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Chapter 3 : Research Methodology and Method

1. Introduction This chapter aims to outline the research methodology framework used in this research. Firstly, the research design will be given explanation which is followed by research approach. Besides, the explanation of qualitative and quantitative researches will be presented after that it will focus on the data collection and analysis method. The limitations will be described in the last part.

2. Research Design

The definition of research design is a plan or structure for conducting the marketing research project. It could be classified into 3 main parts which will be given the explanation below:

2.1 Exploratory Research

Exploratory research is to discover or find out what is happening with this situation or problem in order to develop a new idea towards a new phenomenon (Saunders et al, 2007). It is also principally helpful if you want to refine your problem in order to understand and get some information to fix it (Malthotra,2010). Besides, the advantage of exploratory research is flexible and adaptable to change. During conducting exploratory research, you might want to change your direction as a new data obtained from the study which provides a new direction for your paper (Saunders et al, 2007). This research design helps the researcher to focus on the initially board and narrow down during the research progresses (Saunders et al, 2007).

2.2 Descriptive Research

The main of descriptive research is to give a researcher a picture of person, event or situation (Saunders et al,2007). This approach develops from the

extension of exploratory research or explanatory research which requires the researcher to have a clear picture of the phenomena and information sources before collecting a data (Saunders et al, 2007) and it is based on the large samples (Malthotra, 2010). The descriptive research needs a clear specification of six Ws that is who, what, when, where, why and way (Malthotra, 2010).

2.3 Causal Research

The use of causal research is to study problem or situation in order to explain relationship between cause and effect (Saunders et al, 2007) which requires clearly planned and structure design (Malthotra, 2010). The data is normally obtained from the observation or test the experiment (Paurav, 2011).

With regards to the purpose of this studying, the descriptive is applied in this research in order to gather information and identify the factor variables affect on male purchasing consumer behavior towards cosmetics and toiletries products by using a survey research.

3. Research Approach

Research approaches can be divided into deductive and inductive (Saunders et al, 2007). Deductive requires researcher to understand clearly about the theory in the beginning of your study while doing research will come up an important question concerning of your research project. This approach is to develop the theory and research strategy in order to test the hypothesis while inductive approach requires the researcher to collect a data and then develop the theory from your data analysis (Saunders et al, 2007).

Hence, the author employs a deductive approach into the filed of this study because of setting the hypotheses from the existing theory.

4. Research Strategy

According to Creswell (2003) indicates that research strategies of mixed methods approach could be classified into 3 main types.

4.1 Sequential procedures

The researchers finds out to expand their searching by using one method with another method. It can begin with a qualitative method for exploratory purposes and then follow up with a quantitative method with a large respondent sample. Another option is the researcher can begin with quantitative method first in order to test a concept or hypothesis and after that using a qualitative method to explore the detail individual (Creswell, 2003).

4.2 Concurrent procedures

The researchers combine both qualitative and quantitative data and collecting the data at the same time in order to provide a comprehensive analysis of the study problem. After acquiring data, it will coordinate the information into interpretation in order to analyze the different question or unit level in the organization (Creswell, 2003).

4.3 Transformative procedures

The researches apply and use the theoretical lens as an overarching perspective that designs to consist qualitative and quantitative data. The theory provides a framework with an interesting topic, collecting data method and outcome by the study. Within the lens are able to be a data collection method which apply a sequential or concurrent procedures (Creswell, 2003).

Therefore, concurrent procedures are applied in this research because the author is using both quantitative and qualitative to collect a data in the same time in order to obtain a depth data and perspective of large sample for understand the problem of this research clearly.

