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8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 1


1hls ls Lhe reader for Lhe 1
semesLer of l8MS 8uslness CommunlcaLlon.
8uslness CommunlcaLlon (8Cn) ls Lhe sub[ecL ln whlch Lngllsh ls LaughL as Lhe means of communl-
caLlon ln a buslness seLLlng. ln Lhe flrsL year, Crammar ls an lmporLanL elemenL, as accuracy ln
grammar lmproves Lhe effecLlveness of communlcaLlon. 1haL ls why Lhe flrsL parL of Lhls reader ls
devoLed Lo Crammar. We have selecLed a number of lmporLanL grammaLlcal sub[ecLs, and creaLed
exerclses Lo pracLlce Lhe use of Lhese sLrucLures. 1hls secLlon ls rounded off by a sample grammar
exam, Lo show you Lhe level you are expecLed Lo reach. ln Lhe 'real' exam Lhere wlll also be a vo-
cabulary LesL. AL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe semesLer you wlll recelve Lhe vocabulary llsLs Lo be sLudled
(self-sLudy) from your lecLurer.
1he Crammar secLlon of Lhls reader conLalns numerous llnks Lo lnLerneL slLes, where you wlll flnd
more exerclse maLerlal and explanaLlons of Lhe lndlvldual grammaLlcal lLems. 1he exerclses on
lnLerneL usually have Lhe posslblllLy Lo check your answers. 1he exerclses ln Lhe reader do noL have
Lhls. 1hey wlll be dealL wlLh ln class.
1he second (and Lruly buslness communlcaLlon) elemenL ls a presenLaLlon course, ln whlch you wlll
learn Lo make your own presenLaLlon. ALLenLlon wlll be pald Lo varlous aspecLs of speaklng ln pub-
llc. ln Lhe second half of Lhe semesLer Lhls wlll culmlnaLe ln presenLaLlons done ln palrs.
1he Lhlrd elemenL of Lhe 8Cn course ls 8eadlng and WrlLlng Skllls (wlLh Lhe emphasls on wrlLlng, so
LhaL Lhe grammar rules can be applled ln pracLlce.) 1hese skllls are LaughL on basls of buslness-
relaLed LexLs, Lo whlch we have added quesLlons and asslgnmenLs. 1he quesLlons wlll noL always
be dealL wlLh ln class, lnsLead, more (free) wrlLlng asslgnmenLs wlll be glven for whlch Lhe LexLs are
used as lnsplraLlon. 1he course enLalls loLs of wrlLlng asslgnmenLs whlch wlll be glven as home-
work, afLer whlch Lhey are checked by Lhe lecLurer, and Lhe sLudenL can Lhen Lry Lo lmprove Lhem.
arL of Lhls course wlll conslsL of one-on-one Leachlng beLween sLudenL and lecLurer. 1hls requlres
an acLlve aLLlLude from sLudenLs, and an eagerness Lo lmprove. An addlLlonal elemenL of 8ead-
lng/WrlLlng skllls ls LhaL Lhe buslness LexLs help you lncrease your buslness vocabulary and sharpen
your analyLlcal skllls.
Cn Lhe page before each parL, you wlll flnd Lhe descrlpLlons of Lhe relevanL parLlal module 8Cn
semesLer 1: a) Crammar, b) racLlcal 8Cn and c) 8eadlng/WrlLlng skllls. 1hese module descrlpLlons
glve you an lnslghL lnLo Lhe number of credlLs Lo be had for each parLlal module and Lhe amounL of
Llme you are expecLed Lo spend on Lhe module, Lhe exams (lf any), Lhe compeLencles LhaL can be
acqulred eLc. lease read Lhem carefully: Lhey wlll prevenL quesLlons on your slde.
We hope LhaL Lhls reader wlll be helpful ln your language acqulslLlon, and wlll show you Lhe areas
where you sLlll need Lo lmprove.

Cood luck
?our 8Cn lecLurers

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 2

1ab|e of contents
Ak1 1: GkAMMAk .............................................................................................................. 3
MCuuLL uLSC8l1lCn C8AMMA8 .......................................................................................... 3
C8AMMA8 1L8MlnCLCC? ...................................................................................................... 3
1. 1LnSLS ln LnCLlSP ........................................................................................................ 8
2. CL8unu Anu lnllnl1lvL .............................................................................................. 23
3. MCuAL AuxlLlA8? vL88S ............................................................................................ 32
4. CCnul1lCnAL ............................................................................................................. 39
3. lnuLllnl1L 8CnCunS ................................................................................................ 44
6. l88LCuLA8 vL88S ....................................................................................................... 30
SAMLL C8AMMA8 LxAM ................................................................................................... 60

Ak1 2: kLSLN1A1ICNS ...................................................................................................... 62
MCuuLL uLSC8l1lCn 8LSLn1A1lCnS ................................................................................... 62
ln18CuuC1lCn .......................................................................................................................... 63
1 1PL ln1L8nA1lCnAL S1ACL ................................................................................................. 66
2 SLAklnC ........................................................................................................................ 68
3 1PL A81 Cl 8PL1C8lC ....................................................................................................... 69
4 8LSLn1A1lCn lnC8LulLn1S ............................................................................................... 73
3 8LSLn1A1lCn 1lML ! ........................................................................................................ 89

Ak1 3: kLADING & WkI1ING .......................................................................................... 91
MCuuLL uLSC8l1lCn 8LAulnC & W8l1lnC .................................................................................. 92

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 3

Part 1: Crammar

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 4

Modu|e Descr|pt|on Grammar
(arLlal Crammar
2 (for 2 blocks)
noLe: 1hese LC1S aren'L awarded unLll Lhe mlnlmum requlremenLs
for all 3 8Cn parLlal modules have been meL.
?ear of
1 + 2
ConLacL Pours per Week 1
SLudy Load 36 hours of work for 2 blocks:
LecLures: 16 x 30 mlnuLes =ca.13.3 hrs
Self sLudy 28 hrs
Lxam 2 hrs
AsslgnmenLs 12.3 hrs
ConLacL Pours 13.3 hrs (for 2 blocks)
Self SLudy 40.3 hrs (for 2 blocks)
8CM knowledge-drlven
ConLrlbuLlon Lo l8MS ro-
SLudenL can express hlmself fluenLly and correcLly ln Lngllsh (prlnclple), can un-
dersLand and use Lhe vocabulary offered
uublln uescrlpLor(s) knowledge and undersLandlng
8elaLlon wlLh oLher modules/sub[ecLs no clear llnks
Learnlng 1rack SemesLer 1 8Cn (see Lhe relevanL learnlng Lrack ln a separaLe documenL)
SLarLlng Level LxlL level PAvC/vWC, M8C level 4 or slmllar forelgn dlploma
Learnlng Cb[ecLlves
1o enable Lhe sLudenLs Lo recognlze why grammaLlcal accuracy helps undersLandlng ln communlcaLlon
1o enable sLudenLs Lo apply grammar rules ln Lhelr speaklng and wrlLlng.
1o learn how a dlfference ln grammaLlcal sLrucLure may lead Lo a dlfference ln meanlng
1o acqulre Lhe necessary vocabulary relaLed Lo Lhe 8uslness Lngllsh and l8MS currlculum needed
lnsLrucLlon MeLhod(s) Workshop sLyle: lnsLrucLlon followed by dlscusslon/exerclses
AssessmenL MeLhod(s) Crammar/vocabulary exam no exam afLer block 1 Lxam week 8l. 2
WelghL 1 (grammar secLlon 80 , vocabulary secLlon 20 of Lhls parLlal
Mlnlmum requlremenL 4.0 average grade Crammar/vocabulary
(8equlred) ALLendance noL offlclally obllgaLory, buL PlCPL? recommended/necessary
ConLenL and plannlng of lecLures and exams/assessmenLs 8lock 1
(#) hrs
lnsLrucLlon MeLhods/Lxams Cs
ConLenL/ Sub[ecLs (x)
(lndlcaLlon ls an approxlmaLlon)
1 1 Workshop sLyle (see above) 30 1enses
2 1.3 1 ,, ,, ,,
3 1.3 1 ,, ,, ,,
4 1.3 1 ,, ,, ,,
3 1 1 ,, ,,
6 1 1 ,, ,, Cerund+lnflnlLlve
7 1.3 1 ,, ,, ,,
8 1.3 1 ,, ,, lndeflnlLe pronouns (approx. week 8, +
week 1 of 8lock 2)
9 no exam yeL: afLer 8lock 2
ConLenL and plannlng of lecLures and exams/assessmenLs 8lock 2
1 1 1 Workshop sLyle (see above) 30 ConLlnuaLlon lndeflnlLe ronouns
2 1 1 ,, ,, Modal verbs
3 1.3 1 ,, ,, ,,
4 1 1 ,, ,, asslve volce
3 1.3 1 ,, ,, ,,
6 1 1 ,, ,, CondlLlonals
7 1.3 1 ,, ,, ,,
8 1 1 ,, ,, lndlvldual SLudy programme: lrregular
verbs. 1esL Lxam (key glven ln week 7
block 2)
9 2 Lxam ,, Lxam ln exam week
(#) ssL = self sLudy (*) gs = Croup slze
(x) plannlng wlLh reservaLlon, ad[usLmenLs wlll be publlshed ln course ouLllnes (and hand ouL).

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 3

Grammar 1erm|no|ogy
Pere ls a shorL explanaLlon of some of Lhe grammaLlcal Lerms used ln Lhls reader

Words llke |arge, co|d, wh|te, Amer|can eLc. lL helps Lo descrlbe a noun or pronoun.
l wotk lo o /orqe, modern offlce. lt's nice ooJ spocious.

A word llke carefu||y, qu|ck|y, we||, somet|mes, yesterday, never eLc. lL ls normally used Lo say how or when
someLhlng happens.
My fotbet Jtlves s/ow/y. l'll see yoo tomorrow.

A word LhaL precedes a noun. A and an are called '|ndef|n|te art|c|es', the ls called Lhe 'def|n|te art|c|e'.

Aux|||ary verb
A verb llke be, do, or have, whlch ls used wlLh anoLher (maln) verb Lo form Lenses, passlves, negaLlves, and
l om wotkloq.
5be hos qooe bome.
uo yoo llke Cetmooy?

Cond|t|ona| (or cond|t|ona| c|ause)
A clause or senLence consLrucLed wlLh |f, un|ess, eLc.
lL ls normally used Lo dlscuss an evenL or slLuaLlon ln Lhe fuLure, presenL, or pasL, whlch may or may noL be real.
lf yoo ote lote, we'll stott tbe meetloq wltboot yoo.
lf l wete yoo, l woolJ poy tbe blll oow.
lf tbe tooJs boJo't beeo so bosy, we woolJ bove ottlveJ oo tlme.

Cont|nuous form
See Slmple and ConLlnuous forms.

1he lnflnlLlve ls Lhe baslc form of Lhe verb: to see, to make, to ||ke, eLc. lf you look aL Lhe llsL of lrregular verbs,
you wlll see Lhe lnflnlLlve form ln Lhe flrsL column. lor example:

Inf|n|t|ve ast tense form ast part|c|p|e
Lo go wenL gone

1he lnflnlLlve ls usually lnLroduced wlLh Lhe word to.
l woot to /eove, bot lt's oot so eosy to do .

SomeLlmes we use Lhe 'bare lnflnlLlve' whlch ls Lhe lnflnlLlve wlLhouL Lhe word Lo.
oo most /eove oow. oo sboolJo't stoy ooy looqet.

-|ng form
When Lhe -lng form of Lhe verb ls used as a verb or an ad[ecLlve, lL ls called Lhe 'presenL parLlclple'.
l sow letet /eovinq.
ne's o vety onnoyinq petsoo.

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 6

1he -lng form ls also used as a noun (someLlmes called a 'gerund').
1rove//inq llqbt coo belp yoo qet tbtooqb costoms polckly.

Moda| verb
Words llke can, cou|d, may, m|ght, must, ought to, sha||, shou|d, w|||, wou|d. A modal verb comes before Lhe
bare lnflnlLlve of anoLher verb, and adds a cerLaln klnd of meanlng: for example, ablllLy, permlsslon, obllgaLlon,
probablllLy, or cerLalnLy. (Modal verbs are also called modal auxlllary verbs.)

l con speok Iopooese, bot l con't wtlte lt.
1be ptoblem miqht be to Jo wltb tbe compotet system.
oo shou/d tblok oboot tokloq oot o bosloess looo.

Words llke computer, accountant, |nformat|on, Mart|n, Amer|ca. lL ls Lhe name of an ob[ecL, concepL, place,
or person. 'ConcreLe nouns' are Lhlngs you can see or Louch, llke a car, a Lable, or an offlce. 'AbsLracL nouns' are
Lhlngs LhaL you cannoL see or Louch, llke an ldea, a declslon, or an oplnlon. nouns can be counLable: one book,
Lwo pages, Lhree ldeas, four days, eLc., or uncounLable: waLer, advlce, freedom (you cannoL say Lwo waLers, an
advlce, eLc.).

1he ob[ecL of a senLence (a noun or noun phrase) usually comes afLer Lhe verb. ln Lhe senLences below, tbe
tepott and o oew telepbooe system are Lhe ob[ecLs. 1hey follow Lhe verbs wtote and lostolleJ.
letet wtote the report.
we lostolleJ o new te/ephone system lost week.

1he -|ng or -ed forms of verb endlngs. 1he -lng form ls called Lhe 'present part|c|p|e', Lhe -ed form ls called Lhe
'past part|c|p|e'.

ass|ve and act|ve forms
ln an acLlve senLence we say whaL people or Lhlngs do, so we use acLlve verb forms llke wenL, explaln, ls devel-
oplng, wlll lncrease. ln Lhe senLence below '1be pollce ls Lhe sub[ecL, arresLed ls Lhe verb and 'Alolo ls Lhe ob-
[ecL. 1hls ls an acLlve senLence.
1be po/ice ottesteJ 4/oin.

ln a passlve senLence, we say whaL happens Lo people or Lhlngs. 1he passlve ls formed by uslng Lhe verb Lo be
and a pasL parLlclple. 1he ob[ecL of Lhe acLlve senLence (Alaln) becomes Lhe sub[ecL. 1he sub[ecL of Lhe acLlve
senLence (Lhe pollce) ls called Lhe 'agenL', and ls lnLroduced by Lhe word by. 1hls ls a passlve senLence.
4/oin wos ottesteJ by the po/ice.

Words llke to, |n, beh|nd, over, through, |nto, under, eLc. reposlLlons are used Lo glve lnformaLlon abouL
Lhlngs llke place, Llme, dlrecLlon, and manner.
l telepbooeJ oot offlce in looJoo ot 7.00 tbls motoloq.
lost week we Jtove throuqh tbe Alps into 5wltzetlooJ.
lve seot tbem tbe Jocomeots by fox.

A word llke |t, me, you, she, they, h|m, her, eLc. whlch replaces a noun ln a senLence, usually because we do
noL wanL Lo repeaL Lhe noun.
l booqbt o oew fox mocbloe yestetJoy, it wos vety expeoslve.
5osoo's cot bos beeo stoleo, ooJ she ls vety opset

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 7

ke|at|ve c|ause
A clause beglnnlng wlLh a word llke who, where, wh|ch, whose, or that. lL ls used Lo ldenLlfy someone or
someLhlng. or Lo glve more lnformaLlon abouL Lhem.
1bese leoses, which cost ooly o few peoce to ptoJoce, cost ovet 5200 to boy!
5tefoo AoJetsoo ls tbe coosoltoot thot we employeJ oo oot lost ptoject.

Short forms (a.k.a. Contract|ons)
1he verbs be and have, and Lhe auxlllary verbs can be conLracLed lnLo a shorLer form (e.g., I'm, we've, don't,
d|dn't, can't, shou|dn't, eLc.). 1hese shorL forms are commonly used ln speech and lnformal wrlLlng.

S|mp|e and cont|nuous forms
1enses have boLh a slmple and a conLlnuous form. 1he slmple form carrles a sense of compleLlon, or regularlLy
of acLlon. 1he conLlnuous form carrles a sense of conLlnulLy or lncompleLeness of acLlon. 1he conLlnuous form
ends ln -lng.

S|mp|e Cont|nuous
resent he works he ls worklng
ast he worked he was worklng
resent perfect he has worked he has been worklng

1he sub[ecL of a senLence (a noun or noun phrase) normally comes before Lhe verb. lL ls usually Lhe person or
Lhlng who does someLhlng, or ls Lhe maln focus of aLLenLlon. ln Lhe followlng senLences, Lhe sub[ecLs are My
btotbet letet and 1be soles coofeteoce.
My brother Peter wotks lo looJoo.
1he so/es conference wlll be belJ lo 5eptembet.

1he forms of a verb whlch help us Lo know Lhe Llme of an acLlon or evenL (pasL, presenL, or fuLure). 1here are
many dlfferenL Lenses. Pere are Lwo examples:
l wotk lo tbe ceotte of Moolcb. (pteseot slmple teose)
l wotkeJ lo tbe ceotte of Moolcb. (post slmple teose)

Some Lenses are formed wlLh Lhe maln verb and an exLra verb such as be or have. 1hese exLra verbs are called
'auxlllary verbs'.
Aotoloette ls wotkloq lote tbls eveoloq. (pteseot cootloooos teose)
loo bos flolsbeJ bls tepott. (pteseot petfect teose)

1rans|t|ve and |ntrans|t|ve (verbs)
Some verbs are followed by an ob[ecL, and some are noL. lf a verb ls normally followed by an ob[ecL, lL ls called
a 'LranslLlve verb'. 1he verb Lo buy has an ob[ecL, so ln Lhe senLence below, boughL ls Lhe LranslLlve verb, and a
car ls Lhe ob[ecL.
l booqbt o cot

lf a verb ls noL normally followed by an ob[ecL, lL ls called an 'lnLranslLlve verb'. 1he verb Lo Lravel does noL have
an ob[ecL, so ln Lhls senLence, Lravels ls an lnLranslLlve verb and Lhere ls no ob[ecL. She Lravels frequenLly ln Asla.

A word llke buy, se||, be, seem, th|nk, break, dec|de, eLc. A verb descrlbes an acLlon, a sLaLe, or a process. ln Lhe
followlng senLences, compeLes, lles, buy, and sell are Lhe verbs.
llve compooles competed fot tbe eoqloeetloq coottoct.
lo ufeose /ies to tbe west of lotls.
we buy ooJ se// sbotes oo tbe opeo motket.

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 8

Slmple asL or asL
asL erfecL or asL
erfecL ConLlnuous

luLure Lenses
resenL erfecL or
resenL erfecL ConLl-
luLure erfecL Slmple
or luLure erfecL Con-

Slmple resenL or
resenL ConLlnuous

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 9

S|mp|e present: l do
resent Cont|nuous: l am dolng

S|mp|e past: l dld
ast cont|nuous: l was dolng

resent erfect: l have done
resent erfect Cont|nuous: l have been dolng

ast erfect: l had done
ast erfect Cont|nuous: l had been dolng

Iuture tenses:
1. general promlse l wlll/shall ('ll) do
2. plan l am golng Lo do
3. absoluLely cerLaln l do / l am dolng

Iuture erfect S|mp|e: l wlll have done
Iuture erfect Cont|nuous: l wlll have been dolng

Cond|t|ona|: l would do
Cond|t|ona| erfect: l would have done
Cond|t|ona| Cont|nuous: l would be dolng
Cond|t|ona| erfect Cont.: l would have been dolng

lL ls done
lL ls belng done

lL was done
lL was belng done

lL has been done

lL had been done

lL wlll be done
lL ls golng Lo be done
lL ls done/lL ls belng done

lL wlll have been done

lL would be done
lL would have been done

1hey say LhaL he works 80 hours a week Pe ls sald Lo work 80 hours a week (Lhey say Lhls abouL hls hablLs now)
1hey say LhaL he worked 80 hours a week Pe ls sald Lo have worked 80 hours a week (Lhey say Lhls abouL whaL used Lo do)
1hey say LhaL he ls worklng all Lhe Llme Pe ls sald Lo be worklng all Lhe Llme (Lhey say Lhls abouL whaL he ls dolng aL Lhls momenL)
1hey say LhaL he was worklng all Lhe Llme Pe ls sald Lo have been worklng all Lhe Llme (Lhey say whaL he was dolng ln Lhe pasL)
1hey sald LhaL he ..(see above) Pe was sald Lo .. (see above) (Lhey sald ln Lhe pasL LhaL ..)

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 10

1.1 resent 1ense

1.1.1 S|mp|e resent and resent Cont|nuous

S|mp|e resent resent Cont|nuous
(3rd person slngular: lnflnlLlve + 's')
l speak
you speak
he / she / lL speaks
we speak
Lhey speak
form of 'be' and verb + lng

l am speaklng
you are speaklng
he / she / lL ls speaklng
we are speaklng
Lhey are speaklng

LxcepLlons when addlng 's' :
lor can, may, mlghL, musL, do noL add s.
Lxample: he can, she may, lL musL
AfLer o, ch, sh or s, add es.
Lxample: do - he does, wash - she washes
AfLer a consonanL, Lhe flnal consonanL y becomes le.
(buL: noL afLer a vowel)
Lxample: worry - he worrles
buL: play - he plays
LxcepLlons when addlng 'lng' :
SllenL e ls dropped. (buL: does noL apply for -
Lxample: come - comlng
buL: agree - agreelng
AfLer a shorL, sLressed vowel, Lhe flnal conso-
nanL ls doubled.
Lxample: slL - slLLlng
AfLer a vowel, Lhe flnal consonanL l ls doubled
ln 8rlLlsh Lngllsh (buL noL ln Amerlcan Lngllsh).
Lxample: Lravel - Lravelllng (8rlLlsh Lngllsh)
buL: Lravelllng (Amerlcan Lngllsh)
llnal le becomes y.
Lxample: lle - lylng

ln general or rlghL now?
uo you wanL Lo express LhaL someLhlng happens ln general or LhaL someLhlng ls happenlng rlghL now?
S|mp|e resent resent Cont|nuous
ln general (regularly, ofLen, never)
collo ploys footboll evety 1oesJoy.
presenL acLlons happenlng one afLer anoLher
lltst collo ploys footboll, tbeo be wotcbes 1v.
rlghL now
look! collo ls ployloq footboll oow.
also for several acLlons happenlng aL Lhe same
collo ls ployloq footboll ooJ Aooe ls wotcbloq.
S|gna| words
every ...
aL Lhe momenL
aL Lhls momenL

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 11

rlghL now

1|metab|e ] Schedu|e or arrangement?
uo you wanL Lo express LhaL someLhlng ls arranged for Lhe near fuLure? Cr do you refer Lo a Llme seL by
a LlmeLable or schedule?
S|mp|e resent resent Cont|nuous
acLlon seL by a LlmeLable or schedule
1be fllm stotts ot 8 pm.
arrangemenL for Lhe near fuLure
l om qoloq to tbe cloemo toolqbt.

Da||y rout|ne or [ust for a ||m|ted per|od of t|me?
uo you wanL Lo Lalk abouL a dally rouLlne? Cr do you wanL Lo emphasls LhaL someLhlng ls only golng on
for a llmlLed (raLher shorL) perlod of Llme?
S|mp|e resent resent Cont|nuous

8ob wotks lo o testootoot.
only for a llmlLed perlod of Llme (does noL have
Lo happen dlrecLly aL Lhe momenL of speaklng)

Ieooy ls wotkloq lo o testootoot tbls week.

Certa|n Verbs
1he followlng verbs are usually only used ln Slmple resenL (noL ln Lhe conLlnuous form).
sLaLe: be, cost, f|t, mean, su|t
possesslon: be|ong, have
senses: fee|, hear, see, sme||, taste, touch
feellngs: hate, hope, ||ke, |ove, prefer, regret, want, w|sh
braln work: be||eve, know, th|nk, understand

8epeLlLlon and lrrlLaLlon wlLh "A|ways"

1he resenL ConLlnuous wlLh words such as "a|ways" or "constant|y" expresses Lhe ldea LhaL someLhlng
lrrlLaLlng or shocklng ofLen happens. noLlce LhaL Lhe meanlng ls llke Slmple resenL, buL wlLh negaLlve
emoLlon. 8emember Lo puL Lhe words "a|ways" or "constant|y" beLween "be" and "verb+lng."
5be ls olwoys comloq to closs lote.
ne ls coostootly tolkloq. l wlsb be woolJ sbot op.
l Joo't llke tbem becoose tbey ote olwoys complololoq.

