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Time: 2 hours and 30 minutes
Section A Bahagian A [60 marksl markahl 16O

Paper 2

Answer all questions in this section. Jawab semua soalan dalam bahagian ini. 1 Diagram l- shows how a vibrating tuning fork produces sound waves in air. Rajah 7 menunjukknn bagaimann tahaburryi yang bergetar menglwsilkan bunyi di udnra. X

Tuning fork Tala bunyi

Diagram 1 Bqiah 1 (a) Underline the correct answer in the bracket to complete the sentence below. Sound wave is a (longitudinal, transverse) wave. Garis jazaapan yang betul dalant. kurungan untuk rnelenghapkan ayat di bawall Gelorn bang buny i adalalt. gelo m bang (mem buju4 nzelintang). IL mark] [l markalt] (b) Based on Diagram 1, Berdasarhan Eajah L, G) name region X, namakan hawasan X. ' ' IL markf tL markahl

(ii) mark one distance which is equal to a wavelength of the sound waves. Label the distance using the symbol 1,. nyatakan satu jarah yang bersamaan dengan satu panjang gelombang bagi gelornbang bunyi itu. Label jarak itu rnenggupqkdn simbol )".

[7 nzarkT l\ rnarhald

(c) The tuning fork in Diagram 1 vibrates in water. What happens to the speed of sound? Tala bunyi dalam Rajah. L bergetar di dalam air. Apakah ydng teryadi leepada kelajuan bunyi?

[1 mark] IL markah]

Diagram 2 shows a water tank that supplies water to a block of flats. The water flows to each unit of the flat due to water pressure. Rajah 2 menunjukkan sebuah tanghi air yang membekalkan air ke sebuah blok rurnah pangsa. Air mengalir ke setiap rurnah itu disebabkan oleh tekanan air.

Water tank Tangki air

Diagrarn 2 Rqiah 2



What is meant by pressure? Apa/ealz yang dinzahsudkan dengan tekanan?

fl markl IL rnarkalfl.
&) A water tank with a height of 3.0 m is fully frlled with water. Calculate the water pressure at the base of the water tank. [Density of water = 1 000 kg m-t] Tangki air setinggi 3'A m diisi penuh d.enganain Hitung tekanan air pada dasar tanghi itu. lKetampatan air = 1 000 kg m*l

[2 marksl [2 markahl (c) Based on Diagrarn 2, compare the water pressure at P and at Q. Explain your answer. Berdasarkan Rajah 2, band,ingkan tekanan air diP dengan di Q. Jelaskan jawapan anda.

12 m.arksl 12rnarkahl Diagram 3.1 shorvsthe change of phase when 1 kg ice is converted into steam. Rajah 3.L rnenunjukkanperubahan fasaapabila t kg air ditukar mcnjad.istim. R 1 kg ice at 0'C 1 kg ois pada0C S T

1 kg steem at 100'C tkg stim pada 100 'C


1 kg water a t 0 'C Lkg air pada0C


1 kg water at 100 "C Lkg air pada 100 'C

Diagrarn $.1 Rajah 3.1 Q' Q, and Q, are the heat energies absorbed during the heating process. Q' Q, Q" ad.alah tenaga haba yang d'iserap ketika prosespenurnascrnitu. 160

(a) Name the heat energy, Q,, which is absorbed from R to S. Namakan tenaga haba Q,r, lang diserap dari R he S.

[1 marle] lL mnrkahl (b) State one reason why the temperature at R and S is the same even though heat is supplied. Nyatahan satu sebab rnengapa sultu diR danS adalah sama u,,alaupan lzaba dibehalkan.

lL marhl IL markah]
(c) Calculate the heat energ'y, Q,, which is absorbed from S to T. [The specific heat capacity of water, C = 4 200 J kft .C-t] Eitung tenaga ltaba, Q,r, lang diserap dari S ke T. LMuatan haba tentu air, C = 4 2O0 J kg-t .a-,

12marksl [2 markah] (d) Sketch the graph of temperature against time on Diagram 3.2 to show the change of phase from R to U. Laharkan graf suhu m'elawan masd pad.a Rajah 3.2 untuk menunjukkan perubahan fasa d a r i RkeA.
Temperature /oC Suhu l"C

Diagra4 3.2 Rqiah 3.2' 12marksl [2 markah]


Diagram 4 shows a worker lifting a load of mass z0kg using a pulley system. The worker applies force of 220 N to pull the rope down a distance of 0.5 m. The load is raised to a height of 0.5 m. Rajah 4 menunjukkan seorangpekerja rnengangkat beban berjisim 2Okg dengan menggunakan sistem takal.. Pekerja itu menggunakan daya 220 N untuk rnenarik tali sejauh 0'5 m. Beban tersebut dinaikkan setinggi 0.5 m.

