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1. DEfInE yOuR vIsIOn. you must develop a clear vision of how you want to manage customer relationships, and then cultivate strategies which translate to definable and measurable action. 2. sPELL Measurable BusInEss gOALs. Corporate vision and strategy, once defined, result in specific and measurable goals that help you track where you are in your plan, and how well your strategy is working. 3. gET suPPORT fROm mAnAgEmEnT. before embarking on a Crm program, make sure you have the full support of the companys top executives. fleshing out clear objectives that can be achieved from Crm will further your bid for general consensus. remember the successful execution of your strategy will need the alignment and integration of multiple departments. 4. sTOP AT nOThIng TO gET EnD- usER Buy-In. Implementing a Crm program without buy-in from all concerned departments will lead you absolutely nowhere. dont railroad them, individual departments are going to suffer disruptions and inconvenience as their workflows are changed. Convince them instead of the benefits of the program. note: buy-in needs to be maintained over the life of the program. 5. InvOLvE EnD-usERs In CRm DEsIgn. Its important to ensure active participation of end-users while youre designing the Crm. no program or solution implementation can succeed if those on the front-line refuse to accept it. 6. TALk In ThEIR TOnguE. business goals drive solution functionality. Clearly define functionality requirements based on business needs, rather than technical interests. keep in mind, however, that while a technological implementation is built around business needs, a cost effective program will also allow for changing work practices to suit the capabilities of you technology. 7. TRAIn AnD COmmunICATE effective Crm is about people, process, and technology. People need to understand how Crm will change processes they are used to. It is a good idea to remind yourself that, often, a Crm program will make many processes

explicit for the first time. If end-users do not know how to use a solution properly or feel that they cant keep up with it, they have a tendency not to use it as much. Consequently, the solution will fail to deliver its true potential and that affects you. 8. TAkE A PhAsED APPROACh. a big bang opening might be good for movie premiers but they can live with creative licenseyou cant. Complete the Crm process in multiple steps. let each step be guided by business priorities, financial constraints, your people and the maturity of your processes, andmost important of allwhat you learnt from the last step. 9. mEAsuRE REsuLTs. set benchmarks and targets and measure your progress against them. the metrics should focus on business value or placeholders for value.

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