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P AG E L A S T U P D AT E D O N N O V E M B E R 9 , 2 0 1 0

Int r oduct ion : : CROATI A Backgr ound: The lands that today c ompri se Cr oatia were par t of the Austro- Hungari an Empir e until the c lose of W or ld W ar I . In 1918, the Cr oats, Serbs, and Slovenes f ormed a ki ngdom known af ter 1929 as Yugoslavi a. Following W or ld W ar I I, Yugoslavia bec ame a f eder al i ndependent Communist state under the str ong hand of Marshal TITO. Although Cr oati a dec lar ed i ts independenc e f rom Yugoslavi a i n 1991, it took four y ears of spor adic , but of ten bitter, f ighting bef ore oc c upy ing Serb ar mi es wer e mostly c lear ed f rom Cr oatian lands. Under UN super vision, the last Serb- held enc lave i n easter n Slavonia was r etur ned to Cr oati a i n 1998. In Apri l 2009, Cr oati a joi ned NATO; it i s a c andi date f or eventual EU ac c ession. Geogr aphy : : CROATI A Locat ion: S outheaster n Eur ope, border ing the Adr iati c Sea, between Bosni a and Her zegovina and S loveni a Geographic coor dinates: 45 10 N, 15 30 E Map r efer ences: E ur ope Area: t ot al: 56,594 sq km count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 126 land: 55,974 sq km w ater : 620 sq km Area - compar at ive: slightly smaller than W est Vir ginia Land boundaries: t ot al: 1, 982 km bor der count ries: Bosni a and Her zegovina 932 km, Hungar y 329 km, Serbi a 241 km, Montenegr o 25 km, Slovenia 455 km Coastline: 5, 835 km (mai nland 1, 777 km, islands 4, 058 km) Mar it ime claims: t er ritor ial sea: 12 nm cont inent al shelf: 200 m depth or to the depth of exploitation Climat e: C ur r ent W eather Medi ter ranean and c ontinental; c ontinental c li mate pr edominant wi th hot summer s and c old winter s; mild wi nters, dr y summer s along coast Terr ain: geogr aphi c ally di verse; flat plains along Hungar i an border , low mountains and hi ghlands near Adr iatic c oastline and islands Elevation ext remes: lowest point : Adr iati c Sea 0 m highest point : Dinar a 1, 831 m Natur al r esour ces: oi l, some c oal, bauxite, low- grade i r on ore, c alc i um, gy psum, natural asphalt, silic a, mi c a, c lay s, salt, hy dropower Land use: ar able land: 25.82% per manent cr ops: 2.19% ot her : 71.99% (2005) Ir r igat ed land: 110 sq km ( 2003) Total r enewable w ater r esources: 105. 5 c u km ( 1998) Natur al haz ar ds: destr uc ti ve earthquakes Envir onment - cur rent issues: ai r pollution (f rom metallur gic al plants) and r esulti ng ac id rai n is damagi ng the f or ests; c oastal pollution fr om industri al and domestic waste; landmi ne r emoval and r ec onstruc ti on of i nfr astr uc ture c onsequent to 1992- 95 c ivil stri fe Envir onment - inter national agr eement s: par t y t o: Air P olluti on, Air Polluti on-Ni tr ogen Oxides, Air P olluti on-Per sistent Or gani c P ollutants, Air Polluti on- Sulf ur 94, Air Polluti on-Volatile Or ganic C ompounds, Biodi ver sity , C limate C hange, Cli mate Change- Ky oto Protocol, Deser tif ic ati on, E ndangered Spec i es, Hazar dous W astes, Law of the Sea, Mar ine D umping, Ozone Lay er Protec tion, Ship P olluti on, W etlands, W hali ng signed, but not r at ified: none of the selec ted agreements Geography - note: c ontrols most land r outes f rom W estern Europe to Aegean Sea and Tur kish S tr ai ts; most A dr iatic Sea islands lie off the c oast of C roati a - some 1,200 i slands, i slets, r idges, and r oc ks People :: CROATI A

