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6.1. INTRODUCTION Software design sits at the technical kernel of the software engineering process and is applied regardless of the development paradigm and area of application. Design is the first step in the development phase for any engineered product or system. The designers goal is to produce a model or representation of an entity that will later be built. Beginning, once system requirement have been specified and analyzed, system design is the first of the three technical activities -design, code and test that is required to build and verify software. The importance can be stated with a single word Quality. Design is the place where quality is fostered in software development. Design provides us with representations of software that can assess for quality. Design is the only way that we can accurately translate a customers view into a finished software product or system. Software design serves as a foundation for all the software engineering steps that follow. Without a strong design we risk building an unstable system one that will be difficult to test, one whose quality cannot be assessed until the last stage. During design, progressive refinement of data structure, program structure, and procedural details are developed reviewed and documented. System design can be viewed from either technical or project management perspective. From the technical point of view, design is comprised of four activities architectural design, data structure design, interface design and procedural design.

It is a process of converting a relation to a standard form. The process is used to handle the problems that can arise due to data redundancy i.e. repetition of data in the database, maintain data integrity as well as handling problems that can arise due to insertion, updation, deletion anomalies. Decomposing is the process of splitting relations into multiple relations to eliminate anomalies and maintain anomalies and maintain data integrity. To do this we use normal forms or rules for structuring relation. Insertion anomaly: Inability to add data to the database due to absence of other data. Deletion anomaly: Unintended loss of data due to deletion of other data. Update anomaly: Data inconsistency resulting from data redundancy and partial update Normal Forms: These are the rules for structuring relations that eliminate anomalies.

FIRST NORMAL FORM: A relation is said to be in first normal form if the values in the relation are atomic for every attribute in the relation. By this we mean simply that no attribute value can be a set of values or, as it is sometimes expressed, a repeating group.

SECOND NORMAL FORM: A relation is said to be in second Normal form is it is in first normal form and it should satisfy any one of the following rules. 1) Primary key is a not a composite primary key 2) No non key attributes are present 3) Every non key attribute is fully functionally dependent on full set of primary key.

THIRD NORMAL FORM: A relation is said to be in third normal form if their exits no transitive dependencies. Transitive Dependency: If two non key attributes depend on each other as well as on the primary key then they are said to be transitively dependent. The above normalization principles were applied to decompose the data in multiple tables thereby making the data to be maintained in a consistent state.


Database Tables (Data Dictionary): After careful analysis the system has identified to be presented with the following database tables: Client Address Table:

tbl _ Cl i entAddr esses

Column Name AddressId AddressType ClientId HNo Street City State Country Pincode int varchar(50) int varchar(50) varchar(50) varchar(50) varchar(50) varchar(50) varchar(50) Data Type Allow Nulls

Bar Final Bill Table:

Colum Nam n e ContactPersonId ClientId PersonNam e PersonDesg PersonDom ain PersonContactNo PersonEm ailId PersonDesc int int varchar(50) varchar(50) varchar(50) varchar(50) varchar(50) varchar(2000) Data Type Allow Nulls

Client Login Table:

tbl _ Cl i entL ogi n

Column Name ClientId LoginId Password HintQuestion HintAnswer int varchar(50) varchar(50) varchar(100) varchar(100) Data Type Allow Nulls

Client MasterTable:-

tbl _ Cl i entMaster
Column Name ClientId ClientName Abbreviation Description ClientWebLink int varchar(50) varchar(50) varchar(2000) varchar(500) Data Type Allow Nulls

Client Phones Table:

tbl _ Cl i entP hones

Column Name PhoneNo ClientId PhoneType EmailId1 EmailId2 int varchar(50) varchar(50) varchar(50) Data Type varchar(50) Allow Nulls

Client and Projects Table:

tbl _ Cl i entsAndP r ojects

Column Name ClientId ProjectId int int Data Type Allow Nulls

Department Table:-

tbl _ Dept_ Master

Column Name DepartmentId DeptName Abbreviation DeptLocation DeptDescription int varchar(50) varchar(50) varchar(50) varchar(3000) Data Type Allow Nulls

Designation Master Table:

tbl _ Desi gnati onM aster

Column Name DesignationId Desg_Name Abbreviation Desg_Description int varchar(100) varchar(50) varchar(3000) Data Type Allow Nulls

