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0 r i g i n a l lp l a n n e td b e l a u n c h eid H o n g y o n , K o n g y M a r c h1 , 1 9 9 6M i c h a e l 'n e x tt o u r b s a a s h o u l d c t u a l l y 0 m m e n c le t eM a y ,i n c S i n g a p o r T . eT o u rw o u l dt h e nm o v e n eh 0 t h r o u g A s i af o r t h r e e e e k s e f o r e o m i n g h w b c d w a t o E u r o p e , h e r ec o n c e r t s r e p l a n n e f o r ) (J E n g l a n F r a n c ( J u n ea n dG e r m a n y u l y ) . d, e As we got0 press, there's no news any still of dates nlanned theUnited f0r States. " T h e G e r m a ne l e v i s i o p r 0 g r a m W e t t e n t n ( D a B . . . ? " W a n n a e t ? " )w h i c hr e c e i v e d B , M i c h a ella s tN o v e m b e r t h , o t e d e c 0 r d A n r e a u d i e n cs c o r e sh a n k t 0 t h e p r e s e n co f e t s p us t h e i r r e s t i g i o g u e s t".M o r e h a n1 8m i l l i o n t v i e w e r s a t c h e dh e e n t i r e t o f t h e s h o w . " w t v R s a i dS o n yM u s i cv i c e p r e s i d e n t i c h a r d ". 0 g d e na f t e r w a r d s A n d w h e n M i c h a e l p e r f o r m e d ' E a St o n g ,n e a r l y 5 m i l l i o n r h 2 ' p e o p l w e r et u n e dn .T h i s a r t i c u l a r i s o d e e p i ep 'Wetten D a B . . . ? ' ia l r e a d v . i t h o u a s w t of d o u b t G e r m a n v m o s t - w a t c h ee l e v i s i o n , 's td s h o wo f 1 9 9 5N o o t h e rE u r o p e a n l e v i s i o n . te c t s h o w s o m e s v e nc l o s e o m a t c h i nto e s e e h " extraord ryfigures... ina

r A s y o L a l r r c w b y r o w , " T h e y o n ' C a r e b o L nJ s s t n e a t e s s i n ge t 0 b , o e e a s e d y l v 4 i c h a en t h e l r l . D t A t b a s t s s u eo f l l l S t o r yM a q a t n e w e a n n o ! n 0 e f i r . . f i i l 6 r l 9 ' i i O ! d b e c 0 m n ! t o i r t r e x r T h e l a s t - m l t e n t c h a n g e n s c h c d r r itc o k p i a c ej L r sa s w e p r e ! l or . i l f e s s t r a r a M c h a e lh m s e l lL r y nd e c i d e c o i o s o tl le c h a n g e o n yl V L r s ' s m a r k e n q p l a n s H ef e r t h a t " T h e yD o n ' tC a r e b o L rU s " v , r o L rbd a b e t t e r h o c e o f S c t A t c r s r n g l eo f o l o w " E a r t lS o n g , " n d S o n yr e s p e c t eh s r e q L r e s t o Lc a n e x p e c t 0 s e e " S t r a n q eIrn t Y. r a d M o s c o w "t h e n" l V o n e y " e e a s e d st h e n e x ts n g l e s r o mt h e a l b L r m / , S I o r t l . r a f H

I'lanno 0ef?

T h ef a m o u A m e r i c atn l e v i s i osn o w" S o u l s e h Train" recently celebrated 25th its anniversary organised the for on the air.At the galaevent weresome the biggest ceremony of names in American rhythm blues. and Naturally, Michael w a s 0 n t h e t o p o f t h e i n v i t a t i olns tf o r t h i s i event, animpotant but engagement in Germany ( a l i v e p p e a r a no n o n eo f t h em o s p o p u l a r a ce t t e l e v i s i os h o w si n t h e c o u n t r v",W e t t e n n D a B ? . . .m a d e n y t h i nb u ta p r e - r e c o r d e d ") a g a p p e a r a n fco r t h es h o w o t a l l i m p o s s i b l e . e t y po e, A n dt o m a k e h e i m p o s s i b b l e s s i b l t h a t ' s t exactly whatMichael on0ctober st,1995 did: 31 (ontheeveof thetaping the25th 0f Train Soul A n n i v e r s aSy o w )L o sA n g e l e s 'e l e b r a t e d rh , c S h r i n e u d i t o r i ue x c e p t i o n ao lp e n e i t s A m l y d a ys l d o o r f o rM i c h a e ln dc o m p a nA . m a lg r o u p s gu s o f p r i v i l e g e d e s t w a s a b l e o w a t c ha t s p e c i a le r s i o o f " D a n g e r o u s ,s w e l la s a v n a" p e r f o r m a n o e" Y o u r e N o tA l o n e " w h e r e cf ( A il d M i c h a en v i t ea n a d o r i nfg m a l f a nt o c l i m b e e uponto stage hughim). the to

Trnin $honr Soul flunrds

p T h i s a g e a sf e a t u r eid t h e0 u i n c y o n e s w n J T r i b u t e d i t i oo f B i l l b o a r d a g a z i n e n M ( D e c e m b1 6 t hs s u e ) . er i

,.::ti l.::,.,i-, ( 0 f t h i n g s i n c l u d i n g sp r i v a c y o r h i s{ a n s . hi f! 'l8th, Last January thefollowing communiqu Today more thanever, wouldn't bethedecent it wasreleasedthepress Lisa 1o by for Marie thingt0 d0to stophunting private details of people's Presley's lives? Michael spokesperson: lf Jackson Lisa or Marie "Lisa Marie Presley, through attorney her John decide tell us about to theirorivate lives one P .C o a l e f W a s h i n g t o nC ,f,i l e d o r d i v o r c e d a y ,t h e ni t w o u l db e o k a yt o d i s c u s t h e o 0. f s against Michael today LosAngeles, s u b j e c b,e c a u ste a tw o u l d et h e i rc h o i c e . in h Jackson t b California." Unfortunately, justnotthewayit works that's in At thesame timeMichael through the t h i sd a ya n da g e . h ea r g u m e nh a tc e r t a i n Jackson, T tt private i n t e r m e d i ao f h i sl a w y e J o h n n i e o c h r a n , journalists t0 pryintopeople's ry r C use lives e r e l e a s eh i s o w n m e s s a gte t h e p r e s s : - n a m e l y t h e p r i v i l e g o f t h e f r e e d o m f d o o " M i c h a e la c k s o a n dL i s a a r i e r e s l e Vinformation- actually a pitiful just M P is J n excuse t0 Jackson agreed gotheir have to ways. g 0 t 0 t h e m o s th o r r e n d o u s t r e m e T . e s e separate ex sh journalrsfs claimto write in the good remain friends." They tabloid who SoMichael Lisa and Marie have decided out name truth, to of who claim know to why people an endto their Rather marriage. what? So than -whom they've never even spoken marry, toi n t e r p r e t i nh i sn e w sl i k ea p u b l i c v e n ta s b r e a k p o r f a l li l l ,a r en o t h i n m o r e h a na tg e , u g t j ta n c e r t a i n0 u r n a l i shs v e 0 p r o b l e mo i n go bunch cheap d t motivated of scandal-mongerers u n b e l i e v a b lx c e s s ,h o u l d n ' te j u s ts i m p l y b y o n ea n do n l y n et h i n gm a k i na n a m eo r ee w : g s o f period? themselves exoense others. consider some that things private, are atthe of Michael devoted life us, has his to giving a lot up ffi




HlStorq ltself flepeats

A newpressingthealbum of HIStoryis currently a v a i l a b w o r l d w i d T . el a t e se d i l i o n f t h e le eh t o album contains, notably,revised a version ofthe song"They Don't Care About Us."Contrary to w h a tw a sf i r s ta n n o u n c e n t h e p r e s st ,h e id c o n t r o v e r swa l r d s j e wm e "a n d" k i k e e " io " m w e r en o tr e o l a c ew i t h " d o m e " a n d" s t r i k e d m e , "b u tr a t h e " c h e wm e " a n d" h i k e e . " r m M o r e o v e irf,y o u ' v er s t e n ec a r e f u l lty t h e l d o pressing, willmost you other songs thelatest on c e r t a i n lh a v en o t i c e d n o t h ei r p o r t a n t y a m c h a n g ie t h en e wa l b u m h ec l a s s i c a l u s i c n t: m t h a t0 p e n s p t h e i n t r o d u c t otri yl et r a c k u t "HlStory" been has significantly modified.


lf youarea subscriberHtStory to Magazine,you willnodoubt have noticed issue arrived that #2 p o n y o u rd o o r s t eIp t et:h e# 1 i s s u e r o m i s e d a thatHM#2 would outin November Asis be 1995. pu o f t e n h e c a s ei n t h e m a g a z i n e b l i s h i n g t b u s i n e s s ,o u g h e l e a sd a t e s e r ec h a n g e d th r, e w y w i t h o u tu rb e i n g b l eo w a r n o ui n a d v a n c e . o a t W e w i l l d o e v e r y t h i n n o u rp o w e r o m a k e ig t sure thatyournextissue shows ontimeas up p r o m i s ea n d s k o u h u m b lH Mr e a d etro d, a y , e , f o r g i vu so u rt r e s p a s s[e sa n y n c o n v e n i e n c e e or i o u rl a t e n e s si g hh a v e a u s ey o u . m t c d A few of youreaders there out have requested b e i n ga b l et o c o n t a c t u r s u b s c r i p t i o n o s d e p a r t m ein tc a s e f d e l i v e rp r o b l e mW.e n o y have decided, a result, setupa special as t0 fax n u m b e r r a l lr e a d e rw h ow i s ht o b r i n g n y fo s a problems0urattention: subscription to


