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Radiation Related Terms Basic Terms

effects of radiation. For more on Health Physics, visit the career section of the Health Physics Society or the EPA career website. Radioactivity


Radiation is energy in transit in the form of high speed particles and electromagnetic waves. We encounter electromagnetic waves every day. They make up our visible light, radio and television waves, ultra violet (UV), and microwaves and are part of a large spectrum of energies. These examples of electromagnetic waves do not cause ionizations of atoms they interact with because they do not carry enough energy to remove electrons from atoms. Radiation can be ionizing or non-ionizing.

Radioactivity is the spontaneous transformation of an unstable atom and often results in the emission of radiation. This process is referred to as a transformation, a decay or a disintegrations of an atom. Radioactive Material

Radioactive Material is any material that contains radioactive atoms. Radioactive Contamination

Ionizing radiation

Ionizing radiation is radiation with enough energy so that during an interaction with an atom, it can remove tightly bound electrons from their orbits, causing the atom to become charged or ionized. Examples are gamma rays and neutrons. Non-ionizing radiation

Radioactive contamination is radioactive material distributed over some area, equipment or person. It tends to be unwanted in the location where it is, and has to be cleaned up or decontaminated. Background radiation

Non-ionizing radiation is radiation without enough energy to remove tightly bound electrons from their orbits around atoms. Examples are microwaves and visible light. Health Physics

Ionizing radiation from natural sources, such as terrestrial radiation due toradionuclides in the soil or cosmic radiation originating in outer space. Radioactive half-life

Health Physics is an interdisciplinary science and its application, for the radiation protection of humans and the environment. Health Physics combines the elements of physics, biology, chemistry, statistics and electronic instrumentation to provide information that can be used to protect individuals from the

The time required for a quantity of a radioisotope to decay by half. For example, because the half-life of iodine-131 (I-131) is 8 days, a sample of I-131 that has 10 mCi of activity on January 1, will have 5 mCi of activity 8 days later, on January 9. 1

Decay, radioactive


Disintegration of the nucleus of an unstable atom by the release of radiation. Half-life (See radioactive half-life)

A reaction in which two lighter nuclei unite to form a heavier one, releasing energy in the process. Reactions of this type are responsible for the release of energy in stars or in thermonuclear devices. Geiger counter (HW)

The time any substance takes to decay by half of its original amount. Detector (See Geiger counter)

A device that is sensitive to radiation and can produce a response signal suitable for measurement or analysis. A radiation detection instrument. Deuterium

A radiation detection and measuring instrument consisting of a gas-filled tube containing electrodes, between which an electrical voltage but no current flows. When ionizing radiation passes through the tube, a short, intense pulse of current passes from the negative electrode to the positive electrode and is measured or counted. The number of pulses per second measures the intensity of the radiation field. Geiger counters are the most commonly used portable radiation detection instruments. Iodine

A non-radioactive isotope of the hydrogen atom that contains a neutron in its nucleus in addition to the one proton normally seen in hydrogen. A deuterium atom is twice as heavy as normal hydrogen. Dose (radiation)

Radiation absorbed by a persons body. Several different terms describe radiation dose. Fission (fissioning)

A non-metallic solid element. There are both radioactive and nonradioactive isotopes of iodine. Radioactive isotopes of iodine are widely used in medical applications. Radioactive iodine is afission product and is the largest contributor to peoples radiation dose after an accident at a nuclear reactor. Ion

The splitting of a nucleus into at least two other nuclei that releases a large amount of energy. Two or three neutrons are usually released during this transformation.

An atom that has fewer or more electrons than it has protons, causing it to have an electrical charge and, therefore, be chemically reactive.


