLLer ouL
aL flrsL
base and oLher runners advance aL leasL one base Lhe manager of Lhe offenslve Leam has Lhe opLlon of
(a) Lhe award for Lhe lllegal plLch or (b) Lhe resulL of Lhe play
LxCL1lCn lf Lhe baLLerrunner reaches flrsL base as a resulL of a dropped Lhlrd sLrlke and lf all oLher
runners have advanced aL leasL one base on Lhe play Lhe lllegal plLch ls nulllfled All acLlon as a resulL of
play sLand and no opLlon ls glven
3 lf Lhe manager does noL Lake Lhe resulL of Lhe play Lhe lllegal lLch ls enforced by awardlng a ball Lo
Lhe baLLer
(flrsL base lf ball four) and advanclng all runners one base 1he ball ls dead
6 When an lllegal plLch hlLs Lhe baLLer Lhe ball ls dead Lhe baLLer ls awarded flrsL base and all runners
advanced one base no opLlon ls glven
Sec 8 ln1Ln1lCnAL 8ASL Cn 8ALLS
lf Lhe defenslve Leam deslres Lo have an lnLenLlonal base on balls awarded Lo a baLLer elLher Lhe
plLcher caLcher
or coach may do so by noLlfylng Lhe plaLe umplre who shall award Lhe baLLer flrsL base 1hls noLlflcaLlon
Lo Lhe
umplre shall be consldered a plLch 1he ball ls dead
nC1L 1he noLlflcaLlon can occur aL any Llme prlor Lo a baLLer beglnnlng and endlng hls Llme aL baL
regardless of Lhe
counL 1he ball ls dead runners cannoL advance unless forced
Sec 9 WA8Mu l1CPLS
a AL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe flrsL lnnlng for boLh Leams or when a plLcher relleves anoLher noL more Lhan
one mlnuLe
may be used Lo dellver noL more Lhan flve plLches Lo Lhe caLcher or anoLher Leam member AL Lhe sLarL
of each
half lnnlng (afLer Lhe flrsL lnnlng) Lhe plLcher shall be allowed only Lhree warmup plLches Lo warm up
LxCL1lCn 1hls does noL apply lf Lhe umplre delays Lhe sLarL or resumpLlon of play due Lo
conference ln[urles eLc
LllLC1 Sec 9a
lor excesslve warmup plLches a plLcher shall be penallzed by awardlng a ball Lo Lhe baLLer for each
exLra plLch
b lay shall be suspended durlng Lhls Llme
c A plLcher reLurnlng Lo plLch ln Lhe same half lnnlng wlll noL be enLlLled Lo warmup plLches
LllLC1 Sec 9c
A ball shall be awarded Lo Lhe baLLer for each plLch Laken
d 1here ls no llmlL Lo Lhe number of Llmes a player can reLurn Lo Lhe plLchlng poslLlon provlded he has
1 LefL Lhe baLLlng order or
2 8een declared an lllegal lLcher by Lhe umplre
Sec 10 nC l1CP
no plLch shall be declared when
a 1he plLcher plLches durlng a suspenslon of playb 1he plLcher aLLempLs a qulck reLurn of Lhe ball
1 8efore Lhe baLLer has Laken hls poslLlon or
2 When Lhe baLLer ls off balance as a resulL of a prevlous plLch
c A runner ls called ouL for leavlng a base prlor Lo Lhe plLcher releaslng Lhe plLch
d 1he plLcher plLches before a runner has reLouched hls base afLer a foul ball has been declared and Lhe
ball ls dead
e A player manager or coach
1 Calls 1lme or
2 Lmploys any oLher word or phrase or
3 CommlLs any acL whlle Lhe ball ls allve and ln play for Lhe obvlous purpose of Lrylng Lo make Lhe
commlL an lllegal plLch
nC1L A warnlng shall be lssued Lo Lhe offendlng Leam and a repeaL of Lhls Lype acL by any member of
Lhe Leam
warned shall resulL ln Lhe offender belng e[ecLed from Lhe game
LllLC1 Sec 10ae
1he ball ls dead and all subsequenL acLlon on LhaL plLch ls cancelled
Sec 11 u8CLu 8ALL
lf Lhe ball sllps from Lhe plLchers hand durlng hls dellvery
1 A ball ls declared on Lhe baLLer and
2 1he ball wlll remaln ln play and
3 1he runners may advance aL Lhelr own rlsk
Sec 12 lLLLCAL l1CPL8
A plLcher who has been declared an lllegal lLcher as a resulL of Lhe Leam exceedlng Lhe charged
conference llmlL
may noL reLurn Lo Lhe plLchlng poslLlon aL any Llme for Lhe remalnder of Lhe game
LllLC1 Sec 12
lf Lhe lllegal lLcher has reLurned and has Lhrown one plLch elLher legal or lllegal he ls e[ecLed from Lhe
game lf he
ls dlscovered prlor Lo Lhe nexL plLch Lhe manager of Lhe offenslve Leam has Lhe opLlon of
1 1aklng Lhe resulL of Lhe play or
2 Pavlng Lhe play nulllfled wlLh runners reLurnlng Lo Lhe lasL base held aL Lhe Llme of Lhe play
LxCL1lCn Lo LllLC1 Sec 12 (2) lf Lhe play was Lhe resulL of Lhe compleLlon of Lhe baLLer's Lurn aL baL
Lhe opLlon ls Laken Lo nulllfy Lhe play LhaL baLLer resumes baLLlng assumlng Lhe ball and sLrlke counL he
had prlor Lo
compleLlng hls Lurn aL baL and runners are reLurned Lo Lhe base held aL Lhe Llme of Lhe plLch8uLL 6
l1CPlnC 8LCuLA1lCnS (Modlfled lLch Cnly)
n8 1he LllLC1 for all SecLlons 1 7 follow aL end of SecLlon 7
Sec 1 8LLlMlnA8lLS
8efore commenclng Lhe dellvery (plLch) Lhe plLcher
a May noL Lake Lhe plLchlng poslLlon on or near Lhe plLchers plaLe wlLhouL havlng Lhe ball ln hls
b Shall noL be consldered ln Lhe plLchlng poslLlon unless Lhe caLcher ls ln poslLlon Lo recelve Lhe plLch
c MusL have boLh feeL on Lhe ground wlLhln Lhe 610 cm (24 ln) lengLh of Lhe plLchers plaLe 1he
shoulders shall be
ln llne wlLh flrsL and Lhlrd bases and boLh feeL musL be ln conLacL wlLh Lhe plLchers plaLe
d MusL whlle sLandlng on Lhe plaLe and wlLh Lhe ball ln elLher Lhe glove or Lhe plLchlng hand Lake Lhe
slgnal or
appear Lo be Laklng a slgnal from Lhe caLcher wlLh Lhe hands separaLed
e MusL afLer Laklng Lhe slgnal brlng hls whole body Lo a full and compleLe sLop wlLh Lhe ball held ln
boLh hands ln
fronL of Lhe body 1hls poslLlon musL be held for noL less Lhan Lwo (2) seconds and noL more Lhan Len
seconds before releaslng Lhe ball
Sec 2 S1A81lnC 1PL l1CP
a 1he plLch sLarLs when one hand ls Laken off Lhe ball
Sec 3 LLCAL uLLlvL8?
a 1he plLcher musL noL make any moLlon Lo plLch wlLhouL lmmedlaLely dellverlng Lhe ball Lo Lhe baLLer
b 1he plLcher musL noL use a plLchlng moLlon ln whlch afLer havlng Lhe ball ln boLh hands ln Lhe
plLchlng poslLlon
he removes one hand from Lhe ball Lakes a backward and forward swlng and reLurns Lhe ball Lo boLh
hands ln
fronL of Lhe body
c 1he plLcher musL noL use a wlndup ln whlch Lhere ls a sLop or reversal of Lhe forward moLlon
d 1he plLcher may Lake Lhe ball behlnd hls back on Lhe back swlng
e 1he plLcher musL noL use a wlndmlll or sllngshoLLype plLch or make a compleLe revoluLlon ln Lhe
f 1he ball musL noL be ouLslde Lhe plLchers wrlsL on Lhe downward moLlon and durlng Lhe compleLe
g 1he dellvery musL be an underhanded moLlon wlLh Lhe hand below Lhe hlp and Lhe palm may be
h Cn Lhe forward swlng of Lhe plLchlng arm
1 1he elbow musL be locked aL Lhe polnL of release and
2 1he shoulders and drlvlng hlp musL be squared Lo home plaLe when Lhe ball ls released
l 1he release of Lhe ball musL be on Lhe flrsL forward swlng of Lhe plLchlng arm and musL pasL Lhe hlp
1he release
musL have a compleLe smooLh followLhrough wlLh no abrupL sLop of Lhe arm near Lhe hlp
[ 8oLh feeL musL remaln ln conLacL wlLh Lhe plLchlng plaLe aL all Llmes prlor Lo Lhe forward sLep
k ln Lhe acL of dellverlng Lhe ball Lhe plLcher musL Lake one sLep slmulLaneous wlLh Lhe release of Lhe
ball 1he sLep
musL be forward Loward Lhe baLLer and wlLhln Lhe 610cm (24 ln) lengLh of Lhe plLchers plaLe 1he
sLepplng fooL
musL be polnLed Loward home plaLe and musL noL Louch Lhe ground ln fronL of or cross over a sLralghL
beLween Lhe plvoL fooL and home plaLe
nC1L lL ls noL a sLep lf Lhe plLcher slldes hls fooL across Lhe plLchers plaLe provlded conLacL ls
malnLalned wlLh
Lhe plaLe LlfLlng Lhe plvoL fooL off Lhe plLchers plaLe and reLurnlng lL Lo Lhe plaLe creaLlng a rocklng
moLlon ls an
lllegal acL
l ushlng off wlLh Lhe plvoL fooL from a place oLher Lhan Lhe plLchers plaLe before Lhe sLepplng fooL has
lefL Lhe
plaLe ls consldered a crow hop and ls lllegal
m 1he plLcher musL noL conLlnue Lo wlndup afLer releaslng Lhe ball
n 1he plLcher shall noL dellberaLely drop roll or bounce Lhe ball ln order Lo prevenL Lhe baLLer from
hlLLlng lL
o 1he plLcher has 20 seconds Lo release Lhe nexL plLch afLer recelvlng Lhe ball or afLer Lhe umplre
lndlcaLes lay
LllLC1 An addlLlonal ball ls awarded Lhe baLLerSec 4 uLlLnSlvL CSl1lCnlnC
a 1he plLcher shall noL dellver a plLch unless all defenslve players excepL Lhe caLcher who musL be ln
Lhe caLchers
box are poslLloned ln falr LerrlLory
b A flelder shall noL Lake a poslLlon ln Lhe baLLers llne of vlslon or wlLh dellberaLe unsporLsmanllke
lnLenL acL ln a
manner Lo dlsLracL Lhe baLLer
nC1L A plLch does noL have Lo be released 1he offendlng player shall be e[ecLed from Lhe game
c WlLh a runner on Lhlrd base Lrylng Lo score by means of a squeeze play or sLeal no defenslve player
1 SLep on or ln fronL of home plaLe wlLhouL Lhe ball or
2 1ouch Lhe baLLer or baL
LnAL1? 1he ball ls dead 1he baLLer shall be awarded flrsL base on Lhe obsLrucLlon and all runners
advance one base on Lhe lllegal plLch
Sec 3 lC8LlCn Su8S1AnCL
a no member of Lhe defenslve Leam shall aL any Llme durlng Lhe game be permlLLed Lo use any forelgn
on Lhe ball A plLcher who llcks hls flngers musL wlpe Lhe flngers off before brlnglng Lhem ln conLacL
wlLh Lhe
nC1L lf any defenslve Leam member conLlnues Lo place a forelgn subsLance on Lhe ball Lhe plLcher
shall be
e[ecLed from Lhe game
b Applylng resln Lo Lhe ball or lnLo Lhe glove and Lhen placlng Lhe ball ln Lhe glove ls an lllegal acL
8esln musL be
kepL on Lhe ground behlnd Lhe plLcher's plaLe when noL ln use
c under Lhe supervlslon and conLrol of Lhe umplre powdered resln may be used Lo dry Lhe hands
noLe Approved manufacLured cloLhs LhaL are embedded wlLh resln only are permlLLed
d 1he plLcher shall noL wear Lape on hls flngers or a sweaLband braceleL or slmllar Lype lLem on Lhe
wrlsL or
forearm of Lhe plLchlng arm
nC1L lf a plLcher needs Lo wear a sweaLband on Lhe plLchlng arm as a resulL of an ln[ury boLh arms
should be
covered wlLh an undershlrL
Sec 6 1PL CA1CPL8
a MusL remaln wlLhln Lhe caLchers box unLll Lhe plLch ls released
b Shall reLurn Lhe ball dlrecLly Lo Lhe plLcher afLer each plLch lncludlng afLer a foul ball
nC1L An addlLlonal ball ls awarded Lhe baLLer
LxCL1lCn 1hls does noL apply
1 AfLer a sLrlkeouL
2 When Lhe baLLer becomes a baLLerrunner
3 When Lhere are runners on base
4 When a foul ball ls flelded close Lo Lhe foul llne and he Lhrows Lo any base for a posslble ouL
3 When on a checked swlng on a dropped Lhlrd sLrlke slLuaLlon he Lhrows Lo flrsL base Lo reLlre Lhe
Sec 7 1P8CWlnC 1C A 8ASL
1he plLcher afLer he has Laken Lhe plLchlng poslLlon shall noL Lhrow Lo a base durlng a llve ball whlle hls
fooL ls ln
conLacL wlLh Lhe plLchers plaLe lf Lhe Lhrow from Lhe plLchers plaLe occurs durlng a llve ball appeal
play Lhe appeal
ls cancelled
nC1L 1he plLcher may remove hlm from Lhe plLchlng poslLlon by sLepplng backwards off Lhe plLchers
plaLe prlor Lo
separaLlng hls hands SLepplng forward or sldeways consLlLuLes an lllegal lLch
1PL lCLLCWlnC lS 1PL LllLC1 lC8 ALL SLC1lCnS 1 7 A8CvL
LllLC1 SecLlons 17
Any lnfracLlon of SecLlons 17 ls an lllegal lLch (LxCL1lCn 8ules 6 Sec 3o and Sec 6b)
1 1he umplre shall glve a delayed dead ball slgnal2 lf Lhe lllegal plLch ls noL hlL
(a) An exLra ball ls awarded Lo Lhe baLLer (flrsL base lf ball four) and
(b) 8unners are advanced one base
LxCL1lCn lf a runner legally advances on Lhe lllegal plLch (passed ball or wlld Lhrow by Lhe caLcher)
exLra bases obLalned may be reLalned lf Lhe runner ls puL ouL afLer advanclng one base LhaL runner wlll
called ouL
3 lf Lhe lllegal plLch ls hlL Lhe manager of Lhe offenslve Leam has Lhe opLlon of Laklng
(a) 1he award for Lhe lllegal plLch or
(b) 1he resulL of Lhe play
LxCL1lCn lf Lhe baLLerrunner reaches flrsL base as a resulL of a hlL or a dropped Lhlrd sLrlke and lf all
oLher runners have advanced aL leasL one base on Lhe baLLed ball Lhe lllegal plLch ls nulllfled
4 lf Lhe manager does noL Lake Lhe resulL of Lhe play Lhe lllegal lLch ls enforced by awardlng a ball Lo
Lhe baLLer
(flrsL base lf ball four) and advanclng all runners one base 1he ball ls dead
3 When an lllegal plLch hlLs Lhe baLLer Lhe ball ls dead Lhe baLLer ls awarded flrsL base and all runners
advanced one base no opLlon ls glven
Sec 8 ln1Ln1lCnAL 8ASL Cn 8ALLS
lf Lhe defenslve Leam deslres Lo have an lnLenLlonal base on balls awarded Lo a baLLer elLher Lhe
plLcher caLcher
or coach may do so by noLlfylng Lhe plaLe umplre who shall award Lhe baLLer flrsL base 1hls noLlflcaLlon
Lo Lhe
umplre shall be consldered a plLch 1he ball ls dead
nC1L 1he noLlflcaLlon can occur aL any Llme prlor Lo a baLLer beglnnlng and endlng hls Llme aL baL
regardless of
Lhe counL As Lhe ball ls dead runners cannoL advance unless forced
Sec 9 WA8Mu l1CPLS
a AL Lhe beglnnlng of each half lnnlng or when a plLcher relleves anoLher noL more Lhan one mlnuLe
may be used Lo
dellver noL more Lhan Lhree plLches Lo Lhe caLcher or anoLher Leam member
LxCL1lCn 1hls does noL apply lf Lhe umplre delays Lhe sLarL or resumpLlon of play due Lo
conference ln[urles eLc
LllLC1 Sec 9a
lor excesslve warmup plLches a plLcher shall be penallzed by awardlng a ball Lo Lhe baLLer for each
plLch ln excess
of Lhree
b lay shall be suspended durlng Lhls Llme
c A plLcher reLurnlng Lo plLch ln Lhe same half lnnlng wlll noL be enLlLled Lo warmup plLches
LllLC1 Sec 9c
A ball shall be awarded Lo Lhe baLLer for each plLch Laken
d 1here ls no llmlL Lo Lhe number of Llmes a player can reLurn Lo Lhe plLchlng poslLlon provlded he has
1 LefL Lhe baLLlng order or
2 8een declared an lllegal lLcher by Lhe umplre
Sec 10 nC l1CP
no plLch shall be declared when
a 1he plLcher plLches durlng a suspenslon of play
b 1he plLcher aLLempLs a qulck reLurn of Lhe ball
1 8efore Lhe baLLer has Laken hls poslLlon or
2 When Lhe baLLer ls off balance as a resulL of a prevlous plLch
c A runner ls called ouL for leavlng a base prlor Lo Lhe plLcher releaslng Lhe plLch
d 1he plLcher plLches before a runner has reLouched hls base afLer a foul ball has been declared and Lhe
ball ls dead
e A player manager or coach1 Calls 1lme or
2 Lmploys any oLher word or phrase or
3 CommlLs any acL whlle Lhe ball ls allve and ln play for Lhe obvlous purpose of Lrylng Lo make Lhe
commlL an lllegal plLch
nC1L A warnlng shall be lssued Lo Lhe offendlng Leam and a repeaL of Lhls Lype acL by any member of
Lhe Leam
warned shall resulL ln Lhe offender belng e[ecLed from Lhe game
LllLC1 Sec 10ae
1he ball ls dead and all subsequenL acLlon on LhaL plLch ls cancelled
Sec 11 u8CLu 8ALL
lf Lhe ball sllps from Lhe plLchers hand durlng hls dellvery
1 A ball ls declared on Lhe baLLer and
2 1he ball wlll remaln ln play and
3 1he runners may advance aL Lhelr own rlsk
Sec 12 lLLLCAL l1CPL8
A plLcher who has been declared an lllegal lLcher as a resulL of Lhe Leam exceedlng Lhe charged
conference llmlL
may noL reLurn Lo Lhe plLchlng poslLlon aL any Llme for Lhe remalnder of Lhe game
LllLC1 Sec 12
lf Lhe lllegal lLcher has reLurned and has Lhrown one plLch elLher legal or lllegal he ls e[ecLed from Lhe
game lf he
ls dlscovered prlor Lo Lhe nexL plLch Lhe manager of Lhe offenslve Leam has Lhe opLlon of
1 1aklng Lhe resulL of Lhe play or
2 Pavlng Lhe play nulllfled wlLh runners reLurnlng Lo Lhe lasL base held aL Lhe Llme of Lhe play
LxCL1lCn Lo LllLC1 Sec 12 (2) lf Lhe play was Lhe resulL of Lhe compleLlon of Lhe baLLer's Lurn aL baL
Lhe opLlon ls Laken Lo nulllfy Lhe play LhaL baLLer resumes baLLlng assumlng Lhe ball and sLrlke counL he
had prlor Lo
compleLlng hls Lurn aL baL and runners are reLurned Lo Lhe base held aL Lhe Llme of Lhe plLch8uLL 6
l1CPlnC 8LCuLA1lCnS (Slow lLch Cnly)
n8 1he LllLC1 for all SecLlons 1 7 follow aL end of SecLlon 7
Sec 1 8LLlMlnA8lLS
8efore commenclng Lhe dellvery (plLch) Lhe plLcher
a Shall noL be consldered ln Lhe plLchlng poslLlon unless Lhe caLcher ls ln poslLlon Lo recelve Lhe plLch
b MusL Lake a poslLlon wlLh boLh feeL flrmly on Lhe ground and wlLh one or boLh feeL ln conLacL wlLh Lhe
c MusL come Lo a full and compleLe sLop wlLh Lhe ball held ln one or boLh hands ln fronL of Lhe body
1he fronL of
Lhe body musL face Lhe baLLer 1hls poslLlon musL be held for noL less Lhan one second and noL more
Lhan Len
seconds before sLarLlng Lhe dellvery
Sec 2 S1A81lnC 1PL l1CP
a 1he plLch sLarLs when Lhe plLcher makes any moLlon LhaL ls parL of hls wlndup afLer Lhe requlred sLop
rlor Lo Lhe
requlred sLop any moLlon may be used
Sec 3 LLCAL uLLlvL8?
