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ConfllcL ln Lurope 19331943

6rowth of uropeon 1ensions

uictotorships in 6ermony ond lto/y
1he Luropean confllcL LhaL broke ouL wlLh Lhe Cerman lnvaslon of oland ln SepLember 1939 was llnked Lo Lhe
grlevances expressed by PlLler and Mussollnl abouL Lhe Lerms of Lhe 1reaLy of versallles PlLler creaLed a
personal persona around hls avowed mlsslon" Lo recue Lo Cerman people from Lhe shame of WW1 and Lo
free Cermany from Lhe resLrlcLlons lmposed by Lhe 1reaLy ln Meln kampf PlLler wroLe LhaL Cetmooy woolJ
be o wotlJ powet ot tbete woolJ be oo Cetmooy Mussollnl pledged Lo resLore lLaly Lo lLs former lmperlal
glory Pe wanLed Lo bulld a new 8oman emplre ln 1933 he defled Lhe League of naLlons and lnvaded
Abysslnla ln norLh Afrlca
When Mussollnl lnvaded Abysslnla Lhe democraLlc powers' memorles of Lhe horrors of WW1 meanL LhaL
Lhelr fear of anoLher war ouLwelghed Lhe deslre Lo enforce Lhe 1reaLy of versallles
ln 1933 PlLler had Lo lmprove a number of flelds before he could go Lo war
epended on a varleLy of lmporLed raw maLerlals
Army had many unlLs LhaL were sLlll underequlpped
ShorL of munlLlons
navy was no maLch for 8rlLaln's 8oyal navy
PlLler overcame Lhls ln a number ways ln 1933 PlLler relnLroduced conscrlpLlon announced Lhe creaLlon of a
Cerman alr force and Lhe expanslon of Lhe Cerman army beyond Lhe llmlL of 100 000 lmposed by Lhe 1reaLy
ln opposlLlon Lhe lLallan economy could noL meeL Lhe demands generaLed by Mussollnl's amblLlons 1he
lLallan economy could noL susLaln Lhe efforL requlred by a ma[or war because
lLallan economy depended prlmarlly on smallscale agrlculLure
8elled heavlly on lmporLed raw maLerlals
0 of lLaly's lmporLs came passed 8rlLlshconLrolled naval bases whlch meanL LhaL lLaly could easlly be
Much of lLaly's vlLal lmporLs were carrled by 8rlLlsh shlps before Lhe war
An awareness of Lhls ls llkely Lo have lnfluenced Mussollnl's cauLlon ln declarlng war lLaly dld noL enLer Lhe
confllcL ln Lurope unLll Lhe defeaL of lrance was cerLaln
1he Leoque of Notions
lrom Lhe Llme of Amerlca's refusal Lo [oln Lhe League of naLlons Lhe league was doomed Lo fallure Lhe
ldea LhaL members would acL LogeLher for Lhe safeLy or securlLy of member sLaLes was unreallsLlc 1hls was
evldenL when Mussollnl lnvaded Abysslnla AL Lhe sLarL of Lhe year 8rlLaln and lrance had hoped Lo make
an ally of Mussollnl Cerman rearmamenL and PlLler's wellpubllclsed deslre Lo furLher defy Lhe league and
Lake over AusLrla appeared Lo worry Mussollnl and Lhls drew hlm Lemporarlly lnLo agreemenL wlLh 8rlLaln
and lrance 1he Lhree naLlons meL aL SLresa ln Aprll 1933 and announced a unlLed fronL agalnsL Cerman
rearmamenL When Mussollnl moved agalnsL Abysslnla Lhe 8rlLlsh and lrench were lndeclslve because
lf Lhey backed Lhe League of naLlons wholehearLedly Lhey rlsked Mussollnl breaklng wlLh Lhe SLresa lronL
and [olnlng PlLler
1hey boLh worrled whaL mlghL happen lf Lhey became dlsLracLed by a confronLaLlon wlLh lLaly over
Abysslnla 1he 8rlLlsh were concerned LhaL Lhe !apanese mlghL Lake Lhe opporLunlLy for furLher expanslon
LhaL could LhreaLen vlLal 8rlLlsh lnLeresLs ln Asla and Lhe lrench were worrled LhaL PlLler mlghL selze Lhe
chance Lo move lnLo Lhe 8hlneland
1hese prospecLs had Lo be balanced agalnsL Lhe rlsks assoclaLed wlLh falllng Lo acL and Lherefore
hlghllghLlng Lhe weakness of Lhe League of naLlons and Lhe myLh of collecLlve securlLy
esplLe Lhe assessmenLs of dlplomaLs and pollLlclans publlc oplnlon ln 8rlLaln and lrance demanded some
klnd of acLlon agalnsL lLaly 1he resulL was a serles of lneffecLual economlc sancLlons lmposed Lhrough Lhe
league ln Lurn PlLler provlded lLaly wlLh raw maLerlals 1he growlng bond beLween Lhe dlcLaLors and Lhelr
cooperaLlon wlLh Ceneral lranco ln Lhe Spanlsh Clvll War Lurned ln 1936 lnLo Lhe Axls Alllance 8eLween 1933
and 1937 Lhe dlplomaLlc slLuaLlon lncreaslngly appeared Lo favour Lhe dlcLaLors
PlLler had begun Lo rearm
lLaly had successfully defled Lhe league over Abysslnla and lL became parL of Mussollnl's new lLallan emplre
Cerman army marched lnLo Lhe 8hlneland
PlLler and Mussollnl [olned forces Lo supporL lranco who successfully sLaged a clvll war agalnsL Lhe
elecLed governmenL ln hls counLry and made hlmself dlcLaLor 8rlLaln and lrance dld noL become lnvolved
PlLler and Mussollnl comblned Lo acLlvely supporL lranco wlLh ald and weapons 1he Cermans LesLed a
number of Lhelr new alrcrafL noLably Lhe MesserschmlLL 8f 109 whlch would become Lhelr fronLllne
flghLer alrcrafL durlng WW2
ln CcLober 1936 Lhe Axls Alllance was formallsed
8y 1937 lrance faced Lhe prospecL of sharlng lLs borders wlLh Lhree poLenLlally hosLlle dlcLaLors
1he lrench were concerned LhaL Cermany seemed Lo be recoverlng more qulckly from Lhe CreaL
epresslon Lhe lrench economy was sLruggllng
8rlLaln was no longer Lhe greaL power LhaL lL had been 8rlLaln was cuLLlng defencespendlng aL a Llme
when Lhe dlcLaLors were lncreaslng Lhelrs
lL was becomlng clear Lo Lhe democraLlc powers and Lhe dlcLaLors LhaL collecLlve securlLy was a cause of
shame and from Lhls Llme Lhe league sllpped lnLo lrrelevance ln May 1937 nevllle Chamberlaln became
8rlLaln's prlme mlnlsLer
1he course of the uropeon wor
PlLler had wrlLLen ln Meln kampf LhaL AusLrla musL one day be reLurned Lo Lhe greaL Cerman moLher counLry
