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Inflation to ease by March 2012: RBI

Published: Wednesday, Nov 30, 2011, 21:29 IST , Updated: Wednesday, Nov 30, 2011, 22:32 IST
Place: Dungabori (Assam) , Agency: PTI
The Reserve Bank today said inIlation, which is hovering near the double-digit mark, will moderate by March-end on the
back oI better Iarm output.
"InIlation will come down because the production and agriculture sectors will boost up the rural agro-based economy oI the
country," Governor D Subbarao said at a RBI Financial Outreach Programme here in central Assam's Morigaon district.
As per the latest RBI Iorecast, inIlation is expectedto ease to 7 per cent by the end oI March, 2012.
For the month ended October, general inIlation stood at 9.73 per cent. Food inIlation was 9.61 per cent Ior the week ended
November 12.
On the economic growth, he said the Indian economy was stable and will go on despite global economic meltdown.
According to data released today, India's economic growth rate slipped to 6.9 per cent in the second quarter this Iiscal, the
lowest in nine quarters, prompting the government to lower its Iull-year growth projection to 7.3 per cent.
Meanwhile, growth oI eight inIrastructure industries slowed down to 0.1 per cent in October this year, Irom 7.2 per cent
expansion witnessed in the same month last year.
The Reserve Bank in its mid-year credit policy review last month had lowered the GDP projection to 7.6 per cent Ior the
current Iiscal compared to earlier estimate oI 8 per cent.
Subbarao said proper coordination oI Iarm loan recovery was the only way out to strengthen the agro-based economy oI the
country and the North East region, he said.

Moderating growth will ease inflation: RBI
deputy governor

India's moderating growth will help to ease inIlationary pressure in the country, a deputy governor oI the Reserve Bank oI India Subir Gokarn said
Reuters , Dec 3, 2011, 11.02AM IST
MUMBAI: India's moderating growth will help to ease inIlationary pressure in the country, a
deputy governor oI the Reserve Bank oI India Subir Gokarn said on Saturday.
Domestic liquidity conditions are likely to remain stretched Ior some time, Gokarn added, but
said that the central bank would ensure that liquidity stays at comIortable levels.
India's GDP growth Iell to 6.9 percent in the second quarter oI the current Iinancial year, its
weakest pace in more than two years, as persistently high inIlation and 13 interest rate hikes
since March 2010 bite.

Inflation means a persistent rise in tbe price levels of commodities and
services, leading to a fall in tbe currency's purcbasing power. Tbe problem
of inflation used to be confined to national boundaries, and was caused by
domestic money supply and price rises. In tbis era of globalization, tbe
effect of economic inflation crosses borders and percolates to botb
developing and developed nations.
entral bankers believe that mild inIlation, in the 1 to 2 per cent range, is the most benign Ior
a country`s economy. High inIlation, stagIlation or deIlation are all considered to be serious
economic threats.
Wbat Will Cause Inflation?
The Iollowing Iactors can lead to inIlation:
O rlnLlng Loo much money 1hls ls called a loose or expanslonary moneLary pollcy lf Lhere ls a
loL of money golng around Lhen supply ls plenLlful compared Lo Lhe producLs you can buy
wlLh LhaL money 1he law of supply and demand Lherefore dlcLaLesLhaL prlces wlll rlse
O lncreases ln producLlon cosLs
O 1ax rlses
O uecllnes ln exchange raLes
O uecreases ln Lhe avallablllLy of llmlLed resources such as food or oll
O War or oLher evenLs causlng lnsLablllLy
Economists generally believe that money supply is the key cause oI inIlation; in 2008,
however, skyrocketing prices oI oil, Iood and steel caused runaway levels oI inIlation in the
world economy that collapsed only because oI the global Financial risis.
Effects of Inflation
One oI the economic eIIects oI inIlation is the change in the marginal cost oI producing
money. This involves the appropriate 'price' oI money which, in this case, is the nominal rate
oI interest. This 'price' indicates the return which has to bepre-determined to hold back the
printing presses, in place oI some other assets which oIIer the market interest rate.
In addition, iI a country has a higher rate oI inIlation than other countries, its balance oI trade
is likely to move in an unIavorable direction. This is because there is a decline in its price
competitiveness in the global market.
A high rate oI inIlation can cause the Iollowing economic impediments:
The value oI investments are destroyed over time.
O lL ls economlcally dlsasLrous for lenders
O ArblLrary governmenLal conLrol of Lhe economy Lo conLrol lnflaLlon can resLraln economlc
developmenL of Lhe counLry
O nonunlform lnflaLlon can lead Lo heavy compeLlLlon ln Lhe global markeL and LhreaLen Lhe
exlsLence of small economles
O Plgh levels of lnflaLlon Lend Lo lead Lo economlc sLagnaLlon
Measures to Control Inflation
The central banks, monetary authorities or Iinance ministries oI most nations have the
authority to take economic measures to control rising inIlation by regulating the Iollowing
Reducing the central bank interest rates and increasing bank interest rates.
O 8egulaLlng flxed exchange raLes of Lhe domesLlc currency
O ConLrolllng prlces and wages
O rovldlng cosL of llvlng allowance Lo clLlzens ln order Lo creaLe demand ln Lhe markeL
DiIIerent schools oI thought emphasize diIIerent Iactors as the root cause oI inIlation.
However, there is a consensus on theview that economic inIlation is caused either by an
increase in the money supply or a decrease in the quantity oI goods being supplied, and that
the eIIects oI either high inIlation or deIlation are extremely damaging to the economy.