Mass20 kg Jisim2Okg

Diagyam 4 B,q,ioh 4

What is meant by work? Apakah yang dirnaksudkan dengan kerja? lL markl lL markalfl

(b) Calculate the work done Hitung herja yang dilakukan (i) by the worker to pull the rope down a distance of 0.5 m. ol.ehpekerja tersebut untuk rnenarik tali sejauh 0.5 m.

12marksl [2 rnarkahl (ii) on the load to raise it to a height of 0.5 m. he atas beban untuk m.enaikkanbeban itu setinggi 0.5

[2 rnarks] 12markahl


(c) (i) Comparethe work done in 4(bxil and aft)(ii). Bandingkan keryalang dilakukan di 4(b)(1)dan di 4(b)(ir). IL mark) ll marhafl (ii) State why there is a differencebetween the work done in 4(bxr) and ft)(ii). Nyatakan n'engapa terdapat perbezaan antara kerja yang dilakukan di a$){i) dan di 4(bxii).
IL markl IL markalfl Diagram 5.L and Diagram 5.2 show a light ray passing through prism P and prism Q, respectively. Prism P and prism Q are made of glass with different densities. Bajah' 5.L dan Rajah 5.2 rnasing-masing menunjukkan satu sinar calnya ntelalui pisnza P dan prisma Q. Prisma P dan prisrna Q diperbuat daripada kaca yang berbeza ketumpatan.

Prism P Prisma P

Prism Q Prisma Q

Diagrarn 5.1 Roiah 5.1 (a) What is meant by critical angle? fick (/) the correct answer in the box provided.

Diagrarn 5.2 Rqiah 5.2

,4pakah yang dinaksudkan dengan sudut genting!? Tanda ({) jauapan yang betul dalam petak lang disediakan. tl The angle of incidence when the angle of refraction is g0o. Sudut tuju apabila sudut biasan ialah gO". The angle of incidence when the incident ray is totally reflected. | Sudut tuju apabila sinar tuju dipantulkan sepenuhnya. [l mark) l1 rnarkafl


(b) Explain why the light ray does not bend when it enters both prisms at point A. Jelaslean m.engapa sinar calrcya tidak bergkok semasa memasuki hedua-dua prism.a di titih A. lL marlzl [1 rnarhah) (c) (i) Based on Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2, how can the angle of incidence at point B be made equal to the critical angle? Berdasarkan Rajah 5.1dan Rajah 5.2, bagaimanakah sudut tuju di titik B dijadikan sarla dengan sudut genting? Prism P I PrismaP

Pr i sm Q/PrismaQ

12marksl [2 nzarhalfl (ii) Diagram 5.1 shows the light ray passing from glass to air at point B. Comparethe density of glass with the density of air. Rajalz 5.L menunjukkan sinar cah.ayaitu merarnbat dari kaca ke udara di titik B. Bandingkan ketunpatan kaca dengan ketumpatan udara.
IL markl markalt) IL (iii)Based on Diagrem 5.1 and Diagram 5.2, what happen to the light ray after passing point B? Berdasarkan Bajah 5.L dan Rajah 5.2, apahalt. yang berlaleu pada sinar caltaya itu selepas melalui titih B? Diagram 5.Ll Rajalr 5.1

Diagram 5.2 | Eajalz 5.2

[2 rnarksl 12 marhaltl
(d) Name the phenomenon shown in Diagram 5.2. Namakan ferwmenon yang ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 5.2.

lL markl lL narkah)


Diagram 6 shows a lighting circuit of a house. Rajah 6 menwnjukkan litar lampu sebuah rumah.

Diagram 6 Raiah 6 (a) (il Underline the correct answer in the bracket to complete the sentence below. The bulbs in Diagram 6 are connected in (series, parallel). Garis jauapan yang betul dalam kurungan untuk ntelengkapkan ayat di bauah.. Mentol-mentol dalam Eajalz 6 disambung secara (siri, selari). ' [1 mark] lL rnarha/fl (ii) What will happen to the other bulbs if one bulb blows? Apahah yang berlaku kepada nentol-mentol lain jika satu mentol terbakafl

ll marhl ll markalfl
(b) All the bulbs in Diagram 6 are labelled '240 V, 60 W. Setnua mentol dalam Bajalt 6 berlabel'240 V, 60 W'. (t What is meant b4r'240 V, 60 W? Apakalz yang dimaksudkan dengan'240 V,60 W?

IL rnarle] lL markafl
(ii) Calculate the cunent in the circuit when only one bulb is lit; Ifilung arus dalam litar bila hanya satu mentol dinyalakan.

IL mark] lL markalzl


(iii) Calculate the total resistance of the circuit when all bulbs are lit. I{itung jumlalz rintang:an dalam litar itu apabila senzaa mentol dinyatakan.

