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R&D Design Engineer

Jl Gilimanuk 3 No 50 Lippo Cikarang, Bekasi 17550 Ph: 0818-06725403

To develop my career as a professional in drilling equipment design, manufacture and assembly in
accordance with API design codes and to contribute to oil and gas industries in providing best services,
learning new things and growing in the company.

Hydraulic: Daikin/ Yuken Piston Pump Yuken Vane Pump Kawasaki Stavac Motor Hydraulic
Piston 40-250tons Seals & Lubrication Valve & Hoses

Pump & Compressor: Mitsui Seiki/ Kobelco Screw Compressor Reciprocating Compressor Centrifugal
Water Pump Axial Fan & Blower

Vessel: Steam Boiler Thermal Oil Heater Heat Exchanger Oil Cooler Air Receiver
Kawata/ Nissui Kako Chiller


Computer Literate:


Mitsubishi FX series PLC Star Delta control system Thermocouple & Heater
Protection & Ampacity calculation with standard code PUIL2000 & NEC

PDMS 11.6 SolidWorks 2009 AutoCAD 2009 Ms Project 2003 Ms Power Point
2007 Ms Excel, Word, Visio Corel Draw, PhotoShop LAN, Router, Switch, TCP/IP
Web design, Wordpress, Blogspot, Search Engine Optimization

Bahasa Indonesia (native) English (oral & verbal) Arabic (reading)

FMEA Fish Bone Diagram Pareto chart Statistical chart Scater diagram

Code & Standard:

ISO 9001:2008 PUIL 2000/ PLN ASME B31.3 - 2004 NEC API 6A

POLYTECHNIC OF ITB - Bandung, Indonesia
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (D3), 1997 to 2000
O CNC Machining Center, Lathe, Milling, Grinding, Bench working, Welding, Heat Treatment
O inal Project:Design and manufacture a Metal Stamping Tool with Press Progressive
O Scholarship:Grants of Ditjen Dikti, 1999-2000

POLYTECHNIC OF ITB - Bandung, Indonesia
Technical Course in Electrical Engineering (D1), 1995 to 1996
O nternship:Power station and Prime mover in Crude Oil Terminal of E&P Pertamina, Balongan,
O Certification:Certified Electrician for industrial project

BANSlU PLAS1IC INDONLSIA, P1 - Bekasi, Indonesia
Ma|ntenance Superv|sor, 200 to Present
Responsible or execution preentie and correctie o acilities maintenance as well as managed utilization o
the work orce, workload and spare parts in order to achiees the plant integrity and production target
including to improe and analyze the perormance o equipment. key kesu/ts
O ueveloped work plans and lmplemenLlng an effecLlve malnLenance program
O ncreased raLe compleLlon of [ob order from 60 ln 2009 lnLo 90 ln 2010
O ueveloped and deployed a solld Leam ln supporLlng Lhe producLlon process for 24 hours formerly (a perlod
before 2011) only 1 shlfL
O ulrecLed effecLlvely a Leam work ln malnLalnlng and repalrlng a varleLy of equlpmenL lncludlng hydraullc
sysLem elecLrlcal sysLems ln ln[ecLlon moldlng machlne screw compressor heaL exchanger chlller
coollng Lower waLer pump valve and plplng lnsLallaLlon
O upervlsed planL expanslon pro[ecL and succeeded ln lnsLallaLlon 3 unlLs of new Lube exLruder machlne and
4 unlLs of new ln[ecLlon moldlng machlne 1he Lasks lncluded preparlng floor space layouL elecLrlcal
accessorles (anel cabels proLecLlon groundlng Lranformer eLc) mechanlcal accessorles (plplng hoses
valves cranes pneumaLlc llnes hydraullc oll Lools eLc) seL up and Lrlal
O nLerpreLed developed and lmplemenLed pollcles and procedure 16 form sheeLs and 88 procedures ()
relaLed Lo faclllLles malnLenance ln compllance wlLh 90012008
O nlLlaLed Lhe energyefflclency program search for alLernaLlve ways ln elecLrlc and waLer consumpLlon
lncludlng ellmlnaLe leaklng meLer monlLorlng and usage analyses
O roposed CMM and collaboraLed wlLh a programer Lo prepare Lhe hlerarchy of daLas and workflow for
codlng purpose ln mlgraLlon from a convenLlonal malnLenance sysLem lnLo modern sysLem
O MasLered Lhe use of measurlng/LesLlng lnsLrumenLs such as ammeLers ohmmeLers volLmeLers
LachomeLer dlal gauge and Lelescoplc vlbraLlon deLecLor
O rganlzed Lhe kalzen Leam a small Leam conslsL of 8 member for conLlnual lmprovemenL succeed ln
lmplemenLlng MLu and Andon sysLem
BANSlU PLAS1IC INDOLSIA, P1 - Bekasi, Indonesia
Production Planner of Mould Shop, 2006 to 200
Responsible or production schedules o a tooling maker shop, prepared purchase order to obtain material &
tools, planned the sequence o manuacturing process. key kesu/ts
O LxpedlLed process LhaL delay schedules and alLers schedules Lo meeL unforeseen condlLlon
O CreaLed Lhe conLrol dlsplay aL workshop room made easler for supervlsor ln monlLorlng Lhe sLaLus of
asslgned pro[ecL as well as help producLlon worker Lo meeL esLabllshed lead Llme
O Larned a repuLaLlon for experLlse ln supporLlng Lhe company group Lo provlde ln[ecLlon mold rubber mold
sheeL meLal dles and flxLure
O alned exLenslve experlence ln analyzlng and calculaLlng producLlon speclflcaLlons planL capaclLy Lo
deLermlne manufacLurlng processes Lools and human resource requlremenLs
O elped ln Lracklng and monlLorlng of expendlLures for Lhe secLlon