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1.2 ast 1ense
1.2.1 S|mp|e ast - ast Cont|nuous
S|mp|e ast ast Cont|nuous
lrregular verbs: see 2nd column of lrregular verbs
l spoke
regular verbs: verb + ed
l worked
pasL form of 'be' + lng form of verb
l was speaklng
you were speaklng
he / she / lL was speaklng
we were speaklng
Lhey were speaklng
LxcepLlons when addlng 'ed' :
- when Lhe flnal leLLer ls e, only add d.
Lxamp|e: love - loved
- afLer a shorL, sLressed vowel, Lhe flnal consonanL
ls doubled
Lxamp|e: admlL - admlLLed
- flnal l ls always doubled ln 8rlLlsh Lngllsh (noL
always ln Amerlcan Lngllsh)
Lxamp|e: Lravel - Lravelled
- afLer a consonanL, flnal y becomes l. (buL: noL
afLer a vowel)
Lxamp|e: worry - he worrled
buL: play - he played
LxcepLlons when addlng 'lng' :
- sllenL e ls dropped (buL: does noL apply for -ee)
- Lxamp|e: come - comlng
buL: agree - agreelng
- afLer a shorL, sLressed vowel, Lhe flnal consonanL
ls doubled
Lxamp|e: slL - slLLlng
- flnal l ls always doubled ln 8rlLlsh Lngllsh (noL al-
ways ln Amerlcan Lngllsh)
Lxamp|e: Lravel - Lravelllng
- flnal le becomes y.
Lxamp|e: lle - lylng

Use of S|mp|e ast or ast Cont|nuous:
AfLer anoLher or aL Lhe same Llme?
uo you wanL Lo express LhaL Lhe acLlons ln Lhe pasL happened one afLer anoLher or aL Lhe same

S|mp|e ast ast Cont|nuous
afLer anoLher
5be come bome, swltcbeJ oo tbe compotet ooJ
cbeckeJ bet e-molls.
aL Lhe same Llme
5lmoo wos ployloq oo tbe compotet wblle bls
btotbet wos wotcbloq 1v.

New act|on or a|ready |n progress?
lf you wanL Lo express LhaL a new acLlon happened ln Lhe mlddle of anoLher acLlon, you need
boLh Lenses: Slmple asL Lhe new acLlon and asL ConLlnuous for Lhe acLlon already ln progress.

S|mp|e ast ast Cont|nuous
new acLlon
My moblle rang (when l was slLLlng ln a meeLlng.)
acLlon already ln progress
Whlle l was slLLlng ln a meeLlng, (my moblle sud-
denly rang.)

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Cn|y ment|on|ng or emphas|s|ng progress?
uo you [usL wanL Lo menLlon LhaL an acLlon Look place ln Lhe pasL (also used for shorL acLlons)?
Cr do you wanL Lo puL emphasls on Lhe progress, e.g. LhaL an acLlon was Laklng place aL a cer-
Laln Llme?

S|mp|e ast ast Cont|nuous
[usL menLlonlng
Colln played fooLball yesLerday.
emphaslslng progress
?esLerday aL slx o'clock, Colln was playlng fooL-

CerLaln verbs are usually only used ln Slmple asL (noL ln Lhe conLlnuous form): Lhe secLlon on Lhe Slm-
ple resenL/resenL ConLlnuous for verbs generally noL used wlLh Lhe ConLlnuous.

S|gna| words
S|mp|e ast ast Cont|nuous

as long as

1.3. erfect 1ense

1.3.1 resent erfect S|mp|e

1he presenL perfecL slmple expresses an acLlon LhaL ls sLlll golng on or LhaL sLopped recenLly, buL has an
lnfluence on Lhe presenL. lL puLs emphasls on Lhe resulL.

Iorm of resent erfect
oslLlve negaLlve CuesLlon
l / you / we / Lhey l have spoken. l have noL spoken. Pave l spoken?
he / she / lL Pe has spoken. Pe has noL spoken. Pas he spoken?

lor lrregular verbs, use Lhe parLlclple form (see llsL of lrregular verbs, 3
column). lor regular verbs, [usL
add ed".

Lxcept|ons |n Spe|||ng when Add|ng 'ed'
LxcepLlons ln spelllng when addlng ed Lxample
afLer a flnal e only add -d love - loved
flnal consonanL afLer a shorL, sLressed vowel
or l as flnal consonanL afLer a vowel ls doubled
admlL - admlLLed
Lravel - Lravelled
flnal y afLer a consonanL becomes | hurry - hurrled

Use of resent erfect:
uLs emphasls on Lhe resulL. 5be bos wtltteo flve lettets.
AcLlon LhaL ls sLlll golng on. 5cbool bos oot stotteJ yet.

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AcLlon LhaL sLopped recenLly. 5be bos cookeJ Jlooet.
llnlshed acLlon LhaL has an lnfluence on Lhe presenL. l bove lost my key.
AcLlon LhaL has Laken place once, never or several Llmes before Lhe momenL of speaklng. l
bove oevet beeo to Aosttollo.

S|gna| Words of resent erfect
already, ever, [usL, never, noL yeL, so far, Llll now, up Lo now

1.3.2 resent erfect Cont|nuous
1he presenL perfecL conLlnuous expresses an acLlon LhaL recenLly sLopped or ls sLlll golng on. lL puLs em-
phasls on Lhe duraLlon or course of Lhe acLlon.

Iorms of resent erfect Cont|nuous
oslLlve negaLlve CuesLlon
l / you / we / Lhey l have been speaklng. l have noL been speaklng. Pave l been speaklng?
he / she / lL Pe has been speaklng. Pe has noL been speaklng. Pas he been speaklng?

Lxcept|ons |n Spe|||ng
LxcepLlons ln spelllng when addlng -lng Lxample
flnal e ls dropped
(buL: ee ls noL changed)
come - comlng
(buL: agree - agreelng)
afLer a shorL, sLressed vowel, Lhe flnal consonanL ls doubled slL - slLLlng
nC1L: "|" as flnal consonanL afLer a vowel ls always doubled (ln 8rlLlsh Lngllsh) Lrave| - Lrave||lng
flnal |e becomes y lle - lylng

Use of resent erfect Cont|nuous:
uLs emphasls on Lhe duraLlon or course of an acLlon (noL Lhe resulL).
5be bos beeo wtltloq fot two boots.
AcLlon LhaL recenLly sLopped or ls sLlll golng on. l bove beeo llvloq bete sloce 2001.
llnlshed acLlon LhaL lnfluenced Lhe presenL. l bove beeo wotkloq oll oftetoooo.

S|gna| Words of resent erfect Cont|nuous
all day, for 4 years, slnce 1993, how long?, Lhe whole week

1.3.3 ast erfect S|mp|e

1he asL erfecL Slmple expresses an acLlon Laklng place before a cerLaln Llme ln Lhe pasL.
lorm of asL erfecL Slmple

oslLlve negaLlve CuesLlon
.... had spoken. .... had noL spoken. Pad .... spoken?
lor lrregular verbs, use Lhe pasL parLlclple form (see llsL of lrregular verbs, 3rd column). lor regular verbs,
[usL add -ed.

Lxcept|ons |n Spe|||ng when Add|ng -ed
LxcepLlons ln Spelllng when Addlng ed Lxample

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afLer flnal -e, only add -d love - loved
flnal consonanL afLer a shorL, sLressed vowel
or l as flnal consonanL afLer a vowel ls doubled
admlL - admlLLed
Lravel - Lravelled
flnal -y afLer a consonanL becomes -l hurry - hurrled

Use of ast erfect
AcLlon Laklng place before a cerLaln Llme ln Lhe pasL (puLLlng emphasls only on Lhe facL, noL Lhe dura-
8efote l come bete, l boJ spokeo to Iock.

S|gna| Words
already, [usL, never, noL yeL, once, unLll LhaL day (wlLh reference Lo Lhe pasL, noL Lhe presenL)

1.3.4 ast erfect Cont|nuous
1he pasL perfecL conLlnuous puLs emphasls on Lhe course or duraLlon of an acLlon Laklng place before a
cerLaln Llme ln Lhe pasL.

A: Pe had been Lalklng.
n: Pe had noL been Lalklng.
C: Pad he been Lalklng?

acLlon Laklng place before a cerLaln Llme ln Lhe pasL
someLlmes lnLerchangeable wlLh pasL perfecL slmple
puLs emphasls on Lhe course or duraLlon of an acLlon

S|gna| words

for, slnce, Lhe whole day, all day

1.3.S now to use the perfect tenses

1he perfecL Lense always descrlbes a slLuaLlon/acLlvlLy LhaL covers Lwo polnLs ln Llme (polnLs 1 and 2 ln
Lhe flgure below. 1he second of Lhese Lwo polnLs deLermlnes whlch perfecL Lense - pasL, presenL or
fuLure - ls Lo be used.

lf Lhe second polnL lles ln
Lhe pasL: asL erfecL (he had done/he had been dolng),
Lhe presenL: resenL erfecL (he has done/he has been dolng)
Lhe fuLure: luLure erfecL (he wlll have done/he wlll have been dolng)

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1he Lwo polnLs could lndlcaLe a perlod of Llme (l have been worklng here for 3 years now), wlLh Lhe flrsL
polnL ln Llme belng Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe perlod and Lhe second polnL represenLlng Lhe end of Lhe perlod
of Llme. lf Lhe acLlvlLy or slLuaLlon ls llkely Lo conLlnue afLer Lhls perlod of Llme, Lhe perfecL conLlnuous
(have/had/wlll have been dolng) ls used.

1he Lwo polnLs could also be Lwo lndlvldual polnLs ln Llme, on Lhe flrsL of whlch someLhlng happens
whlch creaLes a cerLaln effecL on Lhe second polnL.

!ane: oo look Jlffeteot! (aL Lhe momenL of speaklng)
Sue: 1bots tlqbt, l bove beeo to tbe boltJtessets". (ln Lhe pasL, buL Lhe resulL ls vlslble now.)

When Lhe senLence glves lnformaLlon on how much", Lhe sLandard perfecL ls used: I've read 30 pages
so far".

When Lhe senLence Lells you how long", Lhe perfecL conLlnuous ls used: I have been read|ng all nlghL".


1.4.1 S|mp|e Iuture I: w|||
Slmple luLure l (wlll) expresses a sponLaneous declslon, an assumpLlon wlLh regard Lo Lhe fuLure or an
acLlon ln Lhe fuLure LhaL cannoL be lnfluenced.

lorm of Slmple luLure l (wlll)
poslLlve negaLlve quesLlon
l wlll speak. l wlll noL speak. Wlll l speak?

asL erfecL or asL
erfecL ConLlnuous
resenL erfecL or
resenL erfecL Con-
luLure erfecL Slmple
or luLure erfecL

2 1
2 1
1 2

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Use of S|mp|e Iuture I (w|||)
A sponLaneous declslon. wolt, l wlll belp yoo.
An oplnlon, hope, uncerLalnLy or assumpLlon regardlng Lhe fuLure. ne wlll ptobobly come bock
A promlse. l wlll oot wotcb tv toolqbt.
An acLlon ln Lhe fuLure LhaL cannoL be lnfluenced. lt wlll tolo tomottow.
CondlLlonal clauses Lype l: lf l ottlve lote, l wlll coll yoo.

S|gna| Words
ln a year, nexL ., Lomorrow, l Lhlnk, probably, perhaps

1.4.2 S|mp|e Iuture I: to be go|ng to
Slmple luLure l (golng Lo) expresses a concluslon regardlng Lhe lmmedlaLe fuLure or an acLlon ln Lhe
near fuLure LhaL has already been planned or prepared.

Iorm of S|mp|e Iuture I (go|ng to)
poslLlve negaLlve quesLlon
l l am golng Lo speak. l am noL golng Lo speak. Am l golng Lo speak?
you / we / Lhey ?ou are golng Lo speak. ?ou are noL golng Lo speak. Are you golng Lo speak?
he / she / lL Pe ls golng Lo speak. Pe ls noL golng Lo speak. ls he golng Lo speak?

Use of S|mp|e Iuture I (go|ng to)
An acLlon ln Lhe near fuLure LhaL has already been planned or prepared. l om qoloq to stoJy
botJet oext yeot.
A concluslon regardlng Lhe lmmedlaLe fuLure. 1be sky ls obsolotely Jotk. lt ls qoloq to tolo.

S|gna| Words
ln one year, nexL week, Lomorrow

1.4.3 Iuture Cont|nuous + w|||
luLure ConLlnuous can be used wlLh boLh wlll" and golng Lo": "wlll be dolng " and "be golng Lo be do-
lng." unllke Slmple luLure forms, luLure ConLlnuous forms are usually lnLerchangeable. luLure ConLlnu-
ous puLs emphasls on Lhe course of an acLlon Laklng place ln Lhe fuLure.

A: Pe wlll be Lalklng / Pe ls golng Lo be Lalklng.
n: Pe wlll noL be Lalklng / Pe ls noL golng Lo be Lalklng.
C: Wlll he be Lalklng? / ls he golng Lo be Lalklng?

acLlon LhaL ls golng on aL a cerLaln Llme ln Lhe fuLure
acLlon LhaL ls sure Lo happen ln Lhe near fuLure

S|gna| Words
ln one year, nexL week, Lomorrow

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1.4.4 Iuture erfect S|mp|e
luLure erfecL Slmple expresses an acLlon LhaL wlll be flnlshed aL a cerLaln Llme ln Lhe fuLure.

A: Pe wlll have Lalked.
n: Pe wlll noL have Lalked.
C: Wlll he have Lalked?

acLlon LhaL wlll be flnlshed aL a cerLaln Llme ln Lhe fuLure

S|gna| Words
by Monday, ln a week

1.4.S Iuture Cont|nuous erfect
luLure conLlnuous perfecL puLs emphasls on Lhe course / duraLlon of an acLlon Laklng place before a
cerLaln Llme ln Lhe fuLure. lL can also be used Lo express an assumpLlon regardlng a fuLure acLlon. luLure
conLlnuous perfecL ls noL used very ofLen as lL can usually be replaced by luLure slmple.

A: Pe wlll have been Lalklng.
n: Pe wlll noL have been Lalklng.
C: Wlll he have been Lalklng?

acLlon Laklng place before a cerLaln Llme ln Lhe fuLure
puLs emphasls on Lhe course of an acLlon

S|gna| Words
for ..., Lhe lasL couple of hours, all day long

1.4.6 S|mp|e resent used for future

Slmple resenL for fuLure
Scheduled LvenLs ln Lhe near luLure

Speakers occaslonally use Slmple resenL Lo Lalk abouL scheduled evenLs ln Lhe near fuLure. 1hls ls mosL
commonly done when Lalklng abouL publlc LransporLaLlon, buL lL can be used wlLh oLher scheduled
evenLs as well.

1be ttolo leoves toolqbt ot 6 lM.
1be bos Joes oot ottlve ot 11 AM, lt ottlves ot 11 lM.
wbeo Jo we bootJ tbe plooe?
1be potty stotts ot 8 o'clock.
wbeo Joes closs beqlo tomottow?

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1.4.7 resent Cont|nuous for the near future

SomeLlmes, speakers use Lhe resenL ConLlnuous Lo lndlcaLe LhaL someLhlng wlll or wlll noL happen ln
Lhe near fuLure.

l om meetloq some ftleoJs oftet wotk.
l om oot qoloq to tbe potty toolqbt.
ls be vlsltloq bls poteots oext weekeoJ?
lso't be comloq wltb os toolqbt?

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1enses Lxerc|ses

MosL of Lhe exerclses (or slmllar exerclses) can be found on Lhe webslLe Pow-
ever, Lhe dlfference ls LhaL on Lhe webslLe you are glven several opLlons Lo choose from, whereas ln Lhls
reader you have Lo produce your own answers. An effecLlve way of uslng Lhese resources ls Lo go Lo Lhe
webslLe flrsL for pracLlslng and Lhen do Lhe exerclses ln Lhe reader.

ut the verbs |n brackets |nto the correct tense.

1. Crchlds grow ln Lhe [ungle and _____ (llke) damp condlLlons.
2. Pe used Lo work ln Lhe clLy and _____ (llve) ln Lhe suburb.
3. 1he pollce _____ (close) LhaL road for a charlLy bazaar so we _____ (rlde) along Lhls road.
4. SomeLlmes my frlend and l go ouL on SaLurday mornlngs. We _____ (go) Lo a sLream where we
_____ (caLch) small flsh. My frlend _____ (Lake) Lhe flsh home and _____ (puL) Lhem ln hls aquar-
lum. l _____ (have) noL goL an aquarlum because Lhere _____ (be) noL enough room ln my flaL
buL my frlend _____ (have) a very blg aquarlum. 1here _____ (be) many flsh ln lL.
3. l'll help Lhem lf Lhey _____ (ask) me.
6. We came Lo Lhe uk ln 1974 and _____ (llve) here ever slnce.
7. l'll play wlLh you afLer you _____ (play) wlLh hlm.
8. Ask hlm lf he _____ (wanL) anyLhlng Lo eaL now.
9. 1hls ls Lhe flrsL Llme l _____ ever _____ (play) Lennls.
10. 1hls ls Lhe flrsL Llme Lhe meeLlng _____ (be) held ln our school.
11. 1haL ls Lhe flrsL Lhlng he _____ (eaL) for LwenLy-four hours.
12. ls Lhls Lhe rlghL way Lo hold Lhe rackeL? 1hls ls Lhe flrsL Llme l _____ (play) badmlnLon ln my llfe.
13. 1haL was Lhe flrsL Llme ln her llfe LhaL she _____ (swlm) across Lhe rlver by herself.
14. When l woke up aL elghL o'clock lasL SaLurday, l _____ (have) a baLh as qulckly as posslble. l _____
(dress) and Lhen l _____ (go) Lo have my breakfasL. AfLer Lhls l _____ (geL) my haversack whlch
_____ (flll) wlLh all sorLs of Lhlngs whlch l _____ already _____ (puL) ln lL.
13. My relaLlves were very glad Lo see me for lL _____ (be) nearly a year slnce l _____ (vlslL) Lhem.
1hey soon _____ (prepare) some food for me and _____ (ask) me abouL my famlly.
16. usually lL ls noL ralnlng when l _____ (go) Lo school ln Lhe mornlng. l _____ (walk) Lo a bus sLop
and Lhen _____ (caLch) a bus whlch _____ (Lake) me Lo Lhe bus sLaLlon. 1here l _____ (meeL) my
frlend who _____ (llve) ln anoLher vlllage. We _____ (geL) on anoLher bus whlch _____ (go) pasL
our school.
17. When my uncle comes Lo see me, he ofLen _____ (Lake) me ouL hunLlng wlLh hlm. l _____ noL
_____ (carry) a gun because l _____ (be) noL old enough. SomeLlmes we _____ (manage) Lo
shooL a wlld boar and LhaL _____ (be) always very exclLlng.
18. When l _____ (go) flshlng, l usually _____ (manage) Lo caLch a few flsh. l Lake Lhem home and
_____ (glve) Lhem Lo my moLher who _____ (cook) Lhem for us.
19. l dldn'L hear whaL he _____ (say) Lo hls broLher. l Lhlnk Lhey _____ (Lalk) abouL buylng a car. l
know Ceorge _____ (wanL) Lo buy a car. lL _____ (save) hlm Llme.
20. lf you _____ (leave) lL here, someone wlll sLeal lL.
21. We'll leave as soon as Lhey _____ (be) ready.
22. WhaL you _____ (do) aL 9 o'clock lasL nlghL?" Ch, l _____ (llsLen) Lo Lhe radlo."
23. l Lhlnk boLh of you _____ (know) each oLher." ?es, we _____ (do). We _____ (know) each oLher
for many years."
24. 1hey _____ (say) LhaL an apple a day _____ (keep) Lhe docLor away.
23. WhaL you _____ (do) now?" l _____ (pollsh) my shoes."
26. _____ (Lhe sun shlne) now?" no, lL lsn'L. 1he clouds _____ (hlde) lL."
27. AfLer we _____ (flnlsh) our lunch yesLerday, we _____ (go) for a show.
28. We drove Lo Lhe Lown and _____ (buy) a few Lhlngs.

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29. She has found one of Lhe keys buL she _____ (noL flnd) Lhe oLher one. now she _____ (noL know)
how Lo geL home.
30. ln AusLralla Lhe wlnLer monLhs are !une and !uly buL ln Canada Lhe wlnLer _____ (come) ln ue-
cember, !anuary and lebruary. !anuary _____ (be) Lhe worsL monLh.
31. When Lhe lron ls Loo hoL, lL someLlmes _____ (burn) Lhe cloLhes and _____ (make) a scoLch mark
on Lhem.
32. l dldn'L llke Lhe Lelevlslon programme so l _____ (swlLch) lL off and _____ (geL) on wlLh my work.
33. l _____ (walL) for you slnce half pasL flve. Where you _____ (be) all Lhe Llme?
34. eLer wanLed me Lo help hlm. l _____ (can) see LhaL he _____ (cannoL) repalr hls blcycle by hlm-
self so l sLopped Lo help hlm.
33. !ohn ________ (llve) ln San ulego for Lhe pasL 3 years. 8efore LhaL he _____ (llve) ln L.A. for 2
36. ________ (you flnlsh) readlng Lhe paper yeL?
37. Pe ________ (call) her all nlghL.
38. l ________ (be) able Lo sleep well for a week now.
39. When l flrsL saw her, she ________ (sLand) on Lhe balcony.
40. Lvery Llme l see LhaL movle, lL _______ (make) me cry.
41. l ________ (sLop) smoklng Lhree years ago.
42. l ________ (hope) LhaL you were here.
43. When l came Lo Lhls clLy, l ________ (noL know) anyone.
44. ?ou ________ (noL see) my broLher, have you?
43. Where ________ (go) lasL nlghL?

ut the verbs |n brackets |nto the correct tense.

Chlna ls llkely Lo become Lhe world's largesL economy by 2013. lL .... (Lransform) lLself lnLo a Lrade
superpower by becomlng Lhe world's favourlLe manufacLurer. LasL year, oll lmporLs .... (grow) by
31 Lo fuel Lhe world's fasLesL growlng economy. Slnce Chlna .... (begln) lLs economlc reforms
LwenLy years ago, Lhe economy .... (double) ln slze every slx years. ln Lhe lasL decade, Chlna ....
(bulld) enough roads Lo clrcle Lhe globe slxLeen Llmes, and .... (used) more cemenL Lhan Lhe resL of
world. WlLh rlslng lndusLrlal producLlon, urban lncomes .... (rlse) 13 a year, creaLlng vasL numbers
of consumers. Chlna .... (become) Lhe world's blggesL moblle phone markeL. nearly Lwo mllllon
vehlcles .... (sell) Lhere lasL year. 1hls Lrade and consumer boom .... (puL) Chlna ln a sLrong fl-
nanclal poslLlon. LasL year lL .... (recelve) more dlrecL forelgn lnvesLmenL Lhan any oLher counLry.

And here's another one..
!ohn .... (always Lravel) a loL. ln facL, he .... (be) only Lwo years old when he flrsL
.... (fly) Lo Lhe uS. Pls moLher .... (be) lLallan and hls faLher .... (be) Amerlcan. !ohn
.... (be) born ln lrance, buL hls parenLs .... (meeL) ln Cologne, Cermany afLer Lhey
.... (llve) Lhere for flve years. 1hey .... (meeL) one day whlle !ohn's faLher ....
(read) a book ln Lhe llbrary and hls moLher .... (slL down) beslde hlm. Anyway, !ohn
.... (Lravel) a loL because hls parenLs also .... (Lravel) a loL.
As a maLLer of facL, !ohn .... (vlslL) hls parenLs ln lrance aL Lhe momenL. Pe .... (llve) ln
new ?ork now, buL .... (vlslL) hls parenLs for Lhe pasL few weeks. Pe really .... (en[oy)
llvlng ln new ?ork, buL he also .... (love) comlng Lo vlslL hls parenLs aL leasL once a year.
1hls year .... (fly) over 30,000 mlles for hls [ob. Pe .... (work) for !ackson & Co. for al-
mosL Lwo years now. Pe .... (be) preLLy sure LhaL he .... (work) for Lhem nexL year as
well. Pls [ob .... (requlre) a loL of Lravel. ln facL, by Lhe end of Lhls year, he .... over
120,000 mlles! Pls nexL [ourney .... (be) Lo AusLralla. Pe really .... (noL llke) golng Lo

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AusLralla because lL ls so far. 1hls Llme he _____ (fly) from arls afLer a meeLlng wlLh Lhe
company's lrench parLner. Pe _____ for over 18 hours by Lhe Llme he _____ (arrlve)!
!ohn _____ (Lalklng) wlLh hls parenLs earller Lhls evenlng when hls glrlfrlend from new ?ork
_____ (Lelephone) Lo leL hlm know LhaL !ackson & Co. _____ (declde) Lo merge wlLh a com-
pany ln AusLralla. 1he Lwo companles _____ (negoLlaLe) for Lhe pasL monLh, so lL really
_____ (noL be) much of a surprlse. Cf course, Lhls _____ (mean) LhaL !ohn _____ (have Lo
caLch) Lhe nexL plane back Lo new ?ork. Pe _____ wlLh hls boss aL Lhls Llme Lomorrow.

