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Physiology & Behavior, Vol. 24, pp. 337-340. PergamonPress and Brain Research Publ., 1980.

Printed in the U.S.A.

Estrogenic Effects on Behavioral

Thermoregulation and Body Temperature of
Rats I

C H A R L E S W. W I L K I N S O N 2, H A R R Y J. C A R L I S L E , A N D R O B E R T W. R E Y N O L D S

University o f California, Santa Barbara, CA

R e c e i v e d 24 O c t o b e r 1978

WILKINSON, C. W., H. J. CARLISLE AND R. W. REYNOLDS. Estrogenic effects on behavioral thermoregulation

and body temperature of rats. PHYSIOL. BEHAV. 24(2) 337-340, 1980.--Estradiol benzoate increases responding for
heat reinforcement of ovariectomized female and intact and castrate male rats placed in the cold. In females, both pre- and
postsession rectal temperatures are depressed by the steroid. The maintenance of low temperatures despite increased heat
intake suggests that body temperature is regulated at a lower level as a result of estradiol.induced increases in heat loss
or decreases in heat production.
Estradiol benzoate Thermoregulatory behavior Temperature Energy balance

O V A R I A N steroids, particularly estradiol, have pronounced crease their locomotor activity at estrus [3], and running is
effects on two facets of the behavioral regulation of energy incompatible with nesting. Since either huddling in a large
balance in rats. Administration of estradiol to ovariec- nest or running would raise the rat's body temperature, the
tomized rats results in reduced food intake and increased former by slowing the rate of heat loss and the latter by
locomotor activity [22]. Progesterone, in contrast, has little increasing heat production, evidence of smaller nests during
independent effect, although it is potent in suppressing the estrus does not provide an unambiguous indication of cyclic
effects of estrogens [22]. The influence of estradiol on behav- alterations of thermoregulatory parameters.
ioral thermoregulation, a third facet of energy balance con- In the other previous study of thermoregulatory behavior,
trol, has not been investigated directly even though it has women submerged in a constant-temperature water bath
been known since the last century that basal body tempera- rated the pleasantness or unpleasantness of hand contact
ture fluctuates as a function of ovarian cycles [10]. Indices of with a variety of thermal stimuli [8]. Cool temperatures that
the effects of ovarian steroids on behavioral thermoregula- were found to be unpleasant during the luteal phase of the
tion have been obtained only by measurements of cyclic var- menstrual cycle were reported to be very pleasant during the
iations in nestbuilding by rats and thermal comfort ratings by follicular phase. The authors interpreted their results to indi-
women. In neither study were hormone levels manipulated cate an elevation in set-point during the post-ovulatory phase
directly, and neither study allowed subjects direct, quantifi- of the cycle.
able control over their thermal environment. It has been demonstrated in several mammalian species
Rats maintained at 21 ° C were reported to build smaller that administration of progesterone results in a rise in body
nests at estrus than during diestrus [15], but nestbuilding, temperature [9, 14, 16, 23], and estrogens have generally
particularly at this moderate temperature, cannot be as- been reported to elicit a decrease in temperature [4, 9, 14]. In
sumed to serve a purely thermoregulatory function. It is a human menstrual cycles, intervals of elevated temperatures
maternal response that occurs even at very high ambient are coincident with high plasma concentrations of proges-
temperatures in postparturient females [15], and occurs even terone, and periods of lower temperatures reflect high ratios
if the young are permanently removed immediately after of estradiol to progesterone in the circulation [21]. In rats,
birth [19]. It has a humoral basis in that it can be rapidly temperatures have been reported to be low at proestrus-
elicited in virgin females by injections of plasma from new estrus relative to diestrus or pseudopregnancy [3,17], al-
mothers [ 19]. Since the maternal and thermoregulatory com- though there is one report of elevated temperatures at estrus
ponents of nestbuilding may both be affected by ovarian [16]. The relationship between cyclic hormonal variations
steroids, the measure is confounded as an index of steroidal and temperature fluctuations in the rat is obscured by the
thermoregulatory actions. The failure of rats to build large brevity of the estrous cycle and the lag between hormonal
nests at estrus does not lead to definite conclusions about fluctuations and their behavioral and physiological manifes-
thermoregulation for other reasons. Rats dramatically in- tations. There is an approximately 12-hr lag between the

1Supported by USPHS grants MH 11342 and HD 10473.

zPresent address and address for reprints: Department of Physiology, University of California, San Francisco, CA 94143.