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;riji: iirititii ril'

l,rlhot timeisfor qou nqrent it nll colleclors out lhere. 0nltl lhere ofneu beinq tlot nre alot items relensed l've heord nnumber riqhI n0u, nlso thnl proiects fhe ]|ere 0fmnrvel0us little nre uorIs. in q0l iump into Intest: lt'le Let's right lhe
M a g a z i n e - w iIsh a v e nste e n e, ' t a n y t h i n g a l l y r e as i n c ea s t re g l t i m es o l ' v ed e c i d etd i n t r o d u c e , o y o ut o a E u r o p e a na g a z i n e m ,o called Black& White(1l', p w h i c h a sb e e n u b l i s h e n h rd F r e n c h , e r m aa n dl t a l i a s i n c e G n n 1 9 9 1 ; t hm a g a z i ns d e v o t e d is ie e x c l u s i v eov i c h a e la c k s o n tl M J news features. is,infact, and lt theEuropean version HlStory of Magazine. those youin For of North America,youhave if f r i e n do nt h eo t h e s i d e {t h e s r o you Atlantic, them send a ask to l c o p yY o u ' f li n dl o t s f o r i g i n a l . o photos inside. Black White & is, o f c o u r s e ,no f f i c i a l i c h a e l a M J a c k s op u b l i c a t i o n , t ' sp u t n a si o u tb yt h es a m e o m p a n y a t c th doesHlStory Magazine.'e All y o um u s i c i a n s t t h e r ei:s t e n ou l jg u p !l ' v eg o ts o m e t h i nu s tf o r you:the H/SforySong (2). Book s T w oh u n d r ep a g e o f m u s i c n d d a lyrics gowiththe30songs to on M i c h a e l l' a s ta l b u m . ' c h e 9 9 6 s T 1 (3) Michael Jackson Calendar h a sb e e n ns a l e r o u ntd e o a h w o r l d o wf o rt h el a s t o u o l e n c (d m o n t h st.' sp u b l i s h e a g a i n )y l b c t h eB r i t i s c o m p a n ya n i l o . 0 n h D t h em e r c h a n d i sfi r o n tl,o t s f ng o l n i c e i t t l eh i n g s a v e e e n t h b r e l e a s ee s p e c i a liln E n g l a n d , d, y w h e r eh eR a z a m a tc o m p a n y t az hasjustproduced Michael two (4). Flags ldeal Jackson for yo r d e c o r a t i n g u r o o m rs t a n d i n g o o u ti n a c r o w d,lc l n F r a n c eh e t, g A M C - M 0 o m p a ni y p u t t i no u t c s a number quality of items truefor blooded fans. MJ Desk stuff, (5) stationery, chains and key b a c k p a c kR e a l lfyn em a t e r i a l s. i h e r e,.c 0 n t h ed i s c c e n e , e s th v e s e c o n d o l u m o f t h e" C l a s s i c R e m iS e r i e sc o l l e c t i o n sj u s t x " ha released theU.K. been in After " Y o u r eN o tA l o n e+ " R o c k A " "Earth WithYou," Song" + "Wanna Startin' Be Somethin"' e. n { 6 }a r en o wa v a i l a b lT h i s e w l i m i t e e d i t i oC Dm a xs i n g l e a s d n i h two versions "Earth of Song" and two remixed versions "Wanna of ro BeStartin' Somethin"'. Inthe nextissue HlStory of Magazine, y l ' l lg i v e o ua r e - c a p f a l lt h e o interesting versions "Earth of p S o n gt"h a th a v e e e n r e s s e d b r e c e n t l I nt h em e a n t i mIe ,a n y. c tellyouabout veryfirstedition the of thissingle, European a CD (7) promo withonlyonetrack, the ,c editversion. quite lt's rare. In J a p a nS o n y u s i cw h on e v e r , M , r e l e a s ea C Dm a xs i n g l e f d i o " S c r e a mm a d e pf o ri t w i t ht h e ," u recent release a beautifur of "Remixes" for eachofthetwo CD "You NotAlone" newsingles. Are (with versions) "Earth 7 and (with5 versions 2 Song" + r e m i x eo f " W a n n a e "a r e s B c c u r r e n t av a i l a b l,e . l nt h e lv United four States, newlimitedphone edition Michael Jackson (3,500 pressings cards each) have j u s tb e e n r o d u c e d P h o n l y n x , p by t h ec o m p a n y a tb o u g h t e th th g l o b a l c e n s i n gg h t f o rt h e li ri s c p h o n e a r d s . l t ' sb e c o ma c e tradition: is a listof allthe here versions "Earth of Song" that have eeneleaseo date: b r td A l b u m e r s i o6 : 4 5 R a d i o d i t v n / E 4 : 5 8 H a n i 'R a d i E x p e r i e n c e s o / 3 : 3 3 H a n i 'E x t e n d e d d i o s Ra / E x p e r i e n4 : 3 5 H a n i 'A r o u n d ce / s TheWorldExoerience 14:50. I nt h en e x t s s u e f H M ,l ' l lb e i o r e c a p p i n o ry o ua l lt h e fg "This pressings ofthepromo i m eA r o u n d " n d h ev a r i o u s a t remixes exist thissong. that of Until then, wishyouluckinthe I quest finding collector's of that item yourdreams. you of See soon I T








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L a s t o v e m b e rt h ,M i c h a e i N 6 M h J a c k s o n n dS o n y u s i ca n n o u n c et d e a g c r e a t i o o f S o n y / A TM u s i cP u b l i s h i na , n V M s n r e r g eb e t w e e n i c h a e l 'A T VM u s i c r P L r b l i s h ic o m p a n a n dS o n y L r s i c ng M y Publishing. T h en e w c o m p a n y , i t h a w to a c a t a l o g u r e p L r t e d b e w o r t ho v e rh a l T e b i l l i o n o l l a r s ,o l d s h e r i g h t so s o n g s y h t t b d , P t h e B e a t l e s 2 5 's o n g s )E l v i s r e s l e y , 1 l M a r i a h a r e yL i t t l e i c h a r a n dB a b y f a c e , R d C , t o n a m eb u ta f e w .M i c h a e l 'o w ns o n g s s a r e n o t ,h o w e v e re f T e c t eb y t h e m e r g e r . , d B y a c c e p t i ntg p u th i ss o n g s n o i e M a c o f f r m oc a t a l o g uw i t hS o n y ' s , i c h a e l n p o c k e t e d s u me s t i m a t etd b e a s m o o t h a o 9 5m i l l i o n o l l a r s . d " T h em e r g i n g f A T Vw i t h S o n y o 0 o e s t a b l i s h e d rc o m m i t m e tn t c r e a t e n e ou p ve n o f t h e l a r g e sm u s i c u b l i s h i n g n t u r eis t t h ew o r l d , " i c h a es a i di n a c o m m u n i q u . M l " W i t ht h e t w o o f L r so g e t h e rt ,h e s k yi s o L r r t " o n l yl i m i t T h i sd e a l m a k eS o n V / A TM u s i c s V P u b l i s h i nh et h i r db i g g e sm u s i c tg t p u b l i s h i n g m p a n iy t h e w o r l d o d a y , co n t after arner happell W C ( w h i c h a n a g eIs I I J A C m V M u s i cM i c h a e l ' s , c a t a l o g uo f s o n q s ) e a n dE M IM L r s i c P L rl bs hng . i i



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g o i n g n f o r o v e ra y e a rt 0 e n s u r eh i s . n t l o c e o f h i sm u s i c a t a l o g uw i t hS o n y ' s A s s o o na s w le t h ef L r t u r eV l i c h a a n dS o n y i l ls h a r e l , el h e c a i r sh e d e s p e r a t en y e d e d a s ht o e c n e w so f t h e m e r g e r v p a yo f ft h e p a r e n t s f c h i l d r e n h o ' d l e q u a c o n t r oo f t h e i r a s tm u s i c l o w w a s r e l e a s et o t h e d catalogLres. a c c u s e d i mo f m i s c o n d u c t . . . h m e d i at,h e I t w a s o n l yn a t u r at lh a tM i c h a e l I n r e s p o n ste t h e s e b s u r d o a , A m e r i c a p r e s sa s n or s h o u l d h o o s e o n yP L t b l i s h ifn gt h i s c S a l l e g a t i o nM , c h a ea c c o r d e d S AT o d a y si l U u s u a l s t a r t e d a n i n t e r v i e wn t h e N o v e m b eB t he d i t i o n T h i s t o r i c e r g e rT o g e t h etrh e t w o p a r t n e r s , , m . i r o m a n i p u l a t i tn g he fe , t i n : e a c hg i a n t sn t h e i rr e s p e c t i v i e l d sn o w t h e g i a n A m e r i c a d a i l y e w s p a p e"rT h i s n i n T o r m a t i oo g i v e tn t a c o n t r otl h e r i g h t s o a f a n t a s t i c r r a yo f ha g a c q u i s i t i o n sn o t h i n t o d o w i t hn e e d i n g thepublic totally a T c y A m e r i c a m u s i c i s t o r y ,r o m o i r n t ra n d n h f u n d s , s a i dM i c h a e l".l t ' sj u s ta g r e a i " d i s t o r t ev e r s i o n f d o o w e s t e r n l a s s i c so E l v i s r t h e T h r e e c t t a t m o v e a c o r p o r a t e , t r e p r e n e u r ih i ln g o , n w h a ta c t u a l l y ral d o .l t ' s s n r a r b u s i n e s s t ' s a b o u tg r o u , t h . S t o o g e sS o n yi s a r n L r l t i n a t i o rc o r p o r a t e t l. . h a p p e n e d .e r t a i n E v e r y t h i ni g l i f et o m e i s a b o L r t r o u r t h .l" C g i b e h e m o tw i t h o f f i c e s n 2 6 c o u n t r i e s h n n i r r e s p o n s i b l et h e s a m ei n t e r v i e w , i c h a ea l s oa l l u d e td i ; l o a r o L r n h ew o r l d M i c h a eJ a c k s o ns t h e td M l j o u r n a l i s ( w h ow i l l ts g r e a t e s t n t e r t a i n o f a l l t i m ew i t ha n e er , h i s i n t e n t i o n f a c q L r i r i n V l o t o wR e c o r d s ' o Ig n r e m a r u n n a m es o n d t : l sc n u n c a n n yl L r s r n e a s u m e n 0 l l 0 0 t w h e n c a t a l o g ui e t h ef u t u r e . a s n o tt o s u l l y h e t n t c t T o p L rtth er e c o r d l 'a i g h l . t h e s e w o g i a n t s o m e o g e t h ei r a p r o l e c l s p a g e s f H M ) c l a i m e d M i c h a etl o l d U S Al o d a y t h a t h e d e a lw a s o y pr s o f s u c hg a r g a n t L r a no p o r t i o na s t l r i s , o L r t h a tM i c h a eh a d l h a v et o w o n d e ri f e v e nt h e s k y ,r e a l l y ,i s a l o i n t e n t u r e i t hS o n y a n dn o ta s a l e v w , ennoniod tho morrror thelimit. p e rs e ,a n dt h a tn e g o t i a t i o l rs v e e e n na b



