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Appendix 10

Implementation of Electrification Options

December 2010

APPENDIX 10 Implementation of Electrification Options December 2010

Prepared for:

Prepared by:

20 Bay Street, Suite 901 Toronto ON M5J 2N8 In Association with:


1. 2. 3. INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................1 KeyAssumptions.................................................................................................................1 2.1. 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. 3.6. 4. 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. 4.6. 4.7. 4.8. 4.9. 4.10. 4.11. 4.12. 5. 6. ConstructionPhases....................................................................................................4 Option1Georgetown...............................................................................................6 Option2Lakeshore ..................................................................................................7 . Option3LakeshoreandGeorgetown......................................................................8 Option11Lakeshore,Georgetown,andMilton.....................................................10 Option15Lakeshore,Georgetown,MiltonandBarrie..........................................12 Option18AllCorridors...........................................................................................14 ProjectInception.......................................................................................................18 StakeholderEngagement..........................................................................................18 PreliminaryDesignInfrastructureandenablingworks..........................................18 PreliminaryDesignPowerSupply/OCS.................................................................19 EnvironmentalAssessment.......................................................................................19 DetailedDesignInfrastructureandenablingworks...............................................19 DetailedDesignPowerSupplyandOCS..................................................................20 ConstructionInfrastructureenablingworks..........................................................20 ConstructionPowerSupplyandOCS......................................................................20 OverheadContactSystem(OCS)DesignandFabrication.....................................20 PowerSupplyConstruction...................................................................................21 OCSConstruction...................................................................................................21 ConstructionSequence.......................................................................................................6


SafetyStandardsandPublicInformation..........................................................................21 FindingsandConclusions..................................................................................................22


APPENDICES Appendix10AImplementationSchedule..................................................................................23 Appendix10BEnvironmentalAssessment.................................................................................25 1. 2. ENVIRONMENTALASSESSMENTREQUIREMENTS.............................................................25 PROVINCIALEAREQUIREMENTS.......................................................................................25 2.1 2.2 2.3 3. FIGURES Figure1:GORailNetworkCorridorOwnershipmap.....................................................................4 Figure2:NetworkschematicshowingCorridorsections...............................................................5 Figure3:UnionStationDiagram.....................................................................................................5 Figure4:Phase1AtoPhase3forOption1Georgetown.............................................................6 Figure5:Phase1toPhase4forOption2Lakeshore...................................................................7 Figure6:Phase1AtoPhase7forOption3LakeshoreandGeorgetown...................................8 Figure7:Phase1AtoPhase9forOption11Lakeshore,GeorgetownandMilton...................10 Figure8:Phase1AtoPhase11forOption15Lakeshore,Georgetown,MiltonandBarrie.....12 Figure9:Phase1AtoPhase17forOption18AllCorridors......................................................14 3.1 OntarioEnvironmentalAssessmentAct....................................................................25 StreamlinedRegulatoryprocessTransitRegulation...............................................25 StreamlinedRegulatoryProcessClassEAs.............................................................26 CanadianEnvironmentalAssessmentAct.................................................................26




The implementation of the Electrification Options on the existing GO network that is an operating railway presents a number of challenges. Each option has been considered with regard to the assumptions listed below and the information gathered during the Baselining exerciseaspresentedinAppendix3ofthisreport.

Thefollowingkeyassumptionshavebeenmadewhenconsideringtheimplementationofeach option. ReferenceCaseInfrastructure Itisassumedthattheinfrastructureconstructionworkthatisplannedinthereferencecase willhavebeencompletedbeforeanyelectrificationconstructionworktakesplace.Itisalso assumed that the increases in the service levels proposed in the Reference Case will be operatingwhilsttheelectrificationconstructionworkistakingplace. Timing For each option the sequencing of each section has been carefully considered taking into accountthepotentialdisruptiontotheGOservice.Itisassumedthatupto2construction frontswouldbeallowedatanyonetime. Availabilityoftrack In discussions with GO it was agreed that the access to the track for overhead working wouldberestrictedtononserviceperiodsofoperation,andthatlimitedaccessforworking adjacenttothetracksuchasfoundationinstallationorutilitydiversionswouldbepermitted where the number of tracks allows working on one track with a flagging operation controllingtheothertracks. UnionStation The current refurbishment of Union Station is assumed to have been completed with sufficientroomhavingbeenallowedverticallyfortheinstallationoftheoverheadcatenary system.Itisassumedthatsufficientworkingspaceandaccesswouldbeallowedwithinthe UnionStationtrainshedduringtheoperationalperiodsoftheGOservicetoallowgrounding work to be carried out. Installation of the electrical system would be carried out when servicelevelspermit,orduringnonworkinghours.Itisassumedthattheissuesrelatingto heritageandconservationhavebeendiscussedduringtheEAofthecurrentrefurbishment, andthattherearenounforeseenrestrictions. Examinationoftheavailabledrawingssuggeststhatthereissufficientroomforanoverhead catenarysystemtobeinstalled,butadetailedsurveyanddesignisrequiredtoconfirmthis assumption.
1 GOElectrificationStudyFinalReportAppendix10December2010