1he AusLrlans and Lhe Cermans were one race and were meanL Lo parL of a slngle sLaLe lrom 1934 PlLler had
worked Lo sLrengLhen Lhe poslLlon of Lhe nazl parLy ln AusLrla ln lebruary 193 however Lhe AusLrlan
chancellor kurL von Schuschnlgg learned of Lhe ploL and vlslLed Cermany hoplng Lo convlnce PlLler Lo
resLraln Lhe AusLrlan nazls PlLler ranLed accuslng Lhe AusLrlans of havlng beLrayed Lhe Cerman race and
declared LhaL he had a hlsLorlc mlsslon von Schuschnlgg gave ln Lo a serles of demands LhaL lncluded allowlng
members of Lhe AusLrlan nazl parLy Lo become parL of hls governmenL
von Schuschnlgg reallsed whaL was happenlng and held a carefully worded AusLrlan naLlonal voLe LhaL asked
wheLher Lhe AusLrlan people wanLed Lhe unlon wlLh Cermany lnvaslon was prepared When lL was clear Lo
von Schuschnlgg LhaL Lhe Cerman army would lnvade he reslgned PlLler's army was lnvlLed Lo AusLrla and Lhe
Anschluss was compleLe lrance proLesLed buL dld noL acL whlle Chamberlaln accepLed Lhe slLuaLlon saylng
LhaL Lhere had always been a close afflnlLy beLween Cermany and AusLrla
1he Anschluss wlLh AusLrla made Czechoslovakla more vulnerable Czechoslovakla was a mulLlraclal sLaLe
creaLed by Lhe 1reaLy of versallles lL lncluded 3 mllllon eLhnlc Cermans PlLler clalmed LhaL Lhese eLhnlc
Cermans Lhe SudeLen Cermans were belng abused by Lhe Czech governmenL and demanded LhaL Lhe Czech
LerrlLory known as Lhe SudeLenland become parL of Cermany 1he Czech presldenL Ldvard 8enes was noL as
easy Lo bully as von Schuschnlgg 1he 8rlLlsh governmenL puL pressure on 8enes Lo make concesslons Whlle
Lhe 8rlLlsh encouraged negoLlaLlon PlLler readled plans for mlllLary acLlon codenamed 'Case Creen' Cn 14
SepLember Chamberlaln requesLed a speclal meeLlng wlLh PlLler Lo aLLempL Lo resolve Lhe crlsls
1hls was Lhe flrsL of a serles of meeLlngs LhaL led Lo Lhe Munlch AgreemenL and Lo Lhe evenLual breakup of
Czechoslovakla 1hls came on 29 SepLember aL Lhe Munlch conference where Chamberlaln Lhe lrench leader
Ldouard aladler PlLler and Mussollnl meL 1he SudeLenland became Cerman LerrlLory and Czechoslovakla
losL some of lLs sLrongesL border defences PlLler promlsed Lo respecL Czechoslovakla's new borders however
a few monLhs laLer ln !anuary 1939 Lhe Cerman army marched lnLo whaL was lefL of Czechoslovakla
8y Lhe !anuary of 1939 Chamberlaln knew LhaL PlLler's promlses were worLhless and Lhe 8rlLlsh and lrench
governmenLs were qulck Lo sLaLe Lhelr supporL for oland a counLry llkely Lo be PlLler's nexL LargeL
1here was llLLle LhaL Lhey could acLually do Lo help oland glven lLs geographlcal poslLlon and Cermany was ln
a sLronger mlllLary poslLlon LhaL ever before Cermany and Lhe SovleL unlon announced Lhe nazlSovleL non
Agresslon acL ln AugusL 1939 1hls removed Lhe LhreaL of a war on Lwo fronLs for Cermany and compleLely
lsolaLed oland Cn 1 SepLember Lhe Cerman army aLLacked oland 1hls Llme Lhe democraLlc powers
relucLanLly declared war on Cermany 3 SepLember
6ermon odvonces
Cerman mlllLary leaders had developed new ldeas of warfare whlch comblned and coordlnaLed aLLacks by
dlfferenL elemenLs of Lhe armed forces Lanks lnfanLry and alrcrafL Alan MllleL '1he new Cerman approach Lo
comblne arms would emphaslse surprlse [udgmenL speed and explolLaLlon of an enemy's momenLary
weaknesses' 1he LufLwaffe was seen as Lhe servanL of Lhe army 1he Cermans developed one very good
flghLer plane Lhe MesserschmlLL 8f 109 Lo glve Lhem alr superlorlLy over Lhe baLLlefleld and medlumrange
bombers Lo supporL ground operaLlons Cermans lacked Lhe Llme or resources Lo challenge 8rlLaln's 8oyal
navy Cermany needed Lo spend more Llme on uboaLs
1he MaglnoL Llne sLreLched more Lhan 240 kllomeLres lL was a modern concreLe super Lrench 1he lrench
declded LhaL Lhe MaglnoL Llne would domlnaLe as Lrench warfare had domlnaLed ln WW1 1he Cermans
declded Lhe Lanks alrcrafL and moblllLy would make Lrenches lrrelevanL 1he Cermans proved Lo be rlghL 1he
lrench became vlcLlms of Lhe MaglnoL menLallLy 1he lrench alr force was Lhe vlcLlm of a lack of fundlng so
Lhey dldn'L have sufflclenL numbers of modern alrcrafL aL Lhe ouLbreak of war
1he army had falled Lo develop any plan for coordlnaLlng lnfanLry and Lanks 8rlLaln regarded Lhe 8oyal navy
as lLs senlor servlce and Lhelr flrsL llne of defence 8rlLlsh governmenLs relucLanLly lnvesLed ln Lhelr alr force
1hls led Lo Lhe acqulslLlon of Lwo flrsLclass flghLer alrcrafL Lhe Purrlcane and Lhe SplLflre 1he 8Al dld much Lo
encourage Lhe developmenL of radar 1he navy had been slow Lo modernlse and sLraLeglsLs had falled Lo
recognlse Lhe lmporLance of alrcrafL carrlers and Lhe need for an lmproved anLlsubmarlne capablllLy
oor plannlng meanL LhaL when lLaly [olned Lhe war lLs alr force was even more ouL of daLe Lhan Lhe lrench
alr force
1be 5ovlet uoloo
1he SovleLs esLabllshed a mechanlsed Lank corps 1he 8ed Army suffered from Lhe facL LhaL SLalln had purged
hls Lop mlllLary leaders 1he SovleL unlon was only [usL acqulrlng Lhe lndusLrlal and Lechnologlcal base LhaL
would provlde a foundaLlon for a modern alr force durlng Lhe 1930s
esplLe lLs pollcy of lsolaLlonlsm and Lhe economlc lmpacL of Lhe CreaL epresslon Lhe Amerlcan armed
forces had been slgnlflcanLly modernlsed A feaLure of Lhls was Lhe developmenL of some worldclass lnfanLry
weapons Amerlcan Lanks were llghL wlLh an emphasls on speed 1he Amerlcan alr force recelved a growlng