Domain Master Table:

tbl _ Domai nM aster

Column Name DomainId DomainName Abbreviation Description int varchar(100) varchar(50) varchar(2000) Data Type Allow Nulls

Emp Address Table:

tbl _ Emp_ Addr ess

Column Name EmpId Emp_AddressId Emp_AddressType HNo Street City State Country PinCode int int varchar(50) varchar(100) varchar(200) varchar(100) varchar(100) varchar(100) varchar(50) Data Type Allow Nulls

Project Client Contact Person Table:

tbl _ P r ojectCl i entContactP er sonM aster

Column Name ProjectId PersonId ClientId ReasonForContact int int int varchar(2000) Data Type Allow Nulls

Project Module Master Table:

tbl _ P r ojectModul eMaster

Column Name ModuleId ProjectId Mod_Name Mod_Desc Mod_InitiationDate Mod_EndDate Mod_InchargeId NoOfManHours int int varchar(50) varchar(2000) datetime datetime int int Data Type Allow Nulls

Project Team Member Master Table:

tbl _ P r ojectTeamMember sMaster

Column Name ProjectId TeamMemberId TeamLeaderId TM_InchargeDate TM_InchargeEndDate Remarks SkillLevelOftheTM Status int int int datetime datetime varchar(500) varchar(50) varchar(50) Data Type Allow Nulls


t bl_ Pr oje ct s M as t e r
ProjectId ClientId ProjectName Abbreviation Description InitiatedDate FinalCompletionDate Prj_InchargeId Prj_ArchitectId Prj_AnalystId Prj_ChiefTechnicalOfficerId Prj_ModelerId Prj_SpecificationInchargeId Prj_DomainId TotalManPowerRequired

t bl_ Clie nt Login

ClientId LoginId Password HintQuestion HintAnswer

t bl_Proje ct Ele m e nt M a s t er
ElementId ProjectId ModuleId ComponentId Ele_Name Ele_Desc

t bl_Des igna t ionM a st e r

DesignationId Desg_Name Abbreviation Desg_Description

t bl_ Pr oje ct Le a de r s M a s t er
ProjectId ProjectLeaderId ProjectManagerId PL_InchargeDate PL_InchargeEndDate Remarks SkillLevelOfthePL

Ele_InitiationDate Ele_EndDate Ele_InchargeId

t bl_Proje ct Com po nent M a s t e r

ComponentId ModuleId Comp_Name Comp_Desc Comp_InitiationDate Comp_EndDate

t bl_Em p_ Pho ne
EmpId Emp_PhoneNo Emp_PhoneType

t bl_ Clie nt sA ndProje ct s

ClientId ProjectId

Comp_InchargeId NoOfManHours

t bl_Pr oje ctTe a m Le ade r sM a st e r

ProjectId ProjectLeaderId TeamLeaderId TL_InchargeDate TL_InchargeEndDate Remarks AmountOfTeamMembersRequired SkillLevelOftheTL Status

tbl_ Do m a inM a s t e r t bl_ Proje ct M odule M a s t e r t bl_ Pr oje ct Te a m M e m bers M a s t e r

ProjectId TeamMemberId TeamLeaderId TM_InchargeDate TM_InchargeEndDate Remarks SkillLevelOftheTM Status ModuleId ProjectId Mod_Name Mod_Desc Mod_InitiationDate Mod_EndDate Mod_InchargeId NoOfManHours

t bl_Em p_M a s t e r
EmpId Emp_FirstName Emp_MiddleName Emp_LastName Emp_DOB Emp_DOJ Emp_HighestQual Emp_DeptId Emp_DesgId Emp_SkillLevel Emp_Gender Emp_MaritalStatus

DomainId DomainName Abbreviation Description

t bl_Pr oje ct Clie nt Conta ct Pe rs onM as t e r

ProjectId PersonId ClientId ReasonForContact

tbl_Pro je ct M a na ger s M a s t e r
ProjectId ClientId ProjectManagerId PM_InchargeDate PM_InchargeEndDate Remarks AmountOfManPowerRequired

t bl_ Clie nt A ddre s s es

AddressId AddressType ClientId HNo Street City State Country Pincode

Emp_Photo Emp_PhotoFileName Status

tbl_De pt _M a st e r
DepartmentId DeptName Abbreviation DeptLocation

t bl_Ho lida y M a s t er
HolidayId HolidayDate ReasonForHoliday EmpScruitinizedId


t bl_Em p_A ddre s s

EmpId Emp_AddressId Emp_AddressType


t bl_Client M as t e r
ClientId ClientName Abbreviation Description ClientWebLink

t bl_Em pWo rk M a st e r
EmpWorkId EmpId

t bl_ Clie nt Cont a ct Pe rs on

ContactPersonId ClientId PersonName PersonDesg PersonDomain PersonContactNo PersonEmailId PersonDesc