ARL The ARL service is assumed to be fully operational to the timetable proposed and that no restrictions to the service will be allowed. Work will be carried out during non service periods,andonadjacenttracksaspermitted.Thedesignoftheequipmenttobeinstalledon theelevatedsectionsoftheARLspurtotheAirportwillrequirecoordinationandagreement from GTAA. It is assumed that preliminary agreement will have been obtained during the construction of the spur, and that the support details incorporated during the spur constructionwouldbeavailabletothedesignteamforelectrification. MaintenanceFacilities It is assumed that the proposed new maintenance facility at Whitby would be fully functional and equipped for diesel train operation, but constructed to accommodate the futureprovisionofelectrificationincludingallgroundingwithinthebuilding,thenecessary clearances for OCS, the provision of overhead crainage that can accommodate or be modified to accommodate the OCS within the building and the space required for the installationofthespecificmaintenanceequipmentrequiredbytheelectriclocomotives. Theconversionofthemaintenancefacilitiesvariesforeachoptionandassumesthatwith the exception of Option 2 Lakeshore the electric GO Trains and ARL trains would be servicedatWillowbrook,andthenastheelectrificationreachestheEastYardatWhitbyit wouldbeconvertedandusedastheservicelevelsincrease. The decommissioning of any layover equipment and diesel refuelling is assumed to take placeonlyinOption18,whenthedieselserviceisphasedout.Theelectrictrainswouldbe shuntedinandoutofthemaintenanceshedatWillowbrookbyaconvertedexistingdiesel locomotive, and that this would be replaced by a new smaller more efficient diesel locomotiveinoption18asalltheexistingdiesellocomotivesarephasedout. WorkingHours The working hours for construction are limited to non service hours, restricted flagged workingoncorridorswherethenumberoftracksallows,andalimitednumberofplanned track occupancy, specifically for activities such as the replacement or jacking of overhead structures. ReferenceCaseservicelevels The Reference Case increases the frequency of trains on each corridor to 2 way all day service which significantly reduces the available working time. It is assumed that planned track occupancy would be allowed and approved by the owners of the track and the operating companies when required to allow efficient delivery of the electrification contracts. EnvironmentalAssessments As part of the preliminary design for each option an Environmental Assessment will be carriedout.Wheretheoptioninvolvesmorethan2corridors,aseriesofsubmissionswould be made as the project progresses. This is shown on the indicative schedule in Appendix 10A.

StakeholderEngagement Stakeholderengagementwillbecarriedoutthroughoutthedesignandconstructionofthe project. CN/CPconstraints TheGOrailnetworkcorridorsareownedbyGO,CNandCP,asshowninFigure1andall3 companiesoperatetrainservicesonallofthecorridors.Constructionworkoneachcorridor will require the detailed design and construction proposals to be reviewed and agreed beforeconstructioncontractsareawarded.Requiredworkingarrangementswillneedtobe coordinatedtomeettherequirementsofGO,CNandCPandincorporatedintothedesign andconstructioncontracts. The indicative schedule assumes that these discussions take place during the preliminary design phase of each option as design proposals are being developed and before the environmentalassessmentissubmitted. PurchaseofLocomotives Locomotive design and procurement would not start until after the Environmental Assessmenthasbeenapprovedandwouldbeseparatecontractsfortheprocurementofthe ElectricLocomotivesforGOserviceandtheretrofittingoftheARLtrains. ConstructionSequence ForoperationalrequirementsalltrackswithintheUnionStationRailCorridoreitherWestor Eastwillbeelectrifiedforeveryoption.Thisallowsfortheunplannedclosureofaswitchor section of track in the approaches to Union Station and reduces delays to scheduled services. ConstructionPackages Theconstructionpackagesmaybesplitintoscopespecificpackagesandthenintospecific sections,forexample; o o o o o o EnablingWorks. PowerSystemsOCSWork. Supplycontractforthesubstations. SignalssystemupgradesacrossthewholeelectrifiednetworkinconjunctionwithCN. OntarioHydrowouldberesponsiblefortheconnectionofeachsubstationtotheGrid. MaintenanceandstoragefacilitiesupgradesexcludingtheinstallationoftheOCS.

CorridorOwnership ThecomplexityoftheownershipofeachcorridorisshowninFigure1below.Theselection ofeachconstructionsectionandthedeterminationofthesequenceofphasingeachoption considered the ownership and interaction with the train services operated on each line. Detailed proposals would be developed with the owners of each corridor during the preliminary design stage and stakeholder consultation. The planning of the construction sequenceandhoursorworkingwouldtakethisintoaccount.


2.1. ConstructionPhases
TheschematicbelowshowstheentireGOnetworkatthetimeofElectrification.Eachcorridor has been divided into corridor sections and these are indicated e.g. LW1, LW2 etc. These corridorsectionswerederivedfromtheservicescheduleandhavebeenusedtodeterminethe constructionphases.





Theconstructionsequenceforeachofthe6optionshasbeendividedintophasesandtheseare shownbelowinaseriesofschematicdiagramsforeachoption.Animplementationschedulefor eachoptionhasbeendevelopedandthisisinAppendix10B.

3.1. Option1Georgetown
Option1consistsof5phasesasshownbelow. Phase 1A from Union Station to Willowbrook Maintenance Facility and the West Toronto Diamond. Phase 1B could start at the same time as Phase 1A progress westward along the GeorgetownCorridortotheairportspurandPearsonAirport.Oncecompletedanelectrified servicewouldbeimplementedontheARL. Phase2wouldfollowcompletingthesectiontoBramalea,allowingascheduledserviceto startfortrainstoBrampton. Phase 3 follows Phase 2 and when completed would allow the electrified service to be extendedtoGeorgetownandKitchener. Figure4:Phase1AtoPhase3forOption1Georgetown