fof fe, ltlqu Yo*, 6 D""dA"f , L775. 1[* T"st pr..ks, .[o.kson b""q,, to M fiDicFa.| $r""1sihfo1 c al"cicf colc=1t b*
I campaign that l " hemedia prepared for had been t several countries the to the around world oromote gave impression event the thatthis wasto betheshow shows, of the performancethe important most of year. number Togive choice a 250 to theestimated million the whowill viewers around world puttogether in, betuning Michael a firstclass Intwo hours, act. he planned singing songs, 25 oldies on and newnumbers notably alike, "Childhd," "Dangerous," "Smooth "Black 0r Siminal," White" Are and"'You NotAlone." Theshow was scheduled forthe8thand9thof December. highlightseach The of would thenbeputtogether show fora single showto broadcast be December 11. Sunday, A few days before the bignight, Margolis, show's the Jeff to director, spoke thepress give tp preview" them "sneak a sound"Michael's perfolmance bite: will you bea lotdifferentthan might The is expect. approach different from anything hasdone he before. very with He's been successful whathehasdone, hehas but been trendsetter ifs a and alwavs time himto dosomething for new. is to Theshow going bethemost intimate ever he's done. closer Get and tothepeople. close Up intimate. There only1.500 are seats intheBedcon Theater, not and 100,000like stadium. ina Michael with hasbeen rehearsing a sixpiece rock band, 40-piece a orchestra 32dancers. and Nine choreographers worked have on interior theshow. Beacon's The with waspartly remodeled, its stage extended 17 by feet, reducing theater's the capacity to going 1,500 seats. is definitely This to besomething diffepnt."

.qbl*.fio{=l C+rf-= Cmo.J, fild brJt*Qa',1icon tFO &"

Michael's decided to give verybest himself this the of for giving specialshow, it hisallduring pasttwo weeks, rehearsal. Forthe been working non-stop, he'd neglecting health. his dangerously 6th 0n Wednesday December, davs three before taping theconcert to begin, of was to Michael succombedhis on exhaustion collapsed stage, and right themiddle a rehearsal in of for"Black White." 0r of A member his immediately called security service later 91 and 1, fourminutes an ambulance arried. Michael onlv was halfHe to conscious. wasrushed Beth lsrael North hospital. During the inthe trip, paramedics the e administered oxygen ambulanc andanintravenous solution. saline Apparently, cause Michael's the of malaise acute was dehydration who an and paramedics. noted the pulse an irregular and abnormally pressure, using lowblood were the quickest treatment remedy to the situation. Michael admitted was to room lsrael, theemergency at Beth specialists over took from where theparamedics. Towards early evening, asnews Michael's of hospitalization around spread the like an world wildfire, official communiqu releasedthe was to press HB0. saying,that Michael by condition, the that wasin stable go concert would onadscheduled notice, that and until further rehearsal continuedthe in absence thestar. of Meanwhile. Michael's personal physician, Metzger, Allan Angeles bewith to flewinfromLos hisoatient. wasthefirstdoctor He of to release precise a diagnosis to Michael's condition lournalists, putting stop the to effectively a rumors were that inevitable
Pl"otos , \La'L Co.J*ull / Reuter / IIAXPPP

"Michael starting goaround. to Jackson nothave does AlDS," Metzger "Plastic said. surgery also had nothing dowithit.Nordid to whatever emotionalstress hemay have been under. ltwasthe showmust-go-on syndrome. was He carrying Hekept on. trying make to it happen. toldmehewasn't He feeling wellfor fewdays a before, butnever indicated severe how it was.He's suffering severe from gastroenteritis, intestinal a viral infection which usuallv is causeo bycontaminated thatled food, to chemical imbalances affected that hisheartbeat. lt brings it with stomach cramps, nausea, inability to eatordrink. Dehvdration from colon inflammation. Hewas dehydrated. bodilyfluid. Losing potassium Losing minerals, and sodium. wasn'twell. He but

couldn't handle care his himself. would postponed further be until Withmedicine, and time proper notrce. nutrition, canbehandled. this The While whole the world problem henever is, indicated the waswondering hisstate about of condition's seriousness because health, Michael holed inhis was up hedidn't profoundly know. canhappen lt to hospital room, anyone involveda high in degree disappointed beable go of notto to performance." onwiththeshow he'dputsomuch Janet Jackson showed into. William Dr. Alleyne, director of upat Beth lsrael a fewhours theemergency department at Beth lust after brother admitted. her was lsrael, thepress "Michael told that 0ther support came from isvery disappointed not about Michael's throughout fans the being to perform Sunday. able on phone country. lsrael's Beth lines Hetried convince medical to the jammed get-well were give with calls. team hecould it a go,but that Inthefollowing countless days, we outourfootdown." letters packages and arrived wishing Michael speedy a recovery.

hosoitalthecourse in ofthe "Mr. afternoon: Jackson wants to extend allof his to fans fami! and and friends, of hislove all and supportfor they've forhim all done during time thehospital." in his 0n December I 1th, Michael's health deemed was to besatisfactory enough him for to beable move ofthe to out emergency department take and a private The room, next day, Michael returned hisNewYork to given green hotel after being the "He light hisdoctors. willsoon by

0nThursday, December 7th, Michael received a visitTrom 'a hisnephews, 3T. hisway the 0n outofthehospital, theeldest Taj, of a Tito's three sons, agreed speak to "Michael a tojournalists. is workaholic," Taj. hada lot said "He going this 0fpressure into concert. Heknew everyone going that was to bewatching Heworks this. day and night, night day, and sometimes missing meals... going Sometimes without sleep for three four or days. rumor The about thehospitalization a publicity being young withno 0n December a 8th, bea healthy man stunt totallv is false." problems," his number people of close Michael lasting to health stated Inthecourse personal physician. oftheday, came visit athisbedside: to him HB0made official an Katherine Rebbie and Jackson, A fewdays later, announcement, that stating the Diana Ross hertwo and sons and Michael offto Disneyland flew place concert would nottake on Lisa Marie. official An communiquParis take hard-earned to a D e c e m b1 0 ss h e d u l e d . t e ra bu from Michael putoutbythe was vacat0n.



"Michael starting goaround. to Jackson nothave does AlDS," Metzger "Plastic said. surgery also had nothing dowithit.Nordid to whatever emotionalstress hemay have been under. ltwasthe showmust-go-on syndrome. was He carrying Hekept on. trying make to it happen. toldmehewasn't He feeling wellfor fewdays a before, butnever indicated severe how it was.He's suffering severe from gastroenteritis, intestinal a viral infection which usuallv is causeo bycontaminated thatled food, to chemical imbalances affected that hisheartbeat. lt brings it with stomach cramps, nausea, inability to eatordrink. Dehvdration from colon inflammation. Hewas dehydrated. bodilyfluid. Losing potassium Losing minerals, and sodium. wasn'twell. He but

couldn't handle care his himself. would postponed further be until Withmedicine, and time proper notrce. nutrition, canbehandled. this The While whole the world problem henever is, indicated the waswondering hisstate about of condition's seriousness because health, Michael holed inhis was up hedidn't profoundly know. canhappen lt to hospital room, anyone involveda high in degree disappointed beable go of notto to performance." onwiththeshow he'dputsomuch Janet Jackson showed into. William Dr. Alleyne, director of upat Beth lsrael a fewhours theemergency department at Beth lust after brother admitted. her was lsrael, thepress "Michael told that 0ther support came from isvery disappointed not about Michael's throughout fans the being to perform Sunday. able on phone country. lsrael's Beth lines Hetried convince medical to the jammed get-well were give with calls. team hecould it a go,but that Inthefollowing countless days, we outourfootdown." letters packages and arrived wishing Michael speedy a recovery.

hosoitalthecourse in ofthe "Mr. afternoon: Jackson wants to extend allof his to fans fami! and and friends, of hislove all and supportfor they've forhim all done during time thehospital." in his 0n December I 1th, Michael's health deemed was to besatisfactory enough him for to beable move ofthe to out emergency department take and a private The room, next day, Michael returned hisNewYork to given green hotel after being the "He light hisdoctors. willsoon by

0nThursday, December 7th, Michael received a visitTrom 'a hisnephews, 3T. hisway the 0n outofthehospital, theeldest Taj, of a Tito's three sons, agreed speak to "Michael a tojournalists. is workaholic," Taj. hada lot said "He going this 0fpressure into concert. Heknew everyone going that was to bewatching Heworks this. day and night, night day, and sometimes missing meals... going Sometimes without sleep for three four or days. rumor The about thehospitalization a publicity being young withno 0n December a 8th, bea healthy man stunt totallv is false." problems," his number people of close Michael lasting to health stated Inthecourse personal physician. oftheday, came visit athisbedside: to him HB0made official an Katherine Rebbie and Jackson, A fewdays later, announcement, that stating the Diana Ross hertwo and sons and Michael offto Disneyland flew place concert would nottake on Lisa Marie. official An communiquParis take hard-earned to a D e c e m b1 0 ss h e d u l e d . t e ra bu from Michael putoutbythe was vacat0n.



In out onHbin$ c0rTmitment of

bringing you exelus ive , ins ight ful int ev i ews wi th people who work (and. playl ) Trith the Kinq of Pop, HI;S o:'y lvlageir t ine is proud. to o11 out the red. cs,rpet f or Sied.ah Garrett
One of the mos t t al ent ed, arld. charminfi membes of h{i chael Jacksont s ceat ive ent ouraf{e , thi s young lovely 'vYoman,born end.

