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Generic name Mannitol

Brand Name

Date Classification Dose/Frequency/ Ordered Route 2/13/10 Osmotic 100ml IV q8 with diuretic , BP prec. Diagnostic agent, Urinary irrigant.

Mechanism of Action Elevates the osmolarity of the glomerular filtrate, thereby hindering the reabsorption of water and leading to a loss of water, sodium chloride (used for diagnosis of glomerular filtration rate); creates an osmotic gradient in the eye between plasma and ocular fluids, thereby reducing IOP; creates an osmotic effect, leading to decreased swelling in postransurethral prostatic resection.

Specific Indication Prevention and treatment of the oliguric phase of renal failure. Reduction of intracranial pressure and treatment of cerebral edema, of elevated IOP when the pressure cannot be lowered by other means

Contraindic ation Contraindic ated with anuria due to severe renal disease. Use cautiously with pulmonary congestion, active intracranial bleeding ( except during craniotomy 0, dehydratio n, renal disease, heart failure, pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects CNS: dizziness, headache, blurred vision, seizures CV: hypotension, hypertension, edema, HF, thrombophlebit is, tachycardia, chest pain Dermatologic: urticaria, skin necrosis with infiltration GI: nausea anorexia, dry mouth, thirst GU: Diuresis, urine retention Hematologic: fld. And electrolyte imbalance, hyponatremia Respiratory: pulmonary congestion, rhinitis.

Nsg. Prec. Do not give electrolyte-free mannitol with blood. If blood must be given, add at least 20 meq of sodium chloride to each liter of mannitol solution. Do not expose solutions to low temperatures; crystallization may occur. If crystals are seen, warm the battle in hot water bath, then cool to body temperature before administering. Make sure the infusion set contains a filter if giving concentrated mannitol. Monitor serum electrolytes periodically with prolonged therapy.

Generic name Imidapril

Brand Name

Date Classification Dose/Frequency/ Ordered Route 2/13/10 Antihyperten 1 tab OD sive. ACE inhibitor

Mechanism of Action Blocks ACE from convering angiotensin 1 to angiotensin II, a powerful vasoconstrictor, leading to decreased BP, decreased aldosterone secretion, a small increase in serum potassium levels, and sodium and fluid loss; increased prostaglandin synthesis also mybe involved in the antihypertensive action

Specific Indication Prevention and treatment for moderate to severe HPN. Heate failure, proteinuria. Diabetic nephropath y

Contraindic ation History of angioneuro tic edema, hereditary or idiopathic angioedem a, renovascul ar HTN, renal failure with or without hemodialys is. Pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects Severe hypotension, tachycardia, palpitations, arrhythmias, angina pectoris, MI, transient ischemic attacks, cerebral hemorrhage; cough; diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, gastritis, abdominal pain, constipation, dry mouth, cholestatic icterus, hepatitis, pancreatitis

Nsg. Prec. Administer 1 hr before meals. Monitor pat. For drop of BP secondary to reduction in fld. volume; excessive hypotension may occur.

Generic name Lactulose

Brand Name

Date Classification Dose/Frequency/ Ordered Route 2/20/10 Ammonia 30cc OD reduction drug, laxative

Mechanism of Action The drug passes unchanged into the colon where bacteria break it down to organic acids that increase the osmotic pressure in the colon and slightly acidify the colonic contents, resulting in an increase in stool water content, stool softening, laxative action. This also results in migration of blood ammonia into the colon contents with subsequent trapping and expulsion in the feces

Specific Indication Treatment of constipation

Contraindic ation Contraindic ated to patients with a history oof allergy to lactulose. Lowgalactose diet. Use cautiously with diabetes, pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects GI: transient flatulence, distention, intestinal cramps, belching, diarrhea, nausea Other: acid base imbalances, electrolyte imbalance.

Nsg. Prec. Give laxative syrup orally together with fruit juice , water, or milk to increase palatability. Do not administer other laxatives while using lactulose. Monitor serum ammonia levels. Monitor with longterm therapy for potential electrolyte and acid-base imbalances. Carefully monitor blood glucose levels in diabetic patients.

Generic name Amlodipine

Brand Name

Date Classification Dose/Frequency/ Ordered Route 2/13/10 Antianginal, 10 mg 1 tab BID antihyperten sive, calcium channel blocker

Mechanism of Action Inhibits the movements of calcium ions across the membranes of the cardiac and arterial muscle cells; inhibits transmembrane calcium flow, which results in the depression of impulse formation in the specialized cardiac pacemaker cells.