Populat ion: 4, 486,881 ( J uly 2010 est.) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 123 Age st ruct ure: 0- 14 year s: 15. 6% (male 358,360/ female 340, 098) 15- 64 years: 67. 5% (male 1, 506, 364/ female 1, 522, 789) 65 year s and over: 17% ( male 295, 960/ female 465,838) ( 2010 est. ) Median age: t ot al: 41.2 y ears male: 39.3 y ear s female: 43 y ear s ( 2010 est. ) Populat ion gr owt h r at e: - 0. 061% ( 2010 est.) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 204 Bir t h r ate: 9. 63 bi rths/ 1,000 population ( 2010 est. ) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 202 Death rat e: 11. 83 deaths/1, 000 populati on ( J uly 2010 est. ) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 34 Net migrat ion rat e: 1. 59 mi grant(s) /1, 000 population (2010 est. ) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 46 Ur baniz ation: ur ban population: 57% of total populati on ( 2008) r at e of ur baniz ation: 0.4% annual r ate of c hange (2005-10 est.) Sex r atio: at bir th: 1. 055 male( s)/ female under 15 year s: 1. 06 male( s)/ female 15- 64 years: 0. 99 male(s) /f emale 65 year s and over: 0. 64 male( s) /f emale t ot al population: 0.93 male( s) / female (2010 est.) Infant mor talit y r ate: t ot al: 6. 26 deaths/1, 000 li ve bir ths count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 176 male: 6. 33 deaths/1, 000 li ve bir ths female: 6. 2 deaths/ 1,000 live bi rths (2010 est.) Life expectancy at birt h: t ot al population: 75.58 y ear s count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 81 male: 71.95 y ear s female: 79. 4 y ear s (2010 est.) Total fert ilit y r at e: 1. 43 c hildren bor n/woman (2010 est.) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 196 HIV/ AID S - adult prevalence rat e: less than 0. 1% (2007 est. ) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 165 HIV/ AID S - people living wit h H IV/ AIDS: 200 (2007 est. ) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 160 HIV/ AID S - deat hs: f ewer than 10 ( 2001 est.) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 154 Major infect ious diseases: degr ee of r isk: i nter mediate food or water bor ne diseases: bac teri al di arr hea vect orbor ne diseases: tic kborne enc ephalitis note: highly pathogeni c H5N1 avi an inf luenza has been i dentif ied i n this c ountr y ; it poses a negligi ble r isk with extr emely r are c ases possible among US c itizens who have c lose c ontac t wi th bir ds (2009) Nationality: noun: C roat( s), Croatian(s) adjective: Croati an Ethnic gr oups: C roat 89.6% , Serb 4. 5%, other 5. 9% (i nc luding B osni ak, Hungari an, Slovene, C zec h, and Roma) (2001 c ensus) Religions: Roman Catholi c 87. 8%, Or thodox 4.4% , other Chr isti an 0.4% , Muslim 1. 3%, other and unspec if ied 0. 9%, none 5. 2% ( 2001 c ensus) Languages: C roati an ( off ic i al) 96.1% , Serbian 1%, other and undesignated 2.9% (i nc luding Italian, Hungar ian, Czec h, Slovak, and Ger man) ( 2001 c ensus) Lit eracy: definition: age 15 and over c an r ead and wr ite t ot al population: 98.1% male: 99.3% female: 97. 1% (2001 c ensus) School life expectancy (pr imary to ter t iar y education): t ot al: 14 y ear s male: 14 y ear s female: 14 y ear s ( 2007) Educat ion expendit ures: 3. 9% of GDP ( 2004) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 112 Gover nment :: CROATI A Countr y name:

convent ional long for m: Republi c of Cr oati a convent ional short for m: Cr oati a local long for m: Republi ka Hrvatska local shor t for m: Hr vatska for mer : People's Republi c of Cr oati a, S oc i alist Republi c of Cr oatia Government type: pr esidenti al/par li amentary democ rac y Capit al: name: Zagr eb geogr aphic coor dinat es: 45 48 N, 16 00 E t ime difference: UTC+ 1 (6 hour s ahead of W ashi ngton, DC dur ing Standard Ti me) daylight saving time: + 1hr, begi ns last Sunday in Marc h; ends last Sunday i n Oc tober Administr at ive divisions: 20 c ounties ( zupani je, zupani ja - singular ) and 1 c i ty * ( grad - singular ); Bjelovar