(pronounced Garrett Sa-ee-dah) I iedah prd Uegan singing her career herhome in town The of Los Angeles. City theStars of launched Garretl intoorbito a become starof herownrightworking right thereatthevery withtheKing Pop up top of himself. girl, When wasjusta little Siedah she wasalreadv immersed theworldof showbusiness. in Hers wasa family musicians: of Siedah's mother, whoworked duowithheraunt, a taught daughter her howto sing. Young displayednatural-born Siedah a talent quickly that caught attention herpeers, the of graduating highschool andeven before from she'd already worked withsome California's of biggest producers a back-up music as singer. asher But famegrew, remained she largely unknown the to public a long for time. thatbegan change, All to however, whenshesang withthegroup Deco on theirhuge number-one "DoYou hit Wantlt Right Now." song The a became phenomenal success, especially night in and to clubs, shot thetopofths Dance charts. This sudden explosion recognition of for Siedah Garrett caught attention Dennis the of Edwards, great the crooner fromMotowfi and member TheTemptationS. highpriettof soul of The waslooking a partner singa duet for to withhimon "Don't hisnext single: Look.Any Further." offered He theproiect Siedah to who Garrett accepted the on point her spot. song The marked maior a turning in puUlic, in of Siedah ..- career: theeyes theAmerican "Don't Garrett become starin herownright. had a Look Furtherl metwithenormous Any was" international success. became oftheclosed and Dart circle Soul of music classics. 0n thestrength hercollaboration of with Dennis Edwards, was Garrett nowsollicited some by names show-biz: sang a ofthebiggest in she on "True number Madonna's of biggest (including hits as of Summer, Starship, "Blue"); wellasthose Donna andtheG.ommodores, to name a few.In addition, but gaining she wasincreasingly recognitiona as talented sorigwriter. Kenny Loggins, Pointer the greats music Sisters other and wereprivileged to receive material written thembvGarrett. for custom

point hercareer, in made Atthis Siedah anacquaintance wasto change world. that her Her talents made heranartist had of highly appreciated producers, 0uincy" andsought after music by and personally Jones interested herwork. in became 0uincy Jones always a superhuman to has had abili (as true spotgenuine talent a performer any in Michael fan Jackson knows), heplaced great and a in dealof hope hisnewest find. gave Working 0uincy with Garrettthe opportunitydowhatsheherself to as describes "the chance a lifetime":duet of a withMichael Jackson. "l Michael Siedah and recorded Just Loving You"in 1987. Butthecontribution to CantStop .8ad werenowreferring thealbum bytheonepeople "proteg" didntstop there. to asOuincy Jone's There $as also"ManInTheMirror," written aong bySiedah and Ballard $healso that sang Garrett Glen back-uo vocals on. year, 1988, in 0uincy Thenext Jones and high-flying Rod Temperton boosted Siedah's career even further intoorbit out withtheoroduction her of Kiss The of firstsoloalbum: 0f Life. results thetrio's common efforts wereremarkable. 0f Lifewas Kiss the undeniably album. a fine Siedah deploying was fullsoectrum hermusical of The talents. album numbers written exclusively her, by contains superb suchas"lnnocent and of Side" "TheLegend Ruby

ra i"sQft in to s Aneeles, helped Michael f ind, that s spe c ia1 s ound. he' s always seaTching for 'orl such nurnbers as 'Mn n TI.e Mirrorn, oI Just tan' t Stop Irovinq Ysun and. nKe ep 1'bre Fatthn , For thi s' ed.itiorr CIf HIS t ory ine ' s h'lagaz Spec ial nt erv iew , Siedah Garrett graciusly tel1s : ns w&et it ' s l ik be ins4 the 'Lad.y Behind. the ( .
h{i'r'oo ,

Diamond," isanexcellent and exhibit her of exceptional singing abilities. After release Kiss the of 0fllfe. several weeks wentbybefore was Siedah Garrett backin thelimelight, timeasa guest this artist 0uincy on Jones' newest album: back-up her vocals are powerful in omnipresentOuincy's Back0n The Block. Michael Jackson, meanwhile, busv was working hisnewalbum Dangerous. once on He again called Siedah lent special on who her touch to greatest whatwould oneof Michael's be albums to "Keep Faith," date. wrotea newsong, She The for Michael. Since Ba4Michael Siedah and have been close. Dngerousperiod The confirmed the estime two artists for eachother. high the had accompanied Michael over world the Siedah all for the"Dangerous Tour," replacing Sheryl Crow, the starfemale vocalistwho'd accomoanied Michael on .. the"Bad Tour". At 32,Siedah Garrett accomplished many has what great other musicians in a lifetime. yether do And just career in many is, ways, beginning. asthe But, paths thegreats thisworldalways of of cross again sooner later, should or we expectto Siedah see and Garrett Michael Jackson together again soon, either stage inthestudio, on forthegreatest or oleasure oneandall. of

Itrt+ld/, , 'r | \/,r1, ll l:-1,

get HlStoryMa'gazinSinceq couldn't our hands e: you'rc iustgoingto onp copyof yow aittobiography, haveW'E! us everything aboutyourdebutin showbizright here,in thepagesof yourlavorite magazine. is part of the category"History." This playinglor 5,(XM points, trip to Mexico and You're a a brand-newSonyTrinitron. And theanswer is....! Siedah Ganett Well, waybackwhen, lwas borna poorblackchild... justkidding. began No, I my "career" this business a back-up in as singer. But I'vebeensinging sinceaslongas I canrenenber. HM:I see.But that still doesn'ttelI us how yougot starledworking with Michael on thegreat adventure theBadalbum.... ol introduction SG;Theactual camefron Auincv Jones. hadwrittena songthatMJ likedand I wanted record. alsosungthedeno for the to I'd songandMichael wanted knowwhothesinger to was.Hewassurprised learnthatthesinger to and person. thesongwriter werethesame HM:And the first time youmet? SG:Well,to tell youthetruth, it'skindof a all happened veryquickly whent think so that backon it's thewholeperiod, likea dream. I dohavea But nemoryof my firctmeeting MJ. I fragnented with "Manln'fhe Minor" overandover wassinging

goingto singwith MJ until the tvvoof us walkedinto thestudio booth, I looked thelyricsheetfor a and at songcalled"l JustCant Stop Loving You," read and whereAuincv chosen firstverse Michael had the for andthesecond verse me,andhe hadournames for wriften nearthepartswe wereto wasn't untilthatverynomentthat realized absolute I the "awesome-ness" ofwhatwas aboutto happen. We nade history day! that I didn'trealize itthough, untillater,whenI foundout question: thatI wastheanswer a game-show to "Whois theonlywonanin history duetwith to Michael Jackson?" HM: Whenyou were rehearsing "l Just Can't for StopLovingYou,"what sortof relationshipdid you havewith Michael?Did you seeeachotheroften? Didyouspenda lot oltime togetherouaide ol the studio? per SG:I don'trenember"rehearsing" se,but when we wererecardingit, we hada blastin thestudio. MJ wouldmakefaceswhenit cametine to singny part,sothatIwouldlaugh, nessup.Hereally and hasa greatsense hunor.I spentnore one-onof onetimewithhin through process recording the of "Manln TheMirror"andrecording learning and our duetin French Spanish. far asspending and As time withhin outside studio... the HA! HM:.When"l JustCan'tStopLovingYou"was rcleased,everybody was expectinga videoto accompany song.Thiswas,after all, part ol the Michael'sbig cone-back.But in theendtherewas no clip. Wasthereevet a proiectfor onein the beginning? SG:Hey,don'tthinkI wasn'tlooking forward a to video nvself! Butat thetine MJ toldne thatthev'd neverreleasea videofor the first single.I told hin fine,butif thereeverwassucha project, singing l'n mypart,notsoneone wholooked Brooke like Shields! laughed hesaid,quiteendearingly, He as thatI wascrazv. you HM'.0n the alhumBad, co-wrotethesong "Man ln fhe Mirror" with 6len Ballard.Thiswas oneol the songsthatthepublic lovedmost-it conesponded pertectlyto everything so about Michael. Wheredid theidea forthis songcome fron andhow did itwind ap on the album? S: Theideafor "Man In TheMirror" cane to ne aftera neetingwithAuincy, accompanied his by othersongwriters, where expressed needfor he the a songt0 conpleteMJ'i album. cameawayfron I thatneetinghavingrhtritten somenotes and.shortly thereafter,metwithGlen cameup withthe I and lyricsandthemelody thesong. wasthen for It delivered Auincy, phoned andexpressed to who ne joy hisabsolute afterhearing song. played the He thetunefor MJ, andthe rest, theysay,is history. as This songdramatically changed course my the of life. HM;A ew yearslater,you would outdoyourcell

get involvedin something garyantuan the as as "Dangerous Tour?" SG:I decided bea paft ofthistourbecause love to I MJ andhavealways lovedhismusic and hisvoice. I thought wouldbe an extraordinary it opportunity to pop how learnfirst-hand thebiggest starin the worldtoursandpedorns.ltwas anabsolutely fantastic exp rience, extra rdinary, totaIly e o unforgettable, I knewit wouldbe. as HM: lt's said thatMichael makeshis musicians and his dancerc work really hard whenhe'son tour. How do youremember rehearcalsessions the or "Dangerous Tour?" SG:Behearsals thetourwerea lot of hardwork for projectI lt andlong,Ionghours. wasthehardest everloved. wasso nuch fun,as a matterof fact,I lt couldhardly standit! HM: WasMichael therewhenyourehearced? SG:0f course, didn'tattendeachoneof ourdailv MJ rehearsals thetvvo nonthsthatwe hadprior for full to theopening show.Butas we gotcl1ser the to he startdate, spentmoreandmoretine goingover band costuneand setchanges, wellasthemany as andmusiccuesandstageillusions he uses that to his enhance show. HM:,Whatwas lile like touringwith Michael?Did youspenda lot ol time with hin? ny with MJ in SG:Well,to be honest, relationship wasmuchmorepersonal intinate and thestudio during recording theBadalbun.Wehada lot the of nore tine thento spend together. tourthough, 0n to dueto countless obligations commitments and professionals foreign and fansandindustry dignitaries, wasonlyabteto iee MJ for the tvvo ! nightafternight, hourswe'dspend stagetogether on all overthe world. mostondly HM: Whatare the thingsyouremember ahoutthis tour? goodtines we hadwhileontourwere SG:The plenty, There was.always of Iaughter, lots actually. or airport or on thebus,or theplane; in someforeign pointswe hadto in lineat themanypasspott check go through overtheworld. lovedtheexcitement I all of discovering eachnewcity,eachnewcountry, newfood, newlanguages, money! wasall so new It freshandnew,sostimulating! HM'.Doesthatmeanthat lile is all roseswhen you'rcon tour? SG:Theworsttimesfor me,actually,were whenI get would reallyhomesick.longed dothenost I to simplethings.I wantedto sinply drivea car! And AndI hadthisreallysicklonging for walkmydogs. grits, youcanbeleve if it! HM: Today, tour hasbeenoveror a while, the you'verctumedhack to yourcountry,to yourhome, to yourdogsandyourgrits (!!). Lookinghack, when youthink o everything did togetherwith you Michael,whatpops intoyourmind? SG:Michael Joseph Jacksonhasforever changed

