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Epilepsy Research 46 (2001) 191– 203

Behavioral and metabolic features of repetitive seizures in

immature and mature rats
Patricia Szot a,b,*, Sylvia S. White a,b, Elizabeth B. McCarthy c,
Andrew Turella c, Starr X. Rejniak c, Philip A. Schwartzkroin c,d
Geriatric Research, Education and Clinical Center (GRECC) (182B), VA Puget Sound Health Care System,
1660 South Columbian Way, Seattle, WA 98108, USA
Department of Psychiatry and Beha6ioral Science, Uni6ersity of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA
Department of Neurological Surgery, Uni6ersity of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA
Department of Physiology/Biophysics, Uni6ersity of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA
Received 28 February 2001; received in revised form 14 May 2001; accepted 16 May 2001


Seizure incidence varies significantly with age, with seizure susceptibility particularly high during the first few years
of life. Of significant concern is what effects do brief, repetitive seizures have on the developing brain. We approached
this issue by examining the change in seizure threshold, and related markers of neuronal activity and metabolic
activity (c-fos mRNA and 2-deoxyglucose [2DG]), as a function of repetitive seizure episodes in immature and mature
rats. Starting on postnatal day 15 (P15) (immature) or P60 (adult) rats were given two flurothyl seizures a day for 5
days (nine or ten seizures). The seizure latency profile, our measure of threshold, in immature versus adult rats across
the 5-day testing period was different. In immature rats, threshold for the second seizure on each day was significantly
lower than for the first seizure, suggesting that there was little refractoriness after the first seizure of the day. In
contrast, the mature animal had a significantly longer threshold latency to the second seizure for the first 3 days of
testing. The immature animal was also more likely than the adult to exhibit tonic extension as a feature of the first
seizure of the day. Following repetitive seizures, more regions of the CNS showed c-fos mRNA expression in the
immature animal than adults, suggesting that repetitive seizures in the immature animal activated a greater percentage
of the brain. Compared with the effects of a single seizure, repetitive seizures resulted in less 2DG labeling in most
regions of the brain (except the hippocampus); in the immature brain this difference was more distinct than in adults.
The consequences of repetitive seizures in the immature animal results in distinctly different seizure behavior and
neuronal activity pattern (c-fos expression) than that observed in the mature animal. © 2001 Published by Elsevier
Science B.V.

Keywords: Repetitive seizure; Immature brain; Flurothyl; c-fos; 2-Deoxyglucose; Hippocampus; Ventromedial hypothalamus;
Pediatric epilepsy

* Corresponding author. Tel.: + 1-206-7642-308; fax: + 1-206-7642-569.

E-mail address: (P. Szot).

0920-1211/01/$ - see front matter © 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.

PII: S 0 9 2 0 - 1 2 1 1 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 2 8 5 - 6
192 P. Szot et al. / Epilepsy Research 46 (2001) 191–203

