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Issued by Academy Avignon of Crafts and SMEs in Europe

The Observatory on the European Research for Crafts and SMEs was set up by the Academy Avignon of Crafts and SMEs in Europe, based in Brussels. Its mission is to monitor the results of research on Craft and SMEs carried out in Europe by several bodies e.g. research centres, universities, the EC agencies. The Observatory diffuses the results to Crafts and SME organizations and the other relevant stakeholders.


JUNE 2011/N.25


1- A d m i n i s t r a t i v e B a r r i e r s T o D e v e l o p m e n t O f S m a l l A n d M e d i u m

E n t e r p r i s e s I n P o l a n d ; By Michal Dziadkiewicz and Tomasz Calus.

2- Export Growing among Knowledge-intensive Service Providers;

By Alexander Eickelpasch.
3- Interrelation entre capital humain, capital social et internatio

n a l i s a t i o n : l e c a s d ' e n t r e p r e n e u r s f r a n a i s e n C h i n e ; By Gox

Franois and Viala Cline.

4-Assetti e prospettive dei confidi: nuovi disegni organizzativi e nuove r e g o l a m e n t a z i o n i ; By Banca dItalia e Confidi.


Author(s): Michal Dziadkiewicz (Czestochowa University of Technology)and

Tomasz Calus (University of Silesia).


(EN) Administrative barriers considerably hinder establishment of new and operation of the existing small and medium enterprises. These barriers should be understood as costs incurred by the entrepreneurs due to fulfilment of information obligations which result from legal regulations imposed by the state. The entrepreneurs frequently point to the barriers connected with bureaucracy and excessively developed administrative procedures. This involves in particular improper professional background of the people employed in public administration institutions as well as lack of diligence during dealing with different issues and long time of waiting for administrative decisions. The postulates are proposed that it is necessary to carry out a reform of administrative and economic law. The way of functioning of public administration and economic jurisdiction institutions should also be changed so that their operation stimulates development of entrepreneurship and enterprises in Poland. LINK


Author(s): Alexander Eickelpasch (German Institute for Economic Research)


(EN) In the German economy, both international trade in goods and also in services have grown quite forcefully. World-wide Germany is the third-largest exporter of services. However, until recently little has been known about the export behavior of service companies, especially small and medium sized enterprises (SME). The exports of SMEs in knowledge-intensive service branches have grown in above average in the years 2003 to 2007. Admittedly, the quotient of exports of these companies is still smaller than that of the large companies. The proportion of companies exporting has increased among both SMEs and large companies. The increase however was especially pronounced among medium-sized companies. A longitudinal study for the period 2003 to 2007 shows that there are relatively few small companies that constantly export, i.e. in all of the years named here. Among the medium-sized companies there are many that - unlike the case of very small companies - first began exporting in these years. The significance of the first-time exporter exceeds the significance of those who have ended their shipments abroad. LINK


Author(s): Goxe, Franois; Viala, Cline(Dauphine Recherches en Management)


(FR) Cette recherche interroge le lien entre capital humain et capital social dans la perspective du dveloppement international de Petites et Moyennes Entreprises (PME). Elle prend appui sur une tude de cas qualitative des tentatives d'approche du march chinois par des entrepreneurs de PME franaises et entend contribuer au domaine mergent de l'entrepreneuriat international en adressant deux questions majeures: (1) Quels rles jouent certaines dimensions personnelles, dimensions du capital humain Orientation Internationale, Comptences en Commerce International, Savoir-Faire Managrial et Perception du Risque Environnemental dans le dveloppement de capital social entre entrepreneurs nationaux (Franais) et internationaux (Chinois) dans une perspective d'internationalisation? (2) Quelles formes ce capital social prend-il et comment est-il mobilis dans le cadre de tentatives de dveloppement en Chine ?



Author(s): Banca dItalia e Confidi ( con intervento di Stefano Mieli).


