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H. Mesir No.28 Jakarta 12520 Telp. 021-78839571 ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Mata pelajaran : B. Inggris Kelas : V (Lima) Hari & tanggal : .......................................................... Waktu : .......................................................... Nama : .......................................................... __________________________________________________________________________ Petunjuk:
1. Berdo'alah sebelum mengerjakan soal! 2. Tulislah namamu dengan lengkap! 3. Bacalah soal-soal berikut dengan teliti, kerjakanlah dengan jujur soal yang kamu anggap lebih mudah dahulu! 4. Tulisan hendaknya bersih, jelas, mudah dibaca dan tidak menggunakan Tipp-Ex! 5. Periksalah sekali lagi hasil pekerjaanmu sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas! ________________________________________________________________________________

Berilah tanda silang (x) pada salah satu huruf a, b, c, atau d, pada jawaban yang benar.
MY FAMILY This is picture of my family. There are four person in my family; my father, my mother, my sister and me. My father is standing near the window. he is looking at the sky. My mother is sitting on a chair. She is reading a book. My sister and me sittig on a desk. We are doing our homework. 1. How many person are there in the family? a. three c. five b. four d. six 2. What is father doing? a. sitting on a desk c. standing near the window b. sitting on a chair d. reading a book 3. Are my siter and me playing chess? a. no, we are not c. no, we are b. no, we isn't d. no, we is 4. Today is Friday. The day before yesterday is ..... a. Saturday c. Tuesday b. Monday d. Wednesday 5. Today is Monday. The day after tomorrow is...... a. Sunday b. Tuesday 6. The day before Sunday is..... a. Saturday c. Wednesday d. Thursday c. Tuesday

b. Monday d. Wednesday 7. The last day in a week is...... a. Monday c. Thursday b. Sunday d. Saturday 8. This month is May, the next two month is...... a. August c. July b. June d. January 9. The month after March is...... a. April c. June b. May d. February 10. The last month in a year is ...... a. January c. March b. February d. December 11. The first month in a year is...... a. February c. March b. January d. December 12. You have ..... at half past twelve pm. a. goes c. gone b. go d. going 13. I go to ..... at ten o'clock pm. a. goes c. sleep b. eat d. drink 14. Rita ..... to school at 6.30 am. a. Goes c. go home b. eat d. arrives 15. I .... at five o'clock in the morning. a. sleep c. eat b. get up d. drink 16. I will go to Jakarta at quarter to nine a.m. a. 08.45 c. 09.15 b. 09.45 d. 08.15 17. Susi watches TV at half past eight in night. a. 09.30 am c. 08.30 pm b. 07.15 pm d. 08.30 am 18. Bibir tebal dalam bahasa inggris adalah.... a. thick nose c. thick lips b. thick chick d. thick hair 19. ........ he feel? a. How many c. How much b. How does d. How 20. Sakit gigi dalam bahasa inggris....... a. earache c. headache b. toothache d. stomachache 21. ....... you feel? a. How many c. How much b. How do d. How are 22. Ayu is Anton's .......... a. brother c. sister b. father d. uncle 23. How many brother ....? a. do you need c. are you b. do you d. do you have

24. Lawan kata dari husband adalah...... a. son c. wife b. daughter d. children 25. ....... fix the door? a. have you c. are you b. can you d. are you 26. ....... is the balloon price? It is Rp 2.000,a. how much c. how are b. how many d. how 27. It is hot. I must turn on...... a. stove c. lamp b. computer d. fan 28. My mother is a chef. a. juru masak c. juru kunci b. juru mudi d. juru rawat 29. We breath with my....... a. lung c. heart b. liver d. hand 30. Jam enam kurang seperempat : ..... a. six past quarter c. half past six b. a quarter past five d. a quarter to six 31. Tiga ratus tujuh puluh delapan ribu : ... a. three hundreds eighty tousand b. three hundreds seventy eight thousand c. three hundred seventy eight thousand d. three thousand seventy eight hundreds 32. I like rainbow colors, artinya..... a. aku suka warna warni b. aku suka warna pelangi c. aku suka mewarnai d. aku suka warna 33. Aku tidak percaya padamu : ..... a. he doesn't believe b. she believes you c. I don't believe you d. you don't believe me 34. My mother wears bracelet on her..... a. wrist c. head b. neck d. finger 35. Who is the first vice President of Indonesia? a. Soekarno c. Hatta b. Jusuf Kalla d. SBY 36. Bee can produce..... a. sugar c. honey b. tea d. rice 37. Where do you come from? a. Medan c. all right b. I am fine d. okay 38. My aunt's birthday is on the .... of May. a. Fiveth c. fifeth b. fivth d. fifth 39. January 14 th, 1973

It is January the fourteen ....... a. nineteen seventy there b. nineteen seventy third c. nineteeth seventy third d. nineteen seventy three 40. Tanjung Perak and Tanjung Priok are...... a. port c. airport b. terminal d. station

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