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Holy human Truth Of The New World Faith OF God Jesus Humanity
By thevoiceby b4u2cby Timelyby phildazzby D'BBW Ladyby Michael Adams1959by Harlan Colt

By thevoice

human care borth right love life of God accept all children of God
All human life is birth right love of God in all the world accept this right in hly human truth love of God Jesus the holy spirit ask not why they are born of God another way rather respect them as the children of God Jesus the holy spirit great hol

Sept 20th hear God Jesus free all children of God from all hell holes forms of hell on earth
The holy human birth of life with God Jesus the holy spirit unto all humanity nations on earth. God Jesus unto each human life in the world of all humanity. The day all children of God found human birth right life of God with Jesus the holy spirit. The freedom of all human life unto God Jesus the holy spirit. truth of God reaches all life on earth. The Holy human Sunday God Jesus reaches all human life on earth in holy human truth beyond all human based religions. The love of God touch of God walk with God comes for all people in holy human Sunday time of God in all the world. come share in the holy truth of all human life with God Jesus the holy spirit.. Baptize yourself in the holy teachings of Jesus for all the children of God in any nation religion race on earth. Share with God Jesus all life on heaven on earth should be for all humanity. truth birth life of God by Jesus life in the holy spirit unto all humanity. The life of God with Jesus birth right life for all people. This my voice thought of holy human truth the faith free of all religion to God Jesus. Religion have become to abusive in power truth degradation of all people. Religious wars have killed to many of the children of god in every nation. Human wars have shed the human blood of the true temple of God Jesus earth. Humanity has become a world full of human suffering in every nation. People are hungry homeless

tortured sick without human holy hope. The holy truth of God Jesus taught feed heal teach all people as I have you. My faith is God Jesus unification of all people straight to God Jesus. God is God Of the real Jesus Christ. God is life not war . God is peace for all people. faith in God is faith in holy human truth of God. God values cares gives to all life. God accepts all people. God Jesus world peace world freedom of all human life. The holy human truth is a way of healing caring for all human lives.The truth of God is human rights human dignity for all people. Freedom of choice thought love. Respect for all people. I am a man of God claimed by God of Jesus from street life to bring about human holy truth to all people . Its God Jesus who are all connected unto God in heart mind soul. Jesus taught this by saying God will be with you always. God Jesus are the very life of humanism. God is humanism for God created human life. Jesus was put to death in humanity to remove Sin. Jesus is Christ son of man hopes of all human life unto God the holy father. God comes to heal of humanity of Jesus. God comes to put human life right again of Jesus.The love of God Jesus is your human life. The lives of your children. Your families these are of God. Jesus teaches this in human holy truth. God Jesus gave my life free of concrete street life to bring back the holy human truth of how all people should live on earth. My life again of Jesus to spread the truth holy yet human to all people who will hear beyond earthly religions. In many works ahead my truth human holy will explain how God Jesus are humanism beyond the religions that have lied degraded condemn people . In holy human truth will light the path between each person unto God of Jesus. This the holy human path set by God of Jesus to end all human suffering on earth. The truth of the holy values of human life over cash values. World change to heal God Jesus yet all humanity. To bring humanity back to all people on earth. for God in Jesus feed healed taught these values for all humanity. The holy human truth you people are all the love of God Jesus. The pure human love of Life God put on earth to live in peace growth. God bless of God all people on earth. The human holy truth is how all human people should live with God Jesus on earth, Come here read of God Jesus no twisted religion on earth can take the truth God Jesus away from any person. The truth of life is here blessed of God in all Jesus taught. No religion can leave you hungry make you a human weapon of take your life on war. Time to bring God Jesus peace human healing in Jesus to all people. This life killing religious perversion takes God love all Jesus taught away from all humanity. Read of God Jesus love life truth for all people. Here is only God Jesus truth for all human life free of any religious faith that feeds on war killing death. God Jesus bring the real holy plan for all human life in holy human truth. Truth that heals cares teaches all values from God in love of Jesus. June27 Hear God Jesus unto all nations free all the children of God from all human hell on earth. Bring the masses of God Jesus unto humanity free of all forms of human hell. Blessed is the lord God Free all of human hell on earth.

Sept 19Th update of god Father Michael of God Jesus the holy spirit comes into all human based religions come home to God teaching of Jesus the holy spirit of God. The world of God Jesus the holy spirit will shine the light love truth of God over all

the world. Thy shall bring God by birth again unto all human life in holy human truth for all people unto God. The birth of God teachings of Jesus is holy human grail of all human based religion this to is of God. The love of God Jesus the holy spirit is human life of all human without any human based religion this is God. The truth of God live of Jesus will free all humanity unto God In all the world for all time

Holy human Truth Of The New World Faith OF God Jesus Humanity in the News
Read inHerald Malaysia5 days ago Vatican City (CNA): During the celebration of the Chrism Mass at the Vatican this morning, Pope Benedict said that despite the scandals in the Church, there are still "radiant examples of faith" such as John Paul II, who will be beatified on May 1. Easter Homily of Archbishop Nichols of WestminsterZenit News Agency6 days ago LONDON, APRIL 24, 2011 ( ).- Here is the Easter Sunday homily delivered today by Archbishop Vincent Nichols of Westminster at Westminster Cathedral. Pacete: God's WillSun Star3 days ago read more

father michael
Holy human Truth Of The New World Faith OF God Jesus... This my voice thought of holy human truth the faith free of all religion to God Jesus. Religion have become to abusive in power truth degradation of all people. Religious wars have killed to many of the... edit stats delete suggest links This hub is not published, only you can see it.

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