[3 marks] 13 markalfl (iv) How can the bulbs be connectedto increase the total resistance of the circuit? Bagaimanakalt mentol-mentolitu bolehdisambung untuk menarnbalt jumlah rintangan bagi litar itu? IL markl IL markah]
Diagram 7 shows 3 simFle transformer. Rajah'l menunjukkan sebuah transforrner ringkas.

Input 240V


Output 6V

Primary coil primer Gegelung

Secondary coil Gegelungsekunder

Diagram 7 Rqiah 7 (a) (r) Name the type of the transformer. Nanzakanjenis transforrner itu. II mark] lL markaltl


(ii) State why soft iron is used as the transformer core. Nyatakan mengapa besi lernbut digunakan sebagai teras transforrner IL mark] IL marleah] (b) The number of turns on the primary coil in Diagram 7 is 1 000. Calculate the number of turns on the secondary coil. Bilangan lilinn pada gegelung prirzer pada Baja/t.7 mlalz 1 000. I{itung bilangan lilitan pada gegelung se/eunden


12 marlesl 12 markalzl in

(c) The transformer in Diagram 7 is used to switch on an electrical appliance. The curent the primary coil is 0.1 A and the efficiency is 75%o. lVansfornter dalant. Bajah 7 digunakan untuk menglziduphan sebualt alat elektrik. Arus yang mcngalir dalnm gqelung ialah 0.1A dan kecekapannya ialah 75Vo. (i) Calculate the output power of the transformer. Hitung huasa output transformer itu.

[2 marks] [2 markalz) (ii) An electrical appliancewhich needs20 W of poweris connected the transformer output. to Suggest a modification to the transformer that enables the appliance to function correctly. yang mcmcrlukan kuasa 20 W disambungpada output transformer Satu alat el.ehtrik itu. pada transformnr itu supaya alat itu bolehberfungi Cadanghansatu pengubahsuaian dengan betul.
lL rnarkl IL markalfl (d) A student connects a television which uses direct current to the output of the transformer in Diagram 7. When the television is switched on, it does"not function. Seorang murid menyambunghan sebuah teleuisyen yang menggunakan bekalan arus terus kepada output transformer pada Bajah 7. Aroabila suis teleuisyen dilzidupkaa drdapati teleuisyen itu tidak berfungsi. 16 7


Why the television does not function? Mengapakalz teleuisyen itu tidak berfungst?

IL marlfl IL markah] (ii) An electrical component is connected to the output of the transformer so that the
television functions. Name the electrical component and state how the connection is made. Satu hornponen elektrik disarnbung kepada output transformer itu supaya teleuisyen itu berfungsi. Namakan horryzonen elektrik itu dan nyatakan bagainzana sambungan itu dilakuhan.

12marksl 12 markalfl 8 Diagram 8 shows a system used in a factory to ensure the thickness of a cardboard sheet is uniform. Rajah 8 m.enunjukkan satu sistemyang digurnkan di sebuah kilang untuk m.emastikanketebalan kepingan kadbod adalah seraganx.

Counter Pembilang

Pengesan sirwran

Diagram 8 Rajah 8 The radioactive source, radiation detector and counter are used to detect the thiekness ofthe cardboard sheet. The radioactive source contains a radioisotope. The roller is used to compress the cardboard sheet. Surnber rad,ioisotop,pengesan sinaran dan pembilang digunakan untuk mengesan ketebalan digunakan untuh kepingan kadbod. Sumber radioaktif itu mnngandungt. radioisotop. Penggel.ek rnerrlampatkan kepingan kadbod.


Table 8 shows four radioisotopes with their respective properties. Jadual S menunjukkan empat radioisotop dengan sifat mnsing-masing. Radioisotopes Rad.ioisotop Half-life Separuh hayat Type of radiation Jenis sinaran Gamma Gama Beta Beta
Gamma Gama

Physical state Keadoan fizikal

Sodium-Z4(Na) Natrium-Z4 (Na) (P) Phosphorus-3z (P) Fosforus-72 Cobalt-60(Co) Kobalt40 (Co\ Strontium-90 (Sr) Strontium-90 (Sr)

I"5hours L5jarn
14.3 days t4.3 hari

Liquid Cecair
Liquid Ceca,ir

5.27 years 5.27tahun 28.5 years 28.5 tahun

Table 8 Jad.ual S

Solid Pepejal
Solid Pepejal

Beta Beta

(a) What is meant by a radioisotope? ,fuakah. yang dimaksudkan dengan radioisotop? lL nzarkl IL markalfl (b) Based on Table 8, state the suitable properties of the radioisotope to detect the thickness of the cardboard sheet. Give reason for the suitability of the properties. BerdasarhanJadual s, nyatahansifat-sifat radioisotopyangsesuai untuk meng'esanketebalan kepingan hadbod. Beri sebab mengapa sifat-sifat itu sesuai. (t Half-life I Separulr ltayat

Reason I Sebab

{2 marksl 12 markafz)
(ii) Tlpe of radiation I Jenis sinaran

Reason I Sebab [2 marksj [2 rnarhalt]


(iii) Physical state I I(eadaan fizikal

Reason I Sebab

[2 marhs] [2 marlialz] (c) Based on the answers in 8ft), determine the most suitable radioisotope in Table 8 to detect the thickness of the cardboard sheet. Berdasarkan jautapan di 8(b), tentukan radioisotop dalam Jadual 8 yang paling sesuai digunakan untuk rlengesan ketebalan kepingan kadbod.