Inflation And Economic Growth
8y LconomyWaLch uaLe 14 CcLober 2010
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Inflation is a condition, wben cost of services coupled witb goods rise and
tbe entire economy seems to go baywire. Inflation bas never done good to
tbe economy. However, wbenever tbere is expected inflation, governments
around tbe world take appropriate steps to minimize tbe ill effects of
inflation to a certain extent. Inflation and economic growtb are parallel
lines and can never meet. Inflation reduces tbe value of money and makes it
difficult for tbe common people. Inflation and economic growtb are
incompatible because tbe former affects all sectors as indicated by:
O CPI oi Consumei Piice Inuex
A rise in tbe CPI indicates inflation. Tbe CPI or tbe consumer price
index is used as an index for salaries, wages, contracted prices,
pensions. Tbis is done to ad|ust witb tbe inflation effects. It is an
important economic indicator.
O P oi ioss omestic Piouuct
Tbe gross domestic product is anotber important economic indicator
and is usually inflation ad|usted. Tbis is an important tool for
measuring tbe rate of inflation.

Tbe important segments, wbicb are bampered include:
Interest rates
Excbange rates
Various monetary policies
Various fiscal policies
e effect of inflation anu economic giowt is manifesteu in te following cases:
I) Investment:
lf Lhe prlce of goods lncreases and people have Lo compensaLe for Lhe lncrease ln prlce Lhey usually
make use of Lhelr savlngs ln Lhe evenL when savlngs are depleLed fund for lnvesLmenL ls no longer
avallable An lndlvldual Lends Lo lnvesL only lf savlngs of an lndlvldual ls sLrong and has sufflclenL
money Lo meeL hls dally needs
II) Inteiest iates:
Whenever lnflaLlon relgns supreme lL ls a well known facL LhaL Lhe value of money goes down 1hls
leads Lo decllne ln Lhe purchaslng power ln Lhe evenL when Lhe raLe of lnflaLlon ls hlgh Lhe lnLeresL
raLes also rlse WlLh lncrease ln boLh parameLers cosL of goods wlll noL remaln Lhe same and
consequenLly people wlll have Lo shell ouL more money for Lhe same goods
III) Excange iates:
lnflaLlon and economlc growLh are affecLed by exchange raLes as well Lxchange raLes denoLe Lhe
value of money prevalllng ln dlfferenL counLrles Plgh raLe of lnflaLlon causes severe flucLuaLlons ln
exchange raLes 1hls adversely affecLs Lrade (exporL and lmporL) lmporLanL buslness LransacLlon
across borders value of money also changes
Iv) 0nemployment:
CrowLh of a naLlon depends Lo a large exLenL on employmenL lf raLe of lnflaLlon ls hlgh
unemploymenL raLe ls low and vlce versa 1hls Lheory ls propounded by economlsL Wllllam hlllps
and Lhls gave rlse Lo Lhe hlllps Curve
v) Stocks:
1he reLurns a company offer on lnvesLmenL fully depend on Lhe performance of Lhe company asL
performance currenL poslLlon of Lhe company and fuLure Lrends declde how much(money ln form
of bonus or dlvldend) ls Lo be reLurned Lo Lhe lnvesLors Cwlng Lo lnflaLlon several moneLary as well
as flscal pollcles are lmpacLed
ln reallLy low lnflaLlon raLe and an upward economlc growLh ls never posslble neverLheless low
lnflaLlon raLe means slow economlc growLh Whenever money ls ln excess Lhere ls blddlng by Lhe
consumers due Lo whlch Lhe cosL of goods escalaLe