HNo Street City State Country PinCode

t bl_Em pLo gin

EmpId Emp_LoginId Emp_Password Emp_SecQuestion Emp_SecAnswer Emp_Role

JobAllocationId WorkDesc PercentComplete ExpectedDateofCompletion ReasonForDelay [ModId/CompId/EleId] [Module/Comp/Element]

t bl_Client Phones
PhoneNo ClientId PhoneType EmailId1 EmailId2

Not ificationId Clie ntId Pro jectId Pro jectMana ge rId Pro jectSt atus

tbl_Clie ntContactPerson tbl_Proj ectClientContactPersonM aster

Pro ject Id PersonId Clie ntId Rea sonForContact Co nta ctPersonId Client Id Pe rso nNa me Pe rso nDe sg Pe rso nDo main Pe rso nCo ntact No Pe rso nEmailId

tbl_Proj ectL eadersM a ster

ProjectId ProjectLe aderId ProjectManagerId PL_Incha rgeDate PL_Incha rgeEndDat e Remarks SkillLe velO fthePL

tbl_ClientM a ster
Client Id Client Na me Abbre via tion De scription Client We bLink

tbl_ClientL ogin
ClientId Lo ginId Passw ord HintQ ue stion HintAnsw er

AddressId AddressType ClientId HNo St reet City

tbl_Em p_Addre ss
EmpId Emp_Addre ssId Emp_Addre ssType HNo Stree t

tbl_Em p_M a ster

EmpId Emp_ FirstName Emp_ MiddleName Emp_ LastName Emp_ DO B Emp_ DO J Emp_ HighestQ ua l

St ate Co untry Pincode

tbl_Proj ectCom ponentM a ster

Component Id ModuleId Comp_Name Comp_Desc Comp_Initia tionDate Comp_EndDate Comp_InchargeId NoO fMa nHo urs

Pe rso nDe sc

tbl_Proje ctM oduleM aster

Mo duleId Pro jectId Mo d_Name Mo d_Desc Mo d_Init iationDa te Mo d_EndDate Mo d_Incharge Id NoO fManHours

tbl_Clie ntsAndProj ects

Clie nt Id

tbl_Proj ectsM aster

Pro jectId Clie ntId Pro jectName Abbre viat ion Description Init iat edDat e FinalComple tionDate Prj_ InchargeId

Pro jectId

tbl_Em p_Phone
EmpId Emp_PhoneNo Emp_PhoneType

tbl_Proje ctTea m L ea dersM aster

ProjectId ProjectLeaderId Te amLe ade rId TL_InchargeDate TL_InchargeEndDat e Re ma rks Amount OfTea mMembersRequired SkillLe ve lO f the TL St atus

City Sta te

Emp_ DeptId Count ry Emp_ DesgId PinCode Emp_ SkillLevel Emp_ Gender

tbl_Designa tionM aste r

Designat ionId Desg_Na me Abbrevia tio n Desg_De scription

Emp_ Ma rit alStat us Emp_ Photo

tbl_Dept_M aster
De pa rtmentId De pt Na me

tbl_Proj ectEle m entM aster

ElementId Pro ject Id Module Id Compo nentId Ele_ Na me Ele_ De sc Ele_ Initia tio nDa te Ele_ EndDate Ele_ Incha rgeId NoO fManHours

tbl_Proj ectM a nagersM a ster

Pro jectId Clie ntId Pro jectMana ge rId PM_InchargeDate PM_InchargeEndDat e Remarks AmountO fManPowe rRe quired

Prj_ Archit ectId Prj_ AnalystId Prj_ Chief Te chnica lOf ficerId Prj_ Mo de lerId Prj_ Specificatio nInchargeId Prj_ Do ma inId Tot alManPowerRe quired

