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Gary Cummings, R.N., M.S., M.Div.

The phenomenon of alien abduction deserves carefully scrutiny

by Christians engaged in spiritual warfare. Estimates as high as
high as six to nine million of Americans (over 1 out of 40 of the
U.S. population), who claim alien abduction are mentioned by
authorities in the field. Dr. John Mack documents this alarming
Poll of the prevalence of the UFO abduction
phenomenon in the United States, including a
survey of nearly six thousand Americans
conducted by the Roper organization between
July and September 1991 (Hopkins, Jacobs, and
Westrum 1991) suggest that from several
hundred thousand to several million Americans
may have had abduction-related experiences.
(Mack, 1994, p.448.)

The sheer numbers, as well as the claims of the phenomena, mandate

a serious investigation by sober-minded, intelligent Christians.
Once the facts of alien abduction are known, its relation to
spiritual warfare manifests itself.
Dr. John E. Mack, M.D. is a respected Harvard psychiatrist who
has worked with abduction victims for many years. He is among the
first scientifically respectable allies of the alien abductees. His
phenomena, and acts as an apologetic for the alien abduction
movement. He accepts the reality of the abduction experiences with
several caveats, as he is not sure what actually happened. He does
believe that something significant has happened to millions of
Americans. What is alien abduction, what are its claims, and what
are the implications for Biblically based Christians?

What is Alien Abduction and Its Claims?

There are three stages of alien abduction listed in Mack's
book. The first is the "traumatic" involuntary abduction. These
abductions may begin in childhood, and intensify at puberty, and
then are transformed into a new perception of reality.
The stories of abduction reveal a cohesive nature, in that
abductees report similar experiences. Mack documents this:
I was introduced to the abduction phenomenon
in January 1990 by Budd Hopkins, a New York
artist who had worked with abductees for more
than a decade. What struck me initially about
the cases I saw with Hopkins, and then on my
own, was the consistency of the stories told
by individuals who had not been in
communication with each other, had come forth
reluctantly, and feared the discrediting of
their accounts or outright ridicule that they
had encountered in the past. (Mack, p. 1).

The accounts of all the abductees reveal a disturbing sequence

of forced abduction with sexual trauma, brainwashing and abductee
transference to the alien cause. With the use of hypnosis, Dr. Mack
has helped these people relate what happened to them, and he
concludes about the validity of their experience: "There was little
to suggest that their stories were delusional, a misinterpretation
of dreams, or the product of fantasy." (Mack, p. 2).
What happened to these people. Mack states: "These individuals
reported being taken against their wills by alien beings, sometimes
through the walls of their houses and subjected to elaborate
intrusive procedures which appeared to have a reproductive
purpose." ( Mack, p. 7). People are usually abducted from their
homes or cars, and forcibly taken aboard alien craft. There is a
terror associated with the experience, and the abductees relive
this throughout lives as a post-traumatic shock disorder, until
they transfer their allegiance to the alien cause. Once aboard the
alien craft, it is said that: "The atmosphere may be dank, cool,
and occasionally even foul-smelling." (Mack, p. 21).
The aliens are reported to be humanoid in nature, but often
appear translucent, and in some cases reptilian (Mack, p.22). These
aliens then proceed to forcibly strip the abductee and force them
onto a table where invasive sexual procedures begin with
penetration of the vagina, and anus of females with various
instruments. Males are sometimes seduced by female aliens into
reluctant sex acts, and then forcibly ejaculated to give semen
specimens. Mack states:
The most common, and evidently most important
procedures, involve the reproductive system.
Instruments which penetrate the abdomen or
involve the genital organs themselves are used
to take sperm samples from men and to remove
or fertilize eggs of the female. (Mack, p.24).