a 1he plLcher musL noL make any moLlon Lo plLch wlLhouL lmmedlaLely dellverlng Lhe ball Lo Lhe baLLer
b 1he wlndup musL be a conLlnuous moLlon
c 1he plLcher musL noL use a wlndup ln whlch Lhere ls a sLop or reversal of Lhe forward moLlon
d 1he plLcher musL dellver Lhe ball Loward home plaLe on Lhe flrsL forward swlng of Lhe plLchlng arm
pasL Lhe hlp
wlLh an underhanded moLlon
e 1he plvoL fooL musL remaln ln conLacL wlLh Lhe plLchers plaLe unLll Lhe plLched ball leaves Lhe hand lf
a sLep ls
Laken lL can be forward backward or Lo Lhe slde provlded Lhe plvoL fooL ls ln conLacL wlLh Lhe plLchers
plaLe and
Lhe sLep ls slmulLaneous wlLh Lhe release of Lhe ball
f 1he plLcher shall noL plLch Lhe ball
1 8ehlnd hls back or
2 1hrough hls legs or
3 lrom Lhe glove
g 1he plLch shall be released aL a moderaLe speed
nC1L 1he speed ls lefL enLlrely up Lo Lhe [udgmenL of Lhe umplre 1he umplre shall warn Lhe plLcher
dellvers a plLch wlLh excesslve speed lf Lhe plLcher repeaLs such an acL afLer belng warned he shall be
an lllegal lLcher and may noL plLch agaln for Lhe remalnder of Lhe game
h 1he ball musL be dellvered wlLh a percepLlble arc of aL leasL 183m (6 fL) and noL more Lhan 363m (12
fL) from
Lhe ground
l 1he plLcher may noL conLlnue Lo wlndup afLer he releases Lhe ball
[ 1he plLcher has 10 seconds Lo release Lhe nexL plLch afLer recelvlng Lhe ball or afLer Lhe umplre
lndlcaLes play
Sec 4 uLlLnSlvL CSl1lCnlnC
a 1he plLcher shall noL dellver a plLch unless all defenslve players excepL Lhe caLcher who musL be ln
Lhe caLchers
box are poslLloned ln falr LerrlLory
b A flelder shall noL Lake a poslLlon ln Lhe baLLers llne of vlslon or wlLh dellberaLe unsporLsmanllke
lnLenL acL ln a
manner Lo dlsLracL Lhe baLLer
nC1L A plLch does noL have Lo be released 1he offendlng player shall be e[ecLed from Lhe game
Sec 3 lC8LlCn Su8S1AnCL
a no member of Lhe defenslve Leam shall aL any Llme durlng Lhe game be permlLLed Lo use any forelgn
on Lhe ball
nC1L lf any defenslve Leam member conLlnues Lo place a forelgn subsLance on Lhe ball Lhe plLcher
shall be
e[ecLed from Lhe game
b under Lhe supervlslon and conLrol of Lhe umplre powdered resln may be used Lo dry Lhe handsc
Applylng resln Lo Lhe ball or lnLo Lhe glove and Lhen placlng Lhe ball ln Lhe glove ls an lllegal acL 8esln
musL be
kepL on Lhe ground behlnd Lhe plLcher's plaLe when noL ln use
d 1he plLcher may noL use any forelgn subsLance on Lhe plLchlng hand or flngers
e 1he plLcher shall noL wear a glove on Lhe plLchlng hand
Sec 6 1PL CA1CPL8
a MusL remaln wlLhln Lhe caLchers box unLll Lhe plLched ball ls baLLed Louches Lhe ground plaLe or
baLLer or
reaches Lhe caLchers box
b Shall reLurn Lhe ball dlrecLly Lo Lhe plLcher afLer each plLch lncludlng afLer a foul ball
LxCL1lCn 1hls does noL apply afLer a sLrlkeouL or puL ouL made by Lhe caLcher
Sec 7 CulCk l1CP
1he plLcher shall noL aLLempL a qulck reLurn of Lhe ball
a 8efore Lhe baLLer has Laken hls poslLlon or
b When Lhe baLLer ls off balance as a resulL of a plLch
1PL lCLLCWlnC lS 1PL LllLC1 lC8 ALL SLC1lCnS 1 7 A8CvL
LllLC1 SecLlons 17
Any lnfracLlon of SecLlons 17 ls an lllegal lLch
1 1he umplre shall glve a delayed dead ball slgnal
2 A ball shall be called on Lhe baLLer
3 8unners are noL advanced
LxCL1lCn lf a baLLer swlngs aL any lllegal lLch lL ls nulllfled and all play sLands
Sec 8 ln1Ln1lCnAL 8ASL Cn 8ALLS
lf Lhe defenslve Leam deslres Lo have an lnLenLlonal base on balls awarded Lo a baLLer elLher Lhe
plLcher caLcher
or coach may do so by noLlfylng Lhe plaLe umplre who shall award Lhe baLLer flrsL base 1hls noLlflcaLlon
Lo Lhe
umplre shall be consldered a plLch 1he ball ls dead
nC1L 1hls can occur aL any Llme prlor Lo a baLLer beglnnlng and endlng Lhelr Llme aL baL regardless of
Lhe counL
1he ball ls dead runners can noL advance unless forced
Sec 9 WA8Mu l1CPLS
a AL Lhe beglnnlng of each half lnnlng or when a plLcher relleves anoLher noL more Lhan one mlnuLe
may be used Lo
dellver noL more Lhan Lhree plLches Lo Lhe caLcher or oLher Leam member
LxCL1lCn 1hls does noL apply lf Lhe umplre delays Lhe sLarL or resumpLlon of play due Lo
conference ln[urles eLc
LllLC1 Sec 9a
lor excesslve warmup plLches a plLcher shall be penallzed by awardlng a ball Lo Lhe baLLer for each
plLch ln excess
of Lhree
b lay shall be suspended durlng Lhls Llme
c A plLcher reLurnlng Lo plLch ln Lhe same half lnnlng wlll noL be enLlLled Lo warmup plLches
LllLC1 Sec 9c
A ball shall be awarded Lo Lhe baLLer for each plLch Laken
d 1here ls no llmlL Lo Lhe number of Llmes a player can reLurn Lo Lhe plLchlng poslLlon provlded he has
1 LefL Lhe baLLlng order or
2 8een declared an lllegal lLcher by Lhe umplre
Sec 10 nC l1CP
no plLch shall be declared whena 1he plLcher plLches durlng a suspenslon of play
b A runner ls called ouL for leavlng hls base before Lhe plLched ball reaches home plaLe ls baLLed or
Louches Lhe
ground before home plaLe
c 1he plLcher plLches before a runner has reLouched hls base afLer a foul ball has been declared and Lhe
ball ls dead
d 1he ball sllps from Lhe plLchers hand durlng hls wlndup or durlng Lhe back swlng
e A player manager or coach
1 Calls 1lme or
2 Lmploys any oLher word or phrase or
3 CommlLs any acL whlle Lhe ball ls allve and ln play for Lhe obvlous purpose of Lrylng Lo make Lhe
commlL an lllegal plLch
nC1L A warnlng shall be lssued Lo Lhe offendlng Leam and a repeaL of Lhls Lype acL by any member of
Lhe Leam
warned shall resulL ln Lhe offender belng e[ecLed from Lhe game
LllLC1 Sec 10ae
1he ball ls dead and all subsequenL acLlon on LhaL plLch ls cancelled
Sec 11 lLLLCAL l1CPL8
A plLcher who has been declared an lllegal lLcher as a resulL of
1 1he Leam exceedlng Lhe charged defenslve conference llmlL or
2 lLchlng wlLh excesslve speed may noL reLurn Lo Lhe plLchlng poslLlon aL any Llme for Lhe remalnder
of Lhe
LllLC1 Sec 11
lf Lhe lllegal lLcher has reLurned and Lhrown one plLch elLher legal or lllegal he ls e[ecLed from Lhe
game lf Lhe
plLch ls hlL and he ls dlscovered prlor Lo Lhe nexL plLch Lhe manager of Lhe offenslve Leam has Lhe
opLlon of
1 1aklng Lhe resulL of Lhe play or
2 Pavlng Lhe play nulllfled wlLh
(a) 1haL baLLer reLurnlng Lo baL and assumlng Lhe ball and sLrlke counL he had prlor Lo Lhe dlscovery of
lllegal lLcher and
(b) Lach runner reLurnlng Lo Lhe base held aL Lhe Llme of Lhe plLch
LxCL1lCn Lo LllLC1 Sec 11 (2) lf Lhe play was Lhe resulL of Lhe compleLlon of Lhe baLLer's Lurn aL baL
Lhe opLlon ls Laken Lo nulllfy Lhe play LhaL baLLer resumes baLLlng assumlng Lhe ball and sLrlke counL he
had prlor Lo
compleLlng hls Lurn aL baL and runners are reLurned Lo Lhe base held aL Lhe Llme of Lhe plLch8uLL 7
Sec 1 1PL CnuLCk 8A11L8
1he ondeck baLLer
a AL Lhe sLarL of an lnnlng ls Lhe lead off baLLer who musL remaln ln hls ondeck clrcle unLll called Lo Lhe
b Cnce an lnnlng has sLarLed ls Lhe offenslve player who ln Lhe baLLlng llneup ls Lhe nexL player Lo
enLer Lhe
baLLer's box
c Shall Lake a poslLlon wlLhln Lhe ondeck clrcle nearesL hls bench
d May loosen up wlLh no more Lhan Lwo offlclal sofLball baLs an approved warmup baL or a
comblnaLlon noL Lo
exceed Lwo nC1L A baL wlLh whlch Lhe Cnueck 8aLLer ls loosenlng up may noL have anyLhlng
aLLached Lo lL
oLher Lhan an lSl approved baL aLLachmenL
LllLC1 Sec 1d
When uslng oLher Lhan a legal baL whlle loosenlng up Lhe lllegal equlpmenL musL be removed from Lhe
ConLlnued use of Lhe equlpmenL afLer removal would sub[ecL Lhe player uslng such equlpmenL Lo
e[ecLlon from Lhe
e May leave Lhe ondeck clrcle
1 When he becomes Lhe baLLer or
2 1o dlrecL runners advanclng from Lhlrd Lo home plaLe or
3 1o avold posslble lnLerference on fly ball or Lhrown ball
f May noL lnLerfere wlLh Lhe defenslve players opporLunlLy Lo make a play
LllLC1 Sec 1f
1he ball ls dead and lf Lhls lnLerference ls
1 WlLh a defenslve flelder's aLLempL Lo reLlre a runner
(a) 1he runner closesL Lo home plaLe aL Lhe Llme of Lhe lnLerference shall be called ouL and
(b) CLher runners are reLurned Lo Lhe lasL base held aL Lhe Llme of Lhe lnLerference unless forced
because Lhe
baLLer became a runner
2 WlLh a defenslve flelder aLLempLlng Lo caLch a fly ball or wlLh a fly ball LhaL a flelder ls aLLempLlng Lo
(a) 1he baLLerrunner shall be called ouL and
(b) 8unners are reLurned Lo Lhe base held aL Lhe Llme of Lhe plLch
Sec 2 8A11lnC C8uL8
a 1he baLLlng order of each Leam musL be on Lhe score sheeL/llneup card and musL be dellvered before
Lhe game by
Lhe manager or capLaln Lo Lhe offlclal Scorer and Lhe plaLe umplre Pe shall submlL lL Lo Lhe lnspecLlon
of Lhe
manager or capLaln of Lhe opposlng Leam
b (CCLu S CnL?) 1he baLLlng order shall alLernaLe Lhe sexes

c 1he baLLlng order dellvered Lo Lhe umplre musL be followed LhroughouL Lhe game unless a player ls
replaced by
1 A subsLlLuLe When Lhls occurs Lhe subsLlLuLe musL Lake Lhe place of Lhe removed player ln Lhe
baLLlng order
2 (l Cnly) 1he lLLx LA?L8 who can baL or run for Lhe sLarLlng u or hls subsLlLuLe ln Lhe baLLlng
d 1he flrsL baLLer ln each lnnlng shall be Lhe baLLer whose name follows LhaL of Lhe lasL player who
compleLed a Lurn
aL baL ln Lhe precedlng lnnlng
LllLC1 Sec 2cd
8aLLlng ouLoforder ls an appeal play LhaL may be made by Lhe manager coach or player of Lhe
defenslve Leam only
1he defenslve Leam forfelLs lLs rlghL Lo appeal for baLLlng ouLoforder when all flelders have clearly
vacaLed Lhelr
normal fleldlng poslLlons and have lefL falr LerrlLory on Lhelr way Lo Lhe bench or dugouL
1 lf Lhe error ls dlscovered whlle Lhe lncorrecL baLLer ls aL baL
(a) 1he correcL baLLer may legally Lake hls place and assume Lhe ball and sLrlke counL of Lhe lncorrecL
(b) Any runs scored or bases run whlle Lhe lncorrecL baLLer ls aL baL shall be legal
2 lf Lhe error ls dlscovered afLer Lhe lncorrecL baLLer has compleLed hls Lurn aL baL and before a legal or
plLch has been made Lo anoLher baLLer
(a) 1he player who should have baLLed ls ouL
(b) Any advance or score made as a resulL of Lhe lmproper baLLer becomlng a baLLerrunner shall be
Any ouL LhaL ls made prlor Lo dlscoverlng Lhls lnfracLlon remalns ouL
(c) 1he nexL baLLer ls Lhe player whose name follows LhaL of Lhe player called ouL for falllng Lo baL lf Lhe
player was Lhe lncorrecL baLLer who was called ouL go Lo Lhe nexL person ln Lhe llneup(d) lf Lhe baLLer
declared ouL under Lhese clrcumsLances ls Lhe Lhlrd ouL Lhe correcL baLLer ln Lhe nexL lnnlng
shall be Lhe player who would have come Lo baL had Lhe player been puL ouL by ordlnary play
(e) lf Lhe Lhlrd ouL ls made on a runner prlor Lo Lhe dlscovery of Lhe lnfracLlon an appeal may sLlll be
made ln
order Lo relnsLaLe Lhe correcL baLLlng order 1hls appeal lf made does noL resulL ln an addlLlonal ouL
3 lf Lhe error ls dlscovered afLer Lhe flrsL legal or lllegal plLch Lo Lhe nexL baLLer
(a) 1he Lurn aL baL of Lhe lncorrecL baLLer ls legal
(b) All runs scored and bases run are legal
(c) 1he nexL baLLer ln order shall be Lhe one whose name follows LhaL of Lhe lncorrecL baLLer
(d) no one ls called ouL for fallure Lo baL
(e) layers who have noL baLLed and who have noL been called ouL have losL Lhelr Lurn aL baL unLll
agaln ln Lhe regular order
4 no runner shall be removed from Lhe base he ls occupylng Lo baL ln hls proper place Pe merely
mlsses hls
Lurn aL baL wlLh no penalLy 1he baLLer followlng hlm ln Lhe baLLlng order becomes Lhe legal baLLer
LxCL1lCn 1he baLLerrunner who has been Laken off Lhe base by Lhe umplre as ln SecLlon 2b above
e When Lhe Lhlrd ouL ln an lnnlng ls made before Lhe baLLer has compleLed Lhe Lurn aL baL LhaL baLLer
shall be Lhe
flrsL baLLer ln Lhe nexL lnnlng and Lhe ball and sLrlke counL shall be cancelled
Sec 3 8A11lnC CSl1lCn
a 1he baLLer musL Lake hls poslLlon ln Lhe baLLer's box wlLhln 10 seconds afLer Lhe umplre has declared
lay 8all"
LllLC1 Sec 3a
1he umplre shall call a sLrlke A plLch does noL need Lo be Lhrown and Lhe ball becomes dead
b An offenslve Leam member may noL under any clrcumsLances dellberaLely erase Lhe llnes of Lhe
baLLer's box aL
any Llme durlng a game 1hls lncludes a coach eraslng Lhe llnes durlng Lhe pregame meeLlng
LllLC1 Sec 3b
lf a baLLer erases Lhe llnes Lhe umplre shall call a sLrlke A plLch does noL need Lo be Lhrown and Lhe ball
dead lf Lhe coach or a nonplaylng Leam member erases Lhe llnes a sLrlke shall be called on Lhe nexL
baLLer (or hls subsLlLuLe) ln Lhe llneup
nC1L Should any person conLlnue Lo dellberaLely erase a llne afLer a flrsL offense LhaL person shall be
e[ecLed from
Lhe game
c 1he baLLer musL have boLh feeL compleLely wlLhln Lhe baLLers box prlor Lo Lhe sLarL of Lhe plLch Pe
may Louch Lhe
llnes buL no parL of hls fooL may be ouLslde Lhe llnes prlor Lo Lhe plLch
Sec 4 A S18lkL lS CALLLu 8? 1PL uMl8L
a (l CnL?) When any parL of a legally plLched ball enLers Lhe sLrlke zone before Louchlng Lhe ground
and aL
whlch Lhe baLLer does noL swlng
(S CnL?) lor each legally plLched ball enLerlng Lhe sLrlke zone before Louchlng Lhe ground and aL whlch
baLLer does noL swlng
LxCL1lCn lL ls noL a sLrlke lf Lhe plLched ball Louches home plaLe and ls noL swung aL
b (l CnL?) lor each legally plLched ball sLruck aL and mlssed by Lhe baLLer
(S CnL?) lor each plLched ball lncludlng an lllegal plLch sLruck aL and mlssed by Lhe baLLer
nC1L Sec 4a b (S CnL?) 1he baLLer cannoL legally swlng aL any plLched ball LhaL hlLs Lhe ground or
Powever lf Lhe baLLer swlngs and mlsses Lhe plLch prlor Lo Lhe ball hlLLlng Lhe ground or plaLe lL ls a
LllLC1 Sec 4a 4b
(l CnL?) 1he ball ls ln play and runners may advance wlLh llablllLy Lo be puL ouL
(S CnL?) 1he ball ls dead and runners may noL advance
c lor each foul Llp
LllLC1 Sec 4c
(l CnL?) 1he ball ls ln play and runners may advance wlLh llablllLy Lo be puL ouL 1he baLLer ls ouL lf lL ls
Lhe Lhlrd
(S CnL?) 1he baLLer ls ouL lf lL ls Lhe Lhlrd sLrlke
d lor each foul ball when Lhe baLLer has less Lhan Lwo sLrlkes
e (S Cnly) lor each foul ball lncludlng Lhe Lhlrd sLrlkef lor each plLched ball sLruck aL and mlssed
whlch Louches any parL of Lhe baLLer
g When any parL of Lhe baLLers person or cloLhlng ls hlL wlLh hls ownbaLLed ball when he ls ln Lhe
baLLers box and
he has less Lhan Lwo sLrlkes
h When a plLched ball hlLs Lhe baLLer whlle Lhe ball ls ln Lhe sLrlke zone
l When Lhe baLLer falls Lo enLer Lhe baLLers box wlLhln 10 seconds afLer Lhe umplre calls LA? 8ALL
[ When an offenslve Leam member dellberaLely erases Lhe llnes of Lhe baLLer's box
LffecL SecLlon 4a[ (S CnL? Lhe ball ls dead on any sLrlke and baLLers musL reLurn Lo Lhelr bases
llablllLy Lo be puL ouL
LllLC1 Sec 4d[
1he ball ls dead and runners musL reLurn Lo Lhelr bases wlLhouL llablllLy Lo be puL ouL
Sec 3 A 8ALL lS CALLLu 8? 1PL uMl8L
a (l CnL?) lor each legally plLched ball LhaL
1 uoes noL enLer Lhe sLrlke zone or
2 1ouches Lhe ground before reachlng home plaLe and ls noL swung aL
3 1ouches home plaLe and aL whlch Lhe baLLer does noL swlng
LllLC1 Sec 3a
1he ball ls ln play and runners may advance wlLh llablllLy Lo be puL ouL
b (S CnL?) lor each legally plLched ball LhaL
1 uoes noL enLer Lhe sLrlke zone
2 1ouches Lhe ground before reachlng home plaLe
3 1ouches home plaLe and aL whlch Lhe baLLer does noL swlng
4 1he baLLer swlngs aL afLer Lhe ball hlLs Lhe ground or home plaLe
LllLC1 Sec 3b
1he ball ls dead 8unners may noL advance
c (l CnL?) lor each lllegally plLched ball
1 Whlch Lhe baLLer does noL hlL or
2 When Lhe manager elecLs noL Lo Lake Lhe resulL of Lhe play afLer Lhe ball has been hlL
LllLC1 Sec 3c
1he ball ls dead and runners are enLlLled Lo advance one base wlLhouL llablllLy Lo be puL ouL
d (S CnL?) lor each lllegally plLched ball noL swung aL
LllLC1 Sec 3d
1he ball ls dead 8unners may noL advance
e (S CnL?) When a dellvered ball by Lhe plLcher hlLs Lhe baLLer ouLslde of Lhe sLrlke zone
f lor each excesslve warmup plLch
LllLC1 Sec 3ef
1he ball ls dead 8unners may noL advance
g When Lhe caLcher falls Lo reLurn Lhe ball dlrecLly Lo Lhe plLcher as requlred
h When Lhe plLcher falls Lo plLch Lhe ball wlLhln 20 seconds (l or M) or 10 seconds (S)
LllLC1 Sec 3gh
(S CnL?) 1he ball ls dead and runners may noL advance
(l CnL?) 1he ball remalns allve excepL whenever Lhe ball has become dead for any reason
Sec 6 1PL 8A11L8 lS Cu1
a When Lhe Lhlrd sLrlke ls
1 swung aL and mlssed and Lhe ball Louches any parL of Lhe baLLers person
2 noL swung aL and Lhe plLched ball hlLs Lhe baLLer whlle Lhe plLch ls ln Lhe sLrlke zone
b When a baLLer enLers Lhe baLLers box wlLh or ls dlscovered uslng an alLered baL
nC1L 1he baLLer ls also e[ecLed from Lhe game
c When Lhe baLLer enLers Lhe baLLers box wlLh or ls dlscovered uslng an lllegal baL
nC1L Sec 6bc 1he baL ls removed from Lhe gamed When hls fooL ls compleLely ouLslde Lhe llnes of
Lhe baLLers box and Louchlng Lhe ground or any parL of a fooL ls
Louchlng home plaLe when he hlLs Lhe ball falr or foul
e When he leaves Lhe box Lo galn a runnlng sLarL buL has reLurned Lo Lhe box when he makes conLacL
wlLh Lhe ball
LxCL1lCn lf no conLacL ls made wlLh Lhe plLched ball Lhere ls no penalLy lf Lhe baLLer swlngs and
mlsses Lhe
ball remalns llve (l CnL?) or dead (S CnL?)
