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19 Business Optimisation Strategies

Your business culture or philosophy is the ultimate key to your productivity and success. It will either enable or disable everything else you do. When working with clients we soon discovered that if the culture of an organisation was wrong, the impact of even the best business growth techniques would be severely limited or crippled. Too many organisations only pay lipservice to these factors and as a result they constantly struggle to make real progress. Develop the right business culture is key to your success as everything you do hinges around this fundamental aspect of your business. 1. Understand your higher business purpose Contrary to popular belief, people dont buy products or services. Instead they buy outcomes; results, solutions, benefits, answers, value, advantages, improvements, time saving, avoidance of pain, protection, pleasure, fulfillment, enjoyment, prestige etc. Your higher purpose for being in business should be to turn those positive outcomes into reality by promoting, selling and delivering the specific outcomes your customer is actually buying. When you start to look at what you do in terms of the positive outcomes you can deliver to your clients, you can feel justifiably proud of the contribution youre making to your client, whatever your business. And when you do that consistently you profit handsomely. 2. Operate with integrity Taking an ethical approach to your business, performing as promised, and operating in a sound manner. Your philosophy and policies toward your employees and your customers must be based on fairness and a sincere belief that your customers deserve to be well served at all times. Its having the attitude that if its good for the customer its good for the company, and vice versa. Its putting the customers interests ahead of your own.

3. Optimisation No longer being content to accept lesser results than youre entitled to for your efforts. Instead you demand and accept nothing less than the highest and best outcome for every action you ever take and every activity you ever engage in. You do this by integrating and leveraging all your successful marketing approaches to achieve the optimum outcome and getting the greatest return for the least expenditure of time, effort, manpower and money, at the lowest possible risk to you while reducing stress, freeing you up, and providing for consistent control and total predictability. 4. Genuinely appreciate your team Some of the most profitable companies in the world owe a large part of their success to having a happy contented workforce, because those people KNOW they are sincerely appreciated. This will save you money in many ways. Your staff turnover will go down. Youll save a fortune on training and recruitment. Youll suffer less abseteeism. Its less likely that things will go missing. And having an experienced workforce that isnt always leaving and having to be retrained one that really cares about your company and about looking after your customers will result in fewer customer complaints, more satisfaction and customers who spend more money with you more often and stay with you longer. 5. Genuinely appreciate your clients Viewing your clients as long term friends. Redefining your business from the customers perspective as the basis of your philosophy, so that you protect and benefit them at the highest level possible. 6. Become passionate about your customers Passion and enthusiasm are contagious and all too rare. People are more inspired to do business with you if you display conviction and enthusiasm for what you do and the way that you do it than any other factor. If you genuinely burn with an overwhelming desire to enrich the lives of everyone

you do business with, people will be attracted to you like metal filings to a magnet. 7. Build a balanced team Recruitment is often seen almost exclusively as a search for individuals with the right qualifications, experience, and achievement. Yet theyre rarely found because of the requirement for more conflicting characteristics than can normally exist in any one person. But if no individual can combine all these qualities, a team of individuals can contain all the conflicting requirements that cannot be found in a single individual. In a perfectly balanced team there is always someone who can deal naturally and effectively with any set of responsibilities. Each person just slots naturally into playing their part in growing and developing the business. 8. Empower your staff When companies consistently refuse to deviate from policy, they say to customers, in effect, Our policy is more important than doing business with you. Empowerment is the process of moving the decision-making process to the customer interface. Giving your team at the customer interface the power to do whatever it reasonably takes to delight the customer. Truly empowered employees invariably recognise and appreciate the authority they have been given and are more likely to use their initiative and good judgment to come up with better and less expensive solutions to a problem than that dictated by rigid policy manuals. 9. Adopt proven success practices The moment you start adapting and applying success practices that have already been tested and refined by other industries you save yourself a massive learning curve. If you can take advantage of millions or tens of millions or hundreds of millions worth of success-proven, profit-certain business practices that other industries have already validated, youve given yourself and your business an incredible edge over all your competitors and your level of success cant help but increase.

10. Have fun in the workplace Some of the worlds most successful companies attribute a large part of their success to the use of laughter, fun and play in the workplace to build morale, participation, and involvement. Recognition and appreciation can play a vital role in boosting morale and productivity among hard-worked employees. You can easily implement a step-by-step plan for building an enthusiastic, high-performance team using hundreds of tried-and-tested techniques for enhancing employee satisfaction and personal pride, improving employee morale, heightening productivity, creating a more people-centered corporate culture, and, ultimately, increasing your profitability. 11. Growth through perpetual training The growth of your business is the aggregate of the growth of your individual team members. By constantly training everyone in your business to perform at higher levels than your competitors, youre investing in the future, while improving your business today. The better your training, the better everything works in your business. It radically improves your teams understanding of your objectives; helps set standards of performance; produces predictable results; leads to consistent answers to each question or problem; results in customers being treated in a similar manner no matter who they deal with and makes a big difference to how everything functions. 12. Recruit the right people Most of us choose our life partner and raise our children with care, nurturing and compassionate attention. Yet we tend to select the people who will join our company on the basis of an interview or two, and once theyve joined, they often discover they must fend for themselves. This contrast illustrates the disparity between the family and work environments. But since around 75% of our adult waking time is devoted to work related activities, it makes sense to take as much care in recruiting the right peoplepeople who care and who want to be the best. If you look for genuinely pleasant people who have the right attitude and human values, the rest will usually fall into place.

You cant teach people to be nice. Caring must be inherent in peoples naturesthey have to feel it in their hearts. And if they do, their colleagues and clients will feel it too, and youll achieve more success with less hassle and hard work. 13. Run a suggestion scheme A good suggestion scheme is like having an oil well in your back garden. There is no more important tool for management. Suggestion schemes can be made to work extraordinarily well in any business and can be the cornerstone of constant and never ending improvement. If you and your team ask yourselves relentlessly each day, How can we do this better? or What more can we do to , youre bound to find ways to improve. Whether large or small, these improvements can lead to regular discoveries that can transform your business. 14. Measure staff motivation How do you know if your staff are well motivated? This is where most businesses are amazingly primitive. Their skills in measuring motivation are under-developed or non-existent. Methods of measuring motivation include: 1) Staff turnover, 2) Absenteeism, 3) Theft, 4) Customer Service, 5) Attitude surveys. Motivation does not have to be left to chance. Every business can introduce systems for motivating its employees better. The benefits are enormous, and once you start measuring the payback on your investment in the workforce, you will see real results. Other Business Optimisation Strategies Include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Articulating your core values Coaching for performance Doing everything with passion Doing whatever it takes to serve or add value to your clients Systematise every aspect of your business

Knowledgebase fact:

By mid-2009 Marketing Wizdoms knowledgebase contained around 2.4 million words in 2,065 documents relating to 19 individual business optimisation strategies. Thats equivalent to nearly 8,500 pages, or 34 full sized books. Some of that knowledge is and will be showcased in posts on this site. If youre an entrepreneur or aspiring market leader, you will learn how to apply the full depth of that knowledge by participating in the Eureka program click here for more information

205 Strategies World-class expertise in over 200 low-risk/high-return marketing strategies World-class expertise in over 200 low-risk/high-return marketing strategies Somebody had to do it! If youre looking for the ultimate in marketing expertise, look no further. At Marketing Wizdom weve invested a fortune over the years building expertise you cant find anywhere else. Since 1996 weve been accumulating, dissecting, organising and analysing vast quantities of the worlds most powerful and effective marketing knowledge. From this knowledge detailed documentation and step-by-step procedures have been developed for over 200 low-risk/high-return marketing strategies that broadly fall into the following categories:
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26 marketing foundations for exponential growth 63 strategies for generating qualified leads 30 strategies for converting your leads more effectively 20 strategies for retaining your clients 9 strategies for increasing your transaction value

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14 strategies for increasing your transaction frequency 19 business optimisation strategies 24 strategy accelerators and power boosters

Each strategy is based on what has worked in many different industries For EACH strategy we have instant access, on average, to over 8,700 pages of painstakingly compiled data, reference materials and real-life examples, via a unique knowledgebase which now contains more than 1.8 million pages of information. Any part of this vast body of information can be accessed in a fraction of a second using a sophisticated artificial intelligence data retrieval system. World-class procedures To ensure the full and proper implementation of every strategy, robust, world-class, step by step procedures are constantly under development to ensure that you can implement strategies more thoroughly, with greater attention to detail than youre likely to find elsewhere, so that you produce the best possible results and gain a huge advantage over your competitors, whatever your industry. The procedure illustrated above shows the high level headings in a 515-step strategy roadmap you can use to build some of your key marketing foundations. Participants in the Eureka program gain full access to this unique data. This knowledge and these in-depth procedures cannot be found elsewhere. Indeed, youd be hard-pressed to find any marketing companies who have written procedures for implementing strategies or carrying out campaigns, let alone detailed project plans. They often prefer instead to take a finger in the air approach, and charge whatever they think they can get away with. This unusual depth of knowledge, attention to detail and level of transparency is one of Marketing

Wizdoms unique edges and ensures that you get the best possible results and value whenever you implement a strategy using our know-how. Robert is truly one-of-a-kind and an absolute pleasure to work with. His personal commitment to continuous learning and his naturally encyclopedic mind of case studies makes him exceptionally valuable as a business partner. His passion for entrepreneurship and genuine desire to see others succeed were inspirational to us. Joni Hawkes, former BrandWeek Marketing Manager of the Year and for 10 years Vice President of Worldwide Marketing at the Coca-Cola Company, Atlanta GA 26 Marketing Foundations Building a foundations successful business requires strong, sustainable

To build on a solid foundation you need to be able to express your business purpose, your core values and the uniqueness of your offering in a clear and compelling manner thats understood and shared by everyone in your business. If you dont do this your customers and prospects wont fully understand, appreciate or get excited about the value of your products or services or why they should buy from you. The more compellingly you weave these fundamental messages into everything you do, everything you say, and everything your team says and does, the greater your competitive advantage And the more your product or service is worth in the marketplace. The first phase of the Eureka program takes you step by step through what you need to do to build the foundations for exponential growth in your business. While the program was under development a good percentage of clients achieved market leadership in their niche through the application of these strategies.