C o p y r i g h t © 1980 Brain R e s e a r c h Publications Inc.--0031-9384/80/020337-04502.00/0

~s WILKINSON, ('AR[ASLI--, ANi) Rtlh N()i I ~

morning of proestrus when estradiol and progesterone con- with a Model 46 Telethermometer (Yellov, Springs in>!rtr
centrations are maximal and minimal, respectivel3, 12, 5, 13], ment Co.) and a No. 402 probe inserted 5 cm t\~r ~0 see P:c
and the appearance of vaginal cornification, sexual receptiv- and postsession body weights were also recosdcd
ity, increased running, and decreased food,intake associated Statistical comparisons between data l'rom EB-.treate~i
with estrogenic action, but there is no reason to assume that castrate animals and data from the same animals after ~ap-
all estrogenic effects will follow the same time course. sule removal were made with Student's t-test for correlated
We therefore used operant techniques to determine di- groups. All other comparisons between intact animals and
rectly the effects of estradiol on behavioral thermoregulation the same rats after EB implantation or castration wcrc made
of female rats. Estradiol benzoate was administered to with Dunnett's t-test for multiple comparisons with a contrail
female rats both before and after ovariectomy, but the ques- condition.
tion of primary interest was the effect of estradiol in castrate
females in which it is unopposed by endogenous ovarian RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
progesterone. Males were also tested to determine the sex-
specificity of estrogenic actions. The two treatment conditicns of primary interest are the
ovariectomized females with (castrate-EB implant, Fig. I A)
and without (castrate-implant out) EB capsules, in which the
effects of the hormone can be observed in the absence of
Nine female and nine male adult Sprague-Dawley rats endogenous ovarian steroids. EB treatment of the ovariec-
were housed individually and maintained on ad lib food and tomized rats resulted in a significant i n o e a s e (p<0.01) in
water at an ambient temperature of 23 + 2' C. During the responding for heat reinforcement. There was no difference
experimental sessions the rats were placed in a cage inside a between pre- and postsession rectal temperatures within
commercial freezer maintained at - 7 _+ 2 ~'C. Extending into either of the two groups, indicating precise behavioral ther-
the cage was a Plexiglas lever, the depression of which ac- moregulation. However, comparisons between the two
tivated two infrared heat lamps mounted at each side of the groups reveal that EB treatment of castrate females lowered
cage and focused in front of the lever. The total output of the both pre- (,0<0.05) and postsession ¢o<0.01) rectal tempera-
lamps was regulated at 300 W, producing a radiant flux den- tures (Fig. IA). EB treatment increased responding for heat,
sity of 180 mW/cm e in the center of the cage. The heat lamps yet body temperature did not increase but was maintained at
remained on as long as the lever was depressed. In this way, the presession low level. This finding suggests that estradiol
the rats controlled both the frequency and duration of heat lowers the temperature set-point in females, and also re-
reinforcement. This method provides for efficient and pre- duces the animals' physiological capacity to maintain body
cise thermoregulation [6,71. The animals were given several temperature even at that lowered set-point when faced with
practice sessions to stabilize responding before the data ses- cold ambient temperatures. The animals compensate for re-
sions began. duced physiological capacity by increased responding for
Estradiol benzoate (EB) was administered via subcutane- heat [7]. The estrogen-induced change in physiological ca-
ous implantation of a single Silastic capsule in the scapular pacity could take the form of either a reduction of metabolic
region. The capsules were constructed of Silastic Medical- heat production or an increase in heat loss.
Grade Tubing (Dow Corning) I.D. 1.57 mm, O.D. 2.41 ram. Neither EB treatment of intact females nor ovariectomy
Capsules had an internal length of 5 ram, were filled with alone had any consistent effect on heat intake (Fig. IA). Two
2.1-2.3 mg EB and were sealed at the ends with Silastic Type of five intact females treated with EB did exhibit significant
A Medical Adhesive. In order to determine the levels of increases in responding, but three showed no change.
circulating estradiol that resulted from implantation of these Neither ovariectomy nor EB treatment alone had any effect
capsules, concentrations of estradiol in individual plasma on rectal temperature of females. These results suggest thai
samples from another group of five ovariectomized females ovarian progesterone opposes the effect of estradiol on
of comparable weight implanted with the same-sized EB thermoregulatory behavior as well as on body temperature,
capsules were determined by radioimmunoassay. Chroma- since ovariectomy removes the primary source of both hor-
tography and assay procedures followed those of Abraham mones. EB treatments significantly elevated heat intake in
et al. [!1 and were modified by L. D. Keith for measurement both intact (/)<0.02) and castrate (p<0.05) males (Fig. IB),
of individual rat plasma samples. The values for individual Castration alone also increased responding q)<0.05) in
animals ranged from 90 to 165 pg/ml estradiol with a mean of males. EB capsules elevated presession temperatures of in-
120 pg/ml. Peak plasma estradiol concentrations in rats at tact males (p<0.01) but had no effect on castrates. Testos-
proestrus have been reported to be between 50 [12] and 110 terone has been shown to depress rectal temperature in
[20] pg/ml. female rats [18] and may be responsible for the low tempera-
Capsule implantations and bilateral ovariectomies and or- tures of the intact, untreated males.
chidectomies were performed under ether anesthesia. After Given that estrogens reduce food intake and body weight
each surgical manipulation, animals were allowed two to in rats [22] and that deprivation-induced weight loss results
three weeks for recovery and stabilization of hormone in increased responding for heat reinforcement [11]. it is a
levels, and then were given one additional practice session plausible hypothesis that the observed EB effect on behav-
one week before the first data session. Rats were tested in ioral thermoregulation is secondary to and dependent upon
three 3-hr sessions at weekly intervals under each condition. EB-elicited reduction of body weight. If this were the case a
Experimental sessions always occurred at the same time of negative correlation should exist between presession body
day during the dark phase of the rats' light cycle, and the rats weight and seconds of heat reinforcement for each animal
were shaved and food-deprived three hours prior to each across all sessions. Calculation of linear correlation coeffi-
session. Seconds of heat reinforcement for each session cients for individual females in this study yielded values o f t
were recorded and averaged for each animal for each condi- ranging from +0.04 to +0.85, which do not support this hy-
tion. Pre- and postsession rectal temperatures were obtained pothesis. Because adipose tissue lost or gained as a result of

