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Micro Processors

Unit no S No Description Unit 1 1 8085 Architecture What are the ways in memory are classified. Define the 2 spec of a typical memory 3a Write notes on Decoder and Tristate Logic 3b Exp addressing modes of 8085 with examples. Briefly explain about the classification and interfacing of 3c 8085 MP Write shor notes on: RAM Memory interfacing and 4 interrupt structure of 8085. 6a Write short notes on vectored interrupts in 8085. Draw the micro processor bus timing for the instruction 6b STA 4500h and explain. Different data transfer schemes in 8085 with necessary 7 diagrams 7b Draw the timing diagram for MVI A,02 Unit 2 1 2 Descending order program Timig diagram for memory write, I/O Read cycle Jun-11 Jun-11 Nov-10 Jun-11 Nov-10 Nov-10 May-10 May-10 May-10 Nov-11 SRM Jun-11 Jun-11 Nov-10 Nov-10 Nov-10 May-10 May-10 May-10 Nov-11 Nov-11 Nov-11 Nov-10

2.b How to write, assemble and execute a simple program Briefly explain about stck and subroutine in 8085 Write the algorithms, flow chart and assembly language 4 program to find the average mark of 10 students using 8085. 5a Write a program for adding a set of nos. Write a program to find the max no from the given set of 5b nos. 6 Exp instruction set of 8085 with examples 7 Program to multiply two 16 bit nos Unit 3 1 3

Jun-11 Nov-10 Various conditions for data transfer Draw and explaint he conditions of 8237 A-DMA Jun-11 2 controlling with 8085 Nov-10 May-10 3 Operating modes of 8255 Programmable interfaes What is meant by DMA transfer method and explain the May-10 4 8257 programmable DMA controller What is known as PPI? What is the use of interfacing Nov-11 5 the same in 8085? Nov-11 6a Exp how PPI devices are interfaced with 8085? Nov-11 6b What are the uses of SID and SOD lines? Unit 4 1 2 3 4 Draw the block diagram of 8279 prog keyboard and display interfacing and explain each section. Draw the schematic diagram of programmable interrupt controller and define the functions of each pin Jun-11 Jun-11 Nov-10 Nov-10 May-10 May-10 May-10 Nov-11 Nov-11

Draw architecture of 8259 and exp each function What are interrupts? Exp the interrupts in 8085 Draw and explain the timing diagram of any one of the 3 4b byte instruction. Exp the different modes of operation of 8253 timer/ 5 counter 6 Exp architecture of 8259 PIC 7 Exp different modes of operation of 8253 timer Unit 5 List and explain various types of addressing modes in 8051. Give two examples for each. 1b Write notes on: CALL, JUMP, PUSH and POP 2 Architecture of 8031 and explain. 1

Jun-11 Jun-11 Jun-11 Nov-11

3 3b 4 5 6

Write a prog to clear Acc, complement the accumulator and store the results in registers in 8051. How many interrupts are there in 8051? List and briefly exp each of them. List the various types of instrcution sets in 8051. Explain each with two examples. Explain the LCD display interfacing with micro controller 8051. Explain keyboard interfacing with 8051

Nov-10 Nov-10 Nov-10 May-10 May-10

S No Nov-10 1.1

Parameter Diff the functions of Program counter and stack pointer in 8085 Define - Bidirectional bus. Why is the data bus bidirectional? What are the addressing modes of 8085? How do the address and data lines get demultiplexed in microprcessor? Distinguish Van Neumann and Harvard architecture. Give an example for each. Adv of micro controller

1.2 May-2010 1.3 1.4 June-2011 1.5 1.6

Diff bet Micro Pro and Micro Cont

2.1 Nov-10 & Jun-11 2.2 2.3 2.4

What is the need for timing diagram? How long can the INTR pulse stay high? Define the machine control instructions of 8085 micro processor. What is the significance of XCHG and SPHL instructions? Use of assemblers How long can the INTR pulse stay high?

2.5 Nov-10 & Jun-11 2.6


Briefly explain about DMA transfer scheme. List the various methods of I/O interfacing. What are the ports available in 8255? What is the advantage of the third part? What is meant by interrupt mask register in 8259? Define DMA transfer scheme

3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5


List out various methods of I/O interfacing.


Distinguish hardware and software polling. Write the control word format for programmable interval timer. List the functions performed by 8279.

4.2 4.3


What is the use of USART?

4.5 4.6

Interrrupts in 8085 What are the tasks involved in keyboard interface?