Each strategy listed here there is backed by an in-depth step-by-step process. Because less than one business in a thousand gets these basics right, youll gain a massive advantage over your competition, month-in and month-out if you build on these foundations. 1. Determine customers needs The most careless approach to building your business is to decide what your marketplace really wants or needs without first talking to them about it. You owe it both to them and to yourself, because what you think is important to your prospects and customers may in fact be totally unimportant. What you could ignore may actually be all-important. Doing this research will allow you to focus on the key issues behind your customers buying decisions and true needs. The moment you understand what they really want and need, what theyre drawn to and repelled by, youll become so much better connected to them. Youre able to be more persuasive because youll be in alignment with what your customers are really looking for. And if you do this right, dont be at all surprised if a lot of your competitors customers start flocking to you in the process. 2. Unique Selling Proposition Why should someone buy from you? Less than one businesses in a thousand can answer that question in a compelling manner. To do so, your business needs to be seen as different to your competitors, offering your prospects and customers a unique, distinctive or superior benefit or advantage that isnt available to them anywhere else. There are a number of powerful components to this, which include a) a Commitment Statement b) A journey Behind The Scenes c) Risk Reversal d) a Positioning Statement e) Setting the buying criteria for your marketplace f) An Irresistible Offer. Once youve established what your unique advantage is, your job is to communicate that advantage to each prospect by articulating the key benefits of buying from you. But because your prospects are always short of time, you must be able to communicate these benefits quickly, clearly and effectively so theyre easy to remember. 3. Commitment statement

Your commitment statement is typically a series of 8-12 prioritised bullet points which explain what your business does and stands for, what someone can expect when they buy from you, how your business is seen in the marketplace and where it is going. It should also explain what you do to provide memorable service, how you go the extra mile and what you have to do to achieve your long term vision. Your commitment statement can be used in many different ways to build confidence and certainty and accelerate the customers buying decision. 4. Behind The Scenes Journey The more your buyers understand the tangible, compelling and meaningful reasons why they should take action and buy from you, the more theyll trust you, the more comfortable theyll feel about what youre offering and the more rapidly theyll decide to buy. Your behind the scenes journey is the key component of your USP that educates your buyers by providing them with with a complete understanding of the reasons why you do what you do, why you sell what you sell, why your product or service is better and more suitable to their situation than others, why they should act, and why theyll be disadvantaged if they dont. It explains the process you go through to create your product or service, how you select or reject your components or suppliers, how you gained your knowledge, experience and expertise and the process you use to train your staff. Its a very powerful process. 5. Risk reversal The biggest single reason why people dont buy products or services from a supplier is that they dont want to make a mistake or look stupid or mess up. Thats why up to 80% of people say theyd be influenced in favour of a business that guarantees to its buyers that their product or service wont fail, by giving a really strong guarantee. By guaranteeing your product or service you reduce the barrier of entry and make it more advantageous for your customers to buy from you than not to buy. This means that people cant help but take advantage of your product or service in much greater numbers. 6. Positioning Statement

Your positioning statement is a single sentence or a paragraph that focuses on the specific areas in which your product or service excels or is unique and conveys the essence of your business in a compelling manner that sets you apart from your competitors. To be effective it must attract attention to your business, set you apart from your competition, fill a perceived gap in the marketplace and motivate people to take action. When your key points of difference are easy to understand and remember, your prospects get an instant mental picture of what makes your product or service superior or unique, and thus worthy of their attention. This will set you way apart from your competitors and make it much easier for your prospects to act in your favour. 7. Setting the buying criteria for your marketplace When you educate your customers to understand the buying criteria for your product or service, youll totally disempower your competition. Youll also be able to take more and more market share because no one else will be able to compete with you. If youre the first business in your industry to deploy this concept it can have the impact of an atomic bomb. 9. A clearly defined mission A business develops a personality over time that shapes its philosophy and motivates its actions. Without a purpose or a mission, both a person and a business will flounder. Every business, no matter how big or small, needs a mission statement as a source of direction that lets its employees, customers, suppliers and stakeholders know what it stands for and where its headed. A mission also unifies people in a business and provides employees with a sense of identity and a foundation on which the company can build its future. 10. Targeting the right prospects One of the biggest secrets of success is to communicate directly to your target market, and to no one else. You do this by identifying exactly who your target audience are, then discovering why those people should buy your product or service, given their values and priorities. This includes

identifying the predominant types of prospect you need to target in your various markets. Should they be the innovators, early adopters, middle majority, late adopters, or laggards? Identify the crucial decision making steps needed for them to adopt your product or service. When you do this the results of your efforts will improve immediately, youll multiply your effectiveness and usually youll be able to significantly reduce demands on your time, your expenditure and your efforts. Additional foundation-building strategies include: 1. Validity Testing 2. Branding 3. Business Model 4. Business Planning 5. Choosing a business name 6. Competitor Analysis 7. Express Your Higher Business Purpose 8. Gaining absolute clarity about your current situation 9. Market Research 10. Marketing Plan 11. Defining Your Sales Process 12. Strategic Planning 13. Targeting the right prospects 14. Understanding lifetime value/marginal net worth 15. Values Charter 16. Vision Statement 63 Lead Generation Strategies Lead Generation and Customer Acquisition Strategies Here is a quick overview of some of the highly effective strategies you can use to generate many more qualified leads and clients for your business. They are all simple and cost effective to implement once you know what to do and how to do it.


By bridging the gaps in your knowledge we can show you how to get the most out of any of these approaches, no matter how large or small your business. 1. Direct Mail An extremely flexible medium that gives you access to any number of otherwise inaccessible prospects for many different purposes; to sell your products; generate sales leads; follow up enquiries; get more business from current customers; keep in touch with former customers; close the sale in advance and so much more. It allows you to present every benefit of your product or service over those of your competition in a manner thats 100% consistent. This is not just in their offices and during the business day, but in their homes, in the evenings and at weekends. Reaching the right audience with the right offer and the right message is the key to success, because the only thing that counts is how many sales or inquiries your mailing generates. 2. Effective Advertising Advertising should be nothing less than salesmanship in print, i.e. it should do the same job that a top sales person would do face to face. If you approach advertising in a scientific manner, following proven principles and facts, it no longer has to be a gamble. There are many extremely effective ways of using advertising in a highly targeted manner, that cant help but grow your business. This includes 1) advertising only in media that reaches a sufficiently large number of the kind of people youre trying to reach 2) focusing the entire thrust of your communication on your prospects interests, not your own 3) giving your prospects enough information and education and 4) offering them something appealing thatll get them to respond now. 3. Referral Systems One third-party endorsement is more powerful than a hundred presentations. Getting your customers to recommend and encourage other people they associate with to seek out your products or services is the most coveted prize in selling, besides a sale. There are hundreds of referral

systems you can use; to create an unlimited supply of hot prospects; to get prospects returning your calls; to contact hard-to-reach buyers; to create a reputation that opens closed doors; to enhance customer loyalty; and to increase sales and multiply profits. Referral systems make your life easier and more professional, and bring higher profits with increased customer loyalty. 4. Host Beneficiary Relationships There are bound to be other non-competing businesses who have already spent years attracting and establishing relationships with the very people who are prime prospects for your own products or services. By establishing the right relationships with those hosts, those customers can be yours for the asking, with the full co-operation and permission of the businesses that acquired them in the first place and it will bring you more customers and more cash right away. 5. Word-of-Mouth Marketing This is the most powerful, persuasive marketing weapon available to any business. It drives customers to try products or services more than any other marketing technique more than advertising, salespeople, direct response, and public relations combined! And contrary to what you might expect word-of-mouth is not out of your control. There are dozens of techniques for launching your own highly successful word of mouth campaigns, based on an all-important Decision Matrix and a proven sevenstep process. 6. Telemarketing Telemarketing can be used very effectively in conjunction with other types of marketing. It is flexible in scope, message, and the things it can accomplish. It works especially well with direct mail because it allows you to identify prospects and reach them directly through two media. It is also an enormously effective way to keep advancing and building your relationship and gently leading your prospects to a purchasing decision which can increase your sales results by up to twenty times. You can use telemarketing