f (l CnL?) When he bunLs foul afLer Lhe second sLrlke
LxCL1lCn lf a runner lnLerferes wlLh
1 A flelder aLLempLlng Lo caLch a bunLed fly ball ln foul LerrlLory or
2 A foul fly ball LhaL a flelder ls aLLempLlng Lo caLch Lhe runner ls ouL 1he baLLerrunner wlll Lhen
reLurn Lo baL
wlLh an addlLlonal sLrlke on Lhe foul ball provldlng Lhe counL prlor Lo hlLLlng Lhe ball was less Lhan Lwo
nC1L lf Lhls lnLerference ln Lhe umplre's [udgmenL ls an obvlous aLLempL Lo prevenL a double play Lhe
closesL Lo home plaLe aL Lhe Llme of Lhe lnLerference shall also be called ouL
nC1L lf Lhe bunLed fly ball ls caughL Lhe ball remalns allve and ln play
g (S CnL?) When a Lhlrd sLrlke ls called lncludlng an uncaughL foul ball LhaL ls hlL afLer Lwo sLrlkes
h (S CnL?) When he bunLs or chops Lhe ball downward
l When he hlLs a falr ball wlLh Lhe baL a second Llme over falr LerrlLory
LxCL1lCn Sec 6l
1 lf Lhe baLLer ls sLandlng ln Lhe baLLers box and conLacL ls made whlle Lhe baL ls ln hls hands a foul
ball ls
ruled even lf Lhe ball ls hlL a second Llme over falr LerrlLory
2 lf Lhe baLLer drops Lhe baL and Lhe ball rolls agalnsL Lhe baL over falr LerrlLory and ln Lhe umplre's
Lhere was no lnLenLlon Lo lnLerfere wlLh Lhe course of Lhe ball Lhe ball should be ruled falr or foul
on where lL comes Lo resL or ls flrsL Louched by a player
[ When he sLeps dlrecLly ln fronL of Lhe caLcher Lo Lhe oLher baLLers box whlle Lhe plLcher (l CnL?) ls
Laklng Lhe
slgnal or appears Lo be Laklng a slgnal from Lhe plLcher's plaLe or (S CnL?) ls ln poslLlon Lo plLch or
LhereafLer prlor Lo Lhe release of Lhe plLch
LllLC1 Sec 6a[
1he ball ls dead and each runner musL reLurn Lo Lhe base LhaL ln Lhe umplres [udgmenL was Louched aL
Lhe Llme of Lhe
k When he
1 Plnders Lhe caLcher from caLchlng or Lhrowlng Lhe ball by sLepplng ouL of Lhe baLLers box or
2 lnLenLlonally hlnders Lhe caLcher whlle sLandlng wlLhln Lhe baLLers box or
3 (l CnL?) lnLerferes wlLh a play aL home plaLe
4 lnLenLlonally lnLerferes wlLh a Lhrown ball whlle ln or ouL of Lhe baLLer's box
LllLC1 Sec 6l
1he ball ls dead and each runner musL reLurn Lo Lhe lasL base LhaL ln Lhe umplres [udgmenL was
Louched aL Lhe Llme
of Lhe lnLerference
l (l CnL?) When a called or swlnglng Lhlrd sLrlke ls caughL by Lhe caLcher
m (l CnL?) When he has Lhree sLrlkes and flrsL base ls occupled wlLh less Lhan Lwo ouL
LllLC1 Sec 6 lm
1he ball ls llve and runners may advance wlLh llablllLy Lo be puL ouL8uLL 8 8A11L88unnL8 Anu
Sec 1 1PL 8A11L8 8LCCMLS A 8A11L88unnL8
a When he legally hlLs a falr ball
b (l CnL?) When Lhe caLcher falls Lo caLch Lhe Lhlrd sLrlke before Lhe ball Louches Lhe ground and
1 1here are less Lhan Lwo ouLs and flrsL base ls unoccupled or
2 1here are Lwo ouLs
1hls ls known as Lhe Lhlrd sLrlke rule
LllLC1 Sec 1ab
1he ball ls ln play and Lhe baLLer becomes a baLLerrunner wlLh llablllLy Lo be puL ouL
c When four balls have been called by Lhe plaLe umplre
LllLC1 Sec 1c
1he baLLer ls awarded one base wlLhouL llablllLy Lo be puL ouL provlded he advances Lo and Louches flrsL
base lf Lhe
umplre mlsLakenly allows Lwo walks aL one Llme and Lhe flrsL baLLer falls Lo Louch flrsL base no appeal
wlll be
honored on Lhe flrsL baLLer
1 (l CnL?) 1he ball ls ln play unless lL has become blocked
2 (S CnL?) 1he ball ls dead and runners may noL advance unless forced
3 lf Lhe defenslve Leam deslres Lo walk a baLLer lnLenLlonally elLher Lhe plLcher caLcher or coach may do
so by
noLlfylng Lhe plaLe umplre who shall award Lhe baLLer flrsL base lf Lwo baLLers are Lo be walked
Lhe second lnLenLlonal walk may noL be admlnlsLered unLll Lhe flrsL baLLer reaches flrsL base 1hls
Lo Lhe plaLe umplre shall be consldered a plLch
nC1L 1hls can occur aL any Llme prlor Lo a baLLer beglnnlng and endlng hls Llme aL baL regardless of
Lhe counL
1he ball ls dead and runners cannoL advance unless forced
4 (CCLu S CnL?) 1he ball ls dead and any walk Lo a male baLLer lnLenLlonal or oLherwlse wlll resulL
ln a
Lwo base award 1he nexL baLLer a female wlll baL
LxCL1lCn WlLh Lwo ouLs Lhe female baLLer has Lhe opLlon Lo walk or baL Cnce Lhe baLLer enLers Lhe
baLLer's box or reaches flrsL base Lhe opLlon ls consldered Lo have been selecLed and cannoL be
nC1L Should Lhe female baLLerrunner pass a male baLLerrunner when chooslng Lo walk no ouL shall
called durlng Lhls dead ball perlod
d When Lhe caLcher or any oLher defenslve player obsLrucLs hlnders or prevenLs Lhe baLLer from
sLrlklng aL or
hlLLlng a plLched ball
LllLC1 Sec 1d
1 1he umplre shall glve a delayed dead ball slgnal wlLh Lhe ball remalnlng llve unLll Lhe end of play
2 1he manager of Lhe offenslve Leam has Lhe opLlon of
(a) 1aklng Lhe award for caLcher obsLrucLlon or
(b) 1aklng Lhe resulL of Lhe play
3 lf Lhe baLLer hlLs Lhe ball and reaches flrsL base safely and lf all oLher runners have advanced aL leasL
one base
on Lhe baLLed ball caLcher obsLrucLlon ls cancelled All acLlon as a resulL of Lhe baLLed ball sLands no
ls glven
nC1L Cnce a runner has passed a base even lf he mlsses lL he ls consldered Lo have reached LhaL base
4 lf Lhe manager does noL Lake Lhe resulL of Lhe play caLcher obsLrucLlon ls enforced by awardlng Lhe
flrsL base and advanclng all oLher runners only lf forced
e When a falr ball sLrlkes Lhe person aLLached equlpmenL or cloLhlng of Lhe umplre or a runner
LllLC1 Sec 1e
lf Lhe conLacL ls made
1 AfLer Louchlng a flelder (lncludlng Lhe plLcher) Lhe ball ls ln play
2 AfLer passlng a flelder oLher Lhan Lhe plLcher and no oLher flelder had a chance Lo make an ouL Lhe
ball ls ln
play3 8efore passlng a flelder excludlng Lhe plLcher wlLhouL belng Louched Lhe ball ls dead
f (l CnL?) When a plLched ball noL swung aL nor called a sLrlke Louches any parL of Lhe baLLers
person or
cloLhlng whlle he ls ln Lhe baLLers box lL does noL maLLer lf Lhe ball sLrlkes Lhe ground before hlLLlng
nC1L 1he baLLers hands are noL Lo be consldered a parL of Lhe baL
LllLC1 Sec 1f
1he ball ls dead and he ls enLlLled Lo one base wlLhouL llablllLy Lo be puL ouL
LxCL1lCn lf no aLLempL ls made Lo avold belng hlL Lhe umplre shall call a ball and noL award a base
g When a falr baLLed fly ball
1 Coes over Lhe fence or
2 Coes dlrecLly off Lhe flelders glove or body and over Lhe fence ln falr LerrlLory or makes conLacL wlLh
Lhe Lop
of Lhe fence and goes over Lhe fence ln falr LerrlLory or
3 ConLacLs Lhe foul pole above Lhe fence llne
LllLC1 Sec 1g
1he baLLerrunner ls awarded a home run and musL Louch all bases ln regular order
LxCL1lCn lf
1 1he ball passes ouL of Lhe grounds aL a dlsLance less Lhan Lhose prescrlbed ln 8ule 2 Sec 1 or
2 A falrbaLLed fly ball goes off a flelders glove or body and over Lhe fence ln foul LerrlLory or
3 A falrbaLLed fly ball flrsL conLacLs Lhe fence deflecLs off a flelder and Lhen goes over Lhe fence Lhe
baLLerrunner shall be awarded Lwo bases from Lhe Llme of Lhe plLch
nC1L 1he polnL aL whlch Lhe fence ls less Lhan Lhe prescrlbed dlsLance from home plaLe shall be plalnly
marked for
Lhe umplres guldance
h When any person oLher Lhan a Leam member enLers Lhe playlng fleld and lnLerferes wlLh
1 A falr baLLed ground ball or
2 A flelder abouL Lo fleld or caLch a Lhrown ball or
3 A flelder abouL Lo Lhrow a ball or
4 A ball Lhrown by a flelder
LllLC1 Sec 1h
1he ball ls dead and Lhe baLLerrunner shall be awarded Lhe base or bases he would have made ln Lhe
[udgmenL had Lhe lnLerference noL occurred
Sec 2 8A11L88unnL8 lS Cu1
a (l CnL?) When Lhe caLcher drops Lhe Lhlrd sLrlke and Lhe baLLerrunner ls legally Louched wlLh Lhe
ball whlle
off base or Lhrown ouL prlor Lo reachlng flrsL base
b When a flelder legally caLches a fly ball before lL Louches Lhe ground or any ob[ecL or person oLher
Lhan a
defenslve player
c When afLer hlLLlng a falr ball he ls Lagged whlle off base or Lhrown ouL prlor Lo reachlng flrsL base
d When he falls Lo advance Lo flrsL base and lnsLead enLers hls Leam area
1 AfLer a falr ball ls hlL or
2 AfLer a base on balls ls lssued or
3 AnyLlme LhaL he may legally advance Lo flrsL base
e When an lnfleld lly ls declared
LllLC1 Sec 2ae
1he ball ls ln play and runners may advance aL Lhelr own rlsk
LxCL1lCn When Lhe ball ls dead on an lnLenLlonal base on balls or (l CnL?) on a baLLer hlL by a
plLch or (S
CnL?) on a base on balls Lhe baLLerrunner ls noL ouL and runners cannoL advance unless forced
f When afLer he hlLs a falr ball he Louches only Lhe falr porLlon of Lhe double base on hls flrsL aLLempL
aL LhaL base
and a play ls made aL Lhe base
LllLC1 Sec 2f 1hls ls an appeal play and Lhe defenslve Leam loses Lhe prlvllege of puLLlng Lhe baLLer
runner ouL lf Lhe appeal ls noL
made before he reLurns Lo Lhe falr porLlon of flrsL base afLer overrunnlng Lhe base
g When he
1 8uns ouLslde Lhe one meLer (3 fL) llne and ln Lhe umplres [udgmenL lnLerferes wlLh
(a) 1he flelder Laklng Lhe Lhrow aL flrsL base or
(b) 1he Lhrown ball prevenLlng a flelder from maklng a play aL flrsL base
nC1L A Lhrown ball sLrlklng a baLLerrunner does noL necessarlly consLlLuLe lnLerference
2 lnLerferes wlLh a flelder aLLempLlng Lo fleld a baLLed ball
nC1L 1he baLLerrunner may run ouLslde Lhe onemeLer llne Lo avold a flelder aLLempLlng Lo fleld Lhe
3 lnLerferes wlLh a flelder aLLempLlng Lo Lhrow a ball
4 lnLenLlonally lnLerferes wlLh a Lhrown ball
3 lnLerferes wlLh a falrbaLLed ball (ouL of Lhe baLLers box) before reachlng flrsL base
6 (l CnL?) lnLerferes wlLh a dropped Lhlrd sLrlke
7 1hrows hls baL afLer baLLlng Lhe ball ln such a manner as Lo cause lnLerference wlLh a flelder's
opporLunlLy Lo make an ouL
nC1L Sec 2g (17) lf Lhls lnLerference ls ln Lhe umplre's [udgmenL an obvlous aLLempL Lo prevenL a
play Lhe runner closesL Lo home plaLe aL Lhe Llme of Lhe lnLerference shall also be called ouL
h When he lnLerferes wlLh a play aL home plaLe ln an aLLempL Lo prevenL an obvlous ouL aL Lhe plaLe
nC1L 1he runner ls also ouL
l When he sLeps back Loward home plaLe Lo avold or delay a Lag by a flelder
[ lf when uslng Lhe double base ln a force play slLuaLlon he Louches only Lhe falr porLlon of Lhe base
and collldes
wlLh a flelder who ls abouL Lo caLch a Lhrown ball and who ls also uslng Lhe falr porLlon of Lhe base
k When a member of Lhe Leam aL baL who ls noL a baLLer baLLerrunner runner or ondeck baLLer
wlLh a flelder aLLempLlng Lo caLch a baLLed foul fly ball or wlLh a foul fly ball LhaL a flelder ls aLLempLlng
Lo caLch
lf Lhls lnLerference occurs whlle Lhere are runners on base Lhen Lhe runner closesL Lo home aL Lhe Llme
Lhe lnLerference ls ouL
nC1L ln Lhls case Lhe baLLerrunner reLurns Lo baL wlLh an addlLlonal sLrlke on Lhe foul ball provlded
counL prlor Lo hlLLlng Lhe ball was less Lhan Lwo sLrlkes
(1) (l CnL?) lf Lhls lnLerference ls Lhe Lhlrd ouL Lhe baLLerrunner wlll reLurn Lo baL as Lhe lead off
ln Lhe nexL lnnlng wlLh Lhe orlglnal ball and sLrlke counL cancelled
(2) (S CnL?) lf Lhls ls Lhe Lhlrd sLrlke Lhe baLLerrunner ls also ouL unless Lhe Lhlrd ouL of Lhe lnnlng was
Lhe runner lnLerference call ln whlch case Lhe baLLerrunner shall be consldered Lo have compleLed hls
Lurn aL baL
LllLC1 Sec 2gk
1he ball ls dead and all runners musL reLurn Lo Lhe lasL base legally Louched aL Lhe Llme of Lhe plLch
LxCL1lCn lf a play ls made on a runner prlor Lo Lhe lnLerference and
1 An ouL ls made on Lhe runner Lhe resulL of LhaL play shall sLand
2 no ouL ls made on Lhe runner Lhe resulL of LhaL play shall sLand unless Lhe lnLerference by Lhe
baLLerrunner ls
Lhe Lhlrd ouL CLher runners noL played on musL reLurn Lo Lhe lasL base legally held aL Lhe Llme of Lhe
l When wlLh less Lhan Lwo ouLs and a runner on flrsL base a flelder lnLenLlonally drops a falr fly ball
(lncludlng a
llne drlve or a bunL) LhaL could be caughL by an lnflelder wlLh ordlnary efforL afLer lL ls conLrolled wlLh a
hand or
a glove
nC1L A Lrapped ball or a fly ball allowed Lo bounce shall noL be consldered as havlng been
LllLC1 Sec 2l
1he ball ls dead and Lhe runners musL reLurn Lo lasL base held aL Lhe Llme of Lhe plLchnC1L Sec l lf an
lnfleld fly ls ruled lL has precedence over an lnLenLlonally dropped ball
m When Lhe lmmedlaLe precedlng runner who ls noL yeL ouL lnLenLlonally lnLerferes ln Lhe umplres
[udgmenL wlLh a
flelder who ls aLLempLlng Lo
1 CaLch a Lhrown ball or
2 1hrow a ball ln an aLLempL Lo compleLe Lhe play
LllLC1 Sec 2m
1he ball ls dead and Lhe runner shall also be called ouL All oLher runners musL reLurn Lo Lhe lasL base
legally held aL
Lhe Llme of Lhe lnLerference
n When any person oLher Lhan a Leam member enLers Lhe playlng fleld and lnLerferes wlLh
1 A flelder abouL Lo caLch a fly ball or
2 A fly ball LhaL a defenslve player ln Lhe [udgmenL of Lhe umplre ls able Lo caLch
LllLC1 Sec 2n
1he ball ls dead and runners may be awarded a base or bases Lhey would have made ln Lhe umplres
[udgmenL had
Lhe lnLerference noL occurred
Sec 3 1PL 8A11L88unnL8 lS nC1 Cu1
When a flelder makes a play on a baLLerrunner whlle uslng an lllegal glove
LllLC1 Sec 3
1he manager of Lhe offended Leam has Lhe opLlon of
(a) 1aklng Lhe resulL of Lhe play or
(b) Pavlng Lhe player resume baLLlng assumlng Lhe ball and sLrlke counL prlor Lo Lhe plLch wlLh oLher
reLurned Lo Lhe base held aL Lhe Llme of Lhe plLch
Sec 4 1CuCPlnC 8ASLS ln LLCAL C8uL8
8unners musL Louch bases ln legal order (le flrsL second Lhlrd and home plaLe)
LxCL1lCn lf a runner ls obsLrucLed aL a base prevenLlng Lhe runner from Louchlng LhaL base
a When a runner ls reLurnlng Lo
1 1he base lefL before a caughL fly ball ls flrsL Louched or
2 1he mlssed base whlle Lhe ball ls ln play he musL Louch Lhe bases ln reverse order
LllLC1 Sec 4a
1he ball ls ln play and runners musL reLurn wlLh llablllLy Lo be puL ouL
b When a runner or baLLerrunner acqulres Lhe rlghL Lo a base by Louchlng lL before belng puL ouL he ls
enLlLled Lo
hold Lhe base unLll he has legally Louched Lhe nexL base ln order or ls forced Lo vacaLe lL for a
succeedlng runner
c When a runner dlslodges a base from lLs proper poslLlon nelLher he nor succeedlng runner(s) ln Lhe
same serles of
plays are compelled Lo follow a base unreasonably ouL of poslLlon
LllLC1 Sec 4bc
1he ball ls ln play and runners may advance or reLurn wlLh llablllLy Lo be puL ouL
d 1wo runners may noL occupy Lhe same base slmulLaneously
LllLC1 Sec 4d
1he runner who flrsL legally occupled Lhe base shall be enLlLled Lo lL unless forced Lo advance 1he oLher
runner may
be puL ouL by belng Louched wlLh Lhe ball
e lallure of a precedlng runner Lo Louch a base or Lo leave a base legally on a caughL fly ball and who ls
ouL does noL affecL Lhe sLaLus of a succeedlng runner who Louches bases ln proper order
LxCL1lCn lf Lhe fallure Lo Louch a base ln regular order or Lo legally Lag up on a caughL fly ball ls Lhe
ouL of Lhe lnnlng no succeedlng runner may score a run
f no runner may reLurn Lo Louch a mlssed base or one lefL lllegally afLer a followlng runner has scored
or he leaves
Lhe fleld of play
g 8ases lefL Loo soon on a caughL fly ball musL be reLouched prlor Lo advanclng Lo awarded bases
h Awarded bases musL be Louched ln legal order
LxCL1lCn unless a runner ls obsLrucLed aL a base prevenLlng Lhe runner from Louchlng LhaL base
LllLC1 Sec 4eh 1he runner shall be declared ouL lf Lhe defense makes a legal appeal before Lhe nexL
legal or lllegal plLch
Sec 3 8unnL8S A8L Ln1l1LLu 1C AuvAnCL Wl1P LlA8lLl1? 1C 8L u1 Cu1
a (l CnL?) When Lhe ball leaves Lhe plLchers hand on hls dellvery
b (S CnL?) When a plLched ball ls baLLed
c Cn a Lhrown ball or falr baLLed ball LhaL ls noL blocked
d Cn a Lhrown ball LhaL hlLs an umplre
e When a legally caughL fly ball ls flrsL Louched
f When a falr baLLed ball
1 SLrlkes an umplre or a runner afLer havlng passed a flelder oLher Lhan Lhe plLcher and provlded no
oLher flelder
had a chance Lo make an ouL or
2 Pas been Louched by a flelder lncludlng Lhe plLcher
g When a llve ball becomes lodged ln a defenslve player's unlform or equlpmenL
LllLC1 Sec 3ag 1he ball ls ln play
Sec 6 A 8unnL8 lC8lLl1S PlS LxLM1lCn l8CM LlA8lLl1? 1C 8L u1 Cu1
a lf aL any Llme he falls Lo Louch a base he ls enLlLled Lo before aLLempLlng Lo make Lhe nexL base
LxCL1lCn lf a runner ls obsLrucLed aL a base prevenLlng Lhe runner from Louchlng LhaL base
b lf afLer overrunnlng flrsL base he aLLempLs Lo conLlnue Lo second base
c lf afLer dlslodglng a base he aLLempLs Lo conLlnue Lo Lhe nexL base
d (l Cnly) lf on an lllegal plLch noL hlL he aLLempLs Lo advance beyond Lhe one base Lo whlch he ls
e When advanclng beyond an enLlLled base due Lo
1 A flelder lnLenLlonally conLacLlng a Lhrown ball wlLh deLached equlpmenL
2 A flelder lnLenLlonally conLacLlng a falr baLLed ball wlLh deLached equlpmenL
f When advanclng beyond a proLecLed or awarded base when he has been obsLrucLed
g (l Cnly) When advanclng beyond one base on an lllegal plLch LhaL ls also a passed ball or a wlld plLch
h (l Cnly) When advanclng beyond Lhe base Lo whlch he ls forced because of a base on balls belng
lssued Lo Lhe
Sec 7 8unnL8S A8L Ln1l1LLu 1C AuvAnCL Wl1PCu1 LlA8lLl1? 1C 8L u1 Cu1
a When forced Lo vacaLe a base because Lhe baLLer was awarded a base on balls
LllLC1 Sec 7a
(l CnL?) 1he ball remalns ln play unless lL ls blocked Any runner affecLed ls enLlLled Lo one base and
advance farLher aL hls own rlsk lf Lhe ball ls ln play
(S CnL?) 1he ball ls dead
b When a flelder prevenLs Lhe runner from maklng a base or lmpedes Lhe progress of a runner or
baLLerrunner who
ls legally runnlng bases lf Lhe flelder ls
1 noL ln possesslon of Lhe ball or
2 noL ln Lhe acL of fleldlng a baLLed ball or
3 Maklng a fake Lag wlLhouL Lhe ball
4 ln possesslon of Lhe ball and he pushes a runner off a base ln an aLLempL Lo galn an ouL or
3 ln possesslon of Lhe ball buL noL ln Lhe acL of maklng a play on Lhe runner whlch lnLenLlonally
lmpedes Lhe
progress of LhaL runner or baLLerrunner who ls legally runnlng Lhe bases
LllLC1 Sec 7b
When any obsLrucLlon occurs (lncludlng a rundown)
1 A uelayed uead 8all should be slgnaled wlLh Lhe ball remalnlng allve unLll Lhe end of Lhe play
2 1he obsLrucLed runner and each oLher runner affecLed by Lhe obsLrucLlon wlll always be awarded
Lhe base or
bases Lhey would have reached ln Lhe umplres [udgmenL had Lhere been no obsLrucLlon lf Lhe umplre
Lhere ls [usLlflcaLlon a defenslve player maklng a fake Lag could be e[ecLed from Lhe game
3 lf Lhe obsLrucLed runner ls puL ouL prlor Lo reachlng Lhe base he would have reached had Lhere noL
obsLrucLlon a dead ball ls called 1he obsLrucLed runner and each oLher runner affecLed by Lhe
obsLrucLlon wlll
be awarded Lhe base or bases Lhey would have reached ln Lhe umplres [udgmenL had obsLrucLlon noL
4 An obsLrucLed runner may never be called ouL beLween Lhe Lwo bases where he was obsLrucLed
LxCL1lCn1 lf Lhe obsLrucLed runner commlLs an acL of lnLerference afLer Lhe obsLrucLlon ls ruled or
Lhe runner ls
legally appealed for
(a) Mlsslng a base unless Lhe runner has been obsLrucLed aL LhaL base and Lhe obsLrucLlon prevenLs hlm
from Louchlng Lhe base or
(b) Leavlng a base before a fly ball was flrsL Louched or
(c) AfLer passlng Lhe base he would have reached had Lhere noL been obsLrucLlon Lhe obsLrucLed
runner may be called ouL and Lhe ball remalns allve
2 lf Lhe obsLrucLed runner safely obLalns Lhe base he would have been awarded ln Lhe umplre's
and Lhere ls a subsequenL play on a dlfferenL runner Lhe obsLrucLed runner ls no longer proLecLed
beLween Lhe
bases where Lhe runner was obsLrucLed and may be puL ouL 1he ball remalns allve
3 CaLcher obsLrucLlon on Lhe baLLer ls covered under 8ule 8 Sec 1d
nC1L CbsLrucLed runners are sLlll requlred Lo Louch all bases ln proper order or Lhey could be called
ouL on a
proper appeal by Lhe defenslve Leam
LxCL1lCn lf a runner ls obsLrucLed aL a base prevenLlng Lhe runner from Louchlng LhaL base
c (l CnL?) When a wlld plLch or passed ball goes under over Lhrough or lodges ln Lhe backsLop
LllLC1 Sec 7c
1he ball ls dead All runners are awarded one base only 1he baLLer ls awarded flrsL base only on Lhe
fourLh ball
d (l CnL?) When a plLcher makes an lllegal plLch
e When a flelder lnLenLlonally conLacLs or caLches a falr baLLed Lhrown or plLched ball wlLh hls cap
helmeL mask
proLecLor pockeL deLached glove or any parL of hls unlform LhaL ls deLached from lLs proper place on
hls person
LllLC1 Sec 7e
All runners lncludlng Lhe baLLerrunner shall be enLlLled Lo
1 1hree bases from Lhe Llme of Lhe plLch lf on a falr baLLed ball or
LxCL1lCn Sec 7e1 lf Lhe lllegal caLch or Louch ls made on a falr hlL ball LhaL ln Lhe umplre's
would have cleared Lhe ouLfleld fence ln fllghL Lhe baLLerrunner shall be awarded a home run
2 1wo bases from Lhe Llme of Lhe Lhrow lf on a Lhrown ball or
3 (l CnL?) Cne base from Lhe Llme of Lhe plLch on a plLched ball
LxCL1lCn Sec 7e3 Cn a plLched ball LhaL eludes Lhe caLcher and ls reLrleved wlLh deLached
equlpmenL Lhere
ls no penalLy lf
(a) 1he runner(s) are noL advanclng
(b) no apparenL play ls posslble or
(c) no advanLage ls galned
nC1L 1he baLLer may only advance Lo flrsL base on ball four or on a dropped Lhlrd sLrlke
ln each slLuaLlon Lhey may advance farLher aL Lhelr own rlsk as Lhe ball remalns allve
f When Lhe ball ls ln play and ls overLhrown (beyond Lhe boundary llnes) or ls blocked
LllLC1 Sec 7f
All runners lncludlng Lhe baLLerrunner shall be awarded Lwo bases and Lhe award wlll be governed by
Lhe poslLlon
of Lhe runners when Lhe ball lefL Lhe flelders hand 8unners may reLurn Lo Louch a base lefL Loo soon on
a caughL fly
ball or a mlssed base lf Lwo runners are beLween Lhe same bases Lhe award ls based on Lhe poslLlon of
Lhe lead
1 When a flelder loses possesslon of Lhe ball such as on an aLLempLed Lag and Lhe ball enLers Lhe dead
ball area
or becomes blocked each runner ls awarded one base from Lhe lasL base Louched aL Lhe Llme Lhe ball
Lhe dead ball area or became blocked
2 lf a runner Louches Lhe nexL base and reLurns Lo hls orlglnal base Lhe orlglnal base he lefL ls
consldered Lhe
lasL base Louched for purposes of an overLhrow award
3 lf Lhe ball becomes blocked due Lo offenslve Leam equlpmenL Lhe ball ls ruled dead and runners are
Lo Lhe lasL base Louched aL Lhe Llme of Lhe blocked ball lf Lhe blocked ball prevenLed Lhe defense from
a play Lhe runner belng played on ls called ouL (lf Lhls player has scored prlor Lo Lhe blocked ball belng
ruled Lhe runner closesL Lo home ls called ouL)
