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Board of Health

Town of Barre 40 West Street

Box 431 Barre, MA 01005

Phone 978-355-2504 Fax 978-355-5009

MINUTES OF October 4, 2010

PLACE: HENRY WOODS BUILDING, Selectmans Meeting Room
Meeting called to order at 5:07 P.M. Members Present: Dr. Samuel Pickens, and Margaret Frost Attendance: Faye Zukowski, Stephanie Bacon, Walter Fielding Transfer Station Monitor, Dean Iandoli, William Reginius, Alex Josephson, Bob Bentley, Neil Anders, Michael Hodge, Jim Talvey, Steve Fontaine, Robin Stapins, Bruce Stapins, and Edward Yagloo. Meeting Minutes accepted from September 13, 2010 S.Pickens motions to accept and P.Frost seconds all in favor Heath Agents Report of Landfill: S.Bacon was tardy for the meeting and provided a report of: o Landfill Leachate system was shut down from September 13, 2010 to the 20 th for testing o Gas levels low o Trees were cut down near river permits were issued from conservation. o Half of the grading on the road in cell #6 is complete. Work will continue until complete. Transfer Station Monitor: W.Fielding reports that things are good at Transfer Station, but has a few ideas and concerns: o Recycle Wood scraps o Cover the garbage containers, shield from birds and water o Water supply needed at Transfer Station to allow washing of the safety rails o Extend Bulky day to days that Transfer Station is open for normal business o No action taken Public Hearing 5:30: Quabbin Wind LLC; Dean Iandoli Class II/III net metering facility to be located off Vernon Ave D.Iandoli explains the proposed project and location to Board Energy will be exported to National Grid S.Pickens moves to approve site assignment P.Frost seconds all in favor New England Organics: Jim Talvey Explains intent of his company, types and uses 25 years in business based in Maine Produces compost, fertilizers, paper fiber BOH suggest they contact Board of Selectman to seek clarification on Town Bylaw. No action taken Reload update: S.Bacon has been driving through the area B.Bentley provides photos from September 14 (day after last meeting) and photos from today October 4 showing the progress since last meeting. B.Bentley states ties being received now are being unloaded to new process location. Mr. & Mrs. Stapins of Nichols Road state they had an odor on September 29 The Board grants Reload a 2 week extension (October 18 th) to have all the ties moved.

Neil Anders: Energy Committee: Energy committee is asking the Board if they could hand out flyers which include the Board of Healths thanks for recycling. o The flyers are about shutting your car off while idling such as at Transfer Station, Dunkin Donuts, Bank Drive thru and such.

S.Pickens motions to adjourn at 6:50 P.M. P.Frost seconds all in favor Completed and prepared on November 8, 2010

By: ____________________________________
Faye Zukowski, Administrative Assistant

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