1. Introduction unclear if a correlation exists between hippocampal

damage associated with seizures in the immature
The occurrence of seizures is significantly higher animal and later to changes in learning/memory
in children than in young-to-mid-life adults and/or seizure susceptibility.
(Hauser and Kurland, 1975; Ellenberg et al., 1984). The main objective of this study was to determine
Seizures at this time in development may have the effects of brief, repetitive seizures on the devel-
devastating effects on developmental outcome, de- oping brain. Toward this end, we have examined
pending on the number and severity of the seizure changes in seizure threshold in immature and
(Holdsworth and Whitmore, 1974; Fowler et al., mature rats following ten flurothyl (FL)-induced
1985; Seidenberg et al., 1986; Austin et al., 1998). seizures, delivered over 5 days. We then assessed
Animal research has focused on the conse- markers of neuronal activity (c-fos mRNA expres-
quences of status epilepticus (prolonged seizures) sion) and metabolic activity (2-deoxyglucose
or of a single severe seizure on the developing (2DG) labeling) in these animals. These measures
animal (de Casrilevitz et al., 1971; Wasterlain and provide an initial step toward gaining insight into
Plum, 1973; Moshe et al., 1983; de Feo et al., 1985; the consequences of repetitive seizures, and toward
Cavalheiro et al., 1987; Sperber and Moshe, 1988; understanding the differences in outcome between
Zouhar et al., 1989; Hirsch et al., 1992; Stafstrom the immature and mature rat.
et al., 1992; Velisek et al., 1992; Weller and Mostof-
sky, 1995). However, short repetitive seizures are
far more common in the affected childhood popu- 2. Materials and methods
lation. Recent studies have begun to determine the
effects of brief, repetitive seizures on the brains of 2.1. Immature animals
immature animals. Seizures during development,
whether repetitive or prolonged, lead to an in- Litters of Sprague– Dawley rat pups (with dams)
creased sensitivity of the adult animal to a variety were purchased from Bantam and Kingman (Seat-
of stimuli (Moshe and Albala, 1982, 1983; Holmes, tle, WA) on postnatal day 10 (P10), and housed as
1983; Holmes et al., 1984, 1998, 1999; Okada et al., litters in standard cages in a controlled environ-
1984; Ferland and Applegate, 1998b; Huang et al., ment with 12 h light/dark cycle. Food and water
1999; Liu et al., 1999), suggesting that the early were provided to dams ad libitum, and nursing
seizure event triggers a long-lasting alteration in times of pups were monitored on days of seizure
critical neuronal networks. Also, seizures during threshold testing to ensure that experimental ani-
development, whether repetitive or prolonged, are mals had sufficient opportunity to nurse. On P15,
correlated with impaired learning and memory of animals were weight-matched into pairs, and re-
the animal in adulthood (Wasterlain and Plum, spective members of each pair were randomly
1973; Wasterlain, 1976; Holmes et al., 1984; de Feo assigned to experimental or control groups.
et al., 1986; Holmes et al., 1998, 1999; Huang et al., Weights were monitored from P15 to P19, the days
1999; Liu et al., 1999). Investigators have suggested of seizure threshold testing. All animal use proce-
that such changes in learning/memory and seizure dures were in accordance with University of Wash-
susceptibility may be associated with cellular dam- ington and NIH guidelines.
age (i.e. cell loss) and reorganization (mossy fiber
sprouting) induced by the repetitive seizures (Neill 2.2. Mature animals
et al., 1996; Holmes et al., 1998, 1999; Huang et al.,
1999; Liu et al., 1999). However, single seizures (or Adult male Sprague–Dawley rats were pur-
even status epilepticus) results in less damage in the chased from Bantam and Kingman on P58 and
immature animal than observed in the adult animal housed in standard cages, as above. On P60,
(Albala et al., 1984; Nitecka et al., 1984; Okada et animals were weight-matched into pairs, and re-
al., 1984; Cavalheiro et al., 1987; Hirsch et al., 1992; spective members of each pair were assigned ran-
da Silva Fernandes et al., 1999). Therefore, it is domly into experimental or control groups. The
P. Szot et al. / Epilepsy Research 46 (2001) 191–203 193