g When a falrbaLLed fly ball
1 Coes over Lhe fence
2 Coes dlrecLly off Lhe flelders glove or body and over Lhe fence ln falr LerrlLory or makes conLacL wlLh
Lhe Lop
of Lhe fence and goes over Lhe fence ln falr LerrlLory or3 ConLacLs Lhe foul pole above Lhe fence level
LllLC1 Sec 7g
1he ball ls dead and all runners shall be enLlLled Lo advance Lo home plaLe
LxCL1lCn lf
1 1he ball passes ouL of Lhe grounds aL a dlsLance less Lhan Lhose prescrlbed ln 8ule 2 Sec 1 or
2 A falrbaLLed fly ball goes off a flelders glove or body and over Lhe fence ln foul LerrlLory or
3 A falrbaLLed fly ball LhaL goes off Lhe fence deflecLs off Lhe flelder and Lhen over Lhe fence Lhen
runners shall
be awarded Lwo bases from Lhe Llme of Lhe plLch
h When a falr ball bounces over or rolls under or Lhrough a fence or any deslgnaLed boundary of Lhe
playlng fleld
Also lf lL deflecLs off
1 A defenslve player or an umplre or
2 A runner afLer passlng a flelder excludlng Lhe plLcher and provlded no oLher flelder had a chance Lo
make an
ouL and goes ouL of play ln foul LerrlLory
LllLC1 Sec 7h
1he ball ls dead and all runners are awarded Lwo bases from Llme of plLch
l When a llve ball ls unlnLenLlonally carrled by a flelder from playable LerrlLory lnLo dead ball LerrlLory
nC1L A flelder carrylng a llve ball lnLo Lhe dugouL or Leam area Lo Lag a player ls consldered Lo have
unlnLenLlonally carrled lL Lhere
LllLC1 Sec 7l
1he ball ls dead and all runners are awarded one base from Lhe lasL base Louched aL Lhe Llme Lhe flelder
enLered dead
ball LerrlLory
[ When ln Lhe umplres [udgmenL a flelder lnLenLlonally carrles klcks pushes or Lhrows a llve ball from
LerrlLory lnLo dead ball LerrlLory
nC1L A dead ball llne ls consldered ln play
LllLC1 Sec 7[
1he ball ls dead and all runners are awarded Lwo bases from Lhe lasL base Louched aL Lhe Llme Lhe
flelder enLered or
Lhe ball was klcked pushed or Lhrown lnLo dead ball LerrlLory
k When any person oLher Lhan a Leam member enLers Lhe playlng fleld and lnLerferes wlLh
1 A flelder abouL Lo caLch a fly ball or
2 A fly ball LhaL a defenslve player ls able Lo caLch or
3 A falr ball ground ball or
4 A flelder abouL Lo fleld or caLch a Lhrown ball or
3 A flelder abouL Lo Lhrow a ball or
6 A ball Lhrown by a flelder
LllLC1 Sec 7k
1he ball ls dead and runners may advance Lo Lhe base or bases Lhey would have reached ln Lhe umplres
had Lhe lnLerference noL occurred
l When a ball ls lodged ln
1 umplre gear or cloLhlng or
2 ln offenslve player's cloLhlng
LllLC1 Sec 7l 1he ball ls dead and Lhe runners are advanced Lo Lhe base or bases Lhey would have
reached ln
Lhe umplre's [udgmenL had Lhe ball noL been lodged
Sec 8 A 8unnL8 MuS1 8L1u8n 1C PlS 8ASL
A runner musL reLurn Lo hls base buL need noL Louch Lhe lnLervenlng bases
a When a baLLed ball ls declared foul
b When Lhe umplre declares Lhe ball Lo have been lllegally baLLed
c When a baLLerrunner ls called ouL for lnLerference
d When Lhe ondeck baLLer or any oLher nonplaylng Leam member creaLes lnLerference
e (l CnL?) When any parL of Lhe baLLers person ls Louched by a plLched ball swung aL and mlssed
f (l CnL?) When a plLched ball hlLs a baLLer
g When wlLh less Lhan Lwo ouL and a runner on flrsL base a flelder lnLenLlonally drops a falr fly ball
(lncludlng a
llne drlve or a bunL) LhaL could be caughL by an lnflelder wlLh ordlnary efforL afLer lL ls conLrolled wlLh a
hand or
a glove nC1L lf an lnfleld fly ls ruled lL has precedence over an lnLenLlonally dropped ball
LllLC1 Sec 8ag
1he ball ls dead and he musL reLurn wlLhouL llablllLy Lo be puL ouL Lo Lhe lasL base legally held aL Lhe
Llme of Lhe
plLch unless forced Lo advance because Lhe baLLer became a baLLerrunner
h When a baLLer or runner ls called ouL for lnLerference
LllLC1 Sec 8h
1he ball ls dead and he musL reLurn wlLhouL llablllLy Lo be puL ouL Lo Lhe lasL base legally held aL Lhe
Llme of Lhe
lnLerference unless forced Lo advance because Lhe baLLer became a baLLerrunner
l (l CnL?) When Lhe plaLe umplre or hls cloLhlng lnLerferes wlLh Lhe caLchers aLLempL Lo reLlre a
sLeallng or on an aLLempLed plck off play
nC1L lf on a passed ball or wlld plLch a Lhrown ball from Lhe caLcher hlLs Lhe umplre lL ls noL umplre
lnLerference and Lhe ball remalns llve
LllLC1 Sec 8l
A uelayed uead 8all should be slgnaled wlLh Lhe ball remalnlng llve unLll Lhe concluslon of Lhe play lf
Lhe runner
belng played on
1 ls ruled ouL Lhe ouL wlll sLand and Lhe ball ls llve
2 ls ruled safe Lhe ball ls dead and all runners reLurn Lo Lhe lasL base held aL Lhe Llme of Lhe Lhrow
[ (S CnL?) When a runner sLeals a base under no condlLlons ls a runner permlLLed Lo sLeal a base
when a
plLched ball ls noL baLLed 1he runner musL reLurn Lo hls base
LllLC1 Sec 8[
8ase sLeallng ls noL allowed
Sec 9 1PL 8unnL8 lS Cu1
a When whlle runnlng Lo any base ln regular or reverse order he runs more Lhan 091m (3 fL) from Lhe
base paLh Lo
avold belng Louched by Lhe ball ln Lhe hand(s) of a flelder
b When whlle Lhe ball ls ln play and he ls noL ln conLacL wlLh a base he ls legally Louched wlLh Lhe ball
ln Lhe
hand(s) of a flelder
c When on a force play a flelder
1 Whlle holdlng Lhe ball conLacLs Lhe base Lo whlch Lhe runner ls forced Lo advance
2 1ouches Lhe ball Lo Lhe base before Lhe runner reaches Lhe base
3 1ags Lhe runner before he reaches Lhe base
nC1L lf a forced runner afLer Louchlng Lhe nexL base reLreaLs for any reason Loward Lhe base he had
occupled Lhe force play ls relnsLaLed
d When whlle Lhe ball ls ln play he falls Lo reLurn Lo Louch Lhe base he prevlously occupled or mlssed
and a legal
appeal ls made
e When anyone oLher Lhan anoLher runner physlcally asslsLs hlm whlle Lhe ball ls ln play or when Lhe
becomes dead afLer a home run or an award of bases
nC1L lf a fly ball ls caughL on Lhe play Lhe baLLerrunner wlll also be ouL
LllLC1 Sec 9 ae 1he ball remalns ln play
LxCL1lCn Lo LffecL Sec 9 e When Lhe runner ls asslsLed afLer a home run or an award of bases Lhe
ball remalns dead
f When he physlcally passes a precedlng runner before LhaL runner has been called ouL
LllLC1 Sec 9f
1he ball remalns ln play
LxCL1lCn When Lhe runner passes a precedlng runner durlng a dead ball play Lhe ball wlll remaln
dead lf
Lhe ball becomes a foul ball or an uncaughL fly foul ball Lhe runner who passes ls noL ouL
g When he leaves hls base Lo advance Lo anoLher base before a caughL fly ball has Louched a flelder
h When he falls Lo Louch Lhe lnLervenlng base or bases ln regular or reverse order
LxCL1lCn lf a runner ls obsLrucLed aL a base prevenLlng Lhe runner from Louchlng LhaL base
l When Lhe baLLerrunner becomes a runner by Louchlng flrsL base passes lL Lhen aLLempLs Lo run Lo
second base
and ls legally Louched wlLh Lhe ball ln Lhe hand(s) of a flelder whlle off base
[ When ln runnlng or slldlng for home plaLe he falls Lo Louch lL makes no aLLempL Lo reLurn Lo lL and a
holds Lhe ball ln hls hand(s) whlle Louchlng Lhe plaLe and appeals Lo Lhe umplre for a declslon
LllLC1 Sec 9g[ 1hese are appeal plays and Lhe runner wlll noL be ouL unless Lhe appeal ls made
1 Appeals may be made whlle Lhe ball ls allve or dead buL Lhe defenslve Leam loses Lhe prlvllege of
maklng an
appeal lf lL ls noL made
(a) 8efore Lhe nexL legal or lllegal plLch
(b) 8efore all flelders have clearly vacaLed Lhelr normal fleldlng poslLlons and have lefL falr LerrlLory on
way Lo Lhe bench or dugouL area lf a flelder makes Lhe appeal Lhe flelder musL be ln Lhe lnfleld when
maklng Lhe appeal
(c) ln Lhe case of Lhe lasL play of Lhe game before Lhe umplres have lefL Lhe fleld of play
2 (l CnL?) 8unners may leave Lhelr base durlng llve ball appeal plays when
(a) 1he ball leaves Lhe plLchers clrcle or
(b) 1he ball leaves Lhe plLchers possesslon or
(c) 1he plLcher makes a Lhrowlng moLlon lndlcaLlng a play or fake Lhrow
3 uLAu 8ALL ALAL Cnce Lhe ball has been reLurned Lo Lhe lnfleld and 1lme has been called or Lhe
becomes dead any defenslve Leam member ln Lhe lnfleld wlLh or wlLhouL possesslon of Lhe ball may
make a
verbal appeal on a runner mlsslng a base or leavlng a base Loo soon on a caughL fly ball 1he
umplre should acknowledge Lhe appeal and Lhen make a declslon on Lhe play no runner may leave hls
durlng Lhls perlod as Lhe ball remalns dead unLll Lhe nexL plLch
LxCL1lCn A runner who has lefL a base Loo soon on a caughL fly ball or who has mlssed a base may
aLLempL Lo reLurn Lo such base whlle Lhe ball ls dead
nC1L (a) lf Lhe ball goes ouL of play Lhe dead ball appeal cannoL be made unLll Lhe plaLe umplre places
new ball lnLo Lhe game
(b) lf Lhe plLcher has possesslon of Lhe ball and ls ln conLacL wlLh Lhe plLchlng plaLe when maklng a
verbal appeal no lllegal lLch ls called
(c) lf Lhe umplre has declared lay 8all" and Lhe plLcher Lhen requesLs an appeal Lhe umplre would
agaln call 1lme" and allow Lhe appeal process
4 AddlLlonal ouL appeals may be made afLer Lhe Lhlrd ouL as long as Lhey are made properly and are
made Lo
remove a run or made Lo relnsLaLe Lhe correcL baLLlng order
k When he ls sLruck wlLh an unLouched falrbaLLed ball ln falr LerrlLory whlle off base and ln Lhe
umplres [udgmenL
any flelder had an opporLunlLy Lo make an ouL
l When he lnLenLlonally klcks a ball LhaL a flelder has mlssed
m When he lnLerferes wlLh a flelder aLLempLlng Lo fleld a falrbaLLed ball regardless of wheLher Lhe ball
has flrsL
been Louched by anoLher flelder lncludlng Lhe plLcher or lnLenLlonally lnLerferes wlLh a Lhrown ball
nC1L Sec km lf Lhls lnLerference ln Lhe [udgmenL of Lhe umplre ls an obvlous aLLempL Lo prevenL a
play Lhe lmmedlaLe succeedlng runner shall also be called ouL
n When he lnLerferes wlLh a flelder aLLempLlng Lo caLch a baLLed foul fly ball or wlLh a foul fly ball LhaL a
ls aLLempLlng Lo caLch ln whlch case Lhe baLLerrunner reLurns Lo baL wlLh an addlLlonal sLrlke on Lhe
ball provlded Lhe counL prlor Lo baLLlng Lhe ball was less Lhan Lwo sLrlkes
(l) (l CnL?) lf Lhls lnLerference ls Lhe Lhlrd ouL Lhe baLLerrunner wlll reLurn Lo baL as Lhe lead off
ln Lhe nexL lnnlng wlLh Lhe orlglnal ball and sLrlke counL cancelled
(ll) (S CnL?) lf Lhls ls Lhe Lhlrd sLrlke Lhe baLLerrunner ls also ouL unless Lhe Lhlrd ouL of Lhe lnnlng was
Lhe runner lnLerference call ln whlch case Lhe baLLerrunner shall be deemed Lo have compleLed hls
Lurn aL baL
o When afLer a runner baLLer or baLLerrunner has been declared ouL or afLer a runner has scored Lhe
runner baLLer
or baLLerrunner lnLerferes wlLh a defenslve player's opporLunlLy Lo make a play on anoLher runner A
conLlnulng Lo run and drawlng a Lhrow wlll be consldered a form of lnLerference
nC1L 1he runner closesL Lo home plaLe aL Lhe Llme of Lhe lnLerference wlll be called ouL
p When one or more members of Lhe offenslve Leam sLand aL or collecL around a base Lo whlch a
runner ls
advanclng Lhereby confuslng Lhe flelders and addlng Lo Lhe dlfflculLy of maklng Lhe play
nC1L Members of a Leam lnclude baLboy or any oLher person auLhorlzed Lo slL on Lhe Leams bench
q When Lhe coach near Lhlrd base runs ln Lhe dlrecLlon of home plaLe on or near Lhe basellne whlle a
flelder ls
aLLempLlng Lo make a play on a baLLed or Lhrown ball and Lhereby draws a Lhrow Lo home plaLe
nC1L lL ls Lhe runner closesL Lo home plaLe LhaL shall be called ouL
r When a coach or any member of Lhe Leam playlng offense who ls noL a baLLer baLLerrunner ondeck
baLLer or
1 lnLenLlonally lnLerferes wlLh a Lhrown ball whlle ln Lhe coachs box or
2 lnLerferes wlLh Lhe defenslve Leams opporLunlLy Lo make a play on a runner or baLLerrunnernC1L
lL ls Lhe runner closesL Lo home plaLe aL Lhe Llme of Lhe lnLerference whlch shall be declared ouL
s When a defenslve player has Lhe ball and ls walLlng for Lhe runner and Lhe runner remalns on hls feeL
dellberaLely crashes lnLo Lhe defenslve player
nC1L lf Lhe acL ls deLermlned Lo be flagranL Lhe offender shall be e[ecLed
LllLC1 Sec 9ks
1he ball ls dead and oLher runners musL reLurn Lo Lhe lasL base legally held aL Lhe Llme of Lhe
lnLerference unless
forced Lo advance because Lhe baLLer became a baLLerrunner
L When he runs bases ln reverse order or off Lhe base llne whlle noL aLLempLlng Lo advance elLher Lo
confuse Lhe
flelders or Lo make a LravesLy of Lhe game
LllLC1 Sec 9L
1he ball ls dead and all oLher runners musL reLurn Lo Lhe lasL base legally held aL Lhe Llme of Lhe runner
belng declared
ouL unless forced Lo advance because Lhe baLLer became a baLLerrunner
u (S CnL?) When he falls Lo keep conLacL wlLh Lhe base Lo whlch he ls enLlLled unLll a plLched ball
Louches Lhe
ground reaches home plaLe or ls baLLed
v (l CnL?) When he falls Lo keep conLacL wlLh Lhe base Lo whlch he ls enLlLled unLll a legally plLched
ball leaves
Lhe plLchers hand
LllLC1 Sec 9uv
1he ball ls dead a no lLch ls declared and oLher runners musL reLurn Lo Lhe lasL base legally held aL
Lhe Llme of Lhe
w (l CnL?) When he ls leglLlmaLely off hls base afLer a plLch or as a resulL of a baLLer compleLlng hls
Lurn aL baL
and whlle Lhe plLcher has Lhe ball wlLhln Lhe plLchers clrcle he does noL lmmedlaLely reLurn Lo hls base
aLLempL Lo advance Lo Lhe nexL base
LllLC1 Sec 9w
1 1he ball ls dead and all oLher runners musL reLurn Lo Lhe lasL legally held base aL Lhe Llme of Lhe
runner belng
declared ouL
2 lallure Lo lmmedlaLely proceed Lo Lhe nexL base or reLurn Lo hls base once Lhe plLcher has Lhe ball
wlLhln Lhe
plLchers clrcle shall resulL ln Lhe runner belng declared ouL
3 Cnce Lhe runner reLurns Lo a base for any reason he shall be declared ouL lf he leaves sald base
LxCL1lCn Sec 9w A runner shall noL be declared ouL lf
1 A play ls made on hlm or anoLher runner (a fake Lhrow ls consldered a play) or
2 1he plLcher no longer has possesslon of Lhe ball wlLhln Lhe plLcher's clrcle or
3 1he plLcher releases Lhe ball by a plLch Lo Lhe baLLer
nC1L A base on balls or dropped Lhlrd sLrlke ln whlch Lhe runner ls enLlLled Lo run ls LreaLed Lhe same
as a baLLed
ball 1he baLLerrunner may conLlnue pasL flrsL base and ls enLlLled Lo run Loward second base as long
as he does noL
sLop aL flrsL base lf he sLops afLer he rounds flrsL base he Lhen musL comply wlLh LllLC1 Sec 9v2
x When he abandons a base and enLers hls Leam area or leaves Lhe fleld of play whlle Lhe ball ls allve
y When he poslLlons hlmself behlnd and noL ln conLacL wlLh a base Lo geL a runnlng sLarL on any fly
LllLC1 Sec 9xy
1he ball remalns llve
z When a baLLerrunner lnLerferes wlLh a play aL home plaLe ln an aLLempL Lo prevenL an obvlous ouL
on an
advanclng runner aL Lhe plaLe
LllLC1 Sec 9z
1he ball ls dead Lhe baLLerrunner ls also declared ouL and Lhe oLher runners musL reLurn Lo Lhe lasL
base held aL Lhe
Llme of Lhe plLch
aa When runners swlLch poslLlons on Lhe bases
LllLC1 Sec 9 aa
1hls ls an appeal play When properly appealed each runner dlscovered Lo have swlLched poslLlons on
Lhe bases
shall be declared ouL and Lhe Pead Coach shall be e[ecLed for unsporLsmanllke conducL
nC1L 1he appeal can be made any Llme unLll all runners who swlLched poslLlons are ln Lhe dugouL or
lnnlng ls over lf one of Lhe runners who swlLched bases ls on a base boLh he and all runners who had
bases wlll be ouL even lf Lhey had scored and any run(s) scored by lmproper runners wlll be nulllfled
Sec 10 1PL 8unnL8 lS nC1 Cu1
a When he runs behlnd or ln fronL of Lhe flelder and ouLslde Lhe base paLh ln order Lo avold
lnLerferlng wlLh a
flelder aLLempLlng Lo fleld Lhe baLLed ball ln Lhe base paLh
b When he does noL run ln a dlrecL llne Lo Lhe base provlded Lhe flelder ln Lhe dlrecL llne does noL have
Lhe ball ln
hls possesslonc When more Lhan one flelder aLLempLs Lo fleld a baLLed ball and Lhe runner comes ln
conLacL wlLh Lhe one who ln
Lhe umplres [udgmenL was noL enLlLled Lo fleld Lhe ball
d When he ls hlL wlLh a falr unLouched baLLed ball whlle off base LhaL ln Lhe umplres [udgmenL no
flelder had an
opporLunlLy Lo make an ouL
e When he ls hlL wlLh a falr unLouched baLLed ball over foul LerrlLory and ln Lhe umplres [udgmenL no
flelder had
an opporLunlLy Lo make an ouL
f When he ls hlL wlLh a falrbaLLed ball afLer lL Louches or ls Louched by any flelder lncludlng Lhe
plLcher and he
could noL avold conLacL wlLh Lhe ball
g When he ls Louched whlle off base
1 WlLh a ball noL securely held by a defenslve player or
2 WlLh a hand or glove of a defenslve player and Lhe ball ls ln Lhe oLher hand
h When Lhe defenslve Leam does noL requesL Lhe umplres declslon on an appeal play unLll afLer Lhe
nexL legal or
lllegal plLch or unLll afLer all flelders have clearly vacaLed Lhelr normal fleldlng poslLlons and have lefL
LerrlLory on Lhelr way Lo Lhe bench or dugouL
l When a baLLerrunner becomes a runner by Louchlng flrsL base passes lL and Lhen reLurns dlrecLly Lo
Lhe base
[ When he ls noL glven sufflclenL Llme Lo reLurn Lo a base Pe wlll noL be called ouL for belng off base
before Lhe
plLcher releases Lhe ball and he may advance as Lhough havlng lefL Lhe base legally
k When he has legally sLarLed Lo advance Pe may noL be sLopped by Lhe plLcher recelvlng Lhe ball
whlle on Lhe
plLchlng plaLe nor by Lhe plLcher sLepplng onLo Lhe plaLe whlle holdlng Lhe ball
l When he holds hls base unLll a fly ball Louches a flelder and Lhen aLLempLs Lo advance
m When he ls hlL by a falr unLouched baLLed ball whlle ln conLacL wlLh hls base unless he lnLenLlonally
wlLh Lhe ball or a flelder maklng a play
nC1L 1he ball wlll become dead or remalns allve dependlng on Lhe poslLlon of Lhe flelder closesL Lo
Lhe base
n When he slldes lnLo a base and dlslodges lL from lLs proper poslLlon 1he base ls consldered Lo have
followed Lhe
nC1L A runner reachlng a base safely wlll noL be ouL for belng off LhaL base lf lL becomes dlslodged Pe
reLurn Lo LhaL base wlLhouL llablllLy Lo be puL ouL when Lhe base has been replaced A runner forfelLs
exempLlon lf he aLLempLs Lo advance beyond Lhe dlslodged base before lL ls agaln ln proper poslLlon
o When a flelder makes a play on a runner whlle uslng an lllegal glove
nC1L A plLch by Lhe plLcher ls noL consldered maklng a play
LllLC1 Sec 10o
1he manager of Lhe offended Leam has Lhe opLlon of
1 1aklng Lhe resulL of Lhe play or
2 Pavlng Lhe enLlre play nulllfled wlLh runners reLurnlng Lo Lhe lasL base held aL Lhe Llme of Lhe play
LxCL1lCn Lo LffecL Sec 10 0 (2) lf Lhe play was Lhe resulL of Lhe compleLlon of Lhe baLLer's Lurn aL baL
player resumes baLLlng assumlng Lhe ball and sLrlke counL he had prlor Lo compleLlng hls Lurn aL baL
and runners
are reLurned Lo Lhe bases held aL Lhe Llme of Lhe plLch
p A coach unlnLenLlonally lnLerferes wlLh a Lhrown ball or baLLed falr ball whlle ln Lhe coaches' box8uLL
9 uLAu 8ALL 8ALL ln LA?
Sec 1 1PL 8ALL lS uLAu
1he ball ls dead and noL ln play ln Lhe followlng clrcumsLances
a When Lhe ball ls baLLed lllegally
b When Lhe baLLer sLeps from one box Lo anoLher when Lhe plLcher ls (l CnL?) Laklng Lhe slgnal or
appears Lo be
Laklng Lhe slgnal from Lhe plLchers plaLe or (S CnL?) sLeps on Lhe plLchlng plaLe
c When no plLch ls declared
d When a plLched ball Louches any parL of Lhe baLLers person or cloLhlng wheLher Lhe ball ls sLruck aL or
e When a foul fly ball ls noL caughL
f When Lhe offenslve Leam causes lnLerference
g When a falrbaLLed ball sLrlkes an umplre or runner
1 8efore Louchlng a flelder lncludlng Lhe plLcher and
2 8efore passlng a flelder oLher Lhan Lhe plLcher wlLhouL belng Louched or
3 AfLer passlng a flelder excludlng Lhe plLcher and ln Lhe umplre's [udgmenL anoLher flelder had a
chance Lo
make an ouL
noLe When he ls hlL by a falr unLouched baLLed ball whlle ln conLacL wlLh hls base unless he
lnLenLlonally lnLerferes
wlLh Lhe ball or a flelder maklng a play 1he ball wlll become dead or remalns allve dependlng on Lhe
of Lhe flelder closesL Lo Lhe base
h When Lhe ball ls ouLslde Lhe esLabllshed playlng llmlLs of Lhe playlng area
l When an accldenL Lo a baLLerrunner or runner prevenLs hlm from proceedlng Lo Lhe awarded base he
may be
subsLlLuLed 1he subsLlLuLe wlll be allowed Lo proceed Lo any awarded bases 1he subsLlLuLe musL legally
Louch all
awarded or mlssed bases noL prevlously Louched
[ (S CnL?) When Lhe baLLer bunLs or chops Lhe plLched ball
k (l CnL?) When a wlld plLch or passed ball goes under over or Lhrough Lhe backsLop
l When Lhe umplre calls 1lme"
m When any parL of Lhe baLLers person ls hlL wlLh hls ownbaLLed ball whlle sLlll ln Lhe baLLers box
n When a runner runs bases ln reverse order or off Lhe base llne whlle noL aLLempLlng Lo advance
elLher Lo
confuse Lhe flelders or Lo make a LravesLy of Lhe game
o When Lhe coach near Lhlrd base runs ln Lhe dlrecLlon of home plaLe on or near Lhe basellne whlle Lhe
flelder ls
aLLempLlng Lo make a play on a baLLed or Lhrown ball and Lhereby draws a Lhrow Lo home plaLe
p When one or more members of Lhe offenslve Leam sLand or collecL aL or around a base Lo whlch a
runner ls
advanclng Lhereby confuslng Lhe flelders and addlng Lo Lhe dlfflculLy of maklng a play
q (l CnL?) When a runner falls Lo keep conLacL wlLh Lhe base Lo whlch he ls enLlLled unLll a legally
plLched ball
has been released
r (S CnL?) When a runner falls Lo keep conLacL wlLh Lhe base Lo whlch he ls enLlLled unLll a legally
plLched ball
has reached home plaLe
s (S CnL?) AfLer each sLrlke or ball
L When a blocked ball ls declared
u When a baLLer enLers Lhe baLLers box wlLh or uses an alLered baL
v When a baLLer enLers Lhe baLLers box wlLh or uses an lllegal baL
w When wlLh less Lhan Lwo ouL and a runner on flrsL base a flelder lnLenLlonally drops a falr fly ball
(lncludlng a
llne drlve) (l and S) or bunL (l CnL?) LhaL could be caughL by an lnflelder wlLh ordlnary efforL afLer lL
conLrolled wlLh a hand or glove
nC1L lf an lnfleld fly ls ruled lL has precedence over an lnLenLlonally dropped ball
x When a flelder carrles a llve ball lnLo dead ball LerrlLory
y When 1lme" has been called and a defenslve player ls maklng an appeal
z When Lhe baLLer falls Lo enLer Lhe baLLers box wlLhln 10 seconds afLer Lhe umplre calls LA? 8ALL
aa When any person oLher Lhan a Leam member enLers Lhe playlng fleld and creaLes lnLerference
ab When Lhe baLLerrunner sLeps back Loward home plaLe Lo avold or delay a Lag by a flelder
ac When an offenslve Leam member dellberaLely erases Lhe llnes of Lhe baLLer's box
ad When Lhe plLcher lssues an lnLenLlonal 8ase on 8alls Lo a baLLer
Sec 2 1PL 8ALL lS ln LA?
