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Rancangan Pengajaran Harian Sains tahun 4 .

Rancangan Pengajaran Harian Sains Tahun 4 Date : 18 April 2011 Subject : Science Class : 4 Learning Theme : 3.0 Animals and plants protect themselves Learning Area : 3.4 Understanding that plants have specific characteristics to protect themselves from enemies Learning Outcome : At the end of the lesson student will be able to list the specific characteristics of plants that protect them from enemies. to identify the specific characteristics of plants that protect them from enemies. to describe how the specific characteristics of plants help to protect them from enemies Pupils have learnt about animals have specific characteristics to protect them from enemies and pupils already know the plants that have at their surroundings. Time required : 30 minutes Strategy : Discussion, Field Trip Science Process Skills : 1) Observing 2) Identifying Manipulative Skills : 1) Thinking Skills : 1) Comparing and contrasting 2) Making conclusion Scientific Attitudes and Values : Interesting and inquisitive about environment, be appreciative and caring. Learning aids and materials : Pictures, LCD, laptop

1. 2. 3. s Knowledge :

Steps / Phase (time) Set Induction (3 minutes)

Content Show the pupils a picture of a mimosa plant. Ask the pupils if they had an injury because of mimosa plant during gardening activity or during physical education at the field. Expected answers: Thorns Show pupils the pictures of various plants to identify

Teaching & Learning activities Teacher shows a picture of a mimosa plant. Teacher asks the questions what cause of the pupils injuries.

Remarks Material: - LCD -laptop SPS : -Observing TS : -Relating

Eliciting Idea (8 minutes)

Teacher show a pictures of various plants using LCD.

Material: -LCD

special characteristics that protect these plants from their enemies. Expected answers: sharp thorn folding leaflet latex poisonous bad smell fine/hairy skin hard skin bad taste

Pupils look at pictures of various plants. Teacher asks the students to identify specific characteristics that protect these plants from their enemies. Teacher write the answer on the whiteboard

-laptop SPS : Observing TS : Comparing Relating Making decision

Restructuring idea (8 minutes)

Pupils list the specific characteristics of plants that protect them from enemies. Precaution: Before going to the field trip, teacher ask them to go in line of 5 groups, teacher reminds pupils not to touch the plants and teacher will be at the pupils back to look after them during the field trip.

Teacher divides students into 5 groups and each group is given one characteristic of plant. Teacher show different types of plant names and ask the student to find the same plant with the same characteristic. Then, teacher tell student to go to the science garden and find more plants that also have specific characteristic. Teacher ask student to discuss in group and write down their finding on the worksheet given. Teacher and pupils discuss about what have been write by pupils. Teacher asks the pupils to give idea about how does these specific characteristic help to protect the plants.

Material: Worksheet SPS : Observing TS : Comparing Identifying

Application (8 minutes)

Pupils describe how these characteristics of plants help to protect them from enemies. Expected answer: The characteristic of plant can help them. Because, their enemies; can die if eat poison plants, can be hurt, scared the changes of plants, the

Values : Inquisitive about their environment.

bad smell or bad taste. Closure (3 minutes) Recall the specific characteristics of plants that protect them from enemies. Plants have specific characteristic that help to protect themselves from enemies, which are sharp thorn, folding leaflet, latex, poisonous, bad smell, fine/hairy skin, hard skin and bad taste. The characteristic of plant can help them. Because, their enemies; can die if eat poison plants can hurt scared the changes of plants, the bad smell or bad taste. Teacher asks students to summarize todays lesson. Teacher asks further question to stimulate students thinking. Question : 1. What are the characteristic that plants have to protect themselves from enemies? 2. Does the characteristic really helping them? Why? Values : -Inquisitive about their environment. -appreciate and caring the plants

SPECIFIC CHARACTERISTICS Have sharp thorns or spines 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Have fines or sting hairs 1. 2. 3. 4.


Produce latex

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


1. 2. 3. 4.

Have thick and hard skin

1. 2. 3. 4.

REFLEKSI Dalam topik ini, murid akan mempelajari ciri ciri tumbuhan melindungi diri daripada musuh, mengenalpasti ciri tumbuhan melindungi diri daripada musuh dan menghuraikan bagaimana ciri ini dapat membantu tumbuhan melindungi diri daripada musuh. Didapati 80 % murid dapat menguasai dengan baik.

KEKUATAN 1. Murid seronok dengan penggunaan power point dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran hari ini. 2. Murid member respon yang positif apabila soalan diajukan kepada mereka. 3. Dalam fasa pencetusan idea, guru menggunakan power point dan murid mengenalpasti ciri tumbuhan melindungi diri daripada musuh. Contohnya, mimosa plant ciri istimewanya ialah mempunyai duri. 4. Murid memberikan komitmen yang tinggi dalam aktiviti yang telah disediakan.

KELEMAHAN 1. Masa yang diperuntukan selama 30 minit tidak mencukupi. Oleh itu, maka agak sukar untuk menghabiskan isi pelajaran pada hari tersebut. 2. Murid terlalu seronok aktiviti luar kelas sehingga ada di kalangan daripada mereka mengambil kesempatan dengan aktiviti lain.


Masalah penggunaan LCD semasa saya mengajar tiba tiba genset ( generator ) terpadam menyebabkan pengajaran dan pembelajaran terganggu. CARA MENGATASI 1. Perlu merancang penggunaan masa dengan betul 2. Perlu ada kawalan kelas yang sistematik dan teratur bagi menjamin keselamatan murid diluar kelas.

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