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In this context, according to the Law Nr. 17-XVI of 15.02.

2007 on personal data protection, the authority responsible for the control over the compliance of personal data processing with the present law provisions in the Republic of Moldova is the National Center for Personal Data Protection. For the implementation of this law, there was adopted the Law Nr. 182-XVI of 10.07.2008 regarding the approval of the Statute, structure, staff-limit and financial arrangements of the National Center for Personal Data Protection. On the basis of these laws, the Center obtained the status of an autonomous public authority, independent of other public authorities, natural persons and legal entities. The Centers aim is to protect the fundamental freedoms and rights of natural persons, especially the right for private life regarding the processing and transborder transfer of personal data. The staff of the Center consists of public servants and contracted employees, employed through a contest within the provisions of the legislation in force. In the fulfillment of their duties, the officials of the Center are enabled to have free access to the premises and territory of personal data holders and to the necessary documents, except for the documents that contain information qualified as state secret. With the view of consulting and assisting the Center, the Consultative Council by the Center is created on a voluntary principle. The Chairman of the Consultative Council is the Director of the Center. In order to carry out the control in the field of personal data processing, the Law Nr. 17-XVI establishes the following competences for the Center: supervises the observance of the legislation on information protection and controls its enforcement, in particular the right to information, access, correction, appeal or removal of data; offers necessary instructions for adjusting the personal data processing in accordance with the present laws principles, without affecting the field of competence of other bodies; examines the personal data subjects` addresses on compliance of the personal data content and the processing methods with the processing purposes and undertakes the relevant decisions; presents information to personal data subjects on their rights regarding their personal data processing; requires necessary information for the performance of its duties and receives free of charge this information from legal entities and natural persons; realizes the control of information on personal data processing or involves in such kind of control other public authorities within their competence; requires from the personal data holder the adjustment, blocking or destruction of the invalid or illegally obtained personal data; undertakes necessary measures, in the way provided by the law, on suspension or stopping of the personal data processing, performed by violation of the present laws requirements; addresses requests to judicial authorities for protecting the rights of the personal data subjects and represents their interests in the courts; keeps the register of the personal data holders;

obtains from the personal data holders the necessary support and information for carrying out the Centers attributions; draws up reports on the violation of the present law, in the way established by the law; transmits to prosecuting bodies and other law enforcement bodies the materials for decision making on beginning criminal prosecution in case of delinquency indicators` presence regarding the violation of the rights of personal data subjects according to competences; informs the public authorities, as well as personal data subjects, on the basis of their petitions and interpellations, on the existing situation in the field of protection of personal data subjects` right; informs periodically the institutions and society about its activity, about the priority problems and concerns in the field of rights protection of the person; other functions provided by the law. The Center is led by a Director, appointed by the Parliament by the majority of votes of the elected deputies on the proposal, depending on the case, of the Chairman of the Parliament, a parliamentary fraction or at least 15 deputies, for a 5 year mandate. The person appointed as Director may not hold this post for more than two consecutive mandates. Through the Parliament Decision Nr. 233 of 13.11.2008, Mr. Vitalie PANISH (in Moldavian it is written as PANI) was appointed as Director of the National Center for Personal Data Protection and through the Parliament Decision Nr. 08 of 03.02.2009, Mr. Vasile FOLTEA was appointed as Deputy Director of the National Center for Personal Data Protection.

n scopul efecturii controlului n domeniul prelucrrii datelor cu caracter personal, Legea 17-XVI prevede urmtoarele atribuii pentru Centru: urmrete respectarea legislaiei cu privire la protecia informaiei i controleaz aplicarea acesteia, n special dreptul la informaie, acces, rectificare, contestare sau excludere a datelor; ofer instruciunile necesare pentru aducerea prelucrrii datelor cu caracter personal n corespundere cu principiile prezentei legi, fr a atinge sfera de competen a altor organe; examineaz adresrile subiecilor datelor cu caracter personal cu privire la corespunderea coninutului datelor cu caracter personal, a metodelor de prelucrare i a scopurilor prelucrrii lor i ia deciziile respective; prezint informaii subiecilor datelor cu caracter personal referitor la drepturile lor privind prelucrarea datelor lor cu caracter personal; solicit informaiile necesare pentru exercitarea atribuiilor sale i primete gratuit aceste informaii de la persoane fizice i juridice; exercit controlul informaiilor despre prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal sau antreneaz pentru exercitarea unui asemenea control alte autoriti publice n limitele competenelor acestora; cere de la deintorul de date cu caracter personal precizarea, blocarea sau distrugerea datelor cu caracter personal neveridice sau obinute ilicit; ia msurile necesare, n modul prevzut de lege, privind suspendarea sau ncetarea prelucrrii datelor cu caracter personal, efectuate cu nclcarea cerinelor prezentei legi; adreseaz cerere n justiie pentru aprarea drepturilor subiecilor datelor cu caracter personal i reprezint interesele acestora n instana de judecat; ine registrul deintorilor de date cu caracter personal; obine de la deintorii de date cu caracter personal suportul i informaiile necesare pentru executarea atribuiilor Centrului;

ntocmete, n modul prevzut de lege, procese-verbale cu privire la nclcarea prezentei legi; transmite ctre organele procuraturii i alte organe de drept materiale pentru luarea deciziei cu privire la pornirea urmririi penale n cazul prezenei indicilor infraciunilor legate de nclcarea drepturilor subiecilor datelor cu caracter personal conform competenelor; informeaz autoritile publice, precum i subiecii datelor cu caracter personal, n baza demersurilor i interpelrilor acestora, despre situaia existent n domeniul proteciei drepturilor subiecilor datelor cu caracter personal; informeaz periodic instituiile i societatea despre activitatea sa, despre problemele i preocuprile prioritare n domeniul proteciei drepturilor persoanei; alte atribuii prevzute de lege.

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