Nuclear reactor (HW)

The process of adding one or more electrons to, or removing one or more electrons from, atoms or molecules, thereby creating ions. High temperatures, electrical discharges, or nuclear radiation can cause ionization. Ionizing radiation

A device in which a controlled, self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction can be maintained with the use of cooling to remove generated heat. Nuclear tracers (Illustrate)

Radioisotopes that give doctors the ability to "look" inside the body and observe soft tissues and organs, in a manner similar to the way x-rays provide images of bones. A radioactive tracer is chemically attached to a compound that will concentrate naturally in an organ or tissue so that an image can be taken. Nucleus

Any radiation capable of displacing electrons from atoms, thereby producing ions. High doses of ionizing radiation may produce severe skin or tissue damage. Isotope

A nuclide of an element having the same number of protons but a different number ofneutrons. Iridium-192

The central part of an atom that contains protons and neutrons. The nucleus is the heaviest part of the atom. Nuclide

A gamma-ray emitting radioisotope used for gamma radiography. The half-life is 73-83 days. Molecule

A general term applicable to all atomic forms of an element. Nuclides are characterized by the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus, as well as by the amount of energy contained within the atom. Penetrating radiation

A combination of two or more atoms that are chemically bonded. A molecule is the smallest unit of a compound that can exist by itself and retain all of its chemical properties. Nuclear energy

The heat energy produced by the process of nuclear fission within a nuclear reactor or by radioactive decay.

Radiation that can penetrate the skin and reach internal organs and tissues.

Photon (form 6 above)

Radioactive material

A discrete "packet" of pure electromagnetic energy. Photons have no mass and travel at the speed of light. The term "photon" was developed to describe energy when it acts like a particle (causing interactions at the molecular or atomic level), rather than a wave. Gamma rays and x-raysare photons. Plutonium (Pu)

Material that contains unstable (radioactive) atoms that give off radiation as they decay. Radioactive waste

Disposable, radioactive materials resulting from nuclear operations. Wastes are generally classified into two categories, high-level and low-level waste. Radioisotope (radioactive isotope) see isotope

A heavy, man-made, radioactive metallic element. The most important isotope is Pu-239, which has a half-life of 24,000 years. Pu-239 can be used in reactor fuel and is the primary isotope in weapons. One kilogram is equivalent to about 22 million kilowatthours of heat energy. The complete detonation of a kilogram of plutonium produces an explosion equal to about 20,000 tons of chemical explosive. All isotopes of plutonium are readily absorbed by the bones and can be lethal, depending on the dose and exposure time. Polonium (Po)

Isotopes of an element that have an unstable nucleus. Radioactive isotopes are commonly used in science, industry, and medicine. The nucleus eventually reaches a stable number of protons and neutrons through one or more radioactive decays. Approximately 3,700 natural and artificial radioisotopes have been identified. Radionuclide

A radioactive chemical element and a product of radium (Ra) decay. Polonium is found in uranium (U) ores. Radiation

An unstable and therefore radioactive form of a nuclide. Radium (Ra)

Energy moving in the form of particles or waves. Familiar radiations are heat, light, radio waves, and microwaves. Ionizing radiation is a very high-energy form of electromagnetic radiation. Radioactive decay (see half life)

A naturally occurring radioactive metal. Radium is a radionuclide formed by the decay ofuranium (U) and thorium (Th) in the environment. It occurs at low levels in virtually all rock, soil, water, plants, and animals. Radon (Rn) is a decay product of radium.

The spontaneous disintegration of the nucleus of an atom.

Radon (Rn)

Unstable nucleus (see stable nucleus, radioactive nuclide)

A naturally occurring radioactive gas found in soil, rock, and water throughout the United States. Radon causes lung cancer and is a threat to health because it tends to collect in homes, sometimes to very high concentrations. As a result, radon is the largest source of exposure to people from naturally occurring radiation. Shielding

A nucleus that contains an uneven number of protons and neutrons and seeks to reach equilibrium between them through radioactive decay (i.e., the nucleus of a radioactive atom). Uranium (U)

The material between a radiation source and a potentially exposed person that reduces exposure. Stable nucleus

A naturally occurring radioactive element whose principal isotopes are uranium-238 (U-238) and uranium-235 (U235). Natural uranium is a hard, silvery-white, shiny metallic ore that contains a minute amount of uranium-234 (U-234). X-ray

The nucleus of an atom in which the forces among its particles are balanced. See also unstable nucleus. Terrestrial radiation (see background radiation)

Radiation emitted by naturally occurring radioactive materials, such as uranium(U), thorium (Th), and radon (Rn) in the earth. Thorium (Th)

Electromagnetic radiation caused by deflection of electrons from their original paths, or inner orbital electrons that change their orbital levels around the atomic nucleus. X-rays, like gamma rays can travel long distances through air and most other materials. Like gamma rays, x-rays require more shielding to reduce their intensity than do beta or alpha particles. X-rays and gamma rays differ primarily in their origin: x-rays originate in the electronic shell; gamma rays originate in the nucleus. Common Types of Radiation Gamma Rays

A naturally occurring radioactive metal found in small amounts in soil, rock, water, plants, and animals. The most common isotopes of thorium are thorium-232 (Th-232), thorium-230 (Th-230), and thorium-238 (Th-238).