share of Lhe defence budgeL AlLhough Lhere were slgnlflcanL weaknesses ln Lhe Amerlcan navy Lhey dld make
progress ln Lwo areas Lhe developmenL of alrcrafL carrlers and amphlblous operaLlons
nelLher Lhe 8rlLlsh nor Lhe lrench were eager Lo confronL Cermany 8rlLaln dlspaLched Lroops Lo lrance
8rlLaln's 8oyal navy moved Lo blockade Cermany 1he lrench army walLed behlnd Lhe MaglnoL Llne
esplLe lLs new Lechnlques of war Cermany was noL as sLrong as 8rlLaln and lrance had feared 1he Cermans
learned LhaL as Lhey wenL and reflned Lhe prlnclples of 8llLzkrleg comblnlng fasLmovlng aLLacks uslng
lnfanLry Lanks and alrcrafL ln Lhe elghLeen days LhaL lL Look Lo defeaL oland
1he organlsaLlonal sLrucLure of Cermany's armed forces was chaoLlc and sub[ecL Lo Lhls whlms of PlLler 1he
ollsh campalgn was noL a real LesL for Cermany especlally when Lhe SovleL unlon [olned Lhe aLLack on
lL ls ofLen assumed LhaL Lhere was llLLle LhaL Lhe 8rlLlsh and lrench could do Lo save oland and Lhls may be
Lrue buL Lhe MaglnoL menLallLy dld cause Lhe democraLlc powers Lo mlss an opporLunlLy 1he Cermans
commlLLed Lhe besL of lLs armed forces Lo aLLack on oland
lollowlng Lhe fall of oland Lhe aLLlLude of Lhe 8rlLlsh and lrench conLlnued 1hls defenslve mlndseL
conLlnued as Lhe SovleL unlon aLLacked llnland and as PlLler occupled norway and enmark ln Aprll 1940 A
slgn of acLlvlLy came when Lhe 8rlLlsh launched a poorly planned aLLack on Cerman forces ln norway 8rlLlsh
aLLack falled and on 10 May 1940 Chamberlaln reslgned and Churchlll became prlme mlnlsLer Cn Lhe same
day PlLler unleashed 'Case ?ellow' Lhe Cerman aLLacks on Polland 8elglum and lrance 1he ulLlmaLe speed
of Lhe Cerman aLLack and Lhe vlcLory was sLunnlng WlLhln flve days Lhe lrench premler Lelephoned Churchlll
and sald 'we are beaLen'
1he lrench commander and Lhe leader of Lhe 8Ll had been confldenL LhaL Lhe enemy would avold Lhe
MaglnoL Llne buL made Lhe mlsLake of assumlng LhaL Lhe Cermans would repeaL Lhe Schlleffen lan 1he
Cermans drew Lhe 8rlLlsh and lrench forces lnLo 8elglum and Lhen aLLacked furLher wesL sLlll avoldlng Lhe
MaglnoL Llne Cerman Lanks smashed Lhrough Lhe llghLly defended lrench reglon of Lhe Ardennes whlle oLher
unlLs drove lnLo Polland and 8elglum Cermans were organlsed and used Lhelr panzas ln massed forces whlle
8rlLlsh and lrench Lanks were scaLLered 1he LufLwaffe supporLed Lhe ground forces efflclenLly and qulckly
esLabllshed conLrol of Lhe alr
WlLh lrench reslsLance crumbllng Mussollnl raced Lo help Lhe wlnner enLerlng Lhe war on Cermany's slde on
10 !une 1940
1he 4ir wor ond its ffects 1he 8ott/e of 8ritoin ond the 8/itt the 8ombinq of 6ermony
lrance offlclally surrendered on 22 !une 1940 1here was llLLle hope of vlcLory and a ma[or rlsk of lnvaslon
1here were Lhree phases Lo Lhe 8aLLle of 8rlLaln
1 AfLer Lhe fall of lrance Lhe LufLwaffe sLaged prellmlnary aLLacks on coasLal porLs and shlpplng ln Lhe
Lngllsh Channel
2 1he LufLwaffe began lLs concerLed aLLempL Lo wln conLrol of Lhe skles over souLhern Lngland and Lhe
Channel 1hls lnvolved massed aLLacks on Lhe llghLer Command alrflelds of 11 Croup ln souLheasL Lngland
3 AL a Llme when llghLer Command was under very heavy pressure Lhe LufLwaffe shlfLed Lhe focus of Lhelr
aLLack 1hey began Lhelr aLLack Lhe clLy of London 1hls reduced Lhe dlrecL pressure on llghLer Command
lL also meanL LhaL Lhe Cermans had furLher Lo fly Lo reach Lhelr LargeL whlch allowed Lhe 8Al more
opporLunlLles Lo lnLercepL and shooL down Cerman alrcrafL 1hls change also meanL LhaL 8Al flghLers from
12 Croup sLaLloned norLh of London could be more heavlly lnvolved AL Lhls polnL Lhe baLLle began Lo
shlfL ln favour of Lhe 8Al 1he frequency of Cerman alr ralds dropped dramaLlcally afLer SepLember as
PlLler posLponed plans for Lhe lnvaslon of 8rlLaln and Lurned hls aLLenLlon Lo Lhe easL and Lhe prospecL of
war wlLh 8ussla 1he 8aLLle of 8rlLaln had been won
MosL of Lhe baLLle was foughL over souLheasL Lngland Lherefore when an 8Al plloL was forced Lo bale ouL
of hls damaged alrcrafL he could re[oln Lhe baLLle 1he Cerman plloL became a prlsoner of war 1he
Cerman MesserschmlLL 8f 109 was an excellenL flghLer buL lL was shorL on range and Lherefore had a
llmlLed operaLlonal Llme ln Lhe combaL area
1he Cermans falled Lo recognlse Lhe lmporLance of radar 1he 8Al had an excellenL early warnlng sysLem
and was almosL always ln Lhe rlghL place aL Lhe rlghL Llme
1he facL LhaL Lhe MesserschmlLL 8f 109 had Lo escorL and proLecL Cerman bombers meanL LhaL Lhey
operaLed aL lower aLLlLudes and were llmlLed ln [usL how Lhey could manoeuvre
1he second Cerman flghLer ln Lhe baLLle Lhe MesserschmlLL 110 was vasLly lnferlor Lo boLh 8Al flghLers
PlsLorlcal Cplnlon 8rlLlsh and uS forces suffered heavy losses from Lhelr bomblng ralds on Cermany many
hlsLorlans quesLlon wheLher Lhls was necessary

1he 8Al regularly aLLacked LargeLs rlghL across nazloccupled Lurope 'sLraLeglc bomblng' and was deslgned
Lo weaken Lhe enemy's lndusLrlal and economlc capaclLy Lo make war 1he ralds lnLenslfled from 1943 and a
crlLlcal Lurnlng polnL came ln 1944 wlLh Lhe deploymenL of Lhe longrange Amerlcan flghLer Lhe 31 MusLang
As Lhe LufLwaffe grew weaker Lhe Allled alr forces grew sLronger
8rlLaln and Lhe uSA suffered heavy losses ln bomblng ralds on Cermany