IL markl IL ntarlaalz] (d) The radioisotope in 8(c) is used to detect the thickness ofthe cardboard sheet. Radi,oisotop di 8(c) digunakan untuk nxengesanketebalan kepingan kadbod.. (i) State the change in the reading of the counter when a thicker cardboard is used. Nyatakan perubahan bacaan pembilnng apabila kadbod yang lebih tebat digunakan.

lL markJ IL markalfl
(ii) How is the thickness of the cardboard sheet reduced? Bagaimanakah ketebalan kepingan kadbod itu dikurangkan?

{L markl markalz] IL (e) The half-life of Cobalt-60 is 5.27 years. Separuh hayat Kobalt-60 inlah 5.27 tahun. Calculate the time taken for the activity of Cobalt-60 to reduce tn 6.25Voof its initial value. Hitung nlasa yang diambil untuk keaktifan Kobalt-60 berkurang menjadi 6.25Vod,aripad,a nilai asalnya.

[2 rnarksl [2 markald


Section B Bahagian B 120marksl [20 markahl Answer a,ny one question from this section. Jawab md,na-nxanosatu soalan daripada bahagian ini. I (a) Diagpam 9.1 shows a cross-sectionof a wing of a moving aeroplane. The wing of the aeroplane experiences a lift force. Rajah 9.L mnnunjukkan suatu keratan rentas bagi sayap sebuah kapal terbang yang sedang bergerak. Sayap kapal terbang itu mengalami daya anghat.

Air flow Aliran udara

Diagram 9.1 Rqiah 9.1 (t Name the shape of the cross-section in Diagram 9.1. Namahan bentuh keratan rentas dalarn Rajah g.L. (ii) Explain why the lift force acts on the wing of the aeroplane. Tbrangkan nxengapa daya anghat bertindak pada sayap kapal terbang itu. [3 marhalz] (b) T\ro ski jumpers ski down from a very high platform with the same take off velocity. Diagram 9.2 and Diagram 9.3 show the posture of the two ski jumpers during take off from the platform. Diagram 9.4 and Diagram 9.5 show the posture of the two ski jumpers in the air. They land on the ground at the same instant. Dua orang peluncur ski berlepas dengan halaju yang sanla ketika menuruni satu platform yang tinggi. Rajah 9.2 dan Rajah 9.3 menunjukkan keadaan badan bagi dua orang peluncur ski itu seftKrcaberlepas dari platform. Rajah 9.4 dan Rajah 9.5 menunjukkan keadaan badan dua peluncur ski itu semasa di udara. I{edua-dua peluncur itu m,endarat di perrnukaan tanah pad,a ketika yang sanna. II marh) IL rnarkalz] [3 marlas]

Diagram 9.3 Rajah 9.3

17 1

| -^4--

_ |

(i) Based on Diagram 9.2 and Diagram 9.3, compare the posture of the two ski jumpers. lI marhl Berdasarkan Rajah 9.2 dan Rajah g.S,bandingkan keadaan badan kedua-dua peluncur ski itu. ll marleahl (ii) Based on Diagram 9.4 and Diagram 9.5, compare the landing distance of the two ski [1 marh] Jumpers. Berdasarkan Rajah 9.4 dan Rajah 9.5, bandingkan jarak mendarat bagi kedua-dua peluncur ski itu. [l markahT (iii) Based on Diagram 9.4 and Diagram 9.5, relate the lift force to the landing distance. [2 marks) Merujuk kepada Rajah 9.4 dan Rajah 9.5, hubungkaitkan antara daya angkat dan jarak mendarat. 12markahl (iv) Name one sport which uses the same principle of lift force as the ski jumper. Explain the similarities. [2 marhs] Namakan sata sukan yang menggunakan prinsip daya a.ngko,tyang san'Ladengan peluncur ski itu. Jelaskan persamda,n itu. 12markahl (c) Diagram 9.6 shows a sailboat. Rajah 9.6 menunjukkan sebuah perahu layan