AM\LUM CORN GRI1S MILL, P1 - Bekasi, Indonesia
Maintenance Staff, 2003 to 2006
Perormed routine and preentie maintenance o plant acilities, carried out mechanical and electrical work.
key kesu/ts
O alned experlence Lo lnsLall allgn assamble or dlsmanLle clean lubrlcaLe LroubleshooL lnspecL examlne
malnLaln ad[usL and repalr or replace defecLlve parLs of cenLrlfugal pump buckeL elevaLor roller mlll moLor
lnducLlon alr blower auger grlnder reclprocaLlng compressor lncludlng pneumaLlc and hydraullc sysLem as
well as plplng and valves
O andeled Lhe Lasks of developlng modlfylng and up daLlng elecLrlcal drawlng
O rovlded Lechnlcal supporL Lo operaLe holsLlng and llfLlng devlces such as cranes and [acks ln poslLlonlng
machlnery and parLs durlng Lhe lnsLallaLlon seLup and repalr of machlnery
O peraLed machlne Lools such as laLhes grlnders and arc weld Lo fabrlcaLe parLs requlred durlng overhaul
malnLenance or seLup of machlnery
O CoordlnaLed acLlvlLles wlLh Lhe operaLor ln monlLorlng of 1hermal ll eaLer operaLlon lncludlng Lo clean up flre
Lube burner fuel nozzle flre chamber and replace fuel fllLer
O Carrled ouL ldenLlflcaLlon and reporLs requlremenL of spare parLs provlded recommendaLlon usage of parLs on
repalr or replacemenL basls
A1ICI1RA MAKMUR, CV - Bekasi, Indonesia
Supervisor, 2002 to 2003
Responsible to coordinating and superising the work o employees in construction project. key kesu/ts
O nvolved ln planL expanslon for 1 Amylum Corn rlLs Mlll lncreased producLlon capaclLy from 80Lon per day
lnLo 120 Lon per day
O CoordlnaLed wlLh 8uhler A as LM of machlnery and 1 Amylum Corn rlLs Mlll as pro[ecL owner Lo ensure
lnformaLlon dellvered and Lasks meeL expecLaLlon of pro[ecL owner ln efflclenL and safe pracLlces
O erformed slLe checklng of plplng sysLem Lype of plpe supporL lnsLalled locaLlon ln conformance wlLh pro[ecL
consLrucLlon drawlng requlremenLs deslgn lnsLrucLlon lnsLallaLlon procedures
ML1RO IN1I SLAl1LRA, P1 - Bekasi, Indonesia
Steam Boiler Operator, 2002 to 2003
Operated and maintained the 2 unit o Steam Boiler in a proper and sae pactices.
Mechanical/ Llectrical 1echnician, 2001 to 2002
Carried out the correctie, preentie and predictie maintenance actiities or arious related systems in
plants, workshops and osite acilities in accordance with established schedules. key kesu/ts
O nsLalled conLrol sysLem for new welghlng equlpmenL of planL Chronos Welghlng ysLem
O 1ook measuremenL of equlpmenLs for elLher mechanlcal and elecLrlcal parameLer such as nolses vlbraLlon
pressures rpm LemperaLures amperes volLage and ohm ln order Lo provlde Lhe daLas for fallure analyses
O erformed varlous cleanup on parLs of Leam 8oller such as flre Lube nozzle burner economlzer regeneraLlon
Lank and flre chamber
O Carrled ouL malnLenance of CaLerpllar ulesel Lnglne and generaLor seL such as greaslng checked oll level Look
replacemenL of oll fllLer sucLlon fllLer englne oll fuel fllLer cleanup radlaLor fuel pump and coollng pump
O Carrled ouL repalr varlous roLaLlng equlpmenL such as replace broken bearlng of pump screw conveyor blower
lnducLlon moLor buckeL elevaLor
O AsslsLed ln lnsLallaLlon waLer and sLeam llnes repalr of plpes valves meLers and overhead or underground