3.2. Option2Lakeshore
Option2consistsof4phasesasshownbelow. Phase1fromUnionStationeastwardstotheWhitbyMaintenanceYardandOshawa.Once completedtheelectrifiedservicewouldbeimplementedtoOshawa. Phase 2 from Union Station westward to Oakville. Once completed the electrified service would be implemented to Oakville and allow a through service at Union Station where schedulingpermits. Phase3followsonfromPhase2extendingtheelectrificationtoeastwardHamiltonJames, andallowingtheelectrifiedservicetobeextendedtoHamiltonJames. Phase 4 extends the electrification to Bowmanville and once completed the electrified servicewouldbeavailablealongthefullextentoftheelectrifiedsectionsoftheLakeshore line. Figure5:Phase1toPhase4forOption2Lakeshore


3.3. Option3LakeshoreandGeorgetown
Option3consistsof9phasesasshownbelow. Phase 1 from Union Station to Willowbrook Maintenance Facility and the West Toronto Diamond. Phase 1B would start at the same time as Phase 1A progress westward along the GeorgetownCorridortotheairportspurandPearsonAirport.Oncecompletedanelectrified servicewouldbeimplementedontheARL. Phase2wouldfollowcompletingthesectiontoBramalea,allowingascheduledserviceto startfortrainstoBrampton. Phase 3 from Union eastwards to the Whitby Maintenance Yard and Oshawa. Once completedandtheelectrifiedservicewouldbeimplementedfromUnionStationtoOshawa. Phase 4 from Union Station westward to Oakville. Once completed the electrified service wouldbeimplementedtoOakvilleandallowathroughservicetoOshawawherescheduling permits. Phase5followsonfromPhase4extendingtheelectrificationtoeastwardHamiltonJames, andallowingtheelectrifiedservicetobeextendedtoHamiltonJames. Phase 6 extends the electrification to Bowmanville and once completed the electrified servicewouldbeavailablealongthefullextentoftheelectrifiedsectionsoftheLakeshore line. Phase7fromBramaleaextendedtoKitchenerandtheimplementationofafullelectrified serviceontheGeorgetownline. Figure6:Phase1AtoPhase7forOption3LakeshoreandGeorgetown



3.4. Option11Lakeshore,Georgetown,andMilton
Option11consistsof11phasesasshownbelow. Phases1through8areconstructedthesameasOption3. Phase 9 would follow on the Milton Line from West Toronto to Meadowvale permitting electrifiedservicetoMeadowvale. Phase10wouldfollowcompletingthelinetoMilton. Figure7:Phase1AtoPhase9forOption11Lakeshore,GeorgetownandMilton



11 GOElectrificationStudyFinalReportAppendix10December2010

3.5. Option15Lakeshore,Georgetown,MiltonandBarrie
Option15consistsof13phasesasshownbelow. Phases 1 through 10 is constructed in the same sequence as Option 11, and then continues alongtheBarrieLinein2stages;Phase11toBradfordandthenPhase12completingthelineto Allendale. Figure8:Phase1AtoPhase11forOption15Lakeshore,Georgetown,MiltonandBarrie





3.6. Option18AllCorridors
Option18consistsof19phasesasshownbelow. Phases1through12areconstructedinthesamesequenceasOption15,followedbyPhase 13and14alongtheStouffvilleLinetoLincolnville: thenbyPhases15and16toBloomingtonontheRichmondHillLine; thenbyPhase17toHamiltonTH&BontheLakeshoreLine;and, finallyPhase18toSt.CatherinesontheLakeshoreLine. Figure9:Phase1AtoPhase17forOption18AllCorridors









TheImplementationScheduleinAppendix10Aisindicativeandhasbeendevelopedbasedup ontheassumptionsandthesequencingofeachoptionshownabove,andindiscussionwithGO. Longer periods have been allowed for specific sections where the complexity and service scheduleindicateconstructionaccesswillbelimitedsuchastheUnionStationCorridorandthe sectionthatincludesthetunnelsandbridgesoutsideofHamilton. The preliminary design stage will develop the schedule further, as and when the specific requirementsofGO,CN,CP,HydroOneandotherstakeholdersareknown. The schedule shows that a corridor is completed and the network electrified, tested and commissionedbeforeconstructionworkiscommencedonthenextcorridortoreducetherisk ofserviceinterruption. Theschedulehasbeendevelopedconsideringthefollowingactivities:

4.1. ProjectInception

The project will require the formation of a project team within GO to initiate the process of engagingaDesignConsultant.

4.2. StakeholderEngagement
GOiscommittedtoengagingproactivelywithallthestakeholdersincluding; ConsultationwithCNandCP Communityalongthecorridors Municipalitiesalongthecorridor GTAA

4.3. PreliminaryDesignInfrastructureandenablingworks
ThePreliminaryDesignwillidentifyalltheparametersandgatherthedatatoenablethedesign tobecompleteduptotheEAsubmissionlevel. Design information for bridge modifications and the track lowering including all overhead structures.LiaiseandseekapprovalwhererequiredfromallAgenciesandowners. Topographical Survey Data: A detailed survey of the right of way for the option being designedandwillincludethezone250meithersideoftheROW.Thesurveywilllocateand identifytherightofway(ROW)boundary,allutilities,metalstructuresandutilitiesthatmay requiregrounding,allstations,buildingsintheROW,roadbridge,pedestrianbridges,signal bridges and gantries and other overhead crossings. Details of vertical and horizontal clearances, embankments, cuttings and culverts are required. A survey contract will be requiredtosupplementdatanotavailablefromGO/CN/CPwillberequired.
18 GOElectrificationStudyFinalReportAppendix10December2010

GeotechnicalInvestigation:Geotechnicaldatawillberequiredforthewholelengthofthe ROW to facilitate foundation and grounding design. A review of the existing data will be carriedoutandsupplementaryinvestigationscarriedwherenecessary. Union Station and all stations: identify all items that need grounding and prepare a preliminarydesignforthegroundinginfrastructure.(NoteeventhoughtheOCSmaynotgo intotheStationproperwewouldneedtoexaminetheconsequentialeffectsandmitigate them. UnionStationRailCorridor:identifythepropertyboundariesandownership,allgrounding requirements. Willowbrook Maintenance Facility: identify all items that need grounding and prepare a preliminarydesignforthegroundinginfrastructure. IdentifytheOCSsupportpositionsandverifygroundconditionsandpreliminaryfoundation design, including available land within the ROW or design alternatives where land is not available. Locate and identify every utility within the ROW and prepare relocation details and assist GOwiththenegotiationandapprovalsfromeachUtilityCompany.

