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1hls SWC1 analysls ls abouL lnfosys


1he workforce has relaLlvely hlgh skllls levels ln lnformaLlon 1echnology Couple Lhese Lwo
elemenLsLogeLher and you have an operaLlonal basls LhaL offers lowcosL based hlghly skllled
compeLlLlve advanLage 1ralned lndlan personnel ofLen speak very good Lngllsh and are senslLlve Lo
WesLern culLure underplnned by lndlas colonlal pasL
lnfosys ls ln a sLrong flnanclal poslLlon 1he buslness Lurned over more Lhan $4 bllllon ln 2008 1hls
means LhaL lL has Lhe caplLal Lo expand and also Lhe basls Lo leverage poLenLlal lnvesLors
1he company has bases ln 44 global developmenL cenLres mosL of whlch are locaLed ln lndla alLhough
Lhe company has offlces ln many developed and developlng naLlons


lnfosys on occaslon sLruggles ln Lhe uS markeLs and has parLlcular problems ln securlng unlLed SLaLes
lederal CovernmenL conLracLs ln norLh Amerlca Slnce Lhese conLracLs are hlghly proflLable and Lend Lo
run for long perlods of Llme lnfosys ls mlsslng ouL on lucraLlve buslness lL ls someLlmes argued LhaL
lnfosys ls weaker when lL comes Lo hlghend managemenL consulLancy slnce lL Lends Lo work aL Lhe
level of operaLlonal value creaLlon CompeLlLors such as l8M and AccenLure Lend Lo domlnaLe Lhls space


AL a Llme of recesslon ln Lhe global economy lL may appear LhaL some companles wlll reduce Lake up of
servlces LhaL lnfosys offers Powever ln Lough Llmes cllenLs Lend Lo focus upon cosL reducLlon and
ouLsourclng wlLh are sLraLegles LhaL lnfosys offers So hard Llmes could be proflLable for lnfosys
1here ls a new and emerglng markeL ln Chlna as Lhe counLry undergoes a huge lndusLrlal revoluLlon
1he sLraLeglc alllance beLween lnfosys and Schlumberger glves Lhe l1 company access Lo lucraLlve
buslness ln Lhe gas and oll lndusLrles


lndla ls noL Lhe only counLry LhaL ls undergolng rapld lndusLrlal expanslon CompeLlLors may come from
counLrles such as Chlna or korea where Lhere are large pools of lowcosL labor and developlng
educaLlonal lnfrasLrucLures such as unlverslLles and Lechnology colleges
CusLomers may swlLch Lo oLher offshore servlce companles ln oLher counLrles such as Chlna or korea

SWC1 Ana|ys|s of Nok|a

-Is a dominant player in the smartphone market via its majority ownership oI Symbian and its
propritary Series 60 user interIace which are projected to represent majority oI the 100M
smartphones sold in the next 4 years.
- 33 market share still the largest cell phone vendor by Iar, with double the market share oI
nearest competitr
- Size should enable Nokia to amortize R&D costs and to get cost advantages
- Brand position: probably one oI the top 20 brands in the world


- The Ngage is considered a Ilop
- Being the market leader and its increase role in Symbian is giving Nokia a bad image, much
like MicrosoIt in the PC industry.
- Slow to adopt new ways oI thinking: a good example are clamshell phones which are preIerred
by many customers. Nokia was reluctant to produce a clamshell until this year, when it launched
its Iirst model.


- Increase their presence in the CDMA market, which they are just entering, as well as 3G and
- New growth markets where cell phone adoption still has room to go, including India and other
- Leverage its inIrastructure business to get preIerence and a stronger position with carriers


- Late in the game in 3G creates a risk to be displaced by leaders like Motorola, LG, NEC and
- Asian OEMs who are entering the market very agressively (TCL, nGo Bird)
- ODMs (HTC and others) enabling carriers to leverage their customer power bypassing the
handset vendor. Operators want to lessen their dependency on handset vendors and the
dominance oI Nokia. Orange, O2, and many other operators globally are selling their own brand
oI phones.

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