skoB ilogor ska, Br odsko- Posavska, D ubr ovac ko- Neretvanska ( Dubr ovnik-Ner etva), Istar ska ( I str ia), Kar lovac ka, Kopr ivnic ko- Kri zevac ka, Krapi nsko-Zagor ska, Lic ko- Senjska (Li kaS enj), Medi murska, Osjec ko-Bar anjska, Pozesko-Slavonska ( Pozega- Slavoni a), Pr imorskoGor anska, Si bensko- Kninska, Si sac ko- Moslavac ka, Spli tsko-Dalmati nska (Split- Dalmatia) , V ar azdinska, Vi r ovi ti c ko- Podr avska, Vukovar sko- Sr ijemska, Zadarska, Zagreb* , Zagr ebac ka Independence: 25 J une 1991 (f r om Yugoslavia) National holiday: I ndependenc e Day , 8 Oc tober (1991) ; note - 25 J une 1991 was the day the Croatian par li ament voted for i ndependenc e; following a thr ee-month mor ator ium to allow the E ur opean Communi ty to solve the Yugoslav c r isis peac ef ully , Par li ament adopted a dec i si on on 8 Oc tober 1991 to sever c onsti tutional relations wi th Yugoslavi a Constitut ion: adopted on 22 Dec ember 1990; revised 2000, 2001 Legal syst em: based on Austro- Hungar i an law sy stem wi th Communist law inf luenc es; has not ac c epted c ompulsor y I CJ juri sdi c ti on Suffr age: 18 y ear s of age, 16 i f employ ed; universal Execut ive branch: chief of stat e: Presi dent I vo J OSIP OVIC ( si nc e 18 Febr uar y 2010) head of gover nment : Pr ime Mini ster J adranka KOSOR ( sinc e 6 July 2009); Deputy Pr ime Ministers Bozi dar PANKRETIC ( si nc e 6 J uly 2009) , Dar ko MI LINOVI C (sinc e 13 November 2009) , Ivan SUKER ( si nc e 13 November 2009) , Djurdja ADLESIC ( sinc e 12 J anuary 2008) , Slobodan UZELAC ( sinc e 12 J anuar y 2008) cabinet : Counc il of Mi nister s named by the pr i me mi nister and appr oved by the par li amentary assembly ) ( For mor e i nf ormation vi sit the W or ld Leader s website elections: pr esident elec ted by popular vote f or a f ive-y ear term ( eligi ble f or a sec ond term); elec tion last held on 10 J anuar y 2010 ( next to be held in Dec ember 2015) ; the leader of the majori ty par ty or the leader of the majori ty coalition usually appoi nted pr ime minister by the president and then appr oved by the assembly election r esult s: Ivo J OSI POVI C elec ted pr esi dent; perc ent of vote i n the second round I vo J OSI POVIC 60%, Milan BANDIC 40% Legislat ive branch: uni c ameral Assembly or Sabor ( 153 seats; member s elec ted fr om par ty lists by popular vote to ser ve f our- y ear ter ms) elections: last held on 25 November 2007 ( next to be held by November 2011) election r esult s: per c ent of vote by par ty - NA; number of seats by par ty - HDZ 66, SDP 57, HNS 6, HSS 6, HDSSB 3, I DS 3, SDSS 3, other 9 Judicial br anch: S upr eme C our t; C onstitutional Court; judges f or both c our ts ar e appointed for ei ght- year terms by the J udic ial Counc il of the Republic , whi c h is elec ted by the Assembly Political par t ies and leaders: C roati an Democ r ati c Congress of Slavoni a and Bar anja or HDSSB [ Vladimi r SI SLJAGIC] ; C roati an Democ r ati c Union or HDZ [ J adr anka KOSOR] ; Cr oatian Party of the Right or HSP [ Anto DJ APIC ]; Cr oati an Peasant Par ty or HSS [ J osi p FRI SCI C]; Cr oati an Pensioner P ar ty or HSU [Si lvano HRELJ A]; C roati an People's Party or HNS [Radi mir CACIC] ; C roati an Soc ial Li ber al Party or HSLS [Dar inko KOSOR]; I ndependent Democ ratic Serb P ar ty or SDSS [Vojislav STANI MI ROVIC] ; I str ian Democ r ati c Assembly or I DS [I van J AKOVCIC] ; Soc ial Democ r atic Party of Cr oati a or SDP [Zor an MI LANOVIC ] Political pr essure gr oups and leader s: ot her : human r ights groups Int ernat ional or ganiz ation par ticipat ion: A CCT ( obser ver ) , Austr alia Group, BI S, BSEC (observer ), CE, C EI, EAPC , EBRD, FAO, I ADB, I AEA, I BRD, IC AO, ICC , ICCt, I CRM, I DA, IFAD, IFC, I