Emp_ PhotoFileNa me Abbreviatio n St atus De pt Location De pt De scriptio n

tbl_Clie ntPhones
Phone No Clie nt Id Phone Type

tbl_Em pL ogin
EmpId Emp_ LoginId Emp_ Pa ssword Emp_ Se cQuestio n Emp_ Se cAnswer Emp_ Ro le

SkillLevelO ft hePM EmailId1

tbl_Em pWork M aster

EmpW o rkId EmpId JobAllocatio nId

tbl_Holiday M a ster
HolidayId HolidayDate ReasonF orHo lida y EmpScruitinizedId

tbl_Proj ectTeam M em be rsM aste r tbl_Dom ainM aster

DomainId DomainName Abbre viation Descriptio n ProjectId Tea mMemberId Tea mLea de rId TM_Incha rgeDate TM_Incha rgeEndDat e Remarks SkillLevelO ft heTM Status


JobAllocatio nId Alloca tionDate EmpId [ModId/Co mpId/Ele Id] [Mod/Comp/Ele] St atus

W orkDe sc Perce nt Complete Expe ctedDa te ofCompletion ReasonF orDe lay [ModId/CompId/Ele Id] [Module /Co mp/Element]

6.4. E R DIAGRAMS The relation upon the system is structure through a conceptual ER-Diagram, which not only specifics the existential entities but also the standard relations through which the system exists and the cardinalities that are necessary for the system state to continue. The Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) depicts the relationship between the data objects. The ERD is the notation that is used to conduct the date modeling activity the attributes of each data object noted is the ERD can be described resign a data object descriptions.

The set of primary components that are identified by the ERD are Data object Relationships Attributes Various types of indicators.

The primary purpose of the ERD is to represent data objects and their relationships. E-R (Entity-Relationship) Diagram is used to represents the relationship between entities in the table. The symbols used in E-R diagrams are: SYMBOL PURPOSE

Represents Entity sets.

Represent attributes.

Represent Relationship Sets.

Line represents flow Structured analysis is a set of tools and techniques that the analyst. To develop a new kind of a system: The traditional approach focuses on the cost benefit and feasibility analysis, Project management, and hardware and software selection a personal considerations.


A data flow diagram is graphical tool used to describe and analyze movement of data through a system. These are the central tool and the basis from which the other components are developed. The transformation of data from input to output, through processed, may be described logically and independently of physical components associated with the system. These are known as the logical data flow diagrams. The physical data flow diagrams show the actual implements and movement of data between people, departments and workstations. A full description of a system actually consists of a set of data flow diagrams. Using two familiar notations Yourdon, Game and Samson notation develops the data flow diagrams. Each component in a DFD is labeled with a descriptive name. Process is further identified with a number that will be used for identification purpose. The development of DFDS is done in several levels. Each process in lower level diagrams can be broken down into a more detailed DFD in the next level. The lop-level diagram is often called context diagram. It consist a single process bit, which plays vital role in studying the current system. The process in the context level diagram is exploded into other process at the first level DFD. The idea behind the explosion of a process into more process is that understanding at one level of detail is exploded into greater detail at the next level. This is done until further explosion is necessary and an adequate amount of detail is described for analyst to understand the process. Larry Constantine first developed the DFD as a way of expressing system requirements in a graphical from, this lead to the modular design. A DFD is also known as a bubble Chart has the purpose of clarifying system requirements and identifying major transformations that will become programs in system design. So it is the starting point of the design to the lowest level of detail. A DFD consists of a series of bubbles joined by data flows in the system. DFD SYMBOLS: In the DFD, there are four symbols 1. A square defines a source(originator) or destination of system data 2. An arrow identifies data flow. It is the pipeline through which the information flows 3. A circle or a bubble represents a process that transforms incoming data flow into outgoing data flows. 4. An open rectangle is a data store, data at rest or a temporary repository of data

Process that transforms data flow

Source or Destination of data

Data flow

Data Store CONSTRUCTING A DFD: Several rules of thumb are used in drawing DFDS: 1. Process should be named and numbered for an easy reference. Each name should be representative of the process. 2. The direction of flow is from top to bottom and from left to right. Data traditionally flow from source to the destination although they may flow back to the source. One way to indicate this is to draw long flow line back to a source. An alternative way is to repeat the source symbol as a destination. Since it is used more than once in the DFD it is marked with a short diagonal. 3. When a process is exploded into lower level details, they are numbered. 4. The names of data stores and destinations are written in capital letters. Process and dataflow names have the first letter of each work capitalized