Diagram 9.6 Rojah 9.6 You are required to give some suggestions to design a sailboat which can travel faster. Using the knowledge on motion, forces and the properties of materials, explain the suggestions based on the foltowing aspects: Anda dikehendaki m.emberi beberapa cadangan untuk mcreka bentuk sebuah perahu layar yang boleh bergerak dengan lebih laju. Menggunakan pengetahuan tentang gerakan, daya dan sifat-sifat bahan, terangh,an cadangan itu yang menerangkan aspek-aspekberikut:



the surface of the board permuhaan papan luncur

(ii) the shape of the board bentuk papan luncur (iii) material used for the board bah,an yang digunahan untuh papan luncur (iv) material used for the sail bahan yang digunakan untuk layar (v) the size of the sail . saiz layar ILO rnarksl {L0 markahl

10 Diagram L0.1 and Diagram 10.2 show two electrical circuits containing semiconductor diodes. Rajah 1.D.L dnn Rajah L0.2 menunjukkan dua liar elektrik yang mengandutlsi diod semikonduktor
Semiconductor diode Diod semikonduktor

Diagram 10.1 Raiah 10.1

Semiconductor diode Diod semil<onduktor

. Drycell

Diagram 10.2 Ra,iah 10.2 173

(a) What is meant by a semiconductor? Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan semikonduktor?

IL markl lL markahl

(b) Using Diagram 10.1 and Diagram 10.2, relate the lighting of the bulbs, the current and the way the diode is connecf,ed to the terminals of the battery to deduce a relevant physics concept. [5 marks]

MenggurinkanRajah L0.Ldan Rajah L0.2,habunghaitkan nyalaan rnentol,arus dan cara satu konsepfi.zik yang releuan. diod ke terminal bateri untuk m.enyfunpulkan sannbungan 15markah) (c) Diagram 10.3 showsa full wave rectifier circuit. penuh. Rajah 10.3 menunjukkan litar rektifikasi gelombang

Diagram 10.3 Ra<iah LO.3 (t Draw the wave form of a full wave rectification. Lukis bentuk gelombang bagi rektifi.kasi gelombang penuh.

IL mark] lL markahl

(ii) A capacitor is placed across the output to smooth the current. Draw the wave form produced. Explain how a capacitor is used to smooth the current. [3 marks] Sebuah kapasitor diletakkan merentasi output untuk meratakan arus dalam litar itu. Lukis bentuk gelombang yen dihasilkan. [3 markahl

t7 4

(d) Diagram 10.4 shows a circuit with a transistor that acts as an automatic switch. Rajah. L0-4 rnenunjuhkan litar yang mengandungi transistor tang bertindale sebagai suis automatih.

Diagram 10.4 Rajah 10.4 The transistor in the circuit causes the light emitting diode (LED) to light up when it is dark. A technician wants a fan labelled 240 Y, 100 W in a room to be automatically switched on when the room is hot. thansistor dalanr litar menyebabkan diod pemancar calz.ayaS,ED) nzenyala apabila leeadaan gelap. Seorangjurutehnik ing:in sebualt kipas berlabel240 V 100 W di sebuah bilik dihiduphan secara automatila apabila bilik itu panas. Suggest modifications that can be made to the circuit in Diagram 10.4 so that the fan can be automatically switched on when the room is hot. Draw the modified circuit. Cadanghan pengubaltsuaian yang bolelt. dilakukan pada litar dalam Rajah. L0.4 untuk ntembolehkan kipas itu dihiduphan secara autom.atih apabila bilih itu panas. Lukis litar yang diubalzsuai itu. State and explain the modifications based on the following aspects: Nyatakan dan beripenerangan tentangpengubalrcuaian itu berdasarkan aspek-aspekberikut: the electrical components that are needed to replace the LED and the light dependent resistor (LDR) in the circuit. cahaya (LDR) dalam litar itu. the positions of the electrical components in the circuit. hedudukan,bomponen-kom.lzonen elehtrik dalam litar itu.

ILA marhsl IIO markalfl


Section C Bahagian C [20 marks] [20 rnarkalt] Ansuter any otne question from t/tis section. Jautab nzana-nzana satu soalan dartpada baltagian ini. 11 Diagram 11.1 shows the speedlimit and the load limit of heavy vehicles such as buses and lorries. Eaja/z !1.1 menunjuhkan taju dan had muatan bo.g:ikenderaan berat seperti bas dan lori.

Diagram 11.1 Rajah 11.1 (a) What is meant by speed? Apakalt yang dinzaksudkan dengan laiu?