techniques to implement extensive campaigns as well as to fill in spare time by generating more business. It also gives you immediate feedback from customers and prospects as no other medium can, allowing you to find out what prospective customers want, what they like, and what they dont like, as well as helping you qualify them. 7. Qualified Lists The quality of your prospect list is the single most important influencing factor in your marketing success because it can eliminate virtually all marketing waste. A list of well qualified prospects can be a priceless gem because if you exploit it properly it will produce tremendous amount of revenue for you from people who have a proven interest in your product or service. Thousands of properly qualified lists are readily available for virtually any marketing purpose and can give you many times more sales. These lists identify the specific businesses, key decision makers and demographic characteristics you desire, within the geographic areas you specify. You can focus only on prospects who are more likely than not your primary target audience for your product or service. 8. Networking Most people you meet have hundreds of contacts, which means that virtually anyone you might want to contact or meet is only four to five people away from you. Effective networking is therefore vital to your success. Most people are poor networkers, but you can quickly learn how to get out; meet people; make new contacts; develop quality business relationships based on trust; polish your communication skills; educate the people you meet about what you do and the benefits offered by your product or service; create a lasting impression; quickly build your network, use your contacts database effectively, enjoy your new contacts and maximise your chances of success. 9. Circle of Leverage A highly effective step by step strategy that deals with the single most common and frustrating problem for anyone in business: the problem of

gaining access to the correct audience. No other skill is as directly connected to your ability to achieve success as the skill of getting in to see the right people. This approach will help you cut through bureaucracy, identify the people you most need to see. Youll find that you can get in front of your desired prospectsregardless of their position or level of experiencefaster, more effectively, and with less expense. It represents a new way of thinking about gaining access and overcomes the problem of getting through to the right people. 10. Internet/E-Commerce The Internet is now an essential element in business communication. When people want information, they surf the web to find what they need. You need a good website that maximizes your exposure or youll look old-fashioned and behind-the-times. Your website needs to be attractive, informative, and easy to navigate so that you obtain a constant stream of new prospects. You also need to establish a system that deftly converts them into customers. 11. Become a Recognised Authority You can take a number of simple steps to rapidly establish yourself as a recogised authority in your field. These include writing articles and books, creating newsletters and information products, speaking and delivering seminars. These can keep you very busy and in demand virtually all the time, giving you a tremendous edge over your competitors who struggle to get by. Customers will normally flock to you, while your competitors wonder why and have to settle for picking up the leftovers. 12. Public Relations and Publicity Most of what you read, see, and hear in the media got there with the help of PR. The media are insatiably hungry for factual, interesting, and newsworthy or entertaining information they can share with their customers, members, employees, listeners, viewers or readers. PR, approached correctly, will give you free coverage on radio, television, in magazines, newspapers, trade journals, newsletters, e-zines, and via Web sites who serve the marketplace youre trying to reach.

13. Special Events and Promotions One of the best methods of making your business more successful is to make doing business with you a special, memorable experience. The more exciting, enjoyable, fascinating, informative, valuable or educational you can make the experience, the more business you will do, and the stronger and more meaningful the bond you will form with your customers. Events are a very powerful way of offering people who have an excellent probability of turning into customers a chance to be educated about the benefits and results of your product or service. They can also be used to recognise your existing customers as being very special. 14. Advertorials and News Stories Writing articles and news stories for publication in the media that your prospects and customers would find interesting and would like to know about is the quickest, easiest way, and usually the first step, in building your reputation. You need to know how to come up with article ideas, research and write successful articles, get them published, use the reprints in selfpromotion, and get people to respond to you and buy your products or services. 15. Brochures and Corporate Literature No matter what your business, your brochures should help bring in profitable business yet most brochures fail miserably. You therefore need to know how to create professional brochures and fliers that sell for you by educating your prospects and customers about the benefits you offer and also addresses their questions and their needs for your product or service. 16. Making profits on the Back End If you depend more on repeat business than initial sales, or if most of your sales and profits occur when customers repeat purchase from you again and again, you should be doing everything possible to motivate as many customers as you can to make their initial buying decision as quickly and easily as possible. Making it easy and irresistible for the customer to start

doing business with you by adding extra incentives or by making your initial sale at breakeven or a small loss, means that you will benefit sooner rather than later from all the repeat business, the add-ons and the ancillary products and services that represent the bulk of your profits. 17. Newsletters A powerful technique for building your reputation with a defined audience over a period of time is to regularly send them a newsletter, which can either be free or paid subscription. Newsletters can be used to position you as an authority in your marketplace, to build closer relationships with clients. You can use them to educate your target market so they can make more informed and more frequent buying decisions or educate them to the full extent of your services and how you can add value through those services. 18. Leaflet Drops or Inserts Gives you a direct approach into both homes and businesses in an exact geographical area giving you the flexibility to drop any number at any time, and lends itself to a low cost combination of letter and brochure advertising. 19. Use Your Competitors Resources Harnessing the relationships that your competitors do not properly or fully develop or appreciate and making arrangements to obtain details from them of all their unconverted leads, unsold prospects and unconverted enquiries is like them handing you the keys to their own customer list. 20. Exhibitions and Trade Shows Some wildly successful businesses employ only one major method of marketing: they display and sell their wares at trade shows, exhibitions, and fairs. They realise that many serious prospects will attend these gatherings. But there is an art to successful exhibiting which, if mastered, generates immense rewards. There are few other sales forums where prospects and clients come to you and where you can meet so many of them in a single

day. You can also conduct valuable research, get first hand opinions on your products and services and even collect valuable testimonials. Besides attracting new business, exhibitions can be used to introduce existing customers to additional products and services they were previously unaware of. 21. Card Deck Offers A card deck offer is a product description or promotion on an individual card about the size of a postcard typically placed within a pack along with 50-100 other cards. Its a quick and enjoyable way for many busy people to shop through a variety of product offers, and you can normally target and send your offer to a large number of carefully selected prospective customers for less money than nearly all other direct marketing methods. Other lead generation strategies include: 1. Affinity marketing 2. Agents 3. Blogs 4. Bookalogs 5. Catalogues 6. Consignment Selling 7. Contests and Sweepstakes 8. Corporate Hospitality 9. Database Marketing 10. Demonstrations 11. Dream 100 Clients 12. eBay 13. Experiental Marketing 14. Franchising 15. Line Extensions 16. Link Building 17. Magalogs 18. Mini Media 19. Offers

20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37.

Paid Search Podcasting Postcards Premiums and Gifts Product Placement Promotions Reactivate Old Leads Resellers Salespeople Sampling Search Engine Optimisation Seminars Set Buying Criteria Social Media Visibility Sponsorship Testimonials Viral Marketing Websites

30 Lead Conversion Strategies Better conversion strategies can boost your business dramatically for little or no extra cost Theres little point in generating more leads and enquiries if your existing conversion process results in most of your hard-won enquiries falling through the cracks. Too many businesses are already generating all the leads and prospects they need but are unwittingly losing up to 95% of their sales opportunities, and pouring thousands, hundreds of thousands, or millions of pounds down the drain. In these circumstances you may not actually NEED additional leads or prospects at all instead you need much better strategies for converting a larger portion of your prospects into customers.


Some clients have increased their conversion rate more than ten-fold whilst at the same time dramatically reducing the cost of acquiring those customers. Here are some of the strategies you can use: 1. Mapping your sales process This valuable diagram maps the step by step processes required to convert your enquiries into sales. It tracks the actions you take to prepare for each sale; how you overcome concerns; build trust; understand your buyers goals, needs and wants; create certainty that your product or service meets their needs; overcome their fear of making the wrong decision; officially confirm the sale and see to it that your buyer is truly satisfied. Youll be able to carefully study your sales process from every angle so that you manage and control each step, convert more effectively and address predictable buyer concerns before they pop up later as objections. 2. Measure conversion rate What you measure you can manage, yet few businesses ever consider, let alone accurately measure, the percentage of their hard-won enquiries that convert into sales. Without a measurement system you can only guess at your sales conversion rate and usually its an over-estimate! Once you start measuring your conversion rate you can start focusing on lifting your benchmark performance using some of the techniques listed on this page. If you measure what you are achieving, then focus on the key factors that will impact on changing it things WILL change, often with immediate effect. Its not uncommon for businesses to increase their sales levels by 20% JUST by focusing on their conversion target. 3. Qualify Leads better up front Time wasted on unqualified leads is the No.1 factor that can affect your sales success, because not everyone is a prime prospect for your products or services. You can be busy all day talking to people, but you wont make sales unless you concentrate on qualified prospects, rather than offering your product or service to people who are unreceptive, not ready for, cannot pay for and are disinterested in what youre offering. You qualify your leads

by offering very specific propositions to ensure that the people who respond to your marketing approaches are only those who have the desire, the capacity and the motivation to buy your product or service. 4. Fish where the big fish are Even if you have the most technically advanced fishing equipment, youll leave empty handed if there are no fish in the lake. But if you just have a simple net, and the lake is teeming with fish, your chances of a catch are much greater. Where you cast your line is crucial to catching fish and the same is also true in business. Successful businesses fish where the big fish are. They talk to customers who are familiar with their product or service, or already use it, or have a high probability of using it. Dont waste your time trying to convince people who dont need your product or service when there are customers out there who already know they need what youre selling and are thus part-sold before they even see you. 5. Packaged Information Offers The right offer can increase your response up to 300%. Yet few businesses ever go beyond a token effort of making some sort of offer. Most people wrongly assume that their buyers already know it all, or arent interested in reading lots of words. In truth your prospects crave as much information as possible so they can make an informed purchase decision. By packaging your expertise into a special booklet, report or seminar and offering it as an inducement to get your prospects to contact you, you can bring prospects out of the woodwork in droves whilst simultaneously establishing your expertise and at the same time educating and informing the very people who are most interested in making a purchasing decision which increases the probability that youll get the sale. 6. Show the chain, sell the first link No one buys a chain link by link. People either buy the whole chain or they dont. It is the same with converting business. If you show the customer all the steps in a sale and he or she agrees to the first step, the customer has bought the chain unless you break it. You show the chain, make it clear