Specific Indication Angina pectoris due to coronary spasm, chronic stable angina, alone or in combination with other drugs.

Contraindic ation Allergy to amlodipine, pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects CNS: dizziness, light headedness, head ache, asthenia, fatigue and lethargy. CV: peripheral edema and arrhythmias Dermatologic: flushing, rash GI: nausea, abdominal discomfort.

Nsg. Prec. Monitor BP very carefully if patient is also on nitrates. Monitor cardiac rhythm regularly during stabilization of dosage and and periodically during long-term therapy. Administer drug without regard to meals.

Generic name Salbutamol

Brand Name

Date Classification Dose/Frequency/ Ordered Route Bronchodilat 1 neb q12 or

Mechanism of Action Salbutamol is a direct-acting sympathomimetic with -adrenergic activity and selective action on 2 receptors, producing bronchodilating effects.

Specific Contraindic Indication ation cardiac Treatment disease. of Bronchospa sm

Side effects Small increase in heart rate peripheral, vasodilation, fine tremor of skeletal muscle.

Nsg. Prec. Auscaltate the breathing sound before and after the administration of the drug.

Generic name metoprolol

Brand Name

Date Classification Dose/Freq Ordered uency/ Route 3/2/10 Antihyperten 50mg 1tab sive, Beta1q12 selective adrenergic blocker.

Mechanism of Action Specific Indication Contraindicati Side effects on Competitively blocks beta-adrenergic receptors in the heart and juxtaglomerular apparatus, decreasing the influence of the symphatetic nervous system on these tissues and the excitability of the heart, decreasing cardiac output and release of rennin, and lowering BP; acts in the CNS to reduce sympathetic outflow and vasoconstrictor. Hypertension, alone or with other drugs, especially diuretics Long term treatment for angina pectoris Toprol-XL only: treatment of stable, symptomatic heart failure of ischemic, hypertensive, or cardiomyopathic origin. Contraindicat ed with sinus bradychardia (HR less than 45bpm), second or third-degree heart block (PR interval more than 0.24 sec.), cardiogenic shock, HF Use cautiously with diabetes or thyrotoxicosis ; or COPD; Allergic: fever, phrayngitis, sore throat, laryngospasm CNS: dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, fatigue, emotional depression, paresthesias, slurred speech CV: Heart failure, cardiac arrhythmias, CVA, Dermatologic: Rash, pruritus,sweating , dry skin Respiratory: cough bronchial obstruction.

Nsg. Prec.

Ensure that patient swallows the ER tblets whole, do not crush, or chew. Tropol XL tablets maybe devided at the score; devided tablets shouldbe swallowed whole, not crushed or chewed. Give oral drug with food to facilitate absorption. Provide continual cardiac monitoring for patients receiving IV metoprolol.

Generic name Nifedipine

Brand Name

Date Classification Dose/Freq Ordered uency/ Route 2/27/10 Antihyperten 5mg 1 tab sive. per ngt q6 Calcium Channel Blockers

Mechanism of Action Specific Indication Contraindicati Side effects on Inhibits the movements of calcium ions across the membranes of the cardiac and arterial muscle cells; inhibits transmembrane calcium flow, which results in the depression of impulse formation in the specialized cardiac pacemaker cells. Inhibits the movement of calcium ions across the membranes of cardiac and arterial muscle cells; inhibition of transmembrane calcium flow results in the depression of impulse formation in specialized cardiac pacemaker cells, in slowing of the velocity of conduction of the cardiac impulse in the depression of myocardial contractility, and the dilation of coronaru arteries and arterioles and peripheral arterioles, these effects leads to reduced cardiac works decreased cardiac energy Allergy to nifedipine. Use cautiously with HF and aortic stenosis CNS: dizziness, light headedness, headache, asthenia fatigue sleep disturbance, blurred vision, weakness, mood changes CV: peripheral edema, angina, hypotension, arrhythmias Dermatoologic: flushing, rash, dermatitis, GI: nausea, diarrhea, constipation,cra mps, flatulence, hepatic injury. Other: nasal congestion, cough, fever, chills, shortness of breath,

Nsg. Prec.

Do not chew, or crush extendedrelease tablets. Swallow whole. Report irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, swelling of hands and feet.

consumption, and increased delivery of oxygen to myocardial cells.