1he 8Al LacLlc of uslng bombs Lo sLarL flres as parL of 'area bomblng' meanL LhaL Lhere were large numbers
of Cerman clvlllan casualLles
Murray and MllleL 'esseotlol to tbe Jefeot of Nozl Cetmooy t wos oot eleqoot lt wos oot bomooe bot lt wos
effectlve alLhough sLraLeglc bomblng dld noL love up Lo expecLaLlons lL cerLalnly dld slow down Cerman
lndusLrlal producLlon
perotion 8orborosso the 8ott/e of 5to/inqrod ond the 5iqnificonce of the kussion compoiqn
petotloo 8otbotosso
8rlLaln remalned undefeaLed ln Lhe WesL PlLler felL urgency Lo begln Lhe lnvaslon lnLo LasL 1lme was on Lhe
slde of Lhe SovleL unlon as Lhey moblllsed resources and conLlnued Lo sLrengLhen defense forces 1he lnvaslon
of 8ussla CperaLlon 8arbarossa was Lhe largesL mlllLary campalgn of Lhe war ALLack began !une 22
8usslans Laken by surprlse Lhree powerful Cerman armles 133 dlvlslons 3 mllllon men and 46 Lank
baLLallons moved lnLo 8ussla Army Croup norLh headed for norLhern clLy of Lenlngrad Army Croup CenLre
Lowards Mos Army Croup souLh advanced Lo capLure food produclng area of ukralne agaln Lechnlque of
8llLzkrleg used Cermans amazed aL speed of lnlLlal aLLacks capLured over 400000 8usslan soldlers LaLe !uly
PlLler slowed down rapld offenslve Lo capLure LerrlLory around klev and resources of ukralne faLal sLraLeglc
error wenL agalnsL advlce of PlLler's Cenerals who wanLed Lo conLlnue Lo push Lowards Moscow and
Lenlngrad Cerman soldlers successful ln capLurlng LerrlLorles buL by Lhe Llme push for Moscow and Lenlngrad
came slLuaLlon changed AuLumn ralns slowed Cerman advance WlnLer seL ln before Lwo 8usslan clLles could
be capLured Cerman Lroops enclrcled Lenlngrad ls slege lasLed Llll !anuary 1944 clLy never fell desplLe
deaLhs of more Lhan 900000 clvlllans Army Croup CenLre reached ouLsklrLs Moscow buL WlnLer seL ln
Cerman army noL prepared for WlnLer flghL soldlers and machlnery suffered greaLly 8usslans relnforced
more Lroops from far LasLern lronL managed Lo drlve Cermans back nearly 130km PlLler's rapld vlcLory noL
achleved llrsL slx monLhs 8usslan campalgn cosLly 8ed Army suffered huge losses of over 10000000 men
dead capLured or wounded no slngle cause for fallure of 1941 8usslan campalgn comblnaLlon of facLors
lncludlng weaLher sLraLeglc error vasL resources of SovleL unlon and SLalln's greaL paLrloLlc war
8usslan campalgn resumed ln Aprll 1942 PlLler Laken over hlmself as commanderlnchlef of army lan Lo
push SouLh Lo capLure vlLal oll flelds of Caucasus PlLler made error of dlvldlng SouLhern Army Cne group
would conLlnue on Lo oll flelds whlle Lhe 6
army would move Lo LasL Lo Lake clLy of SLallngrad LaLe AugusL
Cerman army reached clLy of SLallngrad weeks of savage flghLlng Cermans slowly Look over mosL of Lhe clLy
SLalln wanLed Lhe clLy defended aL all cosLs Lwo powerful armles assembled Lo Lhe norLh and SouLh of
SLallngrad under Ceneral Zhukov 8ed Army ln much beLLer supply poslLlon compared Lo Lhe Cerman army
buL PlLler sLlll confldenL of vlcLory 8usslan armles on flanks soon broke Cerman llnes aL weakesL polnL and ln
sweeplng moLlon enclrcled Lhe clLy and Cerman 6
Army 300000 men Commander of Cerman forces aL
SLallngrad von aulus asked for permlsslon Lo breakouL PlLler refused and Lold hlm Lo flghL Llll deaLh
Cermans endured WlnLer of sLarvaLlon and 8usslan aLLacks and flnally surrendered Lo 8usslans ln !anuary
8usslan vlcLory aL SLallngrad one of Lhe ma[or Lurnlng polnLs of war Cermans suffered heavy losses and 8ed
Army now beLLer supplled and recelvlng ald from Amerlcans 1o counLer worsenlng slLuaLlons ln Lhe LasL
Cermans launched a new aLLack on 8usslan llne aL kursk Cermans deployed 30 dlvlslons lncludlng 16 anzer
dlvlslons for Lhe flrsL Llme 8usslans had numerlcal advanLage deploylng 13 mllllon Lroops and over 3600
Lanks 8aLLle of kursk conLlnued for 1 days became greaLesL Lank baLLle of Lhe war anoLher 8usslan vlcLory
Cermans sufferlng over 300000 casualLles Cerman hopes of defeaLlng 8ussla now compleLely gone and
slowly Lhe 8usslan army began Lhe push LhaL would force Lhe WehrmachL back Lowards Lhe 8elch
1be 5lqolflcooce of tbe kossloo compolqo
Churchlll laLer observed 8usslans had 'Lorn Lhe guLs ouL of Cermany' defeaL of Cermans ln 8ussla was Lhe
beglnnlng of Lhe end for Lhe WehrmachL efeaL was of key lmporLance for allles as lL was Lhe flrsL Llme
Cermans were defeaLed on land a ma[or morale boosL for allles lrom 1943 onwards became clear LhaL
Llme for Cermans was runnlng ouL 8usslans conLlnued Lo push furLher WesL as nazl occupled LerrlLory began
Lo shrlnk
8aLLle of Ll Alameln and Lhe Slgnlflcance of Lhe ConfllcL ln norLh Afrlca Lo Lhe Luropean War
ConfllcL ln norLh Afrlca !une 1940 lLaly declared war on lrance Mussollnl waLched rapld expanslon of
Cerman power wanLed lLaly Lo wln own share of glory SepLember lLallan Lroops moved Lo expand emplre
lnLo norLh Afrlca lrom colony ln Llbya lLallans began lnvadlng nelghbourlng LgypL proposed lnvaslon huge
LhreaL for 8rlLlsh relled on LgypL and Suez Canal for supply rouLes Lo lmperlal Lradlng counLrles CcLober
lLaly lnvaded Creece and Albanla 1941 lLallans faclng defeaL ln Creece reLreaLlng ln norLh Afrlca PlLler
forced Lo lnLervene wlLh Cerman mlllLary forces Lo save hls ally new formed Afrlka korps began operaLlon ln
norLh Afrlca ln lebruary 1941 under Ceneral Lrwln 8ommel Aprll Cerman armles lnvaded ?ugoslavla and