IL rnarle] lL marhalzl

(b) Using the concepts of momentum and inertia, explain why the speed limit and the load 14marksl limit must be imposed on heavy vehicles. Dengan menggunakan honsep nzornentum dan inersia, teranghan ftTengapa ltad laiu dan [4 markalt] ltad muatan nzesti dikenakan he atas kenderaan berat. (c) Diagram LI.2 shows four tankers, P, Q, R and S, with different specifications. You are required to determine the mbst suitable tanker to deliver oil safely. Study the specifications of all the four tankers from the following aspects: Raja/2.l!.2 rnenunjukkan empat lori tangki, P, Q, R danS, dengan spesifikasi yang berbeza. Anda dikelzendaki menentulaan lori tangki yangpaling sesuai digunalean untule m'englwntar ntinyak dengan selamaL I{aji spesifikasi keempat-etnpat lori itu dari aspek berikut: The type of brakes Jenis brek The number of tyres Bilangan tayar The number and size of the tanks Bilangan dan saiz tanghi The distance between the trailer and the tractor Jarak antara treler dan kepala lori Explain the suitability of the aspects. Justify your choice. uaian aspeh-aspeh itu. ?eranghan leeses Beri sebab bagi pililzan anda. 176

ILO marhsl ll} markalt'l

Tanker P Lori tanghi P Tlpe of brake : Air ,lenis brek : Udara

1 tyre I tayar 1 big tank I tang/ei besar

Tanker Q Lori.tanghi Q Tlpe of brake : Air Jenis breh : Udara

2 tyres 2 tayar
T!ailer lVeler 5 small tanks 5 tanghi laecil Tractor I{epala lori

Tanker R Lori tanghi R Tlpe of brake : ABS Jenis brek : ABS (Antilock Brake System)
5 small tanks 5 tangki hecil T!ailer lVeler


Tanker S Lori tanghi S Tlpe of brake : ABS Jenis brek : ABS (Antilock Brake System)
1 tyre L tayar

1 big tank 1 tanghi besar

Diagram 11.2 Rajah 11.2 (d) A tanker of mass 1 800 kg accelerates from rest to a velocity of 4b km h-1 in 10 s. Sebuah lori tanghi beryisim 1 800 kg menzecut dari pegun sehingga mencapai lzalalu 45 km j-t dalam masa L0 s. (t Calculate the acceleration of the tanker. Hitung pecutan lori tanghi itu. (ii) Calculate the force acting on the tanker. Ilitung daya yang bertindak ke atas lori tangki itu. [5 marks] [5 nzarkafl 17 7

t2 Diagram 12.1 shows an audio freQuency generator connected to a speaker and placed near the
corner of a wall. Three students, A, B and C, are standing around the next corner. The generator and speaker can produce sound with the same speed but different pitch. Bajalz LZ.L menunjukkan penjana frekuensi audio disatnbung hepada pernbesar saara dan diletakhan berdekatan satu penjuru dinding. ?TgaorangJmurid, A, B, dan C berdiri di peniuru ydng bersebelahan. Penjana dan pembesar suara dapat menghasilkan bunyi pada kela"Juan yang satrza tetapi dengan kelangsingan yang berbeza.

Diagram 12.1 Rajah 12.1 (a) State the physical quantity that affects the pitch of the sound. Nyatakan kuantiti fizih yang ntempengarulti kelangsingan bunyi.

ll rnarkl ll markaltl

(b) When a high pitch sound is generated, only student C can hear the sound clearly. When a low pitch sound is generated, all the three students can hear the sound clehrly. Explain this situation. 14 marksl Apabila banyi dengan kelangsingan tinggz dijanaka4 hanya murid C dapat mendengar bunyi itu dengan jelas. fuabila bunyi dengan kelangsingan rendah. dijanakaa ketigp-tig:a rnurid ita boleh mendengar dengan jelas. Teranghan keadaan ini. 14 rnarkafl


(c) Diagram L2-2 shows a radar system at an airport. Signals are transmitted from the radar system to determine the position of an aeroplane. Bajah12.2 menunjuhhan sebuah sistent radar di sebualt lapangan terbang. Isyarat diltantar dari sistem radar untuk rnenentukan heduduhan kapal-terbang.
Signal receiver Penerima isyarat

Parabolicdisc Piring parabola

Diagram 12.2 Rajah 12.2 Table 12.3 shows the specifications of four radar systems, K, L, M and N, that can be used to determine the position of an aeroplane. Jadual L2.3 menunjuhhan spesifikasi empat sistem radat; K, L, M dan N, yang boleh. digunakan untuk menentukan heduduhan hapal terbang. Radar system Sistem radar Diarneter of the parabolic disc/m Diameter piring parabola/rn Distance of the signal receiver ftom the centre of the parabolic disc Jarah penerirna i.syarat dari pusat piring parabola TVpes of wave transmitted Jenis gelornbang yang d,ipanear Height of the parabolic disc ftom the ground Ketinggion piring parabola d.ari bumi



Same as the focal length

Less than the focal length

Same as the focal length

Less than the focal length

Sanza dengan I(urang daripada Sama dengan ,Kurang danpada panjang panjang panjang panjang fohus fokus fohus fokus Microwave Gelombang rnikro Microwave Gelombang ntihro Low Bendah Radiowave. Gelornbang radto Low Rendalt Radiowave Gelornbang tadio