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 23


2.1 Gerund and Inf|n|t|ves

a. A gerund ls a noun made from a verb by addlng "-lng." 1he gerund form of Lhe verb "read" ls "read-
lng." ?ou can use a gerund as Lhe sub[ecL, Lhe complemenL, or Lhe ob[ecL of a senLence.

keodinq belps yoo leoto oqllsb. (sub[ecL of Lhe senLence)
net fovootlte bobby ls reodinq. (complemenL of Lhe senLence)
l eojoy reodinq. (ob[ecL of Lhe senLence)

Cerunds can be made negaLlve by addlng "noL."

ne eojoys not workinq.
1be best tbloq fot yoot beoltb ls oot smokloq.

b. lnflnlLlves are Lhe "Lo" form of Lhe verb. 1he lnflnlLlve form of "learn" ls "Lo learn." ?ou can also use an
lnflnlLlve as Lhe sub[ecL, Lhe complemenL, or Lhe ob[ecL of a senLence.

1o /eorn ls lmpottoot. sub[ecL of Lhe senLence
1be most lmpottoot tbloq ls to /eorn. complemenL of Lhe senLence
ne woots to /eorn. ob[ecL of Lhe senLence

lnflnlLlves can be made negaLlve by addlng "noL."

l JeclJeJ oot to qo.
1be most lmpottoot tbloq ls oot to qlve op.

c. 8oLh gerunds and lnflnlLlves can be used as Lhe sub[ecL or Lhe complemenL of a senLence. Powever, as
sub[ecLs or complemenLs, gerunds usually sound more llke normal, spoken Lngllsh, whereas lnflnlLlves
sound more absLracL. ln Lhe followlng senLences, gerunds sound more naLural and would be more
common ln everyday Lngllsh. lnflnlLlves emphaslze Lhe posslblllLy or poLenLlal for someLhlng and sound
more phllosophlcal. lf Lhls sounds confuslng, [usL remember LhaL 90 of Lhe Llme, you wlll use a gerund
as Lhe sub[ecL or complemenL of a senLence.

Leorninq ls lmpottoot. - normal sub[ecL
1o /eorn ls lmpottoot. - absLracL sub[ecL (less common )
1be most lmpottoot tbloq ls /eorninq. - normal complemenL
1be most lmpottoot tbloq ls to /eorn. - absLracL complemenL (less common)

d. As Lhe ob[ecL of a senLence, lL ls more dlfflculL Lo choose beLween a gerund or an lnflnlLlve. ln such
slLuaLlons, gerunds and lnflnlLlves are noL normally lnLerchangeable. usually, Lhe maln verb ln Lhe sen-
Lence deLermlnes wheLher you use a gerund or an lnflnlLlve.

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 24

ne eojoys swlmmloq. "Ln[oy" requlres a gerund.
ne woots to swlm. "WanL" requlres an lnflnlLlve.

2.2 Verbs Io||owed by Gerunds and]or Inf|n|t|ves
8elow llsLs are glven of verbs used wlLh elLher Lhe gerund or Lhe lnflnlLlve. Powever, Lhere are a few
verbs LhaL can Lake boLh a gerund and an lnflnlLlve, ofLen wlLh a change of meanlng. 1hese verbs are
lndlcaLed by reference numbers ln Lhe llsL below and shown separaLely aL Lhe boLLom of Lhls explana-

[a] = verb followed by a gerund C8 an ob[ecL + an lnflnlLlve
[b] = verb followed by an lnflnlLlve or an ob[ecL + an lnflnlLlve
[c] = verb followed by a gerund C8 an lnflnlLlve wlLh a dlfference ln meanlng
[d] = verb followed by a gerund C8 an lnflnlLlve wlLh llLLle dlfference ln meanlng.

2.3 Verbs fo||owed by a gerund
admlL Pe admlLLed cheaLlng on Lhe LesL.
advlse [a] 1he docLor generally advlsed drlnklng low-faL mllk.
allow [a] lreland doesn'L allow smoklng ln bars.
anLlclpaLe l anLlclpaLed arrlvlng laLe.
appreclaLe l appreclaLed her helplng me.
avold Pe avolded Lalklng Lo her.
begln [d] l began learnlng Chlnese.
can'L bear [d] Pe can'L bear havlng so much responslblllLy.
can'L help Pe can'L help Lalklng so loudly.
can'L see l can'L see paylng so much money for a car.
can'L sLand [d] Pe can'L sLand her smoklng ln Lhe offlce.
cease [d] 1he governmenL ceased provldlng free healLhcare.
compleLe Pe compleLed renovaLlng Lhe house.
conslder She consldered movlng Lo new ?ork.
conLlnue [d] Pe conLlnued Lalklng.
defend 1he lawyer defended her maklng such sLaLemenLs.
delay Pe delayed dolng hls Laxes.
deny Pe denled commlLLlng Lhe crlme.
desplse She desplses waklng up early.
dlscuss We dlscussed worklng aL Lhe company.
dlsllke She dlsllkes worklng afLer 3 M.
don'L mlnd l don'L mlnd helplng you.
dread [c] She dreads geLLlng up aL 3 AM.
encourage [a] Pe encourages eaLlng healLhy foods.
en[oy We en[oy hlklng.
flnlsh [c] Pe flnlshed dolng hls homework.
forgeL [c] l forgoL glvlng you my book.
haLe [d] l haLe cleanlng Lhe baLhroom.
lmaglne Pe lmaglnes worklng Lhere one day.
lnvolve 1he [ob lnvolves Lravelllng Lo !apan once a monLh.
keep She kepL lnLerrupLlng me.
llke [d] She llkes llsLenlng Lo muslc.
love [d] l love swlmmlng.
menLlon Pe menLloned golng Lo LhaL college.
mlnd uo you mlnd walLlng here for a few mlnuLes?
mlss She mlsses llvlng near Lhe beach.

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need [c] 1he aquarlum needs cleanlng.
neglecL [d] SomeLlmes she neglecLs dolng her homework.
permlL [a] Callfornla does noL permlL smoklng ln resLauranLs.
posLpone Pe posLponed reLurnlng Lo arls.
pracLlce She pracLlced slnglng Lhe song.
prefer [d] Pe prefers slLLlng aL Lhe back of Lhe movle LheaLre.
propose [d] l proposed havlng lunch aL Lhe beach.
qulL [c] She qulL worrylng abouL Lhe problem.
recall 1om recalled uslng hls credlL card aL Lhe sLore.
recollecL She recollecLed llvlng ln kenya.
recommend 1ony recommended Laklng Lhe Lraln.
regreL [c] She regreLLed saylng LhaL.
remember [c] l remember Lelllng her Lhe address yesLerday.
reporL Pe reporLed her sLeallng Lhe money.
requlre [a] 1he cerLlflcaLe requlres compleLlng Lwo courses.
resenL nlck resenLed uebble's belng Lhere.
reslsL Pe reslsLed asklng for help.
rlsk Pe rlsked belng caughL.
sLarL [d] Pe sLarLed sLudylng harder.
sLop [c] She sLopped worklng aL 3 o'clock.
suggesL 1hey suggesLed sLaylng aL Lhe hoLel.
LoleraLe l LoleraLed her Lalklng.
Lry [c] Sam Lrled openlng Lhe lock wlLh a papercllp.
undersLand l undersLand hls qulLLlng.
urge [c] 1hey urge recycllng boLLles and paper.

2.4 Verbs fo||owed by |nf|n|t|ves
agree 1om agreed Lo help me.
appear Pls healLh appeared Lo be beLLer.
arrange naoml arranged Lo sLay wlLh her cousln ln Mlaml.
ask [b] She asked Lo leave.
begln [c] Pe began Lo Lalk.
can'L bear [d] Pe can'L bear Lo be alone.
can'L sLand [d] nancy can'L sLand Lo work Lhe laLe shlfL.
care Pe doesn'L care Lo parLlclpaLe ln Lhe acLlvlLy.
cease [d] 1he governmenL ceased Lo provlde free healLhcare.
choose [b] l chose Lo help.
clalm She clalmed Lo be a prlncess.
conLlnue [d] She conLlnued Lo Lalk.
declde We declded Lo go Lo Pawall.
demand Pe demanded Lo speak Lo Mr. Parrls.
deserve Pe deserves Lo go Lo [all.
dread [c] l dread Lo Lhlnk whaL mlghL happen.
expecL [b] 1hey expecL Lo arrlve early.
fall Pe falled Lo geL enough money Lo pay for Lhe new pro[ecL.
forgeL [c] l forgoL Lo lock Lhe door when l lefL.
geL (be allowed Lo) uebble geLs Lo go Lo Lhe concerL nexL week! Why can'L l?
happen She happened Lo be aL Lhe bank when lL was robbed.
haLe [d] Pe haLes Lo clean dlshes.
heslLaLe She heslLaLed Lo Lell me Lhe problem.
hope l hope Lo begln college Lhls year.
lnLend We lnLend Lo vlslL you nexL sprlng.

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learn l learned Lo speak !apanese when l was a kld.
llke [d] SamanLha llkes Lo read.
love [d] We love Lo scuba dlve.
manage Pe managed Lo open Lhe door wlLhouL Lhe key.
need [b,c] l need Lo sLudy.
neglecL [d] She neglecLed Lo Lell me Lhe daLe of Lhe meeLlng.
offer lrank offered Lo drlve us Lo Lhe supermarkeL.
plan We plan Lo go Lo Lurope Lhls summer.
prefer [d] Pe prefers Lo eaL aL 7 M.
prepare [b] 1hey prepared Lo Lake Lhe LesL.
preLend 1he chlld preLended Lo be a monsLer.
promlse [b] She promlsed Lo sLop smoklng.
propose [d] urew proposed Lo pay for Lhe Lrlp.
refuse 1he guard refused Lo leL Lhem enLer Lhe bulldlng.
regreL [c] l regreL Lo lnform you LhaL your appllcaLlon was re[ecLed.
remember [c] uld you remember Lo lock Lhe door when you lefL?
seem nancy seemed Lo be dlsappolnLed.
sLarL [c] Marge sLarLed Lo Lalk really fasL.
swear She swore Lo Lell Lhe LruLh.
Lend Pe Lends Lo be a llLLle shy.
LhreaLen [b] Pe LhreaLened Lo leave forever.
Lry [c] Mary Lrled Lo llfL Lhe Lable, buL lL was Loo heavy.
vow Pe vowed Lo geL revenge.
walL She walLed Lo buy a movle LlckeL.
wanL [d] l wanL Lo sLudy Spanlsh.
wlsh [d] l wlsh Lo sLay.
would llke [d]
(meanlng "wlsh" or
We would llke Lo sLarL now.
yearn Melanle yearns Lo Lravel somewhere exoLlc.

2.S Verbs fo||owed by e|ther gerunds Ck ob[ects + Inf|n|t|ves
advlse l advlsed seelng a docLor. l advlsed Lhem Lo see a docLor.
allow lreland doesn'L allow smoklng ln bars. lreland doesn'L allow people Lo smoke ln
encourage Pe encourages eaLlng healLhy foods. Pe encourages hls paLlenLs Lo eaL healLhy
permlL Callfornla doesn'L permlL flshlng wlLhouL
a flshlng llcense.
Callfornla doesn'L permlL people Lo flsh wlLh-
ouL a flshlng llcense.
requlre 1he cerLlflcaLe requlres compleLlng Lwo
1he cerLlflcaLe requlres sLudenLs Lo compleLe
Lwo courses.
urge 1hey urge recycllng boLLles and paper. 1hey urge clLlzens Lo recycle boLLles and pa-

2.6 Verbs fo||owed by an Inf|n|t|ve Ck an opt|ona| ob[ect + |nf|n|t|ve
ask She asked Lo leave. She asked hlm Lo leave.
choose l chose Lo help ouL. l chose hlm Lo help ouL.
expecL 1hey expecL Lo arrlve early. 1he expecL hlm Lo arrlve early.
need [c] l need Lo clean Lhe house. l need her Lo clean Lhe house.
prepare 1hey prepared Lo Lake Lhe LesL. 1hey prepared her Lo Lake Lhe LesL.
promlse She promlsed Lo sLop smoklng She promlsed hlm Lo sLop smoklng.
LhreaLen Pe LhreaLened Lo leave forever. Pe LhreaLened her Lo leave forever.

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wanL l wanL Lo sLudy Spanlsh. l wanL my son Lo sLudy Spanlsh.
wlsh l wlsh Lo sLay. l wlsh hlm Lo sLay. (rare form)
would llke We would llke Lo sLarL now. We would llke hlm Lo sLarL now.

2.7 Verbs Io||owed by Gerunds Ck Inf|n|t|ves (D|fferent Mean|ngs)
begln She began slnglng.
She began Lo slng.
When "begln" ls used ln non-
conLlnuous Lenses, you can elLher use a
gerund or an lnflnlLlve.
She ls beglnnlng Lo slng.
When "begln" ls used ln conLlnuous Lenses,
an lnflnlLlve ls used.
dread She dreaded Laklng Lhe LesL.
usually "dread" ls followed by a gerund.
Pe dreaded Lo Lhlnk of Lhe consequences of
hls acLlons.
"uread" ls someLlmes used wlLh lnflnlLlves
such as "Lhlnk" or "conslder." ln Lhe senLence
above, "dreaded Lo Lhlnk" means "dld noL
wanL Lo Lhlnk."
forgeL She forgoL readlng Lhe book when she
was a kld.
When "forgeL" ls used wlLh a gerund, lL
means "Lo forgeL LhaL you have done
someLhlng." 1he senLence above
means LhaL she read Lhe book when
she was a kld, and LhaL she has forgoL-
Len LhaL facL.
She forgoL Lo pay Lhe renL Lhls monLh.
When forgeL ls used wlLh an lnflnlLlve, lL
means "Lo forgeL LhaL you need Lo do some-
Lhlng." 1he senLence above means LhaL she
forgoL LhaL she needed Lo pay Lhe renL.
keep She kepL Lalklng.
"keep" ls normally used wlLh a gerund
Lo mean LhaL you conLlnue dolng an
1he aLLackers kepL hosLages Lo prevenL Lhe
pollce from enLerlng.
"keep" can also be used wlLh an ob[ecL fol-
lowed by an lnflnlLlve, buL Lhen Lhe lnflnlLlve
Lakes on Lhe meanlng of "ln order Lo... ." ln
Lhe senLence above, Lhe aLLackers kepL hos-
Lages ln order Lo prevenL Lhe pollce from
need 1he house needs cleanlng.
When "need" ls used wlLh a gerund, lL
Lakes on a passlve meanlng. 1he sen-
Lence above means "Lhe house needs
Lo be cleaned."
Pe needs Lo call hls boss.
Pe needs hlm Lo call hls boss.
"need" ls usually used wlLh an lnflnlLlve or an
ob[ecL + an lnflnlLlve.
regreL l regreLLed belng laLe Lo Lhe lnLervlew.
"8egreL" ls normally used wlLh a ger-
We regreL Lo lnform you LhaL your poslLlon
aL Lhe company ls belng ellmlnaLed.
"8egreL" ls someLlmes used wlLh lnflnlLlves
such as "Lo lnform." ln Lhe senLence above,
"We regreL Lo lnform you" means "We wlsh
we dld noL have Lo Lell you (bad news)."

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remember l remember menLlonlng Lhe meeLlng
When "remember" ls used wlLh a ger-
und, lL means "Lo remember LhaL you
have done someLhlng." 1he senLence
above means LhaL l menLloned Lhe
meeLlng, and LhaL l remember Lhe facL
LhaL l dld LhaL.
Pe remembered Lo Lurn off Lhe llghLs before
he lefL.
When "remember" ls used wlLh an lnflnlLlve,
lL means "Lo remember LhaL you need Lo do
someLhlng." 1he senLence above means LhaL
he remembered LhaL he needed Lo Lurn Lhe
llghLs off.
sLarL Marge sLarLed Lalklng really fasL.
Marge sLarLed Lo Lalk really fasL.
When "sLarL" ls used ln non-conLlnuous
Lenses, you can elLher use a gerund or
an lnflnlLlve.
Marge ls sLarLlng Lo Lalk really fasL.
When "sLarL" ls used ln conLlnuous Lenses,
an lnflnlLlve ls used.
l sLarLed Lo learn 8usslan, buL lL was so much
work LhaL l flnally qulL Lhe class.
ln oLher slLuaLlons, an lnflnlLlve means LhaL
you dld noL compleLe or conLlnue an acLlon.
sLop Pe sLopped smoklng for healLh reasons.
"SLop" ls normally used wlLh a gerund.
Pe sLopped Lo resL for a few mlnuLes.
When "sLop" ls used wlLh an lnflnlLlve, Lhe
lnflnlLlve Lakes on Lhe meanlng of "ln order
Lo." ln Lhe senLence above, he sLopped ln
order Lo resL for a few mlnuLes.
Lry She can'L flnd a [ob. She Lrled looklng ln
Lhe paper, buL Lhere was noLhlng. She
Lrled asklng frlends and famlly, buL no-
body knew of anyLhlng. She also Lrled
golng shop Lo shop, buL nobody was
"1ry + gerund" means Lo Lry or Lo ex-
perlmenL wlLh dlfferenL meLhods Lo see
lf someLhlng works.
She Lrled eaLlng Lhe snake soup, buL she
dldn'L llke lL.
"1ry + gerund" ls ofLen used when you
experlmenL wlLh someLhlng, buL you do
noL really llke lL or wanL Lo do lL agaln.
She Lrled Lo cllmb Lhe Lree, buL she couldn'L
even geL off Lhe ground.
When you "Lry Lo do" someLhlng, you wanL
Lo do lL, buL you do noL succeed ln acLually
dolng lL. ln Lhe senLence above, an lnflnlLlve
ls used because she cannoL successfully
cllmb Lhe Lree.
1ry noL Lo wake Lhe baby when you geL up
Lomorrow aL 3 AM.
An lnflnlLlve ls also used lf you are asklng
someone Lo Lry someLhlng Lhey may or may
noL be able Lo accompllsh.

2.8 Verbs Io||owed by Gerunds Ck Inf|n|t|ves (S|m||ar Mean|ng)
can'L bear Pe can'L bear belng alone. Pe can'L bear Lo be alone.
can'L sLand nancy can'L sLand worklng Lhe laLe shlfL. nancy can'L sLand Lo work Lhe laLe shlfL.
cease 1he governmenL ceased provldlng free
healLh care.
1he governmenL ceased Lo provlde free
healLh care.
conLlnue She conLlnued Lalklng. She conLlnued Lo Lalk.
haLe Pe haLes cleanlng dlshes. Pe haLes Lo clean dlshes.
llke SamanLha llkes readlng. SamanLha llkes Lo read.
love We love scuba dlvlng. We love Lo scuba dlve.
neglecL Pe neglecLed dolng hls dally chores. Pe neglecLed Lo do hls dally chores.
prefer Pe prefers eaLlng aL 7 M. Pe prefers Lo eaL aL 7 M.
propose urew proposed paylng for Lhe Lrlp. urew proposed Lo pay for Lhe Lrlp.

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 29

AlLhough Lhe dlfference ln meanlng ls small wlLh Lhese parLlcular verbs and gerunds and lnflnlLlves can
ofLen be used lnLerchangeably, Lhere ls sLlll a meanlng dlfference. uslng a gerund suggesLs LhaL you are
referrlng Lo real acLlvlLles or experlences. uslng an lnflnlLlve suggesLs LhaL you are Lalklng abouL poLenLlal
or posslble acLlvlLles or experlences. 8ecause of Lhls small dlfference ln meanlng, gerunds and lnflnlLlves
cannoL always be used lnLerchangeably, such as ln Lhe examples below.

1be 8tltlsb tepottet llkes llvloq lo New otk. Pe llves ln new ?ork and he llkes whaL he experlences Lhere.
1be 8tltlsb tepottet llkes to llve lo New otk wbeoevet be wotks lo tbe uolteJ 5totes. Pe llkes Lhe opLlon
or posslblllLy of llvlng ln new ?ork when he works ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes.
l llke speokloq lteocb becoose lt's socb o beootlfol looqooqe. l llke Lhe experlence of speaklng lrench,
and Lhe way lL makes me feel when l speak Lhe language.
l llke to speok lteocb wbeo l'm lo ltooce. l prefer Lhe opLlon of speaklng lrench when l am ln lrance.

Gerund and Inf|n|t|ve Lxerc|ses
Choose e|ther the gerund or the |nf|n|t|ve
1. l can'L lmaglne eLer (go) by blke.
2. Pe agreed (buy) a new car.
3. 1he quesLlon ls easy (answer).
4. 1he man asked me how (geL) Lo Lhe
3. l look forward Lo (see) you aL Lhe
6. Are you Lhlnklng of (vlslL) London?
7. We declded (run) Lhrough Lhe foresL.
8. 1he Leacher expecLed Sarah (sLudy)
9. She doesn'L mlnd (work) Lhe nlghL
10. l learned (rlde) Lhe blke aL Lhe age of 3.
11. We declded (buy) a new car.
12. 1hey've goL some work (do).
13. eLer gave up (smoke).
14. Pe'd llke (fly) an aeroplane.
13. l en[oy (wrlLe) plcLure posLcards.
16. uo you know whaL (do) lf Lhere's a
flre ln Lhe shop?
17. Avold (make) sllly mlsLakes.
18. My parenLs wanLed me (be) home aL
11 o'clock.
19. l dream abouL (bulld) a blg house.
20. l'm hoplng (see) Llsa.
21. ?ou sLlll have a loL (learn) ln Lngllsh.
22. ?ou don'L need (ask) hlm every
Llme you wanL Lo go ouL.
23. Would you llke (come)
wlLh me Lo Lhe gym?
24. Why do you keep (look) aL me?
23. We goL Llred of (walL) for beLLer w
26. 1he washlng machlne began (make) a
Lerrlble nolse.
27. 1he pollce accused hlm of (sLeal) Lhe
money from Lhe house.
28. She dldn'L llke (leave) Lhe chlldren alone
buL she had no cholce.
29. She apologlzed for (borrow) Lhe book
wlLhouL your permlsslon.
30. MosL people prefer (spend) Lhelr money
Lo savlng lL.
31. lL's much beLLer (sLay) aL home Lhan Lo
go ouL ln Lhe raln.
32. lL lsn'L good for you (eaL) so many
33. l'm very sorry for (be) laLe.
34. l'm for (do) noLhlng Llll he arrlves.
33. l dldn'L feel llke (work) so l phoned my
36. Pe Look Lo (geL up) early every day.
37. Pe expecLs you (go) wlLh hlm.
38. Pe declded (puL) hls coaL on Lhe hanger.
39. uo you remember (posL)
Lhe leLLer? Are you sure you've posLed
40. uo you feel llke (go) Lo Lhe clnema?
41. 1hey accused me (lle).
42. My boss forced me (work) unLll mld-
43. 1he securlLy guard prevenLed !ohn
(leave) Lhe bulldlng.
44. She regreLLed (have Lo leave) so early.

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 30

43. Pave you succeeded (pass) your drlv-
lng LesL yeL?
46. Pave you ever dreamL (become)
47. (lay) soccer ls my favourlLe pasLlme.
48. l en[oy (noL, do) anyLhlng on my days
49. enny haLes (do) homework.
30. Powever, she llkes (do) homework aL
leasL Lwlce a week.
31. WhaL do you suggesL (buy) for dlnner
Lhls evenlng?
32. l don'L know how (operaLe) a crane.
33. 1hey arranged (meeL) aL Lhe sLaLlon.
34. Mary en[oys (go) shopplng on 1hurs-
day evenlngs.
33. 1he boss offered (ralse) Lhe employ-
ees' salarles.
36. uldn'L he admlL (noL, pay) hls Laxes?
37. l regreLLed (noL, go) Lo Lhe docLor's
38. lred couldn'L declde (where, go) for
hls holldays.
39. 1he pollce falled (prevenL) Lhe rloL.
60. uld Lhe chlldren en[oy (vlslL) Lhe wax
61. l Lold hlm my name a whlle ago, buL
he appears (forgeL) lL.
62. keep on (work) hard lf you wanL Lo
63. Pe really mlnds (Lell passlve volce)
whaL Lo do.
64. 1hey seem (noL, remember) who l
63. eLer couldn'L declde (wheLher, go)
Lo Lhe maLch or noL.
66. 1he employees asked (see) Lhe unlon
represenLaLlve ln order Lo complaln.
67. 1he unlons LhreaLened (go) on sLrlke
unless Lhe managemenL agreed Lo
meeL Lhem.
68. Pave you consldered (wrlLe) your
69. uo you en[oy (play) Lennls?
70. Pe was Loo frlghLened, he dldn'L dare
([ump) even wlLh Lhe laLesL para-
71. uo you wanL me (Lurn on) Lhe 1v?
72. 1he Lhlef admlLLed (sLeal) Lhe palnL-
lngs from Lhe gallery.
73. SLorms have delayed Lhe plane from
(Lake off).
74. Mark offered (glve) eLer a llfL Lo work
durlng Lhe Lraln sLrlke.
73. 1he fllm sLar decllned (be) lnLervlewed
as he was Loo Llred afLer Lhe laLesL fllm
76. 1he asLronauLs falled (save) Lhe space
77. SLop (complaln) abouL Lhe bad
78. 1he CovernmenL has posLponed
(meeL) Lhe rall unlons unLll nexL Mon-
79. 1he defendanL denled (do) anyLhlng
80. 1he company envlsaged (shuL down) lLs
facLory ln Lllle.
81. now lL's exam Llme and 1lm regreLs noL
(sLudy) harder durlng Lhe Lerm.
82. uo you swear (Lell) Lhe LruLh, Lhe whole
LruLh, and noLhlng buL Lhe LruLh?
83. Whlch vldeos have you chosen (renL)?
84. Molly suggesLed (vlslL) Lhe Louvre Lo
see Lhe new exhlblLlon.
83. We can'L afford (send) our chlldren Lo
Parvard, lL's [usL Loo expenslve.
86. Can you manage (llfL) LhaL blg box over
Lhere on you own, or should l help you?
87. We wlsh (make) a complalnL.
88. We plan (vlslL) Lhe vaLlcan durlng our
vlslL Lo 8ome nexL summer.
89. l promlse noL (be) laLe for Lhe meeLlng
lf l can help lL.
90. We expecL (make) an enormous proflL
Lhls year.
91. A secreLary's work lnvolves (Lype) a loL
of documenLs every day.
92. We've declded (glve) you a pay ln-
crease because you work so well.
93. Are you prepared (work) very hard for
us lf we glve you Lhe [ob?
94. 1he sofLware company consenLed (re-
lmburse) users who weren'L happy
wlLh Lhelr new CS.
93. Cur cusLomers Lend noL (llke) havlng Lo
96. 1he angry cusLomers demanded (geL)
Lhelr money back.
97. l mlss noL (play) Lennls every week, buL
l can'L afford Lhe membershlp fees.
98. !eremy preLended noL (see) me, l sup-
pose he was sLlll angry wlLh me.