Mchael *.loseh Jackson ee-sfreve

againin a lower key.Thestudiolightsweredimned andI couldbarely seeinsidethe boothwhere Auincy BruceSwedien, engineer, and the were working. didnt seeMJ whenhe walked the I into This studio. is goingto sound weird, I could but "feel" hispresence nomenthe walked the the into just roon.Everyone sort of'stopped stood and there, in transfixed, totalaweof theman... There werea justfroze. wasno nillionthings dobuteveryone to I different. wasawesome! It HM:Whepditlyou lirct discoverthat you werc goingto he singingwith MichaelT SG:ThedayI foundoutthatI wasgoingto be a singing duetwithMichael Jackson started out nornallyenough. Then gota callfron Auincy to I coniedownto thestudib,I assumed wasto finish it thebackground vocals we'dworked previously on for "Manln TheMirror."I didntrealize I was that over "Man ln TheMinor" whenyou composed He a ny lifefor thebetter. hasgivenne the new songwith GIenBallard, "KeepTheFaith."The opportunity a lifetime,a worldwideforumto have of felt crcdits theDangerous on alum ay thatthree mynusic heard, message bynillionsof ny s people-you, GlenandMichael- wrote this song. people fron all overtheworld. haveseen, I first Whatactuallyhappened, who did what? the in and and hand, joy he inspires millions I have SG:"Keeo Faith"waswitten muchin thesame The experienced hand, joy he continues first the to wavthat "Manln TheMirror"was.0nlvthistime, inspirin ne. "'HM:AlterBad afterI demo'd song, made andDangerous, isthenert what the MJ sone changes part thatbecame suchanintegral of thefinished maior stepin yourcareer?We'dall love to seeyou product, it seenedonlyfairto include as a peiloning sideby sidewith Michael again. that hin project goals writeron thesong. SG:Present include finishing album an HM: 0n June27th,1992, "Dangerous witha newbandthatI'veforned.We've been the four" lt's beganin Munich,ermany. were up thereon You recording music the live,withrealmusicians! you'llbe ableto pickupan stagewith Michael for thesecondtine. Thefirct Hopefully, beena blast. time-do youremember?- was at Madison ne albunsoon!Wish luckforthat.ldo planon Anytime, Please Squarc ardenin New YorkCityin |W. Youwere working withMJ again.... anyplace! thesurpriseguest artistandyousang "l Just Can't wishmeluckforthattoo! Snp LovingYou".Whatnotivated youto want to o Hrstorv Maoazine

Not rJe"seJ Not r=l"as*J il:Aosti-Ii.,

Norw Kit gJot'', #1.(7) Netherlans, #3 It"lrr.J' #2 G"*".ty, #l () Den

Fmttcet $Y ^ [

-tr I tf+

N"* Zrtl"t J, Eurochart Hot 100 Sit gl.t' #1 (1)


#2 #2 #I (5)

A.ustnaz #2 S*.J.n, #4 Finl"r'd, #8

: Noi.,ha.feJ Itt Hun6fa



','1,, .,

lllru lhe ofUdeo

clipisactually9-minute-long movie a short shot intheSpring 1987 Los of in Angeles. ltwasone projects which oftheTirst on Michael worked in collaboration JoePka, talented with a director hitherto been had who working in advertising. Michael appreciated Pytka's approachthevideo to concepts submitted to "The him. WavYou Make Feel" Me marked the partnership would give debut a Truitful of that birth innovative commercials Pepsi to new for ("The Chase" "Dreams"),wellasthe and as "Dirty Diana" "HealThe and World" videos. Directly inspired thelyrics the by to song, short for"The the film WayYou Make Me Feel" conceived a typical was as boy-meetsgirlpick-up The scene. character Michael interpretsreminiscent easy-going is ofthe youth played John dancing by Travolta in When album Eadwas the released Grease. 1987, worldwide September Michael Wearingblue in a shirt half-way only buttoned up, Jackson alreadv had conceived-and even a pair pants of of chopped atthecuffs, off filmed- a number video of clips accompany exposing ankles, a white wrapped to the and tie thesingles would released his around waist that be from the where belt a would normallv album thefuture. in preceding Intheyear therelease 8a4 of theelaborate promotional campaign designed ro highlight Mlchael's return the to international scene had already been planned to the down last detail. It istypical of Michael's perfectionist ways that such things be planned farin so advance. ensure To promotional optimal impactfor album an soon bereleased, to Michael leaves nothing whatsoever t 0c n a n c e . During month the of November,1987. Michael ontour was inAustralia. he video thethird for song theBad on "The album. WayYou Make Feel," Me was premiered MW on on0ctober The 31st.

"The Make Feel" Me be,Michael's WayYou is in charactera study banality inspired and cancalu re. professional Thumbtzen, Tatiana a 26-year-old for dancer casted theclip, she was and performed unabashed Her with brio. exquisite contours remain will branded theminds in of many young around world a man the ! "The Way Make Feel" You Me justanother though consideredsome be by to piece clip- isactuallyvery a important inthe video repertoire. precisely lt is King Pop's of in this type performance Michael of that displays one ofthemostfascinating aspects his of personality:spontaneity. his It isimpossible ofthemany totire facets Michael of Jackson's talents. things does The he on are far screen onstage often or removed whatishistrue from Love self, like Buddy in but Mr. film theJerry Lewis "Naughty Professor," Michael is Jackson irresistibly attractive. simply lt's impossible be notto seduced theman the by and waynemoves...

.-,., -_,,'*--

* * ph, . z * 4 , - * " . t

S ,;*t."




"Michu"l J."Lso. -igLt b" o." o{ tl-t" only p"oplu I'r" *o.L"J -itL wke.. I don't l.nor .L"11,", songis going to te usedor not. \Zhen q/e're *o.Li.rg, v/e never talL atout wLether the song'sgoing to Le on there or not."


teing slicL wLile singing tke 'co-e on'. I rememter, 'Mavis! my mother saying:

Tim" -orrJ'1,saiJ f," l'TL;= lo'"J it u.d I ;"tt"J." NotoousB.I.G., 1qq1.

"Cne time, when Mickuel wa,

TLi. linl""l JacLsonis using your wordl' I'm not

"I Lur" -o"J on some stufl {or tke new ultrr-, urd tusicully -u hu,r".r't gott"r, b^"L togeth"r, so I Jon't t'ow whether it will be on there or not."

angry at ull. It -uL"r -" {""1 good and lets me tnow that they are listening." Maois Stople, t'or-n, lnoln of lhe SlaplesSingers.1QQ4. "I got ofl the airplane ,o-"*h"r" in Texas, a'J .rrr."r"d my pager.They 'Mi"h.ul -"r", IiL", ]""Lsot k" wants to Jo u ,ong ""11.J; witL you.' I lu"gk"d 'cause I tLo"gLt tLey wasjust {rontin'. TLey it was{or t"u1. H" "uiJ wasn't ir. the stuJio wLen I d;d tLe s"rg trt wLer I -as atout to 1".t", hu ".-" tLrougk, iirt"t to tke joint "d

.r,r"r, L" pl.y"J tL" d**s, -y trotLer pluy"d gritrr, utrJ someone pluy"d another "L" instrument, u.rd *" lt.d u l"ttt session. lrud tl," tapeof it, i tut I lost it sornewLere." Tatum O'Neal, ,n"ollingthn times when *o" Micltoel" "lrn

1qq5. sirlfrin"l,

"It's amazing to Lnow that fitu y"ur" a$o I was writin$ songs in a Lasement in tLe gLetto anJ now I'm witing

Tns R;lns, tgga. "I *.J tL" -rt"-L"li"t"

'sh.m-mon'in my song 'H".vy MoL"s You Happy' t"{ur" Mi"Lr.l Jr"Lror rr.J 'BaJ'. it in It *u. -rv o{ "


{"t Mi"hu"ljr"Lror. I'J b"

fool not to say it's u dr".-


come true. "

1qq5 R' Keils,


ll |


(- r. al





a coli:nui d* vo t *ct exclu,sivly io 1i s i, iriT the i oi:
cl:.a;'t t'at ilif s,

'i'CI sat i sf "f tlie insatiaDle a'riet,ites 0f oi.r,t thar t * L0 rre:' :'eader s , iil' t o-iv ir:e l*arra;i: inti.'oducs tlie ITIStr:r'y lt'ia i: iri e H i t na Fala*.e Liut,
l),\Ntl l: ItO[ ]'S (alL.,rn) UNrrDSTATEs #1 U N T T EK r l r o o o v # 1 D AusrRALrA FRANcE NETHERLANDs IrALY #l #l #3 #T

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*1osp* o1= e.f.cfioo 1o1-*.oTl..tol.'s ifuFl
printed thisday, have been to waytoo fewto satisfy demand Michael the from Jackson fans around worldl0rder mega-colletor'sthe this item today, sitback watchitsvalue then and grow, Grow GRow, GR0w GROWI! Michael Jackson Phone Gard "BadVideo" $/f19 Michael Jackson Phone Gard "USBad Tour"-$/f19 Michael Jackson Phone Card "Japanese Tour"-$29/flg Bad Michael Jackson Phone Gard "BadWoildTour"-S9/fl9