4.4. PreliminaryDesignPowerSupply/OCS
ThePreliminaryDesignwillidentifyalltheparametersandgatherthedatatoenablethedesign tobecompleteduptotheEAsubmissionlevel. Definetheoperatingplan DeterminethepowerrequirementsbasedupontheOperatingplan DetermineSubstationlocationandaccess. Confirmeachsubstationandtransformerstationperformancespecificationanddesign PreparethelayoutofeachsubstationandconnectiontoHydro1substationincludingaccess roadsandpropertyrequirements. ConfirmspacingofOCSsupportsandlocatealongthealignment. DesigneachtypeofOCSpole/structure. Locatetransformerstationsalongthealignment. DeterminethevisualappearanceofeachOCSstructureandprovideinputintotheEA.

4.5. EnvironmentalAssessment
TheElectrificationworkswillrequireanenvironmentalassessmentwhichwillbeprepared duringthepreliminarydesignstageandsubmittedundertheguidelinesdescribedinAppendix 10B.

4.6. DetailedDesignInfrastructureandenablingworks


Preparedetaileddesigninformation. Prepareconstructiondrawingsandtenderdocumentationforallstructures. Obtainbridgepermits.


4.7. DetailedDesignPowerSupplyandOCS
Preparetheperformancespecificationandprocurementdocumentation. The electrification contract has two distinctly separate elements, power supply and overheadcontactsystem(OCS). Thetwodesignsareindependentbutcoordinationisrequired,assomepartofOCSdesign, suchasphasebreakplacement,dependuponthelocationofthesubstationsandswitching stations.

4.8. ConstructionInfrastructureenablingworks
Theconstructioncontractfortheenablingworkswilladdressthefollowing; Hardeningofsignals&gradecrossings Risingorrelocatingofoverheadutilitylines GOpassengerstationgrounding Fencegrounding Overheadbridgegrounding Identificationandrelocationofundergroundutilities Sitework,excavationforgroundgrid,installationofgroundgridandbackfilling Installationofconcretefoundations,footingsandsteelwork Installationoftransformers,circuitbreakers,switchgear,cables Public outreach and education of community, especially children and fireman, about precautiontobetakenwithelectrictractionequipment Education of the other nonelectrified railroad employees operating in the vicinity of electrifiedtracks Preparationofoperatingandsafetyrulesforelectrictraction

4.9. ConstructionPowerSupplyandOCS
Thepowersupplyconstructioncontractwilladdressthefollowing; Power supply Substations, switching stations, and autotransformer stations detailed design Developmentofdrawingsandspecifications Groundgriddesign CoordinationofdesignwithHydroOne ApplicationforservicetoHydroOne(assistHydroOneimpactassessment) Equipmentfabrication Factorytesting,acceptance,anddeliverytosite

4.10. OverheadContactSystem(OCS)DesignandFabrication


Basicdesign DevelopmentofOCSlayoutplansdrawingsofpoleandportallocations

Preparationofwiringdiagrams Performingwalkouttoverifyeachpoleandportallocation Developmentoferectiondrawingsandcrosssections Equipmentfabricationanddeliverytosite

4.11. PowerSupplyConstruction
ConnectiontoHydroOne Testingandcommissioning

4.12. OCSConstruction
GOControlCenterlocationidentification,equipmentdesign,installation,andtesting Installation of foundation. Generally, the foundations are precast reinforced concrete cylindersapproximately1mdiameter,3mto5mlong.Thefoundationsareinstalledbyrail mountedorroadmountedcranesinthedrilledboresalongtherailroad. Foundations are spaced approximately 50m to 80m apart on tangent track, progressively lessoncurvedtrack. Installation of poles. Typically rolled galvanized steel beams installed by railmounted cranes.Trackpossessionrequired. Installationofportals,typicallyinstallthesidepolesfirstandtheninstallthecrossmember byliftingusingarailvehiclemountedcrane.Possessionofalltracksisrequiredforsafety reasons. Installationofcantileversandotherwiresupports.Trackpossessionrequired. Installation of wires using railmounted wiring trains. Single track occupancy is required. Occupancyoftwoormoretracksisrequiredforinstallingwiresatthecrossovers. Tensioning of all wires and registration (moving wires into design location). Track possessionrequired. Testingofwireplacementwithatesttrain Installationofinterfacetothesubstations,switchingstationsandautotransformerstations Energizationofthesystem

Public outreach and education of community, especially children and fireman, about precautiontobetakenwithelectrictractionequipment Education of the other nonelectrified railroad employees operating in the vicinity of electrifiedtracks Preparationofoperatingandsafetyrulesforelectrictraction Education of the other nonelectrified railroad employees operating in the vicinity of electrifiedtracks Preparationofoperatingandsafetyrulesforelectrictraction



The available time for construction is limited by the level of service and therefore if the Reference Case service level increases were delayed until the electrification construction workhasbeencompletedoneachcorridortherewouldbesavingsinconstructionschedule andcost. The negotiations with CN and CP will have a direct bearing on the construction sequence andschedule.