Mack then relates: "The traumatic, rapelike nature of the abduction

material may become altered as the abductees reach new levels of
understanding of what is occurring, and as their relationship to
the beings themselves change in the course of our work." (Mack, p.
The emphasis of the forced gamete transfer is stated to the
abductees that the purpose of the aliens is to make a hybrid race
of alien-human beings. This begins the brainwashing of the
abductee. Women report being impregnated by the aliens, than having
their hybrid fetuses removed and placed in incubators. They are
then led by the aliens to incubators where they report seeing
hundreds of small hybrid fetuses.
After the first memory of the abduction is manifested, people
report being in shock because their Western view of reality has
been dramatically altered. What happened to them does not fit the
patterns of reality in which we have been raised. This ontological
shock, along with the forcible sexual experience causes the
abductee to have their mind and perception of what is real forced
open. This sets the scene for the next stage of the abduction
experience-the brainwashing.
The brainwashing then proceeds. The aliens tell the humans
that these hybrids are being created and nurtured to take the place
of humans after a future holocaust, either nuclear or
environmental. (Mack, p.25). The aliens state that they are
reluctant to reveal themselves openly to the human race because:
"We (the human race) are not ready to acknowledge their existence,
and would treat them aggressively as an enemy as we do anyone or
anything different from ourselves that we do not understand."
(Mack. p. 25). Importantly, Mack relates: "Some individuals
seem to be "selected" primarily to be instructed, even
"enlightened." a kind of "reprogramming", as one woman puts it by
beings that are usually of the subtler or luminous sort. (Mack,
p. 30-31). This is the last part of the brainwashing-to be
told that certain abductees have special qualities useful to the
alien cause of aiding the future of the human race.

The transference of the loyalty of the abductee to the alien

cause begins with the brainwashing already mentioned. The traumatic
experience is then reinterpreted to be in the best interest of the
person or for the human race as whole. People who go through this
transformation of consciousness often receive psychic powers, gifts
of healing, and empathy for the aliens.
As part of the process of transference, the abductees "push
through" the rage of the forced sex to a "reciprocal" willing
sexual exchange, the aliens are perceived at "intermediaries"
between God or the primal source of creation and humanity, the
abductees begin to experience themselves as "returning home" with
the continued abductions experiences which last many years, they
then experience their "past lives", have new avenues of
"transpersonal" experience opened to them, many abductees
experience a "double human/alien existence", and finally lead
abductees "to open to other realities beyond space and time".
(Mack, p. 33-35.). The alien abduction process is now complete: a
traumatic abduction with rape, brainwashing, and ego-transference
to the cause of the aliens. This is the description of abduction
and the claims of the people who have experienced it.
Dr. Mack has described the experiences of thirteen of the many
alien abductees he has dealt with over several years. He accepts
that something has happened to them, and to a certain extent, has
become an apologist for their cause and experiences. He is honest
enough to admit at the end of his book that: "we do not know the
source from which the UFOs or the alien beings come (whether or
not, for example they originate in the physical universe as modern
astrophysics has described it." (Mack, p. 389).
He has describes the various physical phenomena associated
with the abduction experience: nosebleeds, unexplained or missing
pregnancies, and minor lesions or wounds on the abductees. He
admits that these finding are very subtle, and open to
interpretation. There is scant physical evidence of alien
abduction. He does relate that many abduction experiences are:
"unequivocally spiritual, which usually involves some sort of
powerful encounter with, or immersion in, divine light." (Mack p.
394). Sometimes he reports that: "they (the aliens) may even be
seen as angels or analogous to God." (Mack, p. 394.)
The various transformations and gifts are enumerated in his
book: healing from leukemia and polio, clairvoyance, and even "a
king of ego death from which spiritual growth and the expansion of
consciousness may follow." (Mack, p. 396-397.). Mack attempts to
relate some of the alien abduction scenario with eastern religions
like Tibetan Buddhism and shamanism. Mack states that the aliens:
"seem to partake of properties belonging to both the spirit and the
material worlds, bridging, as if effortlessly, the division between
these realms." (Mack, p. 404.). He admits that: "There can be
little place, especially within the Judeo-Christian tradition, for
a variety of small, but powerful homely beings who administer an odd
mixture of trauma and transcendence without apparent regard for any
established religious hierarchy or doctrine." (Mack, p. 410). He
goes further" "At worst, to the polarizing perception of Christian
dualism, these dark-eyed beings must seem to be the playmates of
the Devil." (Mack, p.411). Mack claims objectivity, but seems to
accepted the alien paradigm as reality, and even attacks the
Christian faith.