A DFD typically shows the minimum contents of data store. Each data store should contain all the data elements that flow in and out. Questionnaires should contain all the data elements that flow in and out. interfaces redundancies and like is then accounted for often through interviews. SAILENT FEATURES OF DFDS 1. The DFD shows flow of data, not of control loops and decision are controlled considerations do not appear on a DFD. 2. The DFD does not indicate the time factor involved in any process whether the dataflow take place daily, weekly, monthly or yearly. 3. The sequence of events is not brought out on the DFD. TYPES OF DATA FLOW DIAGRAMS 1. Current Physical 2. Current Logical 3. New Logical 4. New Physical CURRENT PHYSICAL: In Current Physical DFD process label include the name of people or their positions or the names of computer systems that might provide some of the overall system-processing label includes an identification of the technology used to process the data. Similarly data flows and data stores are often labels with the names of the actual physical media on which data are stored such as file folders, computer files, business forms or computer tapes. CURRENT LOGICAL: Missing

The physical aspects at the system are removed as much as possible so that the current system is reduced to its essence to the data and the processors that transform them regardless of actual physical form. NEW LOGICAL: This is exactly like a current logical model if the user were completely happy with the user were completely happy with the functionality of the current system but had problems with how it was implemented typically through the new logical model will differ from current logical model while having additional functions, absolute function removal and inefficient flows recognized. NEW PHYSICAL: The new physical represents only the physical implementation of the new system. RULES GOVERNING THE DFDS PROCESS 1) No process can have only outputs. 2) No process can have only inputs. If an object has only inputs than it must be a sink. 3) A process has a verb phrase label.

DATA STORE 1) Data cannot move directly from one data store to another data store, a process must move data. 2) Data cannot move directly from an outside source to a data store, a process, which receives, must move data from the source and place the data into data store 3) A data store has a noun phrase label.

SOURCE OR SINK The origin and /or destination of data 1) 2) Data cannot move direly from a source to sink it must be moved by a process A source and /or sink has a noun phrase land

DATA FLOW 1) A Data Flow has only one direction of flow between symbols. It may flow in both directions between a process and a data store to show a read before an update. The later is usually indicated however by two separate arrows since these happen at different type. 2) A join in DFD means that exactly the same data comes from any of two or more different processes data store or sink to a common location.

3) A data flow cannot go directly back to the same process it leads. There must be at least one other process that handles the data flow produce some other data flow returns the original data into the beginning process. 4) A Data flow to a data store means update (delete or change). 5) A data Flow from a data store means retrieve or use. A data flow has a noun phrase label more than one data flow noun phrase can appear on a single arrow as long as all of the flows on the same arrow move together as one package. CONTEXT DIAGRAM: (0 Levels DFD)


Admin Master Admin Master

Admin authentication

Verify Data

Maintain login info

Verify Data

1.1.2 1.1..1 1.2

Check for login Details

Verify Data Admin Master Check Modified Details of Admin 1.1.3

Admin Master

DFD for Employee:

Employee Master

Employee Master


Check for the Verify Data 1.2.1 login details.

Verify Data

Maintain login info 1.2.4 Verify Data 1.2.3 2.3 Employee Master t



DFD for Admin operations:

Admin Master

Admin Master

Maintain Employee, Users INformatrio, Accountant details Verify Data 2.1.1

Check for the Employee details.

Verify Data

Maintain Customers info Verify Insert 2.1.4 Data 2.1.3 2.3

DFD for Employee Operations:

Admin Master Employee Master Employee Master

Maintain the customers cCustoCusCInfor mation Verify Data 2.2.1

Check for the Employee details.