animals were weighed daily during 5 days of seizure vided into two groups, (a) those that received nine
threshold testing. All animal use procedures were seizures (only one seizure on the fifth day) (n= 7
in accordance with University of Washington and immature; n= 6 mature) and (b) those that received
NIH guidelines. ten seizures (two on the fifth day) (n= 9 immature;
n= 7 mature). The nine seizure group was added
2.3. Seizure induction to our analysis since preliminary results revealed a
significant seizure latency difference between the
Flurothyl (FL, bis-2,2,2-trifluoroethyl ether, first and second seizure of a given day. The nine
Aldrich) was used to induce brief, repetitive seizure group allowed us to dissect within day
seizures in immature and mature rats. Each animal differences from differences associated with repeti-
was placed in an air-tight Plexiglas chamber, and tive seizure occurrence (over 5 days). Statistical
the volatile convulsant was infused (20 ul/min) onto comparisons of latencies were made using Student’s
filter paper from which it vaporized (Prichard et al., paired t-test with Bonferroni correction for laten-
1969). cies and  2 or Fisher’s exact test for behavioral
2.3.1. Seizure threshold testing
The latencies (s) to the first myoclonic jerk (MJ, 2.4. C-2 deoxyglucose (2 -DG) labeling
focal seizure) and to generalized (clonic tonic (CT))
seizure were recorded for each animal for each [14C]-2DG (New England Nuclear, Boston, MA)
seizure; these latencies constitute the seizure (0.05 uCi/g for mature [approximately 90 ml] and
‘threshold’ measurements. Two seizures were ad- 0.08 uCi/g for immature animal [approximately 30
ministered on each of 5 consecutive days with 2-h ml]) was administered to the animal through the
interval between seizures on a given day. Seizures lateral tail vein. On the fifth day of threshold
were administered at the same time each day to testing, each animal was given a bolus injection of
minimize circadian effects on seizure vulnerability. [14C]-2DG, then placed into the FL chamber for
Drug exposure was terminated by opening the seizure induction. Seizure threshold testing pro-
chamber and removing the animal at the first sign ceeded as usual, with animals removed from the FL
of generalized seizure activity; however, some ani- chamber when generalized seizure activity was
mals progressed rapidly to tonic extension. The observed. Forty-five minutes after the injection of
number of animals, which exhibited tonic exten- [14C]-2DG, the animal was sacrificed and the brain
sion, was recorded for each group, for each seizure was removed and frozen on dry ice. The brains were
on each day. Age- and weight-matched control sectioned at 20 mm on a cryostat and mounted onto
animals were treated equivalently to the experimen- Fisher Superfrost slides (Fisher Scientific, Houston,
tal animals (experiencing repetitive seizures), but TX). Two sets of slides with consecutive sections
were exposed to a benign odorant instead of FL. were collected from each brain. Slides were stored
at −70 °C until assayed. One set was dried for 10
2.3.2. Test groups min on a slide warmer and opposed to Hyperfilm
Exposure time of the control animals was yoked b-max (Amersham, Arlington Heights, IL)— for 1
to the FL exposure times of the experimental week for immature animals and 2 weeks for mature
animals. The control animals consisted of two animals— in order to produce autoradiographic
groups, (a) those that experienced no seizure (‘con- images of the [14C]-2DG labeling. Exposure times
trol’) (n=7 immature; n =7 mature); and (b) those were different between the immature and mature
that received one FL seizure corresponding in time animals to adjust for the difference in radioactiv-
to the last seizure of the experimental group (‘sin- ity that was administered. A [14C] standard was also
gle’ seizure) (n=10 immature; n = 6 mature). The placed onto each sheet of film in order to allow
‘single’ seizure group allowed us to assess the quantification of the images using the Mi-
difference in response to one seizure versus repeti- croComputer Imaging Device System (MCID,
tive seizures. Experimental animals were also di- Imaging Research, Ont., Canada). Separate opti-
194 P. Szot et al. / Epilepsy Research 46 (2001) 191–203