O Field Internships E&P Pertamina, Balongan Jan 1997
O LATSARMIL Kodam III/SLW, Bandung Sep 1997
O ISO 9001:2000 BEI, Cikarang Jun 2007
O Microcontroller BEI, Cikarang Apr 2008
O ISO TS 16949 BEI, Cikarang Oct 2008
O Metode Audit 5S BPI, Cikarang Nov 2008
O NC Control SIEMENS 802C Siemens AG, Cikarang Nov 2008
O Basic Mentality & Leadership BEI, Cikarang Jan 2009
O Single Minutes Exchange Dies BEI, Cikarang Feb 2009
O NPWP & SPT BEI, Cikarang Feb 2009
O Key Changes ISO 9001:2008 SS Consult., Cikarang Feb 2009
O Metallurgy Assab, Cikarang Mar 2009
O SolidWorks 2009 3D CAD Trimedia, Cikarang Mar 2009
O PICA BPI, Cikarang Jul 2009
O 7 Tools BPI, Cikarang Aug 2009
O 5S BPI, Cikarang Sep 2009
O Sistem Manajemen Mutu Global Solution, Jakarta Feb 2010
O PLC Mitsubishi FX Series Mitsubishi Elect., Jakarta Apr 2010
O Metal Cutting - Bend Saw 9 Krisbow Krisbow, Cikarang Jul 2010
O Surface / Cylindrical Grinding - Oper. & Maintenance ASP, Cikarang Sep 2010
O Operations & Maintenance of Hydraulic Systems FT-UI, Jakarta Jun 2008
O Effective Planned Maintenance PQM Consultants, Jakarta Jul 2010
O Injection Molding Technology Technobiz, Kuala Lumpur Oct 2010

ADI SARANA GUNA, P1 - Cikampek, Indonesia
1echnician, 1996
Perormed electrical-related wiring and installation or commercial and residential construction projects,
including new construction and plant expansions. key kesu/ts
O nsLalled llghLlng sysLem for a 1oys facLory ln kawasan 8uklL ndah Clkampek WesL !ava
O Carrled ouL lnsLallaLlon of elecLrlcal parLs across wlrlng MCC8 MC8 relays Llmer busbar cable ducL and oLher
elecLrlcal devlces of conLrol panels based on manual schemaLlc dlagram and oLher speclflcaLlons

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