From Japan, countrywhere a collectors' here editions abound, aretwosouvenir editions which 1988 are,today, date backto and extremely to find. following CDs hard The 2 are superb collector's items, mustfor serious a any collection. Sealed plastic packed a in and in whitecase, these theonly are commercial CD remixes "Bad"and"Smooth of Criminal." At thetimeoftheirrelease. United the States and

ln exclusivity HlStory for Magazine readers, here theHlStory backpack, official is Tour an product excellent quality Michael Jackson of withMichael's signature it and MJ logo on the printed discreetly thecloth on material. Collectors note:this willnotbe take item availableAmerican U.K. in or shops. only Your chance getit is right to here, ordering by through Max-Boutique. the Michael Jackson Backpack $44lf27

quite yettotally the"CD Europe weren't into Era": 12"maxi the single ruled planet. still the This why, is fanssearch today, many so eagerly for CDremixes thisoeriod. from -0nthe5" CD you maxi single "Bad" willfind of alloftheremixed versions ofthesong ever made: "7" single the mix," "dance the remix "A radio edit," extraordinary Cappella" the (with version nothing Michael's voice), but the Right remixed version) now,HIStory Magazine's and Maxi-Boutique "DubMix"(instrumental "Extended you is offering theunique thebrilliant Dance Mix"(which lasts opportunity to acquire official two than8 minutes, portions with where Michael calendars for more Jackson thatcanbefound Michael sings never-before-heard lyrics). absolutely nowhere else. -Forthe just "Smooth going There's noway,infact thatyou're devotees ofthesong to getyour paws either you we withtherecord on Criminal," present here ofthese superb 1994 not and1995 calendars ofyourdreams! You're familiar the with anywhere butright else "Extended here. youmissed Version"? "A Cappella"? The The lf them when they were yourchance "Dub Mix"? "Radio The Edit"? "Annie The available everywhere, now's well, you, to make forlosttime. calendar Mix"? Welllemme'tell getto know them up Each going behit photos here, dontbebashful. You're to contains exclusive l3 straight of out (Profits the private Michael's by... Smooth A Criminall.... collection. from Bad(CD5" single maxi sale these of calendars goto charities will Japanese lmport) selected Michael by himself). These Jackson $itr/14 (CDS" single Japanese calendars nofsold Smooth Griminal maxi are separately. lmport)S8/f24 1904 1995 + Michael Jackson calendars (2official editions lfs hard finda record brilliantly to a M.B. limited as original as special offerlfl4/fl5 "lnstrumental Version Released in Collection." (uniquely), 1988 Japan in it contains 7 Souvenir Editions

Wetoldyoutheywerecoming, here so they phone are: long thenewAmerican at last, "Phonlynx" cards from official the collection arenow finally available. A number new of models dueoutinthenear are future. witha all variation thesame on theme: Michael Jackson's HlStory. right But now, "Bad the period whatthe Tour" is cards allabout, are withillustrations thegood 1987-1988 from ole' years: "Bad"video, USA Tour, the the Bad the Japan Tour, theBad Bad and World Tour. Each ofthefourcards wasorinted a limited in edition of3,500, onthefaceof each and cardare "10 the in orinted words units" chrome characters. 3,500 Only copies eachcard of


ar{r . anhllllofl-rxpht


rhe Maxi-sauti{u
,,Billie Instrumental, or "dub," official versions Michael,s of songs: ,,8ad,,, "Thriller" ,,The Jean" (which and can't found CD be in form), ,,Dirty WayYou "ManInTheMirror,,, Make Feel," Me Diana,, and "Another 0f Me."lt'sunquestionably Part one thebest of collector,s CDs come ofJapan. addition, especially to out In it is adapted use for asa Karaoke sing-along. Instrumental Version lection Col (CD5 _ withbooklet Japanese lmport) / f2g 944 Step into HlStory! Discover Michael Jackson's very firststudio recordings! This apanese J -first CD released in 1 993contains 23 never-beforereleased J a c k s o5 n numbers, from a period when they were still performing their with cousin Johnny,year a before signing wrth on Motownl Brown, Ben presidentSteeltown of Recordi, keptthese has recordings formore secret than years. theJacksondidnl 25 Even 5 knowthey existed. tapes The have been remastered to qive a rendering best ofthe possible sound compact Tiisdisc, on disc. no doubt about isa historical i marvel.contains legendary lt the "Big Jacksonsingle Boy." wellas22other 5 as early num0ers, "We ,,Jam including Don't Have BeOver ,,you,ve To 21.,, Changed,,' ,,Lonelv "Soul ,,A Session," Jerk,""Tracks MyTears,,, 0f Heart,,, B C h a n g sG o n nC o m e " " a b y o uD o n , t a v e oG o ,a n d le a , H T , a monologueMichael by when wasjust10 he years I lf youdon,t old yet have essential this collectionJacksonearly of 5 recordings, high it,s ,,Big trme remedy situation acquiring first to the by the Boy,, sessions a v a i l a bo ec o m p a d t s c . ln ci BigBoy- The Jackson andJohnny 5 (CD AlbumJapanese / lmport) lW W

. rhe Ma5i-Bnilti{u
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or: have ql:e s t ions you' * like t o ask n {:towitall n it I s onlg h1;man, Tvlstex' I well , knows t all , '$trPer'ht"tman
Holdthat stop. you're to about fallonyourface, pose, It's thengo backup.Voil. thatsimple it's of IJnless, course, a tadmorecomplicated. I'll haveto getbackto youon thisone. years :- l'vebeen MJfanfor12 now, and a or in I see whenever Michael videos onTV tall. rather Myfriends helooks appearances he but notthattall I think is,soexactly savhe's 14 Garrett, Shani tall how is Michael? D.C. Washington * Auirca fewof vououtthere havealready to so me asked thisquestion, I'mnotgoing let instant. for youwallow uncertainty another in (1'78m) inches five is Michael exactly feet-ten anyone we'reonthesubieclwould tall.While careto knowhowtallI am? :!rDear of K.: Mister inthesection HlStory is song aboutthe "D.S.," Magazine#lthattalks is man themystery thatMichael supposedly (Santa Barbara, Sneddon aboutTom talking Ramel Matthew Attorney)? D ornia, istrict Calif CaliTornia. Elk Grove, wouldyou * lf I didn'tanswer questiln, that me respect in themorning? still '.rl'vebeen Michael fan Jackson formy a bad talking are Peope always life whole now.

you. r.:rhave to than question ask one more I MJ does readHlStory how First, often question does MJ is: My Magazine. second who My letters? lastquestion: is these read give Please mea whole Knowitall? Mister Texas. 14 Angie Guzman,- Houston, name. * t)Michaelreads edition HlStory of every all he 2) withoutfail. 0f course reads Magazine, atthe yourquestions! don'tthinkhelooks You Michael do for magazine thephotos, you? 3) t0 fromcover cover. l'm not reads HlStorv that one. aboutthis Are ylu suggesting happy family respectable is Knowitall nlt a pertectly that Try name? telling to mYfather! r.-.l Mister Who Knowitall: istheoldest Dear sister? Jackson and brother theoldest Jackson Texas. 0uinney Houston, Sugar of * I'mgoing have display powers the to to see, for memory thisone.Let's mysuperhuman are siblings as of the dates birthof theJackson (Rebbie): 29, May Reilette Maureen follows: May Esco 1950; Sigmund (Jackie): 4, 1,951; (Tito): 1953; ]ctober 15, Adaryll Toriano LaToya | December1,1954; Lajuan: Jermaine March12, David: Marlon Mav Yvonne: 29,1956; (Randy): 29, 0ctober 1962; Randall 1957; Steven Phew! now So Jo: JanetDamita Mav 16,1966. in by dates heart caseI Learn these vouknow. decideto dropa popquizon youlater. :c lwantto leans Jackson so how know Michael "Smooth during the towards ground farforward

ltaly. 17, Di Jamie Rito, - Latina, Criminal"? + Howdo voudothe "Smooth Criminal" quite question. actually simple: lt's Good move? and keepyourbackstraight yourarmsat your and lean sides, fontvard iustwhenyoufeellike

about For him. example, skin his color, I now know a skin it's disorder I don't but know what it'scalled, howorwhyit happens. time or Every someone something il I wantt0 says about stand forhimbutI can't up because I don't know what say. to Please l'msick help, of people dogging about Carolyn him it. Burkhardt,- Chicago, 13 lllinois. + Michael suffersfrom skin a disease called Vitiligo, banalphysiological a disorder that causes depigmentation skin. ofthe Aboutone people ortwo outof 100 suffer fromthis disease. Thatwould abouttvvo 4.5nillion be to Americans, example. youwantto learn for lf moreaboutVitiligo, whichhasonlya cosmetic effecton thepeople whohaveit,checkouta medi al dictiona or encyclopedia. c ry s Dear K.: you print Mr, Could please a list all of thereleases faronMichael's Label? so MJJ Maisha BeverleyRiverside. California. * 0f course could thatforyou.That's I do my job,afterall.These thealbums have are that beenreleased MJJ Musicto thisday:Free by Willy/ 0riginalMotionPicture Soundtrack (1993); Nathan Nathan Cavaleri Band(1994); / uo(1994); The From Bottom / Brownstone Up (1994); Willy2/ ]riginal MotionPicture Free (1995); Soundtrack Brotherhood (1995). / 3T l< Dear Mister Knowitall: youplease Could tell meifthepeople organise who Michael's concerts make special arrangements to enable people handicapped to attend? I have, unfortunately, been to goto a never able Michael Jackson because concert I don't know theanswer thisquestion. t0 Please help. AulieSobieck Martinville, France. * Michael people cares about whohaveno otherchoice to getaround a wheelchair. but in Andforthose whowantt0go to hisconcerts, platforms he always special has installed so theycanattend. thenexttime So Michael does a show youknowyoucancome, probleml. n0 Dontthank thank me. Michael. x I would to know like what"ad-lib" means, Whenever listeningone Michael's l'm to of "ad-lib." words it says I the and Please mewhatit means. tell Teresa 0uezada. 12- Highland, California. * "Adlib" comes fromtheLatin"AdLibitum," or to improvise performance. example, in For at "ad-lib theendofthesong"0.5."it says fade": thismeans allthewayuntiltheendof the that song,Michaelis improvising, making the up words sounds hegoesalong, not and as and following prepared a routine.

If you too have a question to ask the man who knows it all, dontt hesi'tate to wlite: "Mister Knowitall" HlStory Magazine, P.0. Box 39,Nufting Lake,MA 01865, USA.