Electrification Study - Implementation Schedule for all Options December 2010

ID 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 78 79 80 81 82 Task Name Duration
6 months Project Initiation 195 months 36 months 24 months 135 months 24 months 30 months 20 months 20 months 20 months 33 months 36 months 80 months 135 months 200 months 36 months 24 months 140 months 36 months 12 months 30 months 30 months 20 months 12 months 104 months 80 months 164 months 309 months 36 months 24 months 249 months 36 months 30 months 20 months 20 months 12 months 30 months 30 months 20 months 9 months 15 months 15 months 104 months 80 months 164 months 351 months 36 months 24 months 291 months 36 months 30 months 20 months 20 months 12 months 30 months 30 months 20 months 9 months 15 months 15 months 24 months 18 months 104 months 80 months 164 months 134 months 36 months 24 months 74 months 30 months 20 months 12 months Design, EA, Stakeholder Engage OCS Design + Fabrication Phase 1A - UN/UW1/UW2/UW3/LW1 to Willowbrook (12.9 miles) Phase 1B - GT1A (14.1 Miles) Phase 2 - GT1B (4.3 Miles) Phase 3 - UN/UE1/UE2 (8.3 Miles) Phase 3 - LE1/LE2 (28.0 Miles) Phase 4 - LW1 (20.3 Miles) Phase 5 Design, EA, Stakeholder Engagement Detailed Design and Tender Construction Rolling Stock (50 Locomotive and Cab Car co Options 3,11,15,18 - Lakeshore and Georgetown (180.5 Miles) Substati OCS Design + Fabrication Phase 1A - UN/UW1/UW2/UW3/LW1 to Willowbrook (12.9 miles) Phase 1B - GT1A (14.1 Miles) Phase 2 - GT1B (4.3 Miles) Phase 3 - UN/UE1/UE2 (8.3 Miles) Phase 3 - LE1/LE2 (28.0 Miles) Phase 4 - LW1 (20.3 Miles) Phase 5 Design, EA, Stakeholder Engagement Detailed Design and Tender Construction Rolling Stock (34 Locomotive and Cab Car conversions) Options 3 - Lakeshore and Georgetown (145.7 Miles) OCS Design + Fabrication Phase 1- UN/UE1/UE2 (8.3 Miles) Phase 1 - LE1/LE2 (28.0 Miles) Phase 2 - UW1/LW1 (21.3 Miles) Phsase 3 - LW2 (17.9 Miles) Phase 4 - LE3 (6.8 Miles) Substation Construction and Commissioning System Testing + Commissioning Design, EA, Stakeholder Engagement Detailed Design and Tender Construction Substation Construction and Commissioning System Testing + Commissioning Rolling Stock (17 Locomotive and Cab Car conversions) Option 2 - Lakeshore (82.3 Miles) OCS Design + Fabrication Phase 1A - UN/UW1/UW2/UW3/LW1 to Willowbrook (12.9 miles) Phase 1B - GT1A (14.1 Miles) Phase 2 - GT1B (4.3 Miles) Phase 3 - GT2 (8.1Miles) Phase 3 - GT3 (32.2 Miles) Design, EA, Stakeholder Engagement Detailed Design and Tender Construction Option 1 - Georgetown (71.3 Miles)

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Year 12

Year 13

Year 14

Year 15

Year 16

Year 17

Year 18

Year 19


Project Initiation Option 1 - Georgetown (71.3 Miles)

Design, EA, Stakeholder Engagement Detailed Design and Tender Construction OCS Design + Fabrication Phase 1A - UN/UW1/UW2/UW3/LW1 to Willowbrook (12.9 miles) Phase 1B - GT1A (14.1 Miles) Phase 2 - GT1B (4.3 Miles) Phase 3 - GT2 (8.1Miles) Phase 3 - GT3 (32.2 Miles) Substation Construction and Commissioning System Testing + Commissioning Rolling Stock (17 Locomotive and Cab Car conversions)

Option 2 - Lakeshore (82.3 Miles)

Design, EA, Stakeholder Engagement Detailed Design and Tender Construction OCS Design + Fabrication Phase 1- UN/UE1/UE2 (8.3 Miles) Phase 1 - LE1/LE2 (28.0 Miles) Phase 2 - UW1/LW1 (21.3 Miles) Phsase 3 - LW2 (17.9 Miles) Phase 4 - LE3 (6.8 Miles) Substation Construction and Commissioning System Testing + Commissioning Rolling Stock (34 Locomotive and Cab Car conversions)

Options 3 - Lakeshore and Georgetown (145.7 Miles)

Design, EA, Stakeholder Engagement Detailed Design and Tender Construction OCS Design + Fabrication Phase 1A - UN/UW1/UW2/UW3/LW1 to Willowbrook (12.9 miles) Phase 1B - GT1A (14.1 Miles) Phase 2 - GT1B (4.3 Miles) Phase 3 - UN/UE1/UE2 (8.3 Miles) Phase 3 - LE1/LE2 (28.0 Miles) Phase 4 - LW1 (20.3 Miles) Phase 5 - LW2 (17.9 Miles) Phase 6 - LE3 (6.7 Miles) Phase 7 - GT2 (8.1 Miles) Phase 7 - GT3 (33.2 Miles) Substation Construction and Commissioning System Testing + Commissioning Rolling Stock (50 Locomotive and Cab Car conversions)

Options 3,11,15,18 - Lakeshore and Georgetown (180.5 Miles)

