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Attachment G Projected Redevelopment Resources Council File Retirement Liabilities as Enforceable ObligatiolillSlo.: f\ Gene ral Fund Impact :-r
FY2011.-:12* Resources Gross Tax Increment Distribution
1 2 3

Submitted in

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1- -h>




95,119,800 97,315,200 85,660,800 Resources Subtotal 278,095,800


258,322,800 -

606,700,200 97,315,200 85,660,800 34,937,100 789,676,200

of VARP EncLimbrance

Prior Year Unencumbered County Treasurer Loan 4


34,937,100 288,194,700


Less: Admin Fees and Pass Throughs County Administrative AB26 Administrative Fees Fees & Contractual Pass-Through s (6,740,200) (11,414,380) (18,154,580J 259,941,220 (16,748,000) (17,083,000) (7,749,700j (24,832,700) 233,490,100 (40,571,200) (19,164,080) (59,735,280) 764,878,020

(16,748,000) 271,446,700

Admin Fees and Pass Throughs Subtotal Resources less Admin Fees and Pass-Through Less: Enforceable Obligations Tax Allocation Bond Debt Service & Thrid Party Costs Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (RaPS) RaPS Expenditures from Encumbrances County Treasurer Loan Repayment Retirement UAL and OPES
8 7 4 6

(28,670,300) (72,243,200) 25,345,000

(70,845,000) (144,486,400) 50,689,900

(67,910,000) (144,486,400) 50,689,900 (36,683,955)

(167,425,300) (361,216,000) 126,724,800

(946,300) (1,252,200) (103,800,000) (3,005,200) (271,446,700]

(3,005,200) 1201,395,655 32,094,445 9,750,300 (7,262,600) (409,179,100) 320,761,820 65,094,800

Lease Payments

Enforceable Obligations Subtotal Tax Increment Available for Distribution (30.38%)

(77,767,000) 182,174,220 55,344,500

(31,699,800) (31,699,800) (31,699,800)

City Share of Available Net Tax Increment City as Successor Entity AB26 Administrative Fees s

11,414,380 (15,015,200) (3,600,B20) 51,743,.680

7,749,700 (31,699,800) (23,950,100) (14,199,800)

19,164,080 (78,414,800) (59,250,720) 5,844,080

Operating Costs (Salaries, Benefits, Other Exp Costsr Operating Shortfall Potential General Fund Revenue/Liability

FY2011-12 amounts cover the final five months of the fiscal year (February through June).
1 Gross 2

Tax Increment estimates based on Katz Hollis Tax projections dated November 15, 2011. and distributed to the taxing

$97.3 million was encumbered for the expected VARP payment, which would now be unencumbered

3 4

Unencumbered If insufficient

resources included in FY2011-12 Carryover Amendment.

funds are available to cover the Enforcable Obligations, a loan from the County Treasurer is issued to cover the shortfall. fee~

The full loan repayment is assumed in 2013-14 with an Interest cost of 5%.

Calculated at 5% of Gross Tax Increment in FY2011-12 and 3% of Gross Tax Increment in FY2012-13 and FY2013-14. Administrative

in FY2011-12 only apply to final five months of fiscal vear.

6 7

Encumbered resources included in FY2011-12 Carryover Amendment. Assumes amortized unfunded pension liability costs ($51.8 million) and retiree health care liabilities ($52 million) are classified as an obligation and paid off as a lump sum to CaIPERS.If not classified as an enforceable obligation, then the City is responsible liabilities could be substantially higher once CalPERScompletes a actuarial


for paying for these liabilities. These pension and retirement

valuation. These numbers differ from the figures in the report as they are spread over several years.
8 9

Assumes contractual

lease payments to be classified as an enforceable obligation. to LACERSin

Assumes current staffing levels. This figure does not include additional costs for those employees who are transferred

2012-13 and 2013-14.


Attachment H Projected Redevelopment Resources Retirement Llablllties Excluded As Enforceable Obligations General Fund Impact
FY2011-12* Resources Gross Tax Increment Distribution
i 2




95,119,800 97,315,200 85,660,800

253,257,600 -

258,322,800 -

606,700,200 97,315,200 85,660,800

of VARP Encumbrance

Prior Year Unencumbered County Treasurer Loan"




Resources Subtotal 278,095,800

789,676,200 (40,571,200) (26,761, 780) (67,332,980) 722,343,220


Admin Fees and Pass Thrnughs County Administrative AB26 Administrative Fees &. Contractual Fees


(6,740,200) (11,414,380) (18,154,580) 259,941,220

(16,748,000) (7,597,700) (24,345,700) 228,911,900

(17,083,000) (7,749,700) (24,832,700) 233,490,100

Admin Fees and Pass Throughs Subtotal Resources less Admin Fees and Pass-Through Less: Enforceable Tax Allocation Obligations Bond Debt Service & Thrid Party Costs Payment Schedule (ROPS)
6 4

(28,670,300) (72,243,200) 25,345,000 (946,300) (1,252,200)

(70,845,000) (144,486,400) 50,689,900

(67,910,000) (144,486,400) 50,689,900 (3,005,200) (164,711,700) 68,718,400 20,894,900

(167,425,300) (361,216,000) 126,724,800

Recognized Obligation ROPS Expenditures

from Encumbrances

County Treasurer Loan Repayment Retirement UAL and


(3,005,200) (167,646,700) 61,265,200

(7,262,600) (409,179,100) 313,164,120


Lease Payments

Enforceable Obligations Tax Increment Available for Distribution

(77,767,000) 182,174,220

City Share of Availalble Net Tax Increment City as Successor Entity AB26 Administrative Fees





11,414,380 (15,015,200) (3,600,820)

7,597,700 (31,699,800) (24,102,100) (103,800,000)

7,749,700 (31,699,800) (23,950,100)

26,761,780 (78,414,800) (51,653,020)

Operating Costs (Salaries, Benefits, Other Exp Cost5)9 Operating Retirement Potential and OPEB Payment


General Fund Revenue/Liability





FY2011-12 amounts coverthe

1 Gross 2

final five months of the fiscal year (February through June], dated November 15, 2011. and distributed to the taxing for the expected VARP payment, which would now be unencumbered

Tax Increment

estimates based on Katz Hollis Tax projections

$97.3 million was encumbered

3 4

Unencumbered If insufficient

resources included in FY2011-12 Carryover Amendment. Enforcable Obligations, a loan from the County Treasurer is issued to cover the cost of 5%. in FY2012-13 and FY2013-14. Administrative

funds are available to coverthe


The full loan repayment

is assumed in 2013-14 with an interest

Calculated at 5% of Gross Tax Increment

in FY201112 and 3% of Gross Tax Increment year.

fees in FY2011-12 only apply to final five months offiscal



resources included in FY2011-12 Carryover Amendment. unfunded pension liability costs ($51.8 million) and retiree healthcare llabillties ($52 million) are not classified

Assumes amortized

as an enforceable be substantially


and paid off as a lump sum to CaIPER.S. he City is responsible for paying for these liabilities, which could T

higher once CalPERScompletes an actuarial valuation. These numbers differ from the figures in the report as they are

spread over several veal's.

8 9

Assumes contractual

lease payments to be classified as an enforceable

obligation. costs for those employees who are transferred to LACERSin

Assumes current staffing levels. This figure does not include additional

2012-13 and 2013-14.


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