Generic name Clindamycin

Brand Name

Date Classification Dose/Freq Ordered uency/ Route 2/15/10 Lincosamide 300mg atibiotics 1cap OD

Mechanism of Action Specific Indication Contraindicati Side effects on Inhibits protein synthesis that cause cell death Systemic andministration: serious infections caused by suceotable strains of anerobes, streptococci, staphylococci, pnemococci; reserve use for penicillin-allergic patients or when penicillin is inappropriate; less toxic antibiotics (erythromycin) should be considered. Allergy to clindamycin, use cautiously in newborns and infants due to benzyl alcohol content (associated with gasping syndrome) and in patients withtartrazine sensitivity or hepatic or renal impairment. CV: hypotension, cardiac arrest ( with rapid IV infusion) GI: severe colitis, including pseudomembran ous colitis, nausea vomittting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, esophagitis, anorexia, jaundice, hepatic function changes

Nsg. Prec.

Take oral drug wirth a full glass of of water or with food. Take full prescribed course of oral drug. Do not stop taking without notifying your health care provider. Report severe or watery diarrhea, abdominal pain, inflamed mouth or vagina, skin rash or lesions.

Generic name Captopril

Brand Name

Date Classification Dose/Freq Ordered uency/ Route 2/13/10 Ace inhibitor 25mg 1tab q6 SL

Mechanism of Action Specific Indication Contraindicati Side effects on Blocks ACE from convering angiotensin 1 to angiotensin II, a powerful vasoconstrictor, leading to decreased BP, decreased aldosterone secretion, a small increase in serum potassium levels, and sodium and fluid loss; increased prostaglandin synthesis also mybe involved in the antihypertensive action. Treatment of Hypertension. Treatment of Heart failure. Allergy to Captopril. History of angioedema second or third trimester of pregnancy. Use cautiously with renal impairement, heart failure, salt or volume depletion, history of renal artery stenosis.

Nsg. Prec.

Hypotension, dizziness, fatigue, headache, GI & taste disturbances, persistent dry cough & other resp tract symptoms, skin rashes & toxic epidermal necrolysis, renal impairment, hyperkalemia, hyponatremia & blood disorder. Chest pain, palpitation, tachycardia, stomatitis, , hepatocellular injury or cholestatic jaundice, alopecia, muscle cramps, paresthesia, mood & sleep disturbances & impotence.

Administer 1 hr before meals. Monitor pat. For drop ofBP secondary to reduction in fld. volume; excessive hypotension may occur.

Generic name Omeprazole

Brand Name

Date Classification Dose/Freq Ordered uency/ Route 2/13/10 Antisecretor 400mg y drug, 1cap OD proton pump inhibitor

Mechanism of Action Specific Indication Contraindicati Side effects on Omeprazole suppresses gastric acid secretion by specific inhibition of the enzyme system hydrogen/potassium adenosine triphosphatase (H+/K+ ATPase) present on the secretory surface of the gastric parietal cell. Omeprazole suppresses gastric acid secretion by specific inhibition of the enzyme system hydrogen/potassi um adenosine triphosphatase (H+/K+ ATPase) present on the secretory surface of the gastric parietal cell. Hypersensitivi ty to omeprazole or its components. Diarrhea, nausea, fatigue, constipation, vomiting, flatulence, acid regurgitation, taste perversion, arthralgia, myalgia, urticaria, dry mouth, dizziness, headache, paraesthesia, abdominal pain, skin rashes, weakness, back pain, upper respiratory infection, cough. Potentially Fatal: Anaphylaxis

Nsg. Prec.

Administer before meals. Caution patient to swallow capsule whole not to open or chew. If using oral suspension, empty packet into a small cup containing 2 tablespoons of water. Stir and and drink immediately; fill cup with water and drink the water. Do not use other liquid or food to dissolve the packet.

Generic name Cefixime

Brand Name

Date Classification Ordered Anti infectives.. Cephalospori ns

Dose/Freq Mechanism of Action Specific Indication uency/ Route 200mg Cefixime binds to Acute bronchitis 1cap BID one or more of the penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) which inhibits the final transpeptidation step of peptidoglycan synthesis in bacterial cell wall, thus inhibiting biosynthesis and arresting cell wall assembly resulting in bacterial cell death.

Contraindicati Side effects on Hypersensitivi ty to cephalospori n. Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain; headache, dizziness, thrombocytopeni a, eosinophilia. Potentially Fatal: Pseudom embranous colitis.

Nsg. Prec.

