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Chapter 13 Terms

Agoraphobia - An intense fear of being in a situation from which escape is not possible or in which help would not be available if one experienced overwhelming anxiety or a panic attack. Anxiety Disorders - Psychological disorders characterized by frequent fearful thoughts about what might happen in the future. Asperger's Disease - A disorder in which children possess the same characteristics as those with autistic disorder but have intact language skills Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) - A disorder in which an individual shows both significant problems in focusing attention and physical activity. Autistic Disorder - A disorder in which children have very limited language skills compared to others of the same age along with an inability to engage in reciprocal social relationships, and a severely limited range of interests. Bipolar Disorder - A mood disorder in which manic episodes alternate with periods of depression, usually with relatively normal periods in between. Catatonic Schizophrenia - A type of schizophrenia characterized by complete stillness or stupor or great excitement and agitation; patients may assume an unusual posture and remain in it for long periods of time. Compulsion - A persistent, irresistible, and irrational urge to perform an act or ritual repeatedly. Conversion Disorder - A somatoform disorder in which a person suffers a loss of motor or sensory functioning in some part of the body; the loss has no physical cause but solves some psychological problem. Delusion - A false belief, not generally shared by others in the culture. Delusions of Grandeur - A false belief that one is a famous person or a powerful or important person who has some great knowledge, ability, or authority. Delusions of Persecution - A false belief that some person or agency is trying in some way to harm one. Disorganized Schizophrenia - The most serious type of schizophrenia, marked by extreme social withdrawal, hallucinations, delusions, silliness, inappropriate laughter, grotesque mannerisms, and other bizarre behavior. Dissociative Amnesia - A dissociative disorder in which there is a complete or partial loss of the ability to recall personal information or identify past experiences. Dissociative Disorder - Disorders in which, under unbearable stress, consciousness becomes dissociated from a person's identity or her or his memories of important personal events, or both.

Dissociative Fugue - A dissociative disorder in which one has a complete loss of memory of one's entire identity, travels away from home, and may assume a new identity. Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) - A dissociative disorder in which two or more distinct, unique personalities occur in the same person, and there is severe memory disruption concerning personal information about the other personalities. DSM-IV-TR, 2000 - The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, describes the criteria used to classify and diagnose mental disorders. Generalized Anxiety Disorder - An anxiety disorder in which people experience chronic, excessive worry for 6 months or more. Hallucination - An imaginary sensation. Hypochondriasis - A somatoform disorder in which persons are preoccupied with their health and fear that their physical symptoms area a sign of some serious disease, despite reassurance from doctors to the contrary. Major Depressive Disorder - A mood disorder marked by feelings of great sadness, despair, and hopelessness Manic Episode - A period of excessive euphoria, inflated self-esteem, wild optimism, and hyperactivity, often accompanied by delusions of grandeur and by hostility if activity is blocked. Mood Disorders - Disorders characterized by extreme and unwarranted disturbances in emotion or mood Obsession - A persistent, involuntary thought, image, or impulse that invades consciousness and causes great distress. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) - An anxiety disorder in which a person suffers from recurrent obsessions and/or compulsions Panic Attack - An episode of overwhelming anxiety, fear, or terror. Panic Disorder - An anxiety disorder in which a person experiences recurring, unpredictable episodes of overwhelming anxiety, fear, or terror. Paranoid Schizophrenia - A type of schizophrenia characterized by delusions of grandeur or persecution Personality Disorder - A longstanding, inflexible, maladaptive pattern of behaving and relating to others, which usually begins in early childhood or adolescence Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDDs) - A group of disorders in which children exhibit severe disturbances in social relationships

Phobia - A persistent, irrational fear of some specific object, situation, or activity that poses little or no real danger. Psychological Disorders - Mental processes and/or behavior patterns that cause emotional distress and/or substantial impairment in functioning. Psychosis - A condition characterized by loss of contact with reality. Schizophrenia - A severe psychological disorder characterized by loss of contact with reality, hallucinations, delusions, inappropriate or flat affect, some disturbance in thinking, social withdrawal, and/or other bizarre behavior. Social Phobia - An irrational fear and avoidance of any social or performance situation in which one might embarrass oneself in front of others by appearing clumsy, foolish, or incompetent. Somatoform Disorders - Disorders in which physical symptoms are present due to psychological causes rather than any known medical condition. Specific Phobia - A marked fear of a specific object or situation; a general label for any phobia other than agoraphobia and social phobia Undifferentiated Schizophrenia - A catchall term used when schizophrenic symptoms either do not conform to the criteria of any one type of schizophrenia or conform to more than one type

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