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Date Duration Class Theme Unit 6 Lesson 1 Learning Objective Learning Outcomes : 60 minutes : : Investigating The Earth and

The Universe : Eclipses : The Vanishing Moon.

: 1.1 Understanding The Eclipse of The Moon : Pupils are able to 1.State what eclipse of the moon is. 2.State the position of the Moon, the Earth and the Sun during the eclipse of the moon. 3.Explain why eclipse of moon occurs.

Pupils Activities 1. Pupils do the observing and answering of the questions. 2. Discuss why eclipse of the moon occurs. 3. Pupils sketch the position of the moon, the Sun and the Earth during the eclipse of the moon into their exercise books. Science Process Skills Resources/Teaching Aids Moral Values Vocabulary Reflections : Observing, making inferences and communicating : Textbook, exercise book, pictures, basketball, tennis ball, search light : Being thankful to God. : Eclipse, position, partial, eclipse, total eclipse : ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________


Theme Unit 6 Lesson 1 Learning Objective Learning Outcomes

: Investigating The Earth and The Universe : Eclipses : The Vanishing Moon. : 1.1 Understanding The Eclipse of The Moon : Pupils are able to 1.State what eclipse of the moon is. 2.State the position of the Moon, the Earth and the Sun during the eclipse of the moon. 3.Explain why eclipse of moon occurs. TEACHING & LEARNING

STEPS Set Induction 1 2

TEACHERS SCRIPT Good morning, children. How are you today? Today we are going to learn about an interesting topic. Look at the sky. i. What can you see? (Sun) ii. What can you see in the sky at night? (Moon) Does the Moon emit light? What happens when the Earth blocks light from reaching the Moon?


Let the pupils give response. Write pupils answers on the board.

Development 1

Can I have three volunteers to help me? Thank you. Pupil 1 will hold the search light. Pupil 2 will hold the basket ball. Pupil 3 will hold the tennis ball. First, I want pupil 1 and pupil 3 to stand in a straight line. Pupil 1 shines the light directly onto the tennis ball held by pupil 3.

Location of pupils:

Pupil 1

Pupil 2

Pupil 3

The 3 pupils need to hold the given things and stand in a straight line. Pupils can answer in BM or BI.


What can you see? (Light on the surface of the tennis ball) Now, I want Pupil 2 to stand between Pupil 1 and Pupil 3 in a straight line. Look at the tennis ball. What can you see? (No more light on the surface of the tennis ball) Good. If Pupil 1 represents the Sun, Pupil 2 represents the Earth and Pupil 3 represents the Moon, and stand in a straight line, what do you think will happen to the Moon? (The Moon becomes dark) Good. We do this activity again. But this time the room should be as dark as possible. Can you see the tennis ball? (No) If the tennis ball represents the Moon, what do you think will happen? (The Moon will disappear) 2 Good. Today we are going to learn a new topic. Please turn to page 92 of your textbook. The topic for today is The Vanishing Moon. Look at the picture on page 92. The Moon will appear dark when the Earth blocks the sunlight from reaching the Moon. This phenomenon only occur when the Earth is between the Moon and the Sun. The Earth, the Moon and the Sun also need 107

Teacher writes pupils answer on the board.

Let the pupils give their response.

Let pupils answer The Moon becomes dark


(The Moon will disappear) Pupils read the text loudly with the guide from the teacher. Pupils response individually.

Teacher writes down the vocabulary on the board. Eclipse, dark part, lighter part, partial eclipse, total

to be in a straight line. We called it the eclipse of the moon. Class, lets read the text again. While reading, I want you to find out the vocabularies from the text. Our vocabularies for today are Eclipse, dark part, lighter part, partial eclipse, total eclipse. Now, let us read the vocabularies correctly. Eclipse ik. klips, Dark Part dak pat, Lighter Part lai.ter. pat, 3 Now, I want you to underline the vocabularies that you have found. Please underline them. 4 Good. What happens to the Moon during the eclipse of the Moon? The Moon will appear dark. Yes. Who wants to explain this event? Yes, (name of pupil), please explain to us. The Moon will appear dark because the Earth blocks the sunlight from reaching the Moon. 5

eclipse Say these vocabularies correctly. e.g. Eclipse ik. klips, Dark dak Part - pat

Pupils underline the vocabularies that they have found Pupils explain the occurrence of the eclipse of the moon. Teacher writes pupils answer on the board. The Moon will appear dark because the Earth blocks the sunlight from reaching the Moon.