5. Research Method

When the researchers design to do the research study, the method of exploring is are able to either be quantitative or qualitative. Both of methods are mainly difference in the procedure and not in quality (Ghauri et al, 1995,40). The qualitative and quantitative are applied broadly in business and management research (Saunders et al, 2007). The main purpose for doing qualitative research procedure is to investigate or seek to what customer is thinking in their mind in order to obtain a general idea of this person perspective (Asker et al, 2011). On the other hand, the quantitative research procedure provides the information by quantifying the raw numeric and uses some form of statistical analysis in order to analyze the issue and get the finding that represents the population of this research (Creswell, 2003 and Malhotra (2010). The qualitative research procedure assists a researcher to access the complexity of people concern and activity. It also utilizes for the thing that is not able to get the information directly by using observing and interview. Feeling, thought, intention and behavior that were occurred in the past are the examples that are able to acquire the general nature of problem only through the qualitative data collection method (Asker et al, 2011). In contrast, questionnaire and statistics are used to get a data for the quantitative research procedure (Saunders et al,2007) which requires the large sample size of representative population to make sure that the sample is accurate while qualitative research procedure requires a small number of respondent (Potter, 1996,39). In addition, the advantage of using qualitative research procedure is unstructured and flexible which will give the chance for the researcher to build a relationship with the respondent. Therefore, the information that is getting from the interviewer will be more in-depth and richness in the context (Asker et al, 2011). Nevertheless, the advantage of quantitative research procedure is to provide a perspective of a large people (Saunders et al, 2007). Besides, when a new problem of marketing research is being addressed, quantitative research will be anteceded first and then following by qualitative research and qualitative research is sometimes undertake to clarify the data from quantitative research (Malhotra, 2010).

Thus, it seems to the principle of marketing research consider that both research producer are complementary rather than competition with each other (Malhotra, 2010). Moreover, according to Creswell (2003), he has been

separated the qualitative strategy into 5 types that is Ethnographies, Grounded Theory, Case Studies, Phenomenological Research and Narrative Research while the quantitative has only 2 strategies which are experiments and surveys.

Mix method research is a general term of using qualitative and quantitative research procedure in the single paper and it applies collection technique and analysis method of these methods into the research design as well (Saunders et al,2007). Additionally, Saunders et al (2007), they believe that mix method research is really helpful because it provides a good opportunity for the researcher to answer more question and it also enables them to have lots of data information that leads to be better evaluate in their study. Thus, their research could be reliable and trustworthy.

Hence, the author applies both qualitative and quantitative research procedure in this study because using quantitative approach is allowed the author to understand the bigger view of Thai males consumer behavior. Besides, doing focus group and person interview allows the author to get information in-depth so the author will understand what they think in their mind deeply.

6. Data Collection

The data collection could be separated into 2 main parts which are primary and secondary data. The combination of these data would lead the researcher to understand clearly of the problem area. The explanation is given below.

6.1 Secondary Data

Secondary data is an information or data that was collected by a person, company or agency for other purpose rather than resolve the problem by

hand (Aaker et al, 2011). The secondary data is able to derive from government publications such as published academic journal and business reports (Malhotra, 2010). Both raw data and published summaries are also belong to secondary data such as payroll details, letter copied, report and newspapers that consist of the wealth data (Saunders et al, 2007). The

benefit of using secondary is to be easily to access the data, inexpensive and obtained quickly. It provides the information or data to the researcher to identify and develop an approach to solve the problem (Malhotra, 2010).

Therefore, the theoretical part of customer behavior and factor variables were mainly collected from the University of Brighton library, the University of Brighton online library, WebCat : library catalogue of the University of Southampton and Google Scholar which the author was collected from the related literature concerning previous study on customer behavior and cosmetics and toiletries industry.

6.2. Primary Data

Primary data is an original study which is performed by the researcher or firm for specific objective to inform the problem by hand (Malhotra, 2010).

Generally, primary data is derived by the survey, observation and interview and experiment (Paurav,2011) that could spend such a long time to get the information and expensive (Malhotra, 2010).

Thus, mix method procedure is applied in this study. To understand how the author is acquiring information clearly so the author will be clarified the data collection into 2 sections.

