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SCIENCE FICTION Definition of Science Fiction Is a genre of fiction in which the stories often tell about science and

technology of the future. History of Science Fiction Progenitors of science fiction: Homer The Iliad, Lucian Journey Through the Air The Age of Wells and Burroughs (1890-1930): Herbert George Wells The Time Machine Edgar Rice Burroughs A Princess of Mars Mary Shelley (1797-1851): Frankenstein Golden Age of Science Fiction (1910-1971): John W. Campbell Astounding Elements of Science Fiction : Sciences Extraterrestrials The Voyage War Technology Philosophy Superheroes Sub-genres of Science Fiction Apocalyptic, Holocaust, and Post-apocalyptical- Focus on the end of the world, or the world just after "the end." Stephen King The Stand Cross-gerne Stories. Christopher Stasheff -Warlock in Spite of Himself

Cyberpunk- Is set in a high-tech, often bleak, mechanistic and futuristic universe of computers, hackers, and computer/human hybrids William Gibson Bruce Sterling -Neuromancer

First contact -Explores the initial meeting between humans and aliens, ranging from horrific tales of invasions to stories of benign visitors bearing the secrets of advanced technologies and world peace H.G. Wel - War of the Worlds Hard science fiction- Is driven more by ideas than characterization. Plausible science and technology are central to the plot. Isaac Asimov- Robot Visions Military science fiction- Looks at combat in future locations (space, another planet), against a range of opponents (modified humans, aliens, machines), with futuristic, high-tech weaponry (including genetically modified soldiers). David Drake - Hammers Slammers Near-future science fiction- takes place in the present day or in the next few decades. Greg Bear's Blood Music Science fantasy/future fantasy- Rare now but popular in the 1930's and 1940's, alters, breaks, or ignores known laws or scientific theories for the sake of the story. Edgar Rice Burroughs -Barsoom novels (set on Mars) Soft/sociological science fiction -Is character-driven, with emphasis on social change, personal psychology and interactions, etc. While technology may play a role, the emphasis is not so much on how that technology works, but how it affects individuals or social groups

Robert Silverberg To See the Invisible Man Time Travel H. G. Wells The Time Machine Some famous science fiction movies in this decade Matrix, Matrix Reloaded, Matrix Revolutions New Star Wars Trilogy Spiderman Men in Black 1&2 X-Men Planet of the Apes Resident Evil I, Robot Avatar War of the Worlds

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