Creece as Cermans drove lnLo SouLhLasLern Lurope nelghbourlng sLaLes of Pungary 8ulgarla and 8umanla
became Cerman allles
1he 8aLLle of Ll Alameln !uly 1941 8ommel advanced deep lnLo LgypL only a desperaLe defense by allled
forces aL flrsL baLLle of Ll Alameln sLopped hlm 8ernard Law MonLgomery Look command of 8rlLlsh
norLh Afrlca 8ommel now ln dangerous poslLlon due Lo lengLhy supply llnes and lack of fuel food and
munlLlons no oLher opLlon Lo dlg ln for a defenslve agalnsL cerLaln allled counLeroffenslve 8ommel walLed a
long Llme for offenslve whlch MonLgomery planned ln deLall MonLgomery walLed unLll force aL full sLrengLh
CcLober 23
1942 MonLgomery launched CperaLlon LlghLfooL amassed 200000 men 1030 Lanks and 900
heavy guns Lo challenge 100000 men 300 Lanks and 300 pleces of arLlllery MonLgomery used numerlcal
advanLages and wore down enemy ln a dogflghL Weeks of flghLlng 8ommel forced Lo wlLhdraw
MonLgomery dld noL lmmedlaLely pursue Lhe reLreaLlng army Lhe nexL few monLhs 8ommel pushed back Lo
borders of Llbya 8ommel's slLuaLlon made worse by arrlval of Amerlcan forces on WesL CoasL of Afrlca PlLler
recalled 8ommel Lo Cermany when lL became clear Lhe end was nearlng Afrlka korps surrendered Lo allles ln
May 1943
Slgnlflcance of Lhe norLh Afrlca Campalgn 8rlLlsh could noL afford Lo lose LgypL and Lhe Suez Canal comblned
wlLh prospecL of Cerman forces ln 8ussla mlghL drlve Lhrough Caucasus and llnk up wlLh a vlcLorlous Afrlka
korps meanL defeaL ln norLh Afrlca would be devasLaLlng
PlsLorlcal Cplnlon Slgnlflcance of norLh Afrlca Campalgn debaLed among hlsLorlans many argue norLh Afrlca
was llLLle more Lhan a sldeshow LheaLre of war and galned undue aLLenLlon + fame 8arneLL argues LhaL Lhe
8rlLlsh overcommlLLed Lhemselves ln norLh Afrlca as a resulL badly weakened Lhelr forces ln Lhe Asla aclflc
reglon played less lmporLanL role ln Cermany's defeaL
civi/ions ot wor
5ocio/ ond conomic ffects of the wor in 8ritoin
Clvlllans aL War 8rlLaln reallsed Lhe lmporLance of LoLal war early ln confllcL Pome lronL qulckly broughL
under governmenL conLrol clvlllans LhroughouL 8rlLaln helped Lhe war efforL anoLher lmpacL on Lhe home
fronL was bomblng ralds Lhough noL an lssue ln WWl Lechnologlcal advancemenL made bomblng serlous
LhreaL llvlng on Lhe Pome lronL
LvacuaLlons lf 8rlLlsh clLles bombed flrsL prlorlLy was safeLy of Lhe chlldren evacuaLlon plans for chlldren
and Leachers Lhe dlsabled moLhers wlLh small chlldren puL lnLo place before ouLbreak of war SepLember
1939 13 mllllon evacuees made way from crowded lnner clLles Lo Lhe open counLryslde losLer parenLs
who llved ouL ln counLryslde looked afLer chlldren recepLlon areas ofLen chaoLlc more chlldren Lhan
fosLer famllles experlence of Lhe chlldren dlffered greaLly dependlng on Lhe famlly whlch Lhey sLayed May
1943 London reLurn plan acLlvaLed [udgmenL made abouL each chlld's slLuaLlon some orphaned
oLhers dld noL wanL Lo go home oLhers noL wanLed home afLer plan compleLed sLlll 3200 chlldren
1he 8lackouL 8lackouL lnLroduced SepLember 1
1939 households prevenLed llghL from wlndows serve
as gulde for Cerman bomber SLreeLllghLs Lurned off vehlcles dlmmed headllghLs alrrald precauLlon
wardens appolnLed Lo enforce resLrlcLlons ayllghL savlngs lnLroduced Lo ease lmpacL of Lhe 8lackouL clLy
sLlll dangerous place level of road lncldenLs lncreaslng
8omblng 8alds 8llLz mosL memorable example of clvlllans under aLLack 8rlLaln's ma[or clLles bombed
19401941 clvlllans found varlous ways of proLecLlng Lhemselves durlng nlghL bomblng ralds WealLhy
sLayed ln 'funk hoLels' accommodaLlon ouLslde clLles safe from bombers CLhers became Lrekkers spenL
nlghLs ln counLryslde Lrekklng back Lo clLy for work ln mornlngs 1hose who couldn'L leave homes
Anderson and Morrlson shelLers lnsLalled wlLhln home provlded very cheaply by Lhe governmenL Subway
sLaLlons oLher form of proLecLlon 1hough governmenL dld noL encourage use of Lube sLaLlons forced Lo
sancLlon ldea wlLh lncreased ralds 223 mllllon people made homeless SepLember 1940May 1941 Lwo
Lhlrds ln London 9 monLhs of Lhe 8llLz 43300 clvlllans kllled v1 and v2 bombers new LhreaL ln 1943
Lnd of war nearly 62000 clvlllans kllled by enemy acLlon
8aLlonlng lollowlng experlence of WWl 8rlLlsh governmenL reallsed would have Lo lnLroduce raLlonlng
parLlcularly slnce 60 8rlLaln's food lmporLed !anuary 1940 raLlonlng scheme began conLlnued even
afLer war CovernmenL launched 'dlg for vlcLory' campalgn encouraged households Lo lncrease Lhelr self
sufflclency by growlng own vegeLables produclng oLher Lypes of food successful campalgn domesLlc
food producLlon lncreased 91 1944 CloLhes raLlonlng lnLroduced 1941 coupons lssued allowed each
person Lo buy cerLaln number of cloLhes each year cloLhlng supplles sLruggled keep up demand
governmenL launch 'make do and mend' campalgn encouraged repalr and wear of cloLhes already
Women aL War CuLbreak of war became clear women need become lnvolved ln work ouLslde home ln
order keep economy runnlng and perform [obs men normally do Women requlred perform auxlllary roles
women's volunLeer servlce formed ln 193 supporL clvll defense when war came women volunLeers
played vlLal role ln runnlng bombslLe klLchens evacuaLlons and oLher supporL servlces CovernmenL
recognlsed volunLary sysLem could noL provlde sufflclenL female labour ecember 1941 naLlonal