cal densities were made of the left and right this end, a layer of plastic wrap was placed over the
hemispheres over three consecutive sections, which slides following [33P]-dATP labeling, but before the
were anatomically matched across animals accord- Hyperfilm was opposed to the slides. To quantitate
ing to the atlas of Paxinos and Watson (1986). c-fos mRNA expression in the specific regions of
Thus, mean9S.E.M. reported here is the average the CNS, all sections were processed, hybridized,
of six density readings for each animal. Glucose and washed in the same session; each sheet of
utilization was determined in the following regions, Hyperfilm contained both control and experimen-
i.e. cortex, striatum, thalamus, hippocampus, sub- tal tissue sections. Tissue from immature animals
stantia nigra and locus coeruleus (LC). Statistical was run as one assay, and tissue from mature
comparisons were made by analysis of variance animals was run as a second assay. Optical densities
(ANOVA) with post-hoc Scheffe test; statistical were measured from films using MCID (Imaging
differences were significant at P B0.05. Statistical Research). Separate optical density measurements
comparison was made only between each treatment were made of the left and right hemispheres over
group (control vs. single vs. nine vs. ten seizures) three successive sections, which were anatomically
at a given age. Comparison of optical density values matched across animals according to the atlas of
between immature and mature animals was not Paxinos and Watson (1986). Background optical
attempted; however, the relative pattern of change density was subtracted from each image. c-fos
in 2DG (and c-fos, see below) between immature mRNA expression was determined in the following
and mature animals was noted. regions, i.e. cingulate cortex, neocortex, septum,
striatum, ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH),
2.5. c-fos mRNA in situ hybridization hippocampal CA1, CA3, DG, and LC. Each
mean9 S.E.M. reported here is the average of six
The second set of slides were used to determine optical density readings (after background subtrac-
the expression of c-fos mRNA. Tissue preparation tion) for each animal. Statistical comparisons were
and labeling of the c-fos oligonucleotide was per- made using ANOVA followed by post-hoc Scheffe
formed as described previously (Szot et al., 1997). test; statistical significance was considered as PB
The c-fos oligonucleotide probe was a 51-base 0.05. As indicated for 2DG labeling, statistical
probe complementary to nucleotides 270– 319 of comparison was made only between each treatment
the c-fos mRNA (Curran et al., 1987). The oligonu- group (control vs. single vs. nine vs. ten seizures)
cleotide probe was 3%-end-labeled with [33P]-dATP within immature and mature age groups. Compari-
(New England Nuclear) using terminal deoxyri- son of optical density values across age groups was
bonucleotidyl transferase (Life Technologies, not quantified; however, the relative pattern of
Gaithersburg, MD) and then purified on NEN- change in c-fos expression was noted for immature
Sorb columns (New England Nuclear). The c-fos versus mature animals.
hybridization buffer for the immature animals
contained 0.30× 106 cpm/50 ul, and for mature
animals contained 0.37×106 cpm/50 ul. Hyperfilm 3. Results
b-max (Amersham) was exposed to slides contain-
ing tissue hybridized with c-fos [33P] oligonucle- As reported by others (Holmes et al., 1998, 1999;
otide —72 h for immature and 48 h for mature Huang et al., 1999; Liu et al., 1999; Schmid et al.,
animals. The difference in exposure time between 1999), the immature animal tolerated repetitive FL
the immature and mature animals was to allow induced seizures with about 5% mortality. Mortal-
adequate hybridization signal for data analysis. ity in the immature animal always occurred with
c-fos mRNA analysis utilized the alternate set of the very first seizure; once past this initial seizure,
slides that were used to measure 2DG labeling; all immature animals survived the repetitive seizure
therefore, measures had to be taken to prevent the paradigm. Mature animals also had about 5%
[14C]-2DG labeling from interfering with [33P]- mortality; unlike the immature animals, mature
dATP labeled oligonucleotide on the film. Toward animals died after the ninth or tenth seizure.
P. Szot et al. / Epilepsy Research 46 (2001) 191–203 195

3.1. Seizure threshold day (the ninth seizure) were identical to latencies
in animals that experienced only a single seizure
The seizure latency profile of the immature and (P19). However, for all days latencies for the
mature animals was different across 5 days of second seizure of the day were significantly lower
threshold testing (Fig. 1). In immature animals, (MJ and CT) than for the first seizure. Also in
the latency to the first seizure of the day (MJ and immature animals, there was a gradual increase in
CT) was the same across 5 days. On the fifth day, the number of animals, which exhibited tonic
latencies (MJ and CT) to the first seizure on that extension in response to the first seizure of every