Verify Data


Maintain Employe

Verify Insert 2.2.4 Employee Master Data 2.2.3 2.3

es info


A State diagram/Activity diagram is a specification of the sequences of states that an object or an interaction goes through in response to events during its life, together with its responsive action. Every state diagram is having one entry and exit state. And the state can have any number of sub-states. The above state diagram represents, how admin will interact with other objects, and how he will perform actions and change his state








USECASE is a description of a set of sequence of actions that a system performs that yields an observable result of value to a particular things in a model. User is an actor and these are use cases are login, view work details, assign work, approval link, view voter request details, view ward member and helper details. Identification of actors: Actor: Actor represents the role a user plays with respect to the system. An actor interacts with, but has no control over the use cases. An actor is someone or something that: Actors Interacts with or uses the system. Provides input to and receives information from the system. Is external to the system and has no control over the use cases. are discovered by examining: Who directly uses the system? Who is responsible for maintaining the system? External hardware used by the system. Other systems that need to interact with the system.

Questions to identify actors: Who is using the system? Or, who is affected by the system? Or, which groups need help from the system to perform a task? Who affects the system? Or, which user groups are needed by the system to perform its functions? These functions can be both main functions and secondary functions such as administration. Which external hardware or systems (if any) use the system to perform tasks? What problems does this application solve (that is, for whom)? And, finally, how do users use the system (use case)? What are they doing with the system?

Identification of use cases: Use case: A use case can be described as a specific way of using the system from a users (actors) perspective. Use Case Model





<<Includes>> Reports Admin <<Includes>>


Project Services

Log Out


Log In

Employee Use Case Diagram

<<Includes >> Personal Details


Assigned Project

<<Includes >>

Project Details



Log Out

<<Includes >>

Log In


A sequence diagram is a graphical view of a scenario that shows object interaction in a time-based sequence what happens first, what happens next. Sequence diagrams establish the roles of objects and help provide essential information to determine class responsibilities and interfaces. There are two main differences between sequence and collaboration diagrams: sequence diagrams show time-based object interaction while collaboration diagrams show how objects associate with each other.

Object: An object has state, behavior, and identity. The structure and behavior of similar objects are defined in their common class. Each object in a diagram indicates some instance of a class. An object that is not named is referred to as a class instance. The object icon is similar to a class icon except that the name is underlined. An object's concurrency is defined by the concurrency of its class. Message: A message is the communication carried between two objects that trigger an event. A message carries information from the source focus of control to the destination focus of control. The synchronization of a message can be modified through the message specification. Synchronization means a message where the sending object pauses to wait for results. Link: A link should exist between two objects, including class utilities, only if there is a relationship between their corresponding classes. The link is depicted as a straight line between objects or objects and class instances in a collaboration diagram. If an object links to itself, use the loop version of the icon.

Admin Login Sequence:

Login Screen

Admin Login Master

Admin Login Master

Admin Login Master

Admin Home Page

Validating Username Validating Password

Check Required Privilizes

Authenticate ID

Create New Employees, Change Password, View His Profile, Access the Feedback

Check The Username and Password

Employee Login Master:

Login Screen

Employee Login Master

Employee Login Master

Employee Login Master

Employee Home Page

Validating Username Validating Password

Check Required Privilizes

Authenticate ID Change Password, Team Leader Details, Project Manager Details, Project Leader Details.

Check the Username and Password


Identification of analysis classes:

A class is a set of objects that share a common structure and common behavior (the same attributes, operations, relationships and semantics). A class is an abstraction of realworld items.

There are 4 approaches for identifying classes: 1. 2. 3. 4. Noun phrase approach: Common class pattern approach. Use case Driven Sequence or Collaboration approach. Classes , Responsibilities and collaborators Approach

1. Noun Phrase Approach: The guidelines for identifying the classes: a. Look for nouns and noun phrases in the use cases. b. Some classes are implicit or taken from general knowledge. c. All classes must make sense in the application domain; Avoid computer implementation classes defer them to the design stage. d. Carefully choose and define the class names. After identifying the classes we have to eliminate the following types of classes: a. Redundant classes. b. Adjective classes.

2. Common class pattern approach: The following are the patterns for finding the candidate classes: a. Concept class. b. Events class. c. Organization class d. Peoples class e. Places class f. Tangible things and devices class. 3. Use case driven approach:

We have to draw the sequence diagram or collaboration diagram. If there is need for some classes to represent some functionality then add new classes which perform those functionalities.

4. CRC approach:

The process consists of the following steps: a. Identify classes responsibilities ( and identify the classes ) b. Assign the responsibilities c. Identify the collaborators.

Identification of responsibilities of each class:

The questions that should be answered to identify the attributes and methods of a class respectively are: 1. What information about an object should we keep track of? 2. What services must a class provide?