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Helloagaindancingmachines! hopeyou had a happyNew Year I and now,after yourhibernation,you'reall limbered and readyto dance up yourwayrighton into Springtime. today'slesson, prepared youa sample the choreography "Remember Time." For l've for of for The Don'tforget that to helpyou masterthis ratherdifficultdance,the drawings illustrating instructions printedbackwards, thoughthe dancer(you) my are as werelookingin a mirror. youreadyto movethat thang?0kay,herewe 90... Are Prolessor Balettode Souza footis levelwithyourleftknee. the same At your time, startbringing hands together towards chestlevel-but be careful to not yourhands yet actually bring together (this drawing thesame has mistake #3). as Drawing Your 5 rightfoot goesupto become levelwith yourleftknee. Yourhands are joined chest (thank at level in thedrawing as you,Sophie, getting right thisone). for it on Drawing Withbothfeetflat onthe floor, 6 yourhands clasped thefollowing are in manner: palm yourlefthand the of flattened against backof yourright the hand. Your left go wristshould along smoothly the with pointed movement, bending back, fingers upwards. get I Drawing Forthisfirst move, in position: right, hopping rhythm whole in the timeyoushould standing hands yourbody be up, together should always moving. be at chest level, heel-to-heel toes feet and slightly apart. Drawing At this pointin the choreography, 4 yourrightlegshould up until go yourright Drawing Throwyourarmsoutsideways 2 so parallel thefloor, palms they're with facing jump down; thesame in movement, up your your slightly, bringing leftlegup until heelis as highasyourrightknee. Your foot should pointing be towards ground. the Drawing Bah!Thisdrawing allwrong. 3 is Sophie, artist the whodoes drawings, my musthave cornin herears!She's a person, I toldherspecifically charming but 'Dont drawthe hands coming together until illustration number lt'senough make 5.' to mewantto tearmyhairout-and hers! you Anyway, this move, just putyourleft for footbackdownandbegin bring the to up Drawings Ly SophieRichy Drawing Withyourhands clasped 7 still together, yourwristsfree,andbringyour let hands slightly to the right. thesame over At (and yourhead) time, turnyourhead only to the left,so yourprofile appears the mirror, in

eeo 1{'* ffi bFJf. d* So,yqJbdcfi ptl 1t* ,."fC d1" o-rres ;oQ'r+

andswivel tips of yourfeetto the left.To the dothis,yourrightfoot pivots the toes,the on leftonthe heel. you Once thisposition, in should able spinaround be to freely. Keep in mind thatallthemoves lustdescribed I've should executed be simultaneously. lf you losecontrol windup onyourderrire, and you're following thatcanonlymean not my instructions correctly, get up anddo it so a g a i! n Drawing Now,yourfeetswivel once I to again sideby sideandpointed be forward. Withthe momentum this move, of separate yourhands begin bring and t0 themdown yourbelt. towards

yourrighthand Drawing Raise 9 andbring it towards center yourchest. the the of In samemovemenL to liftyourrightleg, start yourbended andswing knee yourfoot and towards right. the Drawing Afterpassing the center 10 by of yourchest yourrighthand should palmbe upwards shoulder your at level. Meanwhile, right aftercontinuing movement leg, the described above, bent, is knee to the out right. foot at left-knee level. Drawins1l Thismoveis a repetition #10, of onlytowards leftinstead the right. the of lmportant dontforget youhave put that to yourright your footbackdownandbring

righthandbackdownto beltlevelbefore continuing to thismove. on Drawing Afterbringing 12 downyourleft quickly footandyourright hand, snapboth hands down towards level. watch belt But out,thisgetsdifficultwhileexecuting the pivotyour move justdescribed, I heels outwards whileon thetipsof yourfeet. yourarms theelbows, Drawing Bend 13 at thenquickly palms snap themoutstraight, facing down, fingers spread wide. the 0n yourfeetso that tipsof yourtoes,swivel yourheels almost touch. Your legsshould be slightly bentat this point, yourfeetflatly and on thefloor. Drawing Bring yourright 14 up shoulder withallthe momentum feeling your and of whole torso. yourright Drawing Drop 15 shoulder while bringing yourleftshoulder. your up Put wholeupper body thismove. into Thereyou haveit friends.lf you follow my instructions the T andpractisereal hard, to youshouldbe ableto burnup everydance flooron PlanetEarth!Keepat it dancing nachines,andI'll be seeingyouin the next issueof HlStory Magazine. Professor Barettode Souza

#15 *14

'he s{ets ts

of cover the in hidden thefake found Sara J"efferson the20mistakes Luck part our"Meet Contet." smiled Michael of as Dangerousalbum her 15th, young last on down this19-year-old woman February when answers of from was at letter pulled random thethousandscorrect grand contest. most in H/Sfo Magazine's recent we'dreceived ry


. .*AnVday ! getting meet King Popin person of the to fans, Jackson of the of will novq'Sra live dream millions Michael

hidden The20mistakes in byourpfiist the cover D angerouslbum were: peak issing m different 2 hatcolor missing 3 stars missing 4 hor n color different 5 feathers - down 6 starupside tail 7 hidden I foot missing hid wheels den 9 gear missing 10 stars changed 1 1s i g n missing 12 bone 13toolhmissing missing 14 elephant ' black 15 m issing ; andwhitehead color 16 newjacket newlanter n ' ",' 17 m 18 ladder issing


. =...r$. .. .... .Iii:iif:i .,H. ...H. .F. ..... .. H.

contests of in is in Great Britain, thefirstwinner a series wonderful from Sara Jefferson, Buckinghamshire \ news international official King Magazine,the of Pop's editions Hlstory of in to too thatyou will be able enter theupcoming fee ed m a g a z i n e . s o k e e p y o u r e y e s p o r tlh e g r e a t p r i z e s t h a t c o u l d b e y o u r s b y p l a y i n g o u r n e x t g r a n d c o n t e s t !

'hbbffi &*ffim
Greetinqs N{J fansl Remember e? I'm Mister m Comic, the who writes those ftuy wond.erfully witty snippets that litt1e appear beneath your ohoto in the We Are The Yior1d columnl I can te11 you'r,e alread.y almost overcome with joy to be leading me again. I must admit , fiy name ce:'tainly d.oes become m@, because I reaIly am one hilarious s o n - o , f: a * g u n . 0 K , h e r e w e g o . I hope you're read.y f o:' some serious fun (wlth a capital S). . .
Hi!My name is DeLisa Drake. I amdeeply in lovewith"The M a n ,M i c h a e l " Jackson. I thinkit'sgreat thewayhe cares the for children, theenvironment animals for and also 0h l'm {he's verytalented}.yeah: 12! Anyway, I would really appreciatehook to up withsome newpeoole make Triends. and new Please writetqpeLisaDrake, 18967 Brianwoo{, Clinton F.W.P., 48036, Mich USA. your l'm afraidI'm goingto havetocensute message, DeaLYou Lisa wantmeto publish yourdeclaration lovefor Michael?That of get could ne into soneserioustrouble. What about theotherwonenoftheworld, all eh? I'n sorryDe Lisa, going have leave I'm to to a noteto mveditor... Hello, my name Sarah. is I ' m1 5l.' m looking for penpals from theworldover. Please writeto me:Sarah Champagne,9 Wagon Wheel Lane, Lincoln, 02865, B.l. USA. Sarah dear, don'tyouthinkyou're a bityoung (Thatone to be callingyourself Champagne? was s0... subtle, peiect" so so so quintessentially British. Sigh. should I haveny ownradioshowl Hi,myname Natalie l'ml7 vrs. l've is and old. been MJfanforI 5years, I think a and he's phenomenal.looking people I'm for selling MJ posters, books, singles, CDs, videos, displays, penpals wantto aboutthe etc. Also who talk King Pop! willrespond allletters. of I to And you writemetoo,I won'lmind! Michael, can Please writeto:Natalie Greco.4418 K. W. Hamilton #C, Jose Ave San CA,95130-1417,

mr#ffiLffi Hhffi F cotrlJ

Look what fr{ister Comic d.ares to do to the read.ers who kindlv send him their pictures.

lf youlivein NewYork, Angeles Boston Los or you pop, and think MJ isthebest that rock just andsoul singer... youhave towrite Well, to me. waiting you. l'm for Write soon. Nicola Cetoloni, San Via Giuseppe 51013 29, Chiesina (PT), Uzz. ltaly. Fine. ButwhatifI livein flew orleans? Whatif, huh? youteltinginsthatI wouldn't Are be goodenough t@because notfrom for I'n Boston? Aruyoutooking Huh? fortrouble? Because you'relooking trouble, if for there's alwaysmypetgorilla,Max Whatif I livein Las Vegas? Hlihl Whatif?Whatif t livein, say,the North Pole? Huh? if What I'n Santa Claus? Huh? Befterstill, whatif thisisnl MisterC\micatthe keyboard, Maxthegorilla? but That's Mister Maxt0 you.Grrrrnrr!(0kayMax,thaft enough. down Put yourgiant bone. Max,stop! No Noll Noooooo!!!!) (Hee hee.Justkidding, itwas ne). (l'ma comic).