High ltnggi

High lTnggi

Table 12.3 Jad,ual 12.3 179

you are required to determine the most suitable radar system. Study the specifications of all the four radar systems based on the following aspects: Anda diminta untuk rnengenal pasti sistem radar yang paling sesuai. Kaii spesifihasi keempat-ernpat sistem radar itu berdasarkan aspek yang berikut The diameter of the Parabolic disc Dtameter piring Parabola The distance of the signal receiver from the centre of the parabolic disc Jarah penerin'a isyarat dari pusat piring parabola The types of wave transmitted Jenis gelombang Yang diPancar The height of the parabolic disc from the ground I{etinggian piring parabola dari bumi Explain the suitability of the aspects. Teranghan kesesuaian aspek-aspek tersebutt1-0 marksl ILO markalzl

(d) The depth of a sea is g0 m. A ship transmits an ultrasonic wave of frequency 50 kHz to the seabed and receives an echo 0.12 s later' Kedalaman suatu laut ia/a/t.90 m. Sebaalt kapal rnenancar gelombang ultrasonik berfreleuensi 50 kHz ke dasar'laut dan rnenerima gerTa 0.12 s kemudian. Calculate I{itung (r) the speed of the ultrasonic wave in the water, laju gelombang ultrasonila dalam ait, (ii) the wavelength of the ultrasonic wave in the water' paniang gelombang bagi gelornbang ultrasonile dalam ain l5 ntarksl 15 markahl


Work done = 220 x 0.5 = 110J (ii) Work done = rrzgh = 20x10x0.5 = 100J (c) (, Sork done to pull the rope is larger than work done to raise the load. (ii) Some work is wasted to overcome frictional force.

(b) (i)

Paper 2 Section A f (ui longitudinal (b) (i) Compression

( i i ) l l l , , , , l rl

i l | | r lllll l
ilil l t l l l l r r l rr


G) The speed of sound rncreases. (a) Pressure is the force acting perpendiculary on unit area of a surface. (b) Water pressure = pgh = 1000X10x3 = 30 000 Pa (c) Water pressure at Q is higher than the water pressure at P The vertical distance from the water surface to point Q is greater than that of point P. (a) Latent heat offusion (b) The heat enerry absorbed is used to overcome the forces of attraction between the molecules. (c) Q, = rnce =1x4200x100 = 420 000 J = 4.2x105J i/l\ \*/ Temperature ("C)

of refraction is 90o. (b) The angle of incidence at point A is O, so angle of refoaction is 0. (c) (t PrismP:fncreasetheangleofincidence. Prism Q: Decreasethe angle of incidence. (ii) The density of air is less than the density of glass. (iii) Diagram 5(i) : It travels along th'e glass-air boundary. Diagram 5(ii): It tr'avels along the glass-air boundary. (d) Total internal reflection (a) (t Parallel (ii) The other bulbs are not affected. (b) (t The bulb releases 60 J of light and heat energy in one secondwhen it is connected to a24O ! supply. (1i)P = W 60 = 240f = 0.25A I (iii) Resistance of one bulb v2 = P = 2402 60 = 960O 1111

(a) l-Zlthe

angleof incidence when the angle

E= 960

*g60 *gao

E= g n
Total resistance, E= 320 O (l.) The bulbs are connected in series. 7 (a) (t (it (b)



Step.downtransformer It can be magnetised and demagnetised easily and this reduces loss of energy.

NV NV pp

" fi.


Time (s)

(a) Work is done when a force causes an object

N6 1000. :.N=25 s


to move in the direction of the force.

Input power= 240 x 0.1 = 24W Output power = 24 x 0.75 = 18W (ii) Increase the diameter of coil. (d) (t The output voltage is an alternating current. (ii) Diode. Four diodes are arranged in the form of bridge rectifier. 8 (a) Aradioisotope is an isotope with an unstable nucleus. (b) (il Half-life should be medium. The radioactive materials can decay faster and they leave harmless daughter nuclei. . (ii) Beta. It can penetrate the cardboard sheets. (iii) Liquid. Liquid radioactive materials produce more even radiations. (c) Phosphorus-32 (d) (t The reading of the counter decreases. (ii) The readings from the counter can be used to control the roller automatically. Roller will make the proper adjustment to the thickness ofthe cardboard sheet. Ttfin (e) 1gg'/o *4 boo/o T > 2d% t > Iz.5%

