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Social Perception:

Social perception is, in psychology and other cognitive sciences, that part of perception that allows us to understand the individuals and groups of our social world, and thus an element of social cognition. The perceiving of attributes, characteristics, and behaviors of one's associates or social groups.

Nonverbal Communication:

The way in which people communicate, intentionally or unintentionally, without words. Communication between individuals that does not involve the content of spoken language. It relies instead on an unspoken language.

Types of Non-verbal:
Nonverbal Communications Include:
Facial expressions. Gestures/postures. Eyes contact.

Body movement

Other Expressive Actions:

Silence. Time.


Nonverbal Communications

Facial Expressions:

Face is the index of mind. The answer is yes, for the six major emotional expressions: anger, happiness, surprise, fear, disgust, and sadness. It mainly includes eyes and faces which shows the hidden emotions. E.g: Shifting of eyes: It has two conclusions i.e. either a person is shy or a liar.


Gesture means action and action louder than words. Posture and movement can convey self-confidence, status or interest. Way we hold ourselves, the way we stand or sit. Graceful posture is a great asset in any business.


Eye Contact:
Eye contact is a form of nonverbal communication that has a large influence on social behavior. Eye contact, when two people look at each other's eyes at the same time, can indicate interest, attention, and involvement. E.g.: o The speaker made eye contact with audience members. o He maintained eye contact with me throughout conversation.


Body Movement:
Body movement (kinesics) describes a phenomenon responsible for much of our non-verbal communication. Body movement is an important part of successful communication; it reinforces, emphasizes, and clarifies verbally expressed ideas.


Silence expresses many things such as either the person is listening carefully or paying attention or hes thinking something else. E.g.: It also shows the angriness of a person.

Time plays an important role in various cultures. Time is the ongoing sequence of events taking place. The past, present and future. E.g.: o American and German people are punctual. o Middle east people are little late.


Sound or tone of voice expresses the feelings. Rate, pitch and volume of sound do matter. E.g.:

o o

soft voice are calm and soother. Louder voice shows urgency, serious, problem, anger or danger.

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