Identification of relationships among the classes:

Three types of relationships among the objects are: Association: How objects are associated? Super-sub structure: How are objects organized into super classes and sub classes?

Aggregation: What is the composition of the complex classes?

Guidelines for identifying the tentative associations: A dependency between two or more classes may be an association. Association often corresponds to a verb or prepositional phrase. A reference from one class to another is an association. Some associations are implicit or taken from general knowledge. Super-sub class relationships

Super-sub class hierarchy is a relationship between classes where one class is the parent class of another class (derived class).This is based on inheritance. This hierarchy is represented with Generalization.

Guidelines for identifying the super-sub relationship, a generalization are

1. Top-down: Look for noun phrases composed of various adjectives in a class name. Avoid excessive refinement. Specialize only when the sub classes have significant behavior.

2. Bottom-up: Look for classes with similar attributes or methods. Group them by moving the common attributes and methods to an abstract class. You may have to alter the definitions a bit.

3. Reusability: Move the attributes and methods as high as possible in the hierarchy.

4. Multiple inheritances: Avoid excessive use of multiple inheritances. One way of getting benefits of multiple inheritances is to inherit from the most appropriate class and add an object of another class as an attribute

`The class diagram is core to object-oriented design. It describes the types of objects in the system and the static relationships between them. Packages Packages allow you to break up a large number of objects into related groupings. In many object oriented languages (such as Java), packages are used to provide scope and division to classes and interfaces. In the UML, packages serve a similar, but broader purpose.

Classes The core element of the class diagram is the class. In an object oriented system, classes are used to represent entities within the system; entities that often relate to real world objects.

The Contact class above is an example of a simple class that stores location information.

Classes are divided into three sections: Top: The name, package and stereotype are shown in the upper section of the class Centre: The centre section contains the attributes of the class. Bottom: In the lower section are the operations that can be performed on the class. Attributes An attribute is a property of a class. In the example above, we are told that a Contact has an address, a city, a province, a country and a postal code. It is generally understood that when implementing the class, functionality is provided to set and retrieve the information stored in attributes. The format for attributes is: Visibility name: type = default Value The visibility is as follows: + # ~ Private Public Protected Package

In object oriented design, it is generally preferred to keep most attributes private. Static: attributes that are static only exist once for all instances of the class. In the example above, if we set city to be static, any time we used the Contact class the city attribute would always have the same value. Final: if an attribute is declared final, it's value cannot be changed. The attribute is a constant. Operations The operations listed in a class represent the functions or tasks that can be performed on the data in the class.

In the List class above, there is one attribute (a private array of Objects) and three operations. The format for operations is: visibility name (parameters): type The format is very similar to that of the attribute except with the removal of a default value and the addition of parameters. Parameters take the format: direction name: type = default value The direction can be one of in, out, input or it can be unspecified. In Visual Case you can show and hide the parameter list for a class or all classes on a diagram. If the list is hidden and an operation has parameters, three dots are shown (...) to indicate that parameters exist, but are hidden. Sometimes operations have numerous parameters that need not be shown all the time. Generalization The generalization link is used between two classes to show that a class incorporates all of the attributes and operations of another, but adds to them in some way.

In the above diagram, we again see our Contact class, only now with two child classes. We can say that Client and Company inherit, generalize or extend Contact. In each of Client and Company all of the attributes in Contact (address, city, etc.) exist, but with more information added. In the above situation Contact is said to be the super class of Client and Company. Above, OntarioTaxCalculator redefines or overrides the implementation of the method in BasicTaxCalculator. Essentially, the code is different but the operation is called the same way.

Sometimes you may want to force children to override methods in a parent class. In this case you can define the methods in the super class as abstract. If a class has abstract operations, the class itself is considered abstract. Abstract methods and classes are shown in italics. Not all of the operations in an abstract class have to be abstract. Interfaces Many object oriented programming languages do not allow for multiple inheritance. The interface is used to solve the limitations posed by this. For example, in the earlier class diagram Client and Company both generalize Contact but one or the other child classes may have something in common with a third class that we do not want to duplicate in multiple classes.