Design, EA, Stakeholder Engagement Detailed Design and Tender Construction OCS Design + Fabrication Phase 1A - UN/UW1/UW2/UW3/LW1 to Willowbrook (12.9 miles) Phase 1B - GT1A (14.1 Miles) Phase 2 - GT1B (4.3 Miles) Phase 3 - UN/UE1/UE2 (8.3 Miles) Phase 3 - LE1/LE2 (28.0 Miles) Phase 4 - LW1 (20.3 Miles) Phase 5 - LW2 (17.9 Miles) Phase 6 - LE3 (6.7 Miles) Phase 7 - GT2 (8.1 Miles) Phase 7 - GT3 (33.2 Miles) Phase 16 - LW3 (2.9 Miles) Phase 17 - LW4 (31.9 Miles) Substation Construction and Commissioning System Testing + Commissioning Rolling Stock (50 Locomotive and Cab Car conversions)

Options 11,15,18 - Milton (26.4 Miles)

Design, EA, Stakeholder Engagement Detailed Design and Tender Construction OCS Design + Fabrication Phase 8 - MI1 (18.3 Miles) Phase 9 - MI2 (8.1 Miles)
Task Summary

Project: Schedule Option15 LK,GT,MI, Date: Wed 1/19/11

Page 1

Electrification Study - Implementation Schedule for all Options December 2010

ID 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 78 79 80 81 82 Task Name Duration
6 months 195 months 36 months 24 months 135 months 24 months 30 months 20 months 20 months 20 months 33 months 36 months 80 months 135 months 200 months 36 months 24 months 140 months 36 months 12 months 30 months 30 months 20 months 12 months 104 months 80 months 164 months 309 months 36 months 24 months 249 months 36 months 30 months 20 months 20 months 12 months 30 months 30 months 20 months ase 5 - LW2 (17.9 Miles) 9 months 15 months 15 months 104 months bstation Construction and Commissioning 80 months 164 months ar conversions) 351 months 36 months 24 months 291 months 36 months 30 months 20 months 20 months 12 months 30 months 30 months 20 months ase 5 - LW2 (17.9 Miles) 9 months 15 months 15 months 24 months 18 months 104 months 80 months 164 months 134 months 36 months gagement 24 months 74 months 30 months 20 months 12 months OCS Design + Fabrication Phase 8 - MI1 (18.3 Miles) Phase 9 - MI2 (8.1 Miles) Detailed Design and Tender Construction Rolling Stock (50 Locomotive and Cab Car conversions) Options 11,15,18 - Milton (26.4 Miles) Phase 6 - LE3 (6.7 Miles) Phase 7 - GT2 (8.1 Miles) Phase 7 - GT3 (33.2 Miles) Phase 16 - LW3 (2.9 Miles) Phase 17 - LW4 (31.9 Miles) Substation Construction and Commissioning System Testing + Commissioning System Testing + Commissioning Phase 6 - LE3 (6.7 Miles) Phase 7 - GT2 (8.1 Miles) Phase 7 - GT3 (33.2 Miles)

Year 20

Year 21

Year 22

Year 23

Year 24

Year 25

Year 26

Year 27

Year 28

Year 29

Year 30

Year 31

Year 32

Year 33

Year 34

Year 35

Year 36

Year 37

Year 38


Project Initiation Option 1 - Georgetown (71.3 Miles)

Design, EA, Stakeholder Engagement Detailed Design and Tender Construction OCS Design + Fabrication Phase 1A - UN/UW1/UW2/UW3/LW1 to Willowbrook (12.9 miles) Phase 1B - GT1A (14.1 Miles) Phase 2 - GT1B (4.3 Miles) Phase 3 - GT2 (8.1Miles) Phase 3 - GT3 (32.2 Miles) Substation Construction and Commissioning System Testing + Commissioning Rolling Stock (17 Locomotive and Cab Car conversions)

Option 2 - Lakeshore (82.3 Miles)

Design, EA, Stakeholder Engagement Detailed Design and Tender Construction OCS Design + Fabrication Phase 1- UN/UE1/UE2 (8.3 Miles) Phase 1 - LE1/LE2 (28.0 Miles) Phase 2 - UW1/LW1 (21.3 Miles) Phsase 3 - LW2 (17.9 Miles) Phase 4 - LE3 (6.8 Miles) Substation Construction and Commissioning System Testing + Commissioning Rolling Stock (34 Locomotive and Cab Car conversions)

Options 3 - Lakeshore and Georgetown (145.7 Miles)

Design, EA, Stakeholder Engagement Detailed Design and Tender Construction OCS Design + Fabrication Phase 1A - UN/UW1/UW2/UW3/LW1 to Willowbrook (12.9 miles) Phase 1B - GT1A (14.1 Miles) Phase 2 - GT1B (4.3 Miles) Phase 3 - UN/UE1/UE2 (8.3 Miles) Phase 3 - LE1/LE2 (28.0 Miles) Phase 4 - LW1 (20.3 Miles) Phase 5 - LW2 (17.9 Miles) Phase 6 - LE3 (6.7 Miles) Phase 7 - GT2 (8.1 Miles) Phase 7 - GT3 (33.2 Miles) Substation Construction and Commissioning System Testing + Commissioning Rolling Stock (50 Locomotive and Cab Car conversions)

Options 3,11,15,18 - Lakeshore and Georgetown (180.5 Miles)