A ~5 the implantation or removal of EB capsules could affect insu-

Females lation and energy stores, changes in body weight between
treatment conditions were compared with changes in re-
sponding. EB treatment of castrate females resulted in a
,e 2.0 _+ 0.2% decrease in body weight, but a 68.4 _+ 19.3% in-
crease in responding for heat reinforcement. Removal of EB
capsules from ovariectomized rats resulted in increases in
body weight, primarily adipose tissue. Correlation of abso-
E I -] 38.5 ~ lute or percentage increases in body weight with decreases in
@ 0 37.5 N
responding yielded r values less than 0.1. Therefore neither
body weight nor weight change are related to responding for
-- 5
g heat reinforcement of female rats. Correlations of body
3: -~ 3T.O '~"
weight with heat intake in males, however, ranged from
r = - 0 . 0 5 to -0.89, suggesting that EB-induced increases in
Intact Ird+oct- Costrohl Costro'~- CaMrate-
EB i m p k ~ EB implant implant out responding by males may be functionally related to altera-
tions in food intake.
B 2~ It also might be argued thai estradiol-induced increases in
responding for heat are an artifact of increases in locomotor
2O activity. If this were the case, then EB-treated rats should
make proportionately more responses than untreated ani-
mals, and seconds of heat reinforcement per response should
j m be lower in EB-treated, castrate females than in the same
animals after capsule removal. In fact, the reverse is true
+ e
38.5 ~o (p<0.05). Mean response duration was 15.56 sec during EB
e I0
~° treatment and 13.12 sec after capsule removal. EB implanta-
"Z tion produced no significant change in the average response
5 duration of males.
3ZO "" This study demonstrates that EB treatment of ovariec-
tomized females produces marked increases in responding
Intact Intoet- C~trote CoMratl- C~trate- for heat reinforcement which are independent of EB-elicited
EB impl~d' EB imp~rd implantout
weight losses. The failure of the increased heat intake to
raise body temperature implies that EB facilitates heat loss
FIG. 1. Heat reinforcement and body temperature of (A) females or inhibits heat production in these animals. In males, the
and (B) males. Shaded bars represent seconds of heat reinforcement failure of EB to lower body temperature and the negative
(seconds of lever depression) per minute in the cold chamber for correlation between heat intake and body weight suggest that
each treatment condition. Results are expressed as the average
number of sec/min _+ SEM for all animals in a given condition. the mechanisms producing the EB-elicited increases in re-
The number of rats in each condition is indicated by the numerals in sponding are not identical to those acting in females.
the shaded bars. Treatment order was different for different animals,
and all rats did not receive all treatments. Unshaded bars represent
average pre- and postsession rectal temperatures _+ SEM for ani-
mals in each condition. Presession temperatures are represented on
the left and postsession on the right within each condition.


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