FDI in retail will belp control inflation: Columbia paper
ress 1rusL of lndla 06 uec 2011 | 1233 M
Lmall0 0 0 0

Chlna permlLLed lul ln reLall ln 1992 lL has slnce aLLracLed huge lnvesLmenLs ln Lhe reLall secLor
wlLhouL affecLlng elLher small reLallers or domesLlc reLall chalns

A study released by the prestigious olumbia University has claimed that Ioreign direct
investment (FDI) in retail will help contain inIlation and transIorm the way perishable items
in agricultural sector is acquired.

"It (FDI in retail sector) will transIorm the way perishable agricultural produce is acquired,
stored, preserved, and marketed -- and thus help control India's persistent Iood inIlation,"
Nandita Dasgupta, who teaches economics at the University oI Maryland, wrote in olumbia
FDI Perspective, released on Monday.

"Favourable experiences oI other emerging markets suggest that the appropriate
implementation oI FDI in multi-brand Iood retailing, with eIIective checks designed to
protect indigenous small and medium-size enterprises, will eventually alleviate the supply-
side impediments to agricultural production," the author said.

Dasgupta argues that iI eIIectively implemented, FDI in retail sector has the potential to bring
in Ioreign capital, technology and managerial expertise oI big international retailers; and
develop an eIIicient linkage between the back-end supply chain and the Iront-end via capital
investment and technological inputs.

In an apparent response to those who claim that FDI in multi-brand retailing would kill the
small scale sector and badly aIIect the agricultural sector, Dasgupta argues that the
experiences oI some oI the other developing countries indicate to the other direction.

"It is important to remember that other countries like Argentina, Brazil, hile, hina,
Indonesia, Malaysia, Russia, Singapore, and Thailand have allowed 100 per cent FDI in
multi-brand retail since the 90s and many oI them have had encouraging experiences," she

hina, Ior one, permitted FDI in retail as early as 1992.

It has since attracted huge investments in the retail sector without aIIecting either small
retailers or domestic retail chains.

Since 2004, the number oI small outlets rose Irom 1.9 million to over 2.5 million in hina,
she claimed.

"Employment in the retail and wholesale sectors increased Irom 28 million to 54 million Irom
1992 to 2001. In Indonesia, even aIter ten years oI opening FDI in multi-brand retail, 90 per
cent oI the business remains with small traders," the Indian American economist argues in her
paper 'FDI in retailing and inIlation: The case oI India'.