1he ball ls ln play ln Lhe followlng clrcumsLances
a AL Lhe sLarL of Lhe game and each half lnnlng when Lhe plLcher has Lhe ball whlle sLandlng ln hls
plLchlng poslLlon
and Lhe plaLe umplre has called LA? 8ALL
b When Lhe lnfleld lly rule ls enforcedc When a Lhrown ball goes pasL a flelder and remalns ln playable
d When a falr ball sLrlkes an umplre or runner on falr ground afLer
1 asslng a flelder excludlng Lhe plLcher and no oLher flelder had a chance Lo make an ouL or
2 1ouchlng a flelder lncludlng Lhe plLcher
e When a falr ball sLrlkes an umplre on foul ground
f When Lhe runners have reached Lhe bases Lo whlch Lhey are enLlLled afLer Lhe flelder lllegally flelds a
Lhrown or plLched ball
g When a runner ls called ouL for passlng a precedlng runner
LxCL1lCn When a runner ls called ouL for passlng a precedlng runner whlle Lhe ball ls dead Lhe ball
remaln dead
h When no play ls belng made on an obsLrucLed runner Lhe ball shall remaln allve unLll Lhe play ls over
l When a falr ball ls legally baLLed
[ When a runner musL reLurn ln reverse order whlle Lhe ball ls ln play
k When a runner acqulres Lhe rlghL Lo a base by Louchlng lL before belng puL ouL
l When a base ls dlslodged whlle runners are progresslng around Lhe bases
m When a runner runs more Lhan 091m (3 fL) from hls base paLh ln regular or reverse order Lo avold
Louched by Lhe ball ln Lhe hand of a flelder
n When a runner ls Lagged or forced ouL
o When Lhe umplre calls Lhe runner ouL for fallure Lo reLurn and Louch Lhe base when play ls resumed
afLer a
suspenslon of play
p When a llve ball appeal play ls legally belng made
q When Lhe baLLer hlLs Lhe ball
r When a llve ball sLrlkes a phoLographer groundskeeper pollceman eLc asslgned Lo Lhe game
s When a fly ball has been legally caughL
L When a Lhrown ball sLrlkes an offenslve player
u lf Lhe baLLer drops Lhe baL and Lhe ball rolls agalnsL Lhe baL ln falr LerrlLory and ln Lhe umplres
[udgmenL Lhere
was no lnLenLlon Lo lnLerfere wlLh Lhe course of Lhe ball
v When a Lhrown ball sLrlkes an umplre
w Whenever Lhe ball ls noL dead as provlded ln SecLlon 1 of Lhls rule
x When a Lhrown ball accldenLally sLrlkes a coach
y (l CnL?) When a ball has been called on Lhe baLLer and when four balls have been called buL Lhe
baLLer may
noL be puL ouL before he reaches flrsL base
z (l CnL?) When a sLrlke has been called on Lhe baLLer and when Lhree sLrlkes have been called on Lhe
aa (l CnL?) When a foul Llp has been legally caughL
ab (S CnL?) As long as Lhere ls a play as a resulL of Lhe hlL by Lhe baLLer 1hls lncludes a subsequenL
appeal play
ac (l CnL?) When Lhe ball sllps from a plLchers hand durlng hls wlndup or durlng Lhe back swlng
ad When a runner ls called ouL for geLLlng a runnlng sLarL from a base on any fly ball
ae When a runner abandons a base does noL aLLempL Lo advance Lo Lhe nexL base enLers hls Leam
area or leaves Lhe
fleld of play and ls called ouL
af When a runner ls called ouL for belng physlcally asslsLed by anyone oLher Lhan anoLher runner
LxCL1lCn When asslsLed on a foul ball noL caughL Lhe ball wlll remaln dead
ag (S CnL?) 1he ball remalns llve unLll Lhe umplre calls 1lme" Lhls should be done when Lhe ball ls
held by a
player ln Lhe lnfleld and ln Lhe oplnlon of Lhe umplre all play has ceased
Sec 3 uLLA?Lu uLAu 8ALL
1here are flve slLuaLlons when a vlolaLlon of Lhe rule occurs An umplre recognlzes lL and Lhe ball
remalns llve unLll
Lhe concluslon of Lhe play 1hese slLuaLlons are
a An lllegal plLch
b CaLchers obsLrucLlon
c (l CnL?) laLe umplre lnLerference
d CbsLrucLlon
e ueLached equlpmenL conLacLlng a Lhrown ball a plLched ball or a falrbaLLed ball8uLL 10 uMl8LS
Sec 1 CWL8 Anu uu1lLS
1he umplres are Lhe represenLaLlves of Lhe league or organlzaLlon by whlch Lhey have been asslgned Lo
a parLlcular
game and as such are auLhorlzed and requlred Lo enforce each secLlon of Lhese rules 1hey have Lhe
power Lo order a
player coach capLaln or manager Lo do or omlL Lo do any acL whlch ln Lhelr [udgmenL ls necessary Lo
glve force and
effecL Lo one or all of Lhese rules and Lo lnfllcL penalLles as hereln prescrlbed 1he plaLe umplre shall
have Lhe
auLhorlLy Lo make declslons on any slLuaLlons noL speclflcally covered ln Lhe rules
CLnL8AL lnlC8MA1lCn lC8 uMl8LS
a 1he umplre shall noL be a member of elLher Leam Lxamples player coach manager offlcer scorer or
b 1he umplre should be sure of Lhe daLe Llme and place for Lhe game and should arrlve aL Lhe playlng
fleld 2030
mlnuLes ahead of Llme sLarL Lhe game on Llme and leave Lhe fleld when Lhe game ls over
c 1he male and female umplre musL wear
1 A powder blue long or shorLsleeved shlrL
2 uark navy blue socks
3 uark navy blue slacks
4 uark navy blue cap wlLh whlLe and blue Lrlmmed lSl leLLers on Lhe fronL
3 uark navy blue ball bag (plaLe only)
6 uark navy blue [ackeL and/or sweaLer
7 8lack shoes and belL
8 A whlLe 1shlrL worn under Lhe powder blue shlrL
d umplres musL noL wear exposed [ewelry LhaL may pose a hazard
LxCL1lCn Medlcal AlerL 8raceleLs and/or necklaces
e 1he plaLe umplre ln fasL plLch
1 MusL wear a black facemask black or Lan paddlng and black LhroaL proLecLor (An exLended wlre
may be worn ln lleu of a LhroaL proLecLor on Lhe mask)
2 ls recommended Lo wear a body proLecLor and shln guards
f 1he umplres should lnLroduce Lhemselves Lo Lhe capLalns managers and scorers
g 1he umplres should lnspecL Lhe playlng fleld boundarles equlpmenL and clarlfy all ground rules Lo
boLh Leams
and Lhelr coaches
h Lach umplre shall have Lhe power Lo make declslons on vlolaLlons commlLLed any Llme durlng playlng
Llme or
durlng suspenslon of play unLll Lhe game ls over
l nelLher umplre has Lhe auLhorlLy Lo seL aslde or quesLlon declslons made by Lhe oLher wlLhln Lhe llmlLs
of Lhelr
respecLlve duLles as ouLllned ln Lhese rules
[ An umplre may consulL hls assoclaLe aL any Llme Powever Lhe flnal declslon shall resL wlLh Lhe umplre
excluslve auLhorlLy lL was Lo make Lhe declslon and who requesLed Lhe oplnlon of Lhe oLher
k ln order Lo deflne Lhelr respecLlve duLles Lhe umplre [udglng balls and sLrlkes shall be deslgnaLed as
Lhe laLe
umplre Lhe umplre [udglng base declslons as Lhe 8ase umplre
l 1he plaLe umplre or base umplre shall have equal auLhorlLy Lo
1 Call a runner ouL for leavlng a base Loo soon
2 Call 1lML for suspenslon of play
3 8emove or e[ecL a player coach or manager from Lhe game for vlolaLlon of rules
4 Call all lllegal plLches
3 ueLermlne and call an lnfleld fly
m 1he umplre shall declare Lhe baLLer or runner ouL wlLhouL walLlng for an appeal for such declslon ln
all cases
where such player ls reLlred ln accordance wlLh Lhese rules
nC1L unless appealed Lo Lhe umplre does noL call a player ouL or penallze hlm for havlng falled Lo
Louch base
leavlng a base Loo soon on a caughL fly ball baLLlng ouL of order belng an unreporLed subsLlLuLe belng
an lllegal
8eLnLry Lhe replacemenL player or reLurnlng wlLhdrawn player do noL reporL belng a runner who
poslLlons on bases wlLh anoLher runner or maklng an aLLempL Lo go Lo second base afLer reachlng flrsL
base as
provlded ln Lhese rules
n umplres shall noL penallze a Leam for lnfracLlon of a rule when lmposlng Lhe penalLy would be Lo Lhe
advanLage of
Lhe offendlng Leam
o lallure of umplres Lo adhere Lo 8ule 10 shall noL be grounds for proLesL 1hese are guldellnes for
umplresSec 2 1PL LA1L uMl8L
a Shall Lake a poslLlon ln back of Lhe caLcher Pe shall have full charge of and be responslble for Lhe
conducL of Lhe game
b Shall call all balls and sLrlkes
c Shall by agreemenL and ln cooperaLlon wlLh Lhe base umplre call plays hlL balls falr or foul legal or
caughL balls Cn plays LhaL would necesslLaLe Lhe base umplre leavlng Lhe lnfleld Lhe plaLe umplre shall
Lhe duLles normally requlred of Lhe base umplre
d Shall deLermlne and declare wheLher
1 A baLLer bunLs or chops a ball
2 A baLLed ball Louches Lhe person or cloLhlng of Lhe baLLer
e Shall render base declslons when requlred Lo do so
f Shall deLermlne when a game ls forfelLed
g Shall assume all duLles when asslgned as a slngle umplre Lo a game
Sec 3 1PL 8ASL uMl8L
a Shall Lake such poslLlons on Lhe playlng fleld as requlred ln accordance wlLh Lhe relevanL umplre
b Shall asslsL Lhe plaLe umplre ln every way Lo enforce Lhe rules of Lhe game
Sec 4 8LSCnSl8lLl1lLS Cl A SlnCLL uMl8L
lf only one umplre ls asslgned hls duLles and [urlsdlcLlon shall exLend Lo all polnLs 1he umplres sLarLlng
poslLlon for
each plLch shall be from behlnd home plaLe Cn each baLLed ball or play LhaL develops Lhe umplre shall
move ouL
from behlnd Lhe plaLe and lnLo Lhe lnfleld Lo obLaln Lhe besL poslLlon for any play LhaL develops
Sec 3 CPAnCL Cl uMl8LS
umplres cannoL be changed durlng a game by Lhe consenL of Lhe opposlng Leams unless an umplre ls
by ln[ury or lllness
Sec 6 uMl8LS !uuCMLn1
1here shall be no appeal from any declslon of any umplre on Lhe grounds LhaL he was noL correcL ln hls
concluslon as
Lo wheLher a baLLed ball was falr or foul a runner safe or ouL a plLched ball a sLrlke or ball or on any
play lnvolvlng
accuracy of [udgmenL no declslon rendered by any umplre shall be reversed excepL LhaL he be
convlnced lL ls ln
vlolaLlon of one of Lhese rules ln case Lhe manager capLaln or elLher Leam does seek a reversal of a
declslon based
solely on a polnL of Lhe rules Lhe umplre whose declslon ls ln quesLlon shall lf ln doubL confer wlLh hls
before Laklng any acLlon 8uL under no clrcumsLances shall any player or person oLher Lhan Lhe
manager or Lhe
capLaln of elLher Leam have any legal rlghL Lo proLesL on any declslon and seek lLs reversal on a clalm
LhaL lL ls ln
confllcL wlLh Lhese rules
under no clrcumsLances shall any umplre seek Lo reverse a declslon made by hls assoclaLes nor shall
any umplre
crlLlclze or lnLerfere wlLh Lhe duLles of hls assoclaLes unless asked Lo do so by hlm
1he umplres ln consulLaLlon may recLlfy any slLuaLlon ln whlch Lhe reversal of an umplres declslon or a
call by an umplre places a baLLerrunner or runner ln [eopardy or places Lhe defenslve Leam aL a
nC1L 1hls correcLlon ls noL posslble afLer one legal or lllegal plLch has been Lhrown or lf all players on
defenslve Leam have abandoned falr LerrlLory
Sec 7 SlCnALS
a 1o lndlcaLe LhaL play shall begln or be resumed Lhe umplre shall call LA? 8ALL and aL Lhe same
moLlon Lhe plLcher Lo dellver Lhe ball
b A S18lkL shall be lndlcaLed by ralslng Lhe rlghL hand upward lndlcaLlng Lhe number of sLrlkes by Lhe
and aL Lhe same Llme calllng S18lkL ln a clear and declslve volce
c 1o lndlcaLe a 8ALL no arm slgnal ls used
d 1o lndlcaLe Lhe LoLal CCun1 of balls and sLrlkes Lhe balls are called flrsL
e 1o lndlcaLe a lCuL Lhe umplre shall call lCuL 8ALL and exLend an arm horlzonLally away from Lhe
dlamond accordlng Lo Lhe dlrecLlon of Lhe ball
f 1o lndlcaLe a lAl8 8ALL Lhe umplre shall exLend an arm Loward Lhe cenLer of Lhe dlamond uslng a
moLlong 1o lndlcaLe a baLLer or runner Cu1 Lhe umplre shall ralse Lhe rlghL hand upward above Lhe
rlghL shoulder wlLh
flsL closed
h 1o lndlcaLe LhaL a player ls SAlL Lhe umplre shall exLend boLh arms horlzonLally Lo Lhe slde of Lhe
body wlLh
palms Loward Lhe ground
l 1o lndlcaLe suspenslon of play Lhe umplre shall call 1lML and aL Lhe same Llme exLend boLh arms
above Lhe
head 1he oLher umplres shall lmmedlaLely acknowledge Lhe suspenslon of play wlLh slmllar acLlon
[ 1o lndlcaLe a uLLA?Lu uLAu 8ALL Lhe umplre shall exLend Lhe lefL arm horlzonLally wlLh flsL closed
k 1o lndlcaLe a 18ALu 8ALL Lhe umplre shall exLend boLh arms horlzonLally Lo Lhe slde of Lhe body
palms Loward Lhe ground
1 1o lndlcaLe a C8Cunu 8uLL uCu8LL Lhe umplre shall exLend Lhe rlghL hand above Lhe head and aL
Lhe same
Llme lndlcaLe wlLh Lwo flngers Lhe number of bases awarded
m 1o lndlcaLe a PCML 8un Lhe umplre shall exLend Lhe rlghL hand wlLh closed flsL closed above Lhe
head and
clrcle Lhe arm ln a clockwlse movemenL
n 1o lndlcaLe an lnllLLu lL? Lhe umplre shall call lnllLLu lL? ll lAl8 1PL 8A11L8 lS Cu1 1he
umplre shall exLend one arm above Lhe head
o 1o lndlcaLe nC1 1C l1CP Lhe umplre should ralse one hand wlLh Lhe palm faclng Lhe plLcher nC
shall be declared lf Lhe plLcher plLches whlle Lhe umplre has hls hand ln sald poslLlon
Sec 8 SuSLnSlCn Cl LA?
a An umplre may suspend play when ln hls [udgmenL condlLlons [usLlfy such acLlon
b lay shall be suspended whenever Lhe plaLe umplre leaves hls poslLlon Lo brush Lhe plaLe or Lo
perform oLher
duLles noL dlrecLly connecLed wlLh Lhe calllng of plays
c 1he umplre shall suspend play whenever a baLLer or plLcher sLeps ouL of poslLlon for a leglLlmaLe
d An umplre shall noL call 1lML afLer plLcher has sLarLed Lhe wlndup
e An umplre shall noL call 1lML whlle any play ls ln progress
f ln case of ln[ury excepL ln Lhe umplres [udgmenL wlLh a serlous ln[ury (whlch may puL Lhe player ln
1lML shall noL be called unLll all plays ln progress have been compleLed or runners have been held aL
LllLC1 Sec 8f
ln Lhe case of ln[ury when Llme ls called Lhe ball ls dead and runner(s) may be awarded a base or bases
LhaL Lhey
would have made ln Lhe umplre's [udgmenL had Lhe ln[ury noL occurred
g umplres shall noL suspend play aL Lhe requesL of players coaches or managers unLll all acLlon ln
progress by
elLher Leam has been compleLed
h (S CnL?) When ln Lhe oplnlon of an umplre all lmmedlaLe play ls apparenLly compleLed 1lML
should be
Sec 9 vlCLA1lCnS Anu LnAL1lLS
a layers coaches or managers shall noL make dlsparaglng or lnsulLlng remarks Lo or abouL opposlng
offlclals or specLaLors or commlL oLher acLs LhaL could be consldered unsporLsmanllke conducL
b 1he penalLy for vlolaLlons by a player ls elLher prompL 8LMCvAL or L!LC1lCn of Lhe offender from
c 1he penalLy for vlolaLlons by a manager coach or oLher Leam offlclal shall be
1 lor a flrsL offense Lhe offender may be warned
2 lor a second offense or lf a flrsL offense ls consldered serlous enough by Lhe umplre Lhe offender ls
nC1L ln Lhe evenL Lhe Pead Coach ls e[ecLed from a game he shall submlL Lo Lhe umplre Lhe name of
Lhe person
who ls Lo assume Lhe Pead Coach duLles for Lhe remalnder of Lhe game
d A player 8LMCvLu from Lhe game may slL on Lhe bench buL shall noL parLlclpaLe furLher ln Lhe game
excepL as a
e A player manager coach or oLher Leam offlclal L!LC1Lu from Lhe game shall go dlrecLly Lo Lhe
dresslng room
for Lhe remalnder of Lhe game or leave Lhe grounds
f lallure of a person so 8LMCvLu or L!LC1Lu Lo leave Lhe game lmmedlaLely wlll warranL a forfelLure
of Lhe
game8uLL 11 8C1LS1S
Sec 1 8C1LS1S 1PA1 WlLL nC1 8L 8LCLlvLu
roLesLs shall noL be recelved or consldered lf Lhey are based solely on a declslon lnvolvlng Lhe
accuracy of
[udgmenL on Lhe parL of an umplre or lf Lhe Leam lodglng Lhe proLesL won Lhe game
Lxamples of proLesL LhaL wlll noL be consldered are
a WheLher a baLLed ball was falr or foul
b WheLher a runner was safe or ouL
c WheLher a plLched ball was a sLrlke or a ball
d WheLher a plLch was legal or lllegal
e WheLher a runner dld or dld noL Louch a base
f WheLher a runner lefL Lhe base Loo soon on a caughL fly ball
g WheLher a fly ball was or was noL caughL legally
h WheLher lL was or was noL an lnfleld lly
l WheLher Lhere was or was noL an lnLerference
[ WheLher Lhere was or was noL an obsLrucLlon
k WheLher a player or llve ball dld or dld noL enLer a dead ball area or Louch some ob[ecL or person ln
a dead ball
l WheLher a baLLed ball dld or dld noL clear Lhe fence ln fllghL
m WheLher Lhe fleld ls flL Lo conLlnue or resume play
n WheLher Lhere ls sufflclenL llghL Lo conLlnue play
o Any oLher maLLer lnvolvlng only Lhe accuracy of Lhe umplres [udgmenL
Sec 2 8C1LS1S 1PA1 WlLL 8L 8LCLlvLu
roLesLs LhaL shall be recelved and consldered lnclude maLLers of Lhe followlng Lypes
a MlslnLerpreLaLlon of a playlng rule
b lallure of an umplre Lo apply Lhe correcL rule Lo a glven slLuaLlon
c lallure Lo lmpose Lhe correcL penalLy for a glven vlolaLlon
nC1L 1 roLesLs for Lhe above musL be made before Lhe nexL plLch or before all lnflelders have lefL
falr LerrlLory
or lf on Lhe lasL play of Lhe game before Lhe umplres leave Lhe playlng fleld
2 AfLer one plLch has been Lhrown (legal or lllegal) no change can be made on any umplre's rullng
d LllglblllLy of a Leam rosLer member
nC1L roLesLs for Lhe above are Lo be submlLLed Lo Lhe approprlaLe auLhorlLy (noL Lhe umplres) and
may be made aL
any Llme sub[ecL Lo Lhe provlslons of 8ule 11 SecLlon 3
Sec 3 8C1LS1S lnvCLvlnC !uuCLMLn1 Anu ln1L88L1A1lCn Cl 8uLL
roLesLs may lnvolve boLh a maLLer of [udgmenL and Lhe lnLerpreLaLlons of a rule
An example of a slLuaLlon of Lhls Lype follows
WlLh one ouL and Lhe runners on second and Lhlrd bases Lhe baLLer flled ouL 1he runner on Lhlrd
Lagged up afLer Lhe
caLch Lhe player on second dld noL 1he runner on Lhlrd crossed Lhe plaLe before Lhe ball was played aL
second base
for Lhe Lhlrd ouL 1he umplre dld noL allow Lhe run Lo score 1he quesLlons as Lo wheLher Lhe runners lefL
Lhelr bases
before Lhe caLch and wheLher Lhe play aL second was made before Lhe player on Lhlrd crossed Lhe plaLe
are solely
maLLers of [udgmenL and are noL proLesLable 1he fallure of Lhe umplre Lo allow Lhe run Lo score was a
mlslnLerpreLaLlon of a playlng rule and was a proper sub[ecL for proLesL
Sec 4 nC1lllCA1lCn Cl ln1Ln1 1C LCuCL 8C1LS1
1he noLlflcaLlon of lnLenL Lo proLesL musL be made lmmedlaLely before Lhe nexL plLch (LxCL1lCn)
a 1he manager or acLlng manager of Lhe proLesLlng Leam shall lmmedlaLely noLlfy Lhe plaLe umplre
LhaL Lhe game ls
belng conLlnued under proLesL 1he plaLe umplre shall ln Lurn noLlfy Lhe opposlng manager and offlclal
b All lnLeresLed parLles shall Lake noLlce of Lhe condlLlons surroundlng Lhe maklng of Lhe declslon LhaL
wlll ald ln Lhe
correcL deLermlnaLlon of Lhe lssue
nC1L Cn appeal plays Lhe appeal musL be made before Lhe nexL plLch legal or lllegal or before Lhe
defenslve Leam
has lefL Lhe fleld lor Lhe purpose of Lhls rule Lhe defenslve Leam has lefL Lhe fleld when Lhe plLcher
and all players
have lefL falr LerrlLory on Lhe way Lo Lhe bench or dugouL areaSec 3 1lML 1C LCuCL An ClllClAL
1he offlclal wrlLLen proLesL musL be flled wlLhln a reasonable Llme
a ln Lhe absence of a league or LournamenL rule flxlng Lhe Llme llmlL for flllng a proLesL a proLesL should
consldered lf flled wlLhln a reasonable Llme dependlng upon Lhe naLure of Lhe case and Lhe dlfflculLy for
Lhe lnformaLlon on whlch Lo base Lhe proLesL
b WlLhln 48 hours afLer Lhe scheduled Llme of Lhe conLesL ls generally consldered a reasonable Llme
Sec 6 lnlC8MA1lCn 8LCul8Lu lC8 W8l11Ln 8C1LS1
1he formal wrlLLen proLesL should conLaln Lhe followlng lnformaLlon
a 1he daLe Llme and place of Lhe game
b 1he names of Lhe umplres and scorers
c 1he rule and secLlon of Lhe Cfflclal 8ules or local rules under whlch Lhe proLesL ls made
d 1he declslon and condlLlons surroundlng Lhe maklng of Lhe declslon
e All essenLlal facLs lnvolved ln Lhe maLLer proLesLed
Sec 7 8LSuL1 Cl 8C1LS1
1he declslon made on a proLesLed game musL resulL ln one of Lhe followlng
a 1he proLesL ls found lnvalld and Lhe game score sLands as played
b When a proLesL ls allowed for mlslnLerpreLaLlon of a playlng rule Lhe game ls replayed from Lhe polnL
aL whlch Lhe
lncorrecL declslon was made wlLh Lhe declslon correcLed
c When a proLesL for lnellglblllLy of a Leam rosLer member ls allowed Lhe game shall be forfelLed by Lhe
Leam8uLL 12 SCC8lnC
Sec 1 1PL ClllClAL SCC8L8
a Shall keep records of each game as ouLllned ln Lhe followlng rules
b Shall have Lhe sole auLhorlLy Lo make all declslons lnvolvlng [udgmenL lor example lL ls Lhe scorers
responslblllLy Lo deLermlne wheLher a baLLers advance Lo flrsL base ls Lhe resulL of a hlL or an error
Powever a
scorer shall noL make a declslon whlch confllcLs wlLh Lhe Cfflclal laylng 8ules or wlLh an umplres
Sec 2 1PL 8Cx SCC8L
a Lach players name and Lhe poslLlon or poslLlons Lo be played shall be llsLed ln Lhe order ln whlch he
baLLed or
would have baLLed unless Lhe player ls legally subsLlLuLed e[ecLed or removed from Lhe game or Lhe
game ends
before hls Lurn aL baL
nC1L (8lood 8ullng) Any sLaLlsLlcs accrued by Lhe 8eplacemenL layer whlle he ls ln Lhe game are
credlLed Lo LhaL
player even lf he ls a llsLed subsLlLuLe who does noL evenLually enLer Lhe game as a subsLlLuLlon for
anoLher player
1 (l CnL?) 1he ueslgnaLed layer (u) ls opLlonal buL lf one ls used lL musL be made known prlor Lo
sLarL of Lhe game and be llsLed on Lhe score sheeL ln Lhe regular baLLlng order 1en names wlll be llsLed
Lhe LenLh name belng Lhe lLLx LA?L8" for whom Lhe u ls baLLlng
2 (S CnL?) 1he LxLra layer (L) ls opLlonal buL lf one ls used lL musL be made known prlor Lo Lhe
sLarL of
Lhe game and be llsLed on Lhe score sheeL ln Lhe regular baLLlng order Lleven names (Lwelve for Coed)
wlll be
on Lhe offlclal baLLlng order and all wlll baL
nC1L lf an L ls used he musL be used Lhe enLlre game lallure Lo compleLe Lhe game wlLh an L
resulLs ln
forfelLure of Lhe game
b Lach players baLLlng and fleldlng record musL be LabulaLed
1 1he flrsL column shall show Lhe number of Llmes aL baL by each player buL a Llme aL baL shall noL be
agalnsL Lhe player when LhaL player
a) PlLs a sacrlflce fly LhaL scores a runner
b) ls awarded a base on balls
c) ls awarded flrsL base because of obsLrucLlon
d) (l CnL?) PlLs a sacrlflce bunL
e) (l CnL?) ls hlL by a plLched ball
2 1he second column shall show Lhe number of runs by each player
3 1he Lhlrd column shall show Lhe number of base hlLs made by each player A base hlL ls a baLLed ball
permlLs Lhe baLLer Lo reach Lhe base safely
a) When a baLLerrunner reaches flrsL base or any succeedlng base safely on a falr ball LhaL seLLles on
ground clears Lhe fence or sLrlkes Lhe fence before belng Louched by a flelder
b) When a baLLerrunner reaches flrsL base safely on a falr ball whlch ls hlL wlLh such force or such
or whlch Lakes an unnaLural bounce maklng lL lmposslble Lo fleld wlLh ordlnary efforL ln Llme Lo reLlre
c) When a falr ball whlch has noL been Louched by a flelder becomes dead because of Louchlng Lhe
person or cloLhlng of a runner or umplre
d) When Lhe flelder unsuccessfully aLLempLs Lo reLlre a precedlng runner and ln Lhe scorers [udgmenL
baLLerrunner would noL have been reLlred aL flrsL base by perfecL fleldlng
e) When Lhe baLLer ends Lhe game wlLh a base hlL LhaL drlves ln a sufflclenL number of runs Lo glve hls
Lhe lead Lhe baLLer shall be credlLed wlLh only as many bases as were advanced by Lhe runner scorlng
wlnnlng run provlded Lhe baLLer runs a slmllar number of bases
LxCL1lCn When Lhe baLLer ends Lhe game wlLh an ouL of Lhe park home run he shall be credlLed wlLh
a home run and all runners lncludlng hlmself shall be allowed Lo score
4 1he fourLh column shall show Lhe number of opponenLs puL ouL by each player
a) A puLouL ls credlLed Lo a flelder each Llme he
1) CaLches a fly ball or llne drlve
2) CaLches a Lhrown ball LhaL reLlres a baLLer or runner
3) 1ouches a runner wlLh Lhe ball when Lhe runner ls off Lhe base Lo whlch he ls enLlLled
4) ls nearesL Lhe ball when a runner ls declared ouL for belng sLruck by a falr ball or lnLerferlng wlLh Lhe
flelder3) ls nearesL Lhe unreporLed subsLlLuLe who ls declared ouL ln accordance wlLh 8ule 4 Sec 8g
6) ls nearesL a runner who ls called ouL for runnlng ouL of Lhe base paLh
b) A puLouL ls credlLed Lo Lhe caLcher
1) When a Lhlrd sLrlke ls called
2) (S CnL?) When Lhe baLLer bunLs or chops Lhe ball downward
3) When Lhe baLLer falls Lo baL ln correcL order
4) When Lhe baLLer lnLerferes wlLh Lhe caLcher
3) (S CnL?) When Lhe baLLer hlLs a Lhlrd sLrlke foul ball
6) When Lhe baLLer ls called ouL for baLLlng lllegally
7) (l CnL?) When Lhe baLLer ls called ouL for an aLLempLed bunL on Lhe Lhlrd sLrlke
8) When Lhe baLLer ls declared ouL for uslng an lllegal or alLered baL
9) When Lhe baLLer ls called ouL for changlng baLLer's box
3 1he flfLh column shall show Lhe number of asslsLs made by each player An asslsL shall be credlLed
a) 1o each player who handles Lhe ball ln any serles of plays whlch resulLs ln Lhe puLouL of Lhe runner
one asslsL and no more shall be glven Lo any player who handles Lhe ball ln any puLouL A player who
alded ln a rundown or oLher play of Lhe klnd may be credlLed wlLh boLh an asslsL and a puLouL
b) 1o each player who handles or Lhrows Lhe ball ln such a manner LhaL a puLouL would have resulLed
excepL for an error of a LeammaLe
c) 1o each player who by deflecLlng a baLLed ball alds ln a puLouL
d) 1o each player who handles Lhe ball ln a play whlch resulLs ln a runner belng called ouL for
or for runnlng ouL of base llne
6 1he slxLh column shall show Lhe number of errors made by each player Lrrors are recorded ln Lhe
a) lor each player who commlLs a mlsplay whlch prolongs Lhe Lurn aL baL of Lhe baLLer or llfe of Lhe
b) lor Lhe flelder who falls Lo Louch Lhe base afLer recelvlng Lhe ball Lo reLlre Lhe runner on a forceouL
when a runner ls compelled Lo reLurn Lo base
c) lor Lhe caLcher lf a baLLer ls awarded flrsL base for obsLrucLlon
d) lor Lhe flelder who falls Lo compleLe a double play because of dropplng Lhe ball
e) lor Lhe flelder lf a runner advances a base because of hls fallure Lo sLop or Lry Lo sLop a ball
Lhrown Lo a base provldlng Lhere was occaslon for Lhe Lhrow When more Lhan one player could recelve
Lhe Lhrow Lhe scorer musL deLermlne whlch player geLs Lhe error
Sec 3 8ASL Pl1S SPALL nC1 8L 8LCC8uLu
A base hlL shall noL be scored ln Lhe followlng cases
a When a runner ls forced ouL by a baLLed ball or would have been forced ouL excepL for a fleldlng
b When a player fleldlng a baLLed ball reLlres a precedlng runner wlLh ordlnary efforL
c When a flelder falls ln an aLLempL Lo reLlre a precedlng runner and ln Lhe scorers [udgmenL Lhe
could have been reLlred aL flrsL base
d When a baLLerrunner reaches flrsL base safely as a resulL of a precedlng runner belng called ouL for
wlLh a baLLed ball or a defenslve player
LxCL1lCn lf ln Lhe [udgmenL of Lhe scorer Lhe baLLer would have reached flrsL base safely had Lhe
lnLerference noL occurred a safe hlL shall be credlLed Lo Lhe baLLer
Sec 4 SAC8lllCL lL? 8ALLS
A sacrlflce fly ls scored when wlLh less Lhan Lwo ouLs
a 1he baLLer scores a runner wlLh a fly ball whlch ls caughL or
b 1he ball or Lhe llne drlve handled by an ouLflelder (or an lnflelder runnlng ln Lhe ouLfleld) ls dropped
and a
runner scores and ln Lhe scorers [udgmenL Lhe runner could have scored afLer Lhe caLch had Lhe fly
ball been
Sec 3 8unS 8A11Lu ln
A run baLLed ln ls a run scored because of one of Lhe followlng reasons
a A safe hlL
b A sacrlflce bunL or slap hlL (l CnL?) or sacrlflce fly (l and S)
c A foul fly caughL d An lnfleld puLouL or flelders cholce
e A runner forced home because of obsLrucLlon Lhe baLLer belng hlL wlLh a plLched ball or belng glven a
base on
f A homerun and all runs scored as a resulL
Sec 6 l1CPL8 C8Lul1Lu Wl1P A Wln
A plLcher shall be credlLed wlLh a wln ln Lhe followlng slLuaLlons
a When he ls Lhe sLarLlng plLcher and has plLched aL leasL four lnnlngs and hls Leam was noL only ln Lhe
lead when
he ls replaced buL remalns ln Lhe lead for Lhe remalnder of Lhe game
b When a game ls ended afLer flve lnnlngs of play and Lhe sLarLlng plLcher has plLched aL leasL Lhree
lnnlngs and hls
Leam scores more runs Lhan Lhe oLher Leam when Lhe game ls LermlnaLed
Sec 7 l1CPL8 CPA8CLu Wl1P A LCSS
A plLcher shall be charged wlLh a loss regardless of Lhe number of lnnlngs he has plLched lf he ls
replaced when hls
Leam ls behlnd ln Lhe score and hls Leam LhereafLer falls Lo Lle Lhe score or galn Lhe lead
Sec 8 CAML SuMMA8?