(I) La Banca d'Italia ha avviato, dallo scorso mese di aprile, unindagine presso i Confidi di maggiore dimensione focalizzata sullandamento del rischio creditizio. Da una prima analisi dei dati pervenuti, emerge un aumento nel volume delle garanzie rilasciate da dicembre 2007 al 2008 (+ 11 per cento); la tendenza si accentua nel 2009 (+15 per cento). Questo andamento tanto pi significativo se si considera che nel 2009 i prestiti bancari alle imprese si sono contratti. La crescita nel volume delle garanzie stata accompagnata da un deterioramento del profilo di rischiosit. Le partite anomale complessive - che includono sofferenze, incagli, crediti ristrutturati e attivit scadute avevano raggiunto a marzo scorso il 9 per cento delle garanzie rilasciate. I Confidi hanno contribuito significativamente al funzionamento del mercato del credito per le piccole imprese in condizioni particolarmente difficili; per ottenere questo risultato hanno assunto rischi non sempre commisurati alle loro strutture patrimoniali e organizzative. La lezione della crisi sullimportanza che rivestono operatori in grado di promuovere lincontro tra domanda e offerta di finanziamenti indica la necessit di una regolamentazione tesa a promuovere una maggiore solidit ed efficienza degli intermediari che offrono garanzie. In questa direzione si muovono le innovazioni normative introdotte negli ultimi mesi.



It's not just the UK banks that are crippling SMEs (EN) 26 /05/ 2011, The Guardian
It's not just the UK banks that aren't lending to small to medium sized enterprises. A recent report by Ireland's Central Statistics Office the equivalent of the ONS into credit provision in the economy for small and medium enterprises showed, unsurprisingly, that credit is very hard for small firms to access. Overall, for firms that apply for finance, only 66% of them are getting it. This is down from 99% in the heady days of 2007 The chart shows the seasonally adjusted changes in stocks of goods in Ireland from 1997 to 2010.


CEN Conference: Interoperability and sustainability for Construction

Brussels, 9 - 10 June 2011 More informations and Registration Form


The Guardian: The Guardian (formerly known as The Manchester Guardian) is a British national daily newspaper. Founded in 1821, it is owned by the Scott Trust, via the Guardian Media Group. At the 2010 election it supported the Liberal Democrats. Czstochowa University of Technology: The University is the largest and oldest university in
the region of Czstochowa. The University was founded in 1949 as Szkoa Inynierska (Engineering School). In 1955 the name was changed to its current form of Politechnika Czstochowska.

WIFO: The Austrian Institute for Economic Research WIFO was founded by Friedrich
August von Hayek and Ludwig von Mises in 1927. Its brief is to analyse economic developments in Austria and internationally, thereby contributing to the establishment of a sound basis for economic policy and entrepreneurial decision-making and ensuring that economic policy discussion is carried on at an objective level.

The University of Silesia :is one of the most prestigious universities in the southern part of
the country and one of the biggest public universities. The University of Silesia was established on 8 June 1968 as Polands ninth university. The university was created through a merger of a branch of the Jagiellonian University existing in Katowice since 1963 with the Higher School of Pedagogy which at that time was the only academic institution in the region, with its roots dating back to 1928.

The German Institute for Economic Research (Deutsches Institut fr Wirtschaftsforschung DIW Berlin) is the largest economic research institute in Germany.DIW Berlin was founded in 1925 as the Institute for Business Cycle Research (Institut fr Konjunkturforschung). It has been headquartered in Berlin since its founding. As a member the LeibnizGemeinschaft, DIW Berlin is predominantly publicly funded.

Banca dItalia: is the central bank of Italy and part of the European System of Central Banks. It is located in Palazzo Koch, Roma, via Nazionale. The main function has thus become banking and financial supervision. The objective is to ensure the stability and efficiency of the system and compliance to rules and regulations; the bank pursues it through secondary legislation, controls and cooperation with governmental authorities. Dauphine Recherches en Management (DRM): Cr en janvier 2005, DRM reprsente un
des plus importants centres de recherche en sciences du management en France, et constitue la grande unit de recherche de lUniversit Paris Dauphine. DRM regroupe 60 chercheurs et enseignants-chercheurs, et 180 doctorants sous la direction dun membre de DRM, dans les domaines de la finance, du marketing, de la stratgie, des thories de lorganisation, des systmes dinformation, de la gestion des ressources humaines, de la comptabilit et du contrle de gestion.

The present edition of the Newsletter for the Academy Avignon was edited by Maura Albanesi.

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