(c) (t

(iv) Long jump. The jumper should trendhis bodyforward to get a good jump. (c) (i) The surface of the board should be smooth. This reduces the effect of frictional force. (ii) The shape of the board must be in the shape of aerofoil. This will increases the lift force. (iii) Material used for the board should be light and strong. This will reduce the mass of the sailboat. It should be strong enough to withstand the wave. (iv) Material used for the sail must be light, elastic and strong. The mass of the sailboat is not too large. Sail should be elastic and strong to withstand the strong wind. (v) The size of the sail should be large. The larger sail will result in larger lift - force. 10 (a) AsemiconductorisamaGrialwhose electrical conductivity is between that of insulators and that of conductors. (b) In Diagram 10.1, the bulb does not light up. The positive terminal of the cell is connected to the cathode end. The negative terminal of the cell is connected to the anode end. This arrangement is reversed-biased.Only a small current flows through the diode. The bulb does not light up. In Diagram 10.2, the positive terminal of the cell is connected to the anode end. The negative terminal of the cell is connected to the cathode end. This arrangement is forward,biased. Alarge current flows through the diode, the bulb lights up. The physic conceptis diode allows current to flow through in the forward-biased arrangement.

fime taken = 4X T t T

> 6.25o/o

= 4x5.27yearc = 21.08 years Section B I (a)



(ii) When the wing moves through air, the

flow of air above the wing travels faster and creates a region oflow pressure. The flow of air below the wing is slower resulting in a region of high pressure. The difference in pressure between these two regions causes the formation of the lift force. (0 The posture of the ski jumper in Diagram 9.3 is lower and look like an aerofoil. (ir) The landing distance of the ski jumper in Diagram 9.3 is further. (rii) The lift force in Diagram g.4 is smaller. Hence the landing distance is nearer. The greater the lift force, the further is the landing distance.

_.'_-___- - :1,_- - - __- :.i _ _- ___:.i __ _- _:,:- ____- __l _ _ __


During the forward half of a cycle, the capacitor is chalged up. Enerry is stored in the capacitor. During the reverse half, the capacitor release, its charges. It discharges through the loao.

(d) Thermistor

R, takes over the position of LDR. The original position of R, is installed with one thermistor. R, and the transistor are maintained in the original position. The LED is replaced by the fan. If the surrounding iemperature is high, the resistance of thermistor is low. Hence, the voltage across the thermistor is low. The voltage across.R,increases.The base current increases followed by a greater increase in the collector curyent. The fan will be switched on. Section C 1L (a) Speed is the distance travelled per unit time. (b) An object with a larger mass has a larger inertia. It is not easy to stop a moving lony with a big load. The load may move forward and collide with the driver's cabin when the lony stops suddenly. The larger velocity, the larger the momentum. It is always more difficult to stop a massive object moving at high velocity. (c) (t Tlpe of brakes There are two types ofbrakes: Air brake and ABS. ABS is a more effective brake than air brake. In ABS, all the tyres will be stopped oncethebrake is applied. This will ensure the tanker to stop immediately. In the air brake, the back tyres may be moving. Ttris will cause the tanker to skid. . (ii) Number of tyres Tlvo tyres is a better option. It provides better support to the tanker. In case one tyre explodes, the stability ofthe tanker is not greatly affected because its base area is still large. (iii) Number and size of the tanks The mass of the big tank is large. Hence, its inertia is large. If the tanker stops suddenly, the heavy tank will continue to move due to its large inertia. The tank may collide with the driver's cabin. It is arlvisable to subdivide the mass to reduce the inertia. A tanker carries five small tanks is preferred. This

reduces the inertial impact if the tanker stops suddenly. (iv) The distance between the trailer and the tractor The small tanks in the trailer must be fastened to the trailer. This will make sure that the tanks and the trailer always move and stop together. The tanks will not fall off the trailer when the tanker starts moving. They will not move forward when the tanker stops suddenly. It is advisable to use tanker in which there is a distance between the trailer and the tractor. If the trailer is still moving when the tractor has stopped moving, this will ensure that the trailer will not collide with the tractor. Brakes Tlres Number of tanks Distance Total P I 1 1 I 4

1 2 2 1

2 1 1 2 6

2 2 2

Key: Higher merit points are given to the important features. Based on the above arguments, the most -suitable tanker is tanker R with the characteristics: 1. ABS 2. T\ro tyres 3. Carries five small tanks 4. An empty space between trailer and tracton (d) 45 km h-l= 12.5 m s-l (t u= u*at 12.5=0+d(10) a = 1.25ms-2 (ii) Force = nza = 1800 x L.25 = 2250 N 12 (a) Frequency (b) The frequency of a high pitch sound is high. Hence, its wavelength is shorter. The'sound is not diftacted piopqrlyly the corner. Only student C can hear the sorlird clearly because he is the nearest to the au-dio frequency generator. A low pitch sound has low frequency and longer wavelength. The sound can be diffracted better by the corner. Hence, all the students can hear the sound clearly. (c) The diameter of the parabolic disc The diameter of the parabolic disc should be large enough to receive the reflected

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