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4CaaSt ( , http://www.morfeo-project.

org/ ) The 4CaaSt project aims to create an advanced PaaS Cloud platform which supports the optimized and elastic hosting of Internet-scale multi-tier applications. 4 CaaSt embeds all the necessary features, easing programming of rich applications and enabling the creation of a true business ecosystem where applications comin g from different providers can be tailored to different users, mashed up and tra ded together. The 4CaaSt project aims to create an advanced PaaS Cloud platform which supports the optimized and elastic hosting of internet-scale, multi-tier applications an d embeds all the necessary features easing programming of rich applications and enabling the creation of a true business ecosystem where applications coming fro m different providers can be tailored to different users, mashed up and traded t ogether. The 4CaaSt platform therefore brings a unique value proposition, translated into the following points: The highest level of abstraction regarding hosting, hiding complexity while prov iding the most efficient solution A complete set of built-in programming libraries and common facilities beyond wh at is offered by state-of-the-art PaaS Clouds, easing development of killer appl ications The most attractive business ecosystem support facilities, to promote and moneti ze applications as well as create an active community of users and developers The necessary tools to monitor execution and manage lifecycle of applications. Overall, the project will bring significant benefits to the European economy via a greatly simplified design and delivery model for services and service composi tions. The developed platform will lead to the establishment of new and highly d ynamic and innovative service ecosystems. The project will bring specific benefits to the following stakeholders: Application providers, who get a platform that allows for easy development of In ternet-scale services. They can focus on the service functionality and can use p latform functionality and underlying resources without any a priori capital expe nses. Consumers, who get easy access to a large number of services with very easy-to-u se consumption models (e.g. pay per use). Application/Service aggregators, who get a platform that allows for easy composi tion of services which all follow the same lifecycle model. Cloud providers, who can establish a platform in order to establish a business/s ervice ecosystem around a certain topic and to generate a business on intermedia tion. To summarize, the platform should enable the involved parties to focus on their individual business. Providers of services and applications should be able to fo cus on the development and offering of highly demanded services. Consumers shoul d be able to easily find and consume services. Service aggregators should be abl e to build and offer demanded service composites. Cloud Providers should be able to focus on the efficient platform operation with value added lifecycle process es and marketing features. More

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