Very Good. Who can tell me the position of Pupils response. the Sun, the Moon and the Earth during the eclipse of the moon? (The Earth is between the Moon and the Sun.) Well done. Teacher draws the Moon, the Sun and the Earth in a correct position during the eclipse of the Moon.


Sun Closure 1

Earth Moon

As a conclusion, we know that the eclipse of the Moon occurs when the Earth is in between the Sun and the Moon in a straight line. When this occurs, the Earth blocks the sunlight from reaching the Moon. This phenomenon is called the eclipse of the Moon.

Teacher uses the diagram in the text book on page 92 to explain the eclipse of the moon.

A partial eclipse of the moon happens when only a part of the Moon can be seen. This occurs when only a part of the Moon is blocked by the Earth. We will see less of the Moon when more of it is being covered by the Earth. A partial eclipse of the Moon can last from a few minutes to a few hours.

Teacher uses the diagram in the text book on page 93 to explain the eclipse of the moon.

When the Moon is totally covered by the Earth, we called this a total eclipse of the moon. We only see the Moon as a dark disc.

Teacher uses the diagram to explain the eclipse of the moon.

As your homework, I want you to sketch the position of the moon, the Sun and the Earth during the occurrence of the eclipse of the moon. Please label and colour the diagram nicely. Thats all for today. Thank you for your attention.

Follow-up of the lesson is this homework that must be handed in during the next session.


Date Duration Class Theme Unit 6 Lesson 2 Learning objective

: : 60 minutes : : Investigating The Earth and The Universe : Eclipses : The Darkening Sun. : 1.2 Understanding The Eclipse of The Sun


Learning Outcomes

: Pupils are able to: 1.State what eclipse of the sun is. 2.State the position of the Moon, the Earth and the Sun during the eclipse of the sun. 3.Explain why eclipse of the sun occurs.

Pupils Activities 1. Pupils do the observing and answering the question. 2. Discuss why eclipse of the sun occurs. 3. Pupils sketch the position of the moon, the Sun and the Earth during the eclipse of the Sun into their exercise books. Science Process Skills Resources/Teaching Aids : Observing, making inferences and communicating : Textbook, exercise book, pictures, globe , torch, tennis ball, search light, manila card with a round hole at the centre, polystyrene ball with stick. Moral Values Vocabulary Reflections : Being thankful to God : Eclipse, position, partial eclipse, total eclipse : _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

THEME Unit 6 Lesson 2

: INVESTIGATING THE EARTH AND THE UNIVERSE : Eclipses : The Darkening Sun. : 1.2 Understanding The Eclipse of The Sun : Pupils are able to: 1.State what eclipse of the sun is. 2.State the position of the Moon, the Earth and the

Learning objective Learning Outcomes


Sun during the eclipse of the sun. 3. Explain why eclipse of sun occurs. TEACHING & LEARNING STEPS TEACHERS SCRIPT Set Induction 1 Good morning, children. How are you today? 2 You have studied the eclipse of the Moon. What happens during the eclipse of the Moon? (The Moon will appear dark) Good. Why is it that the Moon appears to be dark? (The Moon appears to be dark when the Earth blocks the sunlight from reaching the Moon) Well done. Class, can you see the Sun in the sky now? Have you ever seen the Sun disappearing slowly/ becomes darker in the afternoon? Why is the Sun disappearing / becomes darker? We will learn it today. Development 1 We need a torch, a ball and the globe to do the The apparatus is set up as simulation of the eclipse of the Sun. Now, I need two volunteers to help me. Thank you. Pupil 1 will hold the torch. Pupil 2 will hold the ball. Pupil 1 will shine the torch towards the globe. Then, pupil 2 will put the ball between the Torch Ball Globe The pupils need to hold the given things and stand in a shown. (The Moon appears to be dark when the Earth blocks the sunlight from reaching the Moon) Ask pupils to response. ACTIVITIES Let pupils response and write their answer on the board. (The Moon will appear dark)