FRCS, I HO, ILO, I MF, I MO, I MSO, I nter pol, I OC, IOM, IPU, ISO, I TSO, I TU, ITUC, MI GA, MI NURCAT, MI NURSO, MINUSTAH, NAM ( obser ver ) , NATO, NSG, OAS ( obser ver ) , OIF (observer ), OP CW , OSC E, P CA, SECI , UN, UNCTAD, UNDOF, UNESCO, UNFI CYP, UNID O, UNIFI L, UNMI L, UNMI S, UNMOGI P, UNW TO, UPU, W CO, W FTU, W HO, W I PO, W MO, W TO, ZC Diplomatic r epr esent ation in t he US: chief of mission: Ambassador Koli nda GRABAR- KI TAROVIC chancer y: 2343 Massac husetts Avenue NW , W ashi ngton, DC 20008 t elephone: [ 1] (202) 588-5899 FAX : [1] ( 202) 588- 8936 consulat e( s) gener al: C hi c ago, Los Angeles, New York Diplomatic r epr esent ation from t he US: chief of mission: Ambassador J ames B. FOLEY embassy: 2 Thomas J ef f er son Street, 10010 Zagr eb mailing addr ess: use str eet addr ess t elephone: [ 385] ( 1) 661-2200 FAX : [385] ( 1) 661- 2373 Flag descr ipt ion: three equal hor izontal bands of red ( top) , white, and blue - the Pan- Slav c olor s super imposed by the Cr oatian c oat of ar ms; the c oat of ar ms c onsists of one main shield ( a c hec kerboar d of 13 r ed and 12 si lver ( white) f ields) sur mounted by fi ve smaller shi elds that for m a c rown over the mai n shield; the f ive small shi elds r epr esent f ive hi stor ic r egions, they ar e ( f rom lef t to ri ght): Croatia, Dubrovnik, Dalmati a, Istr ia, and Slavoni a note: the Pan- Slav c olors wer e inspir ed by the 19th- c entury flag of Russi a Economy : : CROATIA Economy - over view:

Onc e one of the wealthi est of the Yugoslav r epubli c s, Croatia's economy suf fer ed badly dur ing the 1991-95 war as output c ollapsed and the c ountr y mi ssed the ear ly waves of i nvestment in C entral and Easter n E ur ope that f ollowed the fall of the Berlin W all. Between 2000 and 2007, however, Cr oati a's ec onomic for tunes began to impr ove slowly, with moder ate but steady GDP gr owth between 4% and 6% led by a r ebound in tour ism and c r edit-dr iven c onsumer spendi ng. I nflation over the same per iod has remai ned tame and the c ur renc y , the kuna, stable. Never theless, dif fi cult problems still remai n, inc luding a stubbor nly hi gh unemploy ment r ate, a gr owing tr ade def ic i t and uneven regional development. The state retai ns a large role in the ec onomy , as pr ivati zation eff orts often meet stif f public and politic al r esi stanc e. W hile mac r oeconomi c stabi lization has largely been ac hi eved, str uc tur al r efor ms lag bec ause of deep resistanc e on the part of the public and lac k of str ong suppor t f rom politic i ans. The EU ac c essi on proc ess should ac c eler ate f isc al and str uc tur al r ef or m. W hile long term gr owth pr ospec ts f or the ec onomy r emain strong, Cr oatia will fac e si gni fi c ant pr essur e as a r esult of the global f inanc ial c ri sis. C roati a's hi gh f oreign debt, anemic expor t sec tor , str ained state budget, and over -r eli anc e on tour ism revenue will result i n higher r isk to ec onomic stability over the medi um term. GDP (pur chasing pow er par ity) : $78. 57 billion (2009 est.) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 76 $83. 41 billion (2008 est.) $81. 45 billion (2007 est.) note: data ar e i n 2009 US dollar s GDP (official exchange rat e): $63. 19 billion (2009 est.) GDP - r eal gr owt h r ate: - 5. 8% ( 2009 est. ) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 198 2. 4% (2008 est. ) 5. 5% (2007 est. ) GDP - per capit a ( PPP): $17, 500 (2009 est.) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 67 $18, 600 (2008 est.) $18, 100 (2007 est.) note: data ar e i n 2009 US dollar s GDP - composit ion by sector : agr icultur e: 6. 3% industr y: 28.1% ser vices: 65.6% ( 2009 est.) Labor for ce: 1. 