Use cautiously to patients with renal insufficiency

Generic name Clonidine

Brand Name

Date Classification Ordered 2/16/10 Antihyperten sive,

Dose/Freq Mechanism of Action Specific Indication uency/ Route 150mg Clonidine stimulates Treatment of HPN 1tab BID alpha-2 receptors in brain stem which results in reduced sympathetic outflow from the CNS and a decrease in peripheral resistance leading to reduced BP and pulse rate. It does not alter normal haemodynamic response to exercise at recommended dosages.

Contraindicati Side effects on Hypersensitivi ty. Disorders of cardiac pacemaker activity and conduction. Pregnancy and lactation. Dry mouth, drowsiness, dizziness, headache, constipation, impotence, vivid dreams, urinary retention; dry, itching, burning sensation in the eye; fluid or electrolyte imbalance, GI upset, paralytic ileus, orthostatic hypotension, weakness, sedation, pruritus, myalgia, urticaria, nausea, insomnia, arrhythmias, agitation. Reduced GI motility at times may cause paralytic ileus.

Nsg. Prec.

Take this drug exactly as prescribed. Do not miss doses. do not discontinue unless instructed by your health care provider. Do not discontinue abruptly; life threatening adverse effects may occur. Use caution with alcohol, your sensitivity may increase while using this drug.

Generic name Ketorolac

Brand Name

Date Classification Ordered non-opioid analgesic, NSAID

Dose/Freq Mechanism of Action uency/ Route 30mg Anti-inflamatory and IVTT analgesic activity inhibits prostaglandins and leukocyte synthesis

Specific Indication Contraindicati Side effects on Short term manangement of pain. Hypersensitivi ty to aspirin or other NSAIDs, asthma. Hypovolaemi a or dehydration. Do not give postoperative ly to patients with high risk of haemorrhage . History of peptic ulcer or coagulation disorders. Nasal polyps, angioedema, bronchospas m. Labour. Moderate to severe renal impairment. GI bleeding, cerebrovascu lar bleeding. GI ulcer, bleeding and perforation, drowsiness, rash, bronchospasm, hypotension, psychosis, dry mouth, fever, bradycardia, chest pain, dizziness, headache, sweating, oedema, pallor, liver function changes. Transient stinging and local irritation (ophthalmic). Potentially Fatal: Anaphylax is. Severe skin reactions. MI, stroke, GI bleeding.

Nsg. Prec.

Administer the drug on time to control pain. Report sore throat, fever, rash, itching, weight gain, swelling in ankles or fingers, changes in vision; black tarry stools, easy bruising.

Generic name Nicardipine

Brand Name

Date Classification Ordered 2/15/10

Dose/Freq Mechanism of Action uency/ Route Antihyperten Nicardipine is a sive. Calcium dihydropyridine channel calcium-channel blocker blocker. It inhibits calcium ion from entering the slow channels or select voltage-sensitive areas of vascular smooth muscle and myocardium during depolarisation, producing a relaxation of coronary vascular smooth muscle and coronary vasodilatation. It also increases myocardial oxygen delivery in patients with vasospastic angina.

Specific Indication Contraindicati Side effects on Management of essential hypertension alone or with other antihypertensives Cardiogenic shock; recent MI or acute unstable angina; severe aortic stenosis. HF Dizziness, flushing, headache, hypotension, peripheral oedema, tachycardia, palpitations, nausea, dyspepsia, dry mouth, increased micturition frequency, lethargy, eye pain, depression, ischaemic chest pain, transient blindness, rashes, fever, abnormal LFTs, gingival hyperplasia, myalgia, tremor, impotence, insomnia, tinnitus, dyspnoea, paraesthesia,

Nsg. Prec.

Take exactly as prescribed; do not exceed the prescribed daily dose. Report irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, swelling of the hands and feet, pronounced dizziness, constipation.

Generic name Hydralazine

Brand Name

Date Classification Ordered 2/17/10 Antihyperten sive. Vasodilator

Dose/Freq Mechanism of Action uency/ Route 5mg IVTT Hydralazine is a direct-acting vasodilator which acts predominantly on the arterioles. It reduces BP and peripheral resistance but produces fluid retention. Hydralazine tends to improve renal and cerebral blood flow and its effect on diastolic pressure is more marked than on systolic pressure.