how the phases in the sale are linkedfrom first agreement to purchase orderand then sell the first link which is attached to the last link. Sell the first link and you sell the chain. 7. Using a planned agenda A planned agenda for meetings with your prospects or customers is one of the most effective, yet under-utilised, tools in selling. It offers a number of key benefits: it makes your sales meetings more productive, effective and rewarding; it shows youve taken the time and effort to plan for the meeting which creates a positive impact right from the start; it allows you to take control of the meeting and keep to the allocated time; it increases your conversion rate by setting the right expectation from the outset; it helps you understand who really makes the decisions; it helps you to record and follow-through on any agreed actions and it will make you look and act more professionally, thus enhancing your reputation and increasing the chance that youll win the sale. 8. Onionize to understand To convert successfully you must first get to the essence of your customers problem or needs. You must understand all of your customers concerns, desires, fears, and limits. You cannot prescribe a solution until you diagnose their need. You cannot turn your customers need into a want until you know how to put value on your customers desired state. Just as you peel an onion layer by layer, so, too, you help your customer get to the heart of the matter. Onionizing is akin to being an investigative reporter, detective, psychiatrist, doctor, and archaeologist. You ask, probe, dig, diagnose, and listen to understand then prescribe the solution and win the sale! 9. Winning Quotes & Proposals If either your product or your proposal are weak, your chances of a sale are slim to non-existent. If you normally send out single page quotes, youre asking your buyers to make a leap of faith when they buy from you because they really have no idea if theyll be getting a great service or a lousy one and youre inviting comparison with your competitors. If you focus instead

on educating your buyers to understand the true value of your product or service by explaining how it solves their major concerns, telling them exactly what you do for them at each step, they KNOW itll be great. This will help you to win more tenders, charge what youre truly worth and increase your conversion rate. 10. Educate by giving reasons why Youre continuously striving in business to move people first to desire and then to buy your product or service, again and again. For most people, the missing link in this process is to provide your buyers with a complete understanding of the reasons why you do what you do, why you sell what you sell, why your product or service is better than others, why they should act, and why theyll be disadvantaged if they dont. The more you help your buyers to understand the tangible, compelling reasons why they should take action, the more powerful your positioning, the more people will understand the value and benefits youre offering, the more they will trust, and the more comfortable they feel with what youre offering. 11. Create Irresistable Offers Remember, your prospects dont need you as much as you need them. They have a multitude of choices available to them. Unless you offer them a really meaningful benefit for doing business with you, its easier for them to take no action at all. You therefore have to do everything you can to tip the scales and make it irresistible for them to take the next step. You do this by creating such a powerful and compelling offer that people would be foolish to pass it up. An offer that makes it more advantageous to acquire your product or service than not to do so, one which eliminates all the hurdles they have to jump over to do business with you and makes it harder to say no to you than to say yes, can increase your results up to 300%. 12. Increasing Sales Skills One of the most immediate ways of leveraging your business is to continuously train your entire staff in non-manipulative, strategic selling principles, methods and understandings. Effective selling is not just a matter

of learning a sales spiel or having the gift of the gab. The finest sales people in the world are helpful, not pushy. They believe in their product and make meaningful recommendations and suggestions based on their personal experience of what actually works. They provide the buyer with the information they need to make an informed decision and they know how and when to ask for the order! By training everyone in these skills, youll be amazed at the massive compounding impact on your business. 13. Mastermind Script Books Creating a collection of the most powerful, focused and persuasive sales presentations and sales scripts specifically for your business, that your sales professionals can use to consistently shatter industry sales records and effectively counter virtually every objection, stall or form of resistance youre likely to hear so that you can close the sale. Because different prospects need to hear different responses, you need 15-20 different immediately available responses to each objection to achieve maximum effectiveness with the full range of prospects youre likely to encounter. If the script or presentation doesnt close the sale, it advances you more quickly to the close, builds a deep level of trust and sets you up for the next powerful piece of sales dialog. 14. Better presentation skills Great speakers have some qualities in common. They have inner fire. They speak with authority. They connect with the audience through storytelling. They use their voices well. And they know how to prevent fear from overpowering them. They also know that what you say represents just 7% of the communication experience, whereas how you say it has five times more impact and your body language represents 55% of the total impact of your presentation. Research also shows that people retain 20% of what they see, 20% of what they hear, and 50% of what they see and hear. The use of visual aids can therefore have a massive impact too and will allow you to get through more information in a shorter period of time. 15. Better Telephone Skills


A few quick calls will demonstrate that most businesses dont use the telephone sales-effectively. For many customer enquiries, orders, or complaints, the telephone will be the primary, if not the only, method of dealing with your business. If you mismanage your telephone efforts, you waste opportunities galore, throw a fortune down the drain and jeopardize relationships with your best prospects and customers. Yet you can enhance the telephone skills of your team members both easily and inexpensively. This can turn the telephone into one of the most powerful business tools available, create a great impression for your business every time and produce explosively profitable results. 16. Constant follow-up 80% of all significant sales occur only after a minimum of five continuous follow ups yet only 8% of sales people ever ask for the order a fifth time! Constant follow-ups are an enormously effective way of advancing and building your relationships, developing trust and gently leading your prospect to a purchasing decision. You can get as much as twenty times the sales and results if you constantly following up. When something makes such a significant difference, you owe it to yourself to follow up and keep following up in a nurturing way. It will make a profound difference to your ability to convert business. 17. Recruit sales superstars There is a special art to attracting and recruiting sales superstars for your business. They are original, intelligent, innovative, relentless, clever, creative, eager to please, entertaining, persuasive, compelling, highly communicative, learn very quickly and are a pleasure to deal with. Superstars adapt to every situation, never give up and become even more determined when presented with a challenge. Within three months theyll normally be outselling your best performers. They can form a bond where nobody else can do so and make sales nobody else can get. Sales superstars dont come cheap. But theyll improve your conversion rate massively which makes them worth every penny! 18. Market research

Creating a need and a demand where none already exists, or convincing customers to do something they dont know they want to do takes time, money, and more money. Discovering a need and filling it is far cheaper and easier than betting your destiny on a conjecture. Good third party market research not only brings objectivity, but can often persuade prospects and customers to reveal all sorts of issues that they will not tell a company person. It frequently also reveals that the message you think you are communicating is not the message being received by the prospect and can clearly indicate compelling ways to differentiate your business from your competition, which can significantly increase your conversion rate. Other lead conversion strategies include: 1. Capture and Log Prospect Information 2. Demonstrations 3. Winning Awards 4. Lead Prospects to the Outcome They Desire 5. Point of Sale Displays 6. Reprinting and Distributing Press Articles 7. Extraordinary Guarantees 8. Effective Sales Management 9. Sequential Marketing Messages 10. Setting Sales Targets 11. Gathering and Using Testimonials 12. Try Before You Buy 20 Customer Retention Strategies The easiest way to grow your customers is not to lose them The average business loses around 20 percent of its customers annually simply by failing to attend to customer relationships. In some industries this leakage is as high as 80 percent. The cost, in either case, is staggering, but few businesses truly understand the implications. Imagine two businesses, one that retains 90 percent of its customers, the other retaining 80 percent. If both add new customers at the rate of 20

percent per year, the first will have a 10 percent net growth in customers per year, while the other will have none. Over seven years, the first firm will virtually double, while the second will have no real growth. Everything else being equal, that 10-percent advantage in customer retention will result in a doubling of customers every seven years without doing anything else. The consequences of customer retention also compound over time, and in sometimes unexpected ways. Even a tiny change in customer retention can cascade through a business system and multiply over time. The resulting effect on long-term profit and growth shouldnt be underestimated. Marketing Wizdom can introduce you to a number of simple customer retention strstegies that will cost you little or nothing to implement. Behind each technique listed here there is an in-depth step-by-step process that will increase your customer retention significantly once implemented, and will have a massive impact on your business. 1. Reducing Attrition Virtually every business loses some customers, but few ever measure or recognise how many of their customers become inactive. Most businesses, ironically, invest an enormous amount of time, effort and expense building that initial customer relationship. Then they let that relationship go unattended, in some cases even losing interest as soon as the sale been made, or even worse, they abandon the customer as soon as an easily remedied problem occurs, only to have to spend another small fortune to replace that customer. The easiest way to grow your business is not to lose your customers. Once you stop the leakage, its often possible to double or triple your growth rate because youre no longer forced to make up lost ground just to stand still. 2. Sell and then sell again So many people do an excellent job of making the initial sale, then drop the ball and get complacent, ignoring the customer, while they chase more business. Your selling has actually only just begun when someone makes that initial purchase decision because virtually everyone is susceptible to

buyers remorse. To lock in that sale, and all of the referrals and repeat business that will flow from it, you need to strike while the iron is hot to allay your customers fears and demonstrate by your actions that you really care. You should thank them and remind them again why theyve made the right decision to deal with you and put a system in place to sell to them again, and again, constantly proving that they made the right decision. 3. Bring back the lost sheep Theres little point in dedicating massive resources to generating new customers when 25-60% of your dormant customers will be receptive to your attempts to regenerate their business if you approach them the right way, with the right offer. Reactivating customers who already know you and your product is one of the easiest, quickest ways to increase your revenues. Re-contacting and reminding them of your existence, finding out why theyre no longer buying, overcoming their objections and demonstrating that you still value and respect them will usually result in a tremendous bounty of sales and drastically increased revenues in a matter of days and will lead to some of your best and most loyal customers. 4. Frequent Communications Calendar Avoid losing your customers by building relationships and keeping in touch using a rolling calendar of communications. This is a programmed sequence of letters, events, phone calls, thank yous, special offers, follow-ups, magic moments, and cards or notes with a personal touch etc. that occur constantly and automatically at defined points in the pre-sales, sales and post-sales process. People not only respond to this positively, they really appreciate it because they feel valued and important. It acknowledges them, keeps them informed, offsets post-purchase doubts, reinforces the reason theyre doing business with you and makes them feel part of your business so that they want to come back again and again. 5. Extraordinary Customer Service The never-ending pursuit of excellence to keep customers so satisfied that they tell others how well they were treated when doing business with you.

