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ESPAOL Abandonar Abandono Accidentado Acelerar Acercarse Acuerdo Adelantar / Pasar Adoquinado Adjunto Adversario Advertencia Aflojar, frenar Agrupado Alcanzar Alejarse Altitud Alto/ Altura Ambulancia Ancho Anchura Anular Anunciar Arcn Arreglo de avera Asfaltado Atacar Ataque desde atrs Ataque en cabeza Atencin Atropellar / Arrollar A toda marcha Aumentar Avera, accidente Aviso previo Avituallamiento Ayuda Bache, socavn Bandera amarilla Bandera roja Bandera verde FRANCES Abandonner Abandon Accident Acclerer Se rapprocher Entente Doubler En pavs Adjoint Adversaire Avertissement Ralentir Group Rejoindre Seloigner, ecarter Altitude Haut / Hauteur Ambulance Large Largueur Annuler Annonce Bas-cot Dpannage Asphalt Attaquer Attaque par derrire Attaque en tte Attention Renverser A toute allure Augmenter / Crotre Panne Preavis Ravitallement Aide Trou / Nid de poule La route est defonce Drapeau / Fanion jaune Drapeau / Fanion rouge Drapeau / Fanion vert INGLES To leave the race / To drop out of the race Retiral Injured / Dammaged To accelerate / to speed up To approach To come close to Understanding To pass / To overtake Paving (stone) Assistent Oponent / Rival Warning To slow down Together (to bunch, to gather) To rejoin / to catch To go away / to move away Height High / Height Ambulance car Wide / Broad Width To annul To announce Hard shoulder / verge Repairs service Asphalted To attack Attack from the rear Attack from the front Attention, care To knock down, over / To run over At full speed To incerase / to raise Breakdown / Crash Forewarning Feeding / Refreshment Assistence Hole, pothole Yelow flag Red flag Green flag

ESPAOL Bandern ltimo kilmetro Bicicleta Bidn Bloquear Bolsa de comida Bonificacin Cadena Cada Cada masiva

FRANCES Flamme rouge Velo Bidon Bloquer Musette Bonification Chane Chute Chute groupe / collective Caja Boite Calzada Chausse Cambio Changement Cambio de ritmo Changement de cadence Campana Cloche Cansado Fatigu Caravana Caravane Carrera Course Carrera por equipos Course par quipes Carrera por etapas Course par tapes Carretera Route Carril Voie Casco Casque Caza Chasse Ceremonia protocolaria Ceremonie protocolaire Chandal Survtement Chocarse Heurter Cima Sommet (de la monte) Circuito Circuit Circular Circuler Ciudad Ville Clasificacin de la Classement de la montaa montagne Clasificacin de metas Classement des sprints volantes speciaux Clasificacin general Classement gnral Clasificacin por equipos Classement par quipes Clasificacin por puntos Classement par points Coche escoba Voiture balai Coche, vehculo Voiture Colegio de Comisarios Collge des Commisaires Combativo Compatif Comenzar Commencer Compacto Compact Compaero Co-quiper Componer Composer Comunicado Conducir, llevar Contacto, entrar en Communiqu Mener Contacter, entrer en contact

INGLES Red prennant Bike Feeding bottle Block Shoulder Bag Bonus Chain Fall / Spill Massed Fall Box, tin Pavment / Roadway Change Change of the pace Bell Tired Convoy Race Team Race Stage Race Road Lane Helmet Chase / Pursuit Awards ceremony Tracksuit To crash Top of the hill Circuit To drive / to run Town Mountain Classification Special Sprints Classification Overall Standing Teams Classification Points classification Broom Wagon Car Panel of commisaires Fighting Begin / Start Compact, close Team mate To compose / to make up / To seed Bulletin To lead To be in touch with

ESPAOL Contacto, perder Contrarreloj Control, cierre de Control antidopaje Corona Corredor Corredor en cabeza Correr solo Credencial Cronometrador Cronometraje Cruce Cuadro Cuesta Cuidador Culotte Cuneta Curva (cerrada) Curva (entrada a la) Curva (salida de la) Curva cerrada o peligrosa Defender Delantero Demarrar Derrapar / resbalar Derrota Desarrollo Descenso Descenso accidentado Descenso suave Descolgarse Deslizante Destacarse Desviacin Dientes Director de carrera Director deportivo Disminuir Distancia Distanciarse Dormilones Dorsal Empujn Encender las luces Encerrar Equipar Equipo Escalador