Specific Indication Contraindicati Side effects on Svere hypertension when drug cannot be admister orally or when need to lower BP is urgent Severe tachycardia, dissecting aortic aneurysm, heart failure with high cardiac output, cor pulmonale, myocardial insufficiency due to mechanical obstruction, coronary artery disease, idiopathic SLE. Patients with recent MI. Tachycardia; palpitations; angina pectoris; haemolytic anaemia; paralytic ileus; severe headache; GI disturbances; flushing, dizziness; nasal congestion; peripheral neuropathy with numbness and tingling of extremities; lupus erythematosuslike syndrome; postural hypotension; fluid retention; hepatotoxicity; blood dyscrasias; difficulty in urinating;

Nsg. Prec.

Take this drug exactly as prescribed. Take the drug with food. Do not discontinue or reduce the dosage without consulting the doctor. Report persistent or severe constipation; unexplained fever or malaise, muscle or joint aching, chest pain; rash; numbness, tingling.

Generic name Nalbuphine

Brand Name

Date Classification Ordered 2/17/0 Opioid agonistantagonist analgesic.

Dose/Freq Mechanism of Action uency/ Route 1Amp Nalbuphine is a IVTT phenanthrene derivative opioid analgesic with mixed opioid agonist and antagonist activity. It inhibits the ascending pain pathways, altering the perception of and response to pain by binding to opiate receptors in the CNS. It also produces generalised CNS depression.

Specific Indication Contraindicati Side effects on Relief of moderate to severe pain. Hypersensitivi ty to nalbuphine. Use cautiously with emotionally unstable pt. or those with history of opioid abuse Sedation, dizziness, vertigo, miosis, headache; nausea, vomiting, dry mouth; itching, burning, urticaria. Respiratory depression, dyspnoea, asthma; speech difficulty, urinary urgency, blurred vision, flushing, warmth; clamminess.

Nsg. Prec.

Report sever nausea, vomiting, palpitations, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing.

Generic name Chloramphe nicol

Brand Name

Date Classification Ordered Antibiotic

Dose/Freq uency/ Route 500mg IVTT q8 ANST(-)

Mechanism of Action Specific Indication Contraindicati Side effects on Bacterioststic effect against susceptible bacteria; prevents cell replication. Surface bacterial infection involving conjunctiva Allergy to chlorampheni col. Use cautiously with renal failure, hepaic failure, G6PD deficiency, intermittent porphyria. CNS: headache, mild depression, mental confusion, delirium GI: Nausea, vomiting, glossitis, stomatisits, diarrhea. Hematologic: blood dyscrasias Other: fever, macular rashes, urticaria.

Nsg. Prec.

Takae the drug as prescribed. Do not stop taking this drug without consulting your healthcare provider. Avoid alcohol, sleepinducing, or over the counter drugs. Report severe dizziness, weakness, drowsiness that persists, rash or skin lesions, palpitations, swelling of the extremities, visual changes, and difficulty in voiding.

Generic name Simvastatin

Brand Name

Date Classification Ordered 2/13/10

Dose/Freq uency/ Route Antihyperlipid 80mg emic. HMG1tab @ CoA HS reductase inhibitor

Mechanism of Action Specific Indication Contraindicati Side effects on Inhibits HMG-CoA reductase, the enzyme that catalyzes the first step in the cholesterol synthesis pathway, resulting in a decrease in serum cholesterol, serum LDLs, and either an increase or no change in serum HDLs To reduce the risk of coronary disease, mortality, and CV events, including CVA, TIA, and MI Hypersensitivi ty to simvastatin. Use cautiously with impaired hepatic and renal function, cataracts. CNS: headache, asthenia, sleep disturbances GI: flatulence, diarrhea, abdominal pain, cramps, constipation, nausea, dyspepsia, heartburn, liverfailure.

Nsg. Prec.

take the drug in the evening. Do not drink grapefruit juice while using this drug. Have periodic blood tests. Report severe GI upset, changes in vision, unusual bleeding or bruising, dark urine or lightcolored stools, fever, muscle pain or soreness.

Generic name Ceftazidime

Brand Name

Date Classification Ordered 2/15/10- Antibiotic. Cephalospori n (3rd generation)

Dose/Freq Mechanism of Action uency/ Route 1g q8 Bactericidal: inhibits synthesis of bacterial cell wall, causing cell death.

Specific Indication Contraindicati Side effects on Lowe respiratory infections caused by pseudomonas aeruginosa, other pseudomonas, Stretococcus pneumonia, Staphylococcus areus, Klebsiella, Haemophilus influenzae. Allergy with cephalospori ns. Use cautiously with renal failure. CNS: headache, dizziness, lethargy, paresthesias GI: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, abdominal pain, flatulence, psuedomembran ous colitis, hepatoxicity. GU: nephrotoxixity Hematologic: bone marrow depressiondecreased WBC count, platelet and Hct. Hypersensitivity: Ranging from rash to fever to anaphylaxis.