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 31

99. We can'L afford Lo rlsk (upseL) our
cusLomers by lncreaslng our prlces
100.1he boss refused (leL) us go home
early even Lhough Lhere was a bus
101.Pow can we avold (lncrease) Lhe
prlces of our producLs?
102.1he boss agreed (glve) us Llme off pro-
vldlng Lhe work was done on Llme.
103.1hey appear (llke) Lhe new Apple oper-
aLlng sysLem.
104.?ou should regularly pracLlse (pro-
nounce) dlfflculL words.
103.?ou should learn (Lype) wlLhouL looklng
aL Lhe keyboard.

In the story be|ow f||| |n the correct forms of the verbs |n brackets (gerund or |nf|n|t|ve)

?url was ln hls flrsL year aL unlverslLy, sLudylng PlsLory. Pe was raLher a lazy sLudenL, and he Lended Lo
avold ......... (work) whenever he could. ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe semesLer, hls hlsLory professor gave ouL an
asslgnmenL, due ln Lwo weeks. ?url lnLended ......... (do) Lhe asslgnmenL, buL he posLponed ......... (wrlLe)
lL for a week. 1he followlng week, he forgoL ......... (do) lL. 1he nlghL before Lhe asslgnmenL was due, he
suddenly remembered lL, and rushed Lo Lhe llbrary. Pe Lrled ......... (read) as much as posslble on Lhe
Loplc, buL Lhere wasn'L enough Llme. ?url consldered ......... (ask) for more Llme Lo do hls paper, buL Lhe
PlsLory professor was known Lo be very Lough on sLudenLs, so flnally he declded ......... (cheaL) and copy
hls paper from somewhere else. Pe found an old arLlcle on Lhe same Loplc, and qulckly Lyped lL ouL. 1he
nexL day, he submlLLed Lhe paper.

1he followlng week, he was alarmed ......... (see) Lhe professor approachlng hlm, looklng angry. "ls Lhls
your own work, or dld you copy lL?" asked Lhe professor. ?url denled ......... (copy) Lhe paper. "lf you ex-
pecL me ......... (belleve) LhaL, you musL be very sLupld," sald Lhe professor. "Lvery word ls Laken from an
arLlcle l wroLe myself flve years ago. uld you really Lhlnk l would forgeL ......... (wrlLe) lL?"

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 32


3.1 What are Moda| Verbs?
Modal auxlllary verbs glve more lnformaLlon abouL Lhe funcLlon of Lhe maln verb LhaL follows lL. Al-
Lhough havlng a greaL varleLy of communlcaLlve funcLlons, Lhese funcLlons can all be relaLed Lo a scale
ranglng from posslblllLy (can) Lo necesslLy (musL).
Modal verbs are speclal verbs whlch behave very dlfferenLly from normal verbs. Pere are some lmpor-
LanL dlfferences:

1. Modal verbs do noL Lake "-s" ln Lhe Lhlrd person.

ne coo speok cbloese.
5be sboolJ be bete by 9.00.

2. ?ou use "noL" Lo make modal verbs negaLlve, even ln Slmple resenL and Slmple asL.

ne sboolJ oot be lote.
1bey mlqbt oot come to tbe potty.

3. AlLhough modal verbs someLlmes appear Lo be pasL forms (e.g. could or should), Lhls does noL mean
LhaL Lhey acLually refer Lo Lhe pasL. 1he dlfferenL forms, pasL and presenL, are used Lo add cerLaln exLra
meanlng Lo Lhe senLence.

oo sboolJ stop smokloq (= sLop smoklng nCW)
coolJ l opeo o wloJow (= asklng for permlsslon Lo open Lhe wlndow nCW)

1he Common Modal verbs are:
Pave Lo
Pave goL Lo
CughL Lo
Pad beLLer
need (see below)

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3.2 Cverv|ew of mean|ngs added by the moda| aux|||ary verbs

posslblllLy ablllLy obllgaLlon advlce permlsslon remarks assumpLlon
can v v v 1
could v v v (pollLe
be able Lo v 3
may v may wanL
v 4
mlghL v v (very pollLe
shall v (command
or promlse)
should v v 7
oughL Lo v v 8
musL v 9, 10 v
have Lo v 11
need v 11
had beLLer v - -

1. Can lndlcaLes a neuLral (30/30) posslblllLy. When used Lo ask permlsslon, you don'L expecL no
for an answer.
2. Cou|d ln quesLlons ls used Lo pollLely ask for permlsslon. ?ou don'L know whaL Lhe answer wlll
3. 8e ab|e to ls used Lo lndlcaLe ablllLy, Lhe Lhlngs you have learned Lo do (e.g. speak lrench) or
whlch are made posslble for you by Lhe clrcumsLances (because of Lhe sLrong wlnd we were
able Lo sall across Lhe lake aL very hlgh speed).
4. May lndlcaLes offlclal permlsslon. ln quesLlons lL ls very pollLe (even more Lhan cou|d). lL can
also lndlcaLe posslblllLy, buL lL ls weaker Lhan can. May want to ls used Lo express an advlce.
3. M|ght lndlcaLes a weak posslblllLy (very small chance). ln quesLlons lL ls exLremely pollLe, buL
noL ofLen used.
6. Sha|| expresses an offlclal obllgaLlon (?ou shall do whaL l say !!!!). lL can also express a promlse (l
shall do lL for you.)
7. Shou|d expresses an advlce of whlch you know LhaL lL wlll noL be followed. (?ou should sLop
8. Cught to has Lhe same meanlng as shou|d.
9. Must expresses an obllgaLlon felL by Lhe speaker hlm/herself. nave to expresses an obllgaLlon
comlng from ouLslde. Must also expresses an assumpLlon (loglcal concluslon).
10. Must not lndlcaLes LhaL someLhlng ls absoluLely forbldden.
11. Need has Lhe same meanlng as have to. noLe LhaL need ls used ln Lwo dlfferenL ways: ?ou
need noL go = ?ou don'L need Lo go, need l go ?= uo l need Lo go?

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 34

Moda| Verbs Lxerc|ses

1hese exerclses can also be done on-llne. lollow Lhe hyperllnk aL Lhe Lop of each exerclse. ln Lhe on-llne
exerclses you are glven varlous opLlons Lo choose from for each senLence. lL ls recommended LhaL you
Lry Lhe on-llne exerclses flrsL, Lo pracLlse, and Lhen Lry Lhe exerclses agaln ln Lhe reader, where you wlll
noL be glven any cholce and you have Lo flnd your own answers.

Moda| Verbs Lxerc|se 1

CompleLe Lhe senLences uslng Lhe words llsLed below.

can cou|d have to must m|ght shou|d

1. 1ed's fllghL from AmsLerdam Look more Lhan 11 hours. Pe .... be exhausLed afLer such a long
fllghL. Pe ... prefer Lo sLay ln LonlghL and geL some resL.
2. lf you wanL Lo geL a beLLer feellng for how Lhe clLy ls lald ouL, you ...walk downLown and ex-
plore Lhe waLerfronL.
3. Plklng Lhe Lrall Lo Lhe peak .... be dangerous lf you are noL well prepared for dramaLlc
weaLher changes. ?ou .... research Lhe rouLe a llLLle more before you aLLempL Lhe ascenL.
4. When you have a small chlld ln Lhe house, you ... leave small ob[ecLs lylng around. Such ob-
[ecLs .... be swallowed, causlng serlous ln[ury or even deaLh.
3. uave: ..... you hold your breaLh for more Lhan a mlnuLe? naLhan: no, l can'L.
6. !enny's engagemenL rlng ls enormous! lL .... have cosL a forLune.
7. lease make sure Lo waLer my planLs whlle l am gone. lf Lhey don'L geL enough waLer, Lhey
..... dle.
8. l ......... speak Arablc fluenLly when l was a chlld and we llved ln LgypL. 8uL afLer we moved back
Lo Canada, l had very llLLle exposure Lo Lhe language and forgoL almosL everyLhlng l knew as a
chlld. now, l ......... [usL say a few Lhlngs ln Lhe language.
9. 1he book ls opLlonal. My professor sald we ......... read lL lf we needed exLra credlL. 8uL we .........
read lL lf we don'L wanL Lo.
10. Leo: Where ls Lhe spaLula? lL ......... be ln Lhls drawer buL lL's noL here. nancy: l [usL dld a load of
dlshes lasL nlghL and Lhey're sLlll ln Lhe dlsh washer. lL ......... be ln Lhere. 1haL's Lhe only oLher
place lL ......... be.
11. ?ou ......... Lake your umbrella along wlLh you Loday. 1he weaLherman on Lhe news sald Lhere's
a sLorm norLh of here and lL ......... raln laLer on Lhls afLernoon.
12. ......... we pull over aL Lhe nexL resL sLop? l really ......... use Lhe baLhroom and l don'L know lf l
......... hold lL unLll we geL Lo Chlcago.
13. Ch no! lrank's walleL ls lylng on Lhe coffee Lable. Pe ......... have lefL lL here lasL nlghL.
14. ned: ......... l borrow your llghLer for a mlnuLe? SLephen: Sure, no problem. AcLually, you .........
keep lL lf you wanL Lo. l've glven up smoklng.
13. l ......... belleve she sald LhaL Lo Megan! She ......... lnsulLed her cooklng ln fronL of everyone aL
Lhe parLy lasL nlghL. She ......... have [usL sald she was full or had some salad lf she dldn'L llke Lhe
16. uo you ......... chew wlLh your mouLh open llke LhaL? Ceez, lL's maklng me slck waLchlng you eaL
LhaL plece of plzza.
17. Mrs. ScarleLL's body was found ln Lhe lounge [usL momenLs ago, and lL's sLlll warm! nobody has
lefL Lhe manslon Lhls evenlng, so Lhe klller ......... be someone ln Lhls room. lL ......... be any one of

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 33

18. 1ed: l don'L know why uenlse sLarLlng crylng when l menLloned Lhe weddlng. amela: lL .........
have been whaL you sald abouL her broLher. Cr, perhaps she ls [usL nervous. AfLer all, Lhe blg
day ls Lomorrow.
19. .......... you always say Lhe flrsL Lhlng LhaL pops lnLo your head? ......... you Lhlnk once ln awhlle
before you speak?
20. l was readlng Lhe book lasL nlghL before l wenL Lo bed. l never Look lL ouL of Lhls room. lL .........
be lylng around here somewhere. Where ......... lL be?

Moda| Verbs Lxerc|se 2

CompleLe Lhe senLences uslng Lhe words llsLed below. negaLlve and pasL forms are also used ln Lhls les-
son. Some gaps may have more Lhan one correcL answer.

must have to

1. l .......... be aL Lhe meeLlng by 10:00. l wlll probably .......... Lake a Laxl lf l wanL Lo be on Llme.
2. ?ou .......... submlL Lhe appllcaLlon lf lL has noL been compleLely fllled ouL. Check LhaL Lhe name,
address, and background lnformaLlon are correcL. lf Lhe form ls noL accuraLe and compleLe, you
wlll be re[ecLed and you wlll .......... reapply aL a laLer daLe.
3. 1lna: Look aL Lhese flowers - Lhey're beauLlful! 8uL, Lhere's no card. Who could have senL Lhem?
SLephanle: lL .......... have been uavld. Pe's Lhe only one who would send you flowers.
4. ?ou .......... forgeL Lo pay Lhe renL Lomorrow. 1he landlord ls very sLrlcL abouL paylng on Llme.
3. ?ou .......... be so rude! Why don'L you Lry saylng "please" once ln a whlle.
lf you are over 18 ln Callfornla, you .......... Lake a drlver Lralnlng course Lo geL a drlver's llcense.
?ou can have a frlend or a famlly member Leach you lnsLead. 8uL remember, you .......... sLlll geL
your permlL before you sLarL pracLlslng.
6. ?ou .......... be rlch Lo be a success. Some of Lhe mosL successful people l know haven'L goL a
penny Lo Lhelr name.
7. Ld: My car broke down ln ueaLh valley lasL week. l .......... have lL Lowed more Lhan a hundred
mlles Lo Lhe nearesL mechanlc. Lllly: 1haL .......... have cosL a forLune!
8. Whlle hlklng ln Alaska, you .......... keep an eye ouL for bears. lf you see one, you .......... approach
lL. 1hey are beauLlful anlmals, however, Lhey are wlld and unpredlcLable ln naLure. ?ou ..........
be afrald of Lhem, buL educaLlng yourself abouL Lhe dangers can help keep you safe.
9. l .......... go Lo work Lomorrow because lL ls Memorlal uay. 1he besL Lhlng abouL a day off from
work ls LhaL l .......... geL up aL 6:00, l can sleep ln Llll noon lf l wanL Lo.
10. ?esLerday, l .......... cram all day for my lrench flnal. l dldn'L geL Lo sleep unLll afLer mldnlghL.
11. naLe: Ch no! l compleLely forgoL we were supposed Lo plck !enny up aL Lhe alrporL. 8arbara:
She .......... sLlll be slLLlng Lhere walLlng for us.
12. lngrld recelved a scholarshlp Lo ?ale unlverslLy whlch wlll cover 100 of Lhe LulLlon. She ..........
worry aL all abouL Lhe lncreaslng cosL of educaLlon.
13. When l was a chlld my grandmoLher was conLlnually correcLlng our manners. She always used
Lo say, "Cne .......... eaL wlLh one's mouLh open." Cr, she would correcL us by saylng, "Cne ..........
resL one's elbows on Lhe Lable." And every Llme l wanLed Lo leave Lhe Lable, she would say,
"Cne .......... ask Lo be excused."
14. l've redone Lhls maLh problem aL leasL LwenLy Llmes, buL my answer ls wrong accordlng Lo Lhe
answer key. 1he answer ln Lhe book wrong!

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 36

Moda| Verbs Lxerc|se 3
CompleLe Lhe senLences uslng Lhe words llsLed below. oslLlve and negaLlve forms can be used. Some
gaps may have more Lhan one answer. AfLer you compleLe Lhe flrsL parL of Lhe exerclse, Lhere ls a sec-
ond parL descrlbed aL Lhe end of Lhls exerclse.

m|ght must shou|d

1. nancy sald you dldn'L need Lo buy her anyLhlng for her blrLhday, buL l really Lhlnk you aL leasL
geL her some flowers or a nlce boLLle of wlne.
2. uebble sald she was really busy Lhls week, buL l Lhlnk she .......... show up aL Lhe parLy lf she
doesn'L have Lo work overLlme on lrlday.
3. nlna sald she would come over rlghL afLer work, so she .......... be here by 6:00.
4. Ch my Cod, he's unconsclous. uon'L move hlm - he .......... have lnLernal ln[urles. Somebody call
an ambulance.
3. ?ou .......... be klddlng! 1haL can'L be Lrue.
6. uan: Where's Lhe remoLe conLrol? l wanL Lo change Lhe channel. llona: l don'L know. lL ..........
be under Lhe couch. Cr, perhaps l absenL-mlndedly Look lL lnLo Lhe klLchen. l'll check ln Lhere.
7. lor mosL people, learnlng a language ls a challenglng underLaklng. LxperLs agree LhaL Lo make
Lhe mosL of your language learnlng experlence, you .......... pracLlce Lhe language regularly and
push yourself Lo malnLaln old vocabulary whlle acqulrlng new words and expresslons.
8. new research suggesLs LhaL exerclse can reduce Lhe chance of hearL dlsease as well as cancer.
1haL's why l Lold my faLher LhaL he .......... sLarL walklng once a day.
9. We should lnvlLe Sally and her husband Lo come Lo Lhe plcnlc on SaLurday. We haven'L seen
Lhem ln weeks, and Lhey .......... really en[oy a nlce day aL Lhe beach.
10. 1lm: Whlle l was a sLudenL, l spenL a year and a half sLudylng ygmy culLure ln Lhe CenLral Afrl-
can 8epubllc. My research focused on unlque aspecLs of Lhelr soclal sLrucLure and rellglon. Sl-
mona: 1haL .......... have been absoluLely fasclnaLlng!
11. We had beLLer call 1ony Lo see lf he's aL home before we go over Lo hls house. Pe .......... be
Lhere and we don'L wanL Lo drlve all Lhe way over Lhere for noLhlng.
12. AL flrsL, my boss dldn'L wanL Lo hlre Sam. 8uL, because l had prevlously worked wlLh Sam, l Lold
my boss LhaL he .......... Lake anoLher look aL hls resume and reconslder hlm for Lhe poslLlon.
13. ?ou .......... worry so much. lL doesn'L do you any good. LlLher you geL Lhe [ob, or you don'L. lf
you don'L, [usL apply for anoLher one. LvenLually, you wlll flnd work.
14. l would love Lo go on Lhe crulse Lo 1ahlLl wlLh 8obln and Mlchelle. 8uL such a luxurlous Lrlp
.......... cosL a forLune. l doubL l could afford someLhlng llke LhaL.
13. 1he book recommends addlng fresh soll and uslng planL food Lo make your garden flowers
grow. Slnce some people mlghL be allerglc Lo chemlcals ln arLlflclal planL foods, Lhe book says
LhaL you .......... use an organlc brand Lo avold skln lrrlLaLlons.

now redo Lhe exerclse above uslng Lhe modals ln Lhe box below.

cou|d - ought to - have to
Some of Lhe senLences cannoL be compleLed uslng Lhese modals. Can you flnd Lhem?

Moda| Verbs Lxerc|se 4

Choose Lhe correcL answer for each gap below.

1. unforLunaLely, !ames and Mlchelle had already made plans, so Lhey .......... come wlLh us Lo Lhe
exhlblLlon aL Lhe Museum of ConLemporary ArL.

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 37

2. 1hey have had several ma[or snow sLorms ln Lhe mounLalns durlng Lhe lasL monLh. We had
beLLer call Lhe hlghway paLrol Lo check road condlLlons. 1he road Lo SmlLhsvllle .......... be pass-
3. We should call 1lm before we go over Lo hls house, he .......... be Lhere. l don'L wanL Lo drlve all
Lhe way Lhere for noLhlng.
4. ln order Lo wln Lhe ple eaLlng conLesL, norman would have Lo eaL slxLeen ples ln Len mlnuLes.
Pe .......... posslbly eaL LhaL many ples - he would explode!
3. l know Lve wanLs Lo go Lo Lhe balleL wlLh us, buL we'd beLLer call her before we geL her LlckeL.
She works Wednesday nlghLs, and she .......... be able Lo geL Llme off LhaL evenlng.
6. Susan .......... hear Lhe speaker because Lhe crowd was cheerlng so loudly.
7. lL .......... be a bad ldea Lo Lake some snacks along whlle we're hlklng. LasL Llme, we goL so hun-
gry we had Lo come back early wlLhouL flnlshlng Lhe hlke.
8. !erry mlghL be angry, or he ........... ?ou never really know wlLh hlm because he's so Lempera-
9. !erry .......... be angry aL me. l've never done anyLhlng Lo upseL hlm.
10. 1he lamp .......... be broken. Maybe Lhe llghL bulb [usL burned ouL.
11. When you were a chlld, you could swlm from here Lo Lhe llLLle lsland ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe rlver,
.......... you? AL leasL, LhaL's whaL your faLher Lold me.
12. She .......... posslbly be Lhe wlnner of Lhe LalenL show! 1he oLher acLs were much beLLer Lhan
13. lrank and Sarah .......... geL LlckeLs Lo Lhe concerL. 1he concerL was sold ouL a llLLle over an hour
afLer LlckeLs wenL on sale.
14. l heard LhaL band ls really popular, and LlckeLs sell ouL qulckly. ?ou .......... geL LlckeLs lf you walL
Loo long.
13. 1haL concerL has been sold ouL for weeks. ?ou .......... geL LlckeLs even lf you knew Lhe band per-
sonally. lL's lmposslble!
16. lL .......... be a bad ldea Lo geL a car alarm for your new sporLs car. new cars Lend Lo aLLracL
17. 1haL .......... posslbly be Mr. !ones. Pe's losL so much welghL LhaL he looks llke a compleLely dlf-
ferenL person.
18. ?ou .......... do Lhe [ob lf you dldn'L speak Arablc fluenLly.
19. !ane and 8lll .......... have goLLen Lhe lnvlLaLlon Lo Lhe parLy. erhaps, LhaL's why Lhey dldn'L show
up. l doubL Lhey would acLually sklp your blrLhday parLy - Lhey're your besL frlends!
20. l .......... have lefL my keys aL Slmon's house. l wouldn'L have been able Lo drlve home lf l had
done LhaL. 1hey musL be somewhere here ln Lhe aparLmenL. LeL's keep looklng.

Moda| Verbs Lxerc|se S

CompleLe Lhe senLences uslng Lhe words llsLed below. Some gaps may have more Lhan one correcL an-

may had better have got to sha||

1. l know lL's raLher rude, buL .......... l ask you where you purchased LhaL pockeL waLch? l have
been looklng for one llke LhaL for my faLher.
2. ?ou .......... look good for your lnLervlew lf you wanL Lo geL Lhe sales [ob. ?ou .......... wear Lhe
whlLe shlrL and Lhe maroon Lle. l Lhlnk LhaL'll look really professlonal.
3. l .......... be aL work Lomorrow by 7:00. l .......... glve a markeLlng presenLaLlon Lo one of our cll-

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 38

4. lL's preLLy hoL ln Lhe deserL aL Lhls Llme of year. lf we are golng Lo do some hlklng, we .......... Lake
aL leasL Lwo or Lhree quarLs of waLer wlLh us. AcLually, lL .......... be hoLLer Lhan we expecL ouL
Lhere - maybe we should Lake a gallon or more.
3. ?ou .......... leave Lhe Lable once you have flnlshed your meal and pollLely excused yourself.
6. l can'L sLand Lhese people - l .......... geL ouL of here. l'm golng Lo Lake off for awhlle whlle you geL
rld of Lhem. When l geL back, Lhey .......... be gone.
7. .......... l Lry a llLLle of your 8lack loresL cake? lL looks absoluLely dellclous - l .......... LasLe lL!
8. ?ou .......... Lake along some cash. 1he resLauranL .......... noL accepL credlL cards.
9. ?ou .......... Lake along some cash. 1he resLauranL doesn'L accepL credlL cards.
10. .......... we move lnLo Lhe llvlng room? lL's more comforLable ln Lhere and Lhere's a beauLlful
vlew of Lhe lake.
11. l'm noL really sure lf Susan ls golng Lo go snowboardlng wlLh us or noL. She .......... declde Lo sLay
here and sLudy for her !apanese flnal. She .......... geL a good score on Lhe LesL lf she wanLs Lo
quallfy Lo sLudy abroad ln 1okyo nexL semesLer.
12. .......... l have a look aL LhaL necklace Lhere ln Lhe dlsplay case. lL's exacLly whaL l've been looklng
13. We .......... no longer suffer Lhe ln[usLlce of oppresslon. We .......... never glve up Lhe sLruggle for
14. ?ou [oklng! lf you Lhlnk l'm golng Lo glve you a Llp afLer you mlxed up Lhe meal orders,
spllled wlne on me and lnsulLed my wlfe, you .......... geL your head examlned!!!
13. lan, Lvelyn and ueborah wlll be aLLendlng Lhe conference. l .......... be aLLendlng as well.