196 mi lli on ( November 2009 est.) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 124 Labor for ce - by occupat ion: agr icultur e: 5% industr y: 31.3% ser vices: 63.6% ( 2008) Unemployment rat e: 16. 1% (2009 est. ) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 157 13. 5% (2008 est. ) Populat ion below pover t y line: 17% ( 2008) Household income or consumpt ion by per centage shar e: lowest 10% : 3. 6% highest 10% : 23.1% ( 2005 est. ) Dist r ibut ion of family income - Gini index: 29 (2008) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 116 29 (1998) Investment (gr oss fixed) : 25. 8% of GDP ( 2009 est. ) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 46 Budget: r evenues: $20. 99 billi on expendit ur es: $22. 35 billi on ( 2009 est.) Public debt: 46. 8% of GDP ( 2009 est. ) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 50 42. 8% of GDP ( 2008 est. ) Inflat ion rat e ( consumer pr ices): 2. 4% (2009 est. ) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 86 6. 1% (2008 est. ) Centr al bank discount r at e: 9% ( 31 Dec ember 2009) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 53 9% ( 31 Dec ember 2008) Commer cial bank pr ime lending r at e: 11. 55% ( 31 Dec ember 2009 ) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 90 10. 07% ( 31 Dec ember 2008 ) Stock of narr ow money: $9. 269 billion (31 Dec ember 2009) $10. 7 billi on ( 31 Dec ember 2008) Stock of broad money: $44. 34 billion (31 Dec ember 2009) $44 billion ( 31 D ec ember 2008) Stock of domestic cr edit : $45. 5 billi on ( 31 Dec ember 2009) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 61

$49. 79 billion (31 Dec ember 2008) Mar ket value of publicly tr aded shar es: $26. 62 billion (31 Dec ember 2009) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 56 $26. 79 billion (31 Dec ember 2008) $65. 98 billion (31 Dec ember 2007) Agricult ure - pr oduct s: wheat, c or n, sugar beets, sunf lower seed, bar ley , alf alf a, clover , oli ves, c i tr us, gr apes, soy beans, potatoes; livestoc k, dair y pr oduc ts Indust ries: c hemi c als and plastic s, mac hine tools, f abr ic ated metal, elec tr onic s, pig ir on and r olled steel pr oduc ts, alumi num, paper , wood produc ts, c onstr uc tion mater ials, textiles, shi pbui lding, petr oleum and petr oleum ref ining, f ood and bever ages, touri sm Indust rial product ion growt h rat e: - 9. 5% ( 2009 est. ) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 138 Elect ricit y - pr oduction: 11. 49 billi on kW h (2008 est. ) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 86 Elect ricit y - consumpt ion: 18 billion kW h ( 2008 est. ) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 71 Elect ricit y - expor ts: 5. 668 billi on kW h (2008 est. ) Elect ricit y - impor ts: 12. 24 billi on kW h (2008 est. ) Oil - product ion: 23, 960 bbl/ day (2009 est.) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 74 Oil - consumpt ion: 106, 000 bbl/day (2009 est. ) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 75 Oil - expor t s: 43, 750 bbl/ day (2007 est.) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 81 Oil - impor t s: 122, 100 bbl/day (2007 est. ) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 60 Oil - proved r eserves: 73. 35 mi lli on bbl ( 1 J anuar y 2010 est.) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 75 Natur al gas - pr oduction: 2. 847 billi on c u m ( 2009 est.) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 56 Natur al gas - consumpt ion: 3. 205 billi on c u m ( 2009 est.) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 72 Natur al gas - expor ts: 695. 5 mi lli on c u m ( 2009 est. ) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 39 Natur al gas - impor ts: 1. 22 bi lli on c u m ( 2009 est.) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 54 Natur al gas - pr oved r eserves: 30. 58 billi on c u m ( 1 J anuar y 2010 est.) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 69 Cur rent account balance: - $6.073 bi llion ( 2009 est. ) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 162 - $6.245 bi llion ( 2008 est. ) Export s: $10. 26 billion (2009 est.) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 80 $14. 46 billion (2008 est.) Export s - commodit ies: tr ansport equi pment, mac hiner y , texti les, c hemi c als, foodstuf fs, f uels Export s - par t ner s: I taly 19.1% , Bosni a and Her zegovi na 12.98%, Ger many 11. 06% , Slovenia 7. 47%, Austr ia 5. 44%, Ser bia 5. 41% ( 2009) Impor t s: $21 billion ( 2009 est. ) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 66 $30. 42 billion (2008 est.) Impor t s - commodit ies: mac hi nery , transpor t and elec tri c al equi pment; c hemic als, f uels and lubri cants; foodstuff s Impor t s - par tner s: I taly 15.46% , Germany 13. 57%, Russia 9. 29%, Chi na 6.83%, Sloveni a 5. 75% , Austr ia 5. 04% (2009) Reser ves of for eign exchange and gold: $14. 89 billion (31 Dec ember 2009 est.) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 62 $12. 96 billion (31 Dec ember 2008 est.)

Debt - exter nal: $59. 4 billi on ( 30 September 2009 est. ) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 48 $54. 79 billion (31 Dec ember 2008) Stock of dir ect for eign investment - at home: $32. 01 billion (31 Dec ember 2009 est.) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 59 $29. 21 billion (31 Dec ember 2008 est.) Stock of dir ect for eign investment - abroad: $5. 474 billion (31 Dec ember 2009 est.) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 55 $4. 474 billion (31 Dec ember 2008 est.) Exchange rat es: kuna ( HRK) per US dollar - 5. 4331 ( 2009) , 4.98 (2008), 5. 3735 ( 2007) , 5.8625 ( 2006) , 5. 9473 ( 2005) Communications : : CROATIA Telephones - main lines in use: 1. 859 mi lli on ( 2009) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 58 Telephones - mobile cellular: 6. 035 mi lli on ( 2009) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 81 Telephone system: gener al assessment : the telec ommuni cations networ k has impr oved steadi ly si nc e the mid- 1990s; loc al li nes are digital domest ic: fi xed- line teledensity holdi ng steady at about 40 per 100 persons; mobilec ellular telephone subsc r ipti ons exceed the population int er nat ional: c ountr y c ode - 385; di gital i nter national ser vic e is pr ovi ded thr ough the main swi tc h i n Zagr eb; C roati a par ti c i pates i n the Trans- Asi a-Eur ope ( TEL) fi ber - optic pr ojec t, whi c h c onsists of 2 f iber- opti c trunk c onnec tions with Slovenia and a f iber- opti c tr unk line fr om Rijeka to Split and Dubr ovni k; the AD RIA- 1 submari ne c able pr ovides c onnec ti vi ty to Albania and Greec e ( 2009) Br oadcast media: the nati onal state- owned public br oadc aster , Cr oati an Radiotelevi sion ( HRT) , oper ates 2 terr estr ial TV networks, a satelli te c hannel that rebr oadc asts progr ams f or Croatians living abr oad, and 6 r egional TV c enter s; 2 pri vate br oadc aster s operate nati onal terr estr ial networks; about 15 pri vately -owned regional TV stations; multi- c hannel c able and satellite TV subsc r iption ser vi c es are avai lable; state-owned publi c br oadc aster oper ates 3 national r adio networks and a number of r egi onal r adio stati ons; 2 pri vately -owned national radi o networks and a lar ge number of r egi onal, c ounty , c ity, and c ommunity r adi o stations ( 2007) Int ernet count ry code: . hr Int ernet host s: 1. 287 mi lli on ( 2010) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 38 Int ernet user s: 1. 