Gamma rays are electromagnetic waves or photons emitted from the nucleus (center) of an atom.


Rad (radiation absorbed dose)

A beta is a high speed particle, identical to an electron. That is emitted from the nucleus of an atom Alphas

The rad is a unit used to measure a quantity called absorbed dose. This relates to the amount of energy actually absorbed in some material, and is used for any type of radiation and any material. Rem (roentgen equivalent man)

An alpha is a particle emitted from the nucleus of an atom, That contains two protons and two neutrons. It is identical to the nucleus of a Helium atom, without the electrons. Neutrons

The rem is a unit used to derive a quantity called equivalent dose. This relates the absorbed dose in human tissue to the effective biological damage of the radiation. Not all radiation has the same biological effect, even for the same amount of absorbed dose. Curie (Ci)

Neutrons are neutral particles that are normally contained in the nucleus of all atoms and may be removed by various interactions or processes like collision and fission X rays

X Rays are electromagnetic waves or photons not emitted from the nucleus, but normally emitted by energy changes in electrons. These energy changes are either in electron orbital shells that surround an atom or in the process of slowing down such as in an X-ray machine. Common Units - USA These are the common units used in the United States in health physics. Roentgen (R) The roentgen is a unit used to measure a quantity called exposure. This can only be used to describe an amount of gamma and X-rays, and only in air.

The curie is a unit used to measure a radioactivity. One curie is that quantity of a radioactive material that will have 37,000,000,000 transformations in one second. The relationship between becquerels and curies is: 3.7 x 1010 Bq in one curie. Common Units - SI - International Standard Note: These are the common units used throughout the world in health physics. Gray (Gy) see rad

The gray is a unit used to measure a quantity called absorbed dose. This relates to the amount of energy actually absorbed in some material, and is used for any type of radiation and any material. One gray is equal to one joule of energy deposited in one kg of a material. The unit gray can be used for any type of radiation, but it does not describe the biological effects of the different radiations.

Sievert (Sv) see Rem

The sievert is a unit used to derive a quantity called equivalent dose. This relates the absorbed dose in human tissue to the effective biological damage of the radiation. Not all radiation has the same biological effect, even for the same amount of absorbed dose. Becquerel (Bq) see Curie

Genetic effects are effects from some agent that are seen in the offspring of the individual who received the agent. The agent must be encountered pre-conception. Teratogenic effects

Teratogenic effects are effects from some agent that are seen in the offspring of the individual who received the agent. The agent must be encountered during the gestation period. Stochastic effects

The Becquerel is a unit used to measure a radioactivity. One Becquerel is that quantity of a radioactive material that will have 1 transformations in one second. As a result of having one Becquerel being equal to one transformation per second, there are 3.7 x 1010 Bq in one curie.

Stochastic effects are effects that occur on a random basis with its effect being independent of the size of dose. The effect typically has no threshold and is based on probabilities, with the chances of seeing the effect increasing with dose. Cancer is a stochastic effect. Non-stochastic effect

Terms Related to Radiation Dose (Extra Info) Chronic dose

A Chronic dose means a person received a radiation dose over a long period of time. Acute dose

Non-stochastic effects are effects that can be related directly to the dose received. The effect is more severe with a higher dose, i.e., the burn gets worse as dose increases. It typically has a threshold, below which the effect will not occur. A skin burn from radiation is a non-stochastic effect. Resources (IDAHO STAT E UNIVERSITY) (US DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES RADIATION EMERGENCY MEDICAL MANAGEMENT)

An acute dose means a person received a radiation dose over a short period of time. Somatic effects

Somatic effects are effects from some agent, like radiation that are seen in the individual who receives the agent. Genetic effects

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