Moda| Verbs Lxerc|se 6

Choose Lhe correcL answer for each gap below. Some gaps may have more Lhan one correcL answer.

uonna: lf l won Lhe Len mllllon dollar loLLery [ackpoL, l .......... afford Lo qulL my [ob and Lravel Lhe world.
Sam: Where .......... you go lf you had LhaL much money?
uonna: l don'L know, l .......... choose Lo spend a year ln arls - or perhaps l .......... go Lo kenya.
Sam: Pow ofLen do you buy loLLery LlckeLs?
uonna: never... l guess lf l wanL Lo wln Lhe loLLery, l .......... Lry buylng some LlckeLs.
Sam: 1haL .......... help.

WalLress: Pl, my name ls Sandy - l'll be your walLress LonlghL. WhaL .......... l geL for you?
1ony: l haven'L declded yeL. ls Lhere anyLhlng you .......... recommend? ls Lhere anyLhlng you Lhlnk l ..........
WalLress: ?ou .......... Lry Lhe Ca[un caLflsh - or perhaps Lhe Cumbo. 1hey're boLh dellclous.
1ony: 1haL sounds wonderful, buL LhaL .......... be a llLLle Loo splcy for me. AcLually, Lhe prawns sound
good. umm, .......... l have Lhe barbecued prawns?
WalLress: Sure, .......... you llke a salad wlLh LhaL?

!an: WhaL .......... we look for ln a candldaLe when we voLe ln a presldenLlal elecLlon?
eLer: l Lhlnk clLlzens .......... voLe for a resldenL who has Lhe ablllLy Lo lmprove Lhe quallLy of llfe ln Lhe
unlLed SLaLes.
!an: WhaL .......... you do lf you were resldenL of Lhe
eLer: l ..........focus on reduclng envlronmenLal polluLlon.
!an: Lvery candldaLe always says he's golng Lo do LhaL, buL lL's a really compllcaLed problem - lL's noL one
whlch ls easlly solved. WhaL makes you Lhlnk you .......... acLually sLop polluLlon?

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 39


CondlLlonal SenLences are also known as CondlLlonal Clauses or lf Clauses. 1hey are used Lo express LhaL
Lhe acLlon ln Lhe maln clause (wlLhouL lf) can only Lake place lf a cerLaln condlLlon (ln Lhe clause wlLh lf) ls
fulfllled. 1here are four Lypes of CondlLlonal SenLences.

4.1 Cond|t|ona| Sentence 1ype 0 (general LruLhs and facLs)

Iorm: lf + slmple presenL [Lhen} slmple presenL
Lxamp|e: lf yoo beot wotet to 100, lt bolls.

4.2 Cond|t|ona| Sentence 1ype 1 (luLure 8eal CondlLlonal)

lL ls posslble and also very llkely LhaL Lhe condlLlon wlll be fulfllled ln fuLure.

Iorm: lf + slmple presenL wlll + lnflnlLlve
Lxamp|e: lf l floJ bet oJJtess, lll seoJ bet oo lovltotloo.

4.3 Cond|t|ona| Sentence 1ype 2 (luLure unreal CondlLlonal)

lL ls posslble buL very unllkely, LhaL Lhe condlLlon wlll be fulfllled.

Iorm: lf + slmple pasL, would + lnflnlLlve
Lxamp|e: lf l foooJ bet oJJtess, l woolJ seoJ bet oo lovltotloo.

4.4 Cond|t|ona| Sentence 1ype 3 (asL unreal CondlLlonal)

lL ls lmposslble LhaL Lhe condlLlon wlll be fulfllled because lL refers Lo Lhe pasL.

Iorm: lf + asL erfecL, would + have + asL arLlclple
Lxamp|e: lf l boJ foooJ bet oJJtess, l woolJ bove seot bet oo lovltotloo.
4.S M|xed Cond|t|ona| atterns
?ou are now famlllar wlLh presenL (1ype 0), fuLure (1ype 1) and pasL (1ype 2) condlLlonal
verb forms. SomeLlmes unreal CondlLlonal senLences are mlxed. 1hls means LhaL Lhe Llme ln
Lhe lf-clause ls noL Lhe same as Lhe Llme ln Lhe resulL. SLudy Lhe examples on Lhe nexL page
Lo learn how Lo mlx condlLlonal verb forms llke a naLlve speaker.
lf l had won Lhe loLLery, l wou|d be rlch.
8u1 l uluN'1 wlN 1n LO11kY lN 1n P451 4Nu l 4M NO1 klcn NOw.
lf l had taken lrench ln hlgh school, l wou|d have more [ob opporLunlLles.
8u1 l uluN'1 14k lkNcn lN nl6n 5cnOOL 4Nu l uON'1 n4v M4NY lO8 OPPOk1uNl-

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 40

lf she had been born ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes, she wou|dn't need a vlsa Lo work here.
8u1 5n w45N'1 8OkN lN 1n uNl1u 51415 4Nu 5n uO5 Nu 4 vl54 NOw 1O
wOkk nk.

lf she had s|gned up for Lhe skl Lrlp lasL week, she wou|d be [o|n|ng us Lomorrow.
8u1 5n uluN'1 5l6N uP lOk 1n 5kl 1klP L451 wk 4Nu 5n l5N'1 6OlN6 1O lOlN u5
lf Mark had gotten Lhe [ob lnsLead of !oe, he wou|d be mov|ng Lo Shanghal.
8u1 M4kk uluN'1 61 1n lO8 4Nu M4kk l5 NO1 6OlN6 1O MOv 1O 5n4N6n4l.
lf uarren hadn't wasted hls ChrlsLmas bonus gambllng ln Las vegas, he wou|d go Lo
Mexlco wlLh us nexL monLh.
8u1 u4kkN w451u nl5 cnkl51M45 8ONu5 64M8LlN6 lN L45 v645 4Nu n wON'1
6O 1O MxlcO wl1n u5 Nx1 MON1n.

lf l were rlch, l wou|d have bought LhaL lerrarl we saw yesLerday.
8u1 l 4M NO1 cukkN1LY klcn 4Nu 1n41 l5 wnY l uluN'1 8uY 1n lkk4kl Y51k-
lf Sam spoke 8usslan, he wou|d have trans|ated Lhe leLLer for you.
8u1 54M uO5N'1 5P4k ku55l4N 4Nu 1n41 l5 wnY n uluN'1 1k4N5L41 1n L1-
lf l d|dn't have Lo work so much, l wou|d have gone Lo Lhe parLy lasL nlghL.
8u1 l n4v 1O wOkk 4 LO1 4Nu 1n41 l5 wnY l uluN'1 6O 1O 1n P4k1Y L451 Nl6n1.

lf l d|dn't have so much vacaLlon Llme, l wou|dn't go wlLh you on Lhe crulse Lo
Alaska nexL week.
8u1 l uO n4v 4 LO1 Ol v4c41lON 1lM 4Nu l wlLL 6O ON 1n 1klP Nx1 wk.
lf Clndy were more creaLlve, Lhe company wou|d send her Lo new ?ork Lo work on
Lhe new adverLlslng campalgn.
8u1 clNuY l5 NO1 ck41lv 4Nu 1n cOMP4NY wON'1 5Nu nk 1O Nw YOkk 1O
wOkk ON 1n Nw c4MP4l6N.
lf uan weren't so nlce, he wou|dn't be tutor|ng you ln maLh LonlghL.
8u1 u4N l5 Nlc 4Nu n l5 6OlN6 1O 1u1Ok YOu 1ONl6n1.

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 41

lf l weren't go|ng on my buslness Lrlp nexL week, l wou|d have accepted LhaL new
asslgnmenL aL work.
8u1 l 4M 6OlN6 1O 6O ON 4 8u5lN55 1klP Nx1 wk, 4Nu 1n41 l5 wnY l uluN'1
4ccP1 1n41 Nw 455l6NMN1 41 wOkk.
lf my parenLs weren't com|ng Lhls weekend, l wou|d have p|anned a nlce Lrlp [usL
for Lhe Lwo of us Lo napa valley.
8u1 MY P4kN15 4k 6OlN6 1O cOM 1nl5 wkNu, 4Nu 1n41 l5 wnY l uluN'1
PL4N 4 1klP lOk 1n 1wO Ol u5 1O N4P4 v4LLY.
lf uonna weren't mak|ng us a blg dlnner LonlghL, l wou|d have suggested LhaL we go
Lo LhaL nlce lLallan resLauranL.
8u1 5n l5 6OlN6 1O M4k u5 4 8l6 ulNNk 1ONl6n1, 4Nu 1n41 l5 wnY l uluN'1
5u6651 1n41 w 6O 1O 1n41 Nlc l14Ll4N k514uk4N1.

lf l were go|ng Lo LhaL concerL LonlghL, l wou|d be very exclLed.
8u1 l 4M NO1 6OlN6 1O 6O 1O 1n41 cONck1 1ONl6n1 4Nu 1n41 l5 wnY l 4M NO1
lf Sandy were g|v|ng a speech Lomorrow, she wou|d be very nervous.
8u1 54NuY l5 NO1 6OlN6 1O 6lv 4 5Pcn 1OMOkkOw 4Nu 1n41 l5 wnY 5n lN NO1
lf Seb d|dn't come wlLh us Lo Lhe deserL, everyone wou|d be very dlsappolnLed.
8u1 58 wlLL cOM wl1n u5 1O 1n u5k1 4Nu 1n41 l5 wnY vkYON l5 5O n4PPY.

Lxerc|ses Cond|t|ona|
1. lf you read Lhls book, (you be) pleasanLly surprlsed.
2. 1he boss wlll be angry lf (we be) laLe.
3. Mary (dlscover) Lhe soluLlon lf she reads Lhe flnal chapLer.
4. l wlll pay lred 100 euro lf (he palnL) my klLchen.
3. 1he capLaln (lose) hls [ob lf Lhe Leam don'L wln Lhe maLch.
6. lf (you noL sLop) complalnlng, l'll have Lo go.
7. 1om wlll noL be dlsLurbed lf (we noL make) a loL of nolse.
8. (?ou noL be) ready on Llme, lf you don'L hurry.
9. (?ou Lo help) me wlLh my bags, lf l pay you?
10. lf (you, Lo pass) your exams, wlll you geL a reward?

1. lf l had more Llme, (l, Lo Leach) you how Lo play Lennls.
2. lf (l, Lo meeL) a rap sLar, l would ask for hls/her auLograph.

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 42

3. (lred be) rlch lf he won a mllllon euro.
4. lbrahlm would be very exclLed lf (he flnd) a Lreasure.
3. 1he economy would fall lf people (noL work).
6. eople (noL say) you were lazy lf you won Lhe maraLhon.
7. lf (l noL have) any frlends, l would [oln a club.
8. (?ou slng) on 1v lf you were offered Lhe chance?
9. Would you accepL lf Lhe resldenL (ask) you Lo be a mlnlsLer?
10. (lL noL be) greaL lf everyone had enough Lo eaL?

1. lf !ohn (go) Lo Lhe parLy, he would have meL Mary.
2. lf l had been here earller, (l hear) !ack slnglng.
3. ?ou would have been amazed, lf (you see) Lhe goal l scored.
4. ?ou mlssed Lhe Lraln. ?ou would have caughL lL lf (you be) on Llme.
3. lf (Mary noL fall), she would have won Lhe race.
6. enny would have been laLe lf (she noL Lake) Lhe Lraln.
7. lf 8ob had made a greaLer efforL, (he noL lose) Lhe Lennls maLch.
8. (?ou noL fall) your exam lf you had sLudled.
9. (8arney be elecLed) lf he had been a candldaLe?
10. [uC nC1 uSL 'lf'] ?ou would have been elecLed (you be) a candldaLe.


1. She wlll Lake care of Lhe chlldren for us nexL weekend because her buslness Lrlp was cancelled. 8uL,
she (noL Lake) care of Lhe chlldren for us nexL weekend lf her buslness Lrlp (noL be) cancelled.
2. 1om ls noL golng Lo come Lo dlnner Lomorrow because you lnsulLed hlm yesLerday. 8uL he (come) lf
you (lnsulL) hlm.
3. Marle ls unhappy because she gave up her career when she goL marrled. 8uL, Marle (be) happy lf
she (noL glve) up her career when she goL marrled.
4. ur. Mercer declded noL Lo accepL Lhe research granL aL Parvard because he ls golng Lo Lake slx
monLhs off Lo spend more Llme wlLh hls famlly. 8uL, ur. Mercer (accepL) Lhe research granL aL Par-
vard lf he (Lake, noL) slx monLhs off Lo spend more Llme wlLh hls famlly.
3. rofessor SchmlLz Lalked so much abouL Lhe Maasal Lrlbe because she ls an experL on Afrlcan Lrlbal
groups. 8uL, rofessor SchmlLz (Lalk, noL) so much abouL Lhe Maasal Lrlbe lf she (noL be) an experL
on Afrlcan Lrlbal groups.
6. l am unemployed because l had a dlsagreemenL wlLh my boss and l was flred. 8uL, l (be, noL) un-
employed lf l (have, noL) a dlsagreemenL wlLh my boss and l (noL be) flred.
7. nlcole speaks Chlnese fluenLly because she llved ln Chlna for Len years. 8uL, nlcole (speak, noL) Chl-
nese fluenLly lf she (noL llve) ln Chlna for Len years.
8. l wlll noL help you sLudy for your LesL because you have spenL Lhe lasL Lwo weeks parLylng and wasL-
lng Llme. 8uL, l (help) you sLudy for your LesL lf you (spend, noL) Lhe lasL Lwo weeks parLylng and
wasLlng Llme.
9. Lleanor and 8en are noL golng skllng wlLh us Lhls year because Lleanor [usL had a baby. 8uL Lleanor
and 8en (go) skllng wlLh us Lhls year lf Lleanor (noL [usL have) a baby.
10. l am compleLely exhausLed, so l wlll noL go wlLh you Lo Lhe movles LonlghL. 8uL lf l (noL be) com-
pleLely exhausLed, l (go) wlLh you Lo Lhe movles LonlghL.
11. She ls noL worrled abouL Lhe conference Lomorrow because she ls noL glvlng a speech. 8uL she (be)
worrled abouL Lhe conference Lomorrow lf she (glve) a speech.
12. lrank ls noL golng Lo Lhe graduaLlon ceremony because he broke hls leg snowboardlng lasL week.
8uL, lrank (go) Lo Lhe graduaLlon ceremony lf he (noL break) hls leg snowboardlng lasL week.
13. 1hey are noL releaslng Lhe prlsoner nexL monLh because Lhere was so much publlc opposlLlon Lo hls
parole. 8uL, Lhey (release) Lhe prlsoner nexL monLh lf Lhere (be) so much opposlLlon Lo hls parole.

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 43

14. 1he hoLels fllled up monLhs ln advance because Lhe fesLlval ls golng Lo lnclude [azz arLlsLs from
around Lhe globe. 8uL, Lhe hoLels (flll) up monLhs ln advance lf Lhe fesLlval (lnclude) [azz arLlsLs from
around Lhe globe.
13. We are noL worrled abouL Lhe recenL sLrlng of robberles ln Lhe nelghbourhood because Lhe pollce
have sLarLed regularly paLrolllng Lhe area. 8uL, we (be) worrled abouL Lhe recenL sLrlng of robberles
ln Lhe nelghbourhood lf Lhe pollce (noL sLarL) regularly paLrolllng Lhe area.
16. lf Lhe frulL [ulce lncldenL (noL cause) a drop ln sales, Lhe company (acL) dlfferenLly Lwo years laLer.
17. lf Cerber (be) more open, lL (noL aLLracL) medla crlLlclsm. now Lhe newspapers are all over hlm.
18. lf Lhe company (wlLhdraw) Lhe baby food, people (Lhlnk) lL had acLed more eLhlcally.
19. lf MlcrosofL (explaln) lLs poslLlon, Lhe publlc (undersLand) Lhe company's declslon beLLer.
20. lf Lhe medla (noL reporL) Lhe food Lamperlng cases, Lhere (noL be) so many copycaL cases.

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 44


S.1 Indef|n|te ronouns, a short expos:
1he lndeflnlLe pronouns are:

Some(-body, -where, -th|ng)
any(-body, -where, -th|ng)
no(-body, -where, -th|ng)
every(-th|ng, -body, -where)

Some: Lo lndlcaLe a (small) number of people, Lhlngs or anlmals. used ln afflrmaLlve sen-
Lences, offers or requesLs.

1bete wete some ftleoJs of mloe ot tbe meetloq.
woolJ yoo llke some mote teo?
woolJ yoo pleose btloq me some olJ oewspopets?

Any: Same as above, buL used ln negaLlve or lnLerrogaLlve senLences.

1bete oteot ooy otooqes left. lve eoteo tbem oll.
uo yoo bove ooy tlckets fot toolqbts sbow?

Any CAn be used ln afflrmaLlve senLences, buL only Lo sLress Lhe followlng word.

oo coo bove ooytbloq yoo llke.
Aoy of tbe tbtee cooJlJotes ls qooJ eoooqb fot tbe post.
1he lasL example shows LhaL lL makes no dlfference whlch of Lhe (more Lhan Lwo) candldaLes
ls chosen.

No: can be used lnsLead of nC1 An?

1bete ote oo otooqes left. C8: 1bete oteot ooy otooqes left.

Noth|ng: can be used lndependenLly. 1he meanlng wlll be clear.

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 43

None: Can be used wlLhouL a followlng noun. Meanlng: noL any of Lhe ones (always more
Lhan Lwo) menLloned.

Nooe of tbe mooy cooJlJotes ote qooJ eoooqb.
l Joot tblok tbete ote ooy vlsltots left lo tbe bollJloq. At leost, lve seeo oooe.

8oth: used Lo refer Lo Lwo (people, anlmals, Lhlngs), followed by a plural noun. 8oth ls also
used ln comblnaLlon wlLh and.

8otb btotbets JeclJeJ tbot lt wos tlme to belp tbelt llttle slstet.
8otb Ilm ooJ 5osoo coo Jtlve o cot.

L|ther: Also used Lo refer Lo Lwo (people, anlmals, Lhlngs) LhaL share a cerLaln characLerlsLlc
(see 8C1P), buL followed by a slngular noun lnsLead of a plural. L|ther can be comblned wlLh
of, ln whlch case lL ls followed by a plural. L|ther ls also used ln comblnaLlon wlLh or, lndlcaL-
lng a cholce beLween Lwo (people, anlmals, Lhlngs).

1bete wete cbolts ot eltbet eoJ of tbe looq toble. (= aL boLh ends of Lhe Lable).
ltbet of tbese cooJlJotes ls ellqlble fot tbe job
oo coo ose eltbet o spooo ot o fotk wbeo yoo eot spoqbettl.

1he followlng example shows how Ll1PL8 can be used Lo lndlcaLe LhaL a cholce musL be

8otb cooJlJotes ote epoolly qooJ, so we coo cboose eltbet. (lf you sald, We can choose
boLh" here, lL would mean LhaL you would Lake on Lwo people, whereas Lhe meanlng should
be LhaL you musL choose one. L|ther lndlcaLes LhaL lL makes no dlfference whlch of Lhe Lwo
you choose.)

Ne|ther ls Lhe negaLlve form of elLher, meanlng 'none of Lhe Lwo'. Ne|ther can be com-
blned wlLh of, ln whlch case lL ls followed by a plural Ne|ther can also be used ln comblna-
Llon wlLh nor, whlch lndlcaLes LhaL no cholce can be made.

Neltbet cooJlJote wos qooJ eoooqb fot tbe job.
Neltbet of tbe cooJlJotes wos qooJ eoooqb fot tbe job.
Neltbet Ilm oot 5osoo coo Jtlve o cot.

A||: refers Lo a whole group, no excepLlons.

All tbe membets oqteeJ to tbe oew teqolotloos.
lL can also be used lndependenLly: All oqteeJ tbot tbls wos tbe best solotloo.

Lvery: 8efers Lo all members of a group (people, Lhlngs, anlmals), buL ls followed by a sln-
gular noun. 1he group shares a common characLerlsLlc.

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 46

vety Joy we boJ o meol ot tbe some testootoot, so evety eveoloq wos mote ot less tbe
Note: Lverybody" ls always slngular.

Lverybody ls here.

Lach: 8efers Lo all members of a group (people, Lhlngs, anlmals), [usL as wlLh every, lL ls fol-
lowed by a slngular noun. 1he dlfference beLween every and each: Lach sLresses Lhe lndl-
vldual aspecL of each member.

we weot to tbe some testootoot evety olqbt, bot eocb olqbt we boJ o Jlffeteot Jlsb.
ne petsooolly sbook eocb vlsltots booJ (so: one by one, each separaLely).
All booses lo tbls stteet wete JeslqoeJ by tbe some otcbltect, bot eocb boose bos lts owo ot-

Much: ls used for nouns LhaL are noL plural (Lhey cannoL be counLed, l.e. used wlLh a nu-

1here was so much nolse LhaL l couldn'L sleep.
Pow much money have you goL lefL?
Pow much beer have you had? (LoLal quanLlLy)

Many: ls used for plural nouns.

Mooy people stlll belleve tbot lvls ltesley ls oot JeoJ.
now mooy beets bove yoo boJ? (totol oombet of qlosses/plots)
1bete bove beeo mooy loclJeots ot tbe potty ceotte tbls seosoo.

Much can be used wlLhouL a followlng noun.

noL much wenL wrong.

Many can be used wlLhouL a followlng noun lf Lhe noun lL refers Lo has been menLloned

1he people ran away. Many were ln[ured ln Lhe exploslon.

L|tt|e and few are Lhe opposlLe Lo much and many. 1he same rules apply.

LlLLle: 1bete ls llttle mooey left.
1bete ls llttle we coo Jo.

lew: we boJ vety few cbooces left to wlo tbe flools.

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 47

All tbe qoests boJ JtesseJ op fot tbe mospoetoJe, bot few boJ beeo vety otlqlool lo
tbelt cbolce of costome.

noLe: 1here ls an lmporLanL dlfference beLween ||tt|e and a ||tt|e:

L|tt|e ls Lhe same as not much. (lL ls a negaLlve sLaLemenL, Lhe pesslmlsL's approach: 1bete
ls llttle mllk left.")
A ||tt|e ls Lhe same as some. (lL ls a poslLlve sLaLemenL- Lhe opLlmlsL's approach - 1bete ls
some/o llttle mllk left")

Iew ls Lhe same as noL many. 1here ls a slmllar dlfference beLween few and a few.
(negaLlve sLaLemenL - we bove few ftleoJs)
A few ls Lhe same as some. (poslLlve sLaLemenL - we bove o few ftleoJs)

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 48

Lxerc|ses Indef|n|te pronouns
I||| |n the appropr|ate |ndef|n|te pronoun: a||, each, some, any, e|ther, ne|ther, both, no,
none, every, much or many. Comb|nat|ons w|th "some" and "any" are poss|b|e (e.g. any-
th|ng, somewhere)

1. 1here were cups and plaLes aL . end of Lhe Lable.
2. 1he parL of PamleL cannoL be played by [usL . acLor: he musL be a Shakespeare ex-
3. . Cf Lhe vlllages ln Lhe norLh of Polland has lLs own aLmosphere.
4. Would you mlnd lendlng me . of Lhose chalrs. l need [usL a few.
3. ?ou can Lake . of Lhese Lhree rouLes Lo Zeeland: Lhey're . equally fasL.
6. ln maklng movles . can and wlll go wrong, so be prepared for Lhe worsL.
7. . of Lhe candldaLes ls flL enough for Lhe [ob, so we musL keep on searchlng.
8. . Carrle and Sue seem older Lhan Lhey are.
9. . for Lea?
10. l asked hlm Lo lend me . money, buL he sald he dldn'L have . .
11. . of Lhe Lwo flrms could supply us wlLh Lhe spare parLs, so we had Lo flnd anoLher
12. Cn . slde of Lhe sLreeL Lhere were shops, whlch . had Lhelr merchandlse dlsplayed
ouLslde, so we couldn'L walk properly .
13. . ln Lhe bulldlng had Lhe opporLunlLy Lo sLeal your purse, buL we can'L lnLerrogaLe . !
14. . eLer . Cabrlel noLlced LhaL . was wrong.
13. Pe had a glrl on . arm.
16. 1here were bus sLops on . sldes of Lhe sLreeL.
17. 1here ls no dlfference ln quallLy beLween Lhese Lwo producLs, so we can Lake .
(WhaL would Lhe soluLlon be lf Lhere were Lhree producLs Lo choose from?)
18. . of Lhe people presenL llked Lhe ldea, so lL was abandoned.
19. Cnly . people reallze how . money lL cosLs Lo produce good fresh waLer.
20. We have sold . baLhlng sulLs Lhls summer, whlch ls surprlslng, as Lhere has been .
raln, by uuLch sLandards.
21. . LhaL company and ours wlll make offers for Lhe pro[ecL.
22. . of Lhe many candldaLes ls ellglble for Lhe [ob: l don'L care whlch you choose.
23. 1lmoLhy and !lm .have problems wlLh spelllng, so . should wrlLe Lhe leLLer Lo Lhe
24. . of Lhe damaged houses were rebullL afLer Lhe war, so Lhere were no rulns lefL
when Lhe Cueen vlslLed Lhe vlllage Lhree years laLer.
23. Would you llke . more Lea?
26. Pow . people aLLended Lhe memorlal servlce?
27. 1here were Lwo chalrs aL . end of Lhe Lable.
28. . Lhe rooms ln our hoLel have been redecoraLed, and . room has lLs own aLmos-
29. Pe's golng on hollday wlLh ..... frlends ln !une.
30. ..... people dled of sLarvaLlon durlng Lhe war.
31. l am sure she doesn'L have ..... evldence for her accusaLlons.
32. ...... has been done Lo preserve our hlsLorlcal bulldlngs.
33. Whlle you are maklng breakfasL, l'll geL on wlLh ..... else.
34. 1here was never ..... quesLlon LhaL Clna would reLurn home.
33. Wasn'L Lhere .... problem abouL your Lax lasL year? l remember you Lelllng me
abouL lL.
36. !ohn dldn'L wanL Lo have ..... Lo do wlLh Lhe arrangemenLs for Lhe parLy.
37. unforLunaLely, .............. of Lhe early hlsLory of Zlmbabwe ls sLlll unknown.