AIter coming under attacked by the Opposition, which paralysed the Parliament Ior nearly
two weeks, ongress led UPA government on Monday said that Iinal decision on the FDI
issue will be taken only aIter consulting all stakeholders.
Lmall0 0 0 0

osL your commenL
1hls ls a place for our readers Lo dlscuss debaLe and learn more abouL Lhe Loplc you read abouL
above Pelp us keep lL clean and safe lf you belleve a commenL ls abuslve please reporL lL vla Lhe
Mark Abuse llnk found on every commenL
CommenLs (1)
8y Sat|sh Chandra 06 uec 11 1 Pours 33 MlnuLes ago
nA1lCnAL SLCu8l1? lul // 1he sudden declslon Lo allow lul ln reLall whose Llmlng has amazed
everyone was prompLed by whaL l wroLe on november 18 2011 abouL more Lhan a Lhousand lndlan
Alr lorce alrcrafL havlng crashed slnce 1970 Lhe vasL ma[orlLy of Lhe crashes caused by mlcrowaves
from uS saLelllLes and Lhe new Chlef of Alr SLaff n A k 8rowne who ls a ClA8AW operaLlve
causlng Lwo such crashes ln hls flrsL week ln offlce Lo boosL hls bld Lo buy worse Lhan worLhless
forelgn alrcrafL for Lens of bllllons of dollars (see lndlanAlrlorcelloLsMurderuC1blogspoLuC1com)
Lhls made Lhe purchase lmposslble and so 8AW dlcLaLed (see WhaL ?ou Should know AbouL 8AW ln
my blog below for how ClA8AW dlcLaLes all such declslons) Lhe lul ln reLall declslon as anoLher
avenue Lo brlng lndla lnLo slavery Lo Lhe whlLe counLrles as an acL of deflance and aLLempLed defeaL
of my defence of lndla// WlLhln hours of my saylng Lhe above 8AW ln anoLher show of deflance
caused anoLher lndlan Alr lorce alrcrafL Lo crash ln Paryana noLhlng LhaL any governmenL mlnlsLer
says maLLers Cnly whaL ClA8AW uCLS maLLers And ClA8AW does whaLever lL wanLs whenever lL
wanLs (see WhaL ?ou Should know AbouL 8AW ln my blog) // WheLher lL ls lul or any oLher lssue
ClA8AW ls Lhe elephanL ln Lhe room LhaL no one Lalks abouL wlLhouL whlch all dlscusslon ls
worLhless l had asked Lhe lndlan Army Lo arresL Lhe Lop one Lhousand or so offlcers of 8AW lL has
noL done so 8uL as l have sald lndlas nuclear forces obey SaLlsh Chandra Pe does noL need lndlas
convenLlonal forces or Lhe resL of Lhe governmenL and clLlzenry Lo defend lndla whlch requlres Lhe
desLrucLlon of 8AW whlch wlll be done by nuclear means LhaL ls Lhe slmulLaneous nuclear
desLrucLlon of new uelhl WashlngLon and new ?ork wlLh a warnlng
India Inflation Rate
Tbe inflation rate in India was last reported at 9. percent in Uctober of
. From 99 until , tbe average inflation rate in India was .99
percent reacbing an bistorical bigb of .8 percent in September of 9
and a record low of -. percent in May of 9. Inflation rate refers to a
general rise in prices measured against a standard level of purcbasing
power. Tbe most well known measures of Inflation are tbe CPI wbicb
measures consumer prices, and tbe CDP deflator, wbicb measures inflation
in tbe wbole of tbe domestic economy. Tbis page includes: India Inflation
Rate cbart, bistorical data and news.

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lnflaLlon 8aLe ueflnlLlon

ln malnsLream economlcs Lhe word lnflaLlon" refers Lo a general rlse ln prlces measured agalnsL a
sLandard level of purchaslng power revlously Lhe Lerm was used Lo refer Lo an lncrease ln Lhe
money supply whlch ls now referred Lo as expanslonary moneLary pollcy or moneLary lnflaLlon
lnflaLlon ls measured by comparlng Lwo seLs of goods aL Lwo polnLs ln Llme and compuLlng Lhe
lncrease ln cosL noL reflecLed by an lncrease ln quallLy 1here are Lherefore many measures of
lnflaLlon dependlng on Lhe speclflc clrcumsLances