88 mi llion ( 2008) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 71 Tr anspor t at ion : : CROATI A Air por ts: 69 (2010) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 73 Air por ts - wit h paved runways: t ot al: 23 over 3, 047 m: 2 2, 438 t o 3, 047 m: 6 1, 524 t o 2, 437 m: 3 914 to 1,523 m: 3 under 914 m: 9 (2010) Air por ts - wit h unpaved runways: t ot al: 46 1, 524 t o 2, 437 m: 1 914 to 1,523 m: 7 under 914 m: 38 ( 2010) Heliport s: 1 ( 2010) Pipelines: gas 1, 327 km; oi l 583 km ( 2009) Railways: t ot al: 2, 722 km count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 63 st andard gauge: 2,722 km 1.435-m gauge ( 985 km electr if ied) ( 2009) Roadways: t ot al: 29,248 km ( inc ludes 1, 043 km of expr essway s) (2008) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 99 W at erw ays: 785 km ( 2008) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 74 Mer chant marine: t ot al: 75 count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 57 by type: bulk c arr ier 24, c ar go 7, c hemic al tanker 6, passenger/ c ar go 27, petr oleum tanker 10, r efr iger ated c ar go 1 for eign- owned: 2 ( Norway 2) r egist er ed in other count r ies: 33 ( Bahamas 1, Beli ze 1, Liber ia 2, Malta 7, Marshall I slands 12, Panama 2, Sai nt V inc ent and the Grenadines 8) ( 2010) Port s and ter minals: Omisalj, Ploc e, Rijeka, Si berni k, S plit, Vukovar ( on Danube Ri ver )

Militar y : : CROATIA Milit ar y br anches: A rmed For c es of the Republic of Croatia ( Or uzane Snage Republike Hr vatske, OSRH), c onsists of fi ve major c ommands dir ec tly subor dinate to a General Staf f : Ground For c es ( Hr vatska Kopnena Vojska, HKoV) , Naval For c es ( Hrvatska Ratna Mor nari c a, HRM; i nc ludes c oast guar d), Ai r Forc e and Air Defense Command, J oint Educ ati on and Tr aining C ommand, Logi stic s Command; Military Polic e For c e supports eac h of the thr ee Cr oati an militar y f orc es ( 2010) Milit ar y service age and obligat ion: 18- 27 y ears of age for c ompulsor y mi li tar y servi ce; 16 y ear s of age wi th c onsent for voluntary ser vic e; 6-month c onsc r i pt ser vi c e obli gation; f ull c onver sion to voluntar y militar y ser vi c e by 2010 ( 2006) Manpower available for militar y ser vice: males age 16- 49: 1,021, 904 females age 16-49: 1, 023, 465 ( 2010 est.) Manpower fit for militar y ser vice: males age 16- 49: 770,574 females age 16-49: 844, 594 (2010 est. ) Manpower r eaching milit ar ily significant age annually: male: 27,670 female: 26, 503 ( 2010 est.) Milit ar y expendit ur es: 2. 39% of GDP ( 2005 est. ) count ry compar ison t o t he w orld: 64 Tr ansnat ional Issues :: CROATIA Disput es - inter national: di spute r emains with Bosni a and Her zegovi na over several small sec ti ons of the boundary r elated to mar iti me ac c ess that hi nder s r ati fi c ation of the 1999 bor der agr eement; the C roati a-Sloveni a land and mari ti me boundary agr eement, whi c h would have c eded most of P ir in B ay and mar itime ac c ess to Slovenia and sever al vi llages to C roati a, remai ns unr ati fi ed and i n dispute; Slovenia also pr otests Croatia's 2003 c laim to an exc lusive ec onomi c zone in the Adr i atic ; as a European Uni on peri pher al state, Sloveni a i mposed a har d bor der Sc hengen r egime with non-member Croatia i n Dec ember 2007 Refugees and int ernally displaced per sons: IDPs: 2, 900- 7,000 ( Cr oats and S er bs di splac ed in 1992- 95 war) (2007) Illicit dr ugs: tr ansi t poi nt along the Balkan r oute f or Southwest Asian her oin to W ester n Eur ope; has been used as a transit point f or mar iti me shi pments of South Amer ic an c oc aine bound f or W ester n Eur ope (2008)

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