1he summary shall llsL Lhe followlng lLems ln Lhls order
a 1he score by lnnlngs and Lhe flnal score
b 1he runs baLLedln and by whom hlL
c 1wobase hlLs and by whom hlL
d 1hreebase hlLs and by whom hlL
e Pome runs and by whom hlL
f Sacrlflce flles and by whom hlL
g uouble plays and players parLlclpaLlng ln Lhem
h 1rlple plays and players parLlclpaLlng ln Lhem
l number of walks glven by each plLcher
[ number of baLLers sLruck ouL by each plLcher
k number of hlLs and runs allowed by each plLcher
l 1he name of Lhe wlnnlng plLcher
m 1he name of Lhe loslng plLcher
n 1he Llme of Lhe game
o 1he names of Lhe umplres and scorers
p (l CnL?) SLolen bases and by whom
q (l CnL?) Sacrlflce bunLs
r (l CnL?) 1he names of baLLers hlL by a plLched ball and Lhe plLcher who hlL Lhem
s (l CnL?) 1he number of wlld plLches made by each plLcher
L (l CnL?) 1he number of passed balls made by each caLcher
Sec 9 S1CLLn 8ASLS
(l CnL?) SLolen bases are credlLed Lo a runner whenever he advances one base unalded by a hlL a
puLouL an error
a forceouL a flelders cholce a passed ball a wlld plLch or an lllegal plLch
a 1hls lncludes a baLLerrunner advanclng Lo second on an awarded base on balls
Sec 10 8LCC8uS Cl lC8lLl1Lu CAMLS
All records of a forfelLed game shall be lncluded ln Lhe offlclal records excepL LhaL of a plLchers won
losL recordAppendlx 1 A
ClllClAL ulMLnSlCnS
lC8 SCl18ALL ulAMCnuSAppendlx 1 8
ClllClAL ulMLnSlCnS
lC8 SCl18ALL ulAMCnuSAppendlx 1 C
63 lCC1 ulAMCnu
lLLuS18A1lCn lC8 SLCW l1CP
2807 m (91' 11")
Pome laLe Lo 2
8aseAppendlx 1 u
8ASL LA1L Anu 8A11L8'S 8Cx MLASu8MLn1SAppendlx 1 L
CulCk 8LlL8LnCL ulS1AnCL 1A8LL
8acksLop Shall have an unobsLrucLed area of noL less Lhan 762m (23 fL) nor more Lhan
914m (30 fL) ln wldLh ouLslde Lhe foul llnes and beLween home plaLe and Lhe

a Pome plaLe Lo flrsL/Lhlrd1829m (60 fL) from Lhe back parL of home plaLe Lo
Lhe back of Lhe base
b Pome plaLe Lo second 2386m (84 fL 10 x ln) from back polnL of home plaLe
Lo Lhe mlddle of Lhe base
8aLLers boxes Cne on each slde of home plaLe shall measure 091m (3 fL) by 213m (7 fL) 1he
lnslde llnes of Lhe baLLers box shall be 132cm (6 ln) from home plaLe 1he fronL
llne of Lhe box shall be 122m (4 fL) ln fronL of a llne drawn Lhrough Lhe cenLer of
home plaLe 1he llnes are consldered as belng wlLhln Lhe baLLers box
CaLcher's box 303m (10 fL) ln lengLh from Lhe rear ouLslde corners of Lhe baLLers boxes and
shall be 237m (8 fL 3 ln) wlde
Coaches' boxes 8ehlnd a llne 437m (13 fL) long drawn ouLslde Lhe dlamond 1he llne ls parallel
Lo and 363m (12 fL) from Lhe flrsL and Lhlrd basellnes exLended from Lhe bases
Loward home plaLe
lences 8efer Lo Appendlx 2
Pome plaLe lL shall be a flveslded flgure 432cm (17 ln) wlde across Lhe edge faclng Lhe
plLcher 1he sldes shall be parallel Lo Lhe lnslde llnes of Lhe baLLers box and shall
be 216cm (8 1/2 ln) long 1he sldes of Lhe polnL faclng Lhe caLcher shall be
303cm (12 ln) long
Sklnned porLlon 1829m (60 fL) arc from Lhe fronL cenLer of Lhe plLchers plaLe
Llnes 30mm Lo 100 mm (2 Lo 4 ln) wlde
Cndeck clrcle 132m (3 fL) clrcle 076m (2 1/2 fL) radlus placed ad[acenL Lo Lhe end of players
bench or dugouL area closesL Lo home plaLe
Cne MeLer Llne urawn parallel Lo and 091 m (3 fL) from Lhe basellne sLarLlng aL a polnL halfway
beLween home plaLe and flrsL base
lLcher's clrcle 488m (16 fL) clrcle drawn from cenLer of Lhe fronL edge of Lhe plLchers plaLe
244m (8 fL) ln radlus
lLcher's plaLe Made of rubber 61cm (24 ln) long and 132cm (6 ln) wlde and Lhe Lop of Lhe
plaLe shall be level wlLh Lhe ground (1402m (46 fL) for men and 1311m (43 fL)
for women from Lhe back polnL of home plaLe
Sldellne Shall have an unobsLrucLed area of noL less Lhan 762m (23 fL) nor more Lhan
914m (30 fL) ln wldLh ouLslde Lhe foul llnes and beLween home plaLe and Lhe
Warnlng Lrack Mlnlmum of 363m (12 fL) Lo a maxlmum of 437m (13 fL) from Lhe ouLfleld
and/or slde fences Appendlx 2
ulS1AnCL 1A8LL
!unlor Women's l 16
and under
1219 m (40 fL) 1829 m (60 fL) 6706 m (220 fL)
!unlor Women's l
19 and under
1311 m (43 fL) 1829 m (60 fL) 6706 m (220 fL)
!unlor Men's l
16 and under
1402 m (46 fL) 1829 m (60 fL) 7620 m (230 fL)
!unlor Men's l
19 and under
1402 m (46 fL) 1829 m (60 fL) 7620 m (230 fL)
Women's l 1311 m (43 fL) 1829 m (60 fL) 6706 m (220 fL)
Men's l 1402 m (46 fL) 1829 m (60 fL) 7620 m (230 fL)
!unlor Women's S
16 and under
1402 m (46 fL) 1981 m (63 fL) 8077 m (263 fL)
!unlor Women's S
19 and under
1324 m (30 fL) 1981 m (63 fL) 8077 m (263 fL)
!unlor Men's S
16 and under
1402 m (46 fL) 1981 m (63 fL) 9144 m (300 fL)
!unlor Men's S
19 and under
1324 m (30 fL) 1981 m (63 fL) 9144 m (300 fL)
Women's S 1324 m (30 fL) 1981 m (63 fL) 8382 m (273 fL)
Men's S 1324 m (30 fL) 1981 m (63 fL) 9144 m (300 fL)
CoLd S 1324 m (30 fL) 1981 m (63 fL) 8382 m (273 fL)Appendlx 3
1hls secLlon serves as an example for laylng ouL a dlamond wlLh 1829m (60 fL) bases and a 1402m (46
fL) plLchlng
1 1o deLermlne Lhe poslLlon of home plaLe draw a llne ln Lhe dlrecLlon lL ls deslred Lo lay Lhe dlamond
urlve a
sLake aL Lhe corner of home plaLe nearesL Lhe caLcher lasLen a cord Lo Lhls sLake and Lle knoLs or
mark Lhe cord aL 1402m (46 fL) 1829m (60 fL) 2386m (84 fL 10 x ln) and aL 3638m (120 fL)
2 lace Lhe cord (wlLhouL sLreLchlng) along Lhe dlrecLlon llne and place a sLake aL Lhe 1402m (46 fL)
1hls wlll be Lhe fronL llne aL Lhe mlddle of Lhe plLcher's plaLe Along Lhe same llne drlve a sLake aL Lhe
2386m (84 fL 10 x ln) marker 1hls wlll be Lhe cenLer of second base lor Lhe 1981m (63 fL) base
Lhls llne wlll be 2802m (91 fL 11 ln)
3 lace Lhe 3638m (120 fL) marker aL Lhe cenLer of second base and Laklng hold of Lhe cord aL Lhe
1829m (60
fL) marker walk Lo Lhe rlghL of Lhe dlrecLlon llne unLll Lhe cord ls LauL and drlve a sLake aL Lhe 1829m (60
markerLhls wlll be Lhe ouLslde corner of flrsL base and Lhe cord wlll now form Lhe llnes Lo flrsL and
4 Agaln holdlng Lhe cord aL Lhe 1829m (60 fL) marker walk across Lhe fleld and ln llke manner mark
ouLslde corner of Lhlrd base Pome plaLe flrsL base and Lhlrd base are wholly lnslde Lhe dlamond
3 1o check Lhe dlamond place Lhe home plaLe end of Lhe cord aL Lhe flrsL base sLake and Lhe 3638m
(120 fL)
marker aL Lhlrd base 1he 1829m (60 fL) marker should now check aL home plaLe and second base
6 ln laylng ouL a 1981m (63 fL) base paLh dlamond follow Lhe same procedure wlLh Lhe followlng
dlmenslons 1981m (63 fL) 3962m (130 fL) and 2802m (91 fL 11 ln)
7 Check all dlsLances wlLh a sLeel Lape whenever posslbleAppendlx 4
8all SLandards
1 1he compleLed 303cm (12 ln) ball shall be beLween 302cm (11 7/8 ln) and 308cm (12 1/8 ln) ln
clrcumference and shall welgh beLween 1780g (6 1/4 ounces) and 1984g (7 ounces) 1he flaL seam
shall have noL less Lhan 88 sLlLches ln each cover sewn by Lhe Lwoneedle meLhod
2 1he compleLed 279cm (11 ln) ball shall be beLween 276cm (10 7/8 ln) and 283cm (11 1/8 ln) ln
clrcumference and shall welgh beLween 1663g (3 7/8 ounces) and 1736g (6 1/8 ounces) 1he flaL seam
shall have noL less Lhan 80 sLlLches ln each cover sewn by Lhe Lwoneedle meLhod
3 1he compleLed ball shall have a coefflclenL of resLlLuLlon and compresslon sLandard as shall be
and seL by Lhe lSl LqulpmenL SLandards Commlsslon
4 1he whlLe cover whlLesLlLch or yellow opLlc cover redsLlLch 303cm (12 lnch) ball wlLh a CC8 of 47
under shall be used ln Lhe followlng lSl champlonshlp play Mens and Womens lasL lLch !unlor Men's
lasL lLch and Slow lLch and !unlor Women's lasL lLch 1he balls shall have an lSl logo marklng
3 1he redsLlLch 303cm (12 lnch) ball wlLh a CC8 of 47 and under shall be used ln all adulL Mens Slow
and Coed Slow lLch and musL have a marklng of MS47 ln addlLlon Lo Lhe lSl logo
6 1he redsLlLch 279cm (11 lnch) ball wlLh a CC8 of 47 and under shall be used ln all Womens Slow
and Clrls Slow lLch lL musL have a CWS47 marklng ln addlLlon Lo Lhe lSl logo
7 Cn balls used ln lSl Champlonshlp lay Lhe load force requlred Lo compress Lhe ball 064cm (023
musL noL exceed 1701kg (373 pounds) when such balls are measured ln accordance wlLh Lhe AS1M LesL
meLhod for measurlng compresslondlsplacemenL of sofLballs whlch ls endorsed by Lhe lSl LqulpmenL
SLandards Commlsslon
LlsLed below are Lhe sLandards esLabllshed for each ball
SofLball 8all Color 1hread Color Mln Slze Max Slze Mln WL MaxWL
303cm WhlLe or whlLe sLlLch or 302cm 308cm 1780g 1984g
(12 l) ?ellow CpLlc red sLlLch (117/8) (121/8) (6 1/4 oz) (7 oz)
303cm WhlLe red sLlLch 302cm 308cm 1780g 1984g
(12 S) (117/8) (121/8) (6 1/4 oz) (7 oz)
279cm WhlLe red sLlLch 276cm 283cm 1663g 1736g
(11 S) (107/8) (111/8") (37/8 oz) (61/8oz)
lSl LCCCAppendlx 3
(a) alm wldLh (Lop) 203cm (8 ln)
(b) alm wldLh (boLLom) 216cm (8 1/2 ln)
(c) 1op openlng of web 127cm (3 ln)
(d) 8oLLom openlng of web 113cm (4 1/2 ln)
(e) Web Lop Lo boLLom 184cm (7 1/4 ln)
(f) 1sL flnger croLch seam 190cm (7 1/2 ln)
(g) 1humb croLch seam 190cm (7 1/2 ln)
(h) CroLch seam 443cm (17 1/2 ln)
(l) 1humb Lop Lo boLLom edge 233cm (9 1/4 ln)
([) 1sL flnger Lop Lo boLLom edge 336cm (14 ln)
(k) 2nd flnger Lop Lo boLLom edge 337cm (13 1/4 ln)
(l) 3rd flnger Lop Lo boLLom edge 311cm (12 1/4 ln)
(m) 4Lh flnger Lop Lo boLLom edge 279cm (11 ln)S A
L 8
C 1
8 1 l
(8eferences are Lo 8ule SecLlon and ArLlcle) u l C
L n L
AL1L8Lu 8A1 1 1
8aL speclflcaLlons 3 1
8aLLer ln box wlLh 7 6 b
8aLLer ls ouL for uslng 7 6 b
uead ball 9 1 u
llare" or Cone" grlp aLLachmenL 3 1 m noLe
ALAL LA? 1 2
AddlLlonal ouL appeals 3 7 c
8 9 LffecL g [ 4
May noL resulL ln an addlLlonal ouL 7 2 LffecL 2 (e)
AfLer 1lme CuL 8 9 LffecL g [ 3
9 1 y
8aLLerrunner Louches wrong base aL 1sL base 8 2 f LffecL f
8aLLlng ouL of order 7 2 d LffecL 2c d
uead 8all Appeal 8 9 LffecL g [ 3
lllegal 8eenLry 4 7 LffecL Sec 7 ac 1
May be made Lo relnsLaLe correcL baLLlng order 7 2 LffecL Sec 2 cd 2
8 9 LffecL g[ 4
May noL be made 1 2 ac
8 9 LffecL g [ 1
Cffenslve Leam members may appeal 1 2
4 7 LffecL 1
4 8 b
4 11 b LffecL 11 ab 2
4 11 e LffecL 11 de 4
8unners can leave base on dead ball appeal 8 9 LffecL g [ 3 LxcepLlon
8unners can leave base on llve ball appeal 8 9 LffecL g [ 2
8unners cannoL reLurn 8 4 f
8unners ouL 8 9 g [ LffecL 9 g[
1ag up play (Lxample) 11 3
1ypes of appeals 1 2 c 1 9
Called by umplre 7 3 a h
Carrled lnLo dead ball LerrlLory (lnLenLlonal) 8 7 [
Carrled lnLo dead ball LerrlLory (unlnLenLlonal) 8 7 l
uead ball slLuaLlons 9 1
uelayed uead 8all slLuaLlons 9 3
lalr ball 1 29
ln play 9 2
no slgnal used 10 7 c
Cfflclal 3 3
CuL of play on aLLempLed Lag 8 7 f LffecL LxcepLlon 1
uLLlng ln play 9 2 a
Slze of ball 3 3
Sllps from plLchers hand (l) (M) 6 11
(S) 6 10 d
?ellow opLlc covered may be used 3 3 g
8ALL CC8 1 4
Maxlmum for use on balls 3 3 f Appendlx 4 17
8ASL LlnL 1 3
8ASL Cn 8ALLS 1 6
8aLLer becomes baLLerrunner 8 1 c
lnLenLlonal (l) (S) 1 38
8 1 c LffecL 3
(Coed S) 8 1 c LffecL 4
(M) 6 8
1reaLed same as baLLed ball 8 9 w LffecL noLe
8ASL A1P 1 7
8unner noL ouL 8 10 a
8unnlng ouLslde of 8 9 a
8ASL uMl8L 10 3
8ASLS 2 4 h Appendlx 2
MusL be run ln legal order 8 4
8A1 (SpeclflcaLlons) 3 1
ALLachmenL on baL 7 1 d noLe
PlLs ball a second Llme 7 6 lMay be engraved wlLh
personal lu" 1 1
8emoved from game 7 6 noLe Sec 6 bc
Warmup baL 3 2
8A1 8C?/Cl8L
MusL wear helmeL 3 6 f ll
8A11Lu 8ALL 1 8
8ecomes a falr ball 1 29
8ecomes a foul ball 1 37
SeLLles on home plaLe 1 29 a
1ouches a base 1 29 c
8A11L8 1 9
Awarded Lwo bases (Coed S) 8 1 c LffecL Sec 1 4
8ecomes a baLLerrunner 8 1
8aLs lllegally 7 6 d e
8unLs foul afLer 2 sLrlkes (l) 7 6 f
CannoL 8unL (S) 7 6 h
CannoL chop down on ball (S) 7 6 h
uellberaLely dlsLracLed by defense (l) (S) 6 4 b
(M) 6 3 b
uellberaLely erases llnes of baLLer's box 7 3 b LffecL Sec 3 b
7 4 [
9 1 ac
L[ecLed from game 7 6 b noLe
LnLers box wlLh alLered baL 7 6 b
9 1 u
LnLers box wlLh lllegal baL 7 6 c
9 1 v
PlL by a legal plLch (l) 8 1 f
(S) 7 3 e
9 1 d
PlL by an lllegal lLch (l) 6 LffecL 17 (6)
(M) 6 LffecL 18 (3)
(S) 7 3 e
PlLLlng ball wlLh baL a second Llme 7 6 l
lnLenLlonally walked (l) (S) 6 8
8 1 c LffecL 3
(Coed S) 8 1 c LffecL 4
(M) 6 4
lnLenLlonally lnLerferes wlLh a Lhrown ball 7 6 k 4
lnLerferes wlLh flelder's opporLunlLy Lo make a play afLer belng called ouL 8 9 o
lnLerferes wlLh play aL home plaLe (l) 7 6 k 3
lnLerferes wlLh Lhe caLcher 7 6 k 1 2
ln game lllegally 4 8 g LffecL 2 4 1(ac)
Leaves box Lo geL a runnlng sLarL before hlLLlng ball 7 6 e
May be penallzed a sLrlke 7 3 a b
noL Laklng poslLlon wlLhln 10 seconds 7 3 a
7 4 l
9 1 z
CbsLrucLed 8 1 d
Cndeck baLLer 7 1
CuL 7 6
CuL for falllng Lo wear helmeL 3 6 f ll LffecL 1 2
CuL on Lhlrd sLrlke foul Llp (S) 7 4 c LffecL
oslLlon ln baLLer's box 7 3 c
SLepplng across home plaLe whlle plLcher ls Laklng slgnal from caLcher 7 6 [
1akes a runnlng sLarL before hlLLlng ball 7 6 e
uslng an alLered baL 7 6 b
uslng an lllegal baL 7 6 c
When a Lhlrd ouL ls made whlle aL baL 7 2 e
8A11L8S 8Cx 1 10
ulmenslons 2 4 c Appendlx 18
8A11L8S CnuLCk Cl8CLL 1 71
2 4 b Appendlx 18
7 1 a
Cndeck baLLer may leave 7 1 e
8A11L88unnL8 1 11
lalls Lo go dlrecLly Lo flrsL base 8 2 d
lalls Lo Louch falr porLlon of double base 8 2 f
lllegal glove used on play 8 3
lnLerferes wlLh play aL plaLe 8 2 h
lnLerferes wlLh a falrbaLLed ball 8 2 g 3
lnLerferes wlLh a dropped Lhlrd sLrlke (l) 8 2 g 6
lnLerferes wlLh flelder aL flrsL base 8 2 g 1(a)
8 2 [
lnLerferes wlLh a flelder fleldlng a baLLed ball 8 2 g 2
lnLerferes wlLh a flelder Lhrowlng Lhe ball 8 2 g 3
lnLerferes wlLh a Lhrown ball 8 2 g 1 (b)
8 2 g 4
noL ouL 8 3
(Coed S) 8 1 c LffecL 4 noLeCbsLrucLed
8 1 d
CuL 8 2
CuL for removlng helmeL 3 6 f ll LffecL 2
CuL on dropped Lhlrd sLrlke (l) 8 2 a
CuL on lnLenLlonal lnLerference when uslng double base 2 4 h 1 (c) LxcepLlon
CuL when lmmedlaLe precedlng runner lnLerferes 8 2 m
CuL when lnfleld lly declared 8 2 e
CuL when flelder lnLenLlonally drops a fly ball 8 2 l
CuL when member of Leam aL baL lnLerferes 7 1 f LffecL 2
8 2 k
CuL when nonLeam member lnLerferes 8 2 n
Cverruns flrsL base 8 10 l
8 9 v LffecL noLe
8uns ouLslde onemeLer llne 8 2 g 1
SLeps back Loward home plaLe 8 2 l
1ouches wrong base when runnlng Lo flrsL base 8 2 f
8A11lnC C8uL8 1 12
7 2
MusL be alLernaLlng sexes (Coed S) 7 2 b
When uslng a ueslgnaLed layer (l) 4 3 ab d f 2
When uslng an LxLra layer (S) 4 6 a c d e g
8A11lnC Cu1 Cl C8uL8 7 2 c d LffecL 2 cd
ulscovered whlle on base 7 2 LffecL Sec 2 cd 4
1wo or more ouLs may be achleved 7 2 LffecL Sec 2 cd 2(b)
8LCCkLu 8ALL 1 13
Award of bases 8 7 f LffecL Sec 7 f
8all becomes dead 9 1 L
Caused by offenslve equlpmenL on fleld 3 6 f ll LffecL 2 LxcepLlon
3 6 f ll LffecL 3 LxcepLlon
3 7 7 LffecL Sec 7
llelder may noL do so wlLhouL possesslon of ball 1 66 b 13
8 7 b 13
llelder may noL do so wlLh possesslon of Lhe ball 1 66 b 4 3
8 7 b 4 3
8Cu? 8C1LC1C8S 3 6 d