1. The Data Collection Procedure of Qualitative

The qualitative research procedures have been divided as either direct or indirect which are based on the objective of the study (Malhotra, 2010). The purpose of the direct approach is expose to the represent of population or asking question to them. Moreover, focus group and depth are a main direct

technique of this procedure. However, the true objective of indirect approach is disguise the research from the respondent by using the projective technique that contains with association, completion, construction and expressive technique (Malhotra, 2010). The author consequently used the focus group

interview and depth-interview in this study in order to gain the information and perspective of companies and Thai males.

1.1 Focus Group

Focus group is a small group interview which concentrates on the specific of issue and requires for interactive discussion amongst respondents (Saunders et al, 2007). The objective of this research aims to find the factor that can motivate Thai male people to purchase cosmetics and toiletries product. Thus, the target group is Thai males who are regularly purchase skin care, hair care, oral hygiene and deodorant for their consumption in Thailand, especially in Chiangmai where many department stores and person who is high income reside. The reason of choosing this province is people there tend to be highly competitive and involved in their careers. Besides, there are a large of people who aged around 20-45 years old living in this area, this group of people are more likely to buy the mens grooming product due to the fact that they are concerned about their self-image and they want to maintain their youthful appearance in order to improve career accomplishment.

The purpose of doing focus group interview is to obtain in-depth information from Thai male people that what factor is able to influence them to buy cosmetics and toiletries product. What are they concerned about themselves? Therefore, the author will do 2 focus groups that each group will consist of minimum 5 people and they will be the same aged. According to Malhotra (2010, p.174), she notes that a focus group should be homogeneous in term of demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. Additionally, the author will find Thai males who are using and applying mens grooming product to participate with this focus group. If the participate never uses these goods, they are not allowed to be a member of doing focus group interview as the author wants to get the information that can be trust and reliable.

In the beginning of doing focus group, the respondents will given the problem issue and explain about the definition of each factor variable in order to make all participants understand in the same way. Each group will be given around 1-3 hours for discussion about the problem issue and the discussion will be noted and recorded during conference. After finishing discussion, a check will be made of the accuracy of the information to make sure that the evidence will be suitable for analysis.

2.2 Depth Interview

Depth interview can be defined as a conducted on one-on-one basis, otherwise, a single person is be probed by an interviewer to enclose his or her motivation, attitudes and feeling on the issue topic. The benefit of depth interview is flexible and unstructured. Due to the fact that there is only a single interviewer and respondent, the respondent will fell relax which there is not social pressure to comply group response (Malhotra, 2010).

The sales personal or beauty advisor who work at cosmetics counter in store department, clinics and drug stores is chosen to do direct personal interview in order to get company perspective. Moreover, semi-structured interviews will be used in this research because it gives an opportunity for the researcher to probe answer for their response (Saunders,2007). For example, why they think Thai male consumers are more likely to buy mens grooming products nowadays. The reason of choosing beauty advisor is they are able to interact the customer directly or they can observe them due to their daily duty. Thus, they can provide a greatly information for the author.

Before interviewing sales personal or beauty advisor, they will be asked about their working experience in order to make sure that they are validity and reliable sample. The respondent will be asked about the factors that support or change the male consumers behavior when they are buying cosmetics.

It could be noted that data collection is undertaken during 4 weeks that begin from July 10th ,2011 until August 8th ,2011

2.The Data Collection Procedure of Quantitative

The definition of questionnaire is a general term which includes all techniques of data collection. It requires each person to respond or fill out the formalize set of question in a pre-determined order (Saunders, 2007). Doing the

questionnaire aims to obtain a view or perspective of a large sample. For collecting the data, judgmental sampling, which the respondent is chosen by, based on the judgment of researcher (Malhotra, 2010), will be applied in this paper.