Fig. 1. Flurothyl seizure thresholds in immature and mature rats following ten consecutive generalized seizures. Histograms on the
left side represent the immature animal; while the histograms on the right side represent the mature animal. Latency to MJ for each
of the seizures across 5 test days are observed in the top two histograms. Latency to generalized CT seizures for each seizure across
5 days are demonstrated in the middle two histograms. Percentage of animals exhibiting tonic extension for each seizure across 5
test days are demonstrated in the bottom two histograms. On P60 for mature animals, none of the animals exhibited tonic extension
with either the first or second seizure. * Represents statistical (P B0.05) difference to the first seizure on that day. c Represents
statistical (PB 0.05) difference to first/second seizure on the first day (P15 or P60).
196 P. Szot et al. / Epilepsy Research 46 (2001) 191–203

day. At the ninth seizure, 100% of the immature did not show increased c-fos mRNA expression
animals exhibited tonic extension. In contrast, the (compared with control) for any seizure paradigm.
second seizure on each day was less likely to induce The expression of c-fos mRNA in the striatum, LC
tonic extension. The second seizure on each day and VMH was significantly different for repetitive
started to demonstrate an increase in tonic exten- FL seizures versus single FL seizures. In the stria-
sion on the fourth day, reaching a maximum of 40% tum, c-fos mRNA expression was significantly
of the animals on the fifth day with the tenth elevated with the single FL seizure, and similar to
seizure. control with repetitive FL seizures; thus there
In adult animals, the latency to the first MJ of appears to be a loss of c-fos mRNA expression (and
the day, over the course of 5 days, declined grad- possibly activation) in the striatum with repetitive
ually, with the shortest latency observed on the fifth FL seizures. In the LC, there was a correlation
day. However, the latency to the first CT seizure of between the number of seizures an animal experi-
the day, across 5 days, did not change. For the first enced and the level of c-fos mRNA expression;
3 days of testing, seizure threshold latency (both c-fos mRNA expression was greatest with ten FL
MJ and CT) was significantly longer for the second seizures, lower with nine seizures and even less with
seizure of the day compared with the first seizure a single seizure. LC was the only region that showed
latency. However, after the third day, the latencies such a correlation of c-fos expression with the
to MJ and CT were similar for the first and second number of seizures. In the VMH, both nine and ten
seizures of the day, suggesting that a refractoriness repetitive FL seizures increased c-fos mRNA ex-
induced by the first seizure of the day was lost. pression versus control and single seizure; however,
Tonic extension in adults occurred in an increasing the nine FL seizure group showed the greatest
percentage of animals over days 2– 4; a maximum increase in c-fos mRNA expression (Fig. 3a– d,
60% of animals exhibited tonic extension with the autoradiograms).
eighth seizure.
3.2.2. Mature animals
In the mature animals, a single FL seizure
3.2. c-Fos mRNA expression
increased c-fos mRNA expression in the cingulate
cortex, neocortex and striatum (Fig. 2). Unlike the
3.2.1. Immature animals
immature animals, none of the seven mature ani-
The c-fos mRNA expression profile in the imma- mals which had a single FL seizure showed expres-
ture and mature animal, following either single or sion of c-fos mRNA in any of the hippocampal
repetitive seizures, varies across different brain regions.
regions (Fig. 2). In the immature animal a single FL Repetitive FL seizures in the mature animals
seizure resulted in increased c-fos mRNA expres- increased c-fos mRNA expression in the cingulate
sion in the cingulate cortex, neocortex, septum and cortex, septum and the hippocampal CA1, CA3
striatum. In the hippocampus, the response to a and DG (Figs. 2 and 3e, no seizure; f, single seizure;
single FL was variable. Of the ten immature g, nine seizures; and h, ten seizures in mature
animals that received a single FL seizure, six had animals). The DG had the greatest change in c-fos
c-fos mRNA expression comparable to no seizure mRNA expression of any of the regions studied
controls, but the other four animals showed ele- (Fig. 3e–h, autoradiograms). The VMH and LC,
vated c-fos mRNA expression in the CA3 and which in the immature animals had very large
dentate gyrus (DG) (Fig. 3a, no seizure; compared changes in c-fos mRNA expression with repetitive
with b, single seizure). FL seizures, showed c-fos mRNA expression com-
Repetitive FL seizures in immature animals sig- parable to control levels in adult brains (Fig. 3e, h
nificantly elevated c-fos mRNA expression in the for VMH).
cingulate cortex, neocortex, septum, LC, VMH and
hippocampal CA3 and DG (Fig. 3a, no seizure; b, 3.2.3. VMH and c-fos mRNA
single seizure; c, nine seizures; and d, ten seizures Expression of Fos protein in the VMH has been
in immature animal). The hippocampal CA1 region been hypothesized to correlate to the expression
P. Szot et al. / Epilepsy Research 46 (2001) 191–203 197