A Biblical Response
Dr. John Mack has adeptly described the alien abduction
experience well, and has documented his book with thirteen case
studies. From a Biblical standpoint, we may admit that something
happened to these people, that their experience was valid in that
it happened, and that the "abductees" had a humanly, even
spiritually profound experience. To understand what really happened
to them, we turn to the Word of God- the Bible, which is inerrant
and infallible. 2 Timothy 3:16 states: "All Scripture is God-
breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and
training in righteousness."
The abduction and forced sex/rape is condemned by the Bible.
No "good" beings created by God would systematically act in this
way. The Bible condemns all forms of sexual perversion and sexual
activities outside of marriage. Exodus 20:14 states: "You shall not
commit adultery." The word adultery covers more than just sex
outside of marriage, it condemns all forms of sexual activity not
ordained by God: free-love, prostitution, rape, sodomy, and
homosexuality. Philip Johnson states: "The Seventh Commandment.
While this is directed specifically to maintain and the purity and
sanctity of marriage , it is also applied by Jesus to all sexual
immorality of thought as well as deed (Mt.5:27-28)". (Johnson,
1990, p. 70). Forced sex and sexual manipulation are integral parts
of the alien abduction scenario, and it is condemned by God. It
does not matter that later the "abductees" experience transference
to the cause and purposes of the "aliens".
There are parallels of beings outside of our dimension having
sex, both forced and non-forced, with human beings. "The sons of
God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married
any of them they chose." (Genesis 6:2). The product of this union
is described: " The Nephilim were on the earth in those days--and
also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of men
and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of
renown." (Genesis 6:4). The New Testament book of Jude tells of
their fate: "And the angels who did not keep their positions of
authority but abandoned their own home--these he has kept in
darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great
Day." (Jude 1:6). Kyle Yates states the reality of the fallen angel
copulation with human women: "Women were chosen and forced to
become parties to the unnatural relationship." (Yates, 1990, p.
12). Yates then explains:
We conclude that some men of the heavenly
group (angels or messengers) actually took
wives of the earthly women. They used superior
force to overpower them, to make the conquest
complete. The "sons of God" were
irresistible." (Yates, 1990, p. 12).
Carl Sagan, an eminent astronomer and physicist has suggested
that the sexual tone of the alien abductions bear striking
resemblance to what he considers the "Mythology" of the Middle Ages
which taught that demons and witches could have sex with human
beings. The terms used are "incubacy" and succubacy" and refer,
respectively, to female and male spirit/witch encounters with
humans. The relationship between sex and possession is discussed by
William Sargant: "The act of sex and orgasm...greatly increases
suggestibility and so facilitates the implantation of
belief...Repeated induced orgasmic collapse has therefore been used
to produce states of deep hysterical trance." (Sargant, 1974,
p.88). The Satanic cults use sex practices which unite their
adherents and reveal that: "The devotees believe themselves to be
possessed by the Devil and his minions." (Sargant, p.91).
This forced abduction by these beings, masquerading as aliens, and
the subsequent rape-like sexual abuse reveal to the Christian that
the "alien-abduction" scenario is intrinsically evil.
After the rape, the brainwashing begins and may last for many
years. The claims that the aliens are doing this (the stealing of
semen and alien-human hybrid implantation) for the good of the
human race is the start of the great deception of the "abductees".
Unfortunately it resembles the story of a Texas politician who
advised women being raped to just relax and enjoy it. That is the
perversity of the deception by the so-called aliens: the rape and
lie. The Bible identifies the source of the lie: "You belong to
your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's
desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the
truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his
native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies." (John
8:44). Everett F. Harrison explains these sins of Satan: "His
special sins are lying (seen in the temptation in the garden) and
murder (in the incitement of Cain to slay his brother-1 John
3:12)." (Harrison, 1990, p. 1092). The source of the "alien" lie is
Satan, the father of lies.
The Bible also identifies the last days as the outpouring of
demonic deception: "The Spirit clearly says that in later times
some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things
taught by demons." (1 Tim. 4:1).
The purpose of this demonic deception is to blind people from
receiving Christ: "The god of this age has blinded the minds of
unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the
glory of Christ, who is the image of God." (2 Cor. 4:4). The
people deceived by the demons reject Christianity and its
proponents actively proselyte for their cause: the "Good News" of
alien abduction and enlightenment. The Bible warns: "But even if we