1he mosL well known are Lhe Cl whlch measures consumer prlces and Lhe Cu deflaLor whlch
measures lnflaLlon ln Lhe whole of Lhe domesLlc economy1he prevalllng vlew ln malnsLream
economlcs ls LhaL lnflaLlon ls caused by Lhe lnLeracLlon of Lhe supply of money wlLh ouLpuL and
lnLeresL raLes MalnsLream economlsL vlews can be broadly dlvlded lnLo Lwo camps Lhe
moneLarlsLs who belleve LhaL moneLary effecLs domlnaLe all oLhers ln seLLlng Lhe raLe of lnflaLlon
and Lhe keyneslans who belleve LhaL Lhe lnLeracLlon of money lnLeresL and ouLpuL domlnaLe over
oLher effecLs CLher Lheorles such as Lhose of Lhe AusLrlan school of economlcs belleve LhaL an
lnflaLlon of overall prlces ls a resulL from an lncrease ln Lhe supply of money by cenLral banklng

8elaLed concepLs lnclude deflaLlon a general falllng level of prlces dlslnflaLlon Lhe reducLlon of Lhe
raLe of lnflaLlon hyperlnflaLlon an ouLofconLrol lnflaLlonary splral sLagflaLlon a comblnaLlon of
lnflaLlon and poor economlc growLh and reflaLlon whlch ls an aLLempL Lo ralse prlces Lo counLeracL
deflaLlonary pressures(source wlklpedla)

India GDP Growth Rate
Tbe Cross Domestic Product {CDP] in India expanded .9 percent in tbe
tbird quarter of over tbe previous quarter. Historically, from
until , Indias average quarterly CDP Crowtb was . percent
reacbing an bistorical bigb of .8 percent in December of and a
record low of . percent in December of . Indias diverse economy
encompasses traditional village farming, modern agriculture, bandicrafts, a
wide range of modern industries, and a multitude of services. Services are
tbe ma|or source of economic growtb, accounting for more tban balf of
Indias output witb less tban one tbird of its labor force. Tbe economy bas
posted an average growtb rate of more tban 3 in tbe decade since 99,
reducing poverty by about percentage points. Tbis page includes: India
CDP Crowtb Rate cbart, bistorical data, forecasts and news. Data is also
available for India CDP Annual Crowtb Rate, wbicb measures growtb over a
full economic year.

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lndlas Cu CrowLh Slows Lo 69
ubllshed on 11/30/2011 104912 AM | 8y 1radlngLconomlcscom
@he Ind|an economy expanded at |ts s|owest pace |n more than two years |n the Iu|ySeptember
uarter hurt by h|gh |oca| borrow|ng costs and a deepen|ng eurozone cr|s|s
Gross domestic product grew 6.9 Irom a year earlier, the government said Wednesday. The
economy had expanded 7.8 in the January-March quarter.

The mining sector contracted 2.9 percent year-on-year, Iollowing 1.8 percent growth in the
preceding quarter. The growth in manuIacturing output eased sharply to 2.7 percent Irom 7.2
percent in the previous three months.

Farm output rose 3.2 percent Ior the same period, down Irom the previous quarter's 3.9 per
cent growth. Economic activities relating to electricity, gas and water supply increased 9.8
percent, while the construction sector grew at an improved rate oI 4.3 percent.

Investment climbed 30.5 percent Irom a year earlier, while consumer spending grew at a
weaker pace oI 59.5 percent. Government spending rose 10.7 percent, almost steady
compared to the prior quarter.

Aggressive rate increases by the Reserve Bank oI India over the past 20 months to cool
inIlation have crimped industrial expansion, adding to pressure Irom a gloomy global
economy that has hurt demand Ior exports.

The slow pace oI economic reIorm and a series oI graIt charges against the government have
Iurther soured investor sentiment, aIIecting Ioreign investment.