FRANCES Perdre le contact Contre la montre Fermeture de control Control antidopage Couronne Coureur Coureur en tte Courir seul Macaron Chronometreur Chronometrage Carrefour Cadre Cte Soigneur Cuissard Foss (f) Virage Entre au virage Sortie du virage Virage dangereux, en pingle cheveux Defendre Avant Demarrer Derraper Dfaite Braquet Descente Descente brusque Descente douce Se dcrocher Glissant Se dtacher Dviation Dents Directeur de course Directeur sportif Diminuer / Amoindrir Distance Faire le trou / Lacher un coureur Ralentisseurs Dossard Poussette Allumer leclairage Enfermer Munir Equipe Grimpeur

INGLES To lose contact Time Trial Closing time Antidoping Test Crown Rider Leader To ride alone Marshalling baton Time-keeper Time-Keeping Crossing Frame Hill / Slope Attendant (Riding) Shorts Ditch Bend / Turn / Curve Start of banking End of banking Sharp bend curve To defend Front / forward To start / to cast off / To launch an attack To slip Defeat Bracket / Gear Descent / downhill Steep descent Gentle descent To come down Slide To stand out Diversion Tooth Race director Team manager To decrease Distance To distance / To drop Bump Race number Push To turn on the lights Box To provide Team Climber

ESPAOL Escalar Escapada Escapar del pelotn Escarcha Espalda Espectador Estela Estirado Estrechamiento de calzada Estrecho Etapa Ex aequo Expulsin de carrera Fijar carteles Fila india Firma Flecha Foto-finish Frasco Frenar Furgn Gorra Grava, gravilla Grupo Grupo de cabeza Grupo deportivo Herir Hoja de salida Hombro Hora Horario Horquilla Impermeable Informacin Informe Inscripcin Inspector Isleta Itinerario Izquierda Juez de llegada Juez de salida Lanzar Lento Llanta Llegada Llegada (lnea de) Llegada en pelotn

FRANCES Grimper Echape Dcoller / Echapper Verglas Dos Espectateur Sillage Allong / Tir Chausse retreci Rtrcissement Etroite / Serr Etape Ex aequo Mis hors-course Afficher Indienne file Signature Flche Photo-finish Flacon Freiner / Ralentir Fourgon Casquette Gravillons Groupe Group de tte Group Sportif Blesser Feuille de dpart Epaule Heure Horaire Fourche Impermeable Renseignements Rapport Engagement Inspecteur Ilot directionnel Itineraire Gauche Juge larrive Starter Lancer Lent / Ralenti Jante Arrive Ligne darrive Arrive en peloton

INGLES To climb Breakaway To leave behind the bunch Glazed frost / Ice Back Spectator Slip-stream Strechted / extended The road is getting narrow Narrow / tight Stage Equal Disqualification To affix Single row Sign Arrow Photo-finish Flask To slow down Van, truck pick-up Cap Road metal, gravel Group Leading bunch Trade Team To wound / to hurt Start sheet Shoulder Hour (time) Time-table, schedule Fork Raincoat Information Report Entry Inspector Traffic island Itinerary Left Finish judge Starter To push-start Slow Rim of wheel Finish Finishing line Bunch finish

ESPAOL Lluvia Maillot Mal estado Manillar Masajista Mecnico Medalla Media horaria Mediana Mdico Meta volante Mojado, hmero Moverse Multa Neumtico Neutralziacin Nieve Obras Obstculo Ocasin (aprovechar la) Ocasin (perder la) Orden de salida Organziador Palanca Parada de carrera Parado Parar Participacin Participantes Paso (velocidad) Paso a nivel Paso inferior / superior Pedal Pegarse a rueda Peligro Pelotn Pelotn (cola de) Pelotn (correr en) Pelotn compacto Pelotn principal Penalizacin Perder Permanente Perseguidor Perseguir

FRANCES Pluie Maillot Mal en point Guidon Masseur Mecanicien Medaille Moyenne horaire Medianne Medecin Sprint spcial Mouill / Humite Bougir Amende Pneu Neutralisation Neige Travaux Obstacle Profiter de loccasion Manquer loccassion / Rater Ordre de dpart Organisateur Retropoussette Arret de la course Arrt Arrter Participation Concurrent Allure Passage niveaux Passage inferieur / superieur Pedale Coller la roue Danger Peloton Queue du peloton Coller au peloton Group serr / Pelotn group Gros du peloton Pensalisation Perdre Permanence Suiveur Poursuivre