Nsg. Prec.

Avoid alcohol while taking this drug and for 3 days after because severe reactions may occur. Report severe diarrhea, difficulty breathing, unsusual tiredness or fatigue, pain at injection site.

Generic name Paracetamol

Brand Name

Date Classification Ordered 2/15/10 Antipyretic

Dose/Freq Mechanism of Action Specific Indication uency/ Route 300mg Antipyretic: reduces Temporary IVTT stat fever by acting reduction of fever directly on the hypothalamic heatregulating center to cause vasodilation and sweating, which helps dissipate heat.

Contraindicati Side effects on Allergy to paracetamol. Use cautiously with impaired hepatic function, chronic alcoholism. CNS: headache CV: chest pain, dyspnea, myocardial damage. GI: hepaic toxicity and failure, jaundice GU: acute renal failure, renal tubular necrosis

Nsg. Prec.

Do not exceed recommended dose; do no take fo longer than 10 days unless directed by prescriber. Report rash, unusual bleeding or bruising, yellowing of skin or eyes, changes in voiding patients.

Generic name Diphenhydra mine

Brand Name

Date Classification Ordered 2/19/10

Dose/Freq Mechanism of Action uency/ Route Antihistamine 1 amp Completely blocks , anti-motion- IVTT the effect of sickness histamine at H1drug. receptor sites, has Antiparkisoni atropine-like, an. antipruritic, and Cough sedative effects. Suppressant. Sedatvehypnotic.

Specific Indication Contraindicati Side effects on Allergy to paracetamol. Use cautiously with impaired hepatic function, chronic alcoholism Allergy to antihistamine s. Use cautiously with narrowangle glaucoma, stenosing peptic ulcer, symptomatic prostatic hypertrophy, asthmatic attack, bladder neck obstruction, pyloroduoden al obstruction. CNs: drowsiness, sedation, dizziness, disturbed coordination, fatigue, confusion, nervousness. CV: hypotension, palpitations, bradycardia, tachycardia. GI: epigastric ditress, anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation. GU: urinary frewuency, dysuria, urinary retention, early menses, decreased libido, impotence.

Nsg. Prec.

Take with food if GI upset occurs. Avoid alcohol; serious sedation could occur. Report difficulty in breahing, hallucinations, tremors, loss of coordination, unsusual bleeding or bruising, visual disturbances, irregular heatbeat.

Generic name Paracetamol

Brand Name

Date Classification Ordered Antipyretic

Dose/Freq uency/ Route 500mg 1 tab per NGT q4

Mechanism of Action Specific Indication Contraindicati Side effects on Antipyretic: reduces fever by acting directly on the hypothalamic heatregulating center to cause vasodilation and sweating, which helps dissipate heat Temporary reduction of fever CNS: headache CV: chest pain, dyspnea, myocardial damage. GI: hepaic toxicity and failure, jaundice GU: acute renal failure, renal tubular necrosis CNS: headache CV: chest pain, dyspnea, myocardial damage. GI: hepaic toxicity and failure, jaundice GU: acute renal failure, renal tubular necrosis

Nsg. Prec.

Do not exceed recommended dose; do no take fo longer than 10 days unless directed by prescriber. Report rash, unusual bleeding or bruising, yellowing of skin or eyes, changes in voiding patients.

Generic name Levofloxacin

Brand Name

Date Classification Ordered

Dose/Freq Mechanism of Action uency/ Route Antibiotic. 250mg Bactericidal: Fluoroquinolo tab interferes with DNA ne by inhibiting DNA gyrase replication in susceptible gramnegative and grampositive bacteria, preventing cell reproduction.

Specific Indication Contraindicati Side effects on Treatment of adults with community acquired pneumonia, bacterial sinusitis caused by susceptible bacteria including multi drug resistant strains. Allergy to flouroquinolo nes. Use Cautiosly with renal imoairement, seizures. CNS: headache, dizziness, insomnia, fatigue, somnolence, blurred vision. GI: nausea, vomiting, dry mounth, diarrhea

Nsg. Prec.

Take oral drug without regards to meals. If antacid is needed, do not take it within 2 hours of levofloxacin dose. Drink plenty of fluids while using this drug. Report rash, visual changes, severe GI problems, weakness, tremors.

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