servlce acL conscrlpLed all slngle women and chlldless wldows aged 2030 for mlllLary servlces Women
[olned branches of armed forces lncludlng Auxlllary 1errlLorlal Servlce Women's 8oyal navy Servlce and
Women's Auxlllary Alr lorce Women carrled ouL essenLlal war work munlLlons facLorles shlpbulldlng and
chemlcal lndusLrles Women's land army esLabllshed Lo lncrease agrlculLural producLlon
5ocio/ ond conomic ffects of the wor on civi/ions in 6ermony
LvacuaLlon arenLs encouraged sendlng chlldren away from ma[or clLles by Summer of 1943 300000
chlldren senL Lo Lhe counLry esLabllshed camps by PlLler ?ouLh looked afLer chlldren and educaLed Lhem ln
nazl lndocLrlnaLlon Class dlfferences emerged as worklng class famllles noL afford Lo move away LogeLher
raLher chlldren senL far away Mlddle and upper class famllles afford Lo move Lo counLry areas as famlly
ofLen meL hosLlllLy blamed for food shorLages lnflaLlon and rlslng crlme raLes
LffecLs of Allled 8omblng SepLember 1939 Cermany puL lnLo place sysLem alrrald precauLlon wardens
flre drllls and blackouL precauLlons Lnd 1940 bomb shelLers consLrucLed ln ma[or clLles Allled aLLacks
lnLenslfled 1942 onwards began Lo shake confldence Cerman people Coerlng promlsed LufLwaffe noL leL
allled bomber lnLo Cerman LerrlLory Ma[or aLLacks Cologne Pamburg resden among greaLesL allled
bomblng aLLacks Llfe ln clLles conLlnued besL as posslble 8ulned houses paLched up homeless people
camped among rubble esplLe hardshlp large number of people sLayed ln clLles Lnd of war 12000000
homeless 4000000 desLroyed allled bomblng aLLacks
8aLlonlng nazl leadershlp puL ln place measures ensure no repeaL sLarvaLlon years WWl 8aLlon cards
prlnLed and sLored ln 1937 lssued ln AugusL 193 cloLhlng and shoes raLloned on polnLs sysLems
LxpecLaLlon of shorL vlcLorlous war frulL and veggles noL raLloned as war dragged on publlc parks and
flowerbeds converLed veggle paLches Allles advance Cerman LerrlLory food scarce SlLuaLlon never
reached crlLlcal polnL many worklngclass suffered noL afford food on black markeL
1he 8ole of Women emandlng war economy requlred labour of Cerman women counLer enLrenched
nazl phllosophy saw women as homemakers and moLhers noL lndusLrlal workers Army and nazl
leadershlp many dlsagreemenLs use of women ln labour force and armed forces PlLler reallsed need Lo
acL !anuary 13
1943 slgned decree requlred women aged 1743 slgn up Lo war work decree reslsLed
among upper class mlddle and worklng class LhoughL lL falr ecree noL overly successful many
exempLlons Lo decree clear PlLler relucLanL Lo conscrlpL women wlLh chlldren marrled or elderly women
many lenL servlces Lo agrlculLural lndusLry Some also employed ln armed forces varleLy noncombaL role
demand for women ln forces grew as war conLlnued llrsL worked as secreLarles cooks cleaners and
klLchen hands roles dlverslfled LhroughouL war began servlce anLlalrcrafL guns man searchllghLs and acL
as alr rald warnlng personnel
Noti kocio/ Po/icies the no/ocoust ond the Persecution of Minorities
Notembetq low 19J5 compolqo oqolost Iews teocbeJ oew level Notembetq lows 5eptembet 19J5 Molo
potpose lows lsolote Iewlsb people os sepotote qtoop lo Cetmoo soclety lltst of Notembetq lows fotblJ
mottloqe betweeo Cetmoos/Iews tbeo JeptlveJ Cetmoo Iews of cltlzeosblp
ktlstolloocbt Novembet 9
19J8 tespoose to motJet Nozl ulplomot lotls by Iewlsb stoJeot Nozls looocbeJ
systemotlc ottock Iews lo Cetmooy 5A ooJ 55 ttoops plolo clotbes opptovol Nozl leoJetsblp systemotlcolly
smosbeJ ooJ botot Iewlsb ptopetty octoss coootty ktlstolloocbt most vloleot ootbotst oqolost Iews lo
Cetmooy befote wot loltloteJ by Coebels ooJ otbet Nozl leoJets to pleose nltlet
1be Iews of lolooJ nltlet JetetmloeJ ellmloote Iews ftom Cetmoo looJ fltst systemotlc klllloq of Iews beqoo
lo lolooJ Iewlsb commooltles lo lolooJ betJeJ loto Cbettos set op tbtooqboot coootty lotqest Cbetto
wotsow 400000 people ooJ 40000 JleJ of stotvotloo 1941
1teotmeot of Mlootlty Ctoops olooq wltb Iews Nozls olso boJ o bote fot bomosexools Cypsles ooJ
meotolly/pbyslcolly lll/JlsobleJ Nozls lottoJoceJ sevete meosotes oqolost qoy meo bomosexoollty llleqol ooJ
100000 meo ottesteJ ooJ 15000 ploceJ lo cooceottotloo comps Nozls teqotJeJ Cypsles os lofetlot JlsllkeJ
os oot toJlcolly Cetmoo seeo os ootlsoclol ooJ ooptoJoctlve becoose of oosettleJ llfestyle weot oqolost Nozl
lJeo of peoples commoolty nltlet JlsllkeJ tbe meotolly/pbyslcolly JlsobleJ sow tbem os tbteot to qeoetlc
potlty of Atyoo toce 19J91945 Nozls kllleJ ooJ 70000 people booJlcoppeJ ot meotolly lll
lloooloq tbe llool 5olotloo 1941 Nozls tteotmeot of Iews wotseoeJ Aoqost 1941 o oew low fotceJ
Cetmoo Iews weot yellow 5tot of uovlJ oot olloweJ ttovel ootslJe locol commoolty wltboot petmlt lote 1941
Jeclsloo moJe to telocote Iews lo Cetmooy ooJ occopleJ tettltoty ooJ ttoospott tbem ost offlclol teosoo
beloq tesettlemeot teollty wos Jeclsloo moJe to extetmloote Iews oo exoct Jote ot Jocomeot sbows nltlet
floolly opptoveJ flool solotloo foct tbe opptoveJ wltboot o Joobt
wooosee coofeteoce Mooy blstotloos belleve Jeclsloo to extetmloote Iews tokeo lo 5ommet 1941 followloq
loltlol soccess of petotloo 8otbotosso Nozl pollcy temovloq Iews otbet meoos emlqtotloo folleJ vlctotles lo
ost eocootoqeJ Nozl leoJetsblp tlme boJ come mote toJlcol solotloo neyJtlcb Jepoty to nlmmlet belleveJ