Design, EA, Stakeholder Engagement Detailed Design and Tender Construction OCS Design + Fabrication Phase 1A - UN/UW1/UW2/UW3/LW1 to Willowbrook (12.9 miles) Phase 1B - GT1A (14.1 Miles) Phase 2 - GT1B (4.3 Miles) Phase 3 - UN/UE1/UE2 (8.3 Miles) Phase 3 - LE1/LE2 (28.0 Miles) Phase 4 - LW1 (20.3 Miles) Phase 5 - LW2 (17.9 Miles) Phase 6 - LE3 (6.7 Miles) Phase 7 - GT2 (8.1 Miles) Phase 7 - GT3 (33.2 Miles) Phase 16 - LW3 (2.9 Miles) Phase 17 - LW4 (31.9 Miles) Substation Construction and Commissioning System Testing + Commissioning Rolling Stock (50 Locomotive and Cab Car conversions)

Options 11,15,18 - Milton (26.4 Miles)

Design, EA, Stakeholder Engagement Detailed Design and Tender Construction OCS Design + Fabrication Phase 8 - MI1 (18.3 Miles) Phase 9 - MI2 (8.1 Miles)
Task Summary

Project: Schedule Option15 LK,GT,MI, Date: Wed 1/19/11

Page 3

Electrification Study - Implementation Schedule for all Options December 2010

ID 83 84 85 86 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 Task Name Duration
36 months 100 months 149 months 24 months 18 months 107 months 30 months 40 months 25 months 65 months 56 months 80 months 91 months 18 months 18 months 55 months 17 months 17 months 9 months 24 months 24 months 60 months 77 months 18 months 12 months 77 months 17 months 17 months 12 months 77 months 60 months System Testing + Commissioning Rolling Stock (16 Locomotive and Cab Car conversions) OCS Design + Fabrication Phase 12 - ST1 (15.3 Miles) Phase 13 - ST2 (6.9 Miles) Substation Construction and Commissioning System Testing + Commissioning Rolling Stock (15 Locomotive and Cab Car conversions) Option 18 - Richmond Hill (27.1 Miles) Design, EA, Stakeholder Engagement Detailed Design and Tender Construction OCS Design + Fabrication Phase 14 - RHI (19.6 Miles) Phase 15 - RH2 (7.5 Miles) Design, EA, Stakeholder Engagement Detailed Design and Tender Construction OCS Design + Fabrication Phase 10 - BA1 (38.5 Miles) Phase 11 - BA2 (21.5 Miles) Substation Construction and Commissioning System Testing + Commissioning Rolling Stock 13 (Locomotive and Cab Car conversions) Option 18 - Stouffville (22.2 Miles) Design, EA, Stakeholder Engagement Detailed Design and Tender Construction

Year 20

Year 21

Year 22

Year 23

Year 24

Year 25

Year 26

Year 27

Year 28

Year 29

Year 30

Year 31

Year 32

Year 33

Year 34

Year 35

Year 36

Year 37

Year 38


System Testing + Commissioning Rolling Stock (13 Locomotive and Cab Car conversions)

System Testing + Commissioning Rolling Stock (13 Locomotive and Cab Car conversions) Options 15,18 - Barrie (60.0 Miles)

Options 15,18 - Barrie (60.0 Miles)

Design, EA, Stakeholder Engagement Detailed Design and Tender Construction OCS Design + Fabrication Phase 10 - BA1 (38.5 Miles) Phase 11 - BA2 (21.5 Miles) Substation Construction and Commissioning System Testing + Commissioning Rolling Stock 13 (Locomotive and Cab Car conversions)

Option 18 - Stouffville (22.2 Miles)

Design, EA, Stakeholder Engagement Detailed Design and Tender Construction OCS Design + Fabrication Phase 12 - ST1 (15.3 Miles) Phase 13 - ST2 (6.9 Miles) Substation Construction and Commissioning System Testing + Commissioning Rolling Stock (15 Locomotive and Cab Car conversions)

Option 18 - Richmond Hill (27.1 Miles)

Design, EA, Stakeholder Engagement Detailed Design and Tender Construction OCS Design + Fabrication Phase 14 - RHI (19.6 Miles) Phase 15 - RH2 (7.5 Miles) System Testing + Commissioning Rolling Stock (16 Locomotive and Cab Car conversions)

Project: Schedule Option15 LK,GT,MI, Date: Wed 1/19/11


Summary Page 4





The electrification of the GO Transit System or any part thereof will have environmental assessment (EA) implications that need to be accounted for during the project planning and scheduling process. The extent of the EA requirements will be a function of a number of variablessuchastheprojectcomponents,proponentofrelatedprojectcomponents(e.g.bridge modification),fundingprogramsandconstructionmethods. ThissectionprovidesanoverviewoftheexpectedrequirementsfortheelectrificationoftheGO Transitsystemandancillaryworks,focusingonbothprovincialandfederalEArequirements.




The Ontario Environmental Assessment Act (EA Act) primarily applies to public sector proponents1including: Ontariogovernmentministriesandagencies; municipalities; conservationauthorities;and, publicsectorutilities. Under the EA Act, activities, proposals, plans or programs undertaken by a public sector proponent are subject to an EA. The EA Act requirements are addressed either through individualenvironmentalassessmentsorthroughstreamlinedregulatoryorClassEAprocesses.



One such streamlined process is the Transit Projects and Greater Toronto Transportation Authority Undertakings Regulation, Ontario Regulation 231/08 (Transit Regulation). Passed in June2008thisregulationexemptsproponentsofallpublictransitprojects,listedinSchedule1 oftheregulation,fromtherequirementsofPartIIoftheEnvironmentalAssessmentAct.Oneof the projects listed in Schedule 1 is the Electrification of rail equipment propulsion on existing commuterrailcorridorandassociatedpowerdistributionsystem. TheexemptionispredicatedonfollowingOntariosTransitProjectAssessment(TPAP)Process. This process requires the assessment of the potential environmental impacts of the transit project to be completed within six months from the distribution of the Notice of Commencement.However,preliminaryplanningactivitiesmaybecarriedoutinadvanceofthe issuanceofthisnotice. TheTPAPisaselfassessmentprocessanddoesnotrequirethatthetransitprojectbeapproved bytheMinisteroftheEnvironmentbeforeproceeding.