Fig. 2. c-Fos mRNA expression in immature and mature rats following no seizures (control), single seizure, nine seizures and ten
seizures. c-Fos mRNA expression was measured in the cingulate cortex (Cing. ctx), neocortex (Ctx), septum, striatum, VMH, LC
and hippocampal CA1, CA3 and DG. * Represents statistical (PB 0.05) difference compared with control. c Represents statistical
(PB 0.05) difference compared with a single seizure. a Represents statistical (P B0.05) difference between nine and ten repetitive

of hindlimb seizures (i.e. tonic extension) (Samor- mRNA expression in the VMH, but not to the
iski et al., 1997a,b; Ferland and Applegate, 1998a). degree that was observed in the nine seizure group;
Fig. 4 shows the level of c-fos mRNA expression this increase was similar whether or not tonic
in animals exhibiting tonic extension with nine or extension was observed. In adult animals, there was
ten FL seizures. Immature animals sacrificed after no correlation between c-fos mRNA expression in
nine FL seizures all exhibited tonic extension, and the VMH and tonic extension during seizures.
all expressed significant levels of c-fos mRNA in the There was elevated c-fos mRNA expression in both
VMH. Immature animals sacrificed after ten FL nine seizure and ten seizure groups with or without
seizures also showed a significant increase in c-fos tonic extension.
198 P. Szot et al. / Epilepsy Research 46 (2001) 191–203

3.3. 2 -Deoxyglucose (2DG) labeling regions of the brain (except the hippocampus) (Fig.
5, immature). A single seizure, however, had little
2DG labeling was determined in sections adja- effect on glucose utilization. Adult animals showed
cent to those in which c-fos mRNA expression was rather variable changes in 2DG labeling following
measured. Due to the brevity of the FL seizure, single or repetitive seizures. A significant decrease
2DG labeling in these animals reflects not only in 2DG labeling was observed in the cortex and
changes in glucose use during the seizure, but also thalamus (Fig. 5, mature). In animals where a
(and perhaps primarily) during the postictal period. prolonged status epilepticus was generated (pilo-
Since the majority of time between the 2DG bolus carpine), there was a significant increase in 2DG
injection and animal sacrifice consisted of postictal labeling in many brain regions.
activity, we also examined a group of animals
(adults) that we sacrificed directly after their FL
generalized seizures (the 2DG bolus given 45 min 4. Discussion
before or immediately before seizure).
Using the standard injection of 2DG-seizure This study has focused on the consequences of
induction and then sacrificing 45 min later proto- repetitive seizure activity in rat, and particularly
col, we found significant decreases in 2DG labeling on the differences between immature and mature
in immature animals following repetitive (nine or animals. Our results clearly do not yield informa-
ten) FL seizures compared with control and single tion about any causal relationship between
seizure animals; this change was found in most seizures and c-fos mRNA expression (and/or glu-

Fig. 3. Autoradiograms of c-fos mRNA expression at the level of VMH and hippocampal CA1, CA3 and dentate gyrus (DG) in
immature (a – d) and mature (e –h) animals following no seizure (control) (a and e), single seizure (b and f), nine seizures (c and g)
and ten seizures (d and h).
P. Szot et al. / Epilepsy Research 46 (2001) 191–203 199

1992; Stafstrom et al., 1992; Velisek et al., 1992;