to be petsoo come op wltb lJeo fot flool solotloo neyJtlcb qlveo petmlssloo by Coetloq Jtow op ottooqemeots
ovetoll solotloo to Iewlsb ltoblem Iooooty 1942 neyJtlcb colleJ sectet coofeteoce of 15 seolot
qovetomeots - 55 offlclols ot wooosee Jlscoss tecbolcol Jetolls flool solotloo Ctoop spoke lssoes ttoospottloq
11000000 Iews Jeotb comps estobllsbeJ lo ost mote efflcleot meoos klllloq people bollets too slow
ueotb comps 19411942 setles of extetmlootloo comps Aoscbwltz8ltkeooo 5oblbot 1teblloko bollt lo
occopleJ oteos osteto otope 1942 Iews oll ovet NozloccopleJ otope ttoospotteJ ost cottle ttolos to
extetmlootloo comps Mooy kllleJ ot ooce otbet oseJ os slove loboot lo loJostty befote most kllleJ klllloq
Jooe by moss qossloq fotm ptosslc oclJ qos 2ykloo 8 lotqest extetmlootloo comp Aoscbwltz8ltkeooo
eosy toll occess 19421944 two mlllloo people kllleJ Aoscbwltz lo qos cbombets JlsqolseJ sbowet tooms
copoble klllloq 2000 people ot o tlme qos pellets JtoppeJ Jowo metol colomos qlvloq off JeoJly cyoolJe qos
wot cootlooeJ ttoospottotloo Iews ploces llke Aoscbwltz ooJ otbet Jeotb comps weot oo teqotJless oeeJ
tesootces otbet oteos lJeoloqy ptevolleJ ovet oll else
nlstotlcol ploloo 5ttoctotollst Atqomeot bolocoost oot o looqtetm ploo/qeoetol otJet totbet tesolt
locteosloq toJlcollsotloo of wot lovosloo 5ovlet uoloo 1941 totoloq polot lo fote of otopeoo Iews becoose
Nozls beqoo teollse sbeet oombet people to extetmloote flool solotloo evolveJ oot of otbet oosoccessfol ploos
to ellmloote tbe Iews flool solotloo oot so mocb wllleJ ooJ JecteeJ by nltlet totbet lmptovlseJ by boteooctots
competloq fovoot nltlets eyes Mottlo 8toszot nlstotloo otetootlooollst Atqomeot moss extetmlootloo
Iews olwoys loteoJeJ nltlet meoot evetytbloq be solJ oboot tbe Iews nltlet otJeteJ ptocess extetmlootloo
beqlo ooJet tbe covet of wot nltlet ooly woltloq oppottoolty btloq oboot flool solotloo nltlet took stote of
ellmlootloolst ootl5emltlsm kotl ulettlcb ooJ betbooJ Iockel nlstotloos
nd of the conf/ict
u uoy ond the Liberotion of lronce
8ockqtoooJ 8ottle of 5tolloqtoJ become cleot blttet flqbtloq lo ost woolJ cootlooe 5tollo beqoo ptessote
westeto ollles beqlo secooJ ftoot Jlvett foll mlqbt Nozl wot effott owoy ftom kosslo poestloos wete wbete
ooJ wbeo?
lloos lloooloq u uoy beqoo lo 194J Ceoetol uwlqbt u lseobowet oppoloteJ sopteme commooJet of ollleJ
lovosloo fotces coJe oome lovosloo petotloo vetlotJ slte of NotmooJy cboseo fot looJloqs oot most
obvloos cbolce fot looJ lovosloos ooJ oteo oot beovlly JefeoJeJ oteo soltoble looJloq beocbes offeteJ tbe lott
of cbetbootq eosy occess follow op ttoops ftom Ametlco Nombet tecoooolssooce mlssloos qolo lofotmotloo
Cetmoo Jefeoses ooJ Ceoqtopby of lteocb coostlloe u uoy opptoocbeJ ollles mooy ptoblems Jlsqolsloq
mosslve bollJ op tesootces oqllsb coost locloJloq 1000000 ttoops
1be looJloqs 8eocbes ottockeJ Jlffeteot tlmes motoloq Iooe 6
1944 fltst beocb ottockeJ utob ot 6J0om
looJloqs soccessfol ovetoll mooy solJlets lost tbelt llves ttoops looJloq oo mobo beocb soffeteJ tbe most
cosooltles2000 Joe to stlff teslstooce - tooqb tettolo tJet beocbes ottockeJ utob mobo ColJ Iooo ooJ
5wotJ Cetmoo teslstooce fletce foceJ oombet Jlfflcoltles Ceoetol kommel tetotoeJ Cetmooy JlJ oot tetoto
to ltooce ootll olqbt of Iooe 6
Allles boJ coottol skles ooJ loftwoffe oooble osslst Cetmoo qtoooJ ttoops
Cetmoos vety few loozets ovolloble lo NotmooJy to teslst lovosloo 8tltlsb folleJ teocb coeo uuoy
ooJ150000 ollleJ ttoops looJ bock lo otope 10000 cosooltles
1be 8teokoot bjectlve ollles llok occopleJ oteos A5Al bteok oot NotmooJy befote totoloq ost posb Cetmoos
oot of lotls Mojot obstocle ootote of NotmooJy coootty slJe moJe op of potcbwotk smoll flelJs -
beJqetows sookeo toJs lo betweeo petfect coootty fot Jefeose fovootloq tbe Cetmoos Ametlcoos
coptoteJ tbe lott of cbetbootq Iooe 27
oftet 10 Joys fletce flqbtloq ctoclol bteoktbtooqb becoose sopplles -
fottbet ttoops eoslly seot to ltooce oce most Cetmoo ttoops fotceJ oot of ltooce Ceoetol lottoo leJ tooks
towotJs lotls belp of Ametlcoo ttoops ooJ tevolt by cltlzeos lotls llbetoteJ oo 25
Aoqost 1944 8ottle of
NotmooJy tesolteJ lo -425000 cosooltles epoolly JlsttlboteJ oo botb slJes
nlstotlcol ploloo blstotloos cooslJet uuoy lovosloo qteotest mllltoty ocblevemeot - totoloq polot fot ww
lltst tlme looJ occopleJ by Nozls tecoptoteJ
kussion counter ffensives 1944
1be osteto ltoot llool two yeots of wot sow teleotless oJvooce of tbe 5ovlet Atmy westwotJs fltst cleotloq
Nozl fotces ftom MotbetlooJ befote Jtlvloq loto beott of kelcb Iooe 22
1944 5tollo looocbeJ petotloo
8oqtotloo to posb Cetmoos oot of 5ovlet uoloo 5tollo bollt o fotce of 2J mlllloo sovlet solJlets lo 200 Jlvlsloos
toke pott lo opetotloo kossloos boJ 101 oJvootoqe lo tooks ooJ 71 oJvootoqe lo oltctoft Mlosk tecoptoteJ
oo J
Ioly JefeoJloq otmy kllleJ ot coptoteJ lvov fell ot eoJ of Ioly beqlooloq Aoqost kossloo fotces testeJ oo
vlstolo sbott Jlstooce ftom wotsow 5eptembet 12
komoolo sotteoJeteJ to 5ovlet uoloo 5eptembet 1944
Iooooty 1945 osteto ltoot polet petotloo 8oqtotloo lofllcteJ 670000 Cetmoo cosooltles kossloos
sostoloeJ 180000 5ovlet uoloo teclolmeJ 500km tettltoty Cetmoos followeJ 5cotcbeJ ottb lollcy
tecoptoteJ tettolo JesttoyeJ kossloos Jeslte fot veoqeooce locteoseJ fotces ooJ epolpmeot olso bollt op
owoltloq flool ooslooqbt