lor umplres 10 1 e 2
MusL be worn by all caLchers ln lasL lLch 3 6 d
8Cx SCC8L 12 2
8un1 1 14
8aLLer CuL for bunLlng (S) 7 6 h
8aLLer CuL for bunLlng foul wlLh Lwo sLrlkes (l) 7 6 f
lnLenLlonally dropped 8 2 l
8 8 g
9 1 w
noL LreaLed as an lnfleld lly 1 36
CAS 3 8 a
CAS1S 3 8 f
CA1CP 1 13
uellberaLely dropped 8 2 l
8 8 g
9 1 w
Legally caughL ball 1 63
When compleLed 1 13
CannoL wear plasLlc face mask/guard (l) 3 6 c noLe
MusL be ln poslLlon Lo recelve plLch (l) (M) 6 1 b
(l) 6 6 a
(M) 6 7 a
(S) 6 1 a
6 6 a
MusL reLurn ball dlrecLly Lo plLcher (l) (S) 6 6 b
(M) 6 7 b
MusL wear a body proLecLor 3 6 d
MusL wear a helmeL (l) 3 6 a
MusL wear shln guards 3 6 e
CbsLrucLs baLLer 8 1 d
CA1CPL8S 8Cx 1 16
ulmenslons 2 4 d Appendlx 18
CA1CPL8S C8S18uC1lCn 8 1 d
CreaLes a delayed dead ball 9 3 b
CPAnCL Cl uMl8LS 10 3
CPA8CLu CCnlL8LnCL 1 17
Conference ls over 3 8 b noLe 3
uefenslve 1 17 b
uefenslve conferences are accumulaLlve 3 8 b noLe 4
lncludes flelders golng Lo dugouL 1 17 b(2)
3 8 b noLe 1
Cffenslve 1 17 a
3 8 aCPCLu 8ALL 1 18
8aLLer ls ouL for chopplng down on ball (S) 7 6 h
CLLA1S (Shoes) 3 3
CCACP 1 19
4 1
AsslsLs runner 8 9 e
ALLempLs Lo creaLe an lllegal lLch (l) (M) (S) 6 10 e
uefenslve Leam coach 4 1 d
uraws Lhrow from flelder 8 9 q
L[ecLed from game 4 3 LffecL a f
4 7 LffecL Sec 7 ac 3
3 3 f 9
3 8 a LffecL Sec 8 a
8 9 aa LffecL Sec 9 aa
10 9 c e f
lnLerferes wlLh a Lhrow 8 9 r1
lnLerferes wlLh opporLunlLy Lo make a play 8 9 r 2
Manager referred Lo as Pead Coach 1 19 b
May noL use communlcaLlon equlpmenL 4 1 f
May noL use offenslve language 4 1 e
Cffenslve Leam coach 4 1 c
layers may be deslgnaLed as coach 1 19 a
1wo coaches may be on fleld 4 1 c 2
CCACPS 8Cx 2 4 e Appendlx 18
CCln 1CSS 3 1
CCMMunlCA1lCn LCulMLn1
noL allowed 4 1 f
CCnul1lCnS Cl llLLu 3 2
CCnlL8LnCLS 1 17
uefenslve 3 8 b
noL charged 3 8 a noLe 2
3 8 b noLe 2
3 8 b noLe 6
3 8 c
Cffenslve 3 8 a
CCu81LS? 8unnL8 (lLLLCAL)
ln[ured runner may be subsLlLuLed 9 1 l
C8CW PC (l) 1 20
ls an lllegal acL (l) 6 3 [
(M) 6 3 l
uLAu 8ALL 1 21
uLlLnSlvL CCnlL8LnCLS 1 17 b
LlmlLed Lo Lhree per seven lnnlngs 3 8 b
uLlLnSlvL 1LAM 1 22
uLLA?Lu uLAu 8ALL 1 23
9 3
CaLcher obsLrucLlon 8 1 d
ConLacLlng ball wlLh deLached equlpmenL 8 7 f 3
lllegal plLch (l) (S) 6 LffecL Sec 17
(M) 6 LffecL Sec 18
CbsLrucLlon 8 7 b
laLe umplre lnLerferes wlLh Lhrow (l) 8 8 l
Slgnal 10 7 [
uLLl8L8A1L C8ASP 8? 8unnL8 8 9 s
uLSlCnA1Lu LA?L8 u (l) 1 24
4 3
Came can proceed wlLh 9 or 10 players 4 3 f 1
May be replaced by Lhe lLLx 4 3 f
May play offense defense 4 3 g h
May reenLer 4 3 b
Mlnlmum number of players when uslng 4 3 a
8eplaclng Lhe lLLx on defense ls noL a subsLlLuLlon 4 3 h noLe Sec 3 h
Scorlng 12 2 a 1
ulAMCnu ulMLnSlCnS (Also refer Lo drawlngs) 2 Appendlx 1A8
ulSLCuCLu 8ASL 1 23
8unner may be puL ouL 8 6 c
8 10 n noLe Sec 10 n
8unner noL ouL when he dlslodges base 8 10 n
Succeedlng runners noL requlred Lo Louch 8 4 c
ulSA8AClnC 8LMA8kS 10 9 a
Coaches may noL use 4 1 e
ulSu1Lu CALLS 4 9
uCu8LL 8ASL 2 4 h 1 Appendlx 1u
8aLLed ball hlLs base 2 4 h 1 (a)
uropped Lhlrd sLrlke (l) 2 4 h 1 (b)
no play made aL base 2 4 h 1 (e)
lay made aL base on a baLLed ball 2 4 h 1 (b)
lay made from flrsL base foul LerrlLory 2 4 h 1 (c) LxcepLlon
uCu8LL C8Cunu 8uLL 8 1 g LffecL LxcepLlon
8 7 h LffecL LxcepLlonuCu8LL LA? 1 26
u8CLu 8ALL uu8lnC l1CPL8'S Wlnuu (l) (M) 6 11
(S) 6 10 d
u8CLu 1Pl8u S18lkL
8aLLer ls ouL (l) 7 6 m
(S) 7 6 g
8aLLerrunner ls ouL (l) 8 2 a
8aLLerrunner may use elLher porLlon of double base (l) 2 4 h 1 (c) LxcepLlon
uuCCu1 1 27
ConducL ln dugouL 4 10
LlCP1 lCC1 Cl8CLL 8uLL (l) 8 9 w
L!LC1lCn l8CM CAML 1 28
AddlLlonal charged offenslve conference 3 8 a LffecL Sec 8 a
8aLLer uslng alLered baL 7 6 b
uellberaLe crash by runner 8 9 s noLe Sec 9 s
Lmploylng LacLlcs Lo creaLe lllegal plLch (l) (M) (S) 6 10 e noLe Sec 10 e
llelder dlsLracLs baLLer (l) (S) 6 4 b noLe Sec 4 b
(M) 6 3 b noLe Sec 3 b
llelder obsLrucLs wlLh a fake Lag 8 7 b LffecL 7 b 2
lorelgn subsLance placed on ball (l) (S) 6 3 a noLe Sec 3 a
(M) 6 6 a noLe Sec 6 a
lorfelL resulLs from e[ecLlon 3 3 f 6 7
lllegal LxLra layer (S) 4 6 LffecL Sec 6
lllegal lLcher reLurns Lo game (l) (M) 6 12 LffecL Sec 12
(S) 6 11 LffecL Sec 11
lllegal 8eenLry 4 7 LffecL Sec 7 3
Cf coach 4 1 LffecL Sec 1
Cf Leam members 4 9
4 10 LffecL Sec 10
10 9 b e f
Cf Leam offlclals 10 9 c e f
Cndeck baLLers 3 6 f ll LffecL 1 LxcepLlon
laclng u ln lncorrecL baLLlng poslLlon 4 3 LffecL Sec 3 a f
8eLurn afLer e[ecLlon causes forfelL 3 3 f 9
8unners swlLchlng poslLlon on bases afLer offenslve conference 8 9 aa LffecL Sec 9 aa
1eam member erases llnes of baLLer's box 7 3 b LffecL noLe
umplres may e[ecL for vlolaLlons 10 1 l 3
uslng lllegal warmup baLs 7 1 d LffecL Sec 1 d
LLlCl8lLl1? Cl LA?L8 MA? 8L 8C1LS1Lu 4 8 b Sec 8 b noLe
11 2 d
LCulMLn1 3
LefL on fleld 3 7
L88C8S (Scorlng of) 12 2 b 6
Lx18A LA?L8 L (S) 4 6
May reenLer 4 6 f
Mlnlmum number of players when uslng 4 3 a 4
Scorlng 12 2 a 2
use of (Coed S) 4 6 d
lACL MASkS 3 6 c
CaLchers may noL wear (l) 3 6 c noLe Sec 6 c
uamaged facemasks prohlblLed 3 6 c
lAl8 8ALL 1 29
ConLacLs Lhe foul pole 1 29 g
8 1 g 3
8 7 g 3
lnLerfered wlLh 8 1 e
8 1 h 1
!udged by poslLlon of ball 1 29 noLe 1 2
Slgnal 10 7 f
SLrlkes baLLerrunner 8 2 g 3
SLrlkes runner 8 1 e
8 3 f 1
8 10 d f
9 1 g
9 2 d
SLrlkes umplre 8 1 e
8 3 f 1
9 1 g
9 2 d e
lAl8 1L88l1C8? 1 30
lAkL 1AC 1 31
Causes obsLrucLlon 8 7 b 3 LffecL 2
llLLuL8 1 32
Causes obsLrucLlon 8 7 b
ueflecLs a baLLed ball ouL of play 8 1 g 2 LffecL
LxcepLlon 2 3
8 7 g 2 LffecL
LxcepLlon 2 3
8 7 h1uellberaLely klcks ball ouL of play 8 7 [
ulsLracLs baLLer (l) (S) 6 4 b
(M) 6 3 b
lnLenLlonally carrles ball ouL of play 8 7 [
ln game lllegally 4 8 g LffecL Sec 8 24
lnLerfered wlLh 7 6 f LxcepLlon 1
7 6 k 13
8 1 h 2 3
8 2 g 1 (a)
8 2 g 2 3
8 2 h
8 2 [
8 2 k
8 2 m
8 2 n 1
8 7 k 1 4 3
8 8 h
8 9 m
8 9 n
8 9 r
8 9 z
Loses possesslon of ball on Lag play 8 7 f LffecL LxcepLlon 1
oslLlons on dlamond 4 3 a
unlnLenLlonally carrles ball ouL of play 8 7 [
ll1nLSS Cl C8Cunu 3 2
lL? 8ALL 1 33
Carrled lnLo dead ball area 8 7 l[
uellberaLely dropped 8 2 l
8 8 g
9 1 w
lnLerfered wlLh 7 6 f LxcepLlon 2
8 2 n 2
8 7 l 2
lLLx LA?L8 (l) 1 34
LlsLed ln 10Lh poslLlon on llneup card 4 3 c
May play offense defense 4 3 l 2
May reenLer game 4 3 l
May replace Lhe ueslgnaLed layer on offence 4 3 f noLe
lC8CL Cu1 1 33
8 2 c
8 9 c
8uns do noL score 3 7 b 12
lC8LlCn Su8S1AnCL Cn 8ALL (l) (S) 6 3
(M) 6 6
lC8lLl1 1 36
lallure Lo compleLe game wlLh L (S) 4 6 b
lnellglble player reLurns Lo game 4 8 g noLe Lo LffecL
lnellglble rosLer member used 11 7 c
no subsLlLuLe avallable 4 11 LffecL de 3
laLe umplre declares 10 2 f
8easons for forfelL 3 3 f 19
8emoved or e[ecLed Leam member falls Lo leave game 10 9 f
Score of 3 4 c
Scorlng records 12 10
1eam has lnsufflclenL players 4 3 b LffecL
lCuL 8ALL 1 37
Slgnal 10 7 e
lCuL 1L88l1C8? 1 38
lCuL 1l 1 39
ls a sLrlke 1 39 noLe
7 4 c
CAML CALLLu 8? uMl8L 3 3 c
CLCvLS (refer Lo sofLball glove drawlng) 3 4 Appendlx 3
use of lllegal glove 8 3
8 10 o
C8Cunu 8uLL uCu8LL 8 1 g LffecL LxcepLlon
8 7 h LffecL
Slgnal 10 7 l
C8Cunu 8uLLS 2 2
ulscusslon wlLh managers 10 1 g
PAnuS nC1 A81 Cl 8A1 8 1 f noLe
PLAu 8AnuS 3 8 a 2
PLAu CCACP 1 19 b
MusL provlde name of new coach ln case of e[ecLlon 4 7 LffecL 4
10 9 c noLe
name musL be llsLed on llneup card 4 2 a 4
8esponslble for slgnlng llneup card 4 1 a
PLlCP1 Cl l1CP (S) 6 3 h
PLLML1S 1 40
AccldenLally dlslodged 3 6 f ll LffecL 3Are mandaLory
(l) 3 6 f ll
CaLcher's helmeL noL requlred Lo have earflaps 1 40 b
uamaged helmeLs prohlblLed 1 40 d
3 6 f noLe
uefenslve player may wear 3 6 f l
3 8 a LxcepLlon
uellberaLely removed durlng play 3 6 f ll LffecL 2
MusL have Lwo earflaps 1 40 a
1hrown ball conLacLs helmeL 3 6 f ll LffecL 2 LxcepLlon
3 6 f ll LffecL 3 LxcepLlon
Pl1 8? l1CP (8aLLer) 7 6 a 2
(l) 8 1 f
(S) 7 4 f
(l) (S) 6 LffecL Sec 17 3
(M) 6 LffecL Sec 18 3
8all ls dead 9 1 d
PCML LA1L 2 4 f Appendlx 1u
PCML 8un 8 1 g LffecL
8 7 g LffecL
8emoval of helmeL on a home run 3 6 f ll LffecL 2
Slgnal 10 7 m
PCML 1LAM 1 41
lLLLCAL 8A1 1 42
8aLLer ln box wlLh 7 6 c
8aLLer ls ouL for uslng 7 6 c
uead ball 9 1 v
lLLLCAL Lx18A LA?L8 (S) 1 43
use of 4 6 LffecL Sec 6 af
8aLLerrunner noL ouL 8 3
8unner noL ouL 8 10 o
lLLLCAL l1CP (l) (S) 6 LffecL Sec 17
(M) 6 LffecL Sec 17
PlLs baLLer (l) (S) 6 LffecL Sec 17 3
(M) 6 LffecL Sec 17 3
(S) 7 4 f h
7 3 e
ls nulllfled (l) 6 LffecL Sec 17 3
LxcepLlon (M) 6 LffecL Sec 18 3 LxcepLlon
(S) 6 LffecL Sec 17
Cn squeeze play (l) 6 4 c enalLy
(M) 6 3 c enalLy
CpLlon glven (l) (M) 6 LffecL Sec 17 3
lLcher Lhrows Lo base from plLchers plaLe (l) 6 7
(M) 6 8
WhaL consLlLuLes (l) (S) 6 17
(M) 6 18
lLLLCAL l1CPL8 1 44
ueclared for plLchlng wlLh excesslve speed (S) 6 3 g noLe
ueclared when defense exceeds conference llmlL 3 8 b LffecL
8eLurns Lo plLchlng poslLlon (l) (M) 6 12 LffecL
(S) 6 11 LffecL
lLLLCAL LA?L8 1 43
MusL be appealed 4 7 LffecL 1
4 8 g LffecL Sec 8 g 24
enalLy for use of 4 7 c LffecL 3
4 8 g 24 LffecL
lLLLCAL 8LLn18? 1 46
u baLs ln lncorrecL poslLlon (l) 4 3 LffecL a f
enalLy for use of 4 7 a b c LffecL Sec 7 ac 3
use of lnellglble 8eplacemenL layer 4 11 LffecL ab 1
lLLLCAL Su8S1l1u1L 1 47
MusL be appealed 4 8 b
enalLy for use of 4 8 g 24 LffecL
lLLLCAL WA8Mu 8A1S 3 2
enalLy for use of 7 1 d LffecL
lLLLCALL? 8A11Lu 8ALL 1 48
8all ls dead 9 1 a
8aLLer ls ouL 7 6 d e
8unners musL reLurn 8 8 b
8unners may advance wlLhouL llablllLy 8 7 e
lnCCMLL1L CAML 3 3 g
lnCC88LC1 unllC8M nuM8L8 Cn LlnLu CA8u 1 63 noLe
4 11 noLe
lnLLlCl8LL LA?L8 1 30
Called ouL 4 8 b LxcepLlon (8b) 1
Causes forfelL 3 3 f 84 8 g 24 LffecL noLe
8emoved from game 4 8 g 24 LffecL
lnLLlCl8LL 8LLACLMLn1 LA?L8 1 31
use of consldered an lllegal 8eenLry 4 11 LffecL ab 1
ln lLlCP1 1 32
ln !LCA8u? 1 33
ln LA? (8all) 9 2 a ag
CuL of play llnes 8 7 l LffecL noLe
lnllLLu 1 34
lnllLLuL8 1 33
lnllLLu lL? 1 36
8all remalns allve 9 2 b
8aLLerrunner ouL 8 2 e
Slgnal 10 7 n
1akes precedence over dellberaLely dropped ball 8 2 l LffecL noLe
8 8 g noLe
9 1 w noLe
ln!u8Lu LA?L8
May be replaced aL pregame meeLlng 4 4 b
May be subsLlLuLed prlor Lo advanclng Lo an awarded base 9 1 l
umplre should suspend play 10 8 f
lnnlnC 1 37
lnSuL1lnC 8LMA8kS 1CWA8u LA?L8S C8 uMl8LS 10 9 a
ln1Ln1lCnAL 8ASL Cn 8ALLS (WALk) (l) (S) 1 38
(l) (S) 6 8
8 1 c LffecL 3
(M) 6 8
8all ls dead (l and S) 9 1 ad
ln1Ln1lCnALL? u8CLu lL? 8ALL 1 39
8all dead 9 1 w
8aLLerrunner ouL 8 2 l
lnfleld lly Lakes precedence 8 2 l LffecL noLe
8unner reLurns 8 8 g
1rapped ball noL consldered Lo be dropped 8 2 l noLe
ln1L8lL8LnCL 1 60
AcL of overrldes obsLrucLlon 8 7 b LffecL 4 LxcepLlon 1
8all dead 9 1 f
9 1 aa
8aLLed ball sLrlklng umplre 8 1 e
8aLLerrunner reLurns Lo baL 8 2 k LxcepLlon noLe
8y base coach 8 9 p q
8y baLLer 7 6 k
8y baLLerrunner 8 2 g [
8 9 z
8y lmmedlaLe precedlng runner 8 2 m
8y member of Leam aL baL 8 2 k
8 9 p
8 9 r
8y nonLeam member 8 2 n
8 7 k
9 1 aa
8y ondeck baLLer 7 1 f
8y plaLe umplre (l) 8 8 l
8y runner 8 9 k n
8 9 o s
Caused by offenslve Leam equlpmenL 8 7 f LxcepLlon 3
PlLLlng a baLLed ball a second Llme 7 6 l
8unners reLurn unless forced 8 8 c
8 8 h
8 9 s LffecLs ks
WlLh a dropped Lhlrd sLrlke (l) 8 2 g 6
WlLh a llve ball 8 2 g 1 (b)
8 2 g 4
8 2 g 3
8 2 n 2
8 3 f 1
8 7 f
8 7 k23
8 7 k 6
8 8 l noLe
8 7 l
8 9 k m
8 9 r 1
!LWLL8? 3 8 g
layer removed from game 3 8 g LffecL
!uuCMLn1 uLClSlCnS ulSu1Lu 4 9
CCACPlnC C8 AC1lnC AS 8A1 8C?S/Cl8LS 3 6 f ll
LLAlnC (l) 1 61
LLCAL uLLlvL8? (l) (M) (S) 6 3LLCAL 1CuCP (1AC)
1 62
8aLLerrunner ls ouL 8 2 a c
8unner ls ouL 8 9 b c
LLCAL WA8Mu 8A1S 3 2
Cndeck baLLer may use 7 1 d
LlnL u8lvL 1 64
uellberaLely dropped 8 2 l
8 8 g
9 1 w
noL an lnfleld lly 1 36
LlnLu LlnLu CA8u 1 63
4 2 a
8aLLlng Crder Lo be followed 7 2 c
L[ecLlon of named manager/coach 4 7 LffecL 3
Pead coach musL slgn 4 1 a
lncorrecL unlform number llsLed 1 63 noLe
4 11 noLe
LlvL 8ALL 9 2 a ag
Carrled lnLo dead ball LerrlLory 8 7 l[
LCSS CPA8CLu 1C l1CPL8 (Scorlng) 12 7
MAnACL8 L!LC1Lu 4 7 LffecL 3
10 9 c e f
MASkS Anu 1P8CA1 8C1LC1C8S 3 6 ac noLe 12
umplre musL wear (l) 10 1 e 1
MAxlMuM A8C Cn l1CP (S) 6 3 h
MLulCAL AA8A1uS 3 8 f g
MlnlMuM A8C Cn l1CP (S) 6 3 h
Ml11S 3 4
MCulllLu l1CPlnC 8uLLS (M) 6
MuL1lCCLCu8Lu CLCvLS (use of) 3 4
nC l1CP (l) (M) (S) 6 10
Slgnal 10 7 o
nAMLS (unlform) 3 8 e
MusL be llsLed on llneup card 4 2
8all ls dead 9 1 aa
8aLLerrunner ls ouL 8 2 n
Causes a blocked ball 1 13
8unners enLlLled Lo advance 8 7 k
nuM8L8S (unlform) 3 8 d
lncorrecL number on llneup card 1 63 noLe
4 11 noLe
C8S18uC1lCn 1 66
AcL of lnLerference Lakes precedence 8 7 b LffecL 4 LxcepLlon 1
8y caLcher 8 1 d
uefenslve Leam 8 7 b
llelder cannoL block base wlLhouL possesslon of ball 1 66 b 1
8 7 b 1
Cn squeeze play (l) 6 4 c
(M) 6 3 c
8unner cannoL be ouL 8 7 b LffecL 24
8unner may be ouL 8 7 b LffecL 4 LxcepLlon 2
CllLnSlvL CCnlL8LnCLS 1 17 a
3 8 a
Cffenslve layer Cnly 1 67
4 3 g
CllLnSlvL 1LAM 1 68
ALLempLs Lo creaLe an lllegal lLch (l) (M) (S) 6 10 e
ClllClAL 8ALL 3 3
ClllClAL 8A1 3 1
Shall noL be an alLered baL 3 1 p
ClllClAL LCulMLn1 1 69
8locked ball 1 13
Cn playlng fleld 3 7
ClllClAL SCC8LkLLL8 12 1
CnuLCk 8A11L8 1 70
May leave ondeck clrcle 7 1 e
May noL lnLerfere 7 1 f
MusL wear a helmeL (l) 3 6 f ll LffecL 1 LxcepLlon
uslng lllegal warmup baLs 7 1 d LffecL
CnuLCk Cl8CLL 1 71
2 4 b Appendlx 1A
Cndeck baLLer may leave clrcle 7 1 e
Cndeck baLLer musL use 7 1 a
CnLML1L8 (3 lCC1) LlnL 1 72
2 4 a Appendlx 18
8aLLerrunner may run ouL of llne 2 4 h 1 (c) LxcepLlon
8 2 g noLe
8aLLerrunner ouL 8 2 g 1C1lCn LA?S
1 73
CaLcher obsLrucLlon 8 1 d LffecL
lllegal lLch (l) 6 LffecL Sec 17 3 4
(M) 6 LffecL Sec 18 3 4
lllegal lLcher reLurns Lo plLch (l) (M) 6 12 LffecL
(S) 6 11 LffecL
Cn a walk (lnLenLlonal or oLherwlse) (Coed S) 8 1 c LffecL 4 LxcepLlon
CuLs made uslng lllegal glove 8 3
8 10 o
unannounced subsLlLuLe 4 8 g LffecL 24 2(a)
8aLLer 7 6
8aLLerrunner 8 2
8 9 z LffecL
8aLLlng ouLoforder 7 2 c d LffecL 2cd
8unner 8 9
Slgnal 10 7 g
Cu1llLLu 1 74
CvL88unnlnC ll8S1 8ASL
8unner aLLempLs Lo go Lo second base 8 6 b
8 9 l
8unner may overrun on a base on balls 8 9 wL noLe
8unner noL ouL 8 10 l
CvL8 SLluL 1 73
Appeal play aL home plaLe 8 9 [ LffecL
8unner ls noL ouL 8 10 n
8unner ls ouL 8 9 b
CvL81P8CW 1 76
Award of bases 8 7 f LffecL
8unners enLlLled Lo advance 8 3 c
ASSLu 8ALL (l) 1 77
LxLra bases on an lllegal lLch may be reLalned (l) 6 LffecL 17 2 LxcepLlon
(M) 6 LffecL 18 2 LxcepLlon
8unners enLlLled Lo advance 8 6 g
lnLerferes wlLh flelder or ball 8 2 n
8 7 k
9 1 aa
SLruck by a llve ball 9 2 r
lnL 1A8
noL allowed on ball or plLchers hand (l) (S) 6 3 a
(M) 6 6 a
ermlsslble on baL grlp 3 1 k
l1CP 1 78
uellberaLely dropped or rolled (l) 6 3 m
(M) 6 3 n
uellvered wlLh caLcher noL ln caLchers box (l) (S) 6 6 a