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 49

38. lL ls reporLed LhaL Lhere has been ..... lmprovemenL ln Lhe resldenL's condlLlon.
39. 1here ls seldom ..... world news ln Lhe 1he ually SLar".
40. l'm golng on hollday nexL lrlday. - 8uL haven'L you goL.... lmporLanL work Lo fln-
41. Llsa couldn'L Lhlnk of .... else Lo buy.
42. ...... flfLy people answered Lhe adverLlsemenL.
43. ...... was sald, buL noL ..... was Lo rlghL polnL.
44. l've borrowed !ohn's gulLars. lf ....... happens Lo Lhem, he'll be really angry.
43. !oan's faLher scarcely ever leL her have ...... frlends round.
46. .............. quesLlons were asked, buL few were answered.
47. 1here can hardly be ...... doubL LhaL 8oger lederer ls Lhe besL Lennls player ln
Lhe world.
48. Pe LhoughL Lhe bad weaLher had .... Lo do wlLh all Lhe saLelllLes ln space.
49. l hope Lhere wasn'L ...... damage Lo your blcycle.
30. We don'L Lhlnk Lhere ls ..... wrong wlLh her wrlLlng ablllLy.
31. erhaps Lhere's ..... wrong wlLh Lhe plane.
32. Mlchael knew he was .............. ln a park, buL noL exacLly where.
33. l searched Lhe clLy for my llLLle daughLer, buL l couldn'L flnd her ...............
34. Mr. SchmldL was a Leacher from .............. near 8erlln.
33. AfLer Lhe accldenL Cary dldn'L go .............. near a moLor-cycle for Lhree years.
36. l Lry Lo vlslL my relaLlves ln Cermany .............. oLher year.
37. AlLhough Lhe play ls seL ln lLaly, .............. Lhe characLers are lLallan.
38. Laura saw Leo aL Lhe parLy. Pe wasn'L very frlendly. Pe dldn'L speak Lo her ..............
39. .............. day Lhey wenL Lo work by car.
60. !ason, aul and Mary were [usL .............. Lhose who came Lo say goodbye.
61. l'm golng away on 1hursday. l'll be away .............. monLh.
62. AfLer Lhe flghL Lhere was blood sLreamlng down .............. slde of hls face.
63. l flrsL saw hlm .............. afLer mldnlghL.
64. SLeven has Lo go overseas on buslness .............. oLher monLh.
63. ln a soccer maLch, .............. Leam has eleven players.
66. 8ecause lL was cheap .............. us used Lo go Lo Lhe LheaLer every 1uesday evenlng.
67. 1hls year l have vlslLed vlrLually .............. Afrlcan counLry.
68. lL wlll Lake .............. Llme, buL l'm sure you'll learn Lhe rules of baseball evenLually.
69. lrom nexL year, .............. baby ln Lhe counLry wlll be vacclnaLed agalnsL dlphLherla.
70. Clna and .............. her frlends were walLlng for us ln Lhe clnema.
71. 1he fllm was poorly aLLended, buL Lhe .............. people who came had a very good
72. l have .............. confldence ln her ablllLy Lo do Lhe [ob well.
73. 8aln ls llkely Lo reach .............. parL of Lhe counLry by evenlng.
74. 1he coach pronounced .............. name slowly and carefully as l wroLe Lhem down.
73. 1he soldlers seemed Lo have .............. ldea who Lhey were flghLlng agalnsL or why.
76. l vlslLed Lhe sLewardess ln hosplLal nearly .............. day.
77. 1he alrplanes were Laklng off every .............. mlnuLes.
78. We have .............. reason Lo bellef LhaL Lhe operaLlon has been a success.
79. .............. rlvers are as rlch ln hlsLory as Lhe nlle.
80. AfLer Lhe plane crashed ln Lhe deserL, Lhe survlvors dlvlded Lhe .............. waLer Lhey
had lefL beLween Lhem.
81. When he Look hls gloves off, l noLlced LhaL .............. one had hls name wrlLLen lnslde.
82. .............. prevlous experlence wlLh horse-drawn caravans ls needed.
83. WhaL [usLlflcaLlon dld he have for acLlng llke LhaL? - .............. aL all.
84. .............. of Lhe cafes we Lrled was open.

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 30

83. .............. of my parenLs ls Lngllsh.
86. aula and l dldn'L know Lhe Llme because .............. of us had a waLch.
87. l haven'L read .............. of Lhe books.
6. IkkLGULAk VLk8S

llashcards | Lxerclses | AbouL ulcLlonary
Inf|n|t|ve S|mp|e ast ast art|c|p|e
arlse arose arlsen
awake awakened / awoke awakened / awoken
be was, were been
bear bore born / borne
beaL beaL beaLen / beaL
become became become
begln began begun
bend benL benL
beL beL / betteJ [?] beL / betteJ [?]
bld bld bld
blnd bound bound
blLe blL blLLen
bleed bled bled
blow blew blown
break broke broken
breed bred bred
brlng broughL broughL

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 31

broadcasL broadcasL / broadcasLed broadcasL / broadcasLed
bulld bullL bullL
burn burned / burnL [?] burned / burnL [?]
bursL bursL bursL
busL busLed / busL busLed / busL
buy boughL boughL
casL casL casL
caLch caughL caughL
choose chose chosen
cllng clung clung
come came come
cosL cosL cosL
creep crepL crepL
cuL cuL cuL
deal dealL dealL
dlg dug dug
dlve dove / dlved dlved
do dld done
draw drew drawn
dream dreamed / dreamL [?] dreamed / dreamL [?]
drlnk drank drunk
drlve drove drlven
dwell dwelL / dwelled [?] dwelL / dwelled [?]

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 32

eaL aLe eaLen
fall fell fallen
feed fed fed
feel felL felL
flghL foughL foughL
flnd found found
flL flL / fltteJ [?] flL / fltteJ [?]
flee fled fled
fllng flung flung
fly flew flown
forbld forbade forbldden
forecasL forecasL forecasL
forego (also forgo) forewenL foregone
foresee foresaw foreseen
forgeL forgoL forgoLLen / fotqot [?]
forglve forgave forglven
forsake forsook forsaken
freeze froze frozen
geL goL goLLen / qot [?]
glve gave glven
go wenL gone
grlnd ground ground

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 33

grow grew grown
hang hung hung
have had had
hear heard heard
hlde hld hldden
hlL hlL hlL
hold held held
hurL hurL hurL
lnpuL lnpuL / lnpuLLed lnpuL / lnpuLLed
keep kepL kepL
kneel knelL / kneeled knelL / kneeled
knlL knlLLed / knlL knlLLed / knlL
know knew known
lay lald lald
lead led led
lean leaned / leanL [?] leaned / leanL [?]
leap leaped / leapL [?] leaped / leapL [?]
learn learned / learnL [?] learned / learnL [?]
leave lefL lefL
lend lenL lenL

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 34

leL leL leL
lle lay laln
lle (noL Lell LruLh) 8LCuLA8 lled lled
llghL llL / llghLed llL / llghLed
lose losL losL
make made made
mean meanL meanL
meeL meL meL
mlslead mlsled mlsled
mlsLake mlsLook mlsLaken
mlsundersLand mlsundersLood mlsundersLood
mow mowed mowed / mown
offseL offseL offseL
ouLdo ouLdld ouLdone
ouLgrow ouLgrew ouLgrown
ouLsleep ouLslepL ouLslepL
ouLsmell ouLsmelled / ouLsmelL [?] ouLsmelled / ouLsmelL [?]
overbld overbld overbld
overcome overcame overcome
overdo overdld overdone
overdraw overdrew overdrawn
overhear overheard overheard
overrun overran overrun

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 33

oversee oversaw overseen
overshooL overshoL overshoL
oversleep overslepL overslepL
overspend overspenL overspenL
oversplll overspllled / overspllL [?] overspllled / overspllL [?]
overLake overLook overLaken
overLhlnk overLhoughL overLhoughL
overLhrow overLhrew overLhrown

parLake parLook parLaken
pay pald pald
plead pleaded / pled pleaded / pled
proofread proofread proofread
prove proved proven / proved
puL puL puL

qulL qulL / poltteJ [?] qulL / poltteJ [?]
read read (sounds llke "red") read (sounds llke "red")
rebulld rebullL rebullL
redo redld redone
repay repald repald
resell resold resold
reseL reseL reseL
rewlnd rewound rewound

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 36

rewrlLe rewroLe rewrlLLen
rld rld rld
rlde rode rldden
rlng rang rung
rlse rose rlsen
run ran run
saw sawed sawed / sawn
say sald sald
see saw seen
seek soughL soughL
sell sold sold
send senL senL
seL seL seL
sew sewed sewn / sewed
shake shook shaken
shave shaved shaved / shaven
shear sheared sheared / shorn
shed shed shed
shlne shlned / shone [?] shlned / shone [?]
shlL shlL / sbot / shlLLed shlL/ sbot / shlLLed
shooL shoL shoL
show showed shown / showed
shrlnk shrank / shrunk shrunk
shuL shuL shuL

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 37

slng sang sung
slnk sank / sunk sunk
slL saL saL
sleep slepL slepL
sllde slld slld
sllng slung slung
sllnk sllnked / slunk sllnked / slunk
sllL sllL sllL
smell smelled / smelL [?] smelled / smelL [?]
sneak sneaked / snuck sneaked / snuck
sow sowed sown / sowed
speak spoke spoken
speed sped / speeded sped / speeded
spell spelled / spelL [?] spelled / spelL [?]
spend spenL spenL
splll spllled / spllL [?] spllled / spllL [?]
spln spun spun
splL splL / spot splL / spot
spllL spllL spllL
spoll spolled / spollL [?] spolled / spollL [?]
spread spread spread
sprlng sprang / sprung sprung
sLand sLood sLood
sLeal sLole sLolen
sLlck sLuck sLuck

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 38

sLlng sLung sLung
sLlnk sLunk / sLank sLunk
sLrew sLrewed sLrewn / sLrewed
sLrlde sLrode sLrldden
sLrlke (deleLe) sLruck sLrlcken
sLrlke (hlL) sLruck sLruck / sLrlcken
sLrlng sLrung sLrung
sLrlve sLrove / sLrlved sLrlven / sLrlved
sunburn sunburned / sunburnL [?] sunburned / sunburnL [?]
swear swore sworn
sweaL sweaL / sweaLed sweaL / sweaLed
sweep swepL swepL
swell swelled swollen / swelled
swlm swam swum
swlng swung swung
Lake Look Laken
Leach LaughL LaughL
Lear Lore Lorn
Lell Lold Lold
Lhlnk LhoughL LhoughL
Lhrow Lhrew Lhrown
LhrusL LhrusL LhrusL
Lread Lrod Lrodden / Lrod

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 39

undergo underwenL undergone
underlle underlay underlaln
undersLand undersLood undersLood
underLake underLook underLaken
underwrlLe underwroLe underwrlLLen
undo undld undone
uphold upheld upheld
upseL upseL upseL
wake woke / waked woken / waked
wear wore worn
weave wove / weaved woven / weaved
wed wed / wedded wed / wedded
weep wepL wepL
weL weL / wetteJ [?] weL / wetteJ [?]
wln won won
wlnd wound wound
wlLhdraw wlLhdrew wlLhdrawn
wlLhhold wlLhheld wlLhheld
wlLhsLand wlLhsLood wlLhsLood
wrlng wrung wrung
wrlLe wroLe wrlLLen

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 60

1he grammar exam aL Lhe end of SemesLer 1 wlll be ln a slmllar formaL. ?ou can only provlde
one answer per lLem. An answer key wlll be provlded by your lecLurer.
l 1LnSLS
1. l .. (go) Lo orLugal flve years ago. Slnce Lhen l .. (noL speak) orLuguese, and .. (forgeL)
nearly all l .. (learn) Lhere.
2. Whlle we .. (eaL) lunch, aul .. (fall) from hls chalr and .. (hurL) hls head.
3. Look ! My socks already .. (wear) ouL aL Lhe heels, even Lhough l .. (wear) Lwo palrs aL once
Lhese lasL few weeks.
4. 8y Lhe way, when .. (Lake) Anne her examlnaLlon?
3. 8y Lhls Llme nexL week you .. (meeL) my frlend Cyrll.
6. ?ou musLn'L geL up unLll your LemperaLure .. (go) down.
7. 1he archaeologlsL .. (say) LhaL Lhe glorles of 1uLankhamen ..(noL be) aL all exaggeraLed.
8. l always .. (Lell) you Lo comb your halr, buL you never ..(do) whaL l .. (say).
9. 1hey .. (sell) everyLhlng before we geL Lhere lf we ... (noL hurry).
10. Pe .. (know) her for a long Llme before he flnally .. (geL) marrled Lo her.


1. l couldn'L reslsL (ask) hlm why he was Lrylng (avold) (meeL) me.
2. Pave you ever waLched people (Lry) (caLch) flsh?
3. lease (begln) (eaL) now wlLhouL (walL) for Lhe oLhers Lo come. 1here's no (Lell) when Lhey'll
manage (geL) here.
4. l should llke you (know) LhaL lL's no use (blame) me for your delay.
3. A chlld can'L learn (spell) wlLhouL (be) helped.


llll ln Lhe correcL modal and Lense. ?ou may use Lhe followlng modal auxlllarles: can, could, be
able, may, mlghL, be allowed, musL, have Lo, should, oughL Lo, need. use negaLlves and/or Lhe
perfecL lnflnlLlve (e.g. have done) whenever necessary.
1. l dld noL see anyLhlng. Pe .. (be) very careful noL Lo leL us see hlm.
2. ?ou .. (noL eaL) here. So l wanL Lo you Lo puL away your food lmmedlaLely!
3. Pe .. (be) raLher well off - Pe's always buylng me presenLs.
4. lL.. (noL be) very lnLeresLlng, oLherwlse you would have sLayed Llll Lhe end of Lhe show.
3. ?ou .. (help) me, seelng you were aL home all Lhe Llme!
6. 1here's a resLauranL near our aparLmenL, so l .. (cook) durlng my holldays.
7. l .. (save) mosL of my belonglngs from Lhe flre, Lhank Cod.
8. l Lold her she.. (clean) Lhe wlndows every oLher week.
9. lf you are noL sure abouL Lhe legal slLuaLlon, you .. (go) and see a sollclLor.
10. 1here was a flre drlll and we all .. (leave) Lhe bulldlng.


l. CompleLe Lhese senLences:
1. unless someone Lells me Lhe way, ..

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 61

2. lf l had been ln love wlLh hlm (her),..
3. l should noL have losL my money lf ..
4. lf l meL your broLher ln Lhe sLreeL, ..
3. lf our Leacher were noL so sLrlcL,..
6. 1ell hlm he musL vlslL Lhe 1ower lf he ever .. (go) Lo London.
7. lf l .. (had) Lhe courage, l would have answered hlm back
8. Pe .. (noL begln) Lo learn Lngllsh lf he had been good aL lrench.
9. l would noL do LhaL lf l .. (be ) you.
10. lf lL .. (be) convenlenL, leL's meeL aL nlne o'clock.


use lndeflnlLe pronouns ln Lhe followlng senLences, use words llke: each, every, all, elLher, nel-
Lher, some, any, no, none, boLh, much, many, a loL of. ComblnaLlons wlLh some/any/every/no,
are posslble.
1. 1hese Lwo cars are so slmllar, lL doesn'L maLLer whlch one l chose, l can Lake ...
2. l do noL mlnd whlch day we meeL. ?ou can vlslL me .. day nexL week.
3. She LesLed Lwo producLs buL .. proved Lo be saLlsfacLory.
4. l need .. new penclls. Pave you .. penclls l could borrow for now?
3. uld you know LhaL .. hls slsLers llve ln new Zealand and Lhese Lwo are Lhe only famlly he
6. AlLhough l Lrled .. ln my power l dld noL manage Lo persuade her.
7. Whlch dlcLlonary do you wanL, Lngllsh - lrench or lrench - Lngllsh?" .. one wlll do , l [usL
need Lo check Lhe spelllng."
8. ulnner wlll be a success, no maLLer whaL you cook. Pe'll eaL ...
9. .. of Lhe specLaLors saw whaL acLually happened. .. dld Lhe Lwo referees, so Lhe player goL
away wlLh lL.
10. .. members of sLaff wlll recelve a membershlp card, whlch enLlLles Lhem Lo all klnds of dls-
counLs ln local shops.

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 62

art 2: resentat|ons

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 63

Modu|e descr|pt|on resentat|ons
Lducat|ona| rogramme
l8M8C109- C8
(arLlal Croup res-
1 (for 2 b|ocks)
Note: 1h|s LC1 |sn't awarded unt|| the m|n|mum requ|re-
ments for a|| the 3 8CN part|a| modu|es
have been met.
ear of Study:
1 and 2
Contact nours per Week 1 per nALI group
Study Load 28 hours of work for 2 b|ocks:
Lectures: 16 x S0 m|nutes =ca.13.S hrs,
Se|f Study + Ass|gnments 14.S hours
ConLacL Pours 13.3 hrs (for 2 blocks)
Self SLudy 14.3 hrs (for 2 blocks)
kCM ract|ce and student dr|ven
Contr|but|on to I8MS ro-
Student can express h|mse|f f|uent|y and correct|y |n Lng||sh
Can accepL crlLlclsm and puL lL Lo good use
Can cooperaLe wlLh oLhers ln a mulLlculLural
Dub||n Descr|ptor(s) knowledge and undersLandlng + CommunlcaLlon
ke|at|on w|th other modu|es]sub[ects Crammar
Learn|ng 1rack SemesLer 1 8Cn (see Lhe relevanL learnlng Lrack ln a separaLe documenL)
Start|ng Leve| LxlL level PAvC/vWC, M8C level 4 or slmllar forelgn dlploma
Learn|ng Cb[ec-
1o enable sLudenLs Lo communlcaLe freely and effecLlvely ln publlc speaklng
1o lmprove sLudenLs' accenLs and undersLandlng
1o learn how Lo consLrucL a presenLaLlon uslng a research quesLlon and/or problem sLaLemenL.
Instruct|on Method(s) Workshop sLyle: lnsLrucLlon followed by Lasks performed by sLudenLs
Assessment Method(s) ConLlnuous assessmenL durlng course
Structure Grad|ng WelghL 1
Mlnlmum re-
4.0 average grade for the presentat|on performed by the team
kequ|red) Attendance CbllgaLory aLLendance. olnLs are deducLed for m|ss|ng more than 2 c|asses per semester
Short out||ne of Lducat|ona| Un|t
Content and p|ann|ng of |ectures and exams]assessments
8l. 1
lnsLrucLlon MeLhods/Lxams Cs
ConLenL/ Sub[ecLs (x)
1 1 Workshop sLyle (see above) 13 varlous oral exerclses: llsLenlng comprehenslon, class dlscusslons,
debaLes eLc.
2 1 ,, ,, ,,
3 1
,, ,,
4 1 ,, ,, ,,

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 64

3 1 ,, ,, lormlng palrs Lo glve presenLaLlons as of week 8
6 1 ,, ,, lnLroducLlon Lo resenLaLlon Skllls.
7 1.3 1 ,, ,, lnLroducLory exerclses
8 2 1 ,, ,, resenLaLlon(s) by palrs
,, ,, ,,
(#) ssL = self sLudy (*) gs = Croup slze
(x) plannlng wlLh reservaLlon, ad[usLmenLs wlll be publlshed ln course ouLllnes (and hand ouL).

Iac|||t|es]c|assroom 8egular classroom, blg enough Lo accommodaLe half group
L|terature and A|ds
1|t|e: 8Cn 8eader SemesLer 1, SLC1lCn 3: resenLaLlon skllls
1ype 8eader
Compu|sory ?es
Author(s) 8Cn lecLurers
Informat|on]Lecturer: keader ava||ab|e |n Netwerkmappen > 8CN fo|der

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 63


lts not obout whot you soy, but how you soy lt...
ln groups of four dlscuss Lhe followlng quesLlons and prepare Lhe answer Lo quesLlon 3 so one person
from your group can presenL lL Lo Lhe resL. Lach group needs Lo hand ln Lhe noLes on Lhe group dlscus-
slon aL Lhe end of Lhe class. (120 words)
D|scuss these quest|ons.
1. uo you ever have Lo speak Lo an audlence? Pow does lL make you feel?
2. Pave you ever heard a speaker who you felL was lnsplraLlonal? WhaL Lechnlques dld he/she use Lo en-
gage Lhe audlence?
3. WhaL, for you, makes a good presenLaLlon?
4. WhaL mlghL be some of Lhe lssues Lo bear ln mlnd when glvlng a presenLaLlon Lo an lnLernaLlonal audl-
1 Cn|y the prepared speaker
2 A|| the great speakers
3 Cnce you get peop|e |augh|ng Lhey're llsLen-
4 It |s de||very
3 Most speakers
6 1here |s noth|ng |n the wor|d ||ke
a) were bad speakers at f|rst
b) a persuas|ve speech to fudd|e the men-
ta| apparatus
c) speak ten m|nutes too |ong
d) that makes the orator's success
e) deserves to be conf|dent
f) and you can te|| them a|most anyth|ng

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1 1he |nternat|ona| stage

Act|v|ty 1
D|scuss these quest|ons.
1. Pow would you ldeally seL up a room for a small meeLlng / a semlnar / a conference?
2. Whlch colours have poslLlve and negaLlve connoLaLlons for you?
3. AparL from speaklng, how else can audlences show Lhelr reacLlon Lo a presenLaLlon?
4. WhaL advlce would you glve an overseas speaker abouL Lo glve a presenLaLlon ln your
counLry? 1hlnk abouL some of Lhe followlng:
SeaLlng arrangemenLs
LengLh of speech
8ody gesLures
Audlence reacLlons
vlsual alds
use of humour and personal anecdoLes
1aboo sub[ecLs
CuesLlon-and-answer sesslons

Act|v|ty 2
Speaker Cne (Mlchael) Speaker 1wo ( Arlanne) Speaker 1hree
L|sten and choose the best summary of each speaker's ma|n po|nt.
a) Always organlse Lhe room so LhaL Lhe lmporLanL guesLs are aL Lhe fronL.
b) uon'L make assumpLlons based on Lhe audlence's reacLlons.
c) 8e careful wlLh Lhe language you use when glvlng a presenLaLlon.
d) 8e aware of and Lry Lo be senslLlve Lo local cusLoms.
e) uslng [okes and humour ls a good way Lo geL Lhe audlence on your slde.
f) CuesLlon-and-answer sesslons are unlversally popular.

L|sten to the speakers aga|n, take notes and answer these quest|ons.
1. WhaL dld Mlchael reallse when he was Lalklng Lo a group of execuLlves ln Ceneva?
2. Pow does he descrlbe hls speaklng sLyle, and why does he wanL Lo change lL?
3. WhaL does he plan Lo do as parL of hls preparaLlon for hls nexL presenLaLlon?
4. WhaL dld Arlanne flnd ouL when she was due Lo speak ln 1halland?
3. Pow does she usually arrange Lhe room when she ls glvlng a Lalk?
6. WhaL dld she do on Lhls occaslon?
7. ln !apan, how mlghL people ln an audlence show LhaL Lhey are llsLenlng?
8. Pow may an audlence show Lhelr approval ln Cermany and AusLrla?

Ass|gnment 1
repare LexL for Lhe webslLe abouL glvlng presenLaLlons Lo lnLernaLlonal audlences.
1he webslLe wlll need Lo be submlLLed ln prlnL, hLml, n[Lschool, eLc.

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 67

Ass|gnment 2
repare a 3-mlnuLe speech ln whlch you wlll presenL your counLry Lo Lhe lnLernaLlonal audlence.
Choose one of Lhe followlng aspecLs: culLure (llLeraLure, clnema, muslc), hlsLory (avoldlng pre-
senL pollLlcal slLuaLlon), LradlLlons, fesLlvals and holldays, geography, rules for dolng buslness,
lnLernaLlonal relaLlons, eLc. 1ry Lo keep your speech lnLeresLlng and lnformaLlve, [usL as lf you
were Lrylng Lo Leach someone. ?ou wlll noL be allowed Lo read durlng your presenLaLlon.