INGLES Rain Jersey Bad condition Handle-bar Masseur Mechanic Medal Average Speed Median strip Doctor Special Sprint Wet To move on Fine Tyre Neutralisation Snow Works / repairs Obstacle To seize a chance To miss a chance Starting order Organiser Pushing back Stoppage of the race Stopped To stop Participation Competitor Step Level crossing Flyover / underpass Pedal To follow the wheel / to hug Danger Bunch / Field Tail of the bunch To sit in the bunch Compact bunch Main bunch Penalty To lose Race Headquarters Follower To persue / to go after / to follow

ESPAOL Pinchazo Pin Pizarrero Placa de cuadro Plato Podio Porcentaje Premio Principal Principiante Proclamar Prohibir Prlogo Publicidad Pueblo Puente Puerto de montaa Quedarse atrs Radio Radio vuelta Rpido Ralentizar Rebasar Recorrido Recuperar Reglamento Relevo Repesca Resultado Resultado Retraso Reunirse Reventar Rodar Ropa de carretera Rotonda Rueda Rueda de recambio Rueda delantera Rueda trasera Ruptura Salida Salida (dar la) Salida (intervalo de) Salida lanzada Salida neutralizada Salida parada Sancin Seco

FRANCES Crevaison Pignon Ardioisier Plaque de cadre Plateau Podium Pourcentage Prix Principal Debutant Proclamer Interdire, Defendre Prologue Publicit Village Pont Col de montagne Rater (le gropue) Rayon Radio tour Rapide Ralentir Franchir Parcours Recuperer Rglement Relais Repechage Performance Rsultat Rtard Assembler Eclater Rouler Tenue de course Rond point Roue Roue de rechange Roue avant Roue arrire Rupture Dpart Donner le dpart Intervalle de dpart Dpart lanc Dpart fictif Dpart arrt Sanction Sec

INGLES Flat Tyre / Puncture Sprocket-wheel Blackboard man Frame numbber Chainring Podium Percentage Prize Main Beginner Annonce Forbid, ban Prologue Advertising Village Bridge Mountain Pass To drop behind the bunch Spoke of wheel Radio race Fast / Speedy To slow down To cross / To traverse Route / Terrain To recover Rules Relay Repechage Performance Result Lateness To gather To burst To go over / to wheel Racing attire Round about / Traffic circle Wheel Spare wheel Front wheel Back / rear wheel Breakage Start To give the start Starting Interval Flying start Ceremonial start Standing start Sanction / Penalty Dry

ESPAOL Sector Seguidor Semforo Seal de trfico

Separacin Silln Sorteo Sprinter Subida Subida accidentada Subida suave Subir en bailona Sustituto Tcnico Tiempo Tiempo, ganar Tiempo, perder Tiempo meteorolgico Toma, extraccin Tramo (de ruta) Trasero Travesa Tubular Vehculo de asistencia Vehculo seguidor Velocidad Vencedor Ventaja Viento Viento de cara Viento de cola Viento favorable Viento lateral Vuelta

FRANCES Demi-tape Suiveur Feux Signe de route / Panneaux de signalisation Ecart / difference Selle Tirage au sort Sprinter Monte Monte brusqye Monte douce En danseuse Remplaant Technicien Temps Rattraper le temps (perdu), gagner Perdre le temps Temps, Meteo Prlvement Tronon (de route) Arrire Tronon, Passage Boyau Voiture dassistence technique Voiture suiveur Vitesse Vaincqueur Avantage Vent Vent de face Vent arrire Vent favorable Vent latral / de ct Tour

INGLES Half stage Follower Traffic Lights Road sign / Sign post

Gap / Interval / adventage over Saddle At random / To draw by lot Sprinter Rise / Climb Steep climb Gentle slope Starting up on the pedals Reserve Technician Time / Record To save time To lose time Weather Sample Strecht of the roal Rear / Back Cross-street Tubular Tyre Maintenance car Escort car Speed Winner Advantage Wind Head wind Tail wind Leading wind Side wind Lap

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