(M) 6 7 a
PelghL of plLch (S) 6 3 h
PlLs baLLer (S) 7 3 e
(l) 7 6 a 1
8 1 f
PlLs baLLer ln sLrlke zone 7 4 h
7 6 a 2
lllegal acLlons (l) (S) 6 17
(M) 6 18
lllegal on squeeze play (l) 6 4 c enalLy
(M) 6 3 c enalLy
lllegal lLch hlLs baLLer (l) 6 LffecL Sec 17 6
(M) 6 LffecL Sec 18 3
(S) 7 4 b
7 3 e
lnLenLlonal 8ase on 8alls (l) (S) 6 8
(M) 6 4
no plLch declared (l) (M) (S) 6 10
Culck reLurn plLch (l) (M) 6 10 b
(S) 6 7
MusL be reLurned dlrecLly by caLcher (l) (S) 6 6 b
(M) 6 7 b
SLarLs (l) (M) (S) 6 2
Sllps from plLchers hand (l) (M) 6 11
9 2 ac
(S) 6 10 d
Warmup plLches allowed (l) (M) (S) 6 9
8ecomes an lllegal lLcher 3 8 b LffecL
(S) 6 3 g noLe
CannoL plLch behlnd back (S) 6 3 f
CannoL Lhrow Lo base whlle ln conLacL wlLh plaLe (l) 6 7(M) 6 8
CannoL wear baLLlng glove on plLchlng hand (S) 6 3 e
Charged wlLh a loss (scorlng) 12 7
CredlLed wlLh a wln (scorlng) 12 6
Crow Pop noL legal (l) 1 20
(M) 6 3 l
lalls Lo plLch wlLhln allowed Llme 7 3 h
(l) 6 3 m noLe
(M) 6 3 o noLe
(S) 6 3 [
PlLs baLLer ln sLrlke zone 7 4 h
7 6 a 2
PlLs baLLer wlLh a legal plLch (l) (M) 8 1 f
(S) 7 3 e
PlLs baLLer wlLh an lllegal lLch (l) 6 LffecL 17 3
(M) 6 LffecL 18 3
(S) 7 4 b
7 3 d
lllegal lLcher reLurns Lo plLch (l) (M) 6 12
(S) 6 11
Legal dellvery (l) (M) (S) 6 3
May legally sLep off plLcher's plaLe (l) 6 7 noLe
(M) 6 8 noLe
May noL conLlnue wlndup afLer dellvery (l) 6 3 l
(M) 6 3 m
(S) 6 3 l
May noL plLch wlLh excesslve speed (S) 6 3 g
May reenLer 4 7
May Lake a sLep on dellvery (S) 6 3 e
May use resln Lo dry hands (l) (S) 6 3 c
(S) 6 3 b

(M) 6 6 c
MusL brlng body Lo full compleLe sLop (l) (M) 6 1 e
(S) 6 1 c
MusL release plLch wlLhln cerLaln Llme (l) 6 3 n
(M) 6 3 o
(S) 6 3 [
MusL sLep on dellvery (l) 6 3 l
(M) 6 3 k
MusL Lake slgnal from caLcher (l) (M) 6 1 d
noL consldered ln poslLlon (l) (M) 6 1 b
(S) 6 1 a
noL credlLed wlLh wln or loss (scorlng) 12 10
noL requlred Lo sLep (S) 6 3 e
enalLy for exLra warmup plLches (l) (M) (S) 6 9 LffecLs a c
lLches durlng suspenslon of play (l) (M) (S) 6 10 a
laylng runners back from plLcher's clrcle (l) 8 9 w LffecL
rellmlnarles (l) (M) (S) 6 1
revenLs baLLer from sLrlklng aL plLch (l) 6 3 m
(M) 6 3 n
8emoved afLer excesslve charged defenslve conferences (l) (M) 6 12
(S) 6 11
8ocklng moLlon lllegal (l) 6 3 hl noLe
(M) 6 3 k noLe
SLarLlng player (plLcher) 1 91
SLepplng fooL musL polnL Lo home plaLe (M) 6 3 k
1ape on flnger of plLchlng hand (l) (S) 6 3 d
(M) 6 6 d
1hrows from plLcher's plaLe (l) 6 7
(M) 6 8
Warmup plLches allowed (l) (M) (S) 6 9
SweaLband noL permlLLed on wrlsL or forearm of plLchlng hand (l) 6 3 d
(M) 6 6 d
l1CPL8S Cl8CLL (l) 1 79
2 4 g 3 Appendlces 1 A8
l1CPL8S LA1L 2 4 g
lLcher musL malnLaln conLacL wlLh (l) (M) 6 1 c
(l) 6 3 g
6 3 hl noLe
(M) 6 3 [
6 3 k noLe
(S) 6 1 b
6 3 e
l1CPlnC ulS1AnCLS 2 3 Appendlx 2
2 4 g 2 Appendlx 2
l1CPlnC CSl1lCn (l) (M) (S) 6 1
lvC1 lCC1 1 80
MusL remaln ln conLacL wlLh plLcher's plaLe (l) 6 3 g l(M) 6
3 [ l
(S) 6 3 e
LA1L uMl8L 10 2
uecldes on flLness of ground 3 2
LA?L8S 4 3
ALLempL Lo creaLe an lllegal lLch (l) (M) (S) 6 10 e
8ecome sLarLlng players 4 4
uefenslve poslLlons 4 3 a
uefenslve poslLlons prlor Lo plLch (l) (S) 6 4 a
(M) 6 3 a
L[ecLed for aLLempLlng Lo creaLe an lllegal lLch (l) (M) (S) 6 10 e noLe
L[ecLed for dlsLracLlng baLLer (l) (S) 6 4 b noLe
(M) 6 3 b noLe
L[ecLed for fake Lag obsLrucLlon 8 7 b 3 LffecL 2
L[ecLed for lllegal 8eenLry 4 7 LffecL 3
L[ecLed for uslng lllegal warmup baL 7 1 d LffecL
L[ecLlon of lllegal L (S) 4 6 LffecL
LnLerlng as a 8eplacemenL layer 4 11
May acL as a coach 1 19 a
May be subsLlLuLed 4 8 c
May noL wear [ewelry 3 8 g
May slL on bench afLer belng removed from game 10 9 d
May wear facemasks/guards 3 6 c
May wear helmeLs whlle on defense 3 6 f l
May wear nonsLandard unlform 3 8 LxcepLlon
Mlnlmum number requlred Lo play 4 3 a
MusL be requlred number Lo sLarL or conLlnue game 4 3 b
MusL leave game and ground when e[ecLed 10 9 e
Cfflclally ln game 4 8 a
enalLy for vlolaLlons 10 9 b
8emoved from game afLer belng declared as lnellglble layer 1 30
8emoved from game for fallure Lo remove lllegal unlform 3 8 LffecL ag
8equlred Lo change unlform number 4 11 noLe
SubsLlLuLed from game 4 8
LA? 8ALL 1 81
8aLLer musL Lake poslLlon afLer umplre calls 7 3 a
lLcher musL be ln plLchlng poslLlon Lo puL ball ln play 9 2 a
Slgnal 10 7 a
1eam falls Lo resume play afLer call of 3 3 f 3
LA? MAuL 8? unAnnCunCLu Su8S1l1u1L 4 8 g LffecL
LA?lnC llLLu 2 1 Appendlx 1A
llLness for play 3 2
ulamond layouL 2 4 Appendlx 3
Cround rules esLabllshlng llmlLs 2 2
uslng baseball fleld 2 2 b
Warnlng Lrack 2 1 d
8LCAML MLL1lnC 1 82
4 4
8C1LS1 1 83
LffecL of resulL of proLesL declslon 11 7
lnformaLlon needed 11 6
noLlflcaLlon of lnLenL Lo lodge 11 4
1haL wlll be consldered 11 2
1haL wlll noL be consldered 11 1
1lme llmlL Lo lodge 11 3
CulCk 8L1u8n l1CP 1 84
8ecomes a no lLch (l) (M) 6 10 b
ls lllegal (S) 6 7
8LLn18? 1 83
4 7
ueslgnaLed layer may reenLer (l) 4 3 b
LxLra layer may reenLer (S) 4 6 f
lllegal reenLry 4 7 LffecL
8LluSlnC 1C LA? C8 CCn1lnuL CAML 3 3 f 2
8LCuLA1lCn CAML 3 3 a g
8LMCvAL l8CM CAML 1 86
AlLered lllegal baL musL be removed 7 6 b c noLe
lllegal warmup baL musL be removed 7 1 d LffecL
lnellglble player 1 30
lallure of player Lo leave game ln requlred Llme 3 3 f 6
10 9 f
lallure of player Lo remove [ewelry 3 8 LffecL ag
umplres may remove players for vlolaLlons 10 1 l 3
8LMCvAL l8CM l1CPlnC CSl1lCn
lor exceedlng defenslve conference llmlL 3 8 b LffecL
lor plLchlng wlLh excesslve speed (S) 6 3 g noLe
8LLACLMLn1 LA?L8 1 87
Can baL fleld 4 11 c
MusL be reporLed Lo umplre 4 11 bMusL be same sex as
wlLhdrawn player (Coed S) 4 11 g
noL sub[ecL Lo provlslons of subsLlLuLlons rule 4 11 h
8equlred when player bleedlng 4 11
SLaLlsLlcs Lo be credlLed (scorlng) 12 2 a noLe
SubsLlLuLed L may acL as (S) 4 6 f
1o be LreaLed as a subsLlLuLe 4 11 LffecL de 1
use of lnellglble replacemenL player 4 11 LffecL ab 1
May be used on baL 3 1 k
use by plLcher (l) (S) 6 3 b c
(M) 6 6 b c
8L1u8n Cl l1CP 1C l1CPL8 8? CA1CPL8 (l) (S) 6 6 b
(M) 6 7 b
8CS1L8S 4 2
Lllglble members may be added Lo llneup aL any Llme 4 2 a 3
MusL be male or female only 4 2 b
use of lnellglble rosLer members may be proLesLed 4 8 b noLe
11 2 d noLe
8unnL8 1 88
Abandons base 8 9 x
9 2 ae
Advances on an lllegal lLch 7 3 c LffecL
8 7 d
(l) 6 LffecL Sec 17 2(b)
(M) 6 LffecL Sec 18 2(b)
Award of bases due Lo conLacL wlLh deLached player equlpmenL 8 7 e LffecL
Award of bases on ball carrled ouL of play 8 7 l[
Award of bases on ball overLhrown ouL of play 8 7 f LffecL
Can sLeal bases (l) 1 92
8 3 a
CannoL leave base unLll plLch reaches home plaLe (S) 8 9 u
CannoL leave base unLll plLcher releases Lhe plLch (l) 8 9 v
CannoL sLeal a base (S) 1 92
8 8 [ LffecL
ClosesL Lo home ls ouL 7 1 f LffecL 1(a)
7 6 f LxcepLlon noLe
8 2 g noLe 17
8 2 k LxcepLlon 1
8 7 f LffecL LxcepLlon 3
8 9 o noLe
8 9 q noLe
8 9 r noLe
Comes ln conLacL wlLh flelder aLLempLlng Lo fleld falrbaLLed ball 8 9 m
Comes ln conLacL wlLh flelder noL enLlLled Lo fleld ball 8 10 c
ueflecLs a falrbaLLed ball 8 7 h 2
uellberaLely crashes lnLo flelder wlLh ball 8 9 s
ulslodges a base 8 4 c
8 6 c
LnLers Leam area whlle ball allve 8 9 x
LnLlLled Lo advance wlLh llablllLy Lo be puL ouL 8 3
LnLlLled Lo advance wlLhouL llablllLy Lo be puL ouL 8 7
LnLlLled Lo hold base 8 4 b
L[ecLed due Lo dellberaLe crash 8 9 rnoLe
lalls Lo reLurn Lo base or proceed Lo nexL base when ball ln clrcle (l) 8 9 w
lalls Lo reLurn Lo base whlle ball ln play 8 9 d
lorfelLs exempLlon from llablllLy Lo be puL ouL 8 6
PlL by baLLed ball 8 1 e LffecL
8 3 f 1
8 7 h2
8 9 k
8 10 d f
lllegal glove used on play 8 10 o
ln game lllegally 4 8 g 3
4 8 g LffecL 24 1 (d e)
ln[ured 9 1 l
10 8 f
lnLenLlonally klcks ball 8 9 l
lnLerferes wlLh baLLed ball 7 6 f LxcepLlon 2
8 1 e LffecL
8 3 f 1
8 7 h22
8 9 k
lnLerferes wlLh flelder aLLempLlng Lo caLch a Lhrown ball 8 2 g4
lnLerferes wlLh flelder aLLempLlng Lo fleld a baLLed ball 7 6 f LxcepLlon
8 2 k LxcepLlon 2
8 9 m
8 9 n
lnLerferes wlLh flelder aLLempLlng Lo Lhrow ball 8 2 m 2
lnLerferes wlLh play afLer belng called ouL or afLer scorlng 8 9 o
lnLerferes wlLh Lhrown ball 8 9 mLeaves base Loo soon
(l) 8 4 a 1
8 7 b LffecL 4 LxcepLlon 1
8 9 g v
(S) 8 4 a 1
8 7 b LffecL 4 LxcepLlon 1
8 9 g u
May advance when ball ls baLLed (S) 8 3 b
May leave base on an appeal play (l) 8 9 LffecL g [ 2
May leave base when fly ball flrsL Louched 8 4 a 1
8 3 e
8 10 l
May noL reLurn Lo a mlssed base afLer followlng runner has scored 8 4 f
May reLurn Lo a mlssed base when ball ls dead 8 7 f LffecL
8 9 LffecL g [ 3 LxcepLlon
May wear a plasLlc facemask / guard 3 6 c
Mlsses a base 8 4 a 2
8 6 a
8 7 b LffecL 4 LxcepLlon 1
8 9 h
Mlsses home plaLe 8 9 [
MusL reLurn Lo base 8 8
MusL Louch awarded bases ln legal order 8 4 h
MusL wear a helmeL (l) 3 6 f ll
noL ouL 8 10
CbsLrucLed 8 7 b
CbsLrucLed buL cannoL be ouL 8 7 b LffecL 4
CbsLrucLed buL may be puL ouL 8 7 b LffecL 4 LxcepLlon 1
8 7 b LxcepLlon 2
Cff base when plLcher has ball ln plLcher's clrcle (l) 8 9 w
Cffenslve Leam collecLlng aL a base Lo confuse defense 8 9 p
CuL 8 9
CuL afLer an obsLrucLlon 8 7 b LxcepLlon 2
CuL for removlng helmeL 3 6 f ll LffecL 2
CuL for swlLchlng poslLlons on base followlng offenslve conference 8 9 aa LffecL
CuL on appeal plays 8 9 g [ LffecL
CuL on baLLerrunner lnLerference 8 9 z
CuL on force play 8 9 c
CuL when asslsLed by anyone oLher Lhan a runner 8 9 e
asses anoLher runner 8 9 f
8uns bases ln reverse order 8 9 L
8uns ouL of base paLh 8 9 a
8 10 a b
SLruck by a falr ball 8 1 e LffecL
8 3 f 1
8 7 h 2
8 9 k
8 10 d f
SLruck by a falr ball ln foul LerrlLory 8 10 e
SLruck by a falr ball whlle Louchlng a base 8 1 e LffecL
8 10 m
SLruck by a foul bal1 1 37 d
1akes a runnlng sLarL on a fly ball 8 9 y
1wo occupylng base aL same Llme 8 4 d
8un APLAu 8uLL 3 3
8unS 8A11Lu ln (Scorlng) 12 3
8unS uC nC1 SCC8L 3 7 b
Succeedlng runner may noL score 8 4 e LxcepLlon
8unS LLCALL? SCC8L 3 7
Cn squeeze play (l) 6 4 c enalLy
(M) 6 3 c enalLy
SAC8lllCL lL? (Scorlng) 12 4
SAlL SlCnAL 10 7 h
SCC8LkLLL8S SuMMA8? 12 8
SCC8lnC 12
lorfelLed game records 12 10
SPln CuA8uS MuS1 8L WC8n (l) 3 6 e
lor umplres 10 1 e 2
SPCLS MuS1 8L WC8n 3 3
SlnCLL uMl8L 8LSCnSl8lLl1lLS 10 4
SLA Pl1 (l) 1 89
noL consldered Lo be a bunL 1 89 noLe
SMCklnC nC1 L8Ml11Lu ln uuCCu1 1 27
SCl18ALL ClllClAL 8ALL 3 3 Appendlx 4
Abuse Lo 10 9 aCauses forfelL
3 3 e
lnLerference by 1 60
8 1 h
8 2 n
8 7 k
9 1 aa
SLLu Cl l1CP (S) 6 3 g
SlkLS (SPCLS) 3 3
ermlLLed on baL grlp 3 1 k
SCuLLZL LA? (l) 1 90
8unner aLLempLlng Lo score (l) 6 4 c enalLy
(M) 6 3 c enalLy
S1A81lnC LlnLu 1 63 1
4 2 a 1
4 4
ueslgnaLed layer (l) 4 3 a
LxLra layer (S) 4 6 a
Crder of llneup 7 2
8eenLry of 4 7 a
Shall alLernaLe sexes (Coed S) 7 2 b
S1A81lnC LA?L8S 1 91
noL currenLly ln llneup can be a 8eplacemenL layer 1 87 a 3
4 7 a LxcepLlon
Shall be offlclal 4 4
S1LALlnC 1 92
8unner may aLLempL Lo sLeal (l) 8 3 a
noL allowed (S) 8 8 [
umplre lnLerferes wlLh caLcher's aLLempL Lo reLlre runner (l) 8 8 l
S1L nC1 nLCLSSA8? 8? l1CPL8 (S) 6 3 e
S1L MuS1 8L 1AkLn 8? l1CPL8 (l) 6 3 l
(M) 6 3 k
S1LlnC Cu1 Cl 8A11L8S 8Cx 7 3 c
8aLLer hlLs ball lllegally 7 6 d e
9 1 a
8aLLer sLeps from one box Lo Lhe oLher 7 6 [
9 1 b
S1CLLn 8ASL (S) 8 8 [
Scorlng (l) 12 9
8all hlLs baLLer on swlng 7 4 f
8all hlLs baLLer on Lhlrd sLrlke 7 6 a(1)
Called by umplre 7 4 a [
lllegal lLch swung aL (S) 7 4 b
Slgnal 10 7 b
1hlrd sLrlke rule (l) 8 1 b
S18lkL ZCnL (l) 1 93 a
(S) 1 93 b
Su8S1l1u1LS 1 94
4 8
CannoL reenLer 4 7 b
Lllglble rosLer members may be added Lo llsL of 4 2 a 3
lor ln[ured runners 9 1 l
lllegal subsLlLuLes consldered ln game 4 8 g
Legally consldered ln game 4 8 a
May be used as a 8eplacemenL layer 1 87 a 1 3
4 7 b LxcepLlon
May enLer aL pregame meeLlng 4 4 b
May noL parLlclpaLe ln game furLher as players 4 8 e
MulLlple subsLlLuLlons allowed 4 8 f
MusL be announced when enLerlng game 4 8 a
no subsLlLuLes avallable 3 3 f 7
4 11 LffecL de 3
no vlolaLlon 4 8 b
rovlslons do noL Lo apply for 8eplacemenL layers 4 11 h
unannounced 1 47
use of lllegal SubsLlLuLes musL be appealed 4 8 b
SuSLnSlCn Cl LA? 10 8
1eam falls Lo resume play 3 3 f 3
Slgnal 10 7 l
1AC (LLCAL 1CuCP) 1 61
8aLLerrunner ls ouL 8 2 a c
lllegal Lag 8 10 g
8unner ls ouL 8 9 b c
1ACClnC u 1 93
8unner falls Lo Lag up on a fly ball 8 7 b LffecL 4 LxcepLlon 1
8 9 g
8unner may legally advance 8 3 e8unner noL ouL
8 10 l
1AL Cn 8A1 3 1 k noLe
1AL Cn l1CPlnC PAnu (l) (S) 6 3 d
(M) 6 6 d
1LAM 4 3
lorfelLs 3 3 f
number of players requlred Lo sLarL or conLlnue a game 4 3 b
1LAM MLM8L8 1 96
1LAM ClllClALS L!LC1Lu 10 9 c 2
lor a second charged offenslve conference 3 8 a LffecL
lor an lllegal 8eenLry 4 7 LffecL 3
lor aLLempLlng Lo creaLe an lllegal lLch (l) (M) (S) 6 10 e noLe
lor coachlng lnfracLlons 4 1 LffecL 1bf
1Pl8u S18lkL 8uLL (l) 8 1 b
(S) 7 6 g
1P8CA1 8C1LC1C8S (Mask) 3 6 a b noLes
umplres 10 1 e 1
1P8CW 1 97
1P8CWlnC 1C A 8ASL WPlLL lCC1 lS ln CCn1AC1
Wl1P l1CPL8S LA1L (l) 6 7
(M) 6 8
1lL88LAkL8 3 6
lncorrecL runner placed on base 3 6 noLe
1lL CAMLS 3 3 b
lay conLlnues 3 3 b
8egulaLlon Lle game declared 3 3 d
Shall be replayed 3 3 g (2)
3 4 b
1lML 1 98
uead ball 9 1 l
Slgnal 10 7 l
Suspenslon of play 10 8
18ALu 8ALL 1 99
noL consldered dellberaLely dropped 8 2 l noLe
Slgnal 10 7 k
18lLL LA? 1 100
1u8n A1 8A1 1 101
layer mlsses hls Lurn 7 2 LffecL 2 c d 4
Scorlng 12 2 b 1
uMl8LS 10
8all lodges ln equlpmenL or cloLhlng 8 7 l(1)
ueflecLs a ball ouL of play 8 7 h 1
LqulpmenL unlform 10 1 c e
lalrbaLLed ball sLrlkes umplre 1 29 d
8 1 e
8 3 f 1
9 2 d e
loul ball sLrlkes umplre 1 37 d
PlL by Lhrown ball 8 8 l noLe
9 2 v
!udgmenL 10 6
May confer wlLh parLner 10 6
May noL overrlde a call 10 6
May noL wear exposed [ewelry 10 1 d
May recLlfy calls placlng players ln [eopardy 10 6
laLe umplre lnLerferes wlLh caLchers aLLempL Lo Lhrow (l) 8 8 l
9 3 c
Slgnals 10 7 a o
lncorrecL number llsLed on llneup card 1 63 noLe
lor coaches 4 1 b
nonsLandard unlform and head coverlng may be worn 3 8 LxcepLlon
layers 3 8
umplres 10 1 c e
WlLhdrawn layer requlred Lo change unlform number 4 11 noLe
un8LC81Lu Su8S1l1u1LS 1 47
4 8 b
vlSC8S 3 8 a (2)
WA8Mu 8A1S 3 2
7 1 d
WA8Mu l1CPLS lC8 8LLlLvlnC l1CPL8 C8
8L1WLLn lnnlnCS LnAL1? (l) (M) (S) 6 9 LffecLs a c
8elng Laken ln warmup area 3 6 a noLe
WPl1L WL88lnC Cl8CLL C8 llCu8L Cn CLCvL 3 4
WlLu l1CP (l) 1 102
Coes ouL of play 8 7 c
WlLu 1P8CW 1 103
Wln C8Lul1Lu 1C l1CPL8 (Scorlng) 12 6
Wlnuu (lLcher's) (l) 6 3 a d6 3 k
(M) 6 3 a e
6 3 m
(S) 6 3 a d
6 3 l
WlnnL8 Cl CAML 3 4
Wl1Pu8AWn LA?L8 1 104
rovlslons for use of 8eplacemenL layer 4 11
8equlred Lo change unlform number 4 11 noLe
W8lS18AnuS nC1 L8Ml11Lu lC8 l1CPL8 (l) 6 3 d
(M) 6 6 d

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