Moving the product or service you deliver into the realm of the extraordinary by delivering higher than expected levels of service to each and every customer. Key facets include: dedication to customer satisfaction by every employee; providing immediate response; no buck passing; going above and beyond the call of duty; consistent on-time delivery; delivering what you promise before AND after the sale; a zero-defects and error-free-delivery process and recruiting outstanding people to deliver your customer service. Extraordinary service builds fortunes in repeat customers, whereas poor service will drive your customers to your competition. 6. Courtesy system A powerful system that improves the interpersonal skills of your team and changes the spirit of your organisation. It involves speaking to colleagues politely and pleasantly, without sarcasm or parody, and treating them at least as well as you would want them to treat your customers. This will help your team to feel worthwhile and important, which makes for pleasant social contacts at work. It also motivates them to provide extraordinary service, encourages them to be consistently pleasant in all of their dealings and to relate to customers in a warm, human and natural manner. This results in better, warmer, stronger, more trusting relationships and longer term bonds with your customers. 7. Product or service integrity Long-term success and customer retention belongs to those who do not take ethical shortcuts. There must always be total consistency between what you say and do and what your customers experience. The design, build quality, reliability and serviceability of your product or service must be of the standard your customers want, need and expect. Service integrity is also demonstrated by the way you handle the small things, as well as the large. Customers will be attracted to you if you are open and honest with them, care for them, take a genuine interest in them, dont let them down and practice what you preach and they will avoid you if you dont. 8. Measure lifetime value


Theres a vast difference between the one-off profit you might make on an average sale, which ignores the bigger picture, and the total aggregate profit your average customer represents over the lifetime of their business relationship with you. Once you recognise how much combined profit a customer represents to your business when they purchase from you again and again, over the months, years or decades, youll realise the critical importance of taking good care of your customers. And because youll understand just how much time, effort and expense you can afford to invest in retaining that customer, youll be in control of your marketing expenditure. 9. A complaint is a gift 96 percent of dissatisfied customers dont complain. They just walk away, and youll never know why. Thats because they often dont know how to complain, or cant be bothered, or are too frightened, or dont believe itll make any difference. Whilst they may not tell you whats wrong, they will certainly tell plenty of others. A system for unearthing complaints can therefore be the lifeblood of your business, because customers who complain are giving you a gift, theyre still talking to you, theyre giving you another opportunity to return them to a state of satisfaction and delight them and the manner in which you respond gives you another chance to show what youre made of and create even greater customer loyalty. Other customer retention strategies include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Blogs CRM Systems Loyalty Programs Magic Moments Overcome Buyers Remorse Personal Touches Premiums and Gifts Questionnaires and Surveys Regular Reviews Social Media



Welcome Book

Knowledgebase fact: By mid-2009 Marketing Wizdoms knowledgebase contained more than 3.1 million words in 2,392 documents relating to 20 individual customer retention strategies. Thats equivalent to nearly 11,000 pages, or 44 full sized books. 9 Higher Transaction Value Strategies Reach your goals faster and with fewer clients by increasing your average transaction value Growing your business by increasing your number of clients alone, as most businesses do, is the most expensive, demanding and time consuming option available to you. The cost of selling them more is inconsequential in comparison. Increasing both your number of clients and the average amount each client spends on each transaction they do with you, using some of the techniques listed here, is the fastest and easiest shortcut available to you to reach your goals. These techniques can instantly multiply the results of everything else you do and can give you geometric growth and dramatically better profitability for very little extra workload or it means you can reach your goals faster, with fewer customers, using less effort and expense and with less hassle. 1. Up-Sell and Cross Sell Offering extra value or a better deal right at the point of sale, when your customers are at their most receptive, is one of the easiest and most effective ways of instantly improving the size and profitability of your sales. Up-selling is getting your customers to buy a better, more expensive, or more sophisticated product that genuinely adds value to their transaction. Cross-selling is getting your customers to buy an additional product or service that will give them a superior outcome. If you make a worthwhile

offer to your customers, 30-50% will normally say yes, and virtually every penny of the extra profit goes right to your bottom line because it requires no more time and effort, and there is no additional cost of sale to reach the customer. 2. Packaging products or services Combining a group of individually desirable products or services that naturally compliment each other and offering the complete package for a single fixed price that represents almost irresistible value to your customers, compared to buying the components separately. This can dramatically increase your incremental profits and also allows you to sell complete solutions that lock the customer into the use of those products. This is definitely a win-win situation for both you and your customers. They get a simplified purchasing process and a discount on a complete solution, while you increase your sales and can often own your market. This technique has transformed the fortunes of many organisations. 3. Offer larger units of purchase Increasing the size of your minimum purchase unit is a powerful and remarkably easy way for you to increase your average transaction value. If people buy a one week supply, you can offer them monthly, quarterly or annual consumption units at an attractive and advantageous price. Your customers will appreciate the extra value, the tremendous savings and the extra convenience of buying in bulk, while your average unit of sale will be increased substantially and youre also locking your customers in for longer. As an added bonus, a lot of people who say no to the offer, and would never otherwise have bought at all, will will now buy your smaller units. 4. Increase your pricing and margins Theres no law that says your product or service has to be a commodity thats merely bought on price. People will willingly pay more for most products or services as long as they believe theyre getting better value. The more distinctive you make your product or service, and the better you educate your customers, the more valuable your marketplace will perceive

you to be. Raising your prices typically means that you can afford to service your customers better, work with them better, include additional products or services in the transaction, and do more than your competitors. This will set you and your business apart in a favourable way in the eyes and minds of your customers and will allow you to charge what youre really worth. 5. Positioning yourself further up-market If youre good at what you do, moving your products or services further upmarket and positioning your business at a higher level of distinction or quality than your competition can improve your business dramatically. By repackaging your product or service to appeal to more sophisticated or affluent buyers in parts of the market beyond those you currently cater to, you can often command higher prices in the marketplace and leave behind the type of business that gives you all your headaches. The more you raise your market positioning, the more your existing customers are likely to respect and appreciate what you do, which frequently results in even more loyalty and referrals. 6. Point of sale promotions Offering additional products or services to every customer right at the point of sale is one of the simplest, most instant and predictable techniques for increasing your average unit of sale. You can grab their attention by displaying impulse items, or by using signage, literature and displays. You can also make appealing offers at trade shows or seminars, or offer inducements for a first time sale. If you do that before your customers leave, or take delivery, or sign the final documents, or when they place an order by phone or on your website, 30-60 percent will purchase the additional product or service. This can add tremendously to your profit per transaction for no extra time, effort, or incremental cost. 7. Increase your horizontal penetration If your customers are unaware of the full range of products or services you offer, theyre also unlikely to think of you when a problem arises that could be solved by your product or service. Educating them to use your full range

of products and services using a simple yet powerful matrix will immediately allow you to focus on the penetration of each of your products or services into your existing customer base. It will also identify all the opportunities for increasing your product or service penetration, for strategic alliance opportunities, for blocking your competitors and increasing both your average unit of sale and your profits. 8. Increase your vertical penetration Similar to above, but instead of focusing on the penetration of your products and services into your customer base, this technique uses a simple but powerful matrix and a two-step implementation process that helps you to focus on the penetration of your products/services by customer. Knowledgebase fact: By mid-2009 Marketing Wizdoms knowledgebase contained more than 1.1 million words in 3,282 documents relating to 9 individual strategies for increasing transaction value. Thats equivalent to nearly 4,000 pages, or 15 full sized books. 14 Frequency Builder Strategies It is so much easier to sell more to your existing customers than to sell to new customers Ignoring your existing customers is an expensive mistake. It costs five to FIFTY times more to generate a new customer from the cold market, than to get further sales or referrals from the customers you already have. After all, your customers have already raised their hand and demonstrated their interest in your product or service. Theyve committed themselves to you emotionally and financially. They KNOW you, they TRUST you and theyve paid money to you. What a HOT list! Your existing customers are therefore very important, valuable and significant to you because theyre the MOST likely people to buy from you


again! So you need to do everything possible to ensure that your customers will continue to buy from you rather than from your competition. If someone buys from you twice a year right now, its unlikely to take a lot more time, effort, manpower or money to get them to buy three times. Yet just one more purchase a year per customer could translate into enormous increases in profitability for your business. 1. Communicate personally with your customers As soon as your customers have done business with you, their minds will immediately revert to the next issue they have to deal with and you drift out of their mind. The more continuously and personally you communicate with your customers by phone or letter to maintain a strong positive relationship, the more theyll feel you really care. As long as each of your communications has a purpose, is customer focused and conveys something of value to your customers its more likely that youll get the next sale, and the next, and the next. The resulting higher repeat business and referral levels will also make your business vastly stronger, virtually isolating it from the ravages of the economy and price-cutting competitors. 2. Preferred customer events Its easy to forget that your previous customers are the people most likely to buy from you again. Your customers want to be recognised as special, so you can use regular or periodic special events not only as a way of attracting and converting new customers but also to reward and acknowledge your existing customers as very special people. You can repay their loyalty by giving them unique advantages and benefits, giving them advance access to new, improved or niche products or services, or by giving them better choice, preferential pricing or free bonuses. Everybody loves it, it can be lots of fun and its usually very profitable because it results in nothing less than more of your existing customers buying more of your products and services more often. 3. Programme Your Customers


