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Cywor|d's Case Ana|ys|s

nst|tute of Management 1echno|ogy Ghaz|abad

SubmlLLed Lo SubmlLLed by
9rofDheera[ Sharma SecLlon l Croup 3
nupam Slnha 11l1033
parna vyas 11ln019
lyer Sundaresh 11uM032
avl uhlngra 11uM122
Saurabh Sharma 11ln92
Sravan Cundapu 11uM

Why do peop|e use soc|a| network|ng webs|tes?
O elps ln bulldlng relaLlonshlps uue Lo busy schedules of people Lhere ls a need for people
Lo lnLeracL wlLh one anoLher and soclal neLworklng slLes help Lhem Lo sLay connecLed wlLh
people lL offers a Lwo way conversaLlon offers real Llme feedback and ls dynamlc
O Lends beyond naLlonal boundarles ls lnepenslve
O elps ln ldenLlfylng Lhe lnLeresLs of people Lhrough Lhelr posLs Lhus helps markeLers ln
undersLandlng Lhe needs of Lhe consumers and accordlngly manufacLure goods or servlces
O 9eople wlLh slmllar lnLeresLs can form groups and clubs and lnLeracL on a common plaLform
O ased on Lhe revlews and posLs of oLhers consumers can make beLLer purchaslng declslons
O reaLlvlLy epands 9eople can posL Lhelr work and ask for revlews on Lhe same
O MarkeLeers can organlze conLesLs and lnvolve consumers ln maklng Lhelr producL
beLLerelps Lhem ln creaLlng brand awareness and brand bulldlng

now to segment Cywor|d's user
n Lhe basls of daLa glven ln ehlblL 9
O Je see LhaL segmenLaLlon ls almosL slmllar on Lhe basls of cLlvlLy 9urchases and
onnecLlons ll Lhese Lhree dlvlde segmenL ln appro 33 each so Lhere ls noL any clear
dlsLlncLlon vlslble from Lhls
O Je observe LhaL purchase and connecLlon glve very slmllar lnformaLlon when comblned
wlLh acLlvlLy Lhls means LhaL purchase and connecLlon are hlghly correlaLed
O So lL's qulLe clear LhaL Lhls daLa can'L be Lhe basls of yworld's segmenLaLlon crlLerla
O 1o look aL oLher forms of SegmenLaLlon we go for age demographlcs segmenLaLlon s glven
ln case yworld was reachlng a maLure phase by mld2007 where lL already had 21 mllllon
users ln a counLry of 30 mllllon people and over 90 peneLraLlon ln Lhe 20 Lo 29year old
markeL So lL should LargeL a new segmenL ln Lhe markeL and LhaL could be

1eenagers from 12 Lo 18yearsofage
users beLween 4049yearsofage

eason for chooslng Lhese segmenLs are because Leenagers now a days have goL hlgh
dlsposable lncome so LhaL could be a poLenLlal revenue source for yworld
Second segmenL we have chosen slnce peneLraLlon ln Lhls area ls very low [usL 10 and Lhls
segmenL has goL hlgh poLenLlal Lo grow because people of 3040 years age group wlll be
havlng hlgh need of professlonal neLworklng

now |s Cywor|d d|fferent from Iacebook and Myspace
O lacebook and MySpace were largely supporLed by adverLlslng revenue whereas ln case of
yworld ma[orlLy revenues came from vlrLual lLems yworld has an lmage of belng a clean
O yworld's ma[or success was lLs concepL of mlnlhompys where users could wrlLe dlarles and
lnvlLe Lhelr frlends Lo vlslL and leave commenLs and also decoraLe lL wlLh vlrLual pald lLems
purchase muslc
O Dnlque way of adverLlslng lf users placed Lhe adverLlsemenLs on Lhelr page Lhey could earn
vlrLual money Lo purchase lLems for decoraLlng Lhelr page Jhereas MySpace eperlmenLed
wlLh LargeLed adverLlslng
O lL can leverage Lhe lmage of lLs 9arenL company Sk 1elecom and hence has predomlnance ln
Lhe moblle neLworklng plaLform
now are these soc|a| network|ng s|tes d|fferent from other |arge webs|tes such as Amazon ahoo
or ou1ube?
O Soclal neLworklng slLe's maln ob[ecLlve ls Lo enable users Lo bulld relaLlonshlps wlLh oLher
users whereas amazon ls an ecommerce slLe ?ahoo and ?ou1ube are largely
lndlvlduallsLlcally run
O 1he conLenL on oLher large webslLes llke mazon ?ahoo or ?ou1ube ls malnly company
drlven whereas ln soclal neLworklng webslLes lL ls user drlven

us|ness Mode|
yworld has several lssues wlLh lLs conLlnued growLh slnce lLs buslness model of vlrLual lLem was
almosL saLuraLed So lL ls our oplnlon LhaL yworld should reLhlnk lLs mlsslon wlLh some oLher
buslness model keeplng ln vlew Lhe new segmenL LhaL lLs plannlng Lo LargeL
1hese are some of Lhe Lhlngs we suggesL for yworld
1 9rofesslonal 9roflle DnLll now yworld has focussed on malnly enLerLalnmenL domaln uL
slnce we wanL Lo approach 4049 years segmenL and also yworld has goL qulLe good
presence ln 2040 years age group So lL should provlde user wlLh an opLlon Lo swlLch Lo
9rofesslonal 9roflle as per need 1hls wlll aLLracL more serlous user peneLraLlon lso lmage
of yworld of belng clear web wlll be an eLra advanLage for yworld ln Lhls
2 vldeo Camlng onslderlng Lhe segmenL of Leenagers yworld should comblne lLs evenue
model of selllng vlrLual lLems wlLh nllne games Lo aLLracL Lhls segmenL and Lo make Lhem
spend money on playlng games and gambllng

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