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 68

2 Speak|ng

ronunc|at|on and word stress.
Act|v|ty 1
underllne Lhe sLressed syllable ln Lhe followlng words:
lectloos (wbot boppeos lf we sttess tbe wtooq sylloble?)
ltoJoct, ptoJoce, ptoJoctlvlty
cooomy, ecooomlcol,
Pow does Lhe sLress shlfL when we change verbs lnLo nouns, ad[ecLlves eLc.
1ry pronounclng Lhese palrs of words:

ooolyse ooJetstooJ metboJ otqoolse tespooslble
ooolytlcol ooJetstooJoble metboJlcol otqoolsotloo tespooslblllty
now ln groups make slmllar palrs and Lry Lo play wlLh Lhe word sLress.
Act|v|ty 2
8ead aloud a passage from Lhe arLlcle LhaL you have recelved Lo Lhe resL of your group. 1hey should be
able Lo spoL posslble pronunclaLlon and word sLress mlsLakes ln longer words. 1hen Lry Lo paraphrase a
dlfferenL passage ln your own words. Check lf Lhe audlence undersLood your message.
WrlLe a summary (300 words) of your arLlcle and brlng lL Lo Lhe nexL class as you wlll be worklng on a
presenLaLlon scrlpL. ?ou need Lo brlng Lwo coples of your summary, one Lo be handed ln, and one Lo
work on durlng Lhe class.

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 69

3 1he Art of khetor|c

uefinition of khetoric: 1he ort or study of usinq /onquoqe effective/y ond persuosive/y.
without knowinq the force of words, it is impossib/e to know men.
Confuc|us, Ch|nese h||osopher, c.SS1-478 8C
Act|v|ty 1.
ulscuss Lhe quoLe and prepare Lo glve a 1-mlnuLe Lalk on Lhe use of rheLorlc ln publlc speeches. Can you
glve examples of greaL speakers from your counLry or someone lnLernaLlonally famous?
Act|v|ty 2. Al Core
?ou are golng Lo waLch Al Core glvlng a speech on Creen Lnergy, whlle llsLenlng you should noLe down
Lhe use of Lhe followlng:
1. AnecdoLes
2. ersonal sLorles
3. resenLlng numbers
4. Comparlson
3. LlsLlngs
6. uescrlblng a process
7. Word sLress and senLence sLress
8. Lmphasls and lnLonaLlon

now compare your noLes wlLh oLher group members and LogeLher wrlLe a shorL
reporL ln whlch you wlll sum up Lhe general use of rheLorlc.

Lmphas|s|ng |nformat|on
a) Us|ng whot
1he key ldeas ln your presenLaLlon can be glven parLlcular emphasls by Lhe way you formulaLe Lhem. ?ou
can do Lhls ln Lhe followlng ways: Announce your maln Loplc by sLarLlng your senLence wlLh an unusual
word order uslng wbot. Compare:
l woolJ llke to Jlscoss tbe coosepoeoces of floooclol ctlsls lo tbe uolteJ 5totes .
wbot l woolJ llke to Jlscoss ote tbe coosepoeoces of floooclol ctlsls lo tbe uolteJ 5totes .

b) kepet|t|on
use repeLlLlon Lo hlghllghL a polnL. Compare:
we woot to ptoJoce mote, bettet ooJ cbeopet cots.
we woot to moke mote cots, we woot to moke bettet cots ooJ we woot to moke cbeopet cots.

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 70

c) kestat|ng
8esLaLe whaL you have [usL sald, buL glve lL anoLher slanL. ?ou can use phrases llke 'lo otbet wotJs' or 'to
pot lt Jlffeteotly'.

d) Summar|s|ng
lnclude a summary afLer you have made a few lmporLanL polnLs. ln long presenLaLlons you could summa-
rlse lmporLanL polnLs LhaL loglcally belong LogeLher: for example, Lhe advanLages of a cerLaln plan. ln Lhe
summary you should repeaL Lhe maln polnLs and leave ouL Lhe deLalls.

Act|v|ty 3
CreaLe emphasls ln Lhe followlng senLences uslng Lhe Lechnlques descrlbed above.
l tblok we sboolJ blte mote stoff.
1bls ptlotet ls fost, polet ooJ cbeop. (use Lhe consLrucLlon: noL only..... buL also.....)
we'te tecommeoJloq costomets to lovest lo sbotes.
1bey botJly evet lofotm yoo oboot tbe oeqotlve slJe effects.
l woolJ llke to oJJ tbot tbls ploo coolJ be beoeflclol to botb of os.

Act|v|ty 1.
SLudy Lhe followlng examples of rheLorlcal devlces.
Speakers ofLen use:
LlsLs of Lhree
e.g. 'Covetomeot of tbe people, by tbe people, fot tbe people'(Abraham Llncoln, 16
resldenL of Lhe
unlLed SLaLes)
8heLorlcal quesLlons Lo produce an effecL raLher Lhan Lo geL an answer
e.g. '5o wbot ls to be Jooe?' (vladlmlr ll[lLs[ leolo, fltst leoJet of tbe 5ovlet uoloo)
Adverbs Lo relnforce whaL Lhey say
e.g. 'l otqe yoo to oct oow'
ConLrasLlng palr of ldeas
e.g. 'Moo ls boto ftee ooJ evetywbete ls lo cbolos' (!ean-!acques 8ousseau, 18
cenLury Swlss-lrench
AlllLeraLlon, where Lwo or more words ln successlon begln wlLh Lhe same leLLer/sound
e.g. tbe tettlble twlos
meLaphors Lo make Lhelr language more memorable
e.g. 1be offlce wos o beeblve of octlvlty

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 71

slmlles Lo make Lhelr language more memorable
e.g. nls botse wos os block os cool

Work on your arLlcle summary Lo prepare a presenLaLlon scrlpL. Make sure you employ some of Lhe
above menLloned rheLorlcal devlces. 8elow you flnd varlous phrases and expresslon you should use ln
your speech. 1he acLual speech should be 3 mlnuLes long. Make sure LhaL you do noL learn your speech
by hearL as Lhls would resulL ln a conslderable loss of lnLonaLlon, arLlculaLlon, eLc. use cue cards conLaln-
lng keywords.

Lxpress|ons and |ntroductory phrases

1hank|ng peop|e for com|ng
CooJ motoloq oftetoooo etc.
lJ llke to toke tbe oppottoolty to tbook yoo fot comloq bete toJoy

8eg|nn|ng and Stat|ng ob[ect|ves
klqbt lets moke o stott.
lets beqlo
lm qoloq to beqlo by.
lm bete toJoy to.
1be object/sobject of toJoys tolk ls to..

My pteseototloo/tolk ls JlvlJeJ loto tbtee potts/sectloos..
lJ llke to beqlo by.
l bove foot molo polots..

Introduce another speaker
l om qoloq to/lJ llke to booJ yoo ovet/poss yoo ovet to Iolloo wbo ls qoloq to tolk yoo
Aoole wlll be tellloq yoo oboot...
lool ls oow qoloq to toke ovet..

kecap what prev|ous speaker has sa|d
keltb bos qlveo yoo oo ovetvlew of..
we bove jost beotJ ftom keltb.
As lool solJ.

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 72

kecogn|s|ng know|edge
oo ote cettololy owote
As yoo koow.
oove ptobobly beotJ some of tbls befote.

kefer to a d|agram]f|gures
(5o) lets look /bove/toke o look ot .
lJ llke to Jtow yoot otteotloo to.
As yoo coo see .
lf yooJ llke to toto to poqe 6 of tbe booJoot . lll...
lts wottb ootloq/lts lotetestloq to oote

Lnumerate po|nts
1o beqlo wltb/lltst of oll/lltstly
lloolly/1o coocloJe/lo cooclosloo

Mov|ng to another top|c
1bls btloqs me/os to tbe key lssoe .
lJ oow llke to toto to ..
Now lets look ot/cooslJet.
lll oow move oo to my oext polot wblcb ls.
8efote l move oo, Joes ooyooe bove ooy poestloos/poetles..

Descr|b|ng the stages of a process

khetor|ca| quest|ons
(5o) wbot coo we leoto ftom tbls?
now sboolJ we lotetptet tbese flqotes/stotlstlcs
oote ptobobly oskloq yootselves wbot tbls oll meoos.

Sett|ng gu|de||nes for quest|ons
lm boppy to ooswet yoot poestloos ot tbe eoJ of my pteseototloo.
lleose feel ftee to lotettopt of yoo bove ooy poestloos.
lll Jeol wltb poestloos ot tbe eoJ of tbe tolk.
lll come bock to tbot ot tbe eoJ lf yoo Joot mloJ

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 73

4 resentat|on Ingred|ents

4.1 Structure of a presentat|on
resenLaLlons can only be effecLlve lf Lhey're well-sLrucLured. MosL buslness presenLaLlons follow
Lhe so-called 'Lell-em' formula, whlch ls a sLralghLforward approach wlLh Lhe audlence knowlng
whaL Lhls presenLaLlon ls all abouL, where lL's headed and wlLh few surprlses (so no confuslon):
A. ou get 'em to ||sten to you.
8. ou te|| 'em what you're go|ng to te|| 'em.
C. ou te|| 'em.
D. ou te|| 'em what you've to|d 'em.
L. ou te|| 'em what to do w|th the |nformat|on.

4.1.1 4ttention 6etters
Act|v|ty 1
8ead Lhe followlng openlng llnes, Lhen answer Lhese quesLlons.
ls Lhe openlng sulLable for Lhe presenLaLlon?
WhaL are Lhe reasons for your answer?

1. Many people don'L know LhaL Len percenL of AusLrallans consume 80 percenL of Lhe beer drunk ln
AusLralla. (lor a presenLaLlon on AusLrallan beer producLlon.)
2. AusLralla ls locaLed beLween Lhe lndlan and SouLh aclflc oceans. (A presenLaLlon on envlronmenLal
proLecLlon ln AusLralla.)
3. AlLhough AusLralla was founded as a convlcL colony, Lhe homlclde raLe ln AusLralla ls much lower
Lhan lL ls ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes. (A presenLaLlon on crlme ln AusLralla.)
4. When l was ln AusLralla lasL year, l noLlced LhaL many people llked gambllng. LaLer on l heard LhaL Lhe
counLry has one-flfLh of all Lhe poker machlnes ln Lhe world. (A presenLaLlon on lelsure ln AusLralla.)
S. noL many people know LhaL kangaroos cannoL walk backwards. (A presenLaLlon on envlronmenLal
proLecLlon ln AusLralla.)
6. AusLralla 4,000 km wlde from easL Lo wesL, has a coasLllne of 36,733 km and covers 7,682,300 square
kllomeLres. (A presenLaLlon on Lown and counLry plannlng ln AusLralla.)

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 74

Act|v|ty 2
Now match the presentat|on open|ngs be|ow to the techn|ques they exemp||fy.
resentat|on open|ngs 1echn|que
1. Pow many of you here Loday have
ever been ln Lhe slLuaLlon where you
wanLed Lo geL cash from Lhe bank on a
a. maklng a Loplc sLaLemenL
2. l remember Lhe Llme when l was asked
a dlfflculL quesLlon ln an lnLervlew and
had no ldea whaL Lo say.
b. glvlng an amazlng/surprlslng facL/sLaLlsLlc
3. WhaL's Lhe blggesL problem LhaL car
drlvers face Loday?
c. vlsuallsaLlon of sLaLlsLlcs
4. We have found LhaL four ouL of every
flve homeowners don'L have adequaLe
lnsurance cover.
d. ersonallsaLlon Lhrough rheLorlcal/genulne
quesLlons abouL audlence's experlences
3. WlLh Lhls producL you'll be able Lo
slash 33 off your fuel bllls.
e. ersonal anecdoLe
6. 1oday l'm golng Lo Lalk Lo you abouL
Lhe new sLaff Lralnlng programme.
f. SLaLlng a problem/personallsaLlon Lhrough
rheLorlcal/genulne quesLlons abouL general
7. uld you know LhaL Amerlcans on aver-
age eaL 18 acres of plzza every day?
g. Showlng Lhe beneflLs and opporLunlLles of
your producL/servlce eLc.

4.1.2 lntroduction

Act|v|ty 1
Match these sentences for |ntroduc|ng a presentat|on
1. l am very pleased Lo . a. any Llme lf you need clarlflcaLlon
2. 1hank you very much for . b. your quesLlons aL Lhe end of my Lalk
3. My alm for Loday's presenLaLlon ls . c. comlng along Lo Loday's Lalk
4. Cur company ls parLlcularly proud . d. welcome you here Lhls mornlng
3. l wlll be happy Lo Lake any of . e. Lo glve you an overvlew of Lhe company
6. lease feel free Lo lnLerrupL me . f. of our excellenL Lrack record

Act|v|ty 2
resentat|on Introduct|on
L|sten to an |ntroduct|on to a presentat|on and comp|ete the speaker's notes. What express|ons
does she use to engage the aud|ence's |nterest?

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 73

CooJ motoloq. My oome ls ulooo nolJeo, lm Je lloooce ultectot fot 82 5ystems. lm bete toJoy
....., oot sbotebolJet, oboot tbe btlqbt fotote obeoJ fot oot compooy. lll ...... oo lost yeots
floooclol tesolts. 1beo lll tolk oboot oot teceot petfotmooce lo tbe post poottet. lloolly ...... oot
ptojectloos ooJ tbe compooys expoosloo ploos fot tbe fotote. ..... Aqtee tbot 82 ls qtowloq
ftom stteoqtb to stteoqtb. 1betell be oo oppottoolty ot tbe eoJ of my pteseototloo to ...... yoo
mlqbt bove.
Act|v|ty 3
Max Wllkes ls a managemenL consulLanL. 8ead hls lnLroducLlon Lo a presenLaLlon and flnd ouL how he:
sLaLes hls alms.
Lells hls audlence abouL Lhe dlfferenL sLages of Lhe presenLaLlon.
Lhanks Lhe audlence for Lhelr co-operaLlon.

CooJ motoloq evetyboJy. As yoo koow, lm bete toJoy to pteseot oot floJloqs ooJ sbote oot soqqes-
tloos wltb yoo. lltst of oll lll ootlloe tbe fltms cotteot posltloo ooJ tolk yoo tbtooqb tbe evlJeoce.
Next, l wlll ptopose some lmmeJlote steps lt sboolJ toke. lloolly, we sboll pot fotwotJ some tecom-
meoJotloos fot tbe looqet tetm ooJ Jlscoss tbe oltetootlves. nowevet, befote l beqlo, oo bebolf tbe
eotlte teom, lJ llke to tbook yoo oll fot yoot opeooess ooJ co-opetotloo. we oll oppteclote bow Jlffl-
colt lt ls to be ooJet tbe mlctoscope.
Max W||kes resentat|on
now llsLen and check your answers. Whlch lnLroducLory expresslons does Max use Lo:
dlrecL hls audlence?
lnform Lhe audlence of hls plans?
slgnal a move Lo a new sLage of Lhe presenLaLlon?

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 76

4.1.l 1he moin body
Cnce you have collecLed all lnformaLlon for a presenLaLlon, lL needs Lo be ordered. As some ln-
formaLlon may be more relevanL Lhan oLher blLs of lnformaLlon, you need Lo prlorlLlse Lhe lnfor-
maLlon you have gaLhered.
8efore you begln, wrlLe down every polnL relevanL Lo Lhe Lo Lheme of your presenLaLlon, and puL
each ln one of Lhe caLegorles below havlng your purpose and audlence ln mlnd. WhaL ls lL LhaL
your audlence musL know, should know or whaL would be nlce for Lhem Lo know.

Must know : Lnsure LhaL
you have prlorlLlsed Lhe
facLs correcLly and lncluded
all Lhe essenLlal lnformaLlon

Shou|d know: llll ln your maLerlal
wlLh relevanL examples Lo reln-
force your maln polnLs

N|ce to know: use lLems of
parLlcular lnLeresL or appeal,
whlch are noL essenLlal buL wlll
enhance audlence en[oymenL
of your presenLaLlon, Lo add
humour and LoplcallLy Lo your

AfLer you have caLegorlsed Lhe lnformaLlon, lL ls Llme Lo organlse lL. 1he maln body of a presenLa-
Llon should be clearly sLrucLured, lf you wanL Lhe audlence Lo be able Lo follow whaL's belng sald.
lf Lhey can'L follow you, Lhey'll lose lnLeresL.
lL ls helpful Lo prepare a wr|tten out||ne of Lhe maLerlal LhaL you wlsh Lo presenL. 1hls wlll help Lo
clarlfy Lhe sLrucLure of your presenLaLlon whlle you are wrlLlng lL and can be used Lo [og your
memory whlle you are maklng Lhe presenLaLlon.
MosL presenLaLlons follow slmllar paLLerns. ConsulL Lhe followlng paLLerns ln relaLlon wlLh Lhelr
1he rob|em attern (1o move to act|on)
SLaLe Lhe problem
uemonsLraLe Lhe effecLs
1race Lhe causes
Cffer soluLlons

1he Cp|n|on attern (1o persuade)
SLaLe your oplnlon
LsLabllsh slgnlflcance
Clve reasons

Must know Shou|d know N|ce to know

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 77

ro[ecL lmpllcaLlons
uraw concluslons

1he 1hes|s attern (1o prove someth|ng)
SLaLe Lhe Lhesls
Show lmpllcaLlons
LlsL proofs
uraw concluslons

1he Instruct|on attern (1o |nstruct)
maLerlals (opLlonal)
SLaLe Lhe purpose
LlsL sLeps

1he Informat|ona| attern (1o share |nformat|on)
1ell: who, whaL, where, when, how, why
So Lhlnk of your Lhree of four maln polnLs as A, 8, C, and u, and Lhen puL subheadlngs under
each one (1, 2, 3). Label any secondary subheadlngs as l), ll), lll), and so on. When wrlLlng Lhese
noLes, keep Lhem slmple so LhaL hey are easy Lo read aL a glance.
Make up a rough ouLllne of Lhe sLrucLure you are plannlng for your presenLaLlon, as ln Lhe sam-
ple below. use Lhls as a basls from whlch Lo expand on your Lheme whlle you are researchlng and
preparlng your presenLaLlon.

Samp|e out||ne of the ma|n body of a presentat|on about tra|n|ng programmes to be |mp|e-
mented |n a company:
A. Why tra|n|ng |s needed
1.SLaff beneflLs from refresher course sLaff wlll learn correcL procedures
8. What tra|n|ng |nvo|ves
1.lmprovlng performance
l. LesLs of sklll level
ll. gaps ln knowledge
C. Lxpected end resu|ts
1.lmproved efflclency
2.CreaLer producLlvlLy
3.lncreased moLlvaLlon
4.lncreased well-belng

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 78

1he order ln whlch you presenL Lhe maln polnLs of your presenLaLlon, and Lhe emphasls each
polnL ls glven, wlll affecL Lhe message LhaL your audlence Lakes away. use Lhe mosL approprlaLe
sLrucLure ln your speech Lo glve your audlence Lhe rlghL message.
1here are several ways ln whlch you can presenL your Lhree or four maln polnLs. ?ou may choose
Lo lnLroduce Lhem separaLely, elLher one afLer Lhe oLher ln order of lmporLance, or chronologl-
cally, or ln any oLher sequence LhaL makes sense. lf you wanL one parLlcular polnL Lo glve Lhe
sLrongesL lmpresslon, presenL lL flrsL, and follow lL wlLh supporLlng polnLs - or any oLher polnLs
LhaL you are maklng. AlLernaLlvely, lnLerweave your polnLs Lo hlghllghL Lhelr equal slgnlflcance.
Mak|ng separate po|nts:
1 2 3 4

Pere ldeas LhaL do noL necessarlly flow lnLo each oLher can be presenLed separaLely and glven
equal welghL. 8emember, an audlence may assume LhaL Lhe flrsL polnL has greaLer slgnlflcance.
Lmphas|s|ng one po|nt:
1 2 3 4

lf one polnL ls of greaLer slgnlflcance Lhan Lhe oLhers, puL lL flrsL and allow lL mosL Llme so LhaL
you can dlscuss lL fully. 8ack lL up or complemenL wlLh your secondary or supporLlng polnLs.
4.1.4 ndinq Memorob/y
SLrucLurlng a sLrong endlng Lo your presenLaLlon ls as lmporLanL as plannlng a good beglnnlng - lL
ls vlLal Lo slgnal Lo your audlence LhaL Lhe end of your speech ls approachlng. lnserL phrases such
as for my flnal polnL .." or ln concluslon .." Lo alerL Lhe audlence Lo Lhe facL LhaL you are abouL
Lo summarlse all LhaL you have sald. 1hey wlll be graLeful for Lhe opporLunlLy Lo caLch up on any
polnLs Lhey may have mlssed durlng your speech.
lL ls lmporLanL Lo relnforce Lhe maln polnLs of any presenLaLlon. ?ou can do Lhls by flrsL glvlng Lhe
audlence a conLenLs llsL" of your speech (ln Lhe lnLroducLlon), Lhen dlscusslng Lhe lssues you are
ralslng (ln Lhe maln body) , and flnlshlng off wlLh a summary (ln Lhe concluslon). uependlng on
Lhe naLure of your presenLaLlon (see Lhe descrlpLlon of Lhe dlfferenL presenLaLlon paLLerns
above), you may add a flnal parL ln whlch you lnvlLe your audlence Lo do someLhlng wlLh Lhe ln-
formaLlon you have glven Lhem.
4.2 resentat|on too|s & techn|ques
4.2.1 visuo/s
Go|den 1|ps when us|ng v|sua|s
1. Show Lhe vlsual whlle you are Lalklng abouL lL. Cover lL or Lurn off Lhe pro[ecLor when you
wanL aLLenLlon dlrecLed back Lo you. ?our audlence cannoL concenLraLe on boLh aL Lhe same
Llme. WlLh owerolnL you can achleve Lhls by lnserLlng a neuLral sllde ln beLween every
conLenL sllde.

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 79

2. 1he Cne-Cne 8ule: uon'L puL more Lhan one Lheme on one Lransparency. LlmlL Lhe amounL
of lnformaLlon on any one vlsual Lo a slngle maln ldea. uon'L flll lL up wlLh words. 1he vlsual
should be a summary of whaL you are saylng, noL Lhe enLlre speech. never read ouL Lhe vls-
ual Lo your audlence because mosL of Lhem are able Lo read...
3. 1he Seven-Seven 8ule: use no more Lhan seven llnes on a Lransparency or sllde and a maxl-
mum of seven words per llne. 1hls ls lmporLanL because, lf you have Loo much LexL dls-
played, your audlence wlll sLop llsLenlng Lo you and read whaL Lhey see.
4. 8e sure LhaL everyone ln Lhe audlence can clearly see Lhe vlsual lnformaLlon. vlslblllLy Lo Lhe
people aL Lhe rear of Lhe room ls your gulde. use a large fonL wlLh plenLy of space beLween
llnes. Also make sure LhaL you use conLrasLlng colours, as especlally an CP (Cvernead ro-
[ecLor), whlch you may be forced Lo use for absence of beamers or compuLers, 'loses' a loL
of llghL, unless lf Lhe room ls fully dark, whlch wlll normally noL be Lhe case. lf you happen Lo
be faced wlLh a cheaper beamer, your owerolnL wlll also look less colourful Lhan lL should.
3. use descrlpLlve LlLle phrases on each vlsual Lo supplemenL Lhe maLerlal. lor example, wrlLe
"Spendlng lncrease" raLher Lhan "CharL 1."
6. 1alk Lo your Lhe audlence, noL Lo Lhe vlsual. MalnLaln eye conLacL even when your llsLeners
are looklng aL Lhe vlsual. 1hls wlll help you [udge Lhelr undersLandlng.
7. uon'L overdo lL. ?ou need noL lllusLraLe every polnL ln Lhe speech.
8. racLlce. noLhlng ls more lmporLanL Lhan adequaLe preparaLlon. know how and when you
wlll use Lhe vlsual, and pracLlce unLll you can do lL smooLhly. AnLlclpaLe all posslble prob-
lems, especlally when machlnes are lnvolved. When uslng owerolnL, make sure you have a
back-up. lf all equlpmenL breaks down, you should have a plan 8 (Lhe good old

9. Make sure you have a back-up of your vlsuals. uS8 sLlcks Lend Lo geL losL, so make sure you
can reLrleve your vlsuals from oLher sources. lL would also be wlse Lo keep Lhem on Lrans-
parencles, so LhaL you can use Lhe CP lf Lhe compuLer does noL work.
10. Always LesL Lhe equlpmenL well ln advance of your presenLaLlon.

4.2.2 6rophs ond chorts
When you use graphs and charts |n your v|sua|s, you shou|d use c|ear |anguage to d|scuss
them. In th|s sect|on you w||| study the |anguage used to descr|be charts, graphs.