Weller and Mostofsky, 1995). These studies have
generally focused on sensitivity to a single, acutely-
induced seizure. We have, in contrast, examined
changes in responsiveness to a series of seizure-in-
ducing stimuli. Overall, both age groups tolerated
the repetitive seizure paradigm very well; however,
mortality in the immature animal occurred after the
first seizure, while mortality in the adults occurred
after several seizures (first death after the eighth
seizure) had been administered.
Enhanced seizure susceptibility of the immature
animal was apparent in our paradigm primarily in
Fig. 4. Correlation of c-fos mRNA expression in the VMH of the lower threshold latency of the second of two
immature and mature rats to tonic extension following nine daily seizure trials. That is, once the immature 12
FL seizures and ten FL seizures. With nine FL seizures:
animal experienced a seizure on a given day, it
+tonic, tonic extension occurring after the ninth seizure; and
−tonic, tonic extension did not occur after the ninth seizure. was more vulnerable to the second stimulus.
With ten FL seizure: − /− tonic, tonic extension did not Adult animals, in contrast, were more resistant to
occur following either the ninth or tenth seizure; + /− tonic, the second daily seizure provoking stimulus (at
tonic extension occurred following the ninth seizure, but not least for the first 3 of 5 days of testing). This
following the tenth seizure and + /+ tonic, tonic extension
occurred following both the ninth and tenth seizure.

cose utilization). However, the results provide some

important insight into the consequences of repeti-
tive seizures in the immature animal. Using seizure
latency as a measure of threshold, and c-fos activa-
tion as a measure of neuronal activity, we found
rather different patterns of response in immature
versus mature brains. However, seizure-related glu-
cose utilization—2DG distribution — did not show
an increase in either the immature and mature
animal. 2DG distribution may not be a sensitive
enough technique to measure changes in the
metabolic demands of these brief FL seizure. Until
more adequate measures can be utilized, it is
unclear what differences in the metabolic demands
of repetitive seizures exist between the immature
and mature animals.

4.1. Seizure threshold and se6erity

Many studies have shown that immature animals Fig. 5. [14C]-2DG labeling in immature and mature animals
are extremely sensitive to many perturbations that following no seizures (control), single seizure, nine seizures and
result in seizures (de Casrilevitz et al., 1971; Waster- ten seizures. 2DG labeling was measured in the cingulate
cortex (Cing. ctx), neocortex (Ctx), striatum (STR), thalamus,
lain and Plum, 1973; Moshe et al., 1983; de Feo et LC and hippocampus. * Represents statistical (PB 0.05) dif-
al., 1985; Cavalheiro et al., 1987; Sperber and ference to control. c Represents statistical (PB0.05) differ-
Moshe, 1988; Zouhar et al., 1989; Hirsch et al., ence to a single seizure.
200 P. Szot et al. / Epilepsy Research 46 (2001) 191–203