torch and the globe. The torch represents the Sun, the globe Moon. Pupil 1 will switch on the torch. What can you see on the globe? (Dark area occurs on the surface of the globe) Good. I will label X on the dark area. How can this dark area occur? (The ball (the Moon) blocks the torchlight (sunlight) from reaching area X) Well done. When the Moon blocks sunlight from reaching the Earth, this is what we call the eclipse of the Sun. 2 When a torch is shone on the globe, there will be a dark part behind the globe. Similarly, when the Sun shines on the Moon, there will be a dark part behind the Moon. Please refer to the picture in your textbook on page 95 to help you to understand. I want you to find out the vocabularies from the text. Can you tell me the vocabularies that you have found? (Eclipse, dark part, lighter part, partial eclipse, total eclipse, corona)

straight line. Teacher writes pupils answer Pupils can answer in BM or BI. (Dark area occurs on the surface of the globe) Let pupils answer The ball (the Moon) blocks the torchlight (sunlight) from reaching area X)

represents the Earth and the ball represents the on the board.

Teacher gives explanation based on the picture in the text book on page 95. Teacher writes down the vocabularies on the board. Say these vocabularies correctly. e.g. Eclipse ik. klips, Dark dak Part pat Corona Straight strait


Now, we want to do another activity. We need a polystyrene ball with a stick, a manila card with a round hole at the center and a torch. Manila card Polystyrene ball Stick Round hole

I need three volunteers to help me one more time. Thank you. Pupil 1 will hold the torch. Pupil 2 will hold the polystyrene ball with a stick. Pupil 3 will hold the manila card that has a round hole at the centre. Pupil 1 will shine the torch towards the round hole on the manila card. Pupil 3 holds the manila card. What can you see? (Round lights occur on the screen) Then, pupil 2 will move the polystyrene ball slowly between the torch and the manila card in a position 1, 2 and 3. The torch represents the Sun, the screen represents the Earth and the polystyrene ball represents the Moon.

The apparatus is set up as shown.



polystyrene Ball

manila card

Lets the pupils response. As shown in the diagram. 1 2 3 light source Polystyrene ball in position 1, 2, and 3.

What are the shapes of the Moons shadow formed on the screen based on this activity? Now, I want all of you to draw the appearance of polystyrene ball (represents the moon) in your exercise book.

Pupils response.

Have you finish your drawing? Now, turn to

Teacher uses the picture in the


page 96 of your text book. What you have drawn just now are some of the phases of the Sun during an eclipse of the Sun. In your text book on page 96, you can see the different phases of the Sun during the eclipse. We know that the earth revolves round the Sun and the Moon revolves round the Earth. During these revolutions, the Moon may come between the Sun and the Earth in a straight line. When this occurs, the Moon blocks the sunlight from reaching the earth. This phenomenon is called the eclipse of the Sun. 7 A partial eclipse of the Sun happens when when only a part of the Sun is blocked by the Moon. We will see less of the Sun when more of it is being covered by the Moon. A partial eclipse of the Sun can last from a few minutes to a few hours.

text book on page 96 to relate to what the pupils have drawn. Teacher gives explanation about the eclipse of the Sun.

Teacher uses the diagram in explain the eclipse of the Sun

only a part of the Sun can be seen. This occurs the text book on page 96 to

When the Sun is totally covered by the Moon, we called this a total eclipse of the Sun. We only see the Sun as a dark disc surrounded by a bright ring called the corona.

Teacher uses the diagram to explain the eclipse of the Sun.

We were so lucky to see the eclipse of the Sun Teacher uses the picture in the on 24 October 1995 at Matunggung, Sabah. You can see the events in your text book on page 97. What can you say from the pictures? (The day turns dark for a while) text book on page 97 to make comparisons. Let pupils give their response. (The day turns dark for a while)


Very good. Please remember, if you get a chance to see the eclipse of the Sun again, do not look at the eclipse of the Sun directly because it can seriously damage your eyes. Closure 1 Now lets look at the occurrence of the eclipse Teacher shows the teaching of the Sun on the screen. Can anybody tell me the position of the Earth, the Moon and the Sun during the eclipse of the Sun? The Moon is between the Earth and the Sun in a straight line. 2 As your homework, I want you to sketch the position of the Moon, the Sun and the Earth during the eclipse of the Sun. Please label and colour the diagram nicely. 3 Thats all for today. Thank you for your attention. Follow-up of the lesson is this homework that must be handed in during the next lesson. courseware (My CD) and summarizes the lesson.


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