PrivatesectormayalsobesubjecttotheEAActifdesignatedbyregulation. GOElectrificationStudyFinalReportAppendix10CDecember2010


Theregulationreferstoboththeelectrificationandtheassociatedpowerdistributionsystem. Forthepurposesofprojectplanningthisisassumedtobethecatenarysystem,connectionsto the existing electrical systems and the associated new substations associated with the electrificationoftheline.



ClassEAsareapprovedselfassessment,environmentalplanningprocesses.Theyareintended to address projects that are likely to have relatively minor and predictable environmental effects.AclassEAwillapplytoagivenprojectisofaprojecttypethatisspecificallyidentified in the Class EA document (e.g. GO Transit Class Environmental Assessment Document, MunicipalClassEnvironmentalAssessment).IfaprojecttypeisnotidentifiedintheClassEAand the project and proponent are otherwise subject to the EA Act then the project would be addressedthroughtheindividualEAprocess. TheGOTransitClassEAdoesnotincludeanyspecificreferencetoelectrification.Itistherefore assumedthattheprojectwouldbeassessedinaccordancewiththeTransitRegulation. However, electrification of some of the lines could require modifications to bridge crossings over railway lines. Given that the party responsible for the roads and associated bridges will likely be municipal or provincial agencies, approval under the Municipal Class Environmental AssessmentandtheProvincialTransportationFacilitiesClassEnvironmentalAssessmentforthis workmayberequired.Asmoredetailsareavailableabouttheneedtomodifyanybridgesand whotheproponentwouldbeforthemodification,theapplicabilityofaClassEAprocesscanbe determined.

3. FederalEARequirements 3.1 CanadianEnvironmentalAssessmentAct

The Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA) is legislation that applies to the federal government. The purpose of CEAA is to ensure that federal decisionmakers assess the potentialenvironmentaleffectsofthedecisionstheymaytakeinsupportofaproject. InorderforCEAAtoapplythefollowingfourconditionsmustbemet: 1. Theremustbeaproject A project is a physical work or a physical activity. A physical work is generally consideredtobeastructurethatisfixedinplace,hasbeenconstructedbyhumans andhasanelementofpermanence(i.e.nottemporaryinnature).Thepurchaseof newequipment,forexample,isnotconsideredaphysicalworkunderCEAA. Ifthereisaphysicalactivity(asopposedtoaphysicalwork)itisonlyconsidereda project(andthereforepotentiallysubjecttoCEAA)ifitisidentifiedintheInclusion List Regulations. The following are some examples of activities included in the InclusionListRegulations: Theharmfulalteration,disruptionordestructionoffishhabitatbymeansof erosion control measures adjacent to a water body that requires the authorizationoftheMinisterofFisheriesandOceansundersubsection35(2)



oftheFisheriesActorauthorizationunderregulationsmadebytheGovernor inCouncilunderthatAct. TheremediationofcontaminatedlandsinCanada.

TheelectrificationoftheGOTransitlineandtheassociatedinfrastructurewouldbe consideredaprojectunderCEAAsinceitisaphysicalwork. 2. TheprojectmustnotbelistedintheExclusionListRegulations IftheprojectislistedintheExclusionListRegulationsorisinresponsetoaspecial emergency situation, CEAA will not apply. The Exclusion List Regulations identify projectsthatarenotlikelytohavesignificantadverseenvironmentaleffects. The electrification project as currently defined does not appear to be excluded underCEAA. 3. Theremust beaFederalAuthority thathasspecificdecision makingresponsibility associatedwiththeproject There must be a federal authority that has responsibilities associated with the project.AFederalauthorityincludes: aMinisteroftheCrown; anagencyorbodyofthefederalgovernment; a department or departmental corporation defined in the Financial AdministrationAct;and/or abodyprescribedinregulationunderCEAA.

Examples of federal authorities that may have responsibilities associated with transitprojectsinclude:TransportCanada,FisheriesandOceansCanada,andthe Canadian Transportation Agency. There may be federal authorities with responsibilitiesassociatedwiththistransitproject. 4. Theremustbeatriggerasdefinedinsection5ofCEAA Triggers are powers, duties or functions performed by a federal authority that necessitatethatthefederalauthorityconductanEAunderCEAA.Triggersidentified undersection5ofCEAAare: beingtheproponentofaproject; provisionoffinancialassistance; grantinganinterestinland;and/or exercisingaspecifiedregulatorydutyasdefinedintheLawListRegulations.

It is important to note that the decision on the applicability of CEAA rests with the Federal Government.Thisdecisionwillnotbemadeuntilaprojectdescriptionwhichincludesallproject componentshasbeensubmittedtothepotentialFederalAuthority(ies)asapplicable.



IfadecisionismadethatCEAAistriggered,thefederalauthoritymakingthisdeterminationis calledaResponsibleAuthority(RA).ARAsresponsibilityistodetermineifaprojectislikelyto cause significant adverse environmental effects. This is achieved by undertaking an environmental assessment under CEAA. While CEAA applies to the federal government, the project proponent (e.g. Metrolinx) often prepares the documentation used to facilitate the federalCEAAdecision.However,whileproponentsandtheirconsultantswilltypicallyprepare theCEAAdocumentation,theRA(s)arelegallyrequiredtodefinethescopeofprojectthatwill beassessedandtheenvironmentalfactorsthatwillbeconsidered.



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