The questionnaire is designed by using close-end questions. The first part of questionnaire is to ask respondents with the general information, which is aged, and income. The second part requires the respondents to answer their purchasing behavior, what product they are using and they prefer to buy local or international brand. The finally part is to ask what factor could stimulate them to purchase cosmetics and toiletries products. List question, category question and rating question are used in the questionnaire. Additionally, the questionnaire is originally written in English and it will be translated into Thai language in order to help Thai people to understand it clearly. Data collection is undertaken during two weeks that begin from July 28th ,2011 until August 10th ,2011 between 1- 6 pm in the Central Robinson Chiangmai airport and Central Chiangmai which are recognized as leading shopping malls. These shopping malls also regularly promote a campaign related to mens grooming products. The target group is Thai males who live in Chiangmai who are aged between 21- 50 years old and who usually buy the skin care cosmetics and toiletries products for their own consumption in Thailand. For collecting data, Thai male customers who are shopping in these department stores will be asked to participate in this research. After accepting to participate, the screening questions are asked to make sure that they are the target group that the author would like to investigate. The screening question is: are you 21- 50 years of age and have you used or bought skin care products regularly? - and they will be given the questionnaire form and pen in order to reduce the rejection rate.

For this research, the author applied a survey method to measure the dependent variables in the model constructs. There were six primary variable measurement options in this research which was self-image, ageing, physical attractiveness, health concern, culture and advertisement and celebrity. All items were adopted from the previously studied which is Coloy and Burgess (2003), Sukato and Elsey (2009), Bakewell et al (2006), Cheng et al (2010), Weber and Villebonne (2002), Gould (1998), Netemeyer et al (1995), Sturrock and Pioch (1998), Wells (1964) and Marshall et al (2008). Besides, to

measure males consumer behavior towards consumption of cosmetics and toiletries products, all factor variables were asked to rate their opinion on the given statement on a seven point which is Likert Scale which is a widely used rating scales that requires the respondent to evaluate the degree of agreement or disagreement in the questionnaire (Malthotra, 2010). Likert scale, ranging from 1 which is strongly disagree to 7 which is strongly agree, with the mid-point is considered as neutral.

7. Limitation

The first limitation was the sample size of this study due to the time limited. There were six factor variables in this study so the author needed a large sample size which was suggested to be over 400 respondents to participate with. There were only 300 people to participate of this research. Moreover, the author distributed the questionnaire by hand in the department stores and the target sample was the males who were buying cosmetics and toiletries products. It was hard to find the respondent to participate with due to the fact that they did not want to waste their time to answer questionnaire. Besides, there were many questions in the questionnaire so some respondent did not complete all questions. Some of them just filled in the questionnaire without reading it.

The second limitation was the author could not get enough sales personal or beauty advisor to take part in this studying because most of them said they are not able to give any information to other people who were not work in their

company even for university purpose. Furthermore, the beauty advisor could not spend too much time to talk with the author because they had to serve their customers. Thus, the author could not get enough the information that was expected. In addition, most of interviewing took place in the department store and there was much noise around which led to a difficulty in hearing clearly content of the message between the author and interviewer during interview.

The third limited is doing focus group requires approximately 90 minutes. Some respondent was not happy with the time require so they asked to withdraw during discussion process and some of respondents answered the question without thinking. In addition, they did not concentrate while other people were talking about the issue problem due to the fact that doing group discussion took long that made them feel bored. Moreover, the author sometimes had to stop doing group discussion because there was somebody to phone the respondent. When beginning the conference again, some people completely forget what they wanted to answer the question.

8. Conclusion

The method of inquiry is represented in the following procedure. Firstly, the author begun with the research design which a descriptive was be applied in this study in order to investigate which factors could impact on males to change their behavior to consume of grooming product by using concurrent procedures into the method strategy. Secondly, the author developed the research plan and present how the secondary and primary data were collected which the secondary data was obtained the information mainly in University of Brighton Library and University of Brighton online library. The primary data also would receive the information from focus group, death interview of sales personal and beauty advisor and questionnaire. Finally, the data analysis was performed by using colour code and SPSS program that were used to present and analyze the data that were acquired from the survey, group discussion and depth interview.

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