Inflation & how it eats your money
silently & affects your investments!
InIlation, is an economic concept. What the cause oI inIlation is, is not important to us Irom
the point oI view oI this article. What is important to us is the eIIect oI inIlation! The eIIect oI
inIlation is the prices oI everything going up over the years.
A movie ticket was Ior a Iew paise in my dad`s time. Now it is worth Rs.50. My dads Iirst
salary Ior the month was Rs.400 and over he years it has now become Rs.75,000. This is
what inIlation is, the price oI everything goes up. Because the price goes up, the salaries go

II you really thing about it, inIlation makes the worth oI money reduce. What you could buy
in my dad`s time Ior Rs.10, now a days you will not be able to buy Ior Rs.400 also. The
worth oI money has reduced! II this is still not clear consider this, when my Iather was a kid,
he used to get 50paise pocket money. He used to use this money to go and watch a movie (At
that time you could watch a movie Ior 50paise!)

Now, just Ior the sake oI understanding assume that my dad decided in his childhood to save
50paise thinking, that one day when he becomes big, he will go Ior a movie. Many years
pass. The year now is 2006. My dad goes to the theater and asks Ior a ticket. He oIIers the
ticket-booth-guy at the theater 50paise and asks Ior a ticket. The ticket booth guy says, 'I am
sorry sir, the ticket is worth Rs.50. You will not be able to even buy a 'paan with the

The moral oI the story is that, the worth oI the 50paise reduced dramatically. 50paise could
buy a whole lot when my dad was a kid. Now, 50paise can buy nothing. This is inIlation.
This tells us two important things.

Firstly: Do not keep your money stagnant. II you just save money by putting it your saIe it
will loose value over time. II you have Rs.1000 in your saIe today and you keep it there Ior
10years or so, it will be worth a lot less aIter 10 years. II you can buy something Ior Rs.1000
today, you will probably require Rs.1500 to buy it 10 years Irom now. So do not keep money
locked up in your saIe.
Always invest money.
II you can`t think where to invest your money, then put it in a bank. Let it grow by gaining
interest. But whatever you do, do not just lock your money up in your saIe and keep it
stagnant. II you do this, you will be loosing money without even knowing it. The more
money you keep stagnant the more money you will be loosing.

Secondly: When investing, you have to make sure that the rate oI return on your investment
is higher than the rate oI inIlation.

Wbat is tbe rate of inflation?
As we said earlier, the prices oI everything goes up over time and this phenomenon is called
inIlation. The question is: By how much do the prices go up? At what rate do the prices do

The rate at which the prices oI everything go up is called the "rate oI inIlation". For example,
iI the price oI something is Rs.100 this year and next year the price becomes approximately
Rs.104 then the rate oI inIlation is 4. II the price oI something is Rs.80 then aIter a year
with a rate oI inIlation oI 4 the price go up to (80 x 1.04) 83.2

So, when you make an investment, make sure that your rate oI return on the investment is
higher than the rate oI inIlation in your country. In our county India, Ior the year 2005-2006
the rate oI inIlation was 4 (Which is really low and amazing!). This rate keeps changing
every year. The Iinance minister generally gives the oIIicial statement on the inIlation rate oI
the country Ior a particular year.

Wbat is tbe rate of return?
The rate oI return is how much you make on an investment. Suppose you invest Rs.100 in the
market and over a year, you make Rs.120, then you rate oI return is 20.

II you invest Rs.100 in the market today and you make money at a 3 "rate oI return" in one
year you will have Rs.103. But now, since the rate oI inIlation is at 4, an item costing
Rs.100 today will cost Rs.104 a year Irom now. So what you can buy with today`s Rs.100,
you will only be able to buy with Rs.104 a year Irom now.

But the Rs.100 that you invested has grown only at a 3 rate oI return and so it is worth
Rs.103. In eIIect, you are loosing money!