result suggests that the immature animals lack ‘do repetitive seizures involve more/different brain
refractoriness following a seizure—a feature also regions?’ and ‘is the seizure representation different
observed by Holmes and Thompson (1987) with in immature versus mature rats?’ Expression of the
electrical kindling. It should be noted that an immediate early gene, c-fos, was used to determine
increase in seizure response with repetitive seizures which regions in the brain were active during a
has not, however, always been observed in the single seizure, or following repetitive seizures with
immature animal. Liu et al. (1999) noted an in- a 45-min post-seizure time point. Interestingly,
crease in FL seizure latency in immature rats with even following a single FL seizure, the immature
repeated (25 and 50) seizures; and Sarkisian et al. brain showed more regions expressing c-fos mRNA
(1997) saw an increase in kainate seizure latency in than the mature brain; the ‘additional’ regions in
immature animals, but no change in adult rats. the immature animal included primarily the septum
Interestingly, in our study the adult animals ap- and occasionally, the hippocampus. In the imma-
peared to lose refractoriness after the sixth seizure ture animal, a single FL seizure resulted in in-
(although they never showed an increased respon- creased c-fos mRNA expression in the
siveness to seizures as observed with the immature hippocampus (DG and CA3) in a percentage of the
animals). animals, while a single FL seizure in adult animals
Another indication of the greater susceptibility did not alter c-fos expression in any region of the
of immature animals compared with adults with FL hippocampus in any animal. Repetitive seizures in
stimuli, is their more intense seizure severity (i.e. the immature animal recruited more regions than
expression of tonic extension). All the immature seen after a single FL seizure; in particular the
animals in our study showed tonic extension when VMH, LC, and hippocampal CA3 and dentate
gyrus region were activated in all animals with
FL seizures were induced repetitively. This en-
repetitive seizures but not with the single seizure.
hanced seizure response was observed mainly with
In addition, repetitive FL seizures in immature
the first seizure of every day. Interestingly, there
animals resulted in more regions with elevated c-fos
was a lower incidence of tonic extension with the
mRNA expression than seen in the mature brains;
second seizure, suggesting the influence of some
c-fos expression in the VMH and LC was not
form of refractoriness in these immature animals,
evident in adult animals but clearly seen in imma-
perhaps localized to hindbrain regions where the
ture animals. These data indicate that in the imma-
origins of tonic extension are thought to be local- ture animal, in comparison to adult animals under
ized (Browning et al., 1993; Samoriski et al., similar seizure conditions, more regions in the brain
1997a,b; Ferland and Applegate, 1998a). Adult are activated when single or repetitive FL seizures
animals also exhibited tonic extension; however, are induced.
only a percentage of the animals, 60% maximum, In addition to the wider distribution of c-fos
showed such a response on any given day. Samor- mRNA expression in the immature animal, the
iski and Applegate (1997) noted that with mice, as intensity of labeling per region also appeared
the number of seizures the animal experienced was greater in the immature animal than in the adult
increased, the percentage of animals which exhib- (based on differences between control and seizure
ited tonic extension also increased. It appears then groups for immature and mature animals). In the
that brief, recurrent FL seizures in both mice and immature rat, the regional change in c-fos mRNA
rats will result in increased seizure severity. expression in the septum, striatum, VMH, LC and
hippocampal CA3 was greater than the changes
4.2. c-Fos mRNA expression and 2DG labeling observed in the adult animal for comparable re-
gions. Indeed, the DG was the only region in the
Behavioral data indicate that immature animals, adult animal that showed a large increase in c-fos
in contrast to adults, become more sensitive to mRNA expression when compared with control
repeated convulsant stimuli. We, therefore, asked animals. Similar observations have been made in
whether there were changes in the distribution of studies of repetitive seizures in immature rats and
seizure activity in the brains of these rats. That is, adult mice using a non-quantitative immunohisto-
P. Szot et al. / Epilepsy Research 46 (2001) 191–203 201

chemical determination of Fos protein (Samoriski and metabolism in developing animals, and to
et al., 1997a,b; Liu et al., 1999). compare these changes to those observed in the
During repeated seizures there is a change in adult. Both seizure behavior and neuronal activity
seizure phenotype from clonic/tonic (‘forebrain’) pattern (c-fos expression) were different in imma-
seizure to tonic extension (‘hindbrain’) seizures. ture compared with mature animals. 2DG method-
This behavioral pattern has been correlated by ology to measure metabolic activity was not
other investigators to an increase in the expression sufficiently sensitive to reveal distinct FL seizure-
of the Fos protein in the VMH (Samoriski et al., related changes.
1997a,b; Ferland and Applegate, 1998a). In our
study, both the immature and mature animals
showed a progression of seizure phenotype from Acknowledgements
forebrain to hindbrain seizure. However, this pro-
gression of seizure phenotype was not always This work was supported by the University of
associated with the induction of c-fos mRNA in the Washington Pediatric Epilepsy Research Center,
VMH. For example, in response to the tenth FL Department of Veterans Affairs (P.S.), and NIH
stimulus, some immature animals had tonic exten- grant NS-18895 (P.A.S.).
sion seizures and some did not; however, all the
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in the VMH. In adult animals, expression of c-fos References
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