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Sexual Harassment in the work place Sexual harassment must be eliminated

The next reported form of harassment to describe in a custom essay is physical of which touching is the most reported form. Other forms include sexual advance, sexual posturing and cornering. It is suggested by many surveys that more than eighty percent of victims of sexual harassment do nothing about the harassment for fear of reprisal. Both public and private sectors of the workplace are still being pervaded with sexual harassment. Being sexually harassed can make one feel demoralized and humiliated. Many feel that reporting sexual harassment is too great of a cost by due to having to relive the situation and being the victim all over again. There are also many reactions one can have by being sexually harassed such as apprehension, sadness, reserved emotions and self continuous. There is no reason a person male or female should be put through these traumatic experiences due to ones lack of respect. Why does one person or persons feel they can go into a work environment and turn it into a hostile setting? What these sexual predators make these victims endure is absolutely wrong and should hole a high punishment, i.e. loss of job, fines, probation. The procedures and policies that have been created to help reduce the effects of sexual harassment in the workplace would be more effective if directed at deterrence, rather than a band-aid. One of the main misconceptions of sexual harassment in the workplace is that it only happens to women. While the number or reported cases are mainly men offending women there are many cases of women harassing women, as well as men harassing men. In both accounts it is not just gay or lesbian attractions. In some cases it is because of an employee believed to be hay or lesbian who is singled out by heterosexual employees or an employer. One of the main reasons given by women respondents to sexual harassment surveys was that the perpetrator of harassment wanted to exert authority over the victim. Some attributed it to sexual gratification and sexual attraction. Your term paper should involve that in some cases it has been implied that some men confuse co-workers friendliness with sexual interest. It is also implied that the media is to blame by using sex to sell products. This is said to reinforce the idea that women are open to sexual advancements. It is also said that women are not taught or trained to set boundaries, either because they don't want to hurt the man's feelings or that they are fearful of reprisals from him. Most sexual harassment falls in the verbal category. These include gender jokes, insults and personal remarks. Sexually derogative remarks come next. These include sexual objects, materials, graffiti, e-mails and letters

Sexual harassment becomes more serious problem in the workplace. That unpleasant conduct may develop a routine or culture to the work place, as a result it become more challenging for employees to work in a place where it become uncomfortable for them due to sexual harassment by their employers. The question I am asking myself is that, what cause such behavior to be tolerable by some personals on the job? In the place I used to work I face many difficulties during the period I was there with the males co-worker, females, and even with some supervisors. In some countries, especially in the third world countries the supervisor are mostly males, as a result they used their power to sexually harass the female employees. Here in this country it is illegal to harass employees sexually. It is against the law; according to the Civil Right Act of 1964 sexual harassment of any form is a discrimination that is in violation with of Title VII. Many times women seem to be rude on the job with their co-worker, and even with their supervisor. Often these women always label as employee who have attitude by their employers. In reality, these people who are acting that way have reason, because they have suffered from uninvited sexual compliment by their employers. In December 7, 2005 Mount Sinai medical center hired me to work as a respiratory therapist. I started to work in January because I had a death in my family. Even though, I was still grieving for my late sister, but I was exited also for my new job because I was looking so much to work there the reason is that Mount Sinai medical center offer an intensive training. For every subject that they train you on, you will get promoted to that level. I never received any promotion for the six years I worked there, nor did I not receive any promotion. Not because my work performances was no good, as a matter of fact they label me as a perfectionism in other word I think that I am better than anyone else according the evaluation they gave me, it because I did not make a friend there. The first two weeks I was there, everything to me was find until when the three to eleven P.M supervisors approached me and tell me that my work performance was okay, but if I need to stay there to work I need to find a friend. At first I did not understood what did he meant by you need to look for a friend. After one month I was at Mount Sinai

the same supervisor came to me again and said to me have you find your new friend yet. At that point I did understand him clearly because I saw the way they did operate. I looking at him in his yes, and said to him I will stay in that, but I will not have any boyfriend here at Mount Sinai. Since then I was having a tough time at my job. As for the women who are engaged in a relation with these men become my worst enemy. The groups of personnel who are engage in the sexual harassment act know who to target. Some of those women do not have any choice they either single women or widows. Since we all know that Miami is a diverse place, for that reason harassers know who their victims are. It happen to be that I am the victim for the harasser in respiratory depart at Mount Sinai medical center until I was injured.

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