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Let us praise to the almighty God Allah SWT who bestowed blessing and gift to the writer so that she could start and finish writing this thesis. Salawat and peace are addressed to beloved and chosen messenger the Prophet Muhammad SAW who guided us from the darkness to lightness. The Researcher would like to extend and everlasting appreciation and deepest thankfulness to my beloved parents, Hadimin Wena and St. Bia, and my sisters, Sri Diana, Megawati and Diana Fitri, who always present their love, support, motivation, material and constant prayers until the end of the days the Researcher pursued her study at this university, also to all her uncles, aunts, cousins for their love, their help, support, motivation, advice, sincerely prayers during I study, special ti my husband who always together me to finish this thesis. Her greatest gratitude is presented to Drs. Ahmad Taufan, Dra. Gusnawati .H, the Director of Tomakaka Foundation, Tri Sulkarnain Ahmad, SE, Drs. Bustamin Sadiyah, Amran HB, S.Ag, M.Pd the head of STKIP Tiwikrama Mamuju, Sahril, S.PdI, the head of English department and all of staffs for their supports and facilities given during I study. Her most profound and deepest appreciation goes to her consultant and academic advisor, Sahril, S.Pdi and Drs. Bustamin Sadiyah who had given their valuable guidance, comments, suggestions, motivation, advice,

corrections and overall support since premilinary manuscript until the completion of this thesis and also during I study at STKIP Tiwikrama Mamuju. The Researchers thanks are due to her friends, Sartika, Kasmawati, my friend Sartika Bais who helped the Researcher to do anything and anytime. To Narto, Ruslan and Armad for their help, company me to correction this thesis, and for all others friends of English Department that can not be mentioned all here and also for everyone who had given participation, either directly and indirectly, because of them so far the Researcher normally have spirits and high motivation to writing this thesis. Finally, perfection only belongs to god, Allah SWT, that is why suggestion and constructive criticism for improvement of this thesis will be appreciated. My peace and happiness be with us always and may almighty Allah SWT always bless and gives us to straight way, Amin. Wassalam.

The Researcher,


TITLE PAGE .................................................................................... APPROVAL PAGE........................................................................... ACKNOWLEDGMENT...................................................................... TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................... CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION................................................... A. Background...................... B. Problem Statement.......... C. Objectives of The Research D. Significance of The Research E. Scope of The Research... REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE................ A. The Concept of Speaking................................ B. Theory of Interest............................................. C. The Concept on Find the Different...................

i ii iii vi 1




III RESEARCH METHOD.......................................... A. Variables of Research...................................... B. Population and Sample.................................... C. Instrument of The Research............................ D. Procedures of Collecting Data......................... E. Technique of Data Analysis............................. IV FINDING AND DISCUSSION................................ A. Finding.............................................................. B. Discussion........................................................ V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS................ A. Conclusions...................................................... B. Suggestions..................................................... ...........................................................................




QUESTIONNAIRE ...........................................................................


Enni, 0501404588, This Thesis is entitle The Interest of The Third Semester Students of AMIK Tomakaka in Speaking Ability Through Finding Picture the writer was giuided by Sri Damayanti, SS, M.Hum. The aims of research is to find out the interest of the third semester students of AMIK Tomakaka in speaking ability through finding picture. The population of this research were 40 the third semester students of AMIK Tomakaka Mamuju. The sample of the research was be taken from all the population of the third semester students of AMIK Tomakaka in 2007/2008. The data were collected with questionnaire test to analyzed the data obtained, the writer saw the students interest in the use finding picture to develop their speaking skills. The finding of this research is the students have high interest in learning speaking skill through finding picture with effective and eficience.

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