Few businesses ever think in terms of selling their customers a long-term package of their products or services. Yet if your customers can benefit from your product or service on a recurring or ongoing basis, its easy to sell them them a six-month, twelve month, two year or longer programme where they either pay you a flat-fee in advance, or commit to purchase the same product or service from you a given number of times over a specified period, or at certain key intervals, at a pre-agreed preferential price. This means that instead of living from job to job and passively waiting for your customer to call you, you have on-going business with zero additional sales and marketing costs. This will give you nothing less than guaranteed future cash flow that you couldnt stop if you wanted to. 4. Lock In Sales In Advance So many businesses simply react to their customers needs and fail to set up on-going relationships. Instead of just passively waiting for the next customer to call, many of your customers are likely to sign up for a programme where you supply your product or service automatically at predetermined intervals. It can be such an easy process to make the transition from selling single product or service transactions to ongoing, long-term lifetime contracts or service level agreements that make it hard for your customers to switch to your competitors. As long as you educate your customers to understand the reasons why youre doing it, and how it results in savings that allow you pass the benefit on to them, you can frequently lock in repeat sales for years. 5. Develop back-end products and services Most businesses spend all their time, effort, manpower and money trying to attract new customers, when for a tiny fraction of that investment you can get your existing customers to buy more products or services from you. When you do, they will often be at higher margins than before because you no longer have the same selling costs. There are probably dozens of products or services that you could supply as a back end offering that represent the icing on the cake that can multiply your profit margin many


times. These can be anything from extensions of your main products and services to complimentary products and services that other people sell. 6. Bounce Back Offers One of the great misconceptions in selling is that once someone has purchased, they should be left alone. Countless studies have shown that customers who have just bought from you are in buying mode, and that if theyre happy with your service, they are THE most likely prospects to buy again. A bounce back is an offer that comes in a timely manner right after the first sale bouncing back with another product or service thatll serve the customers needs. Its one of the easiest, least expensive ways of generating a re-order or further sale and can generate significant additional income from the hottest of buyers with virtually no extra marketing cost. If you dont ask your customers to buy again, they may go to your competitor, so this is also a perfect opportunity to create an on-going relationship and bond with your customer. 7. Loyalty Programs Frequency builder programs motivate your customers to purchase from you over and over again so that you dont have to work so hard to develop repeat business. By offering special extras and incentives to return and purchase more often, you build your customers loyalty. Programs can take many forms that include point accumulation programs, sticker or punch card programs, communication programs, preferred customer discounts and sales, special members-only offers and rewards and gift certificates or rebates based on expenditure. These programs bring you closer to your customers, strengthen your position in the marketplace, insulate you from price competition and help you get a larger slice of the cake. They also allow you to collect data on your individual customers which will cement your customer relationships by targeting special offers to their specific needs. 8. Price inducements for frequency A customer who buys from you 100 times is many times more valuable than someone who buys only once so it makes sense to motivate your

customers to buy from you initially, then reward those who buy the most for their frequency of repurchase. The possibilities are endless. You can offer lower prices for pre-payment or for long-term or till further notice commitments or you can offer contract prices to high volume customers. You can give price incentives, bonuses, premiums, upgrades, rebates or credits to customers who guarantee or commit to buy a certain number of times or a minimum volume in a year. This will breed recurring purchase habits and build a perpetual stream of contact, income and loyalty. 9. Endorse other products or services One of your most valuable assets, if youve done a good job, is the extraordinary trust, respect and goodwill that you build up over the years with your customers. They have needs that go far beyond what you can offer, which means theyre often looking for recommendations from someone they can trust. This provides you with an enormous opportunity to offer other peoples carefully selected products or services to your customers through endorsement. This will normally result in vastly greater response than if your customers were approached cold without your endorsement or recommendation. It requires very little time or effort to endorse other products or services to your customers. Done correctly it cant help but produce an enormous flow of new business for both you and the companies you endorse. 10. A mid-job, next-job recommendation You should always be alert for the next sales opportunity. As long as your customers are happy with your product or service, your easiest sales will be to your current customers. They already know you, theyve invested emotionally in you, theyve taken a risk and theyve bought from you. They know whether or not youve delivered what you promise. If you have, youll earn their loyalty. Even so, your customers dont know everything you can do to help them unless you tell them. Once youre half way through your current job you should know how else you can help your customer, so its a good idea to propose another way in which you can help them, then start selling them the next job. This is the mid-job, next-job recommendation.

11. Create a perpetual relationship Customers frequently hold back on their initial transaction because they want to be sure that you value and appreciate them during and after the sale. If you dont look at your relationship as perpetual, you may never see that customer again. But if you invest in that relationship and always do and suggest whats right for your customer, regardless of your own needs, youll discover just how responsive and profitable your customer relationships can become. Because your customers needs are likely to change and grow over time, your customer can be a continual and predictable source of ongoing revenue and referrals. By constantly communicating personally with each customer you can compel them to re-purchase again and again. The possibilities are endless and the results can be extraordinary. 12. Customer Newsletters Regular newsletters can be a very effective method of keeping in touch with your customers and building closer and stronger relationships. You can use them to educate your customers to the full extent of your products and services and how they add value; to generate more frequent referrals and repeat business; to demonstrate that you really care; to consistently remind your customers why theyve made the right decision to deal with you. An effective newsletter has a purpose, is focused on the interests of your customers and conveys information of value to them. People respond to this positively because it keeps them informed, acknowledges them and makes them feel valued and important and the right newsletter will result in significantly higher repeat business. 13. License Your Successful Concepts Many of your non-competing colleagues will willingly pay to learn your ideas if youve developed processes, systems, methods of doing business or technologies that work better than normal, add value in unique ways or allow you to operate more efficiently, productively or cost-effectively. You can make a small fortune by consulting with them, transferring your knowledge, licensing, renting or leasing your concepts or by entering into joint ventures for a flat fee, an annual usage fee, or a percentage of their

revenues. Theyll benefit from your expertise and efforts without having to invest the time and expense themselves. This can transform your ideas, methods and processes into one of the most lucrative profit centres imaginable, thatll generate real, significant and recurring cash flow for you year after year, substantially increasing your profits. Other Strategies to generate greater transaction frequency include:

Creating an Energised Workplace

Some of that knowledge is and will be showcased in posts on this site. If youre an entrepreneur or aspiring market leader, you will learn how to apply the full depth of that knowledge by participating in the Eureka program click here for more information

24 Accelerators and Power Boosters Accelerators and Power Boosters that will enhance the performance of everything you do Here are some of the accelerators and power boosters that work alongside many of the strategies mentioned elsewhere on this site to improve the results of everything you do from 50 5,000 percent. 1. Test and measure everything you do Trying one approach against another, one supposition against another, one way of doing something, of saying something, of pricing something, of guaranteeing something, of explaining something, of promoting something against another, then measuring and comparing results, discovering which approaches always out-perform others, sometimes by a massive margin. 2. Use direct response approaches Few ads or sales letters say anything meaningful or make a compelling case for the product or service being promoted. Most merely keep the company name in front of the public. Direct response ads or sales letters, in contrast,

should be nothing less than salesmanship in print. Even the smallest ad should tell a story; make a complete case for your product or service; present factual, specific reasons why it is superior on an analytically and factually supported basis; overcome sales objections; answer all major questions; stimulate a direct and immediate response, or promote an instant sale. The more you can create a picture in the mind of your customer that appeals to their emotions, captures their involvement and allows them to experience your product or service in their mind, the closer youll get to that sale. 3. Create a Perpetual Relationship Investing in your customers to create advocacy and an on-going relationship so that instead of waiting passively for them to return, they keep coming back over and over and over again and look to you for all kinds of products and services. 4. Make It Easy, Pleasant, Desirable and Fun To Do Business With You Ensuring that everyone within your business, everything your business does, everything you stand for, is a pleasant enjoyable and comforting transaction for your customer. 5. Focus Only On The Intended Customer Identifying exactly who your prime target audience is and focusing your efforts on communicating only with them, no one else, instead of trying to be all things to all people. Additional accelerators and power boosters include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Address the real needs of your clients Bonuses and incentives Direct response copywriting Educate people to the facts Educate your way out of a problem