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 80

bar chart graph p|e chart
A charL ls a dlagram LhaL makes lnformaLlon easler Lo undersLand by showlng how Lwo or more
seLs of daLa are relaLed. 1here are Lwo common Lypes of charLs, a ple charL and a bar charL and
Lhere are graphs .
A 8ar chart ls a dlagram LhaL makes lnformaLlon easler Lo undersLand by showlng how Lwo or
more seLs of daLa are relaLed.
A |e chart ls a clrcle dlvlded lnLo segmenLs. lL ls usually used Lo show percenLages.
A Graph ls a dlagram, usually a llne or curve, whlch shows how Lwo or more seLs of numbers or
measuremenLs are relaLed.
When descrlblng movemenLs on a graph, we can use verbs Lo Lalk abouL upward, downward or
horlzonLal movemenLs. ueclde whlch plcLure should go lnLo Lhe box under each llsL of verbs.

MosL verbs also have noun forms. 1hey are generally Lhe same, for example:
to cllmb - o cllmb
to foll - o foll
Powever, Lhere are some excepLlons:
1o flaLLen ouL a flaLLenlng ouL
1o sLablllse a sLablllsaLlon
Lo level off a sLablllsaLlon
Lo flucLuaLe a flucLuaLlon
Lo recover a recovery
Lo hold sLeady a sLeady hold
NC1L: 1he verb form |s used more frequent|y.
flaLLen ouL
hold sLeady
level off

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 81

SomeLlmes we need Lo glve more lnformaLlon abouL a Lrend, usually abouL Lhe degree or speed
of change. lor example:
1he year sLarLed wlLh a steady decllne ln sales and sLablllsed ln SepLember.
Sales lncreased s|ow|y durlng !anuary and Lhen decllned stead||y unLll Lhe end of Lhe flnan-
clal year.

Adverbs and ad[ecLlves can be used Lo modlfy verbs and nouns of change. Adverbs can modlfy
Lhe verbs of change and usually end ln 'ly' (Lo lncrease sobstootlolly), and ad[ecLlves can modlfy
nouns of change (a sobstootlol lncrease). Ad[ecLlves always come before a noun and adverbs
usually come afLer a verb. Some words Lo descrlbe Lhe DLGkLL of change:

SLrong change lnLermedlaLe change small change

1here are also words Lo descrlbe Lhe SLLD aL whlch change Lakes place:


lasL change ModeraLe change slow change
1o exerclse descrlblng graphs and charLs you can go Lo:
Cha|rman's Statement
L|sten and comp|ete the Cha|rman's statement.
l om JellqbteJ to pteseot my tbltJ tepott to sbotebolJets os cboltmoo of costel lotetootloool
followloq oootbet yeot of sttooq petfotmooce.
Oot compooy bos cooslsteotly JellveteJ sopetlot totol sbotebolJet ........ sloce lts cteotloo
lo 1989.

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 82

1be tesolts of tbe compooy wete vety sttooq ooJ ot tbe top eoJ of tbe loJostty peet qtoop. Net
..... tose by 9 pet ceot wblle oet ....... tose by 22 pet ceot to 658m (oto).
lo Moy, tbe compooy ooooooceJ lts loteotloo to tetoto ....... cosb to sbotebolJets tbtooqb o
ptoqtesslve ...... pollcy ooJ o tollloq sbote ........ ptoqtomme. 8otb of tbese bove
beeo loltloteJ. 1be ........ JlvlJeoJ wos locteoseJ by 8 pet ceot, ooJ tbe Jltectots ptopose
tbot tbe ........ JlvlJeoJ be locteoseJ by 7 pet ceot qlvloq o totol fot tbe yeot of 40 ceots o
sbote, oo ovetoll locteose of 12 pet ceot.
1bls JlvlJeoJ, lf ....... ot tbe Aooool Ceoetol Meetloq, wlll be polJ oo J0 Motcb oext yeot
to sbotebolJets oo tbe teqlstet oo 15 Iooooty.
At tbe some tlme, tbe compooy bos beqoo lts tollloq sbote boybock ptoqtomme, ooJ boJ olteoJy
...... two mlllloo sbotes by tbe yeot eoJ. lt ls compooys loteotloo to ptoceeJ wltb tbls pto-
qtomme tbtooqb oext yeot.
Mark Wy|||e

4.2.l Presentinq fiqures
a) kea||ty
lf you have Lo deal wlLh flgures ln Lhe presenLaLlon, you should be careful LhaL you do noL lose
Lhe audlence's aLLenLlon. As a general rule, avold menLlonlng acLual flgures. ?ou could lnsLead
make a handouL showlng Lhe flgures and glve lL Lo Lhe members of Lhe audlence after the pres-
entat|on. lf flgures cannoL be avolded, make lL easy for Lhe llsLener Lo grasp Lhelr slgnlflcance.
Lmphaslse Lhe reallLy of flgures: lf posslble and approprlaLe, show LhaL Lhe flgures could affecL

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 83

members of Lhe audlence lf Lhey would be ln Lhe slLuaLlon LhaL you descrlbe. Compare Lhe fol-
Ooe mlllloo people pottlclpote lo tbot lottety. Ooly 10,000 of tbem wlll tecovet tbe costs.
lf yoo pottlclpote lo tbot lottety, tbe oJJs of losloq yoot lovestmeot ote 90X.

b) S|gn|f|cance
lndlcaLe Lhe slgnlflcance of Lhe flgures:
we JlsttlboteJ 20,000 leoflets lo tbot clty.
Ooe lo tbtee boosebolJs lo tbot clty bos tecelveJ o leoflet.

c) kound|ng off
8ound off flgures. Compare Lhe followlng:
1be moblle pbooe motket leoJet bos 51.J1 X of tbe motket.
1be moblle pbooe motket leoJet setves bolf tbe motket.

d) V|sua| form
uL Lhe flgures ln vlsual form. 1he mosL effecLlve way of dolng Lhls, showlng a graph or charL on a
vlsual ald, has already been dlscussed. Powever, flgures can also be made Langlble by maklng a
comparlson or glvlng a graphlc descrlpLlon. Compare:
1be coosttoctloo wotk tepolteJ movloq fotty-elqbt mlllloo coblc feet of eottb.
1be coosttoctloo wotk tepolteJ movloq mote eottb tboo lt tokes to flll tbe eotlte leyeoootJ

Make Lhe followlng senLences sulLable for use ln a presenLaLlon.
1. 1bls cometo ls 6 cm by 2.5 cm by 0.5 cm.
2. 1be petceotoqe of pott-tlme employees tose to JJ.5 petceot.
J. 1be ovetoqe locome lo tbe NetbetlooJs ls 525,140 ooJ oot moooqloq Jltectot eotos 575,000.
4. Oot compooy bos 247 employees bot ooly 25 potkloq spoces.
5. All tbe epolpmeot flts lo o box of 42 cm by 24 cm by 10 cm.

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 84

SLudy Lhe language of graphs and Lrends. now explaln Lhe graph represenLlng lod sales below.

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 83

4.2.4 Poster Presentotions
osLer presenLaLlons are a common way of presenLlng lnformaLlon aL conferences. SLudy Lhe posLers be-

1. WhaL are exporL credlL guaranLees for?
2. WhaL ls Lhe dlfference ln layouL and sLrucLure beLween Lhe Lwo posLers?
3. Work ln groups and declde whaL a presenLer would acLually say when presenLlng Lhe lnformaLlon.

Act|v|ty 2: repare a posLer presenLaLlon abouL Lhe lnLerneL.
now the Internet Works
1he Lhlng LhaL characLerlses Lhe lnLerneL ls how daLa ls Lransferred from one compuLer Lo anoLher. uld
you ever wonder whaL maglcal Lhlngs go on behlnd Lhe scenes LhaL resulL ln a Web page belng dlsplayed
on your screen seconds afLer you requesL lL? Pow does Lhe daLa geL from one slde of Lhe world Lo Lhe
oLher? Pere's whaL happens Lo a plece of daLa (e.g. a web page) when lL ls Lransferred over Lhe lnLerneL:
lL ls broken up lnLo a whole loL of same-slzed pleces called 'packeLs'. a header ls added Lo each packeL
LhaL explalns where lL came from, where lL should end up and how lL flLs ln wlLh Lhe resL of Lhe packeLs.

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 86

Lach packeL flnds lLs way Lo lLs desLlnaLlon. Lach compuLer along Lhe way decldes where nexL Lo send Lhe
packeL. 1hls could depend on Lhlngs llke how busy Lhe oLher compuLers are when packeL was recelved.
1he packeLs may noL all Lake Lhe same rouLe.
AL Lhe desLlnaLlon, Lhe packeLs are examlned, lf Lhere are any packeLs mlsslng or damaged, a message ls
senL asklng for Lhose packeLs Lo be resenL. 1hls conLlnues unLll all Lhe packeLs have been recelved lnLacL.
1he packeLs are reassembled lnLo Lhelr orlglnal form. each compuLer connecLed up Lo Lhe lnLerneL has
sofLware called 1C/l (1ransmlsslon ConLrol roLocol/lnLerneL roLocol) whlch ls responslble for recelv-
lng, sendlng and checklng packeLs. 1C/l ls Lhe 'glue' of Lhe lnLerneL. uNl1c lostltote of 1ecbooloqy

Work ln groups and declde how you wlll Lransform Lhe arLlcle lnLo an eye-caLchlng posLer pres-
Pow wlll you lay Lhe posLer ouL?
WhaL dlagrams could you use Lo brlng Lhe presenLaLlon Lo llfe and make Lhe operaLlon of Lhe
lnLerneL clear Lo your audlence?
Pow wlll you make lL easler for a non-Lechnlcal person Lo vlsuallse Lhe process?
Pow many sLages wlll you lnclude ln your explanaLlon of Lhe process? WhaL wlll Lhese be?

Ass|gnment 1
Choose one of Lhe followlng asslgnmenLs:
1. lor many people presenLlng ln fronL of an audlence ls a sLressful experlence. repare a
posLer presenLaLlon on ueallng wlLh sLress, you can choose:
descrlblng a process (release of adrenallne eLc.)
problem + soluLlon (personal advlce on deallng wlLh sLress)
audlence proflle: fellow sLudenLs
2. ?ou were asked Lo prepare a osLer resenLaLlon for a SLudenL lalr. ?our group wlll rep-
resenL 88S durlng Lhe falr, Lherefore you need Lo be prepared Lo:
answer quesLlons regardlng dlfferenL deparLmenLs
llsL sub[ecLs
make an organlgram of Lhe school (hlerarchy eLc.)
descrlbe Lhe sLrucLure of Lhe organlsaLlon eLc.
audlence proflle: prospecLlve sLudenLs

3. Choose one of the fo||ow|ng:
a mechanlsm
process ln lndusLry (l.e. fllm lndusLry- from Lhe maklng Lo dlsLrlbuLlon)
audlence proflle: prlmary school chlldren

Clve a 10-mlnuLe explanaLlon of your posLer presenLaLlon. lL ls group work so each Leam mem-
ber needs Lo Lake parL ln Lhe presenLaLlon.

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 87

4.2.5 5ummorisinq ond deo/inq with questions
Cnce you have glven your concluslon, your presenLaLlon ls nC1 over! now lL's Llme for Lhe Cues-
Llon and Answer sesslon 1hls parL ls an area LhaL scares a loL of people, professlonals as well as
llrsL of all, abouL 80 percenL of all quesLlons can be anLlclpaLed, e.g.
WhaL's Lhe cosLlng breakdown?
WhaL ls our goal?
WhaL has Lo be done?
WhaL advanLages do l have?
WhaL are Lhe alLernaLlves?
Pow wlll lL work?
Pow much wlll lL cosL?
WhaL supporL and resources do you re-
Who wlll be responslble for lL?
WhaL ls Lhe nexL sLep Lo make sure lL
Why can l rely upon lL?
When wlll we be flnlshed?
When does lL begln?
?ou need Lo Lake Lhe exLra Llme Lo prepare for Lhose quesLlons ln advance. 1hls ls an lnLegral
parL of Lhe presenLaLlon preparaLlon
1he C&A Sesslon conslsLs of Lhree parLs:
1. 1he brldge from Lhe concluslon Lo Lhe C&A sesslon 1he brldge should lasL abouL 20-30 sec-
onds and glves Lhe audlence Lhe Llme Lo move from your concluslon Lo Lhe quesLlons lL also
allows you Lo move Lhe audlence ln Lhe dlrecLlon you deslre
2. 1he C&A sesslon lLself
3. 1he summary and flnal call for acLlon 8emember, Lhls ls your lasL chance!

Act|v|ty 1.
Soph|e kaw||ngs
L|sten to Soph|e kaw||ngs g|v|ng a ta|k about creat|ng web pages for sma|| bus|nesses. now
does she dea| w|th each of the f|ve quest|ons?
1. She replles poslLlvely Lo Lhe quesLlon.
2. She deals wlLh Lhe quesLlon ln a humorous way.
3. She lmplles she's already Lalked abouL lL.
4. She says Lhe nexL speaker wlll address Lhe lssue.

Soph|e kaw||ngs
L|sten aga|n to Soph|e dea||ng w|th quest|ons and comp|ete the express|ons used to |ntroduce the au-
d|ence's quest|ons.
1. ......... were Lhe maln dlfferences beLween governmenL webslLes and Lhose ln Lhe prlvaLe
buslness secLor?
2. ........ how a company can acLually lmprove lLs onllne sales Lhrough web-page deslgn.
3. ......... abouL copy wrlLlng ....... WhaL klnd of language you Lhlnk works well ln web-
4. ........ wheLher Lhere was any klnd of language LhaL you would avold uslng?

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 88

repare a 3-mlnuLe Lalk on one of Lhe Loplcs below. WrlLe up Lhe maln polnLs for Lhe summary of
your Lalk and make a noLe of any quesLlons you anLlclpaLe. 1ell your audlence when you wlll Lake
quesLlons: elLher durlng Lhe presenLaLlon or aL Lhe end. Some of you wlll be asked Lo do Lhe Lalk
ln class.
1op|cs for a ta|k
a) WhaL are some of Lhe ways ln whlch Lhe lnLer-
neL can be used for educaLlon?
b) WhaL are some of Lhe ways ln whlch Lhe lnLer-
neL can be used for pollLlcs?
c) WhaL are Lhe slLes you mosL commonly access?
d) WhaL ls Lhe besL Lhlng abouL Lhe lnLerneL?
e) WhaL problems does Lhe lnLerneL creaLe? WhaL
problems does lL solve?
f) Pow new Lechnologles may affecL your [ob ln
Lhe fuLure?
g) ?our favourlLe webslLe and why do you Lhlnk lL's
h) A comparlson beLween effecLlveness and usabll-
lLy of Lwo webslLes.
l) Why companles shouldn'L boLher havlng web-
[) WhaL ls Lhe mosL lmporLanL feaLure of Lhe
k) Pow has Lhe lnLerneL changed socleLy?
l) We can use Lhe lnLerneL Lo flnd [obs
overseas. ls Lhls good or bad for boLh
Lhe employer and employee?
m) WhaL ls copyrlghL? Pow do we break
copyrlghL law on Lhe lnLerneL?
n) uo you Lhlnk LhaL Lhe lnLerneL usage ls
an anLl-soclal acLlvlLy?
o) L-commerce (buylng and selllng Lhlngs
on Lhe lnLerneL) has become very popu-
lar. Clve a reason for Lhls.
p) ls lL beLLer Lo buy onllne or Lo go Lo a
shop? Why?

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 89

S resentat|on 1|me !

When Lhe need Lo do a real presenLaLlon comes up, Lhere are a number of sLeps Lo be Laken.
Step 1
8ralnsLorm abouL a (buslness-relaLed) Loplc LhaL you would llke Lo glve a presenLaLlon abouL.
ConsulL magazlnes, books, newspapers eLc. Lo flnd a Loplc and, as soon as you have declded on
one, flnd arLlcles LhaL provlde you wlLh Lhe lnformaLlon you need. Look for aL leasL Lhree sources
ln Lngllsh. 1hen declde on a research quesLlon or a problem sLaLemenL, so LhaL you can declde lf
you have sufflclenL lnformaLlon Lo answer your research quesLlon.
Step 2
SLrucLure Lhe lnformaLlon by Laklng Lhe followlng sLeps:
WrlLe a shorL proflle of your audlence
LlsL Lhe maln polnLs LhaL you wlsh Lo dlscuss, and puL Lhem ln a loglcal order (order of lmpor-
SkeLch a dlagram lndlcaLlng whlch polnLs can be grouped LogeLher as maln polnLs, and whlch
polnLs are sub-polnLs Lo Lhe maln polnLs.

Step 3
rovlde deLall, llke Lables, dlagrams, charLs, plcLures (see examples below). Make Lhe vlsual alds,
such as plasLlc overhead sheeLs wlLh dlagrams eLc, quoLaLlons (lf any) and a Lable of conLenLs. lL
ls a good ldea Lo use owerolnL Lo creaLe Lhese overhead sheeLs. ?ou cannoL use owerolnL
durlng your presenLaLlon, as Lhls course lnLends Lo Leach how Lo do a presenLaLlon yourself, as
opposed Lo belng a mere mouse-cllcker whlle owerolnL ls dolng Lhe presenLaLlon for you.
resenLaLlons serve Lo esLabllsh a buslness relaLlonshlp beLween your company and Lhe audl-
ence. owerolnL cannoL do LhaL.
Step 4
ueclde on Lhe flnal sLrucLure of Lhe presenLaLlon, decldlng on Lhe conLenLs of Lhe aLLenLlon geL-
Ler, Lhe lnLroducLlon, Lhe llnklng passages, roundlng off a prevlous parL and lnLroduclng a nexL
parL. Also wrlLe Lhe acLual LexL of your lnLroducLlon and concluslon.
1he roof of the udd|ng |s |n the Lat|ng
1he success of your presenLaLlon fully depends on Lhe way you do lL. ?our audlence wlll respond
favourably lf you manage Lo 'enLerLaln' Lhem from Lhe flrsL Lo Lhe lasL word. ?ou should be care-
ful noL Lo allow Lhem Lo 'drlfL off'. Pere are a few polnLs Lo keep ln mlnd:
AfLer you have flnallsed Lhe presenLaLlon, lL ls Llme Lo pracLlce. Powever, Lhere ls a serlous
danger! lf you learn Lhe presenLaLlon by hearL, Lhls wlll serlously affecL your manner of
speaklng (loss of lnLonaLlon, speedlng up, geLLlng sLuck because you suddenly do noL re-

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 90

member Lhe nexL senLence, eLc...). Make sure you remaln flexlble ln Lhe cholce of words
you use durlng Lhe acLual presenLaLlon.
Cf course Lhere ls noLhlng agalnsL uslng noLes durlng your presenLaLlon. As a maLLer of facL,
lL ls recommended Lo use Lhem, as Lhey may glve you some supporL when Lhlngs appear Lo
be golng wrong. uo nC1 use sheeLs of paper conLalnlng Lhe full LexL. 1hls wlll resulL ln Lhe
LexL belng read ouL Lo Lhe audlence, as a resulL of whlch your lnLonaLlon goes flaL, whlch, ln
Lurn, wlll make your audlence lose lnLeresL ln whaL you are Lelllng Lhem. Pavlng Loo much
LexL on paper could also resulL ln your looklng aL your noLes lnsLead of aL Lhe audlence. use
cue cards, conLalnlng some key words or phrases. AfLer you have use one card, puL lL aslde,
so your card cannoL be confused.
When you use vlsuals, make sure you keep looklng aL Lhe audlence. lf you do noL look aL
Lhem, you lose conLacL wlLh Lhem. oslLlon yourself ln such a way LhaL every member of Lhe
audlence can see Lhe vlsuals. usually lL ls qulLe convenlenL Lo sLand on Lhe slde, whlch allows
you Lo look aL your audlence mosL of Lhe Llme, whlle you can sLlll glance aL Lhe screen from
Llme Lo Llme. Also remember Lhls: ?Cu are Lhe one dolng Lhe presenLaLlon, noL Lhe vlsuals!
?our vlsuals are only Lhere Lo supporL whaL you are saylng.
8e loud and clear. When your llsLeners have problems hearlng whaL you say, Lhey wlll sLop

now Llme has come Lo do Lhe presenLaLlon.
Cood luck and have fun!

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 91

art 3:
kead|ng & Wr|t|ng

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 92

Modu|e descr|pt|on kead|ng & Wr|t|ng
LducaLlonal rogramme
l8M8C109- 8W8
(arLlal 8eadlng/ WrlLlng Module) -
rlnclples of WrlLlng
1 (for 2 blocks)
noLe: 1hls LC1 lsn'L awarded unLll an average of 3.3
has been scored for all 3 8Cn modules
?ear of SLudy:
1 and 2
ConLacL Pours per Week 1 per PALl group
SLudy Load 28 hours of work for 2 blocks:
LecLures: 16 x 30 mlnuLes =ca.13.3 hrs,
Lxam 2 hrs
AsslgnmenLs 12.3 hrs
ConLacL Pours 13.3 hrs (for 2 blocks)
Self SLudy 12.3 hrs (for 2 blocks)
8CM knowledge, pracLlce and sLudenL drlven
ConLrlbuLlon Lo l8MS
roflle/ CompeLen-
SLudenL can express hlmself fluenLly and correcLly ln wrlLLen Lngllsh, can undersLand and use Lhe vocabu-
lary offered.
Can accepL crlLlclsm and puL lL Lo good use
uublln uescrlpLor(s) knowledge and undersLandlng + AppllcaLlon
8elaLlon wlLh oLher modules/sub[ecLs Crammar
Learnlng 1rack SemesLer 1 8Cn (see Lhe relevanL learnlng Lrack ln a separaLe documenL)
SLarLlng Level LxlL level PAvC/vWC, M8C level 4 or slmllar forelgn dlploma
Learnlng Cb[ecLlves 1o enable Lhe sLudenLs Lo wrlLe coherenLly and wlLh grammaLlcal accuracy.
1o enable sLudenLs Lo apply buslness vocabulary ln wrlLlng, based on buslness LexLs ln Lhe 8Cn reader
and oLher wrlLLen sources (newspaper and magazlne arLlcles), so LhaL new vocabulary ls lnLernallsed.
1o learn how a LexL ls organlzed and sLrucLured
lnsLrucLlon MeLhod(s) Workshop sLyle: lnsLrucLlon followed by dlscusslon/exerclses/asslgnmenLs. 1hen: one-on-one consulLa-
Llon and error analysls
AssessmenL MeLhod(s) ulagnosLlc WrlLlng LesL
ln week 4 or 3
no flnal LesL ln Lhls 8lock: wlll Lake place ln lasL week of classes of 8lock 2
SLrucLure Cradlng WelghL 1
Mlnlmum requlremenL 4.0 average grade for flnal or dlagnosLlc wrlLlng LesL
8equlred) ALLendance CbllgaLory aLLendance. olnLs wlll be deducLed for mlsslng more Lhan 2 classes per semesLer
ConLenL and plannlng of lecLures and exams/assessmenLs
8lock 1
lnsLrucLlon Me-
ConLenL/ Sub[ecLs (x)
1 1 Workshop sLyle
(see above)
13 LxplanaLlon of wrlLlng programme/Lheory of wrlLlng
2 - 4 2.3
1 ,, ,, AsslgnmenLs ln connecLlon wlLh Loplcal buslness-relaLed LexLs from Lhe
reader/Lheory of wrlLlng
3 1 ,, ,, ulagnosLlc LesL
6 - 8 4 hrs 1 ,, ,, WrlLlng asslgnmenLs (Lo be conL'd ln block 2)
8lock 2
lnsLrucLlon Me-
Lhods/ Lxams
ConLenL/ Sub[ecLs (x)
1 - 7 6.3
1 Workshop sLyle
(see above)
13 WrlLlng asslgnmenLs
8 2 hrs 1 ,, ,, llnal wrlLlng LesL durlng lasL week of classes.
(#) ssL = self sLudy (*) gs = Croup slze
(x) plannlng wlLh reservaLlon, ad[usLmenLs wlll be publlshed ln course ouLllnes (and hand ouL).
laclllLles/classroom 8egular classroom, blg enough Lo accommodaLe half group
LlLeraLure and Alds 1lLle: 8Cn 8eader SemesLer 1, SLC1lCn 2
Compulsory ?es
AuLhor(s) 8Cn lecLurers
lnformaLlon/LecLurer: 8eader avallable ln neLwerkmappen > 8Cn folder

8Cn 8LAuL8 SLMLS1L8 2010 - 2011 ACL 93

8eadlng & WrlLlng
ou w||| rece|ve the texts for the kead|ng & Wr|t|ng modu|e from your |ecturer.
ln Lhe flrsL parL of Lhe programme all sLudenLs are obllged Lo Lake parL ln Lhls course. ln week 3 a
wrlLlng LesL wlll be held. 1hose sLudenLs who pass Lhls LesL wlll noL have Lo aLLend Lhe 8eadlng &
WrlLlng classes any more. 1he score for Lhe LesL wlll be Lhelr 8eadlng & WrlLlng score. 1he sLu-
denLs who do noL pass Lhe LesL wlll conLlnue Lo Lake Lhe 8eadlng & WrlLlng classes. AL Lhe end of
Lhe semesLer Lhere wlll be second LesL for Lhem.

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