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Multiple choice questions:

1. The pH of a solution is the negative logarithm of the concentration of H+ ions. With this in mind, which solution has the greatest concentration of H+ ions? A. Solution with pH=1 B. A solution with pH=7 C. A solution with pH=2 D. A solution with pH=10 2. What is the pH of a solution of 0.05M HCl A. -1.3 B.1.3 C.0.5 D. 5

3. Additional chemical groups such as small organics or metals attached to proteins are called A. Subunit B. -chian C. Residue D. Prosthetic group

4. The primary structure of a protein is its: A. Shape B. Sequence C. Size D. Charge

5. The Secondary structure is regularly repeating structure such as A. Collagen helix B. Disulphide bond C -helix D. All of the above

6. The tertiary structure of a protein refers to the: A. Three connected residues of a protein B. Volume of protein C. Protein Elasticity D. Interaction of Secondary Structure to form a compact unit 7. A Proteins quarternary structure refer to: A. B. C. D. Aloosterism Two or more polypeptide chains forming a multisubnit structure Disulphide bond Extended Chain

8. Enzymes are classified by the A. Size of the enzyme B. Size of the substrate C. Type of reaction they catalyze D. Rate of reaction 9. The site of protein synthesis is: A. DNA B. The ribosome C. The nucleus D. The Cell membrane 10. To make protein, the cell must first transcribe the genetic code from DNA to produce mRNA.

The genetic code on mRNA is in the form of codons, which are: A. B. C. D. Helix-turn Helix structure Positively charged bases A set of three adjacent bases DNA-RNA hybrids

11. Each codon on mRNA codes for one amino acid. The codons are non-overalpping, and they do not have puncturation between them. Codons are universal, meaning that the same genetic code is used for almost all organisms. Codons are also degenerate meaning: A. B. C. D. They can be read backwards A single amino acid may be specified by more than one codon They may or may not bind to ribosomes They contain asymmetric carbon centres

12. Recombinant DNA technology, or molecular cloning, requires a vector. Which of the following are necessary charteristics for a cloning vector?

A. Sticky ends B. Antibiotic sensitivity C. Should be in size to genomic DNA D. Single stranded E. Self-replicating

13. Genomic libraries are:

A. A large vector, such as a bacteriophage B. A series of vectors that together contain all the fragments of a certain genomic DNA C. Circularized genomic DNA D. A srestriction map of a species E. A mixture of genomic and recombinant DNA 14. PCR: A. Amplifies all DNA B. Requires ddNTPs C. Extends DNA off the 3 end of the primers D. Takes several days to complete 15. Suppose the recombinant vector below was constructed: What would NOT be true about a
bacterial colony that contained a vector with an inserted gene? A. It will have antibiotic resistance B. It would grow only on media plates containing antibiotics such as ampicilin, Kanamycin etc. C. It would grow on media plates even without antibiotics D. Presence of antibiotic resistance in media will cut down the number of colonies to be screened for the presence of insert 16. What is the problem with expressing eukaryotic genes in bacteria A. B. C. D. No Proofreading No excision of introns Size limitations Vitamin requirements

17. Bond formation reactions using ATP are catalyzed by: A. B. C. D. Synthetases and Ligases Synthases Kinases ATPases

18.All standard amino acids have atleast ----- asymmetric carbon atom A. 0 B. 1. C. 2 D. 3

19. Protein synthetic machinery recognize A. B. C. D. only L-amino acids only D-amino acids both D and L amino acids none

20.Which amino acid has aromatic side chain A. B. C. D. Phenylalanine Tryptophan Leucine Alanine

21.Glutamic acid has a Pk values of 2.17 and 9.13. What is the pI value of glutamic acid A. B. C. D. 2.17 9.13 5.65 7.00

22. Which amino acid side chain form disulphide bonds A. B. C. D. Cysteine Cystine Methionine Proline

23.The pI of any amino acid is calculated from a. b. c. d. alpha-amino group Alpha-carboxylic grop Ionizable side chain group All of the above

24. SDS treated proteins have similar A. Similar shape and charge to mass B. Similar charge to mass C. Similar size

D. Similar shape 25. Why degradative enzymes are a concern during protein purification a. They can copurify with the protein of interest b. They can degrade the protein of interest when the tissue is destroyed for protein purification c. They are major component of cells and tissues d. It is impossible to inactivate them 26.Which features of protein will determine the sedimentation coefficient A. B. C. D. Charge Mass Molecular shape Molecular size and shape

27. In a biochemical assay, the term assay refers to A. B. C. D. Qualitative determination of protein activity Quantitative determination of protein activity It is both qualitative and Quantitative aspect of protein activity None of the above

28. The amino acid sequence of which type of protein is least changed over the course of evolution A. Proteins that has extensive contact with other proteins and DNA B. Proteins that has some interactions with other proteins C. Proteins which has no interaction with other proteins D. A protein fraction with no other function
29. . G' is the Gibbs standard free energy change for biochemical processes. What does a

negative G' tell us about a reaction?

A. The reaction requires energy input B. The reaction is at equilibrium C. The reaction is spontaneous D. More information is needed to make an assessment

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18. Enter a "T" or an "F" to indicate whether the following statements about nuclease function are true or false. ___ Deoxyribonuclease works only on RNA F ___ Ribonuclease works only on DNA F ___ Exonuclease removes terminal nucleotides F ___ Endonucleases recognize and cleave specific base sequences T ___ Restriction endonucleases cleaves internal phophodiester bonds T

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