6. Graphic design and layout 7. Leverage everything you do 8. Military strategy principles 9. Monetize to create customer value 10. Stick with approaches that still work 11. Tell your customers the reasons why 12. Tell people what to do and why to do it 13. Tell people what specific action to take 14. The 80/20 principle 15. Time management 16. Understand and use NLP 17. Use Salesmanship in Print 18. Use key psychological influence factors 19. Use your USP in everything you do Knowledgebase fact: By mid-2009 Marketing Wizdoms knowledgebase contained more than 7.7 million words in 11,385 documents relating to 27 individual strategies that accelerate or boost the power of the other strategies you might implement. Thats equivalent to nearly 27,500 pages, or 110 full sized books. Some of that knowledge is and will be showcased in posts on this site. If youre an entrepreneur or aspiring market leader, you will learn how to apply the full depth of that knowledge by participating in the Eureka program click here for more information Knowledgebase fact: In May 2010 Marketing Wizdoms knowledgebase contained more than 15 million words in 28,782 documents relating to 26 individual marketing foundation strategies. Thats equivalent to 53,000+ pages, or 214 full sized books. Some of that knowledge is and will be showcased in posts on this site. If youre an entrepreneur or aspiring market leader, you can learn how to


apply the full depth of that knowledge by participating in the Eureka program click here for more details The Eureka Program For Aspiring Market Leaders So youre an aspiring market leader? Extraordinary new program creates breakthrough marketing results If youre an aspiring market leader, you can now participate in an extraordinarily powerful new program that gives you the world-class marketing know-how, systems, processes, tools and the peer group support you need to build your foundations for exponential growth; turn your business into the ultimate sales machine; attain and maintain high net margins for your sector; grow loyal clients; and turn those clients into zealous advocates who talk about you constantly and spontaneously whether youre there or not. It all evolved from an unusual marketing experiment carried out by Robert Clay for a little more than a decade. It worked like this: he empowered hundreds of entrepreneurs with worldclass knowledge on an array of low-risk/high-return marketing strategies through his now famous Quantum Leap workshop. The majority of the subject entrepreneurs opted in to receive additional implementation support from Roberts team. And they and their business often saw stunning results. Catapulted from start-up to market leadership Some built businesses from start-up to market leadership in 3-4 years; others grew more than tenfold in a few short years, still others became the fastest growing companies in their field; one even built a group from nothing to 100M revenues in 7 years. Along the way many participants won prestigious awards like Business of the Year, the Queens Award to Industry, and the Ernst and Young


Entrepreneur of the Year (in one year both the national winner and the runner up were participants in the experiment). Several rose to prominence in their niches and ended up as President or Chairman of their industry associations. One became known in the media as the Saviour of Scottish Industry. Some achieved mentions in the Sunday Times Rich List; still others exited and sold stakes in their business for up to 75M. Youve inspired me. Now help me! How this program came about. Hundreds of entrepreneurs and business leaders, inspired by Roberts seminars and workshops, wanted him to help them in person to transform their marketing. But with only 24 hours in a day, he couldnt stretch himself that thin. He could only ever work directly with just a handful of clients. He knew tape sets and CDs or downloadable stuff wasnt the way forward, due to the very limited engagement produced by these methods. IN PERSON was the only way to go. Robert grappled with the issue for several years, amassing along the way a staggering 3.5M+ page knowledgebase (more on that in a moment). And then he finally figured it out. He found a way to work effectively, IN PERSON, with groups of entrepreneurs on an on-going basis. Its led to the development of the extraordinary new Eureka Program, which has just one simple purpose: to help aspiring market leaders achieve breakthrough marketing results. This new program based on the study and that 3.5M+ page knowledgebase of the worlds most powerful marketing know-how has been evolving in the background for at least five years, and is now underway. Robert started delivering the Eureka program to the first group of participants in September 2009. As it expands and develops it will be delivered through a series of regular face-to-face sessions in great locations

around the world. The first groups are already underway in the UK, soon to be followed by Switzerland, USA, Canada, Australia, Singapore and South Africa with still others to follow. This snapshot shows just one section of the vast and unique Marketing Wizdom Knowledgebase. This section alone contains well over 500 million words the equivalent of some 1.8M pages, or some 7,300 full-size books. The entire knowledgebase now contains some 3.5M pages. This vast body of data is constantly filtered, distilled and synthesised to create the content of the Eureka Program. The data is turned into information, which is turned into knowledge, which in turn is turned into the wisdom imparted to you when you participate in the Eureka program. You are here: Home Marketing Workshops and Business Mentoring The Eureka Program For Aspiring Market Leaders The Eureka Program For Aspiring Market Leaders

So youre an aspiring market leader? Extraordinary new program creates breakthrough marketing results If youre an aspiring market leader, you can now participate in an extraordinarily powerful new program that gives you the world-class marketing know-how, systems, processes, tools and the peer group support you need to build your foundations for exponential growth; turn your

business into the ultimate sales machine; attain and maintain high net margins for your sector; grow loyal clients; and turn those clients into zealous advocates who talk about you constantly and spontaneously whether youre there or not. It all evolved from an unusual marketing experiment carried out by Robert Clay for a little more than a decade. It worked like this: he empowered hundreds of entrepreneurs with worldclass knowledge on an array of low-risk/high-return marketing strategies through his now famous Quantum Leap workshop. The majority of the subject entrepreneurs opted in to receive additional implementation support from Roberts team. And they and their business often saw stunning results. Catapulted from start-up to market leadership Some built businesses from start-up to market leadership in 3-4 years; others grew more than tenfold in a few short years, still others became the fastest growing companies in their field; one even built a group from nothing to 100M revenues in 7 years. Along the way many participants won prestigious awards like Business of the Year, the Queens Award to Industry, and the Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year (in one year both the national winner and the runner up were participants in the experiment). Several rose to prominence in their niches and ended up as President or Chairman of their industry associations. One became known in the media as the Saviour of Scottish Industry. Some achieved mentions in the Sunday Times Rich List; still others exited and sold stakes in their business for up to 75M. Youve inspired me. Now help me! How this program came about. Hundreds of entrepreneurs and business leaders, inspired by Roberts seminars and workshops, wanted him to help them in person to transform

their marketing. But with only 24 hours in a day, he couldnt stretch himself that thin. He could only ever work directly with just a handful of clients. He knew tape sets and CDs or downloadable stuff wasnt the way forward, due to the very limited engagement produced by these methods. IN PERSON was the only way to go. Robert grappled with the issue for several years, amassing along the way a staggering 3.5M+ page knowledgebase (more on that in a moment). And then he finally figured it out. He found a way to work effectively, IN PERSON, with groups of entrepreneurs on an on-going basis. Its led to the development of the extraordinary new Eureka Program, which has just one simple purpose: to help aspiring market leaders achieve breakthrough marketing results. This new program based on the study and that 3.5M+ page knowledgebase of the worlds most powerful marketing know-how has been evolving in the background for at least five years, and is now underway. Robert started delivering the Eureka program to the first group of participants in September 2009. As it expands and develops it will be delivered through a series of regular face-to-face sessions in great locations around the world. The first groups are already underway in the UK, soon to be followed by Switzerland, USA, Canada, Australia, Singapore and South Africa with still others to follow. The Marketing Wizdom Knowledgebase


This snapshot shows just one section of the vast and unique Marketing Wizdom Knowledgebase. This section alone contains well over 500 million words the equivalent of some 1.8M pages, or some 7,300 full-size books. The entire knowledgebase now contains some 3.5M pages. This vast body of data is constantly filtered, distilled and synthesised to create the content of the Eureka Program. The data is turned into information, which is turned into knowledge, which in turn is turned into the wisdom imparted to you when you participate in the Eureka program. How does the Eureka program work? In one word brilliantly. As a participant, you will meet with Robert for a limited seat, hands-on workshop every 90 days as part of a group of committed, like-minded entrepreneurs. You get the in-depth knowledge, focus, perspectives, strategies, tools, and, most importantly, a track to run on that most others lack. Each Eureka workshop introduces you to a fully developed marketing strategy that you take away to implement immediately in your business. Each strategy has years of research, development and real-world testing behind it, and can literally transform your business, just as it did for the participants in the study.

See the schedule for the first phase of the program: click here. What others fail to teach you Everyone talks about the theories behind marketing and business, yet little is ever taught or explained about the real-world steps that your business, or you as an individual, must take to implement those theories. Its a gaping hole. The Eureka program fills that hole and gives you all the tools you need. You receive clear explanations, world-class documentation, real life case studies, robust step-by-step implementation procedures, specific audio and video materials and full instructions for using the tools and fine tuning each strategy directly for you and your unique set of circumstances. You also receive detailed project plans and checklists that set out in easily understood terms everything that you, your team and/or third parties will have to do to implement each strategy effectively in your business. This dramatically shortens your learning curve, ensuring that you get the best possible results and value for money as you implement each strategy. Sample Project Plan


Here is an example of a step by step project implementation plan that simply isnt available elsewhere. Youll receive something like this every time youre given another strategy to implement in your business. Youll also get a manual setting out all the theory; detailing the power boosters and accelerators that apply to that strategy; giving you instructions that set out how and what to test and measure for maximum results; a glossary; a quickstart guide; real life case studies; checklists; where you can get quick wins; dependencies; statistics and audio and video materials, as appropriate. We anticipate that most participants will delegate much of this

implementation to internal team members or third parties. The documentation you receive with each session will give you all the supporting material you need to brief those parties thoroughly, monitor their progress, drive the process forward, and know what you can expect each step of the way. Robert is truly one-of-a-kind and an absolute pleasure to work with. His personal commitment to continuous learning and his naturally encyclopaedic mind of case studies makes him exceptionally valuable as a business partner. His passion for entrepreneurship and genuine desire to see others succeed were inspirational to us. Joni Hawkes, former BrandWeek Marketing Manager of the Year and for 10 years Vice President of Worldwide Marketing at the Coca-Cola Company, Atlanta GA Saving you hundreds of thousands and years of your time Today, everything moves at unprecedented speed. You dont have time to spend even two years learning the theory behind the strategies that transform your business, let alone the years that Robert has already invested on your behalf. Nor do you have the money to invest the hundreds of thousands a year its taken to accumulate, analyse and organise this knowledge. Robert has worked around the clock for 14 solid years building the programs innards so you get everything you need in the most time-efficient manner possible.


