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The God Sleep: God put Himself to sleep.

(Light Veiled in darkness) In His dream world it is so powerful, that to us it is a reality! Adam was asleep and then came forth the Eve of Creation. Therefore His Light being eternal, the darkness He sleeps in is eternal. In the sense of darkness as ignorance to humanity. He will always be revealing Himself to Himself! The Dream World from a human standpoint is when your brain reveals you to yourself in so many myriads of ways. God has done the same thing, he had to go within Himself to see Himself to reveal Himself to Himself, so sleep and darkness had to come for Light to reveal. Inside of God was is Faith, His Soul His Great Source of Power. How can perfection know it is perfect? If it is perfect it just is. But it is like a new born baby, perfect, yet innocent of all it is in every way! it is constantly revealing itself to itself. it forms itself accordingly, whether it likes this food and or dislikes that food, and on and on it goes. God does the same he was Perfection, the very State of it, yet to see Himself He had to create the exact opposite of Himself as to the darkness, then "FALL" asleep to enter it and begin to reveal Himself to Himself and the Bible says Only the Things of God come to The Spirit of God. God revealed Himself unto Jesus Christ that he was God, which means again,, God was revealing Himself to Hisself! If God is Light and God is eternal then Light is eternal, and if God veiled Himself in Darkness then the darkness is eternal, This has greatly to do with a number of dimensions including Hell, the Lake of Fire and the Bottomless Pit, and answers to the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil which indicates the true world of Good and God but in sleep form it represents the Evil as to the strange and perverse and strange things that come into view when your dreams do not make sense and fraky things happen. So we see the worldly people in the perverseness of this dream that tatoo themselves all over and spike their hair and all the drugs and perversness of their lives by the music they listen too and create and the indecent way they dress, and all the weird and not normal or not in unity with a Mind that desires perfection. So we see as God has commanded us to cast down every thought that is unlike Christ, God does the same thing, The Evil perverse people of this World are the Evil thoughts that have appeared in this dream world and the Bible says, God is angry with the Wicked every day and he will pursue them till they perish. So God is casting down those thoughts as well. Now in another dimension this is all happening to

the Children of God as they go through the motions of good and evil and learn obedience of the things they suffer till they learn to shun the evil and seek the good and the day arrives that they become "Born Again" which means they are now free from the darkness and the "sleep" of death and they have awakened unto righteousness. This world is a dream that is like a vapor that appears for just a moment then vanishes away, the same way a dream comes and feels so real, then you awake and it vanishes away. This is how Jesus was able to walk through walls etc, for anything is possible in this dream world, and it is controlled by Faith! The Bible says, God will awaken as a man from His Sleep and then like a bear robbed of her cubs he will despise thine image in the morning and tear thee to pieces. Awake thou that sleepest and Christ shall give the Light! PHN

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