What are the salient features of 8051? How is the selection of a particular register bank is done in 8051? Name any four bit manipulation instruction in micro controller 8251. What is meant by SFR in 8051? Give an example. Give the hardware descriptions of 8071. List the various types of instruction sets in 8051 What are the important control signals in 8085 Micro processor? What are the different data transfer schemes? Write the different between Op code and operand Write the stack related instructions in 8085 micro processor. What is the maximum number of I/o devices that can be connected to 8085 Micro processor using 8259 IC's?

5.2 5.3 5.4

5.5 5.6 Nov-11 1 2 3 4

6 7 8 9 10

What is the bit set reset mode of 8255 PPI? Name the interrupts available in Micro controller Write the memory capacity of 8051 What are the hardware interrupts? What are th different interrupt signals in 8086? Among these, which one has the highest priority?

8155/56 Prog I/O port and Timer USART - Universal Asynchronous/ synchronous Receiver/ transmitter


8253 8254 8255 8259 8279

Programmable Interval Timers Programmable Interval Timers Prog peripheral interface Programmable interrupt controller KB interface

8355 ROM and I/o port chip

Micro Processors
Decription Prog counter holds the address of the first byte of next execution or the remaining part of the address byte in a long address. Stack pointer holds the address of the top of the stack. Bidriectional bus is a group of conducting lines in which the current flos in both the directions. In 8085, the data bus carries the data bus and also the lower byte of the address bus. This is because the addresses are of 16 bit. Immeiate, Direct, Register direct, Register Indirect & Implied, By using IC 74373 Harward Architecture - separate pathways for instruction and data, in Van Neumann, it can be combined. It has less no of compoenents, easy to use and program, easy to modify, specific to an application. Micro proc has more op-codes, few bit handling instructions, micro controller has less op codes and more bit handling instructions. Micro controoler is a single chip consisting of Micro processor, Memory, I/O lines etc.

Timing diagram provides the information regarding the status of various signals, when machine cycle is executed. The knowledege of timing diagram is useful for selecting peripheral devices like memories, latches, ports, etc. INTR can be high till the interrupt is accepted or acknowledged. Opcode fetch, Memory Read, Memory write, I/O read, I/O write, Bus Idle, Interrupt acknowledge. In these instructions, the 16 bit address are directly handled. XCHG - transfers the content of HL pair to DE pair. SPHL copies the the address in HL pair to stack pointer. Assemblers convert the assembly level programs to machine language programs. Compilers or interpreters convert the high level program to machine level programs. INTR can be high till the interrupt is accepted or acknowledged.

For Direct Data transfer between memory and I/O devisec, a separate H/w contrller called DMA is used. DMA controller temporarily borrows address, data and control buses from the processor and transfers the data bytes directly from the I/O ports to memory locations or Vice versa. Memory mapping and standard mapping. Ports A,B and C. In C, individual pins can be set or reset.

Ref 3.1

Ref 3.2

Polling is the process of selecting a particular interrupt, when the processor gets signals from more than one simultaneously. In s/w polling, the entire polling is governed by program. In h/w, the hardware takes care of the checking of status of interrupting devices and allowing one by one to the processor.

KB Scanning, KB Debouncing, Key code generation, Informing the key entry to CPU, Storing display codes, Output Display codes to LEDs, Display refreshing A device which can be programmed to perform Synchronous or Asynchronous serial communicateion is called USART. It is used for converting parallel data to serial or vice cersa. 8251A can be used to interface MODEM and establish serail communication through MODEM over telephone lines. S/w and H/w Ref 4.3 4096 bytes On chip memory, 4 register banks and 4 I/o ports, High speed programmable serial port, two multiple mode 16 bit timer/ counter, 12M Hz clock, Direct byte and bit addressability, Bianry or decimal arithmetic, compatible with existing 8084 software. Register selection is done by the bits RS0 and RS1 in the program word. 00-07 Bank 0, 08-0F - Bank 1, 10 - 17 - Bank 2, 18 - 1F - Bank 3

Special Function Register. This is speciality of 8051. All access to the 4 I/o ports, CPU registers, interrupt control registers, timer/ counter etc are performed thorugh registers between 80h and FFh 8051 H/w descriptions - Consists of a CPU, two memory sections ( Data Memory RAM and Programmable memory - PROM/ EPROM), I/o ports/ SFR, and control logic for peripheral devices. Data transfer, Logical, Arithmetic, Jump and CALL,

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