or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one
we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!" (Gal. 1:8).
Once the "abductees" or demonized individuals, according to
Biblical reality, "push through" the trauma of kidnap, bondage and
rape, they experience the brainwashing of the demonic deception
that the human-hybrid program is for the good of the human race.
The humans learn that the "aliens" will save the human race from
extinction. The people then experience a spiritual, psychological,
and existential transference to the cause and purposes of the
"aliens". This transference corresponds to demonization and
sometimes possession, as in the case of those with dual "alien-
human" personalities. During the transference phase, the
"abductees", receive special powers, gifts of healing, and psychic
powers. The evidence of special powers to the alien devotees is in
line with the description of Satanic power listed in the Bible:
"They are spirits of demons performing miraculous signs, and they
go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the
battle on the great day of God Almighty." (Rev. 16:14). The
identification of aliens with light-beings is illuminated by the
Bible: "And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of
light." (2 Cor. 11:14). The Bible has identified the transference
and gifts of power as having their source in Satanic power.
The three-fold phenomena of rape, brainwashing, and
transference is the framework of the so-called alien abduction
experience. The Bible teaches that this sexual violation is sin,
and that the so-called aliens are really demons. The Biblical drama
of the NEPHILIM bear this out. The brainwashing of the abductees is
really indoctrination into the lie of Satan, since he is the father
of lies. The lie is that all of this abduction, rape and
brainwashing if for the good of the human race- for its
preservation. The transference of the abductees to the side of the
demons can invoke satanic power upon themselves, as the Bible
teaches. Mack comments on some of the power phenomena connected
with the abduction experience: "The aliens themselves, as we have
seen, may appear at various times to the abductees in animal form.
The connection that they have with animal spirits, a kind of
shamanistic dimension, remains to be explored." (Mack, 1994, p.
406.). These shamanistic occult practices definitely place the
alien abduction scenario in the realm of the demonic.
Dr. Mack also mentions in brief detail some of the debate
within the alien abduction circles: "There is considerable debate
among investigators of the abduction phenomenon about whether,
given the harsh and often terrorizing methods the aliens employ,
the intelligence at work might be evil or mean us harm." (Mack,
1994, p. 420.) I think that Dr. Mack clearly needs to consider this
option more carefully in his presentation of what he calls alien
abduction. Is there such a thing as a "good" rape, or
"transforming" sodomy and sexual manipulation. These methods used
by the so-called aliens smacks more of the medical experimentation
of the Nazis than some beneficent intelligence. Dr. Mack rejects
the evil hypothesis of the alien abduction scenario. He says: "Yet
my overall impression is that the abduction process is not evil,
and that the intelligences at work do not wish us ill." (Mack,
1994, p. 420.). Has this Harvard trained psychiatrist lost his
mind, morals, and ethics? His failure to view this phenomenon as
intrinsically evil speaks more about his loss of ethical behavior
and humane absolutes.
Religiously speaking, Mack covertly attacks this historic
Christian faith, by presenting his counselees as ex-members of the
various Christian churches, and extols the enlightenment and power
they have found in this demonic occult experience. Mack concludes
his thoughts about the purpose of the "alien abduction" scenario:
"The abduction phenomenon, it seems clear, is about what is yet to
come." (Mack, 1994, p.421.). Mack is right about this. The alien
abduction phenomena is about what is yet to come, and already here,
demonic deception intensifying before the return of our Lord Jesus
Christ. This demonic deception fits a classic description of
deception: "A deception is often something which looks good on the
outside and makes great promises, but on the inside you find it
empty- and there is not really much to it." (Green, 1989, p.99.).
My conclusion is that these experiences are not really alien
abductions, but rather are abductions with terrifying sexual
content, brainwashing, and deception by Satan and his demons. Dr.
Mack has become a leading apologist for the beneficent purposes of
the abductions. Christians need to be aware of this phenomenon, and
its Biblical reality of deception and demonization. This is a call
for spiritual warfare. Our orders from our Lord Jesus Christ are:
"Take the helmet of salvation and the [sword of the Spirit], which
is the word of God." (Ephesians 6:17).

Rapids: Baker Book House.
Harrison, Everett F. (1990). "John". THE WYCLIFFE BIBLE COMMENTARY.
Charles F. Pfeiffer & Everett F. Harrison (Ed.). Chicago:
Moody Press.
Johnson, Philip. (1990). "Exodus". THE WYCLIFFE BIBLE COMMENTARY.
Charles F. Pfeiffer & Everett F. Harrison (Ed.). Chicago:
Moody Press.
York: Ballantine Books.
Yates, Kyle. (1990). "Genesis". THE WYCLIFFE BIBLE COMMENTARY.
Charles F. Pfeiffer & Everett F. Ferguson (Ed.). Chicago:
Moody Press.

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