Hello, name Mineko. a l7 years my is I'm old complete,Ieath bound colIection of ergirl. Japanese l'ma devoted of Michael. fan I HlStoryMagazine. Max is hard up for nail. wantto onintimate be with terms anvone in anycountry iswilling correspond who to with Hello. name lrisha My is Mc0lelland I cm and me.I have wanted penpal loves long a who a huge Michael usA, Jackson I livein LeRoy, fan. Michael. Please to me:Minoko write Murano, lllinois. looking someone wants You've I am for been fansinceyouwere15 now a who and to you'rel7?Hmmn.... 68-4 you 0gawa, Akiruno-s, Tokyo Japan. 197, bemypenpal/friend, orfemale, age. male Tellme, whatwas any Holdon.My pet gorillasays iswllingto he favoiltesinglewhenyouwere2?(First ideas comments the and on conic .. We canswap correspond you.Doyou stillwantto be with effect).You Michaelcan writeyoutoo, mostWofiderful alive, man say Michael Jackson. youwonl mind? betyouwon'tnind! onintimate termswith anyone? hah.0h Hah I'mi6 years lrisha I old. McClelland,60S N. (Second (6odl'n good isfun. Bytheway.I alsohave pet my,this a Barnett LeRoy, lllinois conic effect). St., 61752, USA. atwhatI whiteshark. Anyone?'retheperfectpenpalfor Max.I can do!) feetit in mybones..Hey, goingto tethimout t'm Hello! name Erin My is Lawrence. ldoking of hiscagenowsohecantypea fewworfsto I am Hi,myname is youonny computer. lorfans the"Beloved to write I am of one" to. Abood. Max, it'sall yours(here * Iriendly helpful. canwrite mefor and You to Personally, I he goes): WASTHEBEST TIMES, lT 0F lT funorifyouhave problem. helping l'love a WASTHE thinkwords are WORST OFTIMES. BEORNOT TO people. l3 butI amlooking people all l'm for T0BE. notenough of 000 BEE D00 BEE 000 - Woh!That's for ages writeto me,in English. lawrence, enough to Eiln met0 saynow Max.Backin yourcag3.0'm a comic). 27ThePlains Road, Levittown, I 1756, NY I USA. (Havenlvou heardthe ever much believe theory atiout puttinga monkey frontof a typewriter?). Hello. HowareyoudoingErin?You you say in Michael. He in people? hownice.Because likehelping Ah, I has this you maybe couldhelpne charisma allwould to btain. those havea littleproblem we Hello! name OleSya, lgyears I love My is I'm like old. For with.t knowsonbonenotme,somebody Michael much I knowyou him ofyouwhohave same very and love too. the feeling toward the and Sowe could betrue friends share King Pop, interested having of and and in anything else- whoworksfor a magazine wQo up everything. finda loving You'll about him,please and writeme:Abood Shohatee, screwed person thelay-out by understanding inme. promiseto 4il1 clarenton schenectadv, York I st, New puttingsome anslver lefters. all 12308, USA. 0lesy Krechetova,64, 17146 Karl Max StreetTambov;39200 0KAbood, n'problen, butwhereis Costello? poorreadefs Russia. (Get Doyouhavegorillaswho typein Bussia? it?)Where Costello? arcAbood is can You so upside down where Coslllo? still Anyway, is You don'tget Never evenif youdo,rnyMaxis still We #l. it? in hiscolumn, knowthatyou Russians mind, forget it,thatwasjustan exislentialist invented bear,hug the Butit'snot andall. Butcanyour ioke. bearstype? lNainctding hisfauk.Not ole" honBor is,'natu llv). ra at all.ltwas you you anaccident. should do?Please he What help.- Dopeople tease because area MJ Thankyou. fora friend. you lt's Tan? Does make angry? it lfyouarefedup ofthis would and liketo someone tell about it, I aman{obsessed) fanandif youhave MJ then write meandI willgladly to replrTwith anyof thefollowing things need MJ we to some friendly advice. Write Bodene 55 to: lvy, getin touch: amlooking a video I for tapeof Faber Park, 129128 Singapore. MJ'sBadconcert, interview oprah with Howpeiectthatyoushould write. Because, Winfrey Diane and Sawyer, MJ and a MichaelJackson I am I fan, m a g a z i n e s .mw i l l i n go b u y p o s s i b l y Ia t , thebiggest fanof all time,in fact.Butyes, Ml people t r a d eH e aT h e o r l d ! , l W make ofmebecause petgoilla, fun ny Crystaf Steef 9026 BobWhiteSt,Hobe e, SE Max"whogoeswithmeeverywhere, to likes Sound, 33455, FL USA. wea\Ihese ridiculous Bemudashotts in public, I can?convince to dress Whatexactlydo y1umeanwhenypusay and him like lohsesed"? Because mayke,justnaybe,if ne (l never leave house the without gorilla my _. youreallymeanit, I couldhookyouup with costume, theway).Please l0ooohby hetp. mypetgorilla, Max,in exchange my for weeee! Thatwas a good one!).
yourpersonal published History You canhave too message in Magazne's wackiest column. Write to: "We AreTheWo.ld",P.0.Box39,Nming LakeMA,01865, Hlsto|' iilagatle. USA.

hardto saywhatone It'salways prefers for most a collection:|, in discs, color my love picture my one, a True. vinvls... ButI have special CD fondness theAmerican for promos. at Wow!| canjustlook them

piece: This a truemuseum-quality is promo "l Just, of single a 7" Spanish is You." label lts Stop Loving Can't promos yellow, areallCBS in as which Spain, it'sa "one-sided," and on onlv thatthere's music one means (l that tidbit Duhhh! include little side. for of information allyouboneheads loved seeme to have whowould until kidnapped tortured I reveal and is my where collection hidden. is Never! Butwait!Thebest yetto !) sleeve, as on come: it savs thealbum sings song this Michael in Spanish, you it in... guessed-Spanish ("Miohael This canta espaflol"). en "Todo amor mi ere record contains version "l Just of t,"theSpanish Loving You." I should But Stop Can't the more specific: song bea little version "l of really Spanish the isn't No You." no Stop Loving JustCan't the no.Notat'sactually AngloHa! ofthesong. And version Spanish get where things interesting. here's in sings everythingEnglish Michael in whichhesings the except chorus, version This Spanish. is anultra-rare An on 0NLY thisdisc. thatappears piece unbelievable in anycollection. Even mine. You StopLoving I JustCan't - 7" Spanish Ptomo (CBS Epic 2059) Ari /

blue. aild vellow onein turquoise The whitebne cameoutfirst,andonlY the the version; contains single (it one out orange came next hasa influence, and bigTeddy Riley a-cappella the includes incredible one and version), theturquoise was and last(more a Silky E-Smoove of be should a set influence). three The you'll find lucky lf're whowins the two if you're tYPe one, -at least a tvvice weekthe lotterv if Anyway youdidI butnever three. irked. be would considerably Andmy so nerves fragile, watchout... are Remember TimeThe 74200 ESK US CDPromo {Epic / 4457) 4456 ESK ESK / people, some you are of Seriously me?| sometimes trying outdo to be That wonder. would frankly my And suicidal. l'mnotkidding, or on frinds. else, thisplanet Who you bring such could elsewhere, ever edition HIStory of in wonders, every obviously. as Magazine, l? Noone, of Justthink allthemagnificent you! l've ilems shown collectors' one here's another to make Okav, youdroolawaythatlittlespityou out have right of yourgaPing left Aid World First snouts: "Healthe the all bag Kit." a canvas containing lt's of elements a theindisoensable regular aidkit:bandages, first Music etc. disinfectants, Sony in this released littlegemin 1992 the

justa trifle... youngish. sure, 0h it's for meant rare.buti's nonetheless Very'young. dofor you, lt'll the.young. you're a little though, since lust department, in behind theole'brains recommend I wouldn't butnormallv of's a setof littlefigures on, that stick unstick, Michael Vou the unstick, Thatrs etc. stickon again, game. it?Youdon't? well... 0h Get me Don'ttell I didn'ttry. Set RubN'PlayTransler - USA1984) (Colorforms my whenI have own One day, (actually, children like {iust you) I maybe justlikeyou...)willteiich not thereis to know themeverything I've art the about noble of collecting. it, thought about anddecidd already l'll firstexperience, let thatfortheir

rare, They're beautiful, and for hours. original some themost of theyhave I Jusl'em. little remixes 'em. not Letmetellyouabout love butthree my of one, nottwo, the favorites: "Remember The here's Time" series. one onein white, in

AirC television has just offered me my own TV show, an 'MJ Col,lectors SpeciaL Hour.' to air ever'y Satur'day night at 8:50p^m' I donrt ]'lto'f'. i f f ' r n g o i n g t o a c c e p t , t h o u 5 5 h .I ' m s t i l 1 thi.nking about it. What if it's just a ruse to s t e a l m y c o l l e c t i o n ? H m m m .' . I w o u L d ' n r t b e surprised, AIso, lf I go on T\', you're all to }:now what I look like. N{y face wil} be e v e l v l . / h e r e .. , , P e o p l e w i l l s t a L ) : m e , t h e l e ' 1 1 be coll.ectors out there hiding in the bushes. '. Arrrghl :rd ttren one dey, some maniac will kid,nap me! He'lI chain me to a chair in a 1ogand he'11' cabin lost in the hi1ls somewher:e torture me rrntj.l I teI1 him wtrer"ei hide my ma,.4nificent coll.ection. Uggghl llhat a nightrnare, ltie bac!:s of rny hands are. aL1 sl?eatv just thinking about it. . . }rd it's all your' fau1t. ltrat's right, fotlrd Let it happen, wouldn't you? ^s long as you could get your hands on my collectionr |outd let it happen, wouldn't you? Youtd droD your defenseless correspond.ant, me, myself, Hectol, faithful moi... your. friend., wouldn't you? I }:now you wou1d. So I'm going to ma}-'eyou drobl like dogs cotr.umn' over ttiis next collector's

themplaywithmysetof "Michael's suoervision of close Pets." Under ', I cherish course, becausehappento items, collectors' theseexceptional get up, andif theyshould sffatched I even I wouldbeveryunhappy.might getviolen.... I mean, um, upset. f{lifi[tl.ewcRld "Michel's of Pets"area collection the representing animals stuffed private zoo. in animals Michael's "HealThe Theycame in 1987 the United in out the U.K. promote single to onein a special each Sfttes, number World." 0nlya verylimited package with containing cassette a a the if Even you're typeto weremade. But songanda littlestory. no, more thantwicea win the lottery nor on neither sings speaks Michael wee( youstillwon'tgetthisone.So The thistape.Butit'sniceanyway. up Just don't bother. shut andgo of collection "Michael's complete to back bed. animals all: in of Pets" consists nine HealtheWorldtitst Aid Kit (thegiraffe), (Epic Promo 19921 Spanky Jabbar there's U.K. (the ,and Bill(thedogsl, Muscles Mr. (the Louie Bubbles monkey), snake), retarded fans Formyslightly (the Uncle Suzie rabbit), (meaning 95% HMreaders), (thelama), of about (the item a l'veselected collector's that's Tookie froglandCoolBear (guess in You who?). canseethem I onthis the.illustration page. have here animals in my of each these of nowis a bunch house. I need All close kids playwiththem(undei to '. Ladies, any naturally). supervision, send your me Please candidates? pictures. yourcollections, of 0f c0urse... Pets CoolBear- Michael's (ldeal Tys- USA1987)



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