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‘imouto Moonlight Serenade — ..2s",,, z a eS Moderato F Abdimn cm cr cre zr i) atyour gif@———— andthe songthat I sing is of moonlight, 1 stand andT 3 — cm? camps for the touchof your hand_inthe June night, The on ty z Fim) PT Dr Ebdim/GGm FP Edim/F! fF — GmGaim | Gm area glow= andto ~ night how their light setsme z > ere coon F on FB Abeim Gm? x Zz z dreaming, My love,_ doyou know. thotyour eyes—arelike starsbright-ly beam-ing? Came? ct FP FO) FT DI Ebdim/G Gm © 1939 Robbins Music Corp. (USA) sub-published by the Big Three Music Ltd, Used by permission bring you and sing you 8 Moonlight Ser - e~nade. Let usstray till emi/F FT BbITR) be. ra aS a8 a + wal-ley of dreams,’ Just’ -youand I, summersky, Rime emt aT cas Die Dmo ET pmo oe fap Z abe = = = SS Be Se ees heaven-IybreezeKising th trees cometo Sees. s Fe = = oe eS =e = = f cme th oomt ct cmt Tune night 1 cama cm OF Fim) Pr Ebdim/o Gm eve song F Edim/y! FP — GmGdim! Gm co on F cr cia FP) Fe F 10 snore In The Mood eee a the groove fe - terWnatcha-call-um, what-cha —do-% to-night ————Hgpe you're inthe mood, be- case I'm Mis © ESrWhatchaeall-umy “ail you needed was Tun Pou" can see, the ‘won ders that” this feel juve sieht How's a -bout $ cor-ner wth 2 ta Ble for two sain’ has done — Your feet were so. hea = ¥y_ til hardly" could move— Where the muds mel-low J some gay tn dez-vous? ‘There's no chdnce 0 = man - ee with a Now they'elght a6 feathers and youre eit nthe s0Ove— You were ons ly hun = gry for. some mf ry Ab6 BAT Copyright 1988 by Lewis Music Publiting Co, Ltd., Assigned to Shapiro, Bemitein & Co, Ine. The Peter Maurice Music Co, Ltd,, London, England

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