The interface Sort able, is used in the above example to show that both Company and Product implement the sort operation. We can say that Company and Product implement Sort able or that they are Sort able. Because Product already generalizes Contact, we could not also allow it to generalize Sort able. Instead, we made Sort able an interface and added a realization link to show the implementation. Interfaces are very similar to abstract classes with the exception that they do not have any attributes. As well, unlike a class, all of the operations in an interface have no implementation. The child Classes Company and Product are forced to implement the sort operation in its entirety. Associations Classes can also contain references to each other. The Company class has two attributes that reference the Client class.

Although this is perfectly correct, it is sometimes more expressive to show the attributes as associations.

The above two associations have the same meaning as the attributes in the old version of the Contact class. The first association (the top one) represents the old contact Person attribute. There is one contact person in a single Company. The multiplicity of the association is one to one meaning that for every Company there is one and only one contact Person and for each contact Person there is one Company. In the bottom association there are zero or many employees for each company. Multiplicities can be anything you specify. Some examples are shown:

0 1 1..* 1..2, 10..*

Zero One one or many one, two or ten and above but not three through nine

The arrows at the end of the associations represent their navigability. In the above examples, the Company references Clients, but the Client class does not have any knowledge of the Company. You can set the navigability on either, neither or both ends of your associations. If there is no navigability shown then the navigability is unspecified. Aggregation and Composition

The above example shows an aggregation association and a composition association. The composition association is represented by the solid diamond. It is said that Product Group

is composed of Products. This means that if a Product Group is destroyed, the Products within the group are destroyed as well. The aggregation association is represented by the hollow diamond. Purchase Order is an aggregate of Products. If a Purchase Order is destroyed, the Products still exist. If you have trouble remembering the difference between composition and aggregation, just think of the alphabet. Composition means destroy and the letters 'c' and 'd' are next to each other. Dependencies A dependency exists between two elements if changes to one will affect the other. If for example, a class calls an operation in another class, then a dependency exists between the two. If you change the operation, than the dependent class will have to change as well. When designing your system, the goal is to minimize dependencies.

To help clarify the dependencies in your design, you may wish to draw a Package Diagram. A package diagram is essentially a class diagram with only packages and dependencies showing. Dependencies can exist between any components in the UML however at the highest level, dependencies will exist between packages. Within a package, the dependencies may be too numerous to specify. That is not to say that numerous dependencies are okay. Even within a package you want to limit the dependencies, however between packages in particular you should be strict about the number of dependencies that exist. In general, the fewer the dependencies the more scalable and maintainable your system will be
Employee Name Des Salary Create() Delete() Update()

Admin AdminName AdminPassword AdminJobDes Send Reports() Maintain Records() Verify Items() Update Emp Profile()


Collaboration diagram is an interaction diagram or communication diagram. A Communication diagram models the interactions between objects or parts in terms of sequenced messages. Communication diagrams represent a combination of information

taken from class, sequence and Use Case Diagrams describing both the static structure and dynamic behavior of a system. Communication diagrams use the free-form arrangement of objects and links as used in Object diagrams. In order to maintain the ordering of messages in such a free-form diagram, messages Are labeled with a chronological number and placed near the link the message is sent over. Reading a communication diagram involves starting at message 1.0, and following the messages from object to object. Communication diagrams show a lot of the same information as sequence diagrams, but because of how the information is presented, some of it is easier to find in one diagram than the other. Communication diagrams show which elements each one interacts with better, but sequence diagrams show the order in which the interactions take place more clearly. Basic Collaboration Diagram Symbols and Notations Class roles Class roles describe how objects behave. Use the UML object symbol to illustrate class roles, but don't list object attributes.

Association roles Association roles describe how an association will behave given a particular situation. You can draw association roles using simple lines labeled with stereotypes.

Messages Unlike sequence diagrams, collaboration diagrams do not have an explicit way to denote time and instead number messages in order of execution. Sequence numbering can become nested using the Dewey decimal system. For example, nested messages under the first message are labeled 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and so on


1: Validating Username Login Screen 6: Check The Username and Password

Admin Login Master

3: Check Required Privileges 4: Authenticate ID 2: Validating Password

Maintain the Front Office and Employee Information , Change Password, Access Feedback from Customers,.

Admin Login Master

Admin Home Page


1: Validating Username Login Screen 6: Check the Username and Password

Employee Login Master

3: Check Required Privileges 4: Authenticate ID 2: Validating Password

Change Password, Team Leader Details, Project Manager Details, Project Leader Details.
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