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CESTODES~ tapeworms General Characteristics: Long, segmented, ribbon like alimentary canal absent, indirect life cycle

As long as 20-30meters (but Flat) o Or as Small as 3-5mm Segmented Worms Exclusively parasitic o Not Free Living o They cannot live without a Host Inhabit the SMALL INTESTINES Adults are Hermaphroditic o No female of male Require One or More Intermediate Hosts for development of the Larvae o EXCEPT for Hymenolepis nana Humans may be Host to either Adult or the Larval Stages

A. Order Cyclophyllidea - Globular Scolex + Suckers; Egg = Embryonated => T. solium, T. saginata, H. nana, H. diminuta, D. caninum, E. granulosus, E. multilocularis

B. Order Pseudophyllidea - Elongated & Spatulate Scolex ,Instead of a Sucker, it has a Longitudinal Groove called the Bothrium,Egg = Unembryonated ~Diphyllobothrium latum


Distinguishing Characteristics Scolex-spoon shaped/spatula BOTHRIA- two slit like grooves (dorsal & ventral) NO rostellum/hooklets Uterus appears in the form of Rosette*



Infective Stage/Larval form

Diagnostic Stage

Intermediate Host

Definitive Host


Diphyllobothrium latum Broad fish tapeworm

Ingestion of inadequately cooked Infected fish

Small Intestines (ileum)


Operculated unembryonated

Water= coracidium Cyclops- 1st IH ~procercoid Fish-2nd ~plerocercoid

Dogs, Cats, Man

Vit. B12 deficiency ~anemia

Taenia solium Pork tapeworm

** refer to the next table

Cysticercus bovis (Larva) in Muscle is Ingested by Man

Small Intestines

Cysticercus cellulosae = for Adult Worm Infection (Taeniasis) Egg = for Larval Infection (Cysticercosis)

***Gravid Segment Diagnostic = can be passed out in stools Eggs in the Feces

Pig (NOT Pork)


Taeniasis ~caused by Adult Worm Infection Human Cysticercosis Cellulosae ~Infection with Larval Infection ***Cysticercosis = stage wherein it goes in Systemic Circulation (most dangerous in the brain)

T. saginata Beef tapeworm Hookless tapeworm

**refer to the next table

Cysticercus bovis (Larva) in Muscle is Ingested by Man

Small Intestines

Cysticercus bovis

Gravid Segments or Eggs in Feces



The Larval Stage does not cause CYSTICERCOSIS Mainly due to Adult due to its Large Size cause Enteritis (Result of an Internal Autoinfection) Lack of Appetite,

Hymenolepis nana Dwarf tapeworm

Egg / Ova ~Inner Membrane = has Two Polar Thickenings, from each of which

Direct Ingestion of the Embryonated Egg by a NEW

Upper 2/3 of the Ileum

Embryonated Egg / Ova

Embryonated Egg in Feces

**NO Intermediate Host is Required

Humans, Mice, Rats

Cysticercoid Larva

arises 4-8 Slender Polar Filaments ~ INFECTIVE when Passed in the Feces . Scolex ~Small Globular, Short Retractile Rostellum

Host Indirect Ingestion of the Cysticercoid in the Rat Flea (for Murine Hymenolepis nana var fraterna) Autoinfection Ingestion of Embryonated Egg by the SAME Host

Abdominal Pain with or without diarrhea, anorexia, vomiting, headache, dizziness

Hymenolepis diminuta Rat tapeworm

Egg ~ No Polar Filaments / Thickenings in the Inner Membrane; Egg Bigger than H.nana Scolex~Has a RUDIMENTARY Apical Unarmed Rostellum

Accidental Ingestion of Infected Invertebrate Hosts

Small Intestines

Cysticercoid Larva

Embryonated Egg in the Feces

Larval Rat & Mouse Fleas, Adult Mealworm Beetle (Invertebrate Hosts)

Rat, Mouse, Man

Usually Light Infections = With or Without Symptoms Life Span in a Person is SHORT (5-6 weeks)

Dipylidium caninum Dog tapeworm

Rice Grain Appearance Eggs in Packets in Feces

Accidental Ingestion of Infected Dogs and Cats Fleas containing Cysticercoid Larva
(remember ung story about the baby nag poop ng pumpkin seed like poop?) Accidental Ingestion of Infected INTERMEDIATE HOST Accidental Ingestion of eggEggs

Small Intestines

Cysticercoid Larva

Gravid Proglottid or Embryonated Eggs Packets

Larval Fleas of Dogs, Cats & Humans and **Dog Louse = Trichoddectes canis

Dogs, Cats, Wild Carnivores, Occasionally Humans

Echinococcus granulosus Hydatid Worm

Cystic echinococcus ~UNILOCULAR SMALLEST Tapeworm of Medical Importance (3-6mm long) (tapeworm of dogs)

Gut of Carnivores (not Humans)

Hydatid Cysts

Lab Diagnosis after removal of the Cyst

Sheep, Cattle, etc

Dogs & other Canines Accidental Host:man

Due to Hydatid Cysts Lungs, liver . spleen,heart, bones

Echinococcus multilocularis Hydatid Worm

Alveolar echinococcus ~MULTILOCULAR

Accidental Ingestion of Infected INTERMEDIATE HOST Accidental Ingestion of Eggs

Gut of Carnivores (not Humans)

Hydatid Cysts

Lab Diagnosis after removal of the Cyst

Rodents: Field Mice, Voles, Squirrels, Shrews

Dogs & other Canines Accidental Host:man

Due to Hydatid Cysts Mostly liver

Differentiation~ CESTODE TYPE OF SCOLEX Globular SCOLEX Mature Proglottid / Segment Gravid Proglottids Segment

Taenia solium

Sucking Disks (4) Rostellum with Chitinous Hooks

Roughly Square with Unilateral or Irregularly Alternate Genital Pores on Consecutive Segments Tri-lobed Ovary consists of Two-Lateral Lobes & one small Central Lobe

7-12 less than 13) Lateral Branches on Each Side of the Main Uterine Stem **LESS than 13 Branches

to know that it is Taenia solium, count the number of Lateral Uterine Branches

Taenia saginata


Sucking Disks (4) No Rostellum;

Difference with T. solium = T. saginata has Twice as many Testes and a Bilobed Ovary 12mm Broad and Shorter Irregularly Alternate Pores

Longer: 16-20mm x 5-7mm (has > 13 Lateral Uterine Branches different from T. solium) Differ from T. solium in having MORE Lateral Branches (15-30 on each side) of the Uterus Has No Uterine Pore, and contains about 100,00 Eggs **MORE than 13 Lateral Branches

Diphyllobothrium latum

Elongated / Spatulate

2-Elongated Suctorial Grooves Bothria

Broader than Long Characteristic Rosette-Like Coiled Uterus

by: Gen Redoblado; Prov 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heartand He will direct your path.

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