As a participant, Robert will be working for you in the background 2-300 days every year, developing the world class content you will use to transform your business. Youd find it hard, if not impossible, to hire anyone who has already built two global businesses, and helped others achieve market leadership in their niche, as Robert has, for less than 5,000 a day. Even if you did, few, if any, have access to or can transfer to you the depth of knowledge and expertise youll get from this program. Through the Eureka program in just a few sessions you learn and you implement things that could take you a lifetime to learn using normal methods. And that gives you a level of control that you simply cannot get by traditional means. Existing Eureka participants have commented that if they only manage to implement 10% of what they learn, its enough to fundamentally change their business and raise the bar for the rest of their industry. This has far exceeded my expectations. Ive had around 10 businesses in my life. The biggest got to 46% market share so I thought I was a pretty good businessman. But I dont think I have ever listened so intently for three days and not been tired. Its been phenomenally informative. In my MBA I probably learned 1% of what youve taught us in the last three days. Its going to help our business tremendously and I really want to thank you. Robert Drew, CEO for Europe, Middle East and Africa, Vistage International, the Worlds No.1 Membership organisation for Chief Executives Rejuvenating Process In addition to accumulating world-class know-how, the time you spend away from your business interacting with the other members of your Eureka group has a massive rejuvenating effect. Each Eureka workshop also builds in:
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a review of your progress since the last session sharing your experiences with the other entrepreneurs in your group to increase your learning and accountability Introduction of a new strategy you can implement immediately a series of focusing exercises, and planning for the next quarter

Your progress builds quickly in measured stages. After three years of the Eureka program, or 12 workshops, you are likely to have significantly transformed your business. Based on a decade plus of testing, we expect the average established business to at least double over this time. An aspiring market leader with the right qualities and business model could show 300-500% growth or better. And existing participants ARE on track to achieve such results. Long term aims as the program unfolds Although the Eureka program is designed give you an abundance of quick wins as it unfolds, one of its long term aims is to move your business from a position where people merely use your product or service but are rarely asked about it, through each of the following fully measurable levels: 1. People say nice things about your product or service when asked 2. People rave about your product or service when asked 3. People go out of their way to convince other people about your product or service 4. People talk about your product and service continually and spontaneously, without you having to be there (Think Apple, Google, Barack Obama) Along the way you learn how to apply the three critical disciplines in which you have to be excellent before you can become a market leader: operational excellence; the use of innovative technology; and being close to your customer. The first phase of the program, delivered over three years, gives you a foundation for exponential growth in the years that follow. For that reason, you, like many other entrepreneurs, may see this program as part of a lifelong commitment to your growth and success. Why the Eureka program transforms your business You could try to implement these strategies on your own, but in reality the knowledge, information, step-by-step procedures, project plans and checklists you need just arent available. Unless youve got vast resources,

nothing else to do, and the knowledge and inclination to do it, creating them yourself would be prohibitively expensive, and would take decades. Even when people do have access to such information, fewer than 1% ever manage to implement on their own. Consider this: If you werent allowed to read or buy another book until youd implemented everything you learned from the last book you read, what would happen to book sales? And how long would it be before you could read another book? In reality, even the best of intentions tend to be overtaken quickly by the immediate demands of running a business. So most people never change their way of doing things proactively in a regular strategic way. Making the transformation is much easier when youre following a structured path to help you set achievable, incremental goals and holding yourself accountable to both your goals and to the other members of your group on a quarterly basis. It is also easier when all the research has been done for you and youre given all the knowledge you need, as well as having a set of proven tools that let you get results with less time and effort. In addition, at the end of each session you commit to the other like-minded entrepreneurs in your group to implement a series of actions, as they do to you. The mere act of making that commitment makes you accountable to the other members of the group and greatly increases the chances that youll implement what you learn. Imagine being observed by several of the countrys most successful business leaders in the same room, knowing that they will be writing a report later on how well you implement what you learn from your workshop. Would that have any effect on how you implement? Psychologists have discovered that the very act of a behaviour being observed tends to change that behaviour for the better. Virtually everyone agrees that if theyre being carefully observed they would pay much more attention to the way they implement. Theyd be much more aware, and theyd perform the task far better than if no one was watching.

In the Eureka program your fellow participants observe and learn from you, just as you observe and learn from them. As a result you all implement far better than if youre left to your own devices and these dynamics alone make the program exceedingly valuable. And finally, youll always look forward to returning to the rich environment created by a peer group of other highly motivated, successful entrepreneurs who are as committed to growth as you are. Roberts expertise has attracted a very forward thinking and diverse group of passionate entrepreneurs and it is exciting to be part of such a visionary programme. David Klaasen, Managing Director, Inspired Working, Organisational Development Make a quantum leap Participating in this structured process quarter to quarter, bringing your issues and goals to the workshop, and spending a day just on building your future means that your expertise and confidence will grow tremendously. Youll use your time more effectively, gain priceless knowledge and create stunning results. Youll benefit from the collective knowledge and experience of the entire group, where you each act as devils advocate and sounding board for one another. Youll see how your fellow entrepreneurs adapt and implement the same strategies in their businesses and how they iron out the wrinkles. And you spur each other on. This gives you the ability to implement many times more effectively than trying to figure things out on your own, thus generating more and more success. I have thoroughly enjoyed this program so far on two levels not only has the course been thoroughly informative and highly motivating, but on a personal level meeting and working with a really great bunch of people has been great fun. What I like so much is that the program is not only a learning process in itself but also in a way a kind of hub and network where we can all build long term friendships and business relationships too! That wouldnt be possible if we all decided to do one on one consultancy so I think

this is going to work really well for you and everyone who attends! Stefan Boyle, CEO, Cheese and Pickle, Design and Branding Agency Youll gain knowledge of immense value as well as inspiration; motivation; mental energy; attitude and the support you need to achieve whatever you want from your business and your personal life on an ongoing basis. Youll grow your business, increase your income, improve your quality of life, achieve new heights of success and establish a real sense of control over your future. Best of all, the way the Eureka program is delivered puts it within easy reach of any serious entrepreneur. Qualifications The Eureka Program is by invitation only. Invitations can only be issued by Robert Clay or an existing participant. Please contact us to be considered for an invitation. To qualify, you must be an entrepreneur (business owner or principal, or professional in your own practice) with a minimum of three years experience running your business. You must also have achieved revenues of at least GBP 1M / EUR 1,200,000 / USD/CAD/CHF $1.2M / AUD $2M / SGD/NZD $2.4M / CNY/ZAR 12M / JPY 160M in the past 12 months. N.B. If your current revenues fall below these thresholds, but the quality of your business merits inclusion, wed still love to talk to you about how can benefit. Once those qualifications have been met, its vital to consider the other attributes required to experience the greatest possible success in the program:
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A sound business model Proven business acumen A clear vision for your business An aspiration to market leadership in your niche An energetic, pro-active approach to growing your business A commitment to personal growth and transformation

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Open to new concepts and tools A desire to participate and share Understand the program is a process, not a quick fix Appreciate that implementation must occur before benefits can accrue

If these characteristics describe you, we suggest you make contact as soon as possible to apply for your invitation to join the program. Places in each group are limited, and no more than two groups will be established in each country before 2013. The first hand-picked group of aspiring market leaders got underway in December 2009; powerful bonds rapidly formed between the participants who now meet as a group somewhere in the UK every 90 days, and will continue to do so for the next few years. The second UK group is now also coming together. Try the program 100% risk free before you commit If youve worked with Robert Clay in the past, you already know this program is good. But if you havent worked with Robert, and youre in any way unsure if the program is right for you, you have ample opportunity to test drive it before you have to make a final commitment. Before you join the Eureka program we ask that you attend the completely revamped Quantum Leap workshop. There you meet us and get to know many of the other people who will also be part of your Eureka group. You get a solid grounding in the concepts that will transform your business as your program unfolds, which means that you can try before you buy. Furthermore, if as a result of the Quantum Leap workshop you decide to go ahead and join Eureka, your entire investment in the workshop, 1,800 + VAT, will be deducted from the cost of your Eureka program, which means that the workshop wont have cost you a penny! Youre further protected by the Marketing Wizdom guarantee. If by 2 pm on the second day your Quantum Leap workshop youre not already convinced that you will get a significant return on your investment, then we honestly

WANT you to ask for a full and immediate refund. No questions asked. No fine print. No red tape. No hard feelings either. Ive been in business for 32 years and just wish Id had something like this 12 years ago, 22 years ago, 32 years ago. It would have made a huge difference to what Ive done over that time. Its interesting because I was doubtful before I came that this was actually the right program for us, but it certainly has been and Im very pleased with it. Its been enormously valuable. Thanks very much indeed. Christopher Goodhart, CEO Europe, What do you do now? To find out more about how the Eureka program can help you in your business, simply call us direct on 01908 933535, or email us on You may also qualify for contributions or government grants that could reduce your investment in the program by 50-80%. The availability of such funding varies from time to time and area to area, and it can change at short notice, so call without delay and ask for more information when you do. Subscribe to the newsletter alongside (or just click here) to receive further information as it is released. But why delay? With nothing to lose and a great deal to gain, call us now to apply for your place, or complete the enquiry form below and well be in touch. Make it the first thing you do today.


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