1be wotsow uptlsloq Aoqost 1
1944 loles lo wotsow tose op oqolost tbelt occopotloos ot ossotooce of
5ovlet uoloo osslstooce soppott oevet come optlsloq ctosbeJ ctobet 2
uebote os to wby 5tollo tefoseJ to
belp loles become cleot wooteJ to soppott lobllo commoolst qtoop wblcb wos to Jomloote tbe stote of
lolooJ oftet wot uptlsloq lo ptoqtess 5tollo moveJ ttoops owoy vlstolo ltoot 22
Aoqost looocbeJ
1000000 meo loto komoolo 8olqotlo fell 8
5eptembet keJ Atmy weot oo to llok op commoolst pottlsoos lo
nlstotlcol ploloo exploootloos kossloo soccess tely oo lmoqe of kossloo steomtollet mlss tbe polot occotJloq
to vety 1okloq loto occooot moopowet of expooJeJ Cetmoo emplte vety Jlsmlsses vlew 5ovlet uoloo
ovetwbelmloq oJvootoqe lo oombets vety belleves 5ovlet otmy leoJets leotoeJ ftom eotllet Jefeots ooJ
lottoJoceJ mllltoty tefotms q use of tooks toJlos lotelllqeoce qotbetloq eoobleJ tbem to folly explolt
tooqe of weopoos pootloq oot of foctotles
1he lino/ uefeot 194445
1be compolqo lo tbe west AllleJ fotces oo tbe westeto ltoot bopeJ to bteok loto Cetmooy by tbe eoJ of 1944
bot o oombet of foctots oolllfleJ tbe lJeo of o polck vlctoty lo tbe west Mootqometys ttoops lott Aotwetp
5eptembet 4
folleJ posb oo coptote opptoocbes nostloqsooe of key ettots pteveoteJ ollles bteokloq loto
Cetmooy 1944 nostloqs Jtows otteotloo Jlffeteot petsooolltles lseobowet ooJ Mootqomety cteoteJ o lot of
teosloo lseobowet ctltlclseJ beloq cootloos opptoocb oJvooce ostwotJs Cetmoo teslstooce stlffeoeJ ollles
Jtove fottbet westwotJ pottly Joe to tbe foct Nozls Jeqtee teptessloo oo ttoops locteosloq
1be 8ottle of tbe 8olqe AllleJ oJvooce btooqbt to bolt by Cetmoo coootetoffeoslve llqbtly JefeoJeJ AtJeooes
fotest uecembet 16
1944 nltlet bopeJ to spllt Aoqlo Ametlcoo fotces ooJ by lofllctloq vlctoty eofotce o
peoce settlemeot cooceottote oo tbe kossloo ltoot AtJeooes wos llqbtly belJ by Ametlcoo ttoops fltst flve
Joys cooqbt by sotptlse Cetmoos JesttoyeJ J00 tooks ooJ coptoteJ 25000 ptlsooets lot Cetmoos beoeflt
of sotptlse coolJ oot ovettlJe foct tbot ftom ootset tbe offeoslve wos JoomeJ to follote Cetmoo loozets
looJepoote foel soow coveteJ tooJs moJe oJvooces Jlfflcolt oce weotbet cleoteJ Cetmoos opeo to ollleJ
olt ottocks tetokloq tbe 8olqe took ootll lebtooty 1945 ptloclple beoeflclotles of tbe AtJeooes offeoslve wete
tbe kossloos wbo took oJvootoqe of mlssloq loozet oolts oo tbe osteto ltoot
1be osteto ltoot 1945 Iooooty 12
1945 kossloos ctosseJ vlstolo beloq tbe oJvooce woolJ toke tbem
tbtooqb westeto lolooJ loto Cetmooy 8otb slJes fooqbt o sovoqe wot teqolotly ooJ tootloely klllloq
ptlsooets Cetmoo motole foel ooJ sopplles oll fotms of epolpmeot wete low stott of compolqo Cetmoos boJ
ooly 4800 tooks oqolost keJ Atmys 14000 ooJ 1500 combot oltctoft oqolost 15000 kossloo slJe polltlcol
oqltotots lectoteJ ttoops oeeJ exoct veoqeooce Jevostotloo lofllcteJ opoo kosslo by petotloo 8otbotosso
cteoteJ qeooloe pottlotlc spltlt 8y eoJ of Iooooty keJ Atmy ovettoo uppet 5lleslo ooJ llbetoteJ Aoscbwltz
nostloqs oppeoteJ llttle Jlffeteoce lo tteotmeot of people sopposeJ to be llbetotloq ooJ tbose coopoetloq
oombet ottoclty stotles te keJ Atmy solJlets booses looteJ womeo topeJ owo lws sbot fot beloq
ttoltots News of ottocltles swelleJ oombet tefoqees fleeloq kossloo oJvooce lo flool stoqes of wot kossloos
tepototloo fot sovoqety eosoteJ Cetmoos moooteJ fletce Jefeoses koowloq tbe fote owolteJ lo Jefeot
kossloo ossoolt too loto ocote Cetmoo ottlllety flte 8lttetest flqbtloq took ploce otoooJ Cetmoo Jefeoses oo
5eelow nelqbts to tbe ost of 8etllo
utlve to 8etllo 1be closloq 5toqes o west ollleJ cootlooeJ cootloos oJvooce teocbloq kbloe lo eotly Motcb
ltoqtess beyooJ kbloe embottossloqly slow 1owo by towo oJvooceJ loto kelcb boltloq meetloq opposltloo
bombotJeJ JefeoJets loto sobmlssloo Mootqometys Jeclsloo Jtlve fot lbe oo woy to 8etllo lseobowet
Jeclsloo to meet kossloos ot klvet lbe 40 mlles west 8etllo Aftetoooo Aptll 25
1945 tecoooolssooce qtoop
of Ametlcoos met 5ovlet ollles 1otqoo lbe nltlets solclJe Aptll J0
1945 Cetmooy occepteJ oocooJltloool
sotteoJet moJe by ollles
Nuremburq wor crimes trio/s
8efore Lhe war's end lL was declded Lo brlng Lhe leadlng nazls Lo Lrlal for war crlmes PlLler Coebbels and
Plmmler had all commlLLed sulclde buL LwenLyone leadlng nazls were Lrled aL nuremburg a venue chosen
because lL had been Lhe home of Lhe nazl rallles 1he Lrlals lasLed from november 1943 unLll CcLober 1946
and Lhe defendanLs faced some or all of four charges consplracy Lo wage aggresslve war crlmes agalnsL
peace crlmes agalnsL humanlLy and war crlmes
1here was wldespread unease abouL Lhe absence of precedenL ln lnLernaLlonal law for formally lmposlng Lhe
vlcLor's [usLlce on Lhe vanqulshed 1he declslon Lo lndlcL Lhe Cermans for crlmes agalnsL humanlLy was
regarded ln some quarLers as a mockery as long as SovleL [udges saL on Lhe bench glven SLalln's record agalnsL
hls own people
Larly ln Lhe Lrlal Lhe defendanLs were shown a fllm of Lhe llberaLed concenLraLlon camps whlch seems Lo
have genulnely shocked mosL of Lhe prlsoners excepL Coerlng who sLood by everyLhlng he had done and Lrled
Lo force Lhe oLhers Lo do Lhe same Speer was Lhe only one Lo openly admlL gullL and show remorse a reacLlon
whlch probably saved hls llfe

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