So in conclusion, the rate oI return on your investments, have to be higher than the rate oI

From the above paragraphs you can note how silently, inIlation eats into your money. You
would not even know about it an your money would sit loosing value Ior no Iault oI yours.
But inIlation is not the only thing you should be considering, there are other things too that
eat into you money. The Iirst thing is 'brokerage and the second thing is 'taxation.

and Economy 2011

nflation rate 2010

Food infIation eases to 8.0% on December 1, 2011
Food infIation eases to 9.01% on November 24, 2011
Food infIation eases to 10.63% on November 17, 2011
Food infIation rose to 11.81% on November 11, 2011
Food infIation rose to 12.21% on November 3, 2011
Food infIation rises to 10.60% on October 20, 2011
Food infIation rises to 9.13% on October 13, 2011
Food infIation rises to 9.41% on October 7, 2011
Food infIation rises to 9.13% on September 29, 2011
Food infIation eases to 8.84% on September 22, 2011
Food infIation eases to 9.47% on September 15, 2011
Food infIation rises to 9.55% on September 08, 2011
Food infIation rises to 10.05% on September 01, 2011
Food infIation rises to 9.80% on August 25, 2011
Food infIation rises to 9.03% on August 18, 2011
Food infIation rises to 9.90% on August 11, 2011
Food infIation rises to 8.04% on August 4, 2011
Food infIation feII to 7.33% on JuIy 28, 2011
Food infIation feII to 7.58% on JuIy 21, 2011
June infIation hits 9.44% on JuIy 14, 2011
Food infIation feII to 7.61% on JuIy 07, 2011
Food infIation rises to 7.78% on June 30, 2011
Food infIation rises to 9.13% on June 23, 2011
India's food infIation rate rose to 8.96 per cent on June 16, 2011
India's food infIation rate rose to 9.01 per cent on June 9, 2011
India's food infIation rate rose to 8.06 per cent on June 2, 2011
India's food infIation rate rose to 8.55 per cent on May 26, 2011
India's food infIation rate eases to 7.70 per cent on May 12, 2011
India's food infIation rate rose to 8.53 per cent on May 5, 2011
India's food infIation rate rises to 8.76 per cent on ApriI 28, 2011
India's food infIation rate rises to 8.74 per cent on ApriI 21, 2011
India's food infIation rate decIines to 9.18 per cent on Apri 7, 2011
India's food infIation rate rise to 10.05 per cent on March 24, 2011
India's food infIation rate decIines to 9.42 per cent on March 17, 2011
India's food infIation rate decIines to 9.52 per cent on March 10, 2011
India's food infIation rate decIines to 10.39 per cent on March 03, 2011
Food infIation rises to 11.49 percent on February 24, 2011
India food infIation decIines to 11.05 percent on February 17, 2011
India food infIation decIines to 13.07 percent on February 10, 2011
India food infIation rose at 17.05 percent on February 3, 2011
India food infIation rose at 15.57 percent on January 27, 2011
India's food infIation rate eases to 15.52% on January 20, 2011
India's food infIation rate eases to 16.91% on January 13, 2011

Food infIation eases to 8.0% on December 1, 2011
EW DELH, December 1, 2011: ndia's food price index rose 8 per cent, at its slowest pace in nearly 4
climbed 15.53 per cent in the year to ovember 19, government data on Thursday showed. n the previo
stood at 9.01 per cent and 15.49 per cent, respectively.
The primary articles price index was up 7.74 per cent, compared with an annual rise of 9.08 per cent a w
ndia's headline inflation has stayed above 9 per cent for the 11th month, despite 13 rate increases by the
its October review, the Reserve Bank of ndia had said if inflationary pressures started to abate by Decem
Food infIation eases to 9.01% on November 24, 2011
EW DELH, ovember 24, 2011: ndia's food price index rose 9.01 per cent and the fuel price index cl
ov. 12, government data on Thursday showed. n the previous week, annual food and fuel inflation stoo
cent, respectively. The primary articles price index was up 9.08 per cent, compared with an annual rise o
ndia's inflation in October hovered above 